Volume 12 Issue 3

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F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V o l . 1 2 I S S U E 3 , 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 0


graduates unemployed in Ireland By Gráinne Coyne According to the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), there are currently 91,000 graduates unemployed in Ireland and high numbers of those are considering leaving the country in search of jobs. It has been predicted by the ESRI that over 150,000 people will have emigrated Ireland by 2015, with a vast majority of this number being college graduates. NUIG graduate unemployment levels have increased steadily over the last four years. In 2006 1.5% of graduate and 2.7% of postgraduate students were unemployed, however in 2008, when the recession began, 3.7% of graduate students and 4.7% of postgraduate students were seeking employment. This year’s survey is expected to show another doubling to around 7% and 9%.

huge increase of students continuing onto study after they have received their degree, the NUIG statistics show from 2006 only 47.3% chose to take on a postgraduate degree that increased to 50.7% in 2008. The Central Statistics Office revealed that there has been a dramatic increase of 81% in emigration from 2006 to 2010 that at the beginning of the year over 27,000 Irish people emigrated and now it has been estimated that over 5,000 people leave Ireland each month in search of work. The levels of emigration haven’t been this high since the 1980s, President Jim Browne told Sin despite increasing levels of emigration that it doesn’t necessarily mean the permanent removal of graduates from Ireland’s workforce, “During the 90s and 2000s,

The true extent of lack jobs for graduates hasn’t been shown due to a

2009 graduating class who saw unemployment figures for NUIG graduates double

Over 60% of grants still to be delivered By Méabh McDonnell The delivery of the maintenance grant from local authorities is late once again. At the time of going to print, only 26 out of the 66 grant awarding authorities were available for collection - 60.6% of grants not available six weeks into the semester. This has put a great deal of pressure on the students who rely on the grant for their rent and living expenses. Emmet Connolly, Education officer spoke to Sin about the lateness with the local authority grants, “It looks like

we have two thirds of the County Council Grants in. But we’re missing key ones as NUI Galway has more students from certain counties than others. For example, Donegal and Westmeath are both late. This affects many more students in NUI Galway than the Wexford grant would”.He went on to describe how the Student’s Union were assured that the money would be available to the County Councils during the summer, “Mary Coughlan said during the summer she was going to frontload the money to

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a feminist’s response to james mahon

graduates v. the recession

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91,000 graduates now unemployed continued from page 1 we saw massive amounts of people coming back to Ireland that had left during the 70s and 80s. Therefore, graduates who go to Australia etc. now

Over 60% of grants still to be delivered continued from page 1 the County Councils, where previously they had to apply directly to the Department of Finance.” The simplification of the grant form was thought to have removed the difficulty of students applying late, and the application date was open much earlier, Connolly commented that, “This should have alleviated some of the problems”. Furthermore the grant has been reduced by 5%, on top of the receiving the grant late students will also have less money to work with when they receive it. Connolly maintained “ If the grants aren’t in by October 15th the Student’s Union will have to take some form of action, as this will mean certain student’s will be half the semester without the them”.

Two attacks near NUIG By Conor Lane Within the last few weeks, two separate accounts of attacks on young women have been issued, resulting in a widespread “be careful” warning to all students, especially those living beyond the Quincentennial Bridge. Late on a Friday night, a woman was attacked near her home in the Dún Na Coiribe area. She posted this warning on www.boards.ie: “This is a warning to all girls out there and living in the Dún Na Coiribe area, do not walk

could come back and bring with them new opportunities in the future." Graduate students still have a better chance of getting a job than those without a degree, Jim Browne stated to Sin: "Although it is much harder for graduates now than three years ago, graduates still fair better in the jobs market than non-graduates. Education is a great investment by the individual and the state."

USI is calling on the Government to enact the Student Support Bill as a matter of urgency. The bill - which includes measures to prevent delays in payments of student grants would hugely reduce the number of grant awarding authorities. USI president Gary Redmond stated: “It is totally unacceptable that students, who are living on the breadline, are still waiting for grant payments. Due to the recession, many students’ parents are in financial difficulty, and students are unable to get part time or summer jobs this year.” Speaking to Sin, Jim Browne said, "I regret the delay of grants, this puts stress on both students and the university for funds. The university can manage it, but students struggle. This lateness should be condemned and the university won't punish student grantholders for the lateness in payment of the registration fee by local authorities."

down the shortcut to the main road on the Quincentennial bridge in the dark. I was attacked there last night but luckily got away with scratches. He did not succeed with me thankfully but will try again with someone else!” Another incident took place which involved a trainee Garda who was based in another region in the eastern part of Ireland. Two girls reported that they had been pursued by this man and that one of them was assaulted in the process. He had allegedly jumped out of his car and then began to pester the two girls. This took place near the campus of NUIG. The Garda has been detained and a criminal investigation is now taking place.

Staff designated 740% more parking spaces than students By Lisa Jackson The University has issued 1,100 student car parking permits and 1,300 staff car parking permits so far this college term. There are approximately 1695 car parking spaces throughout the University. According to the Buildings Office, the body responsible for campus parking, these are divided into 95 student-only places, almost 800 staff-only places and about 800 shared spaces. This means that staff are designated 740% more parking spaces than students. The recent Class Representatives Council meeting set the Students’ Union student parking goals for this year. President of the Students’ Union Peter Mannion outlined that these goals are to seek a more equal division of parking spaces on the centre of campus; ensure the student parking fee of €45 reflects the amount of access on main campus; have the existing unlined student car park properly marked; and make the Dangan Park & Ride bus service timetable more student-friendly. Mr Mannion added that negotiations took place between the Students’

Library Research Week By Barry Mahon Library Research Week will take place from 18 October until 22 October. It is being run in conjunction with the celebration of Open Access Week. Open Access Week is a global event, now in its fourth year, and its objective is to make information more accessible to researchers. The aim of the week is to make researchers and students more aware of the Library’s extensive resources. With almost 500,000 e-books, 31,000 electronic journals and more than 800

Union, the Buildings Office and Keith Warnock, the University’s VicePresident for Capital Projects, throughout the summer about the above issues. The next forum to discuss campus parking will be the meeting of the University’s Mobility Management Group. This group is due to review proposals to increase the number of student car parking spaces from 95 to 300. Keith Warnock said this increase would mainly be achieved by designating the parking spaces at Corrib Village as student-only. The number of staff-only places would not be changed and Dangan car park would be the only shared space on the University Campus. The Buildings Office confirmed that it has no plans at present to extend the times of the Park & Ride bus service from Dangan car park. Mr Warnock said that “given the current economic climate and the budget constraints on the University, the Park & Ride system has to be self-financing.” He added that the current permit numbers “are sufficient to support the existing level of bus service” and if permit numbers “increase further and extra revenue is generated by Pay & Display, it may be possible to improve the bus service.” Both Mr Mannion and Mr Warnock noted that the Park & Ride service from Dangan car park was excellent and encouraged staff and students to avail of it where possible. More information on student parking will be available after the upcoming Mobility Management Group meeting.

print journals, the Library is an incredible resource for researchers. The Library houses Special Collection such as rare and antiquarian books, local studies and maps. The Library’s archives contain over 350 unique collections, ranging from arts and theatre archives to the Delargy Folklore Library. Research Week promises to be exciting and informative. The planned events will be extremely beneficial to both researchers and undergraduate students who may be considering a future in academia. For more information about the calendar of events for the week you can visit www.nuigalway/library.

NEWS Facebook banned in NUIG By Méabh McDonnell The Facebook ban which was introduced by the Student’s Union last year has been reintroduced, following a mandate from the Class Rep’s Council on Monday October 4th. The ban is in place from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday starting on Tuesday, October 12th and finishing on Friday, May 20th 2011. The ban will be temporarily suspended during Christmas break which is from

SU launch Movember 2010 Movember is an annual, month-long charity event held during November where guys grow a moustache. The event has taken off in recent years with over €1 million raised in Ireland last year alone. Proceeds go to Action Prostate Cancer, a programme of the Irish Cancer Society.

Open Evening for Overseas Volunteering By Will Brown SERVE, in partnership with NUI Galway Chaplaincy, have announced details of an overseas Volunteer Programme specifically for NUI Galway students. An Open Evening for the programme will take place next Tuesday, October 26th at 7.30pm in the Common Room adjacent to the College Chapel. The NUI Galway Chaplaincy has facilitated NUI Galway volunteer groups to Zambia, Honduras and

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December 17th to January 9th. This is with the exception of the Library where the ban is in place 24/7 for the same dates. There will also be a 24/7 ban on the site during the exam weeks: November 22nd to December 17th and April 4th to May 23rd. The ban will not affect Departmental PC Suites or the NUI Galway WiFi system. Emmet Connolly, Education Office in the SU stated that “Students have been complaining about facebook to the Student’s Union for weeks. They’ve been unable to access computers to print off lecture notes and essays.” He went on to state, “ It was put to the Class Reps and passsed overwhelmingly. It was done so that proper use can be made of the computers.” Male students are being encouraged to register at http://ie.movember.com/mospace/559 972/ as soon as possible. Once registered, each ‘Mo Bro’ must start the 1st of Movember clean-shaven. There will be a ‘Clean Shave’ party in the College Bar on Monday, 1st Movember. Throughout the month, Sin will be keeping an eye on high profile ‘Mo Bros’ and the progress of their Mo-s.

Bangladesh over the past three summers. SERVE, an Irish volunteer and development organisation, has also placed NUI Galway volunteers on its overseas programmes since 2004. The proposed project, which will be announced next Tuesday, will be a five week project with a departure date in early June. The programme will incorporate a mix of building, community immersion while students may also have an opportunity to practically apply their academic knowledge in assisting with sustainable community development. Further information may be obtained by emailing Will Browne at will@serve.ie or calling the SERVE Galway Office on 091-781231.

NUIG suits up for charity By James Mahon On Wednesday, 13th October NUIG became a catwalk for students in suits. As part of International Suit Up Day, Ents Soc, Biz Soc and Law Soc suited-up and collected money for the Alan Kerins Projects. In terms of dress code, the day was a precursor to graduation, which takes place this week.

Eamon Gilmore addresses NUIG By Peter Horgan Eamon Gilmore addressed a packed Cairnes Theatre on Monday,12th October. Speaking under the title, “An Audience with Eamon Gilmore”, the most popular politician in the country was hosted by the Political Discussion Society. The chair of the evening’s discussion, Méabh McDonnell, began the night with a warning that we were there to listen not to shout, as if some dissident elements had planned some sort of subversive action, this was not the case. Rather than emphasize the depressing aspects of the current political and economic situations, Gilmore preached a message of change. He criticised the engagement of extreme free marketism, as he called it, which was pursued by Fianna Fáil governments since 1997. He emphasized the human cost of the recession – still 450,000 people out of work and again criticized the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, for his tired Government. Gilmore did throw out some policy

ideas fleshed in detail, the absence of which has been a major criticism of him and the Labour Party over recent months. Plans for the National Development Plan to be restructured to front-load employment opportunities such as the now postponed building of 400 schools and the need to retro-fit one million dwellings in compliance with energy conservation levels. Other areas in which he mentioned policy initiates were the Pension Fund Reserve, sustainable long term energy resources and a reform agenda of how government operates including a recommitment to a Constitutional Convention to replace a document written in 1937. The floor was opened to questions from the audience with one question per person being strictly enforced. Questions ranged from Shell to Sea to the issue of Tribunals and the Health Service Executive. Gilmore answered each question and, in doing so, vehemently rejected any idea that he would enter Government with Fianna Fáil.


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Dear Sir, I would like to express my deep concern regarding the article "How to get... from the shift to the ride" written by James Mahon. As a postgraduate student at NUIG, I am not only worried about the standards that the mentioned article introduces inside of the student circle, but I also protest that such a discourse appears in the so-called student magazine. I believe that articles with such a strong sexist messages should have no room inside of the institution, which tries to produce knowledge and awareness about equality and tolerance. According to this, as a woman and as a student of NUIG, I expect apology from the side of the editorial board and at least one article covering the topic of violence against women, which Mahon's subtly encourages in his text. Regards, Tanja Kovacic

Dear Sir, Back in 1987, NUIG was UCG and James Mahon was yet to get da shift. That year, a notorious student publication named DICK, which annually angered the student body and the Galway community, found its match in a popular parody named DUCK, never to appear again. Apparently its misogynistic, homophobic content and references to sexual violence was the reason for DICK’s unpopularity. After reading the last two editions of Sin it appears that another DICK is among us and I would like to think that somewhere on campus others are thinking the same as me – that this fool is a third rate writer not fit for a third level publication. Apart from the misogynistic, homophobic content and references to sexual violence, the style of Mahon’s articles really lets other Sin writers down. Putting twenty exclamation marks – the journalistic alternative to lol - after an offensive sentence doesn’t make the article tongue in cheek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Mahon out to insult our intelligence? There aren’t many people I know who don’t love the shift but his perception of both men and women are seriously skewed. In describing women as he does, he also paints men in a very negative light. And why hasn’t he shared his wisdom on what the ladies want? From what he’s written so far, we don’t need to chose who we’re with – a couple of scoops and we’re anyone’s as long as they’ll have us. Negatory I’m afraid. I’d like to know how the lovely ladies his research is based on would rate him if that’s what he’s into. And anyway who WANTS to have a guide on getting the shift? Isn’t finding out yourself the best part? The ups and downs, joy and tears, the adventure of it all? Granted, if you did need advice please don’t listen to someone who relies so much on

alcohol to lob the gob that he must be compensating for having no personality, a disability which, in the near future, could well see him eating a bonsai tree to prove he’s not boring. There’s only one man who comes close to humorous sexism and in this instance you can’t knock the ROCK. Ross O’Carroll Kelly you ain’t L.L. Cool James and please don’t try to be him – one is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carol Staunton

Dear Sir, Writing on behalf of the New Breed of Women (Secret Society - by invitation only), I wish to HIGHLY commend you on the publication of a truly outstanding and innocuous feature article that has been published in the first two editions of Sin this semester. I am positive that you have received both good and bad feedback on the series, but I wish to highlight to you the reasons that I feel this piece has proved both eye-opening and innovative. By now, you must have realized that the series that is being referred to began with "Getting Da Shift" As a fully active member of society, I regularly attend at least three social gatherings a week, some of which occur in public houses and nightclubs. I have kept detailed observations from such social gatherings, where, like a hawk, I circle the dance floor and I scrutinize the behavior of certain individuals (just to clarify, this scrutiny is nothing like the activities of the mature gentlemen with their hands in their pockets surrounding the perimeter; my reasons are purely anthropological and I am NOT of a stalking nature). Fellow society members in various states of inebriation have documented these observations and it has to be said that the steps outlined in Article 1 have been scientifically and psychologically proven judging by our records I wish to make three basic points to verify the importance and the undoubted educational value that such articles will provide to the vast student body of NUI Galway and surrounding third level institutions. Firstly, there is a minority of females that enjoy and thrive on activities and attention outlined in the articles. They are more than entitled to garner this attention if they please. This article provides a very distinctive road map to success for both males and females alike, therefore sharing the power and responsibility along with the condom (hopefully). Secondly, if women wish to avoid this kind of attention, the article equips them with the ability to recognize the signs and send them running for the nearest exit door. Finally, I think the publication of these articles ignites some very stirring debates in

the NUIG community and that such issues are not debated enough. In a world where social matters are overlooked in favor of the pressing economic issues, it becomes an obligation for a student newspaper to deliver the other opinion that is, in some opinions, more vital to student life than the economy. Girls cry over a blue line, not over NAMA. I wish to thank you for publishing these very entertaining and illuminating articles and trust they will remain an integral part of all future issues of this publication. As the revered advocate for women’s rights, Mary Wollstonecraft, once said: "Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience." Yours Sincerely, An Enlightened Mind

Dear Sir, I was initially going to write in response to James Mahon’s article ‘how to get from shift to ride’. But I don’t feel that I need to go over this territory anymore (something tells me this might be a popular topic this week) and I am not in favour of witch-hunts against either the author or the editorial board who should have thought more carefully about how this piece was presented. Instead I decided I might draw out a number of themes which became evident when I voiced my concerns about the worrying content of the article to yourself and the SU. Sexism, that is attitudes or behaviour based on traditional gender stereotypes which leads to discrimination and devaluation, is unhealthy for ALL members of society. It denies women equal status and demeans them to passive sexual objects. It also condemns men to the role of sexual aggressors who are not allowed to engage with their emotions. Ultimately it inhibits our abilities to form respectful relationships with equals. Unfortunately in the apolitical quagmire that is Irish society if people draw attention to this debate they are branded as ‘man-haters’, ‘radicals’ or, crime of crimes, ‘dry’. They clearly don’t get the joke. So, I wasn’t surprised when a response to my email about the article took the effort to inform me that the piece was ‘satirical’. Didn’t I get the joke?? That’s fine, I GET it, I get satire. But doesn’t satire work best when its in context? You need to set the joke up before you run with it and I saw very little in the rest of the paper setting up a debate on traditional gender roles. When I drew the article to the attention of the SU I was told, in a very brief statement, that they do ‘not take any part in the editorial content of the paper’. This is simply not good enough!! I wasn’t calling for censorship but rather trying to highlight the need of an informed debate on the issue. Most depressing of all, this unqualified

article was published during the SU’s Equality Week – spot the irony. The SU is meant to represent the entire student body. If our political wing does not feel the need to engage in this debate then why should James Mahon, the editors at Sin, or the wider student community question traditional gender stereotypes? These unquestioned stereotypes mean that the Sin E-zine is littered with images of women as sexual objects, pouting and heaving, offering tits and arse into the camera lens. These unquestioned stereotypes create a normative atmosphere where sexual predators and sexual violence are excusable. These unquestioned stereotypes pour out of nightclubs kicking and punching each other in displays of masculinity that endanger the participants, damage our society and worse still bring that violence home. This is not about a battle between men and women. It is about addressing gender issues and trying to deconstruct them. Why are you laughing at a comment about breaking someone’s jaw or non-consensual sex? Why is the questioning of stereotypical gender roles, which are dangerous to both women and men, still mainly the preserve of feminists? How many of you, male and female, have had problems trying to conform to mainstream definitions of gender or sexuality? How many of you have had the type of bad sexual experiences that James Mahon’s article described? How could it be different and how will you make it different? Let us have an informed, frank and honest debate on gender and sexuality within NUI Galway. Let us give the women and men who make up the student body the voice to answer these questions or ask other ones. Let us be brave and not wash our hands or nihilistically shrug our shoulders because these things matter. Yours sincerely, Siobhán McDermott.

