Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3 (Revealing the End of the Age) pdf

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Published by Felix Wantang

Copyright Š 2014 Felix Wantang. All rights reserved.

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ISBN: 978-0-9938744-0-6

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014913023

God bless you and thank you for taking the time to read this book. Before you proceed, make sure you have your Holy Bible beside you. All Biblical references were taken from the New International Version of the Holy Bible.

Lord Jesus Christ, I love you with all my heart


hen you live life like you have absolute control of the future, you are basically making yourself the master of your destiny. It is self-worship and a complete mockery of the cross of Jesus Christ. God made Jesus Christ a constant component of humanity; when you make Jesus Christ a variable, the equation of your life sums up to zero. If you truly love Jesus Christ, this book will bring you to the place where your salvation is completely sealed in his mighty name. If you are ready to learn from him then let the supernatural spiritual ride to enrich your soul begin; have fun reading. Jesus loves you!


Dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

eavenly Father, I thank you for the wonderful gift of my lovely family: My wife Jacqueline; and my children Felix Junior, Malcolm, Mahalah, Matthew, Chioma, and Amarachi. I also thank you for bringing Kathleen, Hayley, and Mia into my life.

CONTENTS My Prayer.......................................................................................................................vii Prayer Request ................................................................................................................ix Acknowledgement ...........................................................................................................x Introduction....................................................................................................................xii Chapter 1: The Test of Faith.........................................................................................1 God’s Template of Humanity....................................................................................1 Why Isaac was not Sacrificed ...................................................................................5 Shrewd ....................................................................................................................13 Tithes and Offerings................................................................................................17 Jesus and John the Baptist.......................................................................................23 Blind Rush...............................................................................................................26 Exploring the Promised Land..................................................................................35 The Written Laws....................................................................................................45 Chapter 2: From Jacob to Jesus Christ .....................................................................56 Fourteen Generations ..............................................................................................56 Drafting the Holy Bible...........................................................................................65 Preparing for the Cross ...........................................................................................70 The Lives of Joseph and Jacob................................................................................82 The Price of Guilt....................................................................................................84 Chapter 3: Reclamation...............................................................................................89 God’s Garden ..........................................................................................................89 God’s Spiritual Acceptability Test (GSAT)............................................................93 Ready for War.......................................................................................................102 Stages of the Journey ............................................................................................107 Inheritance.............................................................................................................114 The 13th Disciple ...................................................................................................122 Chapter 4: Supernatural Transformation ...............................................................128 The Punishment.....................................................................................................128

Reinstating Peter ...................................................................................................130 Breakfast with the Holy Trinity ............................................................................139 Spiritual Identity ...................................................................................................145 Using your Supernatural Divine Number..............................................................147 Naming a Child .....................................................................................................150 The Importance of a Female Seed.........................................................................152 Chapter 5: Supernatural Equilibrium .....................................................................155 God’s Equations of the Sacrificial Lamb ..............................................................155 God’s Equations of the Cross................................................................................161 The Gates of Heaven.............................................................................................170 Personalize the Lord’s Prayer ...............................................................................177 The Call of Moses, Aaron, and Joshua .................................................................177 God’s Equations of the Law and the Prophets ......................................................181 The Tearful End of the Age ..................................................................................185 Congratulations!....................................................................................................190 My Dream .............................................................................................................190 About the Author ..................................................................................................190 Other Books by Felix Wantang.............................................................................192 Value Index.................................................................................................................193



ord Jesus Christ, I thank you for holding my hand along this wonderful journey; I ask you to prepare me for what you are about to teach me each day. Father in Heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; most merciful God, my unbeatable God, and my source of everything; Father I thank you for your glory, your mercy, your grace, your compassion, and your peace which surpasses all understanding. Thank you for the wonderful gift of your son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Father, I thank you for everything you’ve done, for everything you are doing, and for everything you are about to do in my life, in the lives of my children, and my household. Thank you for creating us in your own image and for giving us life through your glory. I pray for my Dad John; I also pray for my brothers and sisters: Lucy, Martin, Linus, Patrick, Emmanuel, Augustine, Stella, Christine, Esther, and Martha. I pray for all orphans, the fatherless, the motherless, the poor, the needy, the homeless, those who are oppressed, those who are being enslaved, those who are falsely accused, those who have been abandoned, those who have been rejected, those who have been abused, and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. I also thank you for what you are doing in the lives of all those who consider me their enemy and those who are doing the wonderful work of your glory. Father I pray for your chosen people of Israel and your Holy city of Jerusalem; I pray for the leaders of this world and their families. I pray for the children you’ve brought into the world today; give their parents the strength, spiritual wisdom, and love to raise them for your son’s glory. I pray for all those who are struggling to navigate through life. Father I thank you for all the blessings you’ve deposited upon me; I ask you to show me the right way to use them wisely to glorify your name, give you honor, thanks, and praise all the days of my life. I pray for all children across the nations of the world and those who are battling with terminal illness. I pray for the souls you’ve called home today. I also pray for all those who humbly call upon your mighty name in prayer; hear their cry for help, grant them the desires of their hearts as you fulfill your glory by showing them your way. Mighty Father, I ask you all these and thank you because I trust and will always trust and rely on you alone all the days of my life


through your son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit as one God, forever and ever. Amen - Amen - and Amen.


PRAYER REQUEST I will love to pray for you; please send your prayer request to: ftfmeetingswithjesuschrist@gmail.com Peace, be with you in Jesus name.




ave you ever come out of a meeting thinking, “I understood everything” only to later realize that indeed you did not really understand what was going on in the meeting? Back in Oshawa on May 8, 2006, a few hours before I checked into the homeless shelter, I thought I understood what he said to me that morning. It was 9.30 AM when he showed up as I was lying on the couch in the living room with my Bible on my chest and he said to me, “I will make you like Joseph.” Before I could say a word to him, he was gone. I opened my Bible not knowing why or what I was looking for but to my surprise, I was staring at Genesis 37 – Joseph’s Dreams. I started reading right away even though I was familiar with the story of Joseph as I was growing up as a kid. After reading Genesis 37 – 45, all I could think of in relation to what he had just said to me that morning was how Joseph was put in prison and later became the Prime Minister of Egypt; I paid more attention to how successful Joseph became in Egypt. Little did I know that his message to me that morning had nothing to do with that particular aspect of Joseph’s life. I was completely oblivious, ignorant, and spiritually blindsided from the rejection, pain, agony, loneliness, torture, and abuse that Joseph went through as part of God’s purpose for his life. I thought that after reading the life of Joseph that I knew everything and obviously found the meaning of what Jesus just said to me the morning. Most often, when we analyze someone else’s tragedy from an accident, terminal illness, or some ironical twist of fate, we tend to pretend that we understand what they went through. The truth is, as much as we try very hard to convince ourselves that we get it, we can never come to understand what other people go through in life until we step into their shoes. The last time I saw my father and siblings was in 1997. Every time I make plans to go visit them, he (Jesus Christ) tells me, “Not yet.” My family is tired of waiting to see me again and the most painful part of it all is the fact that I cannot successfully tell them precisely when I will see them again. This experience has brought me to that place where I am beginning to realize what Joseph went through in a foreign land (Egypt) as he waited for 22 years to see his father (Jacob) again. As painful as it is, one thing is very certain; I cannot argue with the Author of Life. He obviously has his reasons in compliance with God’s divine plan for my life; although the psychological pain appears to be unbearable for me, I still x

have to constantly remind myself that God’s plan for my life is far more important than the things I want to do. One of the most difficult questions that I deal with every day is: “When shall I see my father again.� As a parent, going to work five days a week to provide for my family is hard enough let alone also trying to write books under pressure. Asking me to write books at this stage in my life was without a doubt, the most difficult task for me. It is one thing to work for Jesus Christ as a Christian, but it is something else to work for Jesus Christ with him waking you up each day very early in the morning and sitting right next to you talking while you listen and try to write down everything with no coffee. I am not one of the fast ones when it comes to computer keyboards and that explains why I usually write down everything on a note pad before transferring them to the computer. This approach also helps me to keep up with his speed. Frankly speaking, from a natural perspective and the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle, writing a book with little or no sleep is absolute torture; but from a supernatural spiritual standpoint and knowing that he is the author of life, working for him under any circumstances is an indescribable incredible experience of a lifetime. It is without a doubt, the best opportunity and honor of a lifetime. One thing I know for certain is that when you leave this world behind you, what matters most are not the things you should have done; the only thing that matters is your final destination because Jesus Christ will make all things new. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for everything and thank you most of all for putting up with my grumpy attitude.




ne of the biggest misconceptions of salvation is the doctrine that as soon as you accept Jesus Christ, from that moment moving forward, your life should become a smooth ride. You should have no difficulties whatsoever obtaining everything you want to live a comfortable life. Also, as soon as you snap your fingers in prayer, God will immediately dispatch His angels through Jesus Christ to bring you whatever you asked for. Contrary to this cheap spiritually baseless popular belief system, Jesus gave us an opposite promise when he said: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Our insatiable desire to constantly look for the things that are pleasing to the flesh, accounts for the number one reason why humanity has a hard time embracing the true spiritual definition of salvation. If salvation is systematically manifested through a comfortable lifestyle, then Stephen would not have been stoned in Acts 7:59, John the Baptist would not have made a home for himself in the wilderness, John the Baptist would not have been beheaded, Apostle Paul would not have died with an incurable affliction, Mary would not have watched with excruciating agony as her son was being led to the cross, and Jesus would not have been tortured beyond facial recognition before he was crucified. The Bible teaches in Genesis 1:26 that God created us in His own image. With this truth, the question is: What does God’s image look like?    

Does God have a flesh? Does God have natural eyes to see things? Does God walk to places in order to see, smell, feel, and touch things? Does God have a unique recognizable voice like humans?

While the answers to these questions are somewhat obvious, one thing we know for certain is that Jesus gave us a very clear definition of God’s nature when he spoke to the Samaritan woman. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24. We know that when Jesus comes back, he will give us spiritual bodies to enable us ascend into heaven just like he did after his resurrection. This spiritual body is identical to the body God originally created in man in the beginning when Adam was put in charge of the Garden of Eden. When God created that body, it was designed to see in spirit just like God himself. With the physical human eyes, we xii

can only see as far as distance permits us and that also includes the condition of our eyes; if there is something blocking our view then we obviously cannot see beyond that point. On the other hand, there is no limit as to how far the spiritual eyes can see because they are powered by the soul. Spiritual eyes can see as far as the soul can take them; the spiritual eyes God originally gave man, were designed to see things from a limitless perspective. God created the flesh for every living creature that dwells on earth but the flesh He originally used to make Adam and Eve was without blemish, completely immune from all diseases because it was made to live forever. That unique flesh was designed for both heaven and earth; it explains why the disciples were able to watch Jesus in flesh ascend into heaven because after his resurrection, Jesus was equipped with that unique sinless flesh when he left our sins on the cross. With this flesh, Jesus was able to appear in different places without physically walking there unlike he used to do before he died on the cross. The Bible teaches that all believers are one in the body of Christ. As much as we are all one in Christ, we are still different when it comes to the physical sinful flesh we carry around because we have different shapes, color and DNA. One thing is very clear; the natural spiritual part of every human flesh remains the same in every human being – there is no difference whatsoever. The natural spiritual components of every flesh comprises of blood and water. The blood and water that flows in every human are the same regardless of your race, color, shape, and DNA. The fact that God made the natural spiritual components of the flesh more powerful than all other components of the human body, explains why blood transfusion cannot change the color of your skin. Without blood and water, there will be no life because these two components represent the physical aspects of God’s creation of life on earth. Following this unique representation, it explains why the world with all its knowledge and the rapid advancement in technology, will never come to that place where man can successfully manufacture blood and water. When God first spoke to Adam about the tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden (the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil), Adam took the time to listen to God, he was not afraid, and he did not try to run away from God. That was because the spirit of man was originally designed to be attracted to God’s voice. Unfortunately, as soon as Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, fear was immediately injected into man through sin which transformed our spirit to become repellent to the voice of God; to this day, man is born with the natural instinct of trying to run away from God. Jesus came to die on the cross to take away the sins of the world so that once again, the spirit of man will have the opportunity of becoming attracted to the voice of God as it was in the beginning. From time to time we see all things made by man fall apart; all man-made creativity at some point usually stop working; sometimes because they run out of


power or some parts may need replacement for the invention to start working again. The distinctive nature of God sets Him apart from humanity in the sense that even though man lives to die at a certain age, God created the human soul to live forever. The sun, the moon and the stars never run out of power. Snow and rain fall every year; the land and sea pretty much respect each other and human life still comes from the unification of a man and a woman. The life of every new born starts as a baby and the human body still depends on food for survival. While the different parts of the body still maintain their individual designated functions, blood and water are still the two principal liquids that power human life. The truth is that neither night nor day has ever failed to show up. The natural state of man on earth will always remain natural emanating from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. On the other hand, the supernatural attributes of God can never be attained by man and God’s amazing art of creation can never be matched by man’s creative technology in human history. The soul of man will always be the most important entity of God’s creative library. That explains why Jesus said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:35. The words Jesus is referring to are the same words that were used to create the spirit of man. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” John 1:1-5. The spirit of man is God’s most precious possession in His kingdom because it is the same spirit that He used for His son in human flesh when he came to die for our sins on the cross. God used Egypt as a symbol of the sinful world. Just like Egypt was the richest country on earth when Pharaoh persistently mocked God during the Ten Plagues, likewise the dark forces of this world that are persistently mocking the cross of Jesus Christ even through the church, are also the wealthiest group of people in the world. Their goal is to move the entire human race back to the satanic worship that existed in Egypt and also to enslave the world just like God’s people were enslaved back in Egypt. Christians wake up! Christians wake up! Christians wake up! Jesus said, “A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” Matthew 10:36. Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus was a member of Jesus’ household who eventually became Jesus’ number one enemy. Moses who was once a member of Pharaoh’s household also eventually became Pharaoh’s worst nightmare and greatest enemy when God called Moses. “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to


us.” 1 John 2:18-19. When the Bible used the term “They went out from us”, it does not necessarily imply that the antichrist group left the church. What it means is that while the antichrist group is still a physical part of the church, their spirit and soul on the other hand are with the devil. The truth is that more than 80% of all churches in the world are now governed by antichrist leadership. The count-down for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has already started. While no one knows the hour, the end as we know it, is inevitably at hand. I pray that you are ready for him. Jesus loves you!



