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Palmanova, the only example of a planned city that is still intact with its nine-pointed star shape, is one of the most important examples of military architecture in the modern age: a fortified structure organised around three circular lines of defence and an urban fabric arranged along radial axes. The city can be entered through its three Porte (gates). It was founded by the Serenissima Republic of Venice with the aim of preventing the expansionist ambitions of the Habsburgs and the Turks.

On 7 October 1593, the first stone of the Fortress was laid. Two defensive lines were built with ramparts and ravelins, and within these the urban layout of the city was created. A third fortified wall was added in the Napoleonic era. In 1960, Palmanova was proclaimed a National Monument. Since 9 July 2017, Palmanova has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the “Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th centuries: Stato da Terra – western Stato da Mar” (Mainland Domain and western Domain of the Sea). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, GUIDED TOURS AND BOOKINGS Palmanova Infopoint Borgo Udine, n. 4 33057 Palmanova (UD) Tel. +39 0432 924815 info.palmanova@promoturismo.fvg.it www.turismofvg.it


Borghi più Belli d’Italia (The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy)

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