Dear Sir, I am writing in response to the article mentioned above that recently appeared in Sin. I hardly know where to begin to address my concerns about the content, tone and direction of the piece of writing (I use the term writing loosely her!). I could focus on the references to the use of alcohol to increase chances of sexual activity - an action that the courts find highly immoral, if not illegal. I could address the reduction of female members of the student population to various stages of attractiveness and worthiness, to how their personhood has been removed to make way for their purpose, according to the article, to sexually gratify their male colleagues. But I think I might focus on assumptions within the article of how male students think, act and their aims in regards to socialising with the opposite sex.

editorial/LETTERS Sin Team: Editor Richard manton editor@sin.ie News Editors méabh mcDonnell Gráinne Coyne Reviews Editor Darragh O’Connor Literary Editor Johanna Stock Web Editor Chris Cosgrove Photography Leah mollica Layout Tom Parandyk Contributors Conor Lane Barry mahon James mahon Peter Horgan Lisa Jackson Will Brown Fiona ní mháille aisling Scally Valerie Hartnett Barbara Preston Valentina Dillon Áine mcWilliams Rebecca Healy Peter mannion anne-marie Fitzgerald William O’Brien Shaun Leonard miceala O’Donovan ian Cusack Shane Leonard Fionnuala Colleran niamh Dennis mary mcDonnell Katie Porter Ciarán Kelly mark Kelly Sinéad Farrell Conrad Clancy Ryan Kelly Kevin Hough michael O’Connor nigel Concannon Dami adebari martin King Carol Staunton


an interesting and important debate has developed in the pages of Sin.

censorship of the articles would not have been the solution here, more

The first issue of Sin contained an article ‘How to get da Shift’, the

thorough editing to remove offensive quotations and comments was

second issue contained ‘How to get from the shift to the ride’. although

certainly required. Following the concerns raised by complainants and the

it was my personal opinion that these articles were disrespectful, to say

Students’ Union, i would like to apologise for including the articles as

the least, i saw fit to publish them. However, over the past two weeks,

they stood and can assure readers that Sin is forming a Code of Practice

i’ve received roughly twenty complaints about these articles. many of

(including a complaints procedure) to ensure that this mistake is not

these are published here as letters. The points made are similar in each –

repeated. Through the full-page article (page 6) and letters in response, i

that the articles were sexist, misogynistic, homo/transphobic and

hope to have given complainants ample opportunity to express

disrespectful to both male and female students. These articles were

themselves. it is also my hope that a serious discussion and debate about

intended to be read as humorous and satirical, however, it is clear that the

the issue of sexism among students in nUiG will ensue. i believe that

author was not successful in portraying this and, in doing so, evidently,

students are intelligent enough to read all the pieces, reflect and come to

has offended some students and members of staff. although complete

the correct and progressive position on this issue.

The article reduces the male student to a predatory, aggressive, scheming chancer, with no respect for or interest in females as anything other than mere receptacles. it treats males as if they are incapable of relating to females as persons, worthy of friendships. The males i have met around nUiG are nothing like these neanderthals described in the article. Usually it is women who speak out when such insulting and dehumanising pieces of rubbish are published. Where are the men who resent being depicted in this manner? any male who has ever valued the friendship of a female, in a respectful, reciprocal relationship needs to speak out against being described as a sexually driven monster, as this depiction has done. The author of this article may wish to avail of counseling to address some of his pent up anger and misguided hostility towards women. He obviously has unresolved issues and is need of assistance. The editors of Sin, however, should know better. By giving space in a long standing institution at nUiG to such hatred, discrimination and prejudice reflects badly - badly is not a strong enough word! - on the editorial direction of the paper and the decision making processes. You have abused your privileged position and misused the role such a newspaper plays within the community of nUiG. Shame on you, S. Garrity

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Dear Sir, i refer to Sin’s recent articles ‘How to Get Da Shift’ published in Sin, Volume 12, issue i, 2010, and the second entitled ‘How to get… from the shift to the ride: a Leap of Faith’ published in Volume 12, issue 2, 2010. The articles have failed in their intention to be ironic and satirical. instead the editor has succeeded in publishing damaging and dangerous messages. The articles are offensive to women and display a high degree of sexism and homophobia, as well as poking fun at victims of child sex abuse. They accentuate Sin’s incessant moronic and juvenile style of editing. Yours sincerely Clíonadh O’Keeffe

Dear Sir, We write in response to concerns raised by students. The decision to print James mahon’s misogynistic diatribe "How to get from the shift to the ride – a leap of faith" is inexplicable and inexcusable. indeed, in email communications between the editor and numerous protestors who have contacted Sin over the last week, you have readily agreed that the piece is irrefutably sexist and misogynistic. Printing it, therefore, reflects a grave error in ethical and journalistic judgement. Sin is the nUi Galway student newspaper of record. it is not a magazine paid for and consumed by a particular subset of men. it caters to the entire student body and the wider nUi Galway community and is paid for by all students through their SU fees. Why 21 Upper Dominick Street, Galway should the majority Professional Service Guaranteed 24 Hour Service • 7 days a week of your readers Bookings • Minibus • Chauffeur Driven Cars female students, Airports • Tours • Weddings • Wheelchair Accessible Website: www.bigotaxis.com Email: info@BigOTaxis.com and male students

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who respect their female peers, be subjected to this kind of deeply disturbing propaganda which shows neither understanding of nor respect for human relationships of any kind? This is neither humour nor satire nor a matter of airing ‘different points of view’, but something that has caused many students and others on campus serious upset. if Sin wishes to remain a credible newspaper on any level, the editorial Board must recognize that giving space to contributions that celebrate sexism, homophobia or the exploitation of, and use of violence against, any group by another is simply indefensible. Sin should apologize for the offence caused by printing this piece. it should review and revise its editorial guidelines to ensure that they comply with all relevant University policies and national and eU equality legislation and publish its guidelines on the Sin website. Sincerely, Vivienne Batt, Health Promotion; Lucy Ann Buckley, Law; Deirdre Byrnes, German; Liam Coen, Child and Family Research Centre; Marie Louise Coolahan, English; Kevin Davison, Education; Collette Dempsey, Health Promotion; Carmel Devaney, Child and Family Research Centre; Pat Dolan, Child and Family Research Centre; Michael Donnelly, Political Science and Sociology; Nata Duvvury, Global Women's Studies; Ricca Edmondson, Political Science and Sociology; Catherine Emerson, French; Anne Fallon, Nursing; Brid Featherstone, Political Science and Sociology; Mark Haugaard, Political Science and Sociology; Margaret Hodgins, Health Promotion; Noreen Kearns, Health Promotion; Elaine Keane, Education; Su-ming Khoo, Political Science and Sociology; Lorraine Kelly, Spanish; Fergal Landy, Child

and Family Research Centre; Sinisa Malesevic, Political Science and Sociology; Vesna Malesevic, Political Science and Sociology; Maureen Mescall, Economics; Maureen Maloney, Management; Michal Molcho, Health Promotion; Verna McKenna, Health Promotion; Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Health Promotion; Aine Ni Leime, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology; Siobhan O'Higgins, Health Promotion; Lionel Pilkington, English; Kathy Powell, Political Science and Sociology; Andrew Power, Centre for Disability, Law and Policy; Niamh Reilly, Global Women's Studies; Ornaith Rodgers, French; Sean Ryder, English; Kevin Ryan, Political Science and Sociology; Maria Scott, French; Stacey Scriver Furlong, Global Women's Studies; Lorna Shaughnessy, Spanish; Aileen Shaw, Child and Family Research Centre; Tony Tracy, Huston School of Film and Digital Media; Eilís Ward, Political Science and Sociology

Dear Sir, i am writing to you regarding Sin’s recent articles ‘How to Get Da Shift’ published in Sin, Volume 12, issue i, 2010 and the second entitled ‘How to get… from the shift to the ride: a Leap of Faith’ published in Volume 12, issue 2, 2010. as a student i am ashamed of Sin, an "nUi, Galway student newspaper run by the Student’s Union’"(source: Google search engine). The highly repulsive and violent nature of the aforementioned articles is offensive to the nUiG student population. The articles you published are both degrading to women and an insult to men. i look forward to reading your apology. Yours, Emma Brännlund

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Sex is great. It is a most fun activity. Alone or with a friend/friends; with someone of the same or other gender(s); with a long time lover or a hot fling. It can be joyful, playful, loving, silly, cathartic, powerful, fun. Regular sex is good exercise; it boosts your immune system; improves your sense of smell; reduces risk of depression and helps prevent heart disease! Yep, I think sex is really great, which is why I was so incensed by the misogynist piece of rubbish written by James Mahon and published in a recent edition of Sin. In the guise of a tongue in cheek sex advice column for young men, the piece, epitomises the unhealthy fucked-up attitude to sex that is sadly common in Ireland. Unlike good comedic writing which is insightful, reflective and critical, this piece of poorly written prose merely regurgitates the worst of what’s around us. Blame the Catholic Church; blame de Valera; blame your parents but when it comes to getting it on many of us reared in Ireland have dysfunctional attitudes. Sure things have moved on from the bad old days when young men and women were frogmarched to confessions and handed down twenty ‘hail Marys’ for the heinous crime of having ‘bad thoughts.’ The brave work of queer and feminist activist means that it’s not illegal for gay men to make out anymore and that contraception is readily available. That said we still have a way to go. Cavalier, irresponsible attitudes to sex prevail. A recent poll published in the Irish Examiner (Jan 20th , 2010) found that 75% of Irish people between the ages of 18 and 34 have had unprotected sex, but less than 40% have ever been tested for an STI. Perhaps more frightening are the entrenched sexist views revealed by a 2008 (Irish Examiner, March 26th, 2008) poll which shockingly revealed that 30% of respondents thought a women is to blame for being raped if she previously flirted with her attacker. A horrific 10% of people thought ‘the victim is entirely at fault if she has had a number of sexual partners.’ It is in this context that I read James Mahon’s article. It is objectionable on many levels. First and foremost it is explicitly misogynist (woman hating). The author gives tips in how to pressure a reluctant woman into

having sex (that’s harassment in my book). Get her drunk by “pushing the boundaries of Captain Morgan” then “eradicate any doubts she has about you with lies and bullshit before aiming for the door.” Even if you don’t like her, find her boring and irritating, even if she’s “painful to hear” Mahon councels men to keep talking and feign interest in the hope of getting ‘the ride’. At best this advice would lead to unsafe or bad sex at worst rape. The unabashed lack of respect for women is later echoed in a more disturbing violent way “if she breaks your heart, break her jaw.” The violent imagery doesn’t stop there: “your mouth is a machine gun…take her down” and “break her in like a pony, leave her like a pane of glass, smashed.”

might give you the clap.” What’s wrong James, afraid of sexually assertive women? But sexism cuts the other way too. The author’s attitude to men is seriously problematic. The male reader is cast into the role of an aggressive sleaze who hates women, valuing them only as prospective fucks. He is expected to be on the offensive a ‘soldier’ where women are ‘the enemy’ not potential friends or lovers. He is denied the space to be nervous, shy or hesitant or the opportunity to want her to make the first move. He is not the kind of man any self respecting woman would go near with a barge poll. Not content with sexism alone Mahon

Let’s talk about sex, baby A feminist’s response to James Mahon By Eve C.

The article casts women as nothing more than the object of male sexual desire. We are nothing more than ‘the ride’. Our worth is judged by our physical attractiveness we are “hotties” or “averages” or “mid table beauers” for men to boost their confidence with. Not missing a trick in the sexist’s book Mahon also treats us to one of my favourites: the double standard. While the male reader is presumed and encouraged to be up for sex at every opportunity even with merely ‘average’ women, the ladies are counselled to temper their sexual appetites: don’t try to compete with the woman “who would hop into boiling water for a bit of cock.”’ Women who actually enjoy sex are seen by Mahon as suspect “if she goes like the clappers, beware she

also manages to pepper his article with a few casual homo/transphobic comments. Discussing techniques for “dropping the paw” he encourages readers “if you’ve gotten this far your onto something, and hopefully not a penis.” Later in the piece he lists Stride of Pride “not the gay one” as suggested post-ride listening. I guess like violence against women and sexual harassment the author feels that gay and trans people are somehow funny. I don’t. The whole premise of the article is that men want sex and women have to be fooled or coerced into putting out. The sex envisaged is drunken, unnegotiated and opportunistic. It is the very opposite of what good sex should be: consensual, respectful and fun.

Beyond offensive the article is dangerous. For many students coming to college can be a time of great sexual exploration. You’re just out of secondary school, freed from the nuns and the parental coop. There is a new sexual territory to negotiate, new rules to figure out, and new boundaries to set. The poisonous attitudes proffered by Mahon do nothing but perpetuate sexist attitudes that lead to unsafe, unenjoyable, bad sex. They demean women and queer people and corner men into a role as predatory assholes. It is damaging for women to constantly be told that they are valuable only as sexual objects to be judged by men. It is damaging for men to be surrounded by a culture that expects and rewards them for sexual aggression and it is damaging for LGBT people to be mocked and derided for who they are. It doesn’t have to be like this. Armed with respect for yourself and others, how-to-knowledge and a dash of playfulness the sexual waters can be charted without too many dodgy experiences. Here are my alternative tips for hot sex: Love yourself. Ignore the barrage of sexist bullshit that tells you that you need to be more thin/blond/have bigger tits/pecs/cock. Confidence is sexy. Get to know your body. Nobody knows how to get you off better than you. Masturbation is not only fun but a great way to learn about what turns you on. Talk. We are very bad at talking about sex with our lovers/ people we make out with. Know your boundaries and what you feel comfortable doing. Know what you want and what you don’t want to do. Practice saying the words out loud. Play it safe. Educate yourself about safe sex. Incorporate safe sex into foreplay. STIs are not only gross and inconvenient; they can seriously damage your health in the long term. NO MEANS NO. Never try to pressure or coerce someone into having sex with you. Don’t try to have sex with someone who is too drunk to give consent. It is ALWAYS OK to say no to something you are not comfortable with. Yes mean yes! Enjoy yourself. Be kind to yourself and your lover(s).

page 7

“So you wanna be a master, have you got the skills to be number 1?”

I wanna be the very best,

To become a ride master, you must first learn, young Sexual Scholars. How does one learn? By trial and error, research, sampling and for the love of god giving women whatever they want in the shed, couch, chair, table, stairs, car seat, guitar case, lecture hall, shower or bed.

To catch them is my real test,

Yes, give them whatever they want, whatever feels good for them will feel at least twice as good for you, kinda like giving money to a homeless person or a charity for Shayne Ward.

Like no one ever was,

To train them is my cause. I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide, each Woman to understand, The power that's inside. POKEMON 2000

If you are a virgin reading this, don’t expect over night to be the fuckin’ Iron Man of the sack, the Warrior Princess in bed or the Ultimate Knight Rider! Sex is a two-way thing, kinda like a see-saw with no clothes and less sand, and you’re not rooted to a plank, unless that’s the name you use for your weapon of mass seduction! For the record, mine is called William the conqueror.