THE TEST OF FAITH God’s Template of Humanity


he last few pages of this book will take you to the Value Index. In this book, for simplification purposes:

 Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ shall be referred to as “Book One”.  Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 2 shall be referred to as “Book Two”.

The true test of Abraham’s faith was manifested when God first called him to leave his parents; not when he tried to sacrifice Isaac. “The LORD had said to Abraham, ‘Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.’” Genesis 12:1. After this call, the spiritual flavor of Abraham’s faith took a deep dive when he made the decision to sleep with Hagar, his wife’s maid. After Abraham’s failure, the Bible teaches that God gave him a son called Isaac. The Bible also teaches that God tested Abraham when He asked him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering to Him (God). If God was not very sure of Abraham’s faith in Him, should Abraham be put to such a rigorous test before God can finally understand the level of his faith? If the command to sacrifice Isaac was all about Abraham’s faith then the simple common sense truth is that Abraham already failed before the test started. Recall that when God made the covenant of circumcision with Abraham, God promised him a son through his wife Sarah. “Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.” Genesis 17:19. The Bible teaches that it did not take very long for Abraham to lose faith in that promise from God.


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The Bible teaches that after waiting for a while, when Abraham saw nothing coming from God in fulfillment of that promise, his wife offered her maid Hagar to Abraham because she thought, “I am the problem.” After sleeping with Hagar, she became pregnant and gave birth to a son who was named Ishmael. This action from Abraham is a clear testimony that God already knew how much faith Abraham had in Him. This also proves beyond reasonable doubt that in God’s plan for humanity, the request to sacrifice Isaac had very little to do with Abraham’s faith because God was no longer looking for that specific quality in Abraham. The test to sacrifice Isaac had everything to do with a bigger picture of God’s divine plan for humanity. The decision to sacrifice Isaac had everything to do with what God was planning to introduce to humanity by sending His only son to fix the spiritual mess that was created by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We know from Bible teachings that God made a covenant with Adam, Noah, and Abraham. God’s plan for humanity is encapsulated in these three covenants. If God’s supernatural plan for humanity is buried within the framework of these three covenants, then every seed who is a member of each of the three households must be taken into consideration to get a better picture of God’s plan. The reason is because every time God makes a covenant with man, a seed is usually involved. The center of spiritual gravity of God’s divine plan for humanity is in the hands of His son Jesus Christ who is God’s seed. If indeed these three covenants with Adam, Noah, and Abraham hold the keys to God’s divine plan for humanity, then these covenants must also hold the keys to the divine numbers that God will use to send His son to fulfill the ultimate mission that summarizes God’s plan for humanity. As far as heaven is concerned, all three covenants were established with one goal in God’s mind; to bring humanity closer to God. It is true that God did not practically make a covenant with Isaac; His covenant was with Abraham. It is also true that God sealed the covenant He made with Abraham by using Isaac for the sacrificial test. If the three covenants were designed to portray the future plan of God using His son to take away the sins of the world and thereafter bring humanity closer to God then Isaac must hold the keys to God’s ultimate covenant. If Isaac was indeed the sacrificial test-lamb of God, then Isaac’s household must hold the keys to the divine number that God will use to introduce the authentic (real) Sacrificial Lamb of God. That unique number is the age at which Jesus Christ will be officially introduced to the world. That number is the age that Jesus Christ will officially start his mission on earth which is the age of 30 from Table 16.


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In life, we know that when a structure is suddenly demolished, the first step in the reconstruction process is that you will need to do a complete clean up of the venue. After that, you will then proceed with the construction of a new structure. Before we continue, let’s try to recall that the three covenants were established in the following order: 1. Adam 2. Noah 3. Abraham The example we used to rebuild the demolished structure is precisely what God also applied in His attempt to bring the three covenants together. Table 17 is an illustration of how the three covenants supernaturally connect to each other.


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In the Language of Heaven we’ve seen that the covenant with Abraham through Isaac holds the supernatural keys to the introduction of God’s son to the world at the age of thirty. If Jesus Christ will come specifically to restore what Adam destroyed in the Garden of Eden, then the sum of Adam’s household must hold the supernatural keys to the divine number that God will use to make that restoration. That supernatural divine number is the age at which God’s son will be crucified on the cross for the sins of the world; that number is the age of 33. Table 18 is an illustration of the value of Adam’s household which perfectly balances the age at which Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. We know from Bible teachings that sin came to the world through Adam which also explains why his household must hold the supernatural keys to the gateway for sin to leave the world.


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

Why Isaac was not Sacrificed Within the supernatural context of the covenant God made with Abraham, when Isaac was born he was:  Spiritually embedded with the title of “Abraham’s only son”.  Spiritually embedded with God’s supernatural divine plan for humanity.  Spiritually embedded with the path of the sins of the world. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve created the path for the sins of the world. Isaac = Sin = (Adam + Eve) ...... (Equation Cv-14) Likewise within the supernatural context of the covenant God made with His son, when Jesus was crucified, he was:  Spiritually embedded with the title of “God’s only son”.  Spiritually embedded with God’s divine plan for humanity.  Spiritually embedded with the sins of the world. Isaac = 9 + 19 + 1 + 1 + 3 Sin = 19 + 9 + 14 Adam = 1 + 4 + 1 + 13 Eve = 5 + 22 + 5 From (Equation Cv-14):


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(19+1+3)+(9+1) = 19+(9+14) = (1+4+1+13)+(5+22+5) 23 + 10 = 19 + 23 = 19 + 32 5 + 10 = 10 + 5 = 10 + 5 15 = 15 = 15 6 = 6 = 6 (The number 6 is God’s number for sin, man, and dominion) After the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God knew that for a second faith-based relationship to be created with man, a spiritual test must precede that relationship. When God called Abraham to initiate this second covenant with humanity, it explains why God tested him right away.

“Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” Genesis 22:2. In compliance with God’s command, the Bible teaches that Abraham did not hesitate to obey God. “Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. He said to his servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.’ Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife.” Genesis 22:3-6. Abraham’s test was nothing but a supernatural replication of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ in Matthew 17:1-23 in the following order:  Abraham took two of his servants plus his son Isaac which means that Abraham was accompanied by three people. During the Transfiguration, Jesus also took three of his disciples (Peter, James, and John). Out of the three people that went with Abraham to honor God’s command, the Bible disclosed only one name who is Isaac. On the other hand, out of the three disciples who were with Jesus Christ, the Bible disclosed all three names (Peter, James, and John). In the Language of Heaven, because these two events are nothing but a supernatural spiritual mirror-image-replication of each other, it explains why the one name disclosed in Abraham’s case is spiritually equivalent to the three names disclosed through Jesus Christ. Isaac = (Peter + James + John)……… ….Equation IS-67. Isaac = 9+19+1+1+3 = 33 = 6 Peter = 16+5+20+5+18 = 64 = 10 James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48 = 12 John = 10+15+8+14 = 47 = 11 From (Equation IS-67): Isaac = 10+12+11 33 = 10+12+11 33 = 33 6=6 Equation IS-67 = The age at which Jesus was crucified on the cross. Equation IS-67 = Isaac = 33 Equation IS-67 = Peter + James + John = 33  Notice in Genesis 22:2 that even though Ishmael was Abraham’s older son, God however described Isaac as Abraham’s only son. God asked Abraham to perform the sacrifice of his only son in a place called Moriah. It was a natural sacrifice. In the case of Jesus Christ, God performed the sacrifice of His only son in Heaven. It was a supernatural sacrifice in


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heaven that was practically manifested as a natural sacrifice on earth. In the Language of Heaven, these spiritual similarities make the value of Moriah equals to Heaven. Moriah = Heaven …….. (Equation TrMh-5) Moriah = (13+15) + (18+9) + (1+8) Moriah = 28+ (27+9) Moriah = 28 + 36 Moriah = 10 + 9 Heaven = (8+5) + (1+22) + (5+14) Heaven = 13 + 23 + 19 Heaven = (4 + 5) + 10 Heaven = 9 + 10 From (Equation TrMh-5): 10 + 9 = 9 + 10 19 = 19 10 = 10  The Bible teaches that Abraham collected enough wood to sacrifice his son Isaac. Likewise, God also collected enough wood to sacrifice His son Jesus Christ which is essentially the wooden cross where Jesus was painfully crucified.  On the third day, Abraham took his son leaving behind his two servants and they set out for the place of sacrifice which is also the place of worship. In Abraham’s case, the two servants whose names were not disclosed by the Bible also represent the two people who later showed up during the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that Moses and Elijah showed up to spend a brief moment with Jesus Christ. When Abraham took his son Isaac leaving behind his two servants, it was an indication of the disappearance of Moses and Elijah after meeting with Jesus Christ. When Abraham set out to the place of worship with his son, it was God’s way of saying that as a father He will also take His son Jesus Christ and supernaturally make His way to the place of worship which is the cross. Just like Abraham’s servants were not allowed to be a part of the sacrifice at the place of worship, likewise God did not allow Moses and Elijah who were His servants to be a part of the sacrifice at the cross which is why they disappeared before Jesus made his way to the cross.  The Bible teaches that Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering (the sacrifice) and placed it on his son Isaac. As much as Jesus was crucified before our eyes on earth, we must not rule out the truth that his death was 8

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permitted by God otherwise no human is capable of killing God’s son. It is also true that Jesus was physically crucified on the cross for the sins of the world; that notwithstanding, the supernatural sacrifice of God’s son actually took place in Heaven, not on earth because what God allowed us to witness was nothing but the natural aspect of the sacrifice. It explains why back in Egypt when God introduced a preview of His son’s death on the cross, He called it the Passover and He described it to the Israelites as: “Eat it in a haste; it is the LORD’S Passover.” Exodus 12:11.While the whole world was busy crucifying Jesus on the cross the actual supernatural Passover, took place in Heaven where God Himself sacrificed His only son.  The Bible teaches that Abraham bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. After Heaven supernaturally slaughtered the lamb, it was an indication of God’s permission for the world to go ahead with the natural process. Right after that, Jesus was arrested, bound, and placed on the cross. Without God’s supernatural permission, no human is capable of binding God’s son.  Abraham took the knife and was about to sacrifice his son Isaac when God stopped him. God stopped Abraham because the real Supernatural Sacrificial Lamb of God will be the second lamb who is Jesus Christ, not Isaac. In the pair of Isaac and Jesus Christ, as the two individual sacrificial Lamb to fulfill God’s covenant, while Isaac is the first, Jesus Christ on the other hand is the second. In keeping with divine number 2, God’s supernatural blessings for the future are usually deposited upon the second seed which in this case is Jesus Christ. God’s law of divine number 2 explains why in the Language of Heaven, even though Isaac and Jesus Christ both occupy position numbers with the value of 5 in the Genealogy Table (Table 19) from Luke 3:21-38, they are however supernaturally mutually exclusive; they are not the same. Isaac’s position = 23 = 5 Jesus’ position = 77 = 14 = 5 As much as both 23 and 14 are expanded divine numbers of the number 5, the stack supernatural difference is the fact that in the Language of Heaven, only number 14 meets the supernatural spiritual conditions of an expanded divine number. In the Language of Heaven, the law governing expanded divine numbers states that for a number to qualify as an expanded divine number, it must display a supernatural manifestation coming from both the divine number and the expanded divine number. In this case, the slaughter of God’s sacrificial lamb on the fourteenth day gave birth to salvation which is eternal life with divine number 5. The numbers 23 = 5 does not


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meet this supernatural requirement in relation to divine number 5. Keep in mind that all of God’s divine numbers are strictly supernatural.


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3


Felix Wantang

When God initially made the covenant with Abraham, it was a revelation of what was to come in the future which explains why God moved it forward by using two more generations when He included Isaac and Jacob. From the Genealogy Table, it is no surprise that Isaac who was also a part of that covenant has a value of 23 = 5. From the Language of Heaven, we know that the number 5 is God’s number for salvation through the sacrificial Lamb of God. If God used Isaac to show Abraham the future redemption process for humanity through salvation, therefore in the Language of Heaven, the value of Salvation must perfectly balance the position of Isaac in the Genealogy Table which is the number 23 = 5. Salvation = (19+1+12) + (22+1+20) + (9+15+14) Salvation = 32 + 43 + 38 Salvation = 5 + 7 + 11 Salvation = 23 = 5 We know that when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac to Him, Abraham did not hesitate to obey God’s command. As much as Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac to God, the only reason why God stopped him was because when it comes to the redemption of humanity from the bondage of sin, there is only one human blood that is acceptable by Heaven for that sacrifice. That human blood must be embedded with God’s supernatural spirit because God’s Passover is not only a natural sacrifice; it is also a supernatural process.


