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Raveo, one of the smallest villages in Carnia and the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, lies in a green and sunny valley that extends between the Carnic Alp mountains. The area of Raveo has been the location of settlements since the pre-Roman age. This has been proven by recent archaeological excavations on Mount Sorantri, which have revealed the existence of a Celtic village. It seems that there also was a castle in its vicinity, but the precise location remains unknown. Even though the 1976 earthquake permanently compromised the original face of Raveo, some worthy-of-note buildings still remain and can be seen

when strolling along the quiet village streets. Nature lovers will find the Cladonde Waterfall absolutely stunning. This wonderful and very beautiful waterfall is nestled amongst the crevices of the mountain and can be reached on foot in 40 minutes with a walking tour. The magnificent Madonna di Raveo Sanctuary was built in 1619 and is located halfway down the ancient cobbled road that connects the village to Valdie. Fully immersed in nature between the Valdie, Pani and Col Gentile districts, this small Carnic village boasts a unique, soothing and very enchanting atmosphere. The Municipality of Raveo stands out for its numerous craft shops and is renowned for its production of the typical Raveo “Esse” (S-shaped) biscuits
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