• The beanstalk, Admiral Winky, the terminator, the excavator (or anything ending in -to) • Dark Vader, DJ Carey, the Brick Walsh, Gala Express, Del Piero, Godzilla, Scooby doo • Puff daddy, the wand, Hercules, hammer of Thor, Shaft or Old Trafford

When done, hold her, and ladies when he’s done hold him. One can be quite rattled after the experience – a bit like your first time in confession or at Disney Land or seeing Winning Streak for the first time. Communication is essential, have the craic with it, take the piss out of yourself, not physically of course, enjoy DA RIDE.

then he probably hasn’t been out much, loves Warcraft or has an STD. Keep your clothes on and your dignity wrapped up in a cocoon of respect and common sense. Otherwise, use double glazing type condoms or ones that are galvanizied or made out of tin foil.

Some things not to do! • Don’t ever get rough with her unless she asks you. It’s possible to break the penis bone, and its not like a wish bone in a chicken, FAIL.

When beginning foreplay, it’s important to allow the lady space, and to cater for her comfort at all times. If she’s not happy, then you might as well just put on RTÉ news with Sharon Ní Bheoláin and do a Woodies DIY job.

When it comes to removing the clothes bit, don’t rush, remember its not a time trial. It’s not like Countdown in the bedroom, let her leave her underwear on, don’t get carried away. Keep kissing her, keep touching her all over, nice and slow,

Here are a few tips to hold the cargo of the mother ship back: - Always have interesting and varied posters on your walls to distract you - film posters, sports, cars, weird art helps to keep you going very long as you stare at it. Just hang them over your bed. - Start thinking of things that don’t turn you on. Some suggestions: Mary Harney, an orphanage in Darfur, people from Longford, the TV licence inspector, Jedward, etc. - If you feel yourself about to explode, like an Icelandic volcano, think of as many US presidents, Apostles or words of S Club 7 songs as you can. This is a guaranteed way to keep the minutes ticking over. Make sure you make her feel what your feeling, try your damndest Buzz Lighter to go from infinity to the bedroom and beyond with her. Make her feel as though your bed is the mothership enterprise and there’s only a 1 way ticket to planet pleasure and it’s a non-stop express!

On this note ladies, if your boy talks too much to his penis or refers to it by the following names:

Take it nice and handy, women are very delicate species and don’t like to be rushed. At all times, make sure you listen very attentively to anything they say. Take mental notes and for the love of god kiss her, man! A bit of washing machine motion or plunger isn’t enough, really be creative and slow, be SENSUAL. That was a bit of a cringe moment for me - like the way Boyzone must feel when they see another greatest hits album or when Canadians realize that Justin Bieber, maple syrup and beavers are their biggest exports.

sin-binned and will be warming down on the side line, on your own, with a groin strain. Pace yourself, if you feel you’re becoming a runaway train, apply the brakes and distract yourself.

• Don’t ever want to have sex when she is on Princess Mermaid Time or PMT, this is when the crimson tide is in. Don’t offer to pot the brown ball when the red ball is blocking the pink, EPIC FAIL.

By James Mahon

The Ride

remember your hands aren’t shovels. Don’t go straight for her nuclear warzone, if she returns any of the favours and ventures to invade your stronghold, let her at it, she is the gaffer of the sack. When the arousal reaches boiling point, like the excitement before throw in before the all Ireland final, she will blow the whistle and let the games commence. Don’t get caught offside, if you do, you’re

• Do not try to be witty and start making jokes about Cadbury’s crème eggs, the names of her boobs, or referring to her vagina as battle fields such as Gettysburg, Clontarf or Middle Earth. And don’t use any references to hurling, or laying into her like a sideline cut. Total Fail. A tip: Eddie Durkan, Hardybuck, as regards older women: “many a good tune was played on an old piano” Next time round, I shall be discussing the term ‘player’, how to go from one woman to many, and how women can juggle multiple men. Don’t forget my tiger cubs and cubesses - if there’s a hole, there’s a way and be safe out there, it’s a jungle.


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By Aisling Scally

The Fresher’s Guide to Fashion Ah the carefree life of a Fresher. Nothing to worry about but where to get the cheapest naggin and if you’re going to get the ever elusive shift in Coyotes. Easily spotted, this abundant species of student roams the college plains with careless abandon... especially in the fashion department. The following is a message for all my little Pirates of the Corribean; if you don’t want to spend your first year in college looking like an uncultured ragamuffin, read on. These five easy steps will leave you looking effortlessly chic on campus. Radioactive Chic Ladies, lose the tan. The first week of college concourse looked like the Ulster Orange Day Parade. I walked into the O’Fla the other day after what was clearly a first year lecture and the smell of Sally Hansen nearly killed me. I’ll readily admit I marinated myself in the stuff for years. I thought it made me look sunkissed, continental, Amazonian, if you will. I’d also be lying if I said I still didn’t indulge in a moment of medium glow on a night out. However, in the harsh light of day(and the unforgiving light of the AMB) , you’ll just look like you auditioned to be an oompa loompa in CP’s next Willy Wonka party. Streaks were never a good look, especially when they’re a distinct Cellafield orange. Corrib Couture I myself sailed the great Corribean back in the day and am well accustomed to the uniform: a massive hoody, sweat pants, fake Uggs and a not-so-hot ponytail. I know it’s comfy but darlings, look in the mirror. No-one ever got the shift wearing stained sweatpants and semi-dissolved Uggs. Substitute the fatmans with leggings, jeggings or the old reliable skinnies and swap the mofo hoody for a cute cardi or jacket. Cute ankle boots are in abundance around the shops at the mo, with both River Island and New Look stocking some knockouts for less than €40, an investment that won’t break the bank.

Adding an element of continental chic to the corridors on NUIG is Eoin Keane. Frequently spotted around Áras na Gaeilge, this strapping Clareman sports a wool and cashmere mix mancoat by an unknown Italian designer. Teamed with his favourite American Eagle jeans Eoin adds an air of French flair to his everyday wardrobe. When asked how he chooses his ensemble every morning Eoin replies: “My first thought is usually where are my underpants”.

Uggs During your time here in Gaillimh, you will, at some point, own a pair of Uggs (the real or not so real variety). I’m a huge fan, they’re like walking around in a fleecy duvet. However, there’s nothing worse than sitting beside someone in filthy, soaking and smelly uggs for a two hour seminar... bleugh. I got my first pair in Boston 2 years ago

and they’re still practically perfect, but my friend purchased some at the same time and they were in bits within a couple of months. These bad boys don’t come cheap so when you make the investment make sure you but a rain and stain repellent to keep your new sheepy friends looking (and smelling)awesome. As we all learned during our adolescence, we should always use protection in the bedroom, and the same applies to sheepskin footwear. These boots were not designed for trudging around in the inclement climes of NUIG so spray them down before hitting the town. The Hood Not just a term for the hippest ghetto in town, the hood is your new best friend. Whether it’s struggling across the Quincentennial being battered by gales and thundering rain, or running from concourse to Áras Uí Chathail or beyond in a heavy shower, a hood can take you places your umbrella never dreamed of. The slightest puff of wind and it’s au revoir umbrella, bonjour drowned rat chic. A hood will never let you down. Let’s face it, it’s going to lash rain all winter, so it’s definitely a worthy investment. Whether you chose to keep toasty and dry in a bomber jacket, a trusty parka or a mofo ski coat, just make sure it has a hood to keep your locks looking lush and the dreaded panda-eye syndrome at bay. And Finally... One for the Lads There’s little I love more than ogling a good looking man. However, a fine face and a hot bod will only get you so far. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Taylor Lautner or Bradley Cooper slobbing around Hollywood in trackie bottoms and a Mayo jersey... and there’s a reason. I’m not saying suit up for class (although occasionally that would be nice), but maybe put a little more thought into your look than sniffing the first item you find on the floor, shoving it on and bathing yourself in Lynx. River Island and Topshop do some great garments for guys, and it doesn’t have to look too put together or “gay”, as my brother likes to call anything not made by Canterbury. A casual check shirt, some cool jeans or a trendy tshirt will go far. Loose the snow-white pumas for some Converse, Vans or Nike 6.0s and you’ll be fighting off the women. Especially if you smell nice(Hugo Boss, Jean Paul Gaultier or Abercrombie Fierce I’m alooking at you... meow).

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BY Fiona Ní Mháille


steps to Great Legs

“Hello Ben and Jerry’s, my old friend, it’s been too long! And hello cellulite, my best friend, it hasn’t been long enough!” Sound Familiar? Every single woman has cellulite, even Naomi Campbell. But she knows how to disguise it. There is no denying that Naomi has amazing legs. “Diamond Standard” some may say. Here’s how to get great legs in just 10 simple steps: 1. Drink as much water as possible. 8 glasses a day should be your goal. Unless you’re on a bus for 3 hours. Oranges and lemons should be incorporated into your diet as they are packed full of anti-oxidants and will lessen the ripple effect cellulite has on legs. 2. All the berries - blackberries, blueberries and strawberries are also high in anti-oxidants and help banish cellulite. 3. Celery is a great snack to have as often as you can. It has no carbs or fat in it, so you actually loose weight by eating and digesting it. A word to the wise: celery and strawberries are natural aphrodisiacs, so taken in large quantities, they can make you settle for the “quarter to two, feck it, he’ll do” guy at eleven o clock.

4. Shave & Exfoliate - I know fur is big this season, but don’t wear it on your legs. If you’re starting to grow a national forest, stop. There is no excuse for tarzan-esque legs-it takes 2 minutes to shave and exfoliate in the shower. Mixing extra virgin olive oil with salt is a great natural, cheap exfoliator. The salt removes dirt and dead skin cells while the olive oil locks in moisture. 5. Moisturize to keep the perfect glow on your legs and to leave them soft to touch. 6. Sally Hanson- we’re not, in any way, promoting the over-ripe orange look, but when used sparingly with a hand-mit (available at Dunnes Stores, Penneys and Boots), it gives a beautiful colour and also has a firming appearance on the legs. Aim for a natural glow, steer clear of marinating. 7. High waisted shorts and skirts raise the appearance of the waist line therefore make your legs appear longer. 8. Treat yourself to a pedicure to add a splash of colour to your outfit. Pedicures also draw the attention of the eyes down your legs and to your feet. 9. If you have reasonable pain tolerance, wear heels that have a slight point to the front-not Edward Scissors Hand material-more Carrie in SATC with those blue Manolo Blaniks. Be warned! Worn for too long, this type of shoe can be an express route to bunions and corns. Not a visual treat. Warped and misshapen feet don’t attract the attention of a man. If they do, run. 10. Nude, or flesh coloured heels are an ingenious accessory. They elongate the leg by blending into the colour of your leg and adding a sexy shape to the calves. Result!

It’s nautical stripes ahoy for this trendy minx from Ennis. Sara is pictured wearing some vintage Levis cut offs from Topshop and a seductive scarf from River Island. Shorts with tights are an ideal alternative to skirts on those blustery days to avoid any cheeky moments on the Quincentennial, and this lady shows they give any outfit a trendy edge. Sara’s college wardrobe essential is a statement scarf, as she says “it can dress up and add some colour to any outfit”.

All in all, it’s about making the best of what you’ve got. In the words of Maybelline “maybe she’s born with it”. Or maybe she’s read Sin.

Your chance to win a make-over This year, we’re giving 3 lucky ladies the chance to win a make-over. If you feel a friend is not reaching her full potential and is need of a serious re-vamp, or if you yourself deserve a new look, send us a picture attached with a 50 word piece on why you should be a winner. Send enteries to f.omalley2@nuigalway.ie The maker-overs will be shown in an upcoming issue of Sin. Good luck!

Soon to be seen on the Socs and the City runway is Ballinasloe beau Darren Coen. His laid back look is both stylish and practical, proving a well cut jacket looks way better than the standard mofo hoody on those cold winter days. When asked for his views on lads fashion Darren replied: “I always say when the sun’s out, the guns out”, and his must have item is “jocks straight out of the dryer and still warm”, an essential winter accessory.

page 10

e d i u G l a v i v r u S y t Universi

By Valerie Hartnett

Part tre e:

n o i t i r t u N

Dear Student, So have you attempted the culinary arts yet? Or is the whole procedure so intimidating that you’re living off cereal and whatever you can afford in the cafeteria at college? Do not fear the kitchen, my friend. Those appliances you eye with such trepidation are intended to make feeding yourself easier, not have you running from the room shrieking in terror! Don’t believe me? Oh, you will, it’s simple (I promise). Many of you will not have done much cooking before. Maybe Mammy or Daddy didn’t allow you into the hallowed domain that is their kitchen. But never mind. You’ll learn. You know what the oven looks like, right? And that big white rectangular box in the corner that keeps the food cold…….. you’ve seen these things before, surely? Get to know what’s in your kitchen, and get to know how it all works. Once your appliances become familiar to you, they’ll stop looking like monsters lurking in a room of horrors and start to show their potential. For

My best piece of advice to you is to buy a cookbook. “The Student Cookbook” and “The Vegetarian Student Cookbook” (both by Hamlyn) are great for giving not only recipes, but nutritional information, food preparation tips and other general advice. If you’ve never cooked before, a recipe is essential. It will transform your first attempts from disaster to delight, and give you ideas for other things to try.

Once you’ve decided what to buy, you’ll need to go shopping. Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry, and don’t go without a list. You won’t come back with any of the right things if you flout these age-old conventions. When you’re shopping, look out for bargains, but don’t buy something you know you won’t use! 3 for 2 deals are often a false economy. Unless you’re going to use a lot of something, you’ll end up throwing it out! Another handy tip is to check the packaging for a list of ingredients. If you’ve got allergies or a special dietary requirement, you need to know what’s in the food you’re buying. If you ask someone to go shopping for you, make sure they’re aware of what you need.

So, you’ve got your cookbook, now you’ll need to decide what you’re going to be eating. Don’t start off too ambitious. Pick something simple to make that’s still nutritious. Including a variety of different foods in your diet is the best way to ensure your body gets everything it needs. Seriously, don’t live off beans on toast just because you know how to make it!

So you’ve braved the kitchen, and bought the food. The next thing you’ll need to know is how to cook it. “How?” I hear you ask. Why, by opening that recipe book you got your list of ingredients from, and following the instructions of course! Make sure you follow all of the steps. Don’t think you know better when you don’t. Once you know what you’re doing you

the record, most kitchens include: a fridge freezer, an oven (including grill and hob), a kettle, toaster, microwave, and various pots and pans. As long as all of these are functional, you’re in business!

can make alterations and variations to the dish. But until then, it’s best to follow the experts’ advice. Lastly, here are some tips to ensure your experiences in fine dining don’t land you in the emergency room. Be sure to include a variety of foods in your diet. Make sure you get enough protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc. A healthy balance is essential. Store cooked foods above raw ones in your refrigerator. If you’re cooking meat or fish make sure it’s cooked through before eating it. If you stick a knife in it, the juices should come out clear. Always wash your hands before and after touching food, or when switching between ingredients. If you’re reheating food, make sure it’s piping hot all the way through before eating it. Buon Appetit! An older and (allegedly) wiser student J

page 11

Dear Agony Aunt,

by Grainne Coyne

I’ve recently started seeing this guy and things are

Overheard in NUIG

going really well. I’ve already met his family and friends, and now he wants to meet mine. The trouble is, nobody knows I’m gay, and I’m afraid of how to tell them. I’m really worried about how they’ll react. Scared and Confused, 23 Dear Scared and Confused, It’s natural to feel some apprehension at the thought of introducing a new boyfriend or

Matthew Sheridan: Girl coming out of

maths, Girl says to her friends: I saw our

the library: ''I really should read some

class rep yesterday and I was like ‘oh aren’t

books the next time I go to the library''

you our class rep?’ And he says ‘I have a girlfriend’”

Niamh Murphy: Random guy: "Ah yah wouldn't really call it a threesome with

Claire O'Malley: Two guys walking out

those two though... they'd like cancel each

of the Kingfisher

other out..!"

girlfriend to your friends and family. Don’t feel pressurised into something you’re not comfortable doing. Talk it over with your boyfriend; explain that your family and friends

Paul Colclough: Dr. Su-Ming Khoo while

don’t know about your sexuality and that you need some time to tell them before he can

talking about Quantitative Easing in a

be introduced. He may have had a similar experience when he came out.

lecture: “Sounds like someone taking a great big shit if you ask me.”

your life based on how they may or may not react. The best thing to do is be open and

Niamh Ruane: Random guy in the

honest. Don’t be discouraged if they’re a little shocked or surprised by your news; they

Concourse: "Yeah but you aren’t ever really

joining a religious organisation, or mentioned some political affiliation they never knew you had, they would react the same way. Their surprise is not necessarily indicative of homophobia.

Guy2: "I'll let you be 118 this time?" Guy1: "....okay." Kevin Pigott: Lad in concourse on the phone: “...if yah bring him to the vet...make

You may feel worried about telling your family and friends, but you know you can’t live

may just need to get used to the idea. Remember, if you suddenly expressed an interest in

Guy1: "I'm not dressing up as the 11850 lads again."

sure to take the hat off him”

friends with a girl unless you think there’s a

Fionn Murphy: Guy: “You know I share

chance you could ride her, right?" Followed

my birthday with Helen Keller”

by sounds of agreement from all the other

Girl: “Oh was she in Cuba last night?”

guys he was with.