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

Only the blood of God’s son Jesus Christ who will be crucified on the cross for the sins of the world can successfully meet these two conditions. When the time comes, just like Isaac’s position was number 5 in the Genealogy Table, God’s son will also occupy position number 5 with the ultimate value to supernaturally comply with God’s divine number for Salvation and Eternal Life. We know from Biblical teachings that Salvation which brought Eternal Life was given to us on the 14th day of the first month which is in perfect supernatural compliance with the position of Jesus Christ in Table 19. 77 = 14 = 5 Not only will God’s son reflect position number 14 = 5 but he will also reflect his position in heaven as the second Godhead. We know that there are three Godheads in heaven and the number 7 is the divine number for each Godhead which is why the position of Jesus Christ is 77 in the Genealogy Table. 77 = Godhead number two. Recall that the Holy Trinity is 777, for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Shrewd One of the most remarkable qualities of Jesus Christ is that as the son of God, he knows at all times, what the past was, what the present holds ,and what comes in the future. More than two thousand years ago when he walked on this planet in flesh, he knew that a time will come when men will come up with all sorts of ideologies to rebel and twist the word of God. After giving us the Lord’s Prayer as one of his most important teachings, he knew that when it comes to using a series of parables to teach us the kingdom of God, money must be seriously incorporated because money is the number one controversial issue in the life of man. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wondered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10. To drive the point home, Jesus used the parable of the shrewd manager to make his case. Jesus told his disciples this parable: “There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’ The manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg – I know what I will do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’ So he called in each of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ Nine hundred gallons of olive oil, he replied. The manager told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and 13

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fifty.’ Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’ A thousand bushels of wheat, he replied. He told him ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’ The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own.” Luke 16:1-12. When you read this passage and the twisting turns, it sounds like Jesus is trying to say that it is very good to do the following:  Take what doesn’t belong to you and give it away.  Steal from your boss.  Reward bad behavior, especially stealing. The truth is none of these principles apply to where Jesus was going with this parable. Jesus used this parable to address two different worlds – the sinful world we live in and the kingdom of God. He expressly mentioned the two worlds when he talked about the people of this world and the people of the light. This was a very strange and twisted parable because we saw how the manager was commended and rewarded for what appears to be a bad behavior. To analyze the awkward decision of the rich man in commending the manager, even though the manager was dishonest, Jesus considered it normal because that’s how the world operates. The rich man rewarded the manager because he thought the manager was being smart in carving out a path for himself in the future by systematically stealing from him (the rich man). In our messed-up world, this is considered a very smart move because dishonesty is another name for smart. It doesn’t matter how or what you do to get the money, just do it; the end justifies the means. When we look around us, we see a practical manifestation of this parable everywhere. On the other hand, Jesus used this parable to show us how to handle wealth in the kingdom of God. Notice that the manager gave away a big chunk of his master’s wealth and received commendation for his actions. The master (the rich man) represents God while the manager represents all those who have been entrusted with wealth on earth. The manager was solely in charge of his master’s business and that is exactly who we are because everything we do on earth is nothing but taking care of God’s business; just like the manager was called in to give an account of his master’s business when he was about to lose his job, when we die, we will all stand before Jesus Christ to give an account of how we managed the resources God gave us on earth.


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

Sadly enough, there are lots of Garbage Gospel Preachers out there trying to convince people that you are here to enjoy life. What a joke! What a spiritual idle brain philosophy! How can you enjoy life in this filthy sinful world? How can you enjoy life in a place where everybody is having a bubble bath of sin? How can you enjoy life in a place where almost every human being is completely clueless of the spiritual direction they should be going? How can you enjoy life in a place where everybody is dealing with multiple pain and sorrow twenty four hours each day? And how can you enjoy life in a place where everybody is completely deficient of what keeps the human soul alive – we are all dead souls. The only place you can successfully enjoy life is in God’s Paradise where there is no sorrow, pain, and sin. Stop buying this spiritual junk from the pit of hell that does nothing but create more spiritual bondage in your life. In the practical world, you will think that the manager will ask the debtors to pay the money directly to him because he was about to lose his job but instead, he gave a huge discount to the debtors because he knew that the benefits will come to him in the future. The manager losing his job represents the end of life on earth. Unlike today when every major business transaction is carried out with the use of credit, more than two thousand years ago when Jesus came up with this parable most business transactions where done by using just cash. The only people who bought on credit were the poor and these are the people that Jesus used to portray the debtors. The manager was trying to make life easy for the poor by giving them a break through a discount. Instead of taking from the poor, he was actually giving them something. “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24. We all know that since a camel cannot go through the eye of a needle, it therefore means that a rich man cannot enter the kingdom of God. In Luke 16:8-9 Jesus said we should use worldly wealth to gain friends for ourselves so that when it is gone, we will be welcomed into eternal dwellings because that is exactly what the manager did with his master’s money. In simple terms, Jesus is saying “Give the wealth God entrusted in you, to those who desperately need it (the poor and the needy) because as a manager, it is only through them that you can enter the kingdom of God. From a supernatural spiritual standpoint, the rich should thank God for creating the poor and the needy because it is only through the poor and the needy that the rich can successfully give God an account of what they did with God’s wealth. In verse 11 of this parable, Jesus talked about worldly wealth and true riches. In Luke 12:21 Jesus talked about being rich toward God and when we touched this topic in Book Two, we said that being rich toward God has nothing to do with how much money you gave to the church or how many prayers you make each day. It has to do with your soul and using God’s resources for the right reason. It is the same thing Jesus is talking about when he mentioned true riches.


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True riches and being rich toward God are both summarized in one word – SALVATION. From the parable of the shrewd manager, Jesus is saying that when God gives you wealth, for you to successfully receive salvation, you have to be trustworthy with the wealth as you accept Jesus through repentance of your sins. If you can’t prove you were trustworthy, then you spent your life serving money and there is no way Jesus will hand you a salvation ticket because what you call “My money,” even though you are wrong, cannot buy you a ticket to God’s Paradise. -----------------------------Spiritual Lesson Number 1 In every practical sense, what the manager did by giving away money that belongs to his master was wrong. Common sense dictates that he should be punished and every law in the world will find him guilty of stealing. Even though his actions were wrong in the eyes of the world, he received commendation because his master was pleased with his service. You are not here to please the world; in everything you do, keep God at the center of your actions because He is the only one you should please, not the world. Just like the manager did what he thought will please his master, your number one goal in life should be to please God through Jesus Christ, who is the master of your soul. -----------------------------The only thing both worlds have in common from this parable is the fact that regardless of how both worlds may view the actions of the manager, the only reason why he was commended was because his master saw something in his actions that pleased him. Jesus started the parable by telling us that the manager was accused which is what prompted his master to start the investigation. In the sinful world we live in, if you have a heart (like the manager) that loves to use God’s resources in compliance with the stipulations of God’s Law, you will face serious opposition and all kinds of accusations. When you look at the wealth God has given you, are you using it to please yourself and the world or to please God? The only way you can use it to please God is by giving it to those who desperately need it. Do you have that desire and willingness to please God? If not, wake up and repent before it is too late because salvation is serious business and Jesus Christ is not playing games. The choice is yours. At the end of the parable, Jesus talked about being trustworthy with worldly wealth and someone else’s property. Worldly wealth and someone else’s property = God’s wealth. What Jesus is saying at the end of the parable is that if you have not been trustworthy in handling God’s wealth, you will not be given a property or wealth of your own; in 16

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other words, you will not be rewarded. Your reward for properly managing God’s wealth is salvation which Jesus described as: “True Riches”.

Tithes and Offerings Some Bible scholars have concluded that with all the teachings of Jesus Christ contained in the Bible, when it comes to tithes, he did not leave us with a specific figure that deals with how much we must set aside for God. Others believe that we should give ten percent of our income as tithes and offerings to God. As a general spiritual rule, many scholars and preachers have resorted to the law that commands us to set aside a tenth of our wages to God and that principle applies to many Christians across the world. “Be sure to set aside a tenth of all your fields produce each year.” Deuteronomy 14:22. “When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the alien, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied.” Deuteronomy 26:12. The truth is, unlike the conclusion from most Bible scholars, Jesus is not an author of confusion; as far as what we should do and how we should properly manage God’s resources to eventually enter the kingdom of God, Jesus did not leave any stone unturned. There is not a single passage in the entire Bible where Jesus stipulated a percentage or figure that we should give as tithes to God. Instead he used distinctive teachings to guide us on what we precisely need to do when it comes to money and God. In Luke 3:7-14 when John the Baptist was preaching and preparing the way for Jesus Christ there were three groups that came to see him because they wanted to know what they should do to enter the kingdom of God. From what John told them, he never mentioned anything to do with percentage of wages to set aside for God. By the same implication, there are three groups of behavioral attitudes when it comes to dealing with money in relation to God:  Those who use the wealth just for themselves; they care less about what everyone else is going through.  Those who follow the ideology of giving a stipulated percentage to the church by way of paying their tithes and offerings but thereafter use the rest of the wealth for themselves.  Those who use the wealth to take care of the poor and the needy. When John the Baptist was preaching to the three groups, he mentioned three simple principles:


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 For those who have more than enough, he asked them to share with those who have little or nothing.  For those who collected taxes from the poor, he asked them to stop collecting more than what was required by the law.  For those who received wages, he asked them to be contented with their pay; don’t be greedy. From John’s teachings, all three principles point to one very simple rule in life “Do not keep more than you need.” In his approach to address the three behavioral attitudes Jesus used three distinctive parables to tackle them.

In the case of the rich man and Lazarus who was very poor, it happened that the rich man used his wealth just to satisfy himself, while ignoring the poor and the needy. In the case of the shrewd manager we saw how he used the wealth to take care of the poor and the needy. Before we deal with the ten men with leprosy, we are going to first look at the history of Jesus Christ in relation to people who had leprosy. There were two major cases where Jesus healed people with leprosy in the Bible. One deals with the man with leprosy who approached Jesus as soon as he concluded his teachings during the Sermon on the Mount. “When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, ‘Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.’ Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, ‘I am willing, ‘he said. ‘Be clean!’ Immediately he was


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

cured of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, ‘See that you don’t tell anyone. But go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.’” Matthew 8:1-4. Notice that Jesus said the healing process was successfully completed as long as the man went to see the priest to offer the gift that was required by the Law of Moses. The second occasion of leprosy healing took place when Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem and ten men with leprosy begged him from a distance to heal them. “Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’ When he saw them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priest.’ And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well.’” Luke 17:11-19. Jesus has a tendency of properly setting the stage through his divine plan from the Father every single time he is about to revise any part of the Law of Moses. When God initially gave the Israelites the ten percent tithe law in Deuteronomy 26:12, Moses who was their leader was on his way to the Promised Land and since God made Moses like Jesus Christ, to revise this law, Jesus decided to set out for Jerusalem which is a city that depicts the Promised Land. Judging from the two occasions of leprosy healings, notice that in the second incident, Jesus did not mention Moses as a condition for healing and neither did he mention a gift of any kind. All he asked the ten men to do was to go show themselves to the priest. Another striking difference is that when Jesus healed the man in Matthew 8, this guy never came back to Jesus to give praises to God and Jesus did not complain about it because it was not a requirement from Jesus when he sent the man away. On the other hand, after healing the ten men, even though Jesus did not ask them to come back to him with praises for God, one of them however came back to praise God for the healing. At this point, Jesus was not impressed and he made no attempt to suppress his disappointment as he questioned the actions of the other nine men who never came back. Was it the right thing for Jesus to be upset with those nine men? How can anybody blame those men for their actions when Jesus did not ask them to come back after the healing process? Although it is true that we should always show some appreciation for the help we receive in life, the truth is, this principle had nothing to do with Jesus’ reaction. Within the context of common sense, Jesus had no reason to be upset because he did not show the same reaction when he healed the man in Matthew 8. The twist in this passage is that his disappointment had nothing to do with the behavior of the nine


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men; it had everything to do with the law he was about to revise. He was about to revise the Law of Moses in relation to how he wants us to manage God’s wealth. The question is: Why did Jesus use leprosy to manifest the proper use of wealth in the world? In the days of the teachings of Jesus Christ, leprosy was the number one disease that held the human flesh in perpetual bondage and anybody with the disease was completely isolated from the rest of the society regardless of your degree of righteousness. Jesus did not come to save the flesh of the world; he came to save the souls of the world. His teachings about money were all directed toward the spiritual bondage that money creates in the life of those who serve money and to be able to reflect that impact in a more practical manifestation, he decided to use leprosy. In his perspective, the way leprosy destroys and eats away the human flesh is synonymous to the insidious spiritual harm that money does to your soul if you fail to manage money in accordance with God’s Law. Just like there was no cure for leprosy except miraculous healings like the ones Jesus performed, by the same token, there is no cure for deviating from God’s divine law of money. The only cure is Jesus Christ. Back in those days, people with leprosy were isolated in caves and underground locations abandoned to die with no food or water. Even the animals in the jungle had more value than people with leprosy. That was the kind of horrible situation that the human flesh had to go through. The only place where the soul of man is subjected to such excruciating conditions is a place God designed for the wicked; the Holy Bible calls it “Hell Fire”. As part of Jesus’ plan to revise the Law of Moses by using leprosy, that explains why he performed only two cases of healings of people with leprosy. When Jesus walked on earth, we know that there were many cases of leprosy; we also know that there was no medical treatment for this disease. By using leprosy patients to revise God’s law of 10% tithes, Jesus was also trying to teach us that the kingdom of God is strictly reserved for those who have been rejected by the world. “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.”