Pantera Dowlers: Outside the Bank of Christopher Cosgrove: Overheard

Ireland on the concourse:

However, if you do encounter any discrimination or abuse take a firm stand against it.

outside lecture theatre: Girl 1:"Why do you

Speak to the SU Welfare Officer, visit the College counsellors or chaplains, or join

wear a bra?"

GiGSoc., NUIG’s LGBT Society. They’ll be able to advise you on how to treat these

Girl 2:"Because it would be kinda weird

instances, and where to report them. Additionally, they’ll be able to offer you support and

and uncomfortable if I didn't"

Guy 1: "Did yah stick it in?" Guy 2: "yeah, sure I rammed it in!" Guy 1: "and......" Guy 2: "I didn't get it back, so I presume it


Girl 1: "I just where one to fit in!”

was swallowed" I presumed he just lost his bank card, that

Good luck! Agony Aunt

Hannon McGough: On our way out from

or he had an eventful night on the town

Mature Students – a big part of NUIG This year a record number of students applied for college places – a staggering 71,000 – almost twice as many as are available, and of these, 19% were classed as ‘mature’, up from 17% last year and a huge increase from the 9,000 who applied in 2007. So what is a mature student? It certainly is not an assessment of an applicant’s development, as most ‘mature’ students will tell you that they are very young at heart; I for one don’t see myself as anything but a teenager in an older body. As far as college applications are concerned, being mature only means that you are aged 23 or over and have never been in full-time third level education before. NUIG’s enrolment of mature students is one of the best in the country. There are currently 1,003 on campus, 384 of whom (myself included) are registered as freshers. This is approximately 15% of the undergraduate students, according to Trish Hoare, Mature Students Officer. While the majority of NUIG mature freshers are in the 23 to 28 age group, 9% are over 65, which makes for a really mixed demographic. With so many people either returning to college or attending for the first time after the first flush of youth, it isn’t hard to blame the recession on the rocketing numbers of applications. A survey of this year’s mature students showed that 77% were unemployed before starting college. However, getting a degree isn’t just something to do while waiting out the slump. Mature students all have a goal, be it self-development, a career change, increasing chances of employment or a particular field of study in which they hope to continue on to gain a postgraduate degree.

Support for mature students in NUIG is extremely good and this year 100% of applications came through Trish’s office. Over three-quarters of the new intake took part in the Return to Learning programme for mature students, all of whom would recommend it to anyone starting next year. There is only one Mature Students Officer for the whole campus (including post-grads) but Trish is readily accessible and she responds to emails very promptly. Facing the daunting prospect of returning to study after what can be a very long time is much easier when you know you have an understanding person to talk to – many of us have already availed of this support already! Of course, college has its ups and downs for everybody, not just mature students. The academic challenges are the same for all students on campus. However, while those who have come to NUIG straight from school have to deal with living away from home and all that entails, many mature students have families, some of whom will have moved to Galway with them. When the college day is over, instead of heading to the pub, or society and club meetings, it’s home to turn from student to parent for some; caring for elderly relatives for others; or just trying to hold down some sort of a job – sometimes all of the above! Whatever brought you to college, whatever your circumstances, just remember that being a ‘mature’ student is only an indication of what age you are on campus – forget being mature and just enjoy the experience of being an NUIG student! By Barbara Preston

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Sex and the Village

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man, in possession of a Corrib Village ID card, must be in want of ‘The Ride’. Gone are the days of having to be home for a certain time and your mother finding out from your friend that you shifted someone at the youth club disco. Departed are the annual school sex talks that scare you into a life of virginity and show every possible ailment that could come about from those five minutes (five might even be a bit of an exaggeration) of pleasure. The awkward mothergirlfriend introductions that are inevitable if one lives in a small Irish town are also a thing of the past. You’re in the city of Tribes now. Where tribes of young males join together in packs and go from block to block in search of a mate. The way in which these social clans voice their emotions and feelings in relation to fulfilling their desires is somewhat different depending on the particular county the young male was bred in. For example a Corkonian may simply announce: “I would” as a well matched mate walked past, a Dub may publicly proclaim: “I’d ride her sideways” as he longingly

checks out his potential future sexual companion’s ass. While a Donegal native may boast that he’d: “plough into her”. A Meath citizen might get ‘”the shig”. While a Limerick person might “bang” her and a Cavan native may “bonk” her. All of which sound like some violent sport that requires a helmet, shin pads, elbow pads and a bullet proof vest. Gone are the days of dancing at the crossroads and ‘making love’. We have the same attitude to Betty Crocker’s do-it-yourself chocolate cake as we do to sex - why make love when you can buy it? In the twenty first century love can come in the form of a tub of Ben and Jerry’s (a different kind of BJ). Sex and love used to be related now it’s just ‘the best form of exercise’ (as all Cosmo readers will know), why pay 250 quid for a membership in The Kingfisher when you could just get the ride for free? It’ll also save you splashing out on those new Adidas trainers you needed for the gym......I mean.....unless you wear runners while getting the ride - whatever works for you! These tribes of males have become like communities that join together in one

block each Monday night to watch and take inspiration from ‘The Inbetweeners’ - the ultimate male guide to everything! They are like bands of brothers on the prowl for their next sexual mate. This is even reflected in the night life. It’s hard to believe there was a time when dances consisted of all the males on one side of the room and all the females on the other waiting to be asked to dance. We have moved on swiftly to ’get the shift’ night and the next generation will probably advance even further... who knows? ’Get The Ride Night’ could be on the card s- a night where the most creative sexual position will be awarded €100. One’s Dignity is a small price to pay for the 100 quid after all. Are these males testosterone filled sex junkies? Or are they just emotionally stunted human beings? Their distinct mating call also varies depending on the way they were raised. For example there’s the basic, dignified and somewhat refined “so d’ya wanna come back to mine” (not the most attractive prospect considering ‘mine’ is a hospital like building with mustard yellow doors, no plaster on the non sound-proof walls

and that lovely distinct musky smell in each room ). Then you move on to the more direct “Nice legs, what time do they open?”. And the more advanced and ‘experienced’ often utter the classic “So are you up for the bang?” Now that you’re in college you think girls are like Kleenex - a handy item, that does the job but you wouldn’t want to be looking at it the next day. Disposable, so to speak. But you’re wrong. And the moral of the story? By all means go out, get laid, get the shig, the shag, the romp, the ride, the bonk, the bang or whatever they’re calling it nowadays. But my advice to you would be to, if at all possible avoid other Corrib Villagers as you will have to bump into them every day for the next year, which is quite different to bumping uglies after a few litres of Buckfast. However, in the event that you should get very drunk and wake up in the wrong block, on the wrong bed, with the wrong person, don’t fret pet, the walk of shame mightn’t be sweet but it will be short! By Valentina Dylan

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Life can be unpredictable, it changes as much as Irish weather. One day it’s sunny, feels as if it’s summer again, you remember your summer flings, the time spent with your lover. It just reminds you of how things used to be. However, the next morning you wake up feeling different, a cold shiver runs through your whole body, reminding you that it’s winter. After hearing different stories from girlfriends, guy friends, even from my family, I got thinking - how is it that it’s much easier to figure out a girl than it is to figure out a guy? Even when you’ve been going out with a guy for a long time, you still can’t figure him out. He wants a break from you, he wants more adventure in sex, he decides to be distant and eventually say he’s confused and that his feelings changed. How are we supposed to respond? We just put up with it, we challenge ourselves, change who we are, and for what? A text or a call


women and meaningless sex

saying: “I’m breaking up with you”, or “Hey” and nothing else for weeks. How is that we enslave ourselves to men? I went out with this guy who says he likes me and that I captivate him - still not sure if it was a date or just a random tactic of men. The night went well, a few drinks, some flirtatious talking, some teasing, winks, kissing here and there. Then a very long walk home with more making out sessions, but with all of my resistance I still end up spending a night at his house. Why not, sure? Impulse. I didn’t want to feel alone again. Or was it the eyes? I am still figuring that out, and yes I do like him. I blame the alcohol for all of this. Time passes, do I hear anything from him? Nope. I keep wondering: do all

guys want just sex? Or, in my friend’s case, no sex at all? If a woman turned into a guy, leaving all her emotions behind, and had loads of meaningless sex, would she be called a ‘slut’ or a ‘player’? I tested this theory. I shut-up all of my emotions and got into a character of a gal who wants nothing from guys other than a good shag. I put on one of my sexiest dressesand killer heels. In other words, I screamed of “take me now, right now, right here”. And yes, it happened. I had quite few admirers that night, this made my choice easier - all I had to do was to pick the best looking and try out his skills in the bedroom. We went to his house because I didn’t want him to

By Sinderella know where I lived. Being intoxicated, I didn’t realise that I had given him my number. Morning came, I escaped the awkward morning-after moment and sneaked out. After a few hours had passed, he texted me asking why I hadn’t stayed longer and that it was fun. Being nice, I replied. I wish I hadn’t, because now he texts me from time to time, while I just want to forget that night. I admit it was fun, and probably will do it again, but I’ll make sure I won’t give a number or at least the right one. I may sound like a bitch, and a user, but isn’t that what guys do on a typical night out?

Coming Soon to an upper lip near you – Movember

where they have established a strong fan base. Having already headlined The Pavilion in Cork, PALKO are now preparing to hit the national live circuit this summer with appearances at Whelan's Dublin, the Roisín Dubh and of course the SU Sessions.

This year, as part of Healthy Living Week, we are doing Movember. So for those of you who don’t know what it is, Movember is an annual, month-long charity event held during November where guys grow a moustache. Men are far less health conscious then women and often they are reluctant to go see a doctor for regular health checks so what Movember hopes to do is to raise awareness about prostate and testicular cancer.

Check them out at http://palkotheband.com/blog/

pop to dirty almost-metal in a delicious 10 track nosebag of sound. You can check out their music at www.myspace.com/windings The SU Sessions are a free weekly event open to the public and hosted by NUI, Galway Students’ Union in An Bialann (The Canteen) every Tuesday at 6pm. www.myspace.com/thesusessions

SU Sessions Windings

Seachtain na Gaeilge

On Tuesday 26th October, Windings will be playing in the Canteen. The Windings story began in 2005, when Steve released the self titled debut album on Out on a Limb Records, to a multitude of positive reviews from music media and fans alike and invitations to perform at many festivals including Electric Picnic. Three years later, long time collaborator and friend Liam Marley became a fully fledged member of the band, bringing his dynamic multiinstrumentalism and song-writing skills to the table. Liam's influence was instantaneous and the windings sound began to evolve, just as Steve had hoped it would. 2009 saw the arrival of a further three winders - Aaron Mulhall taking on drum duties and Patrick O' Brien and Stephen Purcell on guitars/bass/keyboards/glockenspiels/ kitchen sinks. Over the past few years, windings have

Beidh ceiliúradh ar siúl roimh deireadh seachtaine an tOireachtas le seans a thabhairt do gach éinne a ghrá don teanga ‘is an chultúr a thaspáint. Tá bus eagraithe ag an Cumann Craic ‘is an Cumann Drámaíochta le dul thíos chuig an Oireachtas, so bí i dteangmháil leo má tá suim agat dul ann!

For more information about Movember go to www.movember.com or email studentsunion@nuigalway.ie

SU Sessions Palko On Tuesday 19th October, Palko will be playing the SU Sessions. Following on from the successful release of their debut album Dreamers earlier this year, Palko will now release their latest funky offering. Palko's debut single Take Me Down will be unveiled with a special launch gig in An Bróg Cork on Wednesday August 25. The single will be available to download from iTunes and www.downloadmusic.ie.

had the pleasure of playing with the likes of Daniel Johnston, The Handsome Family, Bob Mould, Jape, Caribou, Iron And Wine, Villagers, Jeffrey Lewis, and Modest Mouse, amongst others.The new album "It's Never Night”, is out now. The songs on the new album explode around your ears like a thousand packages of fizzy sherbet dip back your throat, coaxing you with sweet lullabies, before thrashing you against the sound barrier, bringing you from pure cozy

Students are advised that restrictions on access to Facebook within General Access PC Suites, including in the Library Building, have been implemented with effect from Tuesday October 12th 2010. These restrictions are being introduced following requests made to ISS by the Students’ Union following a vote on the issue by Full Class Reps Council. The class reps believe the restrictions are necessary to ensure that University PCs are more readily available for use by students undertaking core academic activities. If you have any comments or concerns please email Emmet on su.education@nuigalway.ie


26th Deireadh Fómhair: Scannán na hÉireann ar siúl in Áras na Mac Léinn, Cóisir Culaith Bhréige san Acadamh 26th Deireadh Fómhair: EA Games in Áras na Mac Léinn 27th Deireadh Fómhair: Céilí Mór i College Bar le Daithí Ó Drónaí & banna ceol tbc. Chuir ríomhphoist chugam má tá aon smaointe nó tuairaimí agaibh: su.gaeilge@oegaillimh.ie There will be a celebration on campus before the weekend of an tOireachtas to give everyone a chance to show their love for the language and culture. There’s a bus to an Oireachtas organised by an Cumann Craic and an Cumann Drámaíochta, so do get in touch with them if you’re interested in attending!

Palko have played a string of gigs this summer and have already served up explosive performances at Sunday Roast in The Mercantile Dublin, The Village Dublin and Bakers Place Limerick. Receiving widespread media attention and some stellar reviews Palko are most certainly one to watch. Formed just over two years ago Palko have since been perfecting their live performance playing in venues throughout Cork City and County

Facebook Restrictions

26th October: Irish films will be screened in Áras na Mac Léinn, Fancy Dress Party in the Acadamh 26th October: EA Games in Áras na Mac Léinn 27th October: Céilí in College Bar with Daithí Ó Drónaí and special guests (tbc). Send an email if you have any thoughts or ideas: su.gaeilge@nuigalway.ie


If you would like to be a part of the SU Crew or if you have ideas about campaigns, events or the National March then email Emma at su.welfare@nuigalway.ie

Male & Female Sexual Health Screening/Cerv ical Smear Testing Free clinics now available in the Student Health Unit, Áras na Mac Léinn every Monday and Wednesday evening 5pm – 7pm. Make an appointment at reception or phone 091 - 492604

A Big Thank You must go out to everyone who helped out during Equality Week, ReFreshers Week and Mental Health Week. The pictures are up on www.facebook.com/NUIGalwayStude ntsUnion so have a look!

What’s the issue?

Tell Your TD!

Third level education is under serious threat in the budget this December. Possible increases in the Registration Fee and reductions in the grant would put third-level education beyond the reach of many. After speaking with government TDs it is our understanding that the Government is considering increasing in the Registration Fee, which is currently €1,500, to as much as €3,000 per student, per year. The Government is also considering a possible cut to the Student Grant of a further 5%, on top of the 5% cut made in the budget last year. Finally the Student Assistance Fund, which helps students in dire financial circumstances, may be cut.

Once you're registered (and even if you're not) please tell your elected representatives that you think it's important to preserve access to third-level education in the next budget.

The Students’ Union is calling on the Government to: • Place an immediate cap on the Registration Fee • Continue the existing grant and income levels in Budget 2011 • Continue the current funding levels to the Student Assistance Fund • Develop a National Graduate Internship Programme to be established in the public, private and voluntary sectors Final decisions on these issues have not been made so we still have time to show that students are a powerful force. To prevent these potentially devastating cuts to third-level education we need all students to be active and make your voice heard over the coming weeks! What can you do? Check the Register Politicians are motivated by votes. Make sure you are registered on http://www.checktheregister.ie/. If you're not registered get moving on it!

We have set up a site which allows you to send a letter to your TDs stating that education should be protected in Budget 2011. All you have to do is fill out your name and address and the Students' Union will look after the rest! It only takes a few seconds! http://www.su.nuigalway.ie/tellyourtd

USI National March Wednesday 3rd November If you want to make your voice heard join us for the National Demonstration on November 3rd. Thousands will march to show that education should not be seen as an easy target in December's budget. Everyone who takes to the streets adds strength to this message. Students will congregate at Parnell Square at 12.30pm and from there, will march to Government buildings at Dublin 2. Guest speakers at the event will include USI President, Gary Redmond and a host of public representatives. Buses will be leaving the Quad at 9.00am. Tickets are just €4 available from the Students’ Union. For this you will also get a t-shit, come food and a great day. For more information check out www.su.nuigalway.ie or contact SU President Peter Mannion at su.president@nuigalway.ie.