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

Jesus used the first case of healing in Matthew 8:1-4 to show us what was required under the Law of Moses when you have the spiritual affliction of wealth. All you had to do was go to the priest and offer the gift that was prescribed in the Law of Moses. Only a tenth of your wages was required to give God thanks and praise through the priest. As long as you did that, you were fine. Contrary to that law, when Jesus healed the ten men, the Bible teaches that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem when the men shouted for help. Jerusalem in this passage = The Kingdom of God. After sending the ten men away to go see the priest as he continued on his way to Jerusalem, notice that for the ten men, Jesus failed to mention or do some of the things that were associated with the man in Matthew 8:1-4: 1. 2. 3. 4.

He did not mention Moses. He did not mention a gift of any kind to the priest. He did not touch the ten men to produce healing. All Jesus said was “Go show yourselves to the priest.”

Jesus did not mention Moses because he was about to introduce a new law and he did not mention a gift because he was also about to introduce a new kind of gift. He was disappointed when only one of the ten men came back because the one man represents one tenth (10%) of the ten men who had just received healing as Jesus made his way to Jerusalem. It also disturbed Jesus because this one guy represents the one tenth that was set aside for God under the Law of Moses in Deuteronomy 26:12. Jesus questioned the behavior of the other nine men because under the new law he was about to introduce, all ten men were supposed to come back to give thanks and praise to God. Jesus used the ten men to represent God’s wealth in the world.


Felix Wantang

What Jesus was trying to teach us is that you do not give God an earmarked gift; don’t put a figure to it and don’t set aside a percentage because God owns it all. When I say give to God, I am not referring to giving to the church; I am talking about putting God’s resources in the proper place – the poor and the needy. Giving to the poor and the needy should not stop you from also giving to the church. When Jesus talked about the one man that came back to see him with praises for God, he described him as a foreigner. To understand why he used this terminology, we have to go back to the original law from Moses. When God gave Moses the law, there was also a prescribed system to give thanks and praise to God when you bring a tenth of your wages to the house of God through the priest. “Place the basket before the LORD your God and bow down before him. And you and the Levites and the aliens among you shall rejoice in all the good things the LORD your God has given to you and your household.” Deuteronomy 26:10-11. When God talked about rejoicing, He was referring to giving him praise. God was also referring to the type of rejoicing expressed by the leper (foreigner) who came back to see Jesus out of the ten. Jesus used the word foreigner because it is the same group of people that God mentioned in the law He gave Moses which refers to the aliens. I know you are probably wondering what the right decision should be when it comes to giving to God. Nobody can make that decision for you. One of the most fascinating creative aspects of God’s ingenuity is that He designed the human heart in such a unique fashion that regardless of how hopeless or wicked you may feel, at any given time in life, there is always someone out there who holds a soft spot in your heart – someone you love dearly. It may be a relative, a friend, or even a stranger you’ve never met. If you were in a position to offer a gift to that person, that gift will definitely come from the bottom of your heart. This is the same attitude we should use when we honor God with a gift. It is all about giving with the love of God from the bottom of your heart because it has nothing to do with how much you give. One of the reasons why God made love the greatest commandment is that aside from the truth that God is love there is no human being who is not capable of loving or being loved. That explains why Jesus talked about judging your heart before you bring your gift to the altar of God. “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24. When it comes to how much we should give to God, the church has completely lost its way by leading everybody astray. What makes your gift acceptable to God is nothing but a contrite heart. If the amount of money you bring to the altar is what really matters to God, Jesus would have changed that statement to read, “If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your gift is 5 pennies less than 10%, leave your gift at the


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altar and go look for the 5 pennies.” God is not after your money; as much as He expects you to use it wisely to do his work, the bottom line is that God desires a contrite heart. You can give God 90% of your wages every month but if your heart is not rich towards God through repentance in Jesus Christ, then your gift means nothing to God because He owns everything you can possibly bring to His altar and He can take it all away from you whenever He wants to. Jesus touched the man in Matthew 8:1-4 before healing took place but he did not touch the ten men because unlike the Law of Moses where you had to physically bring your tithes to the house of God in order to be healed from the afflictions that wealth causes to your soul, the process used to heal the ten men was an indication that God values thanks and praises from a contrite heart much more than He values your financial donations to the Church. Jesus was trying to demonstrate that God does not necessarily need to touch your money because He gave it to you to be used in helping the poor and the needy. If God’s plan for the resources of this world was such that some people should keep it all to themselves, then God would have also created a part of human body for material storage. The fact that when you arrived here at birth, there was absolutely nothing in your hands as a new born baby is a clear testimony that regardless of any legal titles in your possession endorsed by man, nothing on this planet earth belongs to you. God owns it all. It is never too late to repent and come to God; start honoring Him today with what you call your money, through Jesus Christ before it is too late because today may be your last day on earth.

Jesus and John the Baptist The Bible teaches that Jesus and John the Baptist started communicating with each other while they were still in the womb. It happened when the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ visited her relative (John’s mother) Elizabeth. “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Luke 1:41. Not only did they come from the same blood line because they were cousins, these two men also knew the Language of Heaven partly because Jesus wrote the language and John came to prepare the way for Jesus. Although John was locked up in prison, there was not a single activity surrounding the life of Jesus Christ in the outside world that John did not know – John knew everything that was happening and he was also fully aware of all the miracles Jesus was performing. When he sent his disciples to go ask Jesus if he was the Messiah, John was only looking for a specific heavenly supernatural code. “When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, ‘Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?’” Matthew 11:2-3. In Book One, we talked about 23

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John having doubts in prison because his disciples overheard some people addressing Jesus as a prophet and Jesus did nothing to set the record straight. When we look at human behavior, John’s reaction is not an isolated case. Very often in life, when a false allegation is leveled against us and we do nothing to address it to refute the claim, even our closest relatives will start to drift towards the allegations disregarding any substantiation from the accuser. This kind of doubt is what prompted John to send his disciples to speak with Jesus his cousin. Jesus knew John’s heart very well even more than John knew himself and Jesus also knew that to calm John down he must speak to John in the Language of Heaven. “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.” Matthew 11:4-6. Notice how as Jesus listed the miracles he sent back to John, he omitted three very significant miracles from the list. The three miracles were: 1. His first miracle in Cana where he changed water to wine. John 2:1-11. 2. The miracle he performed when he calmed the storm. Mark 4:35-41. 3. The miracle of the woman who received healing by touching his garment. Matthew 9:18-36. The truth is this communication between Jesus and John the Baptist was designed for Jesus to release a specific code in a unique language that both men understand. Even though Jesus sent John a list of the miracles he was performing for the people, the communication had nothing to do with the kind of miracles Jesus was capable of performing. Jesus did not send the message to convince John of the magnitude of his supernatural powers as the son of God. In John’s mind, it was not about the fact that everybody viewed Jesus as a prophet, all John cared about was one thing: “Regardless of what people are calling you, I want to know if you are the one who has come to die on the cross for the sins of the world.” Let’s recall that the first time John saw Jesus, he knew instantly that Jesus was the one. “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!’” John 1:29. If John knew Jesus and also introduced him to the public at the beginning of his ministry (when he baptized Jesus), it therefore means that John’s message from prison had absolutely nothing to do with the spiritual identity of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. The only reason why John sent the message to Jesus through his disciples was because John knew his fate in prison; he knew he was about to die. The first time Jesus had a supernatural communication with John the Baptist was before both of them were born in Luke 1:41. That communication was Jesus saying to John, “I am the Messiah who is about to be born to the world” and that communication was also the beginning of life on earth for these two men. But while John was in prison, their


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communication will be centered around the end of life on earth for both of them because John knew that he was about to die. When John was in the wilderness preparing the way for Jesus Christ, he knew when the Messiah was going to come and he was the first to realize that the Messiah was already living among the people. Just as he knew when the Messiah was to come, when he sent that message through his disciples to Jesus, John also knew at what age the Messiah will die because God used John to baptize the Messiah. If John was looking for a simple response like everyone else, the response from Jesus would have been very straight to the point, “Yes John I am the Messiah.” When John started preaching and baptizing in Luke 3:1-19, his message was designed for the interest of the poor which is essentially the message he used to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. That explains why in Matthew 11:4-5 when Jesus responded to John’s message from his disciples he sealed it with the phrase “The good news is preached to the poor.” This key statement was to assure John that he was the Messiah that used John to prepare the way. After their supernatural communication as unborn babies, in compliance with God’s divine number 2, they needed another supernatural communication with respect to their death. In the Language of Earth, Jesus would have just responded to John by saying, “Yes I am the one who was to come.” But in the Language of Heaven it requires a different type of response. The response from Jesus was: “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.” Matthew 11:4-6.


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In the Language of Heaven from Table 22, the message from Jesus Christ to John was saying “Yes, I know you are about to die but don’t worry because I am the one; I have come to die for the sins of the world at the age of 33.” From this message, Jesus was saying that his holy mission will be supernaturally completed at the age of 33 for the sins of the world. 33 + 45 = 78 = 15 = 6 The message Jesus sent back to John the Baptist was a manifestation of what happened in the Garden of Eden. In the garden, the value of the people was: Adam + Eve = 15 = 6 (Divine number for sin) The value of what they received was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9. Likewise in the message to John, the value of the people was 6 and the sum of what they received from Jesus was 9. Jesus was therefore saying to John “Yes I am the one who has come to restore the soul of man from the damage that was done to humanity in the Garden of Eden. Jesus was also saying: “Yes I am the Messiah who has come to take away the sins of the world with divine number 6.” Jesus listed 6 groups with a total value of 6 because he came to take away the sins of the world with divine number 6 which came from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9. At the end of his mission, he will give us a new law with 66 Books. He will give his life on earth in exchange for our sins on the cross so we can receive the grace of God to stand in His presence in heaven. Jesus was 33 years old on earth but we know that he is completely ageless in heaven because he was there with the Father when all things were made. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” John 1:1-5.

Blind Rush If you create a scenario where you place a lot of beautiful toys in the middle of a large room filled with little children and you give each child a small cup of milk with one simple rule: “Drink the milk before you start playing with the toys.” What do you think is going to happen as soon as you walk away? With no adult left in the room, do you think the children will comply with the law? The probability of the kids doing exactly what you’ve asked them to do is about zero because as soon as you leave,


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chances are they will rush like a charging storm because every single one of them wants the best toy in the room. The truth is, what kids don’t realize is that while the toys will make them happy and they will without a single doubt have fun, the milk on the other hand will nourish their health. After playing with the toys, at some point they will be thirsty and that’s when they will probably go looking for the milk. But because milk doesn’t stay good for too long as soon as you take it out of a refrigerated environment and maybe the housekeeper took the milk away as soon as the kids started playing with toys, the result is simple – “Too Late”. The adult, who asked the kids at the very beginning to first drink the milk before playing, knew better and that is why he asked the kinds to do it. The adult knew that as far as the lives and future of the kids are concerned, the milk is far more important than the toys. God has given us certain rules to live by and the greatest gift in human history which is salvation through His son Jesus Christ. This gift is so precious that it is an indispensable tool for us to enter Paradise in the kingdom of God. One would think that because it is free with no charge, the world will be rushing for it. If we take a minute to analyze our behavior as humans and “smart people” as we falsely claim to be, we will see some very troubling manifestations. We are always in a rush to gather as much as we can from the pleasures of life; we drive like maniacs behind the wheels because everybody is rushing to get to somewhere, we eat like there is no tomorrow, we trample on the weak just to get our way, and we never seem to get enough. While these things are taking place on earth, Jesus is totally wondering “What is wrong with these people?” The truth is we are rushing but not seeing. As much as we think we are smart, fast, rich, successful, and every other spiritually meaningless code word that makes us feel good, the truth is we are actually spiritually blind, ignorant, hopeless, and oblivious of the popular self-destructive antichrist belief system that is spreading across the globe like wildfire. We have all lost our way as far as where we should be going and what we should be doing as priorities in our lives. I want you to take a minute and make a list of everything you’ve achieved in life so far, everything you own, and everything you will like to own in the future. When you are done, go through the list making sure that you did not forget anything that appears to be very important to you. Go through the list again and ask yourself one very important question “Which of these things is coming with me to God’s Paradise?” If the answer is “NONE” then you have just wasted your life chasing everything that is worthless for your spiritual supernatural future and your soul. King Solomon was there and he learned a hard lesson. When you live your life this way, the world calls it, “Preparing for the future,” but God calls it, “Destroying your future,” because the only future you have is not a future that comes from your hard work, rather it is a future that Jesus has already done all the work that comes with it. As much as it is good to work hard in life to try to get


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somewhere, many people do this at the expense of that which is the most important element in life which is your salvation. That brings us to one very important question: “As much as you love life very much and everything the world has to offer, if God takes everybody away to heaven but offers you the world as gift, will you take it?” If there was anything to rush for in life it is the salvation that God has given to us free of any charges. Some people have it at the back of their minds that just before they die they will accept Jesus as their savior but for now, they just want to enjoy life and push salvation to the curb. If you are one of these people, I got news for you; Jesus Christ cannot be fooled because he is not after your actions. He is after your heart and just that kind of last minute philosophy is enough to make a mockery of the cross. If you think you can have it both ways, you will be terribly shocked when you face Jesus on judgment day. You don’t come to Jesus only because you are about to die; you come to him because you sincerely accept him as your Lord and Savior in recognition of the price he paid for your sins on the cross. Another problem with this type of childish braindead ideology is that what makes you think you know when you will take your last breath? If you are planning on taking your life just to be sure about it, then you will be committing murder because the life you are about to take away does not belong to you; you did not create that life; God gave it to you and He will demand an account when it comes to an end. Killing yourself is breaking God’s Law number six from the Ten Commandments which clearly states that: “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13. It doesn’t matter who you killed because life is the same in every human being before God who made it. When Jesus arrived at the home of Martha and her sister Mary, it was an opportunity for Jesus to show us how we are wasting time chasing all the pleasures of the world that pull us away from salvation. “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me.’ Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” Luke 10:38-42. When you die without salvation, it is as if you were never born because you left this world with absolutely nothing. I don’t care what you achieved or what you owned; for all I care you may have at some point been the president of the world or acquired 99% of the wealth on this planet, the bottom line is that you will be leaving this world with absolutely nothing. Luggage, bank cards, electronic transfers, and financial investment certificates are completely worthless beyond this point because they mean nothing before Jesus Christ. The only thing you take with you is a spiritual ticket.


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If you have salvation then you automatically have a ticket to God’s Paradise in Heaven but if you don’t have salvation, then be prepared to have lots of fun in hell with Satan. This is what Jesus was trying to teach Martha that salvation is all that matters; not the things we spend each minute in life running after. If you have to rush for anything in life it should be salvation in Jesus Christ because you have no clue when God will pull the plug for you to take your last breath. All the things you are rushing to gather out of this sinful world are like the toys that were placed before the kids. It is true that these things will bring pleasure to your flesh but as far as your soul is concerned, they will only help to pull you away from Jesus Christ and ultimately destroy you. Don’t be a Martha! Make your life a living example of a Mary! Just like the kids we mentioned earlier, when it comes to our relationship with God, He is our Father and we are his children through Jesus Christ alone. The contrast is that the kids in front of the toys were in no position to distinguish right from wrong but we do as adults. While the kids cannot be held responsible for their actions, God on the other hand will hold us accountable for any acts of disobedience of His Law which is the Holy Bible. -----------------------------Spiritual Lesson Number 2 While Martha was concerned with what she thought she can offer Jesus Christ, Mary on the other hand was concerned with what she can get out of Jesus. The Lord Jesus owns everything, including your life and the world. There is absolutely nothing you can offer him that he doesn’t already have. The truth is he offers you everything you don’t have. Don’t spend your life thinking of what to offer God; rather spend your life looking for what you can take from God through Jesus Christ. -----------------------------Unfortunately, many people view salvation as a process that is centered on what you have to offer Jesus. As far as giving is concerned, Jesus wants us to direct all of that to our fellow man – our neighbor. Salvation is more of what we can get out of Jesus Christ, not what we can offer him because you don’t have to accept Jesus to understand that your life belongs to him. Whether you like it or not, he is the mechanism that powers life both on earth and in heaven; your life belongs to him and he holds the keys to both life and death; he also ultimately decides when you will take your last breath. Some people might say, well if he owns it all why make a decision to accept him into my life? The truth is, as much as he owns your life and he allows you to live that life here on earth that also belongs to him, you have to make the choice of how you want to live your life; you also have to make the choice of where to continue with your life after death just like you make choices every day to later bear the consequences or reap the reward. 29

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For your life to become everlasting, you have to take Salvation from Jesus Christ. Contrary to popular Christian teachings, salvation is not a barter system where you exchange something with Jesus Christ. Everything you can see or think of was created by God through Jesus Christ and if that is as simple as Bible truth can reveal to us, what makes you think there is anything you can offer Jesus in exchange for salvation? The truth is salvation is a free gift through repentance from God with no conditions attached. Taking salvation is one thing, but actually keeping it is another story. It cost you nothing to take salvation but you must live by God’s Law to keep salvation. You can come to Jesus Christ and effectively receive salvation but it doesn’t stop there; you still have to live for Jesus Christ to successfully enter Paradise in Heaven. If after taking salvation from Jesus Christ and for some stupid reason you chose to reject it because you prefer to serve the devil, it is not Jesus who will pay the price of your actions because he will never force you. The Bible was not written to convince the world of salvation, it was written to save the world with salvation. One of the saddest trends in modern day Christianity is that we have gradually left our children out of the loop. In an attempt to work hard and provide them with a better life as we call it, we give them everything including good education, the latest gadgets and cars that money can buy, expensive clothing, and financial stability. All these things sound good but of what value are they to our children if we miss out on the most important component in life. By doing just what makes them live a better life on earth we need to take some time and question the authenticity of our love we hold deeply for our children. The greatest gift you can give to your child is the unseen gift; it is the gift that equips your child with the tools to obtain the ticket to Paradise. How can we stand before Jesus Christ and say we love our children when we make no preparations to be able to see them again and reunite with them in Paradise? Your child may become the president of the United States, the richest person in the world, or the president of the World Government; as good as they sound, these dreams mean nothing to Jesus Christ if on judgment day your child cannot produce a salvation ticket when he or she stands before Jesus. The scariest part of this is that God has designed Hell and Abraham’s side (Paradise) in such a way that the two locations are not that far from each other and people can actually have a conversation from both sides but they cannot cross over. Jesus gave us a vivid description of these locations when he told us the story of the rich man and Lazarus. “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.


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So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’ But Abraham replied, ‘Son remember, that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’” Luke 16:19-26. The rich man could be your child. If you have the salvation ticket but your children don’t, will you be able to look over to see your children in such agony that you are unable to do anything about it because you failed to take care of it when you had the time and opportunity on earth? Please think about it. I don’t know any loving parent who can stomach the situation of the rich man if that was your child. You may have found salvation but what about your children and other loved ones? That could be you sitting beside Abraham and watching a loved one go through excruciating agony in hell. Your salvation ticket does not cover your children; as adults each of them will also give Jesus an account of what they did with their lives and that’s what makes it very important that as parents we have to do our best to bring our children to that place where they can also find salvation. It is for this simple reason that you have to constantly pray for your children and persistently talk to them about Jesus Christ. I have heard some people say “Leave the kids alone when they grow up they will make their choice on who they want to serve.” This type of philosophy is very dangerous because if that was the case, then God would not have asked the Israelites to constantly talk to their children about His law and everything they went through in Egypt including how He brought them out of the bondage of slavery. “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9. If you don’t talk to your children about Jesus Christ then you are withholding the most important constructive spiritual component from their lives. The second danger is that if you don’t talk to your children about Jesus Christ, then the world which has a louder voice will talk to your children and sell them to the devil. Your children may choose not to listen to you when you try to talk to them about Jesus Christ and if that happens then you must remember that they are the kids and you are the parent. Regardless of the obstacles, if you keep doing it and ask God to give them a contrite heart and the ability to hear Him through you, such prayers never go unanswered. The problem is that very few parents are willing to sacrifice the time and effort to do it. If for any reason you don’t know what to say to your children, just sit them down for


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five minutes each day and talk to them about Jesus. Just tell them Jesus loves them and he died for their sins and the sins of the world on the cross even if they don’t feel like accepting it. As you make this a habit, it may seem like no good results are coming out of it but one thing you have to keep in mind is that it is not your power that will bring your children to Jesus Christ. All you are required to do is talk to them about him and Jesus will do the rest. I can promise you with my life that at some point in their lives, you children will all come to Jesus Christ; it is a guaranteed heavenly truth. Jesus always steps up to any prayer made out of love and desperation on behalf of someone else especially when it has to do with salvation for your children.

“Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.� Psalm 127:3

When you make your daily prayer to God, just ask him to show your children the way to Jesus Christ His son. Below is an example of the prayer I use for my children and household.


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“Father in heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Father I thank you for giving us life through your son Jesus Christ our savior. Mighty Father, I ask you to saturate my household with your presence and show (List here the names of your loved ones living under your roof) your way, your light and your truth. Thank you for sustaining all our needs more abundantly than we could ever ask for. Hear my cry for help in Jesus name I pray; Amen, Amen, and Amen.” You cannot all of a sudden decide to make Jesus Christ a compulsory topic for your children when he is not a regular topic of conversation in your home. To position your children to understand and fully embrace Jesus Christ at an early age, you must first develop the habit of talking about him in your home at all times. Bring his name up during conversations even if the topic is not directly related to the Bible; all that matters is that your children get used to hearing his name in the house. By following these steps, your children will become used to his name and eventually become receptive when you later try to bring them into the big picture. My wife and I have developed the habit of talking about him around the children; we always give thanks to Jesus Christ for everything thing and our children have also come to that point where they now give thanks to him for everything and that includes food. We asked our children what they thought about Jesus Christ and you will be surprised that they each have their own unique understanding in their own words. I did not try to edit any of the statements because I want you to get a sense of what they really think of Jesus Christ from the bottom of their hearts. From Matthew (6 years old) The soldiers put Jesus on the cross. If Jesus didn’t die on the cross, we will all go on the cross. A long time ago Jesus told God to make everybody good. From Chioma (5 years old) Jesus keeps us safe. He even watches us to not lie. Jesus protects you. From Amarachi (3 years old) Jesus heals booboos. Jesus has booboos on his head, his hands, and his feet. All the bad guys killed Jesus. From Mia (12 years old) To me, Jesus is a friend to talk to. I don’t know if you know what I mean by that but my prayers to Him are conversations, one sided conversations because I can’t hear Him, but I could imagine the advice He’d give. My prayers are for thanks and when I need help the most, I ask Him what I could do and I’d just imagine Him helping me later. Jesus is more than just a great friend, He is like another Father, caring for me and watching over me just like my real father. Jesus is very helpful in 33

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the situations where I don’t know what to do. He’ll guide me to the right path and help me navigate. Sometimes in the times where I need help the most like about a month ago when my grandfather died I asked Jesus to help me overcome his passing. I know that I can always talk to Jesus for anything and I know that Jesus can always hear me. He helps me when I can’t find the right way; he helps me make the right decisions in life. No matter what the situation I know that He’ll always been there. I’ve only been religious since my step father came into my life but during those few years I’ve felt closer to the heart and closer to my family more than ever. I’ve been thinking on what I could do in my part to keep my family close and safe. Helping my mother clean and take care of my siblings has just shown me how close we are as a family. With Jesus in my life now, I know that I can face the difficult challenges of life, I know now that I can stand for myself and know that I can win in the face of evil, in the face of danger. I just know that Jesus will be by my side. He may put some road blocks in my way to success but I’ll always get around it no matter how hard it is. I know now that I can overcome all challenges with Jesus by my side. So far in my journey of life I’ve been able to continue on no matter how hard it got, it might’ve been hard at times and it might’ve been easy but now I know that no matter what bump I cross, there will never be a moment where I don’t think that Jesus isn’t helping me, that he’s not guiding me, because I know he is. I remember when I was little my step father gave me and my sister the Our Father and Hail Mary’s and told us to practice and when were done go back and recite them to him. I remember jumping in circles on my bed saying the Our Father until I didn’t mess up then I went to recite it to him and messed up. I went back and repeated what I did before and I kept going to him and finally I got it right. I don’t know why now but I was so happy when I was assigned that task, I just couldn’t wait to get it right. When I finally got it I felt like I conquered the world. At this point in my life I can say for sure that I am really happy that I have what I have, I am so happy that my step-father is in my life and that my mother is in my life and that I have everything that I have. I wouldn’t ask for a better life. Some may say that I have nothing because I don’t have video games and stuff like that but having what I have I know that I will actually get somewhere in life. If I continue studying like I do and continue reading like I do I will be very successful. The people I have to thank for that are my family and Jesus himself. From Hayley (14 years old) Jesus is known as the Son of God, brought down to earth through the womb of Mother Mary, to live life and then ultimately to die to save us from our sins. We’ve read His words and God’s alone, along with all the events from that time and all that


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they did. We’re taught while growing up that Jesus is someone who we pray to, who we thank everything for, who saved us. But He can also be a friend. Jesus is someone to talk to when you’re having a bad day, someone to thank when things are going grand, and someone to talk to when you’ve lost yourself in reality. In my case, He’s been there for all. He’s always listened, helped me get through my day if was going rough, he’s listened when I needed help figuring out where I need to be, and I couldn’t be more grateful for Him. He’s brought our family together from a young age, and it’s grown miraculously since then. We’re not just a family, we’re a home in a whole and He’s brought us to be closer over all, to Him and to each other. Jesus to me, is an amazing powerful man of the Lord, who I can look to for anything and who I want to stay with me to help guide me through my life. I love Him with all my heart and I thank my parents and for introducing me to Him. When you read the responses from these children, you come to the realization that we should never underestimate the tremendous relationship your children can eventually build with Jesus Christ with just very little effort on your part. Your children are the most precious gifts from God; you cannot put a price on them and they should be your number one priority in life. How do you plan to see them again, in Paradise or in Hell? The choice is yours.

Exploring the Promised Land When God asked Moses to select twelve men, one from each tribe to go explore the land He promised them on oath, this was the same land that Jacob settled with his household before they eventually moved to Egypt. “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders.” Numbers 13:1-2. It was also from this land that Joseph’s brothers set off to buy grain from Egypt. “Then ten of Joseph’s brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt. But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph’s brother, with the others, because he was afraid that harm might come to him. So Israel’s sons were among those who went to buy grain, for the famine was in the land of Canaan also.” Genesis 42:3-5. In compliance with God’s command, Moses selected the men in Table 23. These men were given specific instructions by Moses on what to do when they get to the land and the Bible teaches that when they returned from exploring the land, they presented conflicting reports to Moses and the Israelite community. “Go up through the Negev and on into the hill country. See what the land is like and whether the people who live there are strong or weak, few or many. What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad? What kind of towns do they live in? Are they unwalled or fortified? How is the soil? Is it fertile or poor? Are there trees on it or not? Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land.” Numbers 13:17-20. When they came back, ten of the twelve men gave Moses and the people a negative report while two of


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them presented a positive report of the land. “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.