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Crime in Galway: A safe city in an inhumane world As good as cities are, there are hidden dangers around darkened corners that keep most people from going out after certain hours. Galway city, in that aspect, is no different to any other city in the world. Whilst it may be a safe city, violence can be just a bad alley away. Young women especially need to have their wits about them when they have a night out on the town; for some students who come from safe, small villages, this can be difficult to get used to. In an age where alcohol consumes the minds of most people under the age of 25, the notion of personal safety tends to go out the window when you’re having a hard time just standing up. This is not to say that when you’re sober, you don’t have to worry about where you go and what you do at any hour of the night. It’s easy to get caught up in the bubble of safety that people feel when they’re in Galway, but when you hear stories, such as the accounts of two separate attacks on young women in the past month, it reminds us that we have to stay vigilant. An unfortunate aspect of life is that our well-being is out of our hands on many occasions throughout the day. When you’re crossing the road, you hope that the cars obey the red lights;

when you get in a taxi, you hope the driver doesn’t crash his car etc. Life can throw anything at you at any moment and really the only thing you can do is to increase the odds of your safety by using commonsense. If you like to take a shortcut home which takes you into a bad area, you have to be the one who evaluates whether this time-saver is worth the risk. If you feel the urge to go out for drinks at 2 in the morning, then go with a group of friends who will look after each other. Only you can know if they are true friends because the statistics are astonishing: it is said that only one in ten acts of sexual violence in Ireland is committed by complete strangers. Be clever. Carry a whistle, avoid suspicious-looking people and do not look for trouble because it doesn’t matter where you live in the world, trouble is hard enough to avoid even when you’re not looking for it. Being proactive, like taking up karate once or twice a week and realising that being out late isn’t worth the trouble, could mean the difference between a night at the hospital and a night at home relaxing. We should be more grateful that Galway is as safe as it is. By Conor Lane

Interview Conor Lane spoke to Gerry Nolan, head of NUI Galway security. How often do you receive phone calls/reports of crime/violence/trouble occuring around the campus of NUI Galway? It is rare to receive any call in relation to crime or violence on campus at any time. We do get calls from time to time about loud or unruly behaviour but instances such as these are usually handled quickly and rarely develop into anything of a serious nature. What would be your best advice to those who have to travel around campus alone at night? The same rules would apply to anyone out in public after dark

whether on or off campus. Common sense should prevail. What is the best way to bring a problem a student is having with bullying/violence etc to the attention of NUI Galway officials? In addition to the Security response to any specific incident, the victims may benefit from support and assistance from the Health Unit, Counselling, the International Affairs Office or the Chaplains. All students are subject to the code of Conduct/Disciplinary Procedure in the University and this may be a means of addressing the behaviour of the perpetrators.

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Anne Tighe

John Corcoran

Accenture Representative

Business and Accounting Graduate “Accenture are hiring seventy graduates this year and we hired forty last year, so things are definitely improving! We look for people with backgrounds in Business or IT who have good analytical skills.”

“I’m unemployed at the moment but I’m not sure which career I want yet. I have applied for jobs and even unpaid work experience but I haven’t got anything so far. It seems to be people who know someone already working for the employer who get the jobs. Most of my friends have gone back into education or emigrated, those are the choices right now. I’ve thought about looking for work in England because the situation doesn’t seem as bad there.”

Amidst all the economic doom and gloom, it’s easy to begin to feel doubtful about the future. But are employment opportunities really as scarce as many of us believe? Sin headed to the Graduate Fair to find out what some NUIG alumni are doing now.

Galway Grads versus The Recession By Miceala O’Donovan and Leah Mollica

Sean Walsh

Catríona Kelly

Physics Graduate

Computer Science and Maths Graduate

“I’m a PHD student and three of my friends have emigrated, including an Engineer, a Scientist and a Teacher. They’ve gone to Australia and England to find work. I’ve actually been offered a job in Liverpool recently so emigration could be a possibility for me too. Things are tougher now, but I still believe I could get a job in Ireland if I wanted to. It probably wouldn’t be exactly what I want but I think they are still on the market.”

“I was very lucky because I got a job at Cisco straight after I graduated. But I am aware that other people have found it very difficult to find them this year. Many of my friends have gone back into education and all my friends who did Nursing have emigrated. It’s not all bad though, Cisco is expanding at the moment and taking on graduates.”

Laura O’Hanlon 3rd Nursing “I think emigration is really positive. There seems to be far more employment in Australia, for example, than there is here at the moment. It’s great for people who have immediately finished college to get the benefit of travel and to experience different cultures. I’m planning on travelling around Europe when I’ve finished.”

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Choosing your career path Many of you may feel the pressure of final year building up already. You may feel your time is best spent completely devoted to assignments and study (and the odd night out…). Unfortunately what many students don’t realise is that this is also the most important time of the year to be researching what career path to take next year. Failure do put in a bit of effort now could result in you ending up in a job you hate or a postgraduate course you regret spending your money on. Many graduate programme deadlines are fast approaching at the end of October. Some postgraduate studies such as teaching also have early application deadlines in December. If you think you are definitely going to choose a postgraduate course with a final application date in the second semester, and reckon it is fine to leave your decision making until then, you should reconsider. Most students often become too burdened with college work in the second semester and simply don’t have the time to focus on career research. John Hannon, Head of the Career Development Centre, advises students to take the time now to evaluate your options as career research is a skill for life. In today’s world, there is no such thing as a permanent career. People nowadays often change career paths as they progress in life; career research is therefore an important skill to develop as it will be beneficial to you throughout your working life.

So now you have been enlightened as to the importance of putting some effort into planning your future. What is the next step? Mr. Hannon recommends that even a half an hour a week spent on career research can develop your skill and lead to better decisions. There are online psychometric tests that will measure your intelligence and personality to help you figure out what career suits you. And they only take fifteen minutes! Another option is to attend a Find your X Factor session that enables students to focus on their skills and potential. To find out more about these drop into the Career Development Centre who will be more than willing to help. It is also recommended to attend speaker sessions in your particular area of interest. It will give you an insight into the day to day functions and expectations of your potential job and what you have to do to get into that field. You may find you love a career path that you didn’t think you would, or else find out that it’s not as amazing as you thought it would be. Another important thing to do is check out the CV Workshop that runs throughout the semester. You can’t underestimate the importance of a good CV for graduate programmes and postgraduate applications. In the current job market it is crucial to have an edge on the competition. Knowing exactly what you want to do and how to get there will certainly provide you with that. By Rebecca Healy

Echoes from the past On Christmas Day 1915, Pádraic Pearse said: “The men who have led Ireland for twenty-five years have done evil, and they are bankrupt. They are bankrupt in policy, bankrupt in credit, bankrupt now even in words. They have nothing to propose to Ireland, no way of wisdom, no counsel of courage. When they speak they speak only untruth and blasphemy. Their utterances are no longer the utterances of men. They are the mumblings and the gibberings of lost souls”.

truth about the banking bail-out costs and an opposition that lacks the testicular fortitude to take on the current government or participating in the necessary national government response to the budgetary crisis.

I am not advocating that we proclaim Pádraic Pearse as the Irish Nostradamus but his quote is as fitting today as it was before the formation of our state.

No party has earned my vote yet. No party has stood up and given me a reason to trust them with my future. No party has told me where we are as a nation and where this nation is going. No party has stood up and taken responsibility for the footprints of the past or the foundations of my future.

The current cohort of politicians has corrupted their profession. All politicians – whether they be in government or opposition - must now realise that their legacies as politicians in this era have been to squander not only the wealth of our country over the past decade but also our future as young Irish people. When voting for the bank bailout on the 1st of October 2008 - the two largest parties in the Dáil voted to spend our money without knowing the full cost of the bailout. This has turned out to be an unmitigated disaster on a mind numbingly large scale. Fuzzy maths aside they effectively chose the banks over the people and the decisions of a few have destroyed the futures of a generation. Crippling people with debt doesn’t make for good politics or economics. Overnight as citizens we were burdened with a ‘debt’ of over €10,000. I’m annoyed by the fact that this debt was not caused by me or my friends, but we are taking the brunt of the costs – financially and socially. More annoying is the current government’s casual relationship with the

Yesterdays politics of “Vote for us ‘cos we’re not them” or the fact that some parties think that they will assume power as a natural alternative to the incumbent is wrong.

It worries me that the Pearse quote from 1915 is as potent today as it was in an Ireland getting ready for an uprising. “They are bankrupt in policy; they have nothing to propose to Ireland” is how all political parties are seen by an increasingly unsettled and uninspired public. Perhaps we are heading towards an uprising. Unlike 1916, there may not be bloodshed on the streets, but there may be other similarities. We may have new masters in the form of the IMF who may signal both the implosion of the political system and the beginning of an uprising against a system that wrecked our country. The Pearse quote may be an echo from the past but it may be the indication that the fightback for our futures may just be around the corner. If this is the case you’ll find me out chanting ‘Viva la Revolution’! By Peter Mannion

with Paddy Garcia The Diary of an Arts Graduate

page 19 The Diary of an Arts Graduate with Paddy Garcia

Lord of the flies. “Do you want to come smoke dope in my brothel?” I asked her as last orders were called. She raised an eyebrow, unsure what to say. After all, you can't just say no, you simply have to ask a follow up question, and then you're in, fun will be had. The Brothel, as we lovingly call it, was a real whorehouse before it was shut down, disguised in the thinly veiled cloak of a 'Massage Parlour'. It has a waiting room that we use as a dancefloor. All the doors are marked with brass plates that proclaim 'Reception' or 'Private' or 'VIP'. We found a secret room on the third floor that the landlord didn't know about, some sort of pimp's lair, with nothing in it but a dusty mattress on the floor and a huge safe built into the wall that we can't open. The house is always filled with music. I live with two musicians and a writer, three guys I've known since I was twelve years old. There's always the sound of singing from the kitchen or something blaring out of a stereo somewhere, or a keyboard in the bathroom (the acoustics are better), drums in the sitting room, the gentle strumming of a mandolin from the attic, a glockenspiel for an alarm clock. I've grown used to it, and find it comforting; stepping over wires, sitting on bass amps while watching DIG! for the thirtieth time. This is where we celebrate our unemployment. We are a republic unto ourselves, a country within a country, like Monaco or The Vatican. We are the flagship for all that is good and exciting about youth; indecision, indiscretion, exploration, experimentation, fantasy, creation, destruction, delusion and newness, all that is new in ourselves and new in this unknown world around us of fear and poverty and above all, freedom. The Man doesn't know we're here, the For Sale sign hangs outside like the flag of our recession republic, shielding us from the world of responsibility. We don't have any neighbours, no tv licence people come calling, the bills pile up on the hall carpet until they are thrown on the fireplace unread. There are downsides of course, the kitchen isn't even fit to boil a kettle, the oven door has to be held in place with a weighted chair when it's turned on, the grill starts fires, there is a perfectly circular hole in the wall where an extraction fan used to be, we simply use it as a bin, nobody knows where it leads. There is no heating to speak of, jackets must be worn inside and on the rare occasion I go to bed

sober, I fill five jam jars with boiling water and place them under my covers an hour before I go to bed, sort of a middle ages style hot water bottle. Empty and half empty beer cans are simply left, sometimes for months at a time, hundreds and hundreds of them all over the house . The empty ones are used as ashtrays, the first time you accidentally tip your ash into someone's beer thinking it's empty, it's funny, after that, it's just bad economics. As part of our detachment from the real world (and poverty), our bins aren't collected. We simply allow black bags to pile up in the hall until the flies become a problem (glass bottles were quickly banned except for spirits due to weight) once every couple of months we slip out under darkness to find an unattended skip. A couple of weeks ago, I spent an hour rolling my day's supply of joints on the coffee table, perfecting the art of Fordism, rolling them in stages, fourteen at a time, starting with fashioning fourteen roaches, then tearing fourteen rolling papers, separating out fourteen portions of tobacco etc, until there were fourteen half-rolled joints laid out in front of me, ready to be licked and sealed (yes, 14 a day is probably a lot, everyone needs a hobby). In the time it took me to do this, sitting under the portrait of Eric Cantona that hangs in our sitting room, I watched one of my housemates stalk around the room catching flies. There must have been about twenty bluebottles in the room at the time, and he caught them all, sealing them inside a plastic Fanta bottle for some reason that has since escaped me. He has made this one of his main pass-times. His primary method lacks panache, but is certainly effective. He stands on a stool in the middle of the room, staying perfectly still, and waits for one to come within range, then he simply swings at it with a clenched fist, knocking it dead before it hits the ground, when there are more flies than he can handle, we take out the rubbish. Still, I would put up with all of this filth and madness and much worse in order to avoid the recessionary alternative: moving back home. When I visit home, I feel like I'm the ambassador of an ancient court to a foreign land with strange customs and people. My mother's cure for empty nest syndrome seems to primarily involve cleaning. I don't feel comfortable sitting down anywhere, the CDs on the bookshelves and the newspapers on the tables are too straight, as if they're not for reading at all, merely props in a suburban

dinner theatre that's been lasting over twenty years. There's no smell of smoke in the house, no smell of anything actually, the furniture is stiff and the carpets are clean. This is not a place for living, this is a place for dying. My sister seems to fit in perfectly, she lives in this moonscape of doilies and saucers, spending her days watching re-runs of Two and a half men, not laughing at it...simply watching it, as if observing the movements of the characters, studying their habits to relay to her alien overlords how the human race interacts with each other. At dinner, my mother will fish for details on a possible girlfriend in my life “or boyfriend...ha....ha” my father will add, not really joking, because right there and then he might make me crack and admit what he feared all along; that I must be gay, because only queers like books and old movies and don't like hurling, it's not because I'm terrified of exposing any girl to the torture that is my family. I'll turn on the radio to fill the silence and the news will tell us that the polls predict a landslide in some third world election. “I wonder why journalists always trust the predictions of Polish people.” I'll say, laughing at my own pun. “What?” they'll say. I'll grumble that it was just a joke and disappear to search the medicine cabinet for some old prescription pills that won't be missed, twenty years' worth of family ailments and maladies staring at me from a bathroom cabinet. I'll take down the names of anything I don't recognise and google them later in the hope they're something worth trying or selling. Then I'll escape, relishing the walk from suburbia, where tall bushes hide small minds and secret loathing, where people go out on the balconies of their one-bedroom apartments to smoke cigarettes and watch the television through a screen door. Back to the city, back to The Brothel, where there is coffee and music, and filth and tears and life and ideas and flies and secret rooms and laughter and friends...friends, these are my real family. “So” I asked her again, “do you want to come smoke dope in my brothel?”

page 20

Drugs at University Drugs and universities for many years have seemed to go hand in hand. I can’t remember the last house party I’ve been to where there wasn’t the odd spliff or bag of MDMA going around. It has become such a familiar scene both on and off campus that no one really bats an eyelid anymore. Of course this is a course for concern but is this really a social or legal problem? University graduates as a whole do tend to find themselves in well paid jobs, nice homes and families and generally go on to become well respected in their community, not all of course but on the whole this appears to be the case. So how does this correlate with the heightened use of illicit drugs among university students? Surely it is paradoxical to maintain the long held view of society that “drugs are bad m’kay”, that they are anti-social and make you stupid in spite of this? These views I find puzzling in the extreme. A study conducted across a range of UK universities (Webb et all, University of Newcastle upon Tyne published in the Lancet medical journal) brings to light that of the students who were questioned, 60% of males and 55% of females had used cannabis at least once or twice while 20% claim to be regular users. 30% claim to have used other drugs such as Ecstasy, amphetamine, LSD and various others. Interestingly when asked about drinking habits 61% of the men and 48% of the women regularly exceeded “sensible” limits (14 units per week for women and 21 for men )while 11% claimed not to drink alcohol at all.