But the people who live there are powerful and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites live in the Negev; the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites live in the hill country; and the Canaanites live near the sea and along the Jordan. We can’t attack these people; they are stronger than we are.” Numbers 13:27-31. To make matters worse, the ten men concluded by saying “Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn’t it be better for us to go back to Egypt? And they said to each other ‘We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.’” Numbers 14:3-4. Not only did these men poison the minds of the community, they were also ready to dump Moses and Aaron to go back to Egypt through a new leader of their choice. The Bible teaches that two of the twelve men were courageous enough to speak against the ten men. “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, ‘We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.’” Numbers 13:30. Joshua who also brought a positive report from the land joined Caleb as both


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of them tried to challenge the negative report. “Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had explored the land, tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, ‘The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them.’” Numbers 14:6-9. The Bible also teaches that when these men came back from their mission, they brought some fruits from the land. “When they reached the Valley of Eshcol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs. That place was called the Valley of Eshcol because of the cluster of grapes the Israelites cut off there. At the end of forty days they returned from exploring the land.” Numbers 13:23-25. Fruits from the land:    

Grapes = 3 Figs = 5 Pomegranates = 8 Grapes + Figs + Pomegranates = 7 (Fruits from the Holy Land)

From the negative report that was presented to Moses, the community grumbled and even went as far as making plans to stone Moses and Aaron which eventually caused God’s anger to burn to the point where He promised to destroy some members of the Israelite community with a plague. Moses as usual pleaded to God to spare their lives but notwithstanding his intervention and because the grumbling was a direct insult to the Holy Spirit, God still went ahead with His plan to destroy some members of the community. “So the men Moses had sent to explore the land, who returned and made the whole community grumble against him by spreading a bad report about it – these men responsible for spreading the bad report about the land were struck down and died of a plague before the LORD. Of the men who went to explore the land, only Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh survived.” Numbers 14:36-38. God’s unforgiving decision to kill these ten men who explored the land was in fulfillment of what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. “And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” Matthew 12:31-32. From the passage we now know the following:  The number of people that brought back a positive report = 2.


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 The value of the three types of fruits from the exploration = 7.  The number of people that carried the fruits = 2. God already promised this land on oath to the Israelites through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. After bringing them this far from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, does it really matter at this point if the Israelites will love what they see by exploring the land? Why was it necessary for God to send twelve men to go explore the land? After going through hell and bondage in Egypt, any land will be better than Egypt because the Israelites really don’t have a choice but to take whatever God gives them. Following God’s nature of preparing for the future, the reason He asked Moses to send spies to explore the land was because since this journey to the Promised Land depicts the journey that Jesus Christ will take on our behalf to the kingdom of God, the process was now at the stage where God was about to introduce the Holy Spirit. Since God made Joshua like the Holy Spirit, it was now time to start setting the stage for God to call Moses home and let Joshua continue with the mission. That explains why the number 2 was all over the mission. Joshua = 2 It also explains why the value of the three types of fruits from the land was also the value of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit = 6 + 10 = 16 = 7 (God’s number for holy, perfect, and complete) Grapes + Figs + Pomegranates = 3 + 5 + 8 = 16 = 7 When Jesus was about to introduce the Holy Spirit because he was making preparations to ascend into heaven, he appeared to his disciples in John 20:21-23, and during that meeting he introduced the Holy Spirit to ten of his disciples because Judas Iscariot who betrayed him was no more and Thomas was absent. However, when Thomas finally believed after Jesus appeared to them the second time, the total number of disciples that welcomed the Holy Spirit became 11 = 2. The Holy Spirit is what enables you to bear fruit for God through Jesus Christ. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is the Holy Spirit who guides you to enter the kingdom of God; because the Israelites were close to entering the Promised Land, God knew that it was time to gradually introduce Joshua who will soon take over from Moses. Keep in mind that the Holy Spirit is coming to operate in the world and for that reason, God will also use His divine number 2 for creation in the world to introduce the Holy Spirit. When Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit through his resurrection, there were two disciples who did not believe in the resurrection. 1. Judas Iscariot who betrayed him. 2. Thomas who openly declared that he did not believe in the resurrection.


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To use God’s divine number 2 in this process of bringing the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ for his disciples, the outcome must be the exact opposite of what happened when God introduces the Holy Spirit in the process of exploring the Promised Land through Moses. A pair of two opposite events must be present in preparation for the Holy Spirit as a fulfillment of God’s divine number 2:  With Moses, 2 explorers believed God but 10 did not.  With Jesus, 2 disciples did not believe but 10 believed in his resurrection. In the beginning of this journey, God planted a garden in Eden which was the Garden of Heaven and we know that Jacob and his family originally settled in Canaan before the famine took them to Egypt. It took the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 to deliver man into the bondage of slavery in sin. Likewise it also took 9 of Jacob’s sons to deliver Joseph into the bondage of slavery in Egypt. We also know that while God used Egypt to represent the world, Canaan on the other hand which is the Promised Land, was used to represent the kingdom of God. Eden = Canaan = The Kingdom of God

When Joseph was sold into slavery in Genesis 37:10-36 by his brothers, Reuben and Benjamin were not there. “When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes. He went back to his brothers and said, ‘The boy isn’t there! Where can I turn now?’” Genesis 37:29-30. The pleasures of the flesh, was the driving force that made Adam and Eve to fall to the temptation of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” Genesis 3:6.


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Flesh = 50 Joseph = 10 Heaven = 10 The divine number 9 from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil through the serpent influenced Eve’s spiritual eyes to create pleasure in her flesh. From that point, she reacted by eating the fruit which produced sin in man; likewise 9 of Joseph’s brothers also produced sin by going through the same spiritual pleasure of the flesh when they sold Joseph into slavery in Table 24 because God was preparing to use Jacob’s household to retrace the journey that started in the Garden of Eden. When Joseph’s brothers first saw him approaching them, their initial plan was to kill him but Reuben and Judah did everything to save Joseph’s life. “When Reuben heard this, he tried to rescue him from their hands, ‘Let’s not take his life,’ he said. ‘Don’t shed any blood. Throw him into this cistern here in the desert, but don’t lay a hand on him.’ Reuben said this to rescue him from them and take him back to his father.” Genesis 37:21-22. Judah who was also determined to save Joseph’s life said to his brothers, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” Genesis 37:26-27. The Bible teaches that his brothers agreed to sell him. From these passages, if 9 of Joseph’s brothers who sold him into slavery produced the value of 50 in Table 24 which is the expanded divine number for the Pleasures of the Flesh, therefore the two


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(Reuben and Judah) that had no intentions of harming Joseph should definitely produce the divine number of Eden before sin entered the world because man was still in the spiritual image of God.. Their values are therefore as follows:  Judah = 8  Reuben = 2 Judah + Reuben = 8 + 2 = 10 (Divine number for Eden, Heaven, and the sinless man). Eden = 10 When God created the first human, He called him Man and Adam. Man = Adam Adam = 10 Man = 10 10 = 10 This was the name God gave the first human before sin entered the world. -----------------------------Spiritual Lesson Number 3 Sometimes when we are going through hopeless and deadly situations in life, a loved one, a friend, or even a stranger may show up with a way out. Contrary to our expectations and notwithstanding the loving intentions of the source, the help we receive may end up pushing us deeper into the hole. We become bitterly engulfed with the outcome but failing to realize that the intentions came from a loving heart. When Joseph’s brothers made plans to kill him as soon as they saw him approaching them, he had no knowledge of their plan but when they sold him into slavery, he was angry with whoever came up with the plan because they took him away from his family. What Joseph did not realize was that the plan to sell him came out of a loving heart which was far better than the original plan to kill him. As much as the help we received made matters worse, God is still buried in the loving heart that pushed us deeper into the hole and it is only a matter of time before God will reveal Himself by bringing us to a better place. The help that pushed you deeper was the storm that transported you to God’s divine plan for your life. Be still and wait for the Lord. -----------------------------In Book One we talked about Joseph’s divine number 2 which accounts for the reason why two of his brothers were responsible for saving his life. Because God used the divine number 2 as the major component to transform Joseph’s life by moving him to Egypt where He used to also depict the starting point of man’s journey 41

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through life, it was therefore necessary to use the same number to make preparations for entry into the Promised Land. Also, because the exploration of Canaan is God’s version of His preparation to introduce the Holy Spirit into the world, it also explains why as Jesus made preparations to introduce the Holy Spirit to his disciples, divine number 2 was also a major component. By the time Jesus was crucified two of his disciples stopped believing in him – Judas Iscariot who betrayed him and Peter who denied him three times. In Book One, we talked about the Holy Spirit and we described him as the Dominant Spirit from Heaven because he will come to dominate the spirit of man. As sinful insatiable creatures through Adam and Eve, following the absence of spiritual capability and power to dominate sin in our lives, and because there is no way man can become sinless while living on earth, God however did not design the Holy Spirit to take away our sins. Also, as much as Jesus took away our sins on through his death on the cross, we still go through life committing sin every day. The Holy Spirit is here to perform a very unique task which involves suppressing our sins so that the radiant light of God through Jesus Christ can shine in our lives. That explains why Jesus said: “You are the light of the world” Matthew 5:14. With the Holy Spirit living in us even though sin still permanently lives in us while in the world, what God has done is that instead of sin dominating our lives, the Holy Spirit suppresses our sins by dominating every aspect of our behavior as he convicts us of every sinful activity. To get a better understanding of the mechanics of the Holy Spirit in our lives, it is like walking into a very dark room with a very powerful flashlight. As soon as you turn on the flashlight, the darkness disappears. Although it will appear as if the darkness physically left the room, the truth is, the darkness is still there; it never left the room. But because the light is so powerful, it makes it impossible for you to see the darkness in the presence of the light. God designed the Holy Spirit to override every aspect of our spiritual composition and we know that the number 6 is the divine number for sin, man, and dominion. Through the power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit must be able to dominate man and the sin that lives in man in order to do an effective job. From Bible teachings, we also know that Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit from heaven which therefore makes the Holy Spirit the Dominant Spirit from Heaven. Heaven = 10 Holy = 6 (The number for sin, man, and dominion)……. Dominant Spirit. Spirit = 10 (Divine number for Heaven) …. From Heaven. With the two numbers (10 and 6) that make up the Holy Spirit, it is therefore unquestionable that the Holy Spirit is the Dominant Spirit from Heaven. In order to introduce the Holy Spirit to the world for the first time, Jesus must set the stage in


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accordance with the Language of Heaven. In Book One, we analyzed prophecy fulfillment as something that deals with pre-established spiritual behaviors from man that God supernaturally kicks into effect for the fulfillment of His divine plan on earth. Jesus knew that Thomas will be absent when he appears to his disciples for the first time after his resurrection; it explains why he used that time to also introduce the Holy Spirit to 10 of his disciples in John 20:19-23.

From Table 25, Jesus had 12 disciples before he died on the cross but when he rose from the dead, there were eleven disciples with a total value of 109. 123 – Judas Iscariot = 123 – 14 123 – 14 = 109 = 10 Out of the 12 apostles, only 10 of them were present when Jesus officially introduced the Holy Spirit because Thomas and Judas Iscariot were not there. Thomas + Judas Iscariot = 13 + 14 = 27 = 9 Remember, we recently mentioned that when you receive the Holy Spirit, sin takes the back seat because the Holy Spirit will use his dominant power to suppress the presence of sin in your life; that was the stage Jesus was trying to set by making sure that what had to be taken away from the room (from his 12 disciples) where he will


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make the official introduction of the Holy Spirit, must be the value of what gave birth to sin. We know that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 gave birth to sin and that explains why Thomas and Judas Iscariot who were absent from the stage have the value of what disappears (13 + 14 = 27 = 9) from your soul, when the Holy Spirit takes absolute control of your life. When Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit with 10 disciples in the room, the value was: 123 – (Thomas + Judas Iscariot) 123 - (13 + 14) 123 – 27 = 96 = 15 = 6 Therefore with 10 disciples and a value of 6, the stage was perfectly set in accordance with the Language of Heaven to introduce the Holy Spirit. Holy = 6 Spirit = 10 Holy Spirit = 6 + 10 = 16 = 7 (God’s divine number for Holy, Perfect, and Complete). You may be tempted to ask the question: “Why did Jesus not set the stage in such a way that the value of what disappears from the room is 6 instead of 9 because the number 6 is the divine number for sin?” To understand why Jesus did not do that, we have to look at how Jesus tackled negative forces during his ministry. Jesus had a supernatural systematic style that involved going after the source; not the product. We saw a good example of that when he calmed the storm. “He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still.’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39. Notice how Jesus attacked the source which was the wind but he spoke to the product (the waves) because as soon as you have the source under control, the product becomes powerless. It is for this simple reason that when he was about to introduce the Holy Spirit in that room, he decided to get rid of the source of sin which is the number 9, instead of sin with the number 6 because the Holy Spirit is not coming to take away our sins. The Holy Spirit comes to make our sins powerless. Also by leaving sin in the room with the number 6, it was God’s way of informing us that the Holy Spirit will live in us as sinners. In Numbers 13:25, the phrase “40 nights” was omitted. Unlike other parts of the Bible where God used His expanded divine number 40, when it came to the Holy Spirit, instead of using the regular norm of 40 days and 40 nights like we saw when Moses received the Ten commandments, when Jesus fasted in preparation for his ministry, and the flood with Noah, God on the other hand decided to use just 40 days by excluding the words “40 nights” from the duration of the exploration of the Promised Land.  “And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.” Genesis 7:12. 44

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 “Moses was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant – the Ten Commandments.” Exodus 34:28.  “After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.” Matthew 4:2. As Jesus made preparations to initiate the Holy Spirit, God stopped using the terminology “forty days and forty nights”. “He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’” Acts. 1:3-5. The Bible dropped the “forty nights” terminology because within the period that Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, none of the appearances occurred at night. By using the exploration process of the Promised Land to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit and since the time frame that Jesus used to appear to his disciples after his resurrection corresponds to the same time frame that the twelve men spent exploring the land, that also explains why the Bible teaches that the twelve men dispatched by Moses took 40 days to finish their job. There was no mention of “forty nights” terminology whatsoever. “At the end of forty days they returned from exploring the land.” Numbers 13:25. It is also very important to note that the Bible did not mention forty nights because when Moses sent the twelve men out, no exploration was carried out at night time precisely for the reason that when Jesus comes to die on the cross for the sins of the world, after his resurrection, he will not appear to his disciples at night.