Now, if we are all so clever here in our university off our heads yet still somehow managing to produce amazing innovations, discoveries, inventions and new ideas, then why is it such a problem that anyone chooses to take drugs at all? If these prohibitionist laws are in place for our own good then why in practice is it so easy, social and enjoyable to break them? As young people and the future of this country and the world it is clearly apparent that this prohibition is simply not working. In fact, quite the opposite. Billions are wasted every year on fighting this “war on drugs” and for what? To protect us? How? By criminalising us! If the above statistics related to drug use at universities is in any way accurate, over half of the entire student population has committed some kind of drugs related offence at some stage. Let us remember that the penalty in Ireland for simple possession for personal use for cannabis alone carries a prison sentence of up to 12 months. This extends to up to 14 years if you are caught growing a few plants in the garden or you have sufficient quantities to be regarded as intending to supply. This could be as little as two individual pills or a bag of green for you and a mate something most of us are guilty of at some stage. I must say that I do think it is a very suspicious thing for over half of students in higher education to be considered as criminals. This article will be continued in the next issue. By William O’Brien

The NUIG Dog He’s back! The NUIG dog, commonly referred to as Foxy, has decided to grace NUI Galway with his awe-inspiring and mystifying presence for another year. Foxy, who many at NUIG believe to be something more than your average domesticated canine, pays resemblance to a furry majestic red fox. Cute would be a suitable adjective to describe the ‘dog’, if the infinite amount of knowledge behind those big beautiful brown eyes weren’t so apparent. Pictures surfaced on Facebook this summer of Foxy checking out Northern Spain for a possible Erasmus destination in a green hippy van back in 2007, sparking fears that his love for travel would see him take leave of NUIG this college year. Thankfully, Foxy has since reappeared on campus, frequenting the entrance to the AMB, addressing people as always with his signature ‘arf arf’. Like every other year, people can only speculate as to what Foxy is actually studying. Whatever his course of choice may be, he never goes to class. Typical Foxy. He does what he wants. Some

say he’s doing a Phd in Political Science and Sociology in preparation for the possibility of a General Election. General opinion around the college is that Foxy would be a far superior Taoiseach than any of the current hopefuls. With regards any special abilities the NUIG Dog may or may not possess, photographic evidence of Foxy sitting in the tree outside of the library suggests an ability to fly or climb like a monkey. Pictures of him in the hippy van clearly show that Foxy can drive. One Facebooker said that “some say he if you look into his eyes on the 7th day of the 7th month you will learn the true meaning of life”. Although there is no proof of this yet, to me this does sound like classic Foxy behaviour. Michelle Campion, co-ordinator of Foxy’s Facebook page provides a number of feasible theories on the fourlegged living legend’s background, “Some say he is illegal in 31 of 32 counties, for grand theft auto and he blinks horizontally... all we know is, he's The Great NUIG Dog”. Whatever Foxy may or may not be, I do know this much; he is a good friend, a formidable enemy, and a source of infinite wisdom to all who cross his path. By Anne-Marie Fitzgerald

writers’ page

page 21

A Havel fest Tale Chapter 1: Grout Let me tell you a tale, of which there is no doubt, that our heroes will falter and then fall out. A tale that is bloody and crummy and stunning and slumming concerning four footloose fellows who set about bumming-that is to say the town about, painting it burgundy, and ruby and red. I warn you now and I tell you just once that before this is over they’ll be down for the count, the result of some scrumming a fight and a bout, a lethargic litany of louts hurling grout. Perhaps t’would be better for you instead to read a more charming tale before you go to bed. Continuing on? Down the wrong path you’ve fled and only further you’ll be led until asleep in a heap you’ll have cried and bled and let loose an unkind that fills you with dread not at each other but at yourself and what’s dead and dying and hiding and lying inside the ruins of your mind. So if you fancy yourself courageous and stout take a stroll inside mine and you’ll soon find out the truth of yourself whether it be sealed or unsigned. Accepting these terms you are now resigned to a story equal parts demonic and divine, ‘A Havelfest Tale’. Chapter 2: ‘Havelfesht’ ‘Havelfesht’ he said, with nary a splutter as if that was that and it and the end and no one remembered if they were still friends driving each other around the bend but that’s just the bread and by all that’s holy hope there’s no butter or later when of this you utter not only the world will shudder and let out a yelp or a buddy with nothing but the name left to sully but that came later and during and before the heart of the matter that bloodied the Havelfest tide but before that first just a short aside not without a shy sly snide retort leaning towards The New Divide we’ll get back to this later for now instead let’s derive. Chapter 3: The Aside Even on the plane from home he knew the long and the short straw of it he’d drew sitting alone surrounded by fatties yet ignorantly blissfully while inside already cramped and ratty and collapsing apart without even a start he could point to and ignore but that didn’t matter a thing he was idealistic and had his semper fi bling inside like shrapnel a poignant aside: fathful to the core of course but of course I’ve been cored out. Ignoring that childhood loss of faith we can move swiftly on to this childhood escape crossing the arterial pond headed for heady highs and lows and

beyond. Chapter 4: Things Don’t Get Better Skip forward in hops a few years or two and nothing much changes but your height and the view. People take shots and get off on a moral high getting onto each other and loving the lie, nothing much changes but how little we try and this isn’t coming from a place I don’t want to hide its just facing the puerile hindsight pride and teenage moaning taken for a sob-story ride but that’s not a problem as long as we’re knee-deep in next week and fried. Baked, flambéed, sautéed, tie-dyed, elongated, extended, watching movies and high; in case you missed it or you already are the previous was a list about synonyms for being under the effects of smoking marijuana. If you’ve been smoking marijuana then this will still rhyme. Chapter 5: The New Divide Well as long as that’s clear we can start up again and not veer away from the crutch of the matter the crucial crux not the former lover the latter it’s about friends and dividends and a little bit about length I mean both the story and the telling of its breadth (apostrophes? Check). Basically it seems to me it’s literarily about the difference between when we were yea high and hearing stories by our collective Poppa’s knee (TV don’t you see) and now when the stories the same but the delivery’s different the message is garbled and all our clubhouses are splintered and not in the rough and tumble of yesteryear or your days of yore but in the scuffling of success measured in beer to be sure of the Jersey Shore. It’s May 9 twenty-ten and that chick’s never coming back to your friend’s house again. It’s June 23 twenty-nine and that earring’s been ripped out one time too friendly an Antichrist kick in the head hurt so many. It’s someday nineteen-ninety eight and I’m pretending I didn’t just try to run away for the third time to date. Chapter 6: A Simple Hope One sure fire way one could certainly feel better is to take a shot or a chance on a lady luck might have it that you find one who gets you unstuck from the muck you feel like you come from, the muck that you’re raised in and you feel like you can’t run from. But that’s alright because you’ve got her, and hot chocolate and episodes of LOST, you can purr, you can read chick lit and you can watch LOST. It’s not a bad ending really. By Shaun Leonard

The Societies Page

page 22

TUESDAY 19TH OCTOBER Lotus Society Intermediate Yoga with Aoife Time: 07:40 - 08:50 Venue: The View Organic Gardening Society Open Garden Time: 13:00 - 14:00 Venue: Organic Garden - Distillery Road, to left of Security Building Lotus Society Beginners Yoga with Aoife Time: 17:15 - 18:15 Venue: The Space Polish Society Polish Language and Culture Course 2 Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: TBC Choral Soc Weekly Rehearsal Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: College Chapel FLAC Society Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC) Clinic Time: 18:00 - 19:30 Venue: Áras na MacLeinn Human Rights Soc EGM! Time: 18:00 - 19:00 Venue: AC 214 (Concourse) Human Rights Soc are holding an election for the position of Vice-Auditor. Come along to have your vote or run for the position!

Musical Society (GUMS) NUIG's Got Talent; Heat Time: 20:00 - 23:00 Venue: College Bar

Name of Society:


The zoological society, aka zoo soc, is a society that is interested in every aspect of the living world,

Dansoc Beginners Hip Hop Time: 18:00 - 19:00 Venue: Bank Of Ireland Theatre LOCATION CHANGE FOR 20TH OCT ONLY! Beginners Hip Hop with Maria!

The Zoological Society of NUI Galway

Describe your society but especially animals. The society goes on trips, holds interesting talks from guest speakers and generally has a great time. We are a big society but we love having new members. They bring new and fresh ideas, along with great energy to the society.

One interesting fact that people may not know about your society: We're actually small in size this year, so it becomes very easy to get involved on the committee if

Lotus Society Beginners Yoga with Gary Time: 18:15 - 19:15 Venue: C223, School of Chemistry

you'd wish (just drop an email,and come meet us in person). Also, it's great because you feel just like

Dansoc Breakdancing Time: 19:00 - 20:00 Venue: Bank Of Ireland Theatre LOCATION CHANGE FOR 19TH OCT ONLY! Breakdancing with Stan!

Lots of things: FOTA wildlife trip to Cork & overnight stay, Atlantaquarium tour in Galway, plenty of

Irish Studies Soc Irish Studies Movie Nights Time: 19:30 - 23:00 Venue: TBC

Name of Society:

Lotus Society Intermediate Yoga with Gary Time: 19:30 - 21:00 Venue: C223, School of Chemistry

We’re a brand spanking new society and we hope to create a raucous romping racket around campus

Law Soc Steve Collins and Paul Williams Time: 20:00 - 23:00 Venue: Cairnes Theatre

you're in an extended family of sorts!

What are looking forward to most this year? interesting speakers on animal poisons & micro-ecology and so on!


Samba Society

Describe your society: this year. The Samba Soc is an all percussion society who specialise in Brazilian and Afro Brazilian rhythms. Our mestre (teacher, leader) Keith Smith will be giving workshops on a weekly basis. This year we are hoping to recruit budding samba enthusiasts to join us as we expand our repetoire. There will be grooves, breaks, funk and a lot of noise!

One interesting fact that people may not know about your society If you’ve got a hearbeat you’ve got rhythm, so all you beginners out there fear not, we will take good

Dansoc Intermediate Hip Hop Time: 18:00 - 19:00 Venue: Bank of Ireland theatre LOCATION CHANGE FOR 19TH OCT ONLY!

Accountancy and Finance Society 2nd Year Accountancy/Corporate Law / Commerce Joint Party Time: 22:30 - 23:00 Venue: Kelly’s Bar, then to Karma

Sinn Féin Soc Ógra Shinn Féin Soc Time: 19:00 - 20:00 Venue: AC 216 - Down Behind the Bank of Ireland on the Concourse


English Soc Hate Night Time: 19:00 - 21:00 Venue: Moore Institute Seminar Room (just opposite the Bank of Ireland on the Arts Concourse)

Juggling Soc Practice Session Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: TBA

Art Soc Charactatures Class Time: 19:00 - 21:00 Venue: The Art Room Arch Soc Dr. Amanda Kelly guest lecture Time: 19:00 - 20:30 Venue: AC213 off Concourse. Dansoc Ballet Class Time: 19:00 - 20:00 Venue: Bank of Ireland Theatre LOCATION CHANGE FOR 19TH OCT ONLY! General level Ballet with Blair!

DJ Soc Open Decks Time: 12:00 - 17:00

care of you and show you the ropes.

What are looking forward to most this year? The Samba Soc is looking forward to the Spring and Summer season, this is when Irelands samba bands take to the streets for busking, festivals, parades, gigs. Also we’re hoping to host an epic and intensive samba workshop weekend during the year. We will keep you posted so sign up to the society. The Samba Soc meets every Saturday from 2-4pm.

samba@socs.nuigalway.ie Name of Society: Skeptic Society

Dansoc Salsa Classes Time: 18:00 - 19:00 Venue: contact dansoc@socs.nuigalway.ie for more information.

Describe your society


One interesting fact that people may not know about your society:

Presidents Award (Gaisce) Soc Bronze/Silver Adventure Trip to the Aran Islands! Time: ALL Day Venue: Inis Mór

We are not made up of jaded individuals who call “bullshit” on everything we hear.

Organic Gardening Society Open Garden Time: 13:00 - 14:00 Venue: Organic Garden - Distillery Road, to left of Security Building

We are a society which looks to promote the understanding of Science, exposing the quacks and cranks and the pseudoscience mob for the imposters that they are and most importantly, the questioning of unbelievable claims. If it sounds too good to be true, the chances are; it probably is!

What are looking forward to most this year? Is it possible to name one thing? With debates on “aggressive secularism”, talks ranging from such topics as homeopathy and stem cell research, who can choose. We will be shortly arranging a cosy corner of a pub for our “Skeptics in a Pub” meetings which will be held fortnightly this year. Members listen out.



page 23

Buried ‘Buried’ is a nerve wracking, intense thriller/horror in

out for help and speaks to a variety of people who are

which the entirety of the movie is filmed in a confined

largely unhelpful. Frustratingly he gets through to call

space, a coffin. Directed by Robert Cortés, the film

waiting, answering machines or people on the other

stars Ryan Reynolds and Robert Pattison. Ladies do not

end of the line who don’t believe his story.

be misled by the handsome cast however. Pattison’s voice is his only contribution on screen and if you’re

Before long, the story unfolds, Paul gets a call from his

a one man show for the entire 94 minutes of the movie.

hoping to swoon at Reynolds, you’re out of luck. It’s

captor who demands $5 million for his release. Through

He demonstrates genuine acting ability and is truly

hard to look good when you’re buried underground in a

a series of phone calls he manages to get into contact

impressive in the role.

filthy coffin.

with a hostage rescue team in Iraq, Pattison acting as the hostage negotiator.

Paul Conroy (Reynolds) is a US contractor working in

‘Buried’ is highly intense and claustrophobic. It is fast paced, exciting and well worth a watch. I wouldn’t

Iraq who awakens to find himself buried alive in a

The entire film is dark with only the lighter and weak

advise the faint-hearted or claustrophobic to go see the

coffin underground. With only a lighter, a flickering

torch as visual aids. The cinematography is impressive

movie, however!

flash light and a mobile phone, it’s a race against time

due to the variety of camera shots, lighting and

to escape and to survive. Paul uses his phone to reach

technical tricks used. Reynolds is due credit putting on

By Fionnuala Colleran

The Secret in their Eyes Although there was some controversy at the time, there

younger Benjamin investigating the case. We get to

her. We also meet the husband of the murdered woman,

can be no doubt that El Secreto de Sus Ojos (The Secret

solve the case by looking through the young Benjamin's

Ricardo Morales (Pablo Rago), and witness his utter

in their Eyes) was a deserving winner of the Oscar for

eyes. We see Benjamin's apprehension of the murderer

devastation at losing the love of his life in such a tragic

Best Foreign Language Film this year. The Argentinean

and also how he evades justice due to the legal


writer and director, Juan José Campanella, has previously

corruption that exists in Argentina. The ending of the

The movie is also beautifully filmed with interesting

directed movies including Moon of Avellaneda in 2004

film is one of the best I've seen in a long time and I

camera angles and some scenes shot in a single take.

and also episodes of 30 Rock, House and Law & Order.

would be surprised if anyone could guess it in advance.

Small little touches like the broken typewriter used by

He has certainly brought his wealth of experience to

There are some excellent themes throughout the movie.

Benjamin throughout the movie add a richness to the

The Secret in their Eyes to make a subtle and

Benjamin's colleague Pablo says that people can change

film that is lost in many big budget projects. It really is a

compelling masterpiece.

anything about themselves except their passions and

must see.

Benjamín Esposito (Ricardo Darín) is a retired attorney

this runs true throughout the movie. After setting the

The Galway Film Society will be showing The Secret in

in Buenos Aires, Argentina, who decides to write a book

scene of murder and suspense, the film subtly opens

their Eyes on Sunday the 31st October at 8pm in the

about a horrific rape and murder of a young woman in

into a story about unrequited and lost love and the

Town Hall Theatre. It is advisable to book in advance at

1974 that hugely affected him and his colleague, Pablo

impact that this can have on a person. We quickly learn


Sandoval (Guillermo Francella). The film moves between

that Benjamin is in love with his boss Irene Menéndez-

Tickets are €6 for students.

Benjamin researching the book in the present and a

Hastings (Soledad Villamil) but lacks the courage to tell

By Lisa Jackson

The Drama that is X Factor It’s that time of year again, where nearly every

on our screens with three judges Sharon Osbourne,

newspaper is covered in it, where Facebook will be

Louis Walsh and Simon Cowell, a lot has changed

jammed by it and every conversation will involve

since then besides the amount of plastic surgeries all

usually outrage over it. Yes, it’s X Factor and if you

three judges have had, the competition has expanded

want to avoid the drama and eccentric performances

into four categories with the addition of Dannii

for the next few months, I recommend emigrating.

Minogue, Sharon being replaced by a younger, sweeter Cheryl.

is Diva Fever for Simon.

controversy over Cheryl’s decision to allow two acts

It is since then that the drama has really increased on

There are even more twists with each judge having a

to go through (Katie and Cher) who sang poorly at the

the show with judges’ feuds, but nothing caused

wild card and now two people will be eliminated on

judges houses stage instead of the acts who

further divide then the Irish twins that were Jedward

Sunday night, thus dashing their dreams and usually

preformed brilliantly in particular, not letting Gamu

who hade more noise than actually have any talent,

never heard of again. There will no doubt be more

go through who now faces deportation. This caused

nevertheless they have probably achieved the most

eccentric outfits, dramatics and controversies to come

outrage among fans and has a resulted in a campaign

success out of all the acts from last year gaining their

in the following weeks where the singing will seem

to prevent her and her family from being deported

own reality show and sold out tour. It seems evident

less of a necessity as long as they have the

back to Zimbabwe, even a Facebook group containing

that the judges wish to repeat the dramatics of last

“entertainment factor”, cause uproar and bigger bucks

over 200,000 members.

year by having at least one eccentric member in their

for Simon.