The Written Laws God used the verbal law He gave to Adam and Eve to establish the first faithbased covenant with man. The second covenant He made with man was the covenant with Noah after the flood which unlike the faith-based covenant with Adam and Eve, the covenant with Noah was one that God promised not to destroy the world again using flood water. “I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.” Genesis 9:15. With the burning desire in God’s heart to rescue man from the devastating effects of sin, He decided to set up a second faith-based relationship with man through Abraham during which He made a stunning promise to Abraham. “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.”


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Genesis 15:13-14. Not only did this covenant involve Abraham, God also included Isaac and Jacob as part of the ratification. God’s divine plan to start the creation of the nation of Israel in a foreign land was His way of going back to the Garden of Eden where the journey of man all started. In addition to the fact that the nation of Israel will be crafted in a foreign land, God also wanted to use three separate ventures to accomplish the task. Why was it necessary to use three expeditions to accomplish God’s plan? Why not just one? We have to keep in mind that every aspect of God’s plan for humanity revolves around His only son Jesus Christ. God will never embark on any mission without His son being at the center of the process. If the nation of Israel will be established as God’s Natural Embassy on Earth, then likewise His only son Jesus Christ will be used to build the nation of Israel. By creating three expeditions, it was God’s way of using the supernatural divine number of His son which is also the number for the Holy Trinity in the shape of God’s Spirit.


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By using the supernatural divine number of His son, God will definitely make Israel an indestructible nation by any human force because Israel will be a supernatural nation located in a natural world.

Instead of using one journey to move Jacob and his entire household to Egypt, God decided to do it in compliance with the number of written laws that He was about to give to humanity. After the fall of man in the Garden of Eden through one verbal law, God gave us His first written law through Moses when He wrote the Ten Commandments on two tablets of stone. The Bible teaches that Moses destroyed the first set of written laws when he came down from the mountain as soon as he saw the Israelites joyfully worshipping the Golden Calf. Sometime later, God called Moses up the mountain to receive a second set of laws that were identical to the ones Moses destroyed. For Jacob and his household to move to Egypt which presents the world and to start the spiritual journey that takes man from the world to the kingdom of God, it had to be systematically done to reflect what will happen when Jesus comes to die on the cross for the sins of the world. The first written law was designed for the Israelites but when Jesus came, he revised that law to incorporate the rest of the world by paying for the sins of the world with his blood on the cross.


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“All those who went to Egypt with Jacob - those who were his direct descendants, not counting his sons’ wives - numbered sixty-six persons. With the two sons who had been born to Joseph in Egypt, the members of Jacob’s family, which went to Egypt, were seventy in all.” Genesis 46:26-27. From Table 28, if we add Jacobs’s daughter (Dinah) and also subtract Joseph and his two children who were already living in Egypt when Jacob arrived, we get: (68 + 1) – 3 = 66 (The 66 direct descendants that travelled with Jacob to Egypt.) The 70 members of Jacob’s family that started the nation of Israel in Egypt will be:


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68 + Dinah + Jacob’s wife (Leah) = 70 Jacob = 31 = 4 Dinah = 36 = 9 Leah = 26 = 8 To find the total number of Israelites that started settlement in Egypt, we have to add Jacob to the equation. From 68 members in Table 28, we had a value of 91 = 10. But by adding Jacob, Dinah, and Leah we get a total of the 71 Israelites with the following values: 10 + (Jacob + Dinah + Leah) 10 + (4 + 9 + 8) = 3 ....... (Equation 2-1) God changed Jacob’s name to Israel because in the Language of Heaven, the value of all Israelites that will be used to start the nation of Israel in Egypt will be equal to the value of Jacob’s name. Jacob = 10 +1 +3 + 15 +2 ....... (Equation 2-2) (Equation 2-1) = (Equation 2-2) 10 + (4 + 9 + 8) = 10 +1 +3 + 15 +2 31 = 31 With God’s divine plan in the Language of Heaven, the 71 individuals with original citizenship of the land of Canaan which is God’s kingdom on earth will mark a new beginning to fulfill the 400 years of slavery God promised Abraham on oath. Abraham was the pillar of this covenant that was eventually initiated with 71 individuals. 71 = 8 Abraham = 8 When the time comes for God to start the liberation of Jacob’s descendants from slavery in Egypt to bring them back to the Promised Land (Canaan) where they once settled before moving to Egypt, God will also take the number 71 into consideration when appointing a suitable candidate for the job. The choice of using Moses as the leader of the mission was not a coincidence. God had everything planned even before the birth of Moses because it all started when God called Abraham. Moses = 13 + 15 + 19 + 5 + 19 Moses = 71 Moses = The number of Israelites that started settlement in Egypt to fulfill the 400 years of slavery.


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One of the most controversial issues in the church arises when Christians try to blend the Law of Moses with the new law given to us by Jesus Christ. The following are some aspects of the Law of Moses:  “And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.” Leviticus 11:7-8.  “A man or woman who is a medium or spirits among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.” Leviticus 20:27.  “A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period. On the eight day the boy is to be circumcised. Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding.” Leviticus 12:2-4.  “If a man marries both a woman and her mother, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire, so that no wickedness will be among you.” Leviticus 20:14.  “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife – with the wife of his neighbor - both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.” Leviticus 20:10. Before God gave Moses the first written law, the Bible recounts of numerous occasions where man displayed persistent acts of rebellion towards God and that is why when Jesus was asked about the Law of Moses regarding divorce, he pointed to the stubbornness of man as the reason why God gave Moses the Law. “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law.” Mark 10:5. In His attempt to deal with man’s crazy behavior, God issued the first written law not to deal with our sins, but to keep man’s rebellion under control. That explains why before Jesus came to die on the cross for the sins of the world, there was not a single passage in the Bible that talked about the prerequisites to enter the kingdom of God. Every single aspect of the first written law was designed to deal with the ramifications of man’s unceasing rebellious behavior. Because the law was specifically tailored to manage the Israelites and bring them closer to God as His chosen people, it also explains why most of the punishments for breaking some of the law reflected the wages of sin which is death. When Jesus came to the world and paid the price of sin, instead of abolishing the first law, he revised it to produce the Bible with 66 books. In his revised version, since he took the punishment for our sins, it explains why none of his revisions incorporates the harsh punishments of putting someone to death like we saw in the Law of Moses. The only punishment that puts you to everlasting death occurs when you refuse to accept Jesus Christ through repentance as your Lord and Savior. The punishment of death that was all over the Law of Moses was not abolished by Jesus Christ; rather he fulfilled it by shedding his 53

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blood on the cross for our sins. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17. The first written law was designed to deal with the source of sin which is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil also referred to as the Tree of Rebellion; but when the time came to actually deal with sin which is the product of the tree, God decided to send His Son Jesus Christ. We know from Bible teachings that God gave Moses the first written law twice and because of that, it explains why Joseph’s brothers made two separate expeditions to Egypt with the same number of people for each journey. With the two expeditions corresponding to the first written law, the value of these two expeditions must sum up to the value of what makes God’s law holy which is the Holy Spirit. Earlier in Tables 26 and 27, we saw that the value of the first expedition was 7, while the second expedition had a value of 9 which brings the total value of both expeditions to: 7 + 9 = 16 = 7 (Divine number for Holy, Perfect and Complete) Holy Spirit = 6 + 10 = 16 = 7 With Joseph’s brothers, there were two expeditions because God gave Moses the written law twice; but with Jacob’s direct descendants there was only one journey because Jesus will give us the revised law just once. The first written law was specifically designed for the Israelites which explains why only a part of Jacob’s household made the first two expeditions to represent the first law. All participants of the first two expeditions will later be used by God to form the tribes of Israel. When it was time to incorporate the rest of the world into God’s written Law, Jesus had to die on the cross for the sins of the world to give us the Bible with 66 books and likewise Jacob’s entire household (direct descendants) representing the entire world of God’s people had to move to Egypt in one single journey. When Jesus came to the world, he did not mention anything about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because with God’s divine plan Jesus did not come to revise the verbal law of the Garden of Eden; he came to revise the written law that was given through Moses which subsequently addresses the consequences of the verbal law given to Adam and Eve in Eden. To move Jacob and his entire household to Egypt, God knew that He had to use Joseph to bring Jacob and his family to finally settle in Egypt. Not only did Jesus revise the first written law from God, he waited until he was 30 years old to start the process because back in Egypt God also waited until the value of Joseph’s household was 30 before He started the process of moving Jacob and his family to Egypt. The Bible teaches that after Joseph successfully interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, he was rewarded by Pharaoh. “I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt. Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him


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Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife.” Genesis 41:44-45. We also know from the Bible that Joseph had two sons – Ephraim and Manasseh. Asenath = 68 = 14 = 5 Ephraim = 70 = 7 Manasseh = 80 = 8 Joseph = 73 = 10 Asenath + Ephraim + Manasseh + Joseph = (5 + 7 + 8 + 10) = 30 As soon as this value (30) was manifested, God decided to move Jacob to Egypt. The Bible teaches that after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he sent them home with an invitation to bring his father and the entire family to settle in Egypt because the famine was severe in the whole region. Following God’s decision to use Joseph’s household to represent Jesus’ age at the beginning of his ministry, the decision also accounts for the following strategic moves:  The first two expeditions of Joseph’s brothers were initiated by their father Jacob to save the life of his family (including Jacob) from the severe famine death. Likewise, the first written law through Moses was initiated by Moses to save the Israelites (God’s people) including Moses, from the consequences of man’s rebellion which is death.  Unlike the first two expeditions, the third journey was initiated by Joseph not necessarily to save himself and his household, but to save his father (Jacob) and family from death. That explains why Jesus also initiated the second written law not to save himself, but to save the world from the wages of sin – death.





y using the last trip to Egypt involving the entire members of Jacob’s household to address the blueprint of the sins of the world, God also applied divine number 6 for sin. The Bible teaches that Joseph was 17 years old when he was sold into slavery by 9 of his brothers. “Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them.” Genesis 37:2. The Bible also teaches that Joseph was 30 years old when Pharaoh appointed him second in command in Egypt. “Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh King of Egypt.” Genesis 41:46. We also know from the Bible that when Jacob and his entire household made the trip to Egypt, two years of famine had passed since Joseph took office because seven years of good harvest started as soon as Joseph took office. Since the famine started after the good harvest, then Joseph was exactly 39 years old (30 + 7 + 2) when his father and family arrived in Egypt. When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he told them how many more years were left of the famine. “For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.” Genesis 45:6-7. If Joseph was sold at the age of 17 and his father reunited with him at the age of 39, it therefore means that 22 years had passed before Jacob saw his son again. 39 – 17 = 22 At the end of five additional years the famine will be over. If the famine represents a period of darkness, then what comes next will be a period of light which will coincide with Joseph turning 44 years old. 56

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39 + 5 = 44 After God created a new world through Noah, the next period of spiritual light for the world was marked by the call of Abraham which occurred as soon as God made the covenant with Noah. Abraham = 44 (Joseph’s age when the famine came to an end) When Jesus revised the law by paying the price of our sins on the cross, he took us back to God’s garden – Eden where it all started because he came to restore that which was stolen from man by the devil in the Garden of Eden. When Joseph said there will not be plowing and reaping for five years he was referring to the conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden. When God planted the Garden, His intention was for man to plow and reap from the Garden. “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.’” Genesis 2:15-17. We know that man failed God by eating from the tree in question which brought sin into the world. We also know that after God used Joseph to send the Israelites into slavery in Egypt for four hundred years, when it was time to rescue them, God introduced the Passover as a preview of a bigger picture of His future plan for the world. God picked the 14th day of the first month to celebrate the Passover. Why not a different date? What made the 14th day very special to God? Why not the 7 th day which is Holy? One of the reasons why God used the 14 th day was because from the beginning, God used the number 14 to mark generational demarcations for the world. “Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.” Matthew 1:17. Three fourteen generations = 14 x 3 = 42 = 6 (Divine number for sin, man, and dominion) Jesus Christ therefore came to us in the 42 nd generation to address the sins of the world and that explains why God celebrated the Passover on the 14 day of the first month. Also because Jesus will work with his supernatural divine number 3, God waited for the 3rd fourteen generations to send His son to the world. When God made the covenant with Abraham, He promised Abraham that his descendants will be strangers and maltreated in a strange land for 400 years. This period started from the time Jacob and his direct descendants travelled to Egypt to meet Joseph. We have to keep in mind that Joseph is also a descendant of Abraham and if that is the case, then we must not forget that Joseph was also a stranger and maltreated in Egypt before Pharaoh


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appointed him as second in command. If Joseph was 17 years old when he was sold as a slave to Egypt and he joined Pharaoh’s service at the age of 30, it therefore means that he was maltreated for 13 years. 30 – 17 = 13 Joseph went through a period of darkness in Egypt for 13 years which is God’s number for “Change of Season”; the 14th year marked the first year of light for Joseph in Egypt which also explains another reason why God used the 14 th day for the Passover celebration to mark the beginning of the liberation of the Israelites from the bondage of slavery. To get the total number of years Jacob’s descendants were treated as strangers in Egypt, we have to add the two periods – Joseph’s period and the period that covers Jacob’s descendants. 13 + 400 = 413 = 8 Abraham = 8 When God made the covenant with Abraham, He promised Abraham that his descendants will be treated as strangers in a foreign land. Notice that in fulfillment of this promise, when Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt, he was immediately subjected to this rigorous treatment by the Egyptians. But when his father Jacob and his entire household joined Joseph in Egypt, Pharaoh did not treat them as strangers; he promised Joseph that the best of Egypt will be given to his father Jacob.