The last few weeks have been surrounded by

category Nicolo for Dannii, Wagner and Storm Lee for 2006 seems an age ago when X Factor first appeared

Louis, Katie for Cheryl and the new Jedward team that

By Grainne Coyne

music reviews

page 24

Brandon Flowers,

Flamingo, Album Review

A great feature of Bradon Flowers new album which

anthem like quality. A haunting synthesiser structures

got the

was released September 6th, 2010 in the UK is that it

‘Only the Young’. The song seems to be a statement

whole good

really sounds like a genuine diary of a modern indie

through a ballad, Brandon sings through the chorus

vs. evil idea

hero. The album slotted in at number one in the UK

“Only the young can break away, lost when the wind


charts, which is only expected as Brandon is figure for

blows, on your way”. On ‘Hard Enough’ Flowers shares

through it

music fans in the UK but also a major influence on

vocal harmonies with Rilo Kiley vocalist Jenny Lewis,

which gives

much of the indie-rock bands who tailed on the success

the song’s melancholic lyrics of personal struggle are

it a sense of

of The Killers prolific debut that was ‘Hot Fuss’.

brightened by a melodic keyboard.

righteousness. The tenth track ‘On the floor’ seems to be written out

The record conjures all kinds of imagery and insights

Another number to look out for is ‘Jilted Lovers &

of pain and loss, the lyrics are dark but the song has a

into not only Brandon’s thoughts but also life in a

Broken Hearts’ with interesting lyrics and great guitar

good integrity, a choir matches the power of the words

ruthless city like Las Vegas. Opening track ‘Welcome to

playing from special guest Daniel Lanois. ‘Was It

with soulful singing. The album is definitely worth a

Fabulous Las Vegas’ is fittingly titled as it allows the

Something I Said’ could easily be heard on the dance

listen and comes across as a very inspired piece of work.

listener to feel like they are driving into the city looking

floor on any club, it’s the most up-beat and fun song on

It’s also a great attempt considering it’s the singer’s first

in awe of all the lights and glamour. A galloping drum

the album. The launch single and radio friendly

solo effort.

beat along with chiming guitar work gives the song an

‘Crossfire’ builds up into a euphoric chorus; lyrically it’s

By Shane Leonard

Cast of Cheers When I first heard The Cast of Cheers album ‘Chariot’

Disneyland after downing a litre of Calpol, they see the

is the product of the

back in February I considered them one of the most

band branch out more, experimenting with harmonies

foursome’s live

exciting bands in Ireland, after last Friday’s performance

and placing a greater emphasis on the vocals of lead

endeavours and what is merely a backing track. What is

in the Roisin Dubh they have made their way to the top

singer Conor Adams, whose distinctive growl was

apparent is that this band comes alive on stage,

of that list. Excited as I was before the Dublin based

flawless live. The impact of these new songs was

producing a colossal sound matched by their presence.

math rockers took to the stage I couldn’t help but feel

compounded when Adams revealed to me after the gig

This was reflected in the number of spectators who

an air of predictability about the set. After all ‘Chariot’ is

that the lyrics have yet to be written and what we

made their way in from the bar outside having heard the

their only release to date and the band has been gigging

witnessed was basically improvisation on his part.

quality on offer free of charge. Not only that but the

pretty solidly since then. What I wasn’t expecting was

If you’re familiar with The Cast of Cheers you’ll know

crowd was a sea of awkward elbows and knees rising

to encounter new material with the set only three songs

that their songs are effects laden, fist-pumping anthems

and falling as the infectious music compelled its

old. In fact we were treated to three new tracks and the

that do not stop to take a breath. As such the band

audience to dance. 2010 has been a landmark year for

good news is the latest offerings are every bit as good if

simply cannot recreate the many layers of noise live and

Irish music and The Cast of Cheers have played their

not better than what ‘Chariot’ boasts. While these

some is pre-recorded. With pedals being stamped on

part, now they’ve given something to look forward to in

songs retain an energy level equivalent to a kid at

and buttons being pushed its hard to know what exactly

2011. By Ian Cusack

The Kings of Leon "Come Around Sundown" album It mustn't be easy being The Kings of Leon. First of all,

reviewer" here and say they've gone back to their

the remix album (being done with Justin Timberlake,

they're from Tennessee - that can't be fun. Secondly,

roots, but it does indeed seem that The Kings of Leon

Linkin Park and Mark Ronson amongst others)

they are now tasked with following up one of the

have gone back to their roots. It's nearly as if the

surfaces sometime next year.

biggest songs of our generation. Sex On Fire (along

Followills (they're all related by the way) knew that a

I would imagine that The Kings will have a hard time

with Use Somebody) was, while overplayed, a near

fresh approach would be needed after "Only By The

gigging with this album, as it never really seems to

perfect stadium rock anthem that topped the charts

Night" and are shying away from the show-off

take off, if you know what I mean. That being said, at

here, finally made the band famous back home, and is

stadium anthems and returning to simple alternative

this stage the band have such a powerful back-

still drunkenly belted out at 3am outside Supemac,s

rock. The album does have a very beach-y feel to it

catalogue of crowd pleasers that they probably never

Eyre Square every Saturday night. So the question is,

from the mellow nature of the tracks to the photo of

will have a hard time gigging anyway. This is an album

where do you go from there? It seems the band can

palm trees and the lads by the sea on the CD case.

designed to be listened to whilst cruising down the

either take the route of U2 and keep churning out hit

As far as singles go, the two here (Radioactive and

coast at sunset or when some chill-out time is needed

after hit til they're old and grey, or they can go the

Pyro) are only just ok. It appears that the focus was to

after a long day. And in this age of plastic pop and

way of MGMT who followed up the impossibly

have lots of good songs spread out over the album

auto-tune, I can find nothing wong with that.

popular "Kids" with a second album that was, by

rather than have one or two big hits surrounded by

comparison, a bit shit really.

duds. For those who considered themselves as fans

‘Come Around Sundown’ is now available to buy in

"Come Around Sundown", their fifth studio album and

before the bandwagon rolled into town in 2008, this

HMV Galway. Standard Edition €13.99, Deluxe

latest offering, finds itself nestled nicely somewhere

album has a lot to offer. But for others who might find

Edition €15.99

in the middle. I don't want to go all "pretentious

it hard to sit still your best bet would be to wait until

By Darragh O'Connor


page 25

The Weir Three regulars and a new girl sit around the local pub,

In a play where nothing really happens besides talking

talking about nothing and everything with the

and drinking, if the characters fall flat the entire

bartender while downing a few. No, this isn’t a Friday

production goes down with them. Fortunately

night in the countryside, it’s Conor McPherson’s play,

however, this problem was not seen in DramSoc’s

“The Weir.”

performance; the portrayal by the actors was relatable and believable, successfully telling their characters’

Performed by the NUIG Drama Society, 5th-9th of

stories and captivating the audience.

October, this character driven classic was in good hands. While it did drag along at the beginning, the cast

The actors’ ability to show character development was

wonderful job in her first appearance in a DramSoc

was quick to pick up the pace through quick dialogue

most noticeable in the change seen in the characters

performance. While the beginning of her performance

and animated onstage chemistry.

after Valerie’s story is told. The lighthearted regulars are

was underwhelming, Stone did a fantastic job of

transformed into backpedaling realists, spewing their

bringing the character to life for the audience as the

The set and technical elements of the show were

concern and reassurance to a complete stranger. The

production progressed. During the story’s apex at

minimalist; a bar, some bottles, a couple of stools and a

men’s shift in their attitude towards Valerie, from

Valerie’s story, Stone gave the audience chills with the

fire place were the only things seen on stage. This,

trophy to wounded friend, can be felt in the actor’s

otherworldly tale.

however, was the best course for this production as it

presence throughout the play.

By Katie Porter

allowed the audience to focus on the key aspects of the play, i.e. the portrayal of the characters.

As for Valerie herself, actress Chloe Stone did a

Arts in Action Arts in Action gave students the opportunity to attend

gave a very intriguing feel to what most students had

special student price of €5 from Catherine Mc Curry,

'The Cathy Sharp Dance Ensemble' at the town hall

expected to be a run-of-the-mill dance recital.

College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, First

theatre on Monday the 27th of September. Cathy Sharp,

Floor, Arts Millenium Building.

a native of Tennessee, founded the group in 1991 and

The next opportunity to attend one of these unique

the company currently contains eight international

events will be the Traditional Arts Evening on October

There is plenty more to look forward to from Arts in

dancers. The performance contained three set pieces in

21st. This performance of music and song will take

Action later this semester, including a theatre

which Cathy's company displayed a unique and vibrant

place upstairs in the Aula Maxima, and it will include

performance in November by the acclaimed Pan Pan

method of movement and the creation of atmosphere.

contributions from Frankie Gavin, Ronan Browne,

Theatre Company, and an appearance from BellX1. For

The music and lighting used set a great ambience

Róisín Elsafty, Lillis Ó Laoire, and Micheál Seoighe. It

more information on any aspect of Arts in Action,

amongst the audience and the use of dialogue

promises to be a most entertaining and inspiring event.

contact artsinaction@nuigalway.ie.

interwoven with the themes and issues of the pieces

It will begin at 6pm. Tickets can be purchased at the

By Niamh Dennis and Mary McDonnell

Ping: New Social Medium or More Nonsense Apple have released the latest edition of its ever so

like their tour dates and even what they are listening

of each song. Along with all this some may find the

popular and recognisable iTunes software. For those

to also. This feature is also available for all you friends

fact that Ping is locked within iTunes itself another let

of you that have not downloaded this latest edition of

and with this you are able to add your friends and

down as it doesn’t allow the easy methods of linking

iTunes (free download of iTunes 10 available from

through Ping you can see exactly what they are

to other sites like other music streaming applications

www.apple.com/itunes) I would advise you to do so as

listening too as well as provide recommendations and

allow you to. All in all, Ping proves to be a handy way

it comes packed with the latest features including the

various other musical advice for your friends and

of keeping track of your favourite bands and artists

all new feature of iTunes & Apple: Ping.

followers. However, there are some slight

and it is a great way for you to find out what your

disadvantages to this new feature as users are not able

friends are listening to and there is a wide range of

Ping is the newest social medium on the market, but

to add their friends without knowing their full name

scope to what Apple could do with this product if

Apple aren’t trying to get out there and compete with

as it does not provide proper searching facilities like

they developed it further. Ultimately the choice is up

the big leagues like Facebook, instead of this they are

that of Facebook, (of course to most this isn’t really

to you, for those of you interested in music and

trying to give users a completely different way of

much of a disadvantage) also, there is the huge

keeping up to date with what’s going on Ping is just

using their social network. Ping focuses on the music

disadvantage to the length to which you can stream

the social medium you are looking for and for those of

aspect of our lives and with Ping users can follow

your songs. Ping follows the usual format of iTunes

you not so sure why not try it out yourself and see!

their favourite artists and find out interesting things

and only allows users to listen to a short 30 seconds

By Christopher Cosgrove

page 26

Horses to follow this

National Hunt racing As we are now in mid October, the NH season is

William’s Wishes (5-y-o. Evan Williams)

predict what the future holds for him but if he

about to recommence in earnest with last year’s big

He most probably will go novice chasing after a

improves slightly there may well be a decent pot in

names preparing for their reappearances. I shall take a

progressive in novice hurdles last spring. I believe the

store, shorter trips would probably play to his

look at some of last year’s graduates from the novice

bigger obstacles will suit as he had a good action over

strength with speed being his strong point. He is

divisions and those possibly converting from hurdles

hurdles. His trainer does well in novice chases with

definitely an interesting one to keep an eye on.

to fences, some selections are more obscure than

similar types. It is unclear what trip or ground would

others but I hope that following them will be at least

suit, but maybe between 2m – 2m4f would be best

Reve De Sivola (5-y-o. Nick Williams)

an entertaining, if not profitable experience.

and he seems to like things his own way in races so I

Underrated by many but his victories in the Challow

imagine smaller fields would be more appropriate for

hurdle in December and at the Punchestown festival

Mad Max (Age: 8-y-o. Trainer: N Henderson)

him. He is still only aged five so may improve to a

as well as his second place finish in the Ballymore

decent level. My expectation for him is perhaps

Properties hurdle to Peddler’s Cross (who himself

After a late reappearance in January, Nicky

winning a couple of mid range chases.

looks a force for the coming season) proves his

Henderson’s charge finished the season on a high,

quality. He is a powerful stayer and a step up to three

winning at Aintree’s Grand National meeting after

Mostly Bob (7-y-o. P J Hobbs)

miles plus this year will bring further development in

previously running very well in the Arkle Chase

Having won a good ‘bumper’ at Leopardstown when

him. He proved himself ground versatile although soft

finishing fifth following a terrible mistake at the

trained by Willie Mullins he had been off the track for

going really sees him at his best. It is not yet known

second last fence. The step up in distance at Aintree

14 months. Second on his reappearance, but he won

whether he will tackle fences or stay over hurdles this

saw him beat Somersby (2nd in the Arkle) by nine

twice thereafter both by wide margins. He is not the

season, but looks one who can be relied on to always

lengths in a powerful performance. I can see him

most fluent of jumpers but has plenty of pace. He

put his best foot forward.

running well at any distance, especially at longer than

should stay in the hurdling division as, on evidence of

2m4f, he goes on any ground and is a good jumper. HE

his hurdling, fences would perhaps see him struggle as

should go well in any race he is aimed at.

he tends to “bunny hop” one or two. It is hard to

By Conrad Clancy

page 27

Europe Triumph in Epic

and Historical Ryder Cup For the fourth time in the century, Europe has captured

star of the tournament, picking up Europe’s only point

history of the competition, leading in eight and drawing

the Ryder Cup. For the first time in the tournaments

on the day.

in 3 of the matches. They went 13-9 up, and were

history, it was played on a Monday after a storm

leading in 5 of the 6 matches. However, America fought

disrupted play on Friday, and for the first time in 19

Session 2 would prove to be much the same, America

back, taking the next 5 matches in a row, including a

years, it went down to the final match, before Colin

finishing 6-4 up at the end of session 2, although

massive 4&3 defeat for Harrington. Francesco Molinari

Montgomery lifted the prestigious trophy at Celtic

Harrington did manage to win his first match since the

got half a point in the penultimate match to take it to a

Manor. But, on Saturday night, you would have very

Belfry in 2002. Session 3 was the turning point. Europe

deciding match for the first time in 19 years.

much of thought America were going to regain the title

went in needing to get a good win, and boy did they

once more.

ever. Incredibly, they managed not to lose a single

It was the US Open champion McDowell against

match, taking 5 of them with Harrington, McIlroy and

Mahan. And the 16th proved crucial, with McDowell

It was a tight affair throughout the almost entirely

McDowell all taking a point. However, it was not a one

sinking a monster 16 foot uphill putt to leave himself

washed out Friday and play on Saturday. America

sided day as a lot of the matches swung to and fro,

dormie. A terrible chip by Mahan onto and then off the

gained an upper hand early, finishing off the first

adding to the tension and excitement, but Europe

green proved fatal, as he missed the next putt and

session 2.5 to 1.5 in the lead, despite Europe at one

finished Sunday with a 9.5 to 6.5 point lead.

conceded both defeat to McDowell and the Ryder Cup

stage leading all four matches. Irish player’s Harrington

to Europe. For the fifth time in Ryder Cup history, an

and McIlroy both failed to win their respective

Then, for the first time in Ryder Cup history, the singles

Irishman won the Ryder Cup for Europe, as Europe

matches, and McDowell, the US Open champion only

were played on a Monday. Half way through, it looked

rounded off a fabulous weekend of golf.

managing a half. Poulter, who would go on to be the

like Europe were on course for their biggest win in the

By Mark Kelly

Ireland: one of the strongest golfing countries in the world? How fitting that the deciding of the 2010 Ryder Cup

World Rankings show we currently have three of the

twice this year an English man was in the last group on a

should be left in the capable hands of an Irishman.

World’s top 25 golfers. Only the USA (10) and England

Major Sunday and yet not once was this converted into

Graeme McDowell, or G-Mac as it now seems

(5) can boast more. The Irish Open has been moved

an English win.

compulsory to address him, held his nerve and captured

from the backwater of May into a prime slot just before

the trophy with a hole to spare.

the British Open, displaying the mark of a tournament

With so many of the world’s top golfers coming from

whose profile is increasing rapidly. Indeed, the game is

the England, five contributed to the recent European

That success at Celtic Manor, in which Rory McIlroy and

growing exponentially at all levels. A 2005 study by the

triumph at Celtic Manor, is the problem one of

Padraig Harrington also performed admirably collecting

world renowned magazine Golf Digest showed that

mentality rather than talent? An interesting example

two points each, capped off another fine year for Irish

only Scotland, New Zealand and Australia have more

would be the Ryder Cup placings on the deciding

golf. McDowell’s aforementioned US Open triumph at

golf courses per capita than Ireland.

Monday; England’s five participants were used early on,

Pebble Beach means the Golfing Union of Ireland can

while Major winners Harrington and McDowell were

lay claim to victory in four of the last 14 Major

England would probably abhor the notion of their

left until the later games. Was there a fear that the

tournaments. Only the USA can manage better, while

former colony inheriting the title as the continent’s

pressure of a possible deciding putt would prompt an

our nearest challengers South Africa mustered two in

leading force in golf. After all, by the time you read this

implosion in the Englishmen? Or perhaps bizarrely, is

the same period.

they will possess the world’s number one golfer.

golf the ultimate manifestation of the fighting Irish

However the fact Lee Westwood will lead the rankings


Bearing that statistic in mind, would it be fair to suggest

despite not winning a Major means many will view the

Ireland is one of the strongest golfing countries in the

title with some scepticism. Indeed, England have to go

Whatever the reasons, the Irish were entrusted with the

world? Could this small island of just six million

back to 1996 when the great Nick Faldo won at Augusta

responsibility of securing victory, reaffirming our status

inhabitants really lay claim to being up with USA,

for their last Major triumph, which reflects poorly on

as the continents leading exponents of the sport.

England, Australia and South Africa as one of the

the state of the country’s game Westwood has looked a

powerhouses of world golf?

likely Major winner on a number of occasions but has never fully convinced on the back nine. Similarly, Ross

One could certainly make a convincing case. The latest

Fisher led all four of 2009’s Majors at one point and

By Kevin Hough

page 28

Antonio Cassano:

La Cassanta no more? “You're a piece of s***, you're more fake than Monopoly money“. This quote from Antonio Cassano directed at the then Real Madrid manager Fabio Capello in 2004 gives an insight into the man he was. A man that warranted the nickname, La Cassanta or ‘does not care about anyone’ from Capello. Cassano’s career has involved tales of fall-outs, pre-match romps and battles with his weight. With just two league titles to his name, Cassano has been branded a wasted talent. However, at the peak age of twenty eight, Cassano may have shrugged off his bad boy image. Cassano started off at his hometown club Bari in 1999 where to he put in some dazzling performances at just seventeen years old. Bari’s money problems meant a €30 million offer from Roma in 2001 was accepted. Cassano had always had tempermental problems and this was no different at Roma as was seen in his sending off in the 2003 Italian Cup Final. His manager at Roma in this period was Capello who has a reputation of keeping a distance between himself and his players. This did not suit

Cassano. Along with this, an incredible five managers were hired in Cassano’s five year spell. An unstable club is exactly what a volatile Cassano did not need. A fall-out with the Sensini club owners was unsurprising due to contract demands and he left for Real Madrid for just €5 million in 2006. Again Cassano found problems because this time he struggled with his weight. Added to this was the fact Cassano was again working with Capello who took over after he arrived in 2007 and he inevitably fell out with him and was suspended. Cassano’s next move was critical, he picked the fallen giant of Sampdoria in 2007 which was a more unfashionable outfit; a club not littered with stars like at Madrid or Roma. However, again Cassano’s temperamental problems surfaced as was seen in the match against Torino in March of the 2007/2008 campaign where he was sent off and threw his shirt at the referee. Rather than seeing this as an unfair incident, Cassano worked on his temperament and was named vice-captain for the 2008/2009 season. This was a huge honour

and show of belief by then coach, Walter Mazzarri. Cassano embraced this new found responsibility becoming more of a team player. He acted as a shadow striker for his strike partner Giampaolo Pazzini and impressed with twenty assists and twenty goals combined in the next two seasons. With the World Cup fast approaching, the Italian media rallied for Cassano’s inclusion. However, his newly discovered stoicism was obvious when instead of whining for a call-up, he booked a date for his wedding which coincidently fell on the exact date Italy were frustrated by New Zealand. Italy needed a change in both personnel and a manager. Ceasre Prandelli took over as their new manager and Cassano was given his chance as the lynchpin of the team and in the opening two qualifying games scored two goals. With his new found maturity, Cassano may finally be about to shed his nickname as La Cassanta. By Ciarán Kelly

Euro 2012 qualification chances dealt a blow Following the disappointing results of Ireland’s latest European Championships qualifying games against Russia and Slovakia, manager Giovanni Trapattoni has once again become a target for criticism, with fans and players alike expressing their concern at the performances. As a consequence of the most recent results, Ireland now sits joint-second in Group B, level with Armenia and Slovakia, with a mere seven points gained from a possible twelve. With Russia now top of the group with nine points, it is becoming increasingly likely that Ireland will, once more, face a gruelling battle for that crucial play-off position. Russia came to Dublin on the 8th of October, a wounded animal, having lost at home to Slovakia and narrowly defeating minnows Andorra. Indeed, prior to the game, Trapattoni gave the impression that he was quietly optimistic that his team could overcome the formidable Russian side, as long as they remained focused. Alas, it was not to be, as Dick Advocaat’s Russia came to the new Lansdowne Road with a fresh

determination and desire to redress their earlier performances and they utterly embarrassed Ireland in their 3-2 victory. At fifty minutes, their attacking brand of football yielded them a 3-0 lead, as they cut through the Irish midfield at will. Robbie Keane was fortunate to be awarded a penalty around the 70 minute mark, which he calmly converted, but the Irish captain’s apathetic reaction summed up the attitude of the team. The final score of 3-2, in truth, flattered Ireland. A number of key players sustained injuries in the Russia game, including striker, Kevin Doyle and midfielder, Liam Lawrence, meaning Shane Long and Keith Fahey were required to deputise in their absence for the Slovakia game and, it must be said that, both players performed admirably and with assurance. The game in Žilina finished 1-1, but it proved to be another night of frustration as Ireland had been the better team, taking the lead through Sean St. Ledger, showing a distinct improvement on the previous performance against Russia – which exposed

Ireland as a team completely bereft of imagination. However, the main issue arising out of these games seems to be Trapattoni’s selection policy. A number of players appeared to be uncharacteristically lethargic during the games. Industrious midfielder Glenn Whelan in particular was singled out as having underperformed, while many fans are absolutely baffled by Paul Green’s inclusion in the squad. Indeed, Trapattoni even admitted that he faced a selection dilemma over Ireland’s top goalscorer, Robbie Keane, whose match fitness has been affected by the fact that he is struggling to get a game for Tottenham Hotspur. With the next qualifier in March, fans will be hopeful that, in the meantime, Trapattoni shows willingness to blood new players such as James McCarthy, Seamus Coleman and Marc Wilson in an effort to resolve Ireland’s problem positions and improve our chances of qualification. By Ryan Kelly

page 29

Interview with John Maughan Described by the Sunday Tribune as probably the most important football managers of the 1990s and the “Commander of Commando training”, John Maughan, new NUIG Sigerson Cup manager, talks to Sin about past achievements and future hopes for the Senior football team. Q. Can you describe your experience as a Sigerson player in the 1980s? “I came to UCG in 1983 as an army officer – at that time, there were a lot of army footballers and it was a big, strong team. It was very different back then, every footballer who was any good played for the college, it was very competitive. In my three years with the team, we won two Sigerson titles – ’83 and ’84.”

Q. How have you been getting on with the current Sigerson squad so far? “I’ve only just taken up the position and I don’t know the full panel of players yet. We’ve had a game against Sligo IT in the league and we won by a point. It was a good match and a good start. Things are a bit complicated by club activity at the moment, with some county finals taking place.” Q. What do you think of the Sigerson Cup as a competition? “I’m a great believer in the Sigerson Cup and I’ve kept interest in my Alma Mater’s progress over the years. In this competition inter-county players aren’t necessarily the best players - a


Aoife Smyth In a quest to discover more information regarding the lesser-known sports here in NUIG, Sinéad Farrell spoke to Aoife Smyth to learn more about the historical and current structure of the club. She informs me that it’s currently in its reconstructive phase but blossoming as they progress through the competitive season.

morning of a game just to field a team” says Aoife. If she’s not delving through in her books in preparation for her final year as an Arts student, Aoife can be found in the trenches of the

“A number of years ago, the club was very strong but unfortunately it crumbled for whatever reason. For the past two years, we’ve been regrouping and it’s going really well. Our secretary and vice-captain were truly at the heart of this and they worked really hard to restructure the club and their work is already paying off. The native of Salthill charts the clubs steady incline there are already staggering improvements reflecting the collective diligence of the players. They’ve transformed from a team who participated for the sole purpose of providing opposition to a newly replenished side with two panels of players. “We’ve had excellent results on and off the pitch and there has been record numbers at training, last year we had to call players on the

defence on the hockey team but the level of commitment required by this ambitious side can be challenging at times. “Oh I love it, I was always sporty and I started playing it when I was in 5th class and joined the college team in 1st year. I play as a central defender and I love it because I can attack. It does take its toll but it’s helpful as well.”

unique, special kind of player is required. This is the centenary of the competition and it’s reverting back to the traditional format over three days, a format that I prefer.“

NUIG will host the 100th Sigerson Cup from 35th March. By Richard Manton

Sport: Hockey Age: 21 Course: 3rd Arts Unlike my previous feature of Lacrosse, hockey focuses on technique, skill and strategy and is less dominated by physicality or fitness. “It should be an elite sport because the skill level is high but they have introduced a new rule to reduce the amount of unnecessary stoppages in play and it is much faster now” Aoife reports. Something which distinguishes hockey from the more traditional games is the ‘sweeper’ position where one player is chosen to linger behind the backline, unmarked, as an added shield in fornt of goals. The group train twice weekly in Dangan with a weekend game and the newly appointed mangers are linked to rugby which has brought an added freshness in terms of approach and perception of the game. The Connaught Cup in which our hockey ladies compete has already begun and Aoife is hopeful that success is achievable for them. “There’s five clubs in our division and if we qualify for the Irish championships we could meet them again so I’m confident that this will be a good season for us.” With a new batch of players sourced from all corners of the country, the future of Hockey on campus is set to flourish.

clubs page

page 30

1st Kilternan Trip 2010 After a 3 hour bus journey with a few pit stops along the way, the NUIG students finally arrived up at the Ski Club of Ireland in the Wicklow Mountains. Kilternan is a dry slope in Dublin where skiers and snowboarders from all over Ireland travel to practise their moves on a mat like substrate that mimics snow. After 20 mins of changing into appropriate gear and getting equipment, the gang of 60 were ready to learn the fine arts of skiing and snowboarding. So after a 2 hour lesson with qualified instructors our beginners were ready to take on the blue slopes with great enthusiasm, while our intermediates tore up the black slope perfecting their technique. Joining up with UCD and having a few friendly races resulted in a few bumps and bruises but the pads broke many a fall leaving students grateful for the hideous safety mats. After two hours training our group were getting tired and thirsty so we packed up and retired to the bus. NUI Galway’s Snowsports captain Kevin Fitzgerald commenting on the success of the Kilternan trip said he “was very impressed with the level of enthusiasm”. From September-April NUI Galway’s Snowsports club have ski lessons plus snowboarding lessons for all levels from first timers to advanced snowsport enthusiasts so if you feel like taking part just contact NUIG’s Snowsports Club. By Martin King

NUI Galway’s Glee as rugby girls off to a winner The NUIG women’s rugby team started their season with an emphatic 37-5 victory over AIT/Buccaneers in the Connacht Women’s Development League in Dangan last week. Full-back Lisa McDonagh touched down for her first of the game after a kick-chase in the first five minutes to initate proceedings against a dogged Athlone side. Debutants Kerrie-Lee Murray and Oliva Quiny added a hat-trick and a try respectively to the score board, while vice-captain Louise Kelly’s hard work was rewarded with a try towards the end of the game. NUIG: Lisa McDonagh; Esther Woods; Olivia Quiny; Caroline Aubas (Catherina Voss); Alison Nolan (C); Hannah Smith; Kerrie-Lee Murray; Michelle Higgins; Louise Kelly (VC); Fiona Cantwell; Louise Fitzgerald; Rachel O’Neill.

By Carol Staunton

NUI Galway Karate Club, What they do! Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu is practiced by the NUI Galway Karate Club. Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu, (translation; Old Style Okinawan Karate) is a modern interpretation of those classical fighting arts handed down from later part of Okinawas old Ryukyu Kingdom. Each Tuesday and Wednesday NUI Galway Karate Club coach beginners disciplines based on the Fujian Chinese-based quanfa (kenpo) these are; (1) Hsing (Kata); the original Chinese defensive idea embraced by men of wealth and position; (2) Qinna (Torite); techniques of seizing and controlling employed by local lawenforcement officials; (3) Shuai Chiao (Tegumi); an old Chinese-based method of clinching & grappling practiced by boys and young men of every age; (4) Tigwa; a plebeian form of percussive impact brought to the island from the Kingdom of Siam and (5) Buki-gwa; the art of weapons. While physical practice and theory of Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsu provides for technical competency, it is not seen as an end in itself. NUIG students will learn through the Karate Club techniques for development of the inner self develops personal humility, respect and tolerance for all things of the universe. For further information contact 086-0876762 or check out www.clubs.nuigalway.ie

sports news

Fresher Hurlers beat LIT

page 31

NUIG Senior footballers who beat Sligo IT by one point

By Michael O’Connor NUI Galway fresher hurlers defeated LIT in the opening round of the fresher hurling league In Dangan recently. NUI Galway, who after a number of seasons plying their trade in the Leinster side of the division 1 league, is now in the stronger Munster section, and for the second time only in the history of the hurling club, will have two sides competing in the league and championship. The A side were too strong for the Limerick college winning on a 3-13 to 0-13 scoreline with Kevin Downes to the fore in the scoring stakes. For the first time in many years, there is a wide spread of representation within the team from counties not only the normal Galway/Clare axis. The fresher B hurlers under the astute management of Rory Dunne, a former fresher shield winner way back in 2004 played an LIT selection in a challenge on the football pitch and came away 116 to 3-9 winners in a most entertaining game. It is clear that many of those on the B squad will be testing the A panellists over the coming months. Earlier in the month the fresher hurlers played challenges against St Flannans, Gort CS, Presentation Athenry, GMIT and AIT to prepare them for the league series. 2010 Fitzgibbon captain Finian Coone along with newly elected club chairman Patrick Kelly are also involved in the training of the fresher hurlers.

Ladies football off to a winning start

Mens Soccer B hold West Coast Utd to a draw

By Nigel Concannon

By Dami Adebari

NUIG Senior ladies football team got their O’Rourke cup campaign off to a winning start away to UCC yesterday. With perfect conditions for football the Galway students raced into an early lead dominating the play. NUI Galway’s defence was defended superbly throughout the first half and brilliant goals from Eilish Ward (2), Ciara Hegarty, Natalie McHugh and Niamh Cunningham put NUIG in control at the break. Despite a brave second half from the home side NUIG continued to work hard with points from Dee Foley and Geraldine Harkin, a great team movement from deep inside the NUIG half led to an excellent finish by Caroline McIntyr. Player of the match was Cathriona Walsh from Tipperary whose hard work personified NUIG’s effort. NUIG 6-7 UCC 0-6

NUIG Mens Soccer B played West Coast United away in Letterfrack. The NUIG boys should have set there alarms earlier because they were caught napping early on and went 2-0 down after 15mins. Luckily, manager Steve Nash came to the rescue at half time. He made a few significant changes by helping Seán Whyte to continue from where he left off in the previous match. The NUIG student lobbed the keeper from the edge of the box 10mins into the second half to find the back of the net. Five minutes later, Seán Whyte scored a second (his third in 2 games) with a nice tap-in from inside the 6 yard box after beating keeper and defender to a low cross from the right wing. Both teams pushed for a winner but 2-2 was the final score. Nash and the NUI Galway’s Soccer B team are unbeaten so far this season and things are looking good. NUIG 2-2 West Coast Utd.

Senior hurlers start league with a win

NUIG 0-19 GMIT 0-13

Fitzgibbon cup champions NUI Galway got their 2010-11 campaign in the league off to a winning start with a workmanlike win over a hard trying GMIT in perfect conditions at Carnmore on Tuesday afternoon. Boasting their new management team of Mike Ryan and Tony Regan who are joined this season by former five time all star Joe Cooney they had six points to spare over GMIT. Over the course of the hour NUI Galway were marginally the better side but 17 wides did little to ease their path to their opening league win. NUI Galway started the better with scores from Rory Shanahan, Niall Burke, Joe Cooney and Aidan Harte to open up an early lead but a sterling fightback from GMIT left only three points in the game (0-9) to (0-6) after 20 minutes. A late salvo of scores from Burke, Conlon and Harte left the winners (0-12) to (0-7) ahead at the interval. Try as their might in the second half the home side were unable to pierce the NUI Galway defence, that was marshalled superbly by Caimin Morey and debutant Trevor Purcell who went to full back after Jonathan Morris retired injured. GMIT scored four in a row to leave them (0-14) (0-11) behind at the three quarter way stage. A renewed period of dominance from NUI Galway resulted in the forward division controlling the final ten minutes adding five unanswered scores from Shane Brennan, John Conlon and Niall Burke sealed their two league points over their city rivals. Best for NUI Galway were Kevin O Grady, Diarmuid Nash, Trevor Purcell, Caimin Morey, Sean McCormack, Niall Burke, Aidan Harte, John Conlon and Joe Cooney. By Michael O Connor

For all your student banking needs Dr Drop op into the Kevin and Kevin Advice Centr Centre e in our NUIG branch Email: Kevin_A.Burke@boimail.com Kevin.Br Kevin.Broderick@boimail.com oderick@boimail.com Call:

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