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Total from all three 14 Generations : 8 + 5 + 6 = 19 = 10 We know that the number 10 is God’s divine number for Heaven and God started the Genealogy with His most powerful divine number (17) on earth as the value of the first 14 generations. Recall that the number 17 is God’s divine number for the template He used to create the heavens and the earth. Revised Genealogy To revise the genealogy, only one of Judah’s sons should be listed because the two sons (Perez and Zerah in number 5 and 7) cannot account for two generations. If you go back to Table 28, you will see that both Perez and Zerah are Judah’s sons. The only reason why God had both of them on the list was because He wanted to conceal the second coming of Jesus Christ. We will take out Zerah because he is the younger of the two. By doing that, numbers 41 and 42 in the Revised Genealogy will be Jesus for number 41 and Jesus again for number 42 because he will make two visits to the world. The new values for each group of 14 Generations will be as follows:


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a. The First 14 Generations new total will be: (737 + David) - Zerah = 719 = 17= 8. b. The Second 14 Generations new total will be: (905 + Jeconiah) – David = 930 = 12 = 3. c. The Third 14 Generations new total will be: 852 – Jeconiah = 787 = 22 = 4. From these new values and demarcations, the Third 14 Generations will be left with 13 names instead of 14 because the 14 th name will be the second coming of Jesus Christ which also marks the slaughter of God’s Passover Lamb in Egypt on the 14th day. “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matthew 24:30-35. Judging from the outcome of each group of fourteen generations, one cannot fail to notice that God used specific circumstances to define each of them. God designed each 14 Generations to reflect a principal figure and leader that will be used to define the spiritual magnitude of each generation. For the First 14 Generations, the principal spiritual figure is Abraham. For the Second 14 Generations, the principal spiritual figure is David; the Third 14 Generations has Jesus Christ as the principal spiritual figure. The First 14 Generations has a total value of 17 = 8 because the number 8 reflects the divine number of the principal spiritual figure (Abraham) of that generation; Abraham is the father of faith with divine number 8. Faith = 44 = 8 Abraham = 44 = 8 The Second 14 Generations has a total value of 14 = 5 because the number 5 is David’s divine number. David expressly used his divine number when he picked 5 stones to fight and defeat the giant Goliath. The Third 14 Generations has a total value of 15 = 6 because unlike the previous two generations, the number 6 does not reflect Jesus’ divine numbers. The number 6 however, reflects the reason why Jesus came to the world. He came to take away the sins of the world because of what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. Jesus Christ became sin on the cross by taking away the sins of the world to free us from eternal condemnation. He took divine number 6 upon himself while on the cross.


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Sin = 6 Adam = 19 = 10 Eve = 32 = 5 Adam + Eve = 10 + 5 = 15 = 6 The principal spiritual figures in the First and Second 14 Generations are humans which makes these two generations spiritually natural. On the other hand, the spiritual figure of the Third 14 Generations is Jesus Christ which makes that generation spiritually supernatural. This brings us to: God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations……. (Equation 3-14c) God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations must be the sum of all Three 14 Generations which is 19 = 10…….. from Table 29. God’s Natural Equation of Three 14 Generations = Abraham + David ..(Equation 3-14a) God’s Supernatural Equation of Three 14 Generations = Jesus Christ……. (Equation 3-14b) Abraham = 44 David = 40 (Equation 3-14a) = Abraham + David (Equation 3-14a) = 44 + 40 (Equation 3-14b) = Jesus Christ (Equation 3-14b) = Jesus + Christ (Equation 3-14b) = 74 + 77 God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations = (Equation 3-14a) + (Equation 3-14b) God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations = (44 + 40) + (74 + 77) God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations = (8 + 4) + (11 + 14) God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations = 12 + (2 + 5)


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God’s Equation of Three 14 Generations = 19 = 10 The number 19 = 10 balances the total value of the three 14 Generations from the Table of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Table 29) in compliance with the divine number 10 for Heaven and the Language of Heaven. From the Genealogy Table, God meticulously put everything together in such a unique fashion that when His son who is considered to be the second Adam comes to take away the sins of the world, the total value of all Three 14 Generations must balance the numeric value of Adam which is the number 19. Adam = 1 +4 + 1 + 13 Adam = 19 The first six names in the male Genealogy are the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Abraham = 44 = 8 Isaac = 33 = 6 Jacob = 31 = 4 Judah = 44 = 8 Perez = 70 = 7 Hezron = 86 = 14 = 5

The first three names will give you one group of three generations while the remaining names from number four to six will give you another group of three generations. In all, we have two groups of three generations each because of the following:    

Abraham was the father of Isaac Isaac was the father of Jacob Judah was the father of Perez Perez was the father of Hezron

The two groups of three generations are as follows:  Group one = From Abraham to Jacob.  Group two = From Judah to Hezron. From the list of male seeds in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, Hezron is the last name used from the direct descendants of Jacob that travelled with him to Egypt.


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The total from Group One will be: Abraham + Isaac + Jacob = 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 = 9 (Divine number for The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). The total from Group Two will be: Judah + Perez + Hezron = 8 + 7 + 5 = 20 = 2 (The divine number for Joseph) The question is: Why was Judah the only son of Jacob mentioned in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ? Why not Reuben the first son or even the last son Benjamin? Since God ratified the second covenant with three people – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who were from three generations as well, it was therefore necessary to do the same thing with subsequent descendants of Jacob found on the list. To initiate the beginning phase of that covenant will require Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt. The Bible teaches that it was Judah who in an attempt to save Joseph’s life, suggested that they sell him as a slave. It was Judah who said to his brothers, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” Genesis 37:26-27. The actions of Judah’s generation which is Group Two in Table 30 produced the number 2 which is the divine number for Joseph and the natural divine number for Jesus Christ. Another thing God did was that in the genealogy, Judah is the only one with two sons on the list – Perez and Zerah precisely because God used Judah to generate the divine number for Joseph in the genealogy table. With God’s decision to ratify the covenant with three people spanning a period of three generations (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), it explains why Judah who became the component that God used to start the process for Joseph, was therefore the only son of Jacob mentioned in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ. God therefore used Judah in the


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Genealogy of Jesus Christ because Judah was the first son of Jacob to produce a third generation seed (grandchild for Jacob). Apart from the fact that he was the only son of Jacob on the list, God also used three of Judah’s generations to reflect the supernatural importance of three 14 generations because Jesus will come to the world in the last phase of these three 14 generations. To reflect the painful toil of man outside the Garden of Eden and to also demonstrate how God will approach the third and final covenant with man, the name Jacob was used as the 3rd from the top and the 3rd from the bottom of the list in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ. The descendants of Jacob were used to start the slavery in Egypt and God also used the descendants of Jacob to establish His kingdom on earth which is the nation of Israel when He changed Jacob’s name to Israel.

Drafting the Holy Bible The Bible was specifically designed to reflect the covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. After crowning Abraham as the father of faith, in preparation for the supernatural Book of God that will guide mankind to live by the examples of Abraham’s faith in God through the grace of Jesus Christ, God was not prepared to make further covenants with man. The Bible will therefore ratify that covenant by using the last name (Jacob) in the covenant as the basis for the 66 books of the Bible. The only two female Books of the Bible (Ruth and Esther) were spiritually named after the two wives of Jacob who were Leah and Rachel. The Bible teaches that besides Leah and Rachel, Jacob also had children with the two maids of his wives – Bilhah and Zilpah. As far as the principles of God’s nature are concerned, when it comes to God’s covenant, there is no room for compromise. Remember when Sarah gave her maid Hagar to Abraham and she bore him a son named Ishmael, God was not prepared to compromise His covenant with Abraham and for that reason He asked Abraham to send the child and mother away because Ishmael was a seed of choice that had nothing to do with the covenant God established with Abraham. The only seed God was willing to use in relation to the covenant was the seed He promised Abraham through Sarah who was Isaac. By using Abraham’s only spiritually legitimate son to authenticate the covenant that is symbolic of God’s future plan for the world, He will also send His only legitimate son Jesus Christ to endorse that covenant when the time comes. Once again, because the 66 books of the Bible will be dealing with God’s ratification of the covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with specific emphasis on Jacob, only the seeds from his two wives were taken into consideration. The seeds from the two maids were excluded from the process. Precisely because Jacob is the third generation of the covenant, God also decided to start with the third generation of Jacob to draft the male names of the Books of the Bible. In God’s plan,


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nothing below the third generation will be used. God’s decision to start from the third generation was because Jesus Christ, who will give us the complete Bible involving the four books of the gospel, will come to the world in the 3 rd Fourteen Generations. “Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.” Matthew 1:17. The third-generation male seeds of Jacob from Leah and Rachel were the following:

Recall that in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, God used two of Judah’s sons. In drafting the Holy Bible through Jesus Christ, God will also make another exception by using two of Judah’s great grandsons as the only 4 th generation male seeds involved in the process. From Table 31, not only did Leah give Jacob six sons who produced 27 third and fourth generation male seeds, but God also used these 6 men as


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part of the first and second trips to Egypt. We know that the two expeditions correspond to the Law of Moses which is also commonly referred to as the Old Testament. Another seed that was also a part of the two trips was Benjamin who was Rachel’s son with 10 third generation male seeds. In total, the number of third and fourth generation male seeds from the two expeditions to Egypt (excluding Joseph’s seeds) will give us: 27 + 10 = 37 (These are the 37 male books of the Old Testament) By adding the two female books (Ruth and Esther) that were spiritually named after Leah and Rachel, we get the 39 books of the Old Testament. A simplified version of the formula from Table 31 will be as follows: Old Testament Books = (Leah + Grandsons + Great Grandsons) + (Rachel + Grandsons) – (Joseph’s sons) Old Testament Books = (1 + 25 + 2) + (1 +12) – 2 Old Testament Books = 28 + 13 – 2 Old Testament Books = 37 Male Books + 2 Female Books. Old Testament Books = 39 Books Since Jesus did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill them by revising what God gave to Moses, the list of names, (third and fourth generation male seeds) that God used to create the Old Testament must also be used by Jesus to give us a revised version of the Law commonly referred to as the New Testament. We know that there are 66 books in the Holy Bible and all Jesus had to do was to come up with the remaining 27 books (66 – 39 = 27) by using the information from Table 31. For Jesus to revise the Law of Moses, that revision must come from the equation that created the Old Testament. The Law that God gave Moses was written for sinners to address the source of sin but when Jesus finally came to address sin, he followed the footsteps of the Father in revising the Law because when the Father created the Old Testament, He used a very simple formula. Because the Old Testament deals with the source of sin through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9, it explains why when the nine brothers sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt that was also a spiritual replication of the source of sin. It explains why to create the books of the Old Testament, God took Joseph’s seeds out of the equation because only the source of sin will be temporarily addressed, not sin itself. God will only address sin at the appropriate time by using


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His only son Jesus Christ. When Jesus leaves heaven to revise the old law by shedding his blood on the cross for the sins of the world, the Father will feel excruciating pain for the temporary loss of his son even though the Father will reunite with him again in the future (after his resurrection). That was the kind of pain that Jacob felt when Benjamin was taken to Egypt by his brothers to see Joseph. In Genesis 42:18-19, when Joseph took Simeon and put him in prison as a condition to bring Benjamin to Egypt, it was a symbolic replay of how God was going to deal with sin in the future. Joseph specifically asked for Benjamin as the only price for Simeon’s release because Jesus will be the only price for our release from the bondage of sin. Not only did Joseph use Simeon as the perfect prisoner because Simeon was the second seed of Jacob which made him a perfect choice for Joseph’s divine number 2, it was also because the number 2 is God’s divine number for unclean and Jesus will suffer a natural death on the cross with his natural divine number 2. The only thing that makes us unclean before God is our insatiable love for sin and rebellion. What revised the Law of Moses was the price of sin that Jesus paid on the cross with his blood and the pain that God felt for what His son had to go through. In Jacob’s heart, as soon as Benjamin was taken away from him, he thought it was the last time he was going to set eyes on his son. Because Jacob felt so much pain for Benjamin even though Benjamin did not die, the revised Law will involve taking Benjamin’s seeds out of the equation of the Old Testament. Jacob’s pain when Benjamin left for Egypt = God’s pain when Jesus left Heaven for the World. It explains why God’s son was taken away from Him in heaven so that the Law of Moses can be successfully revised. Remember that just like Jesus was taken away from the Father in heaven and brought to the world as a condition for our freedom from the bondage of sin, likewise Benjamin was also taken from his father Jacob in the land of Canaan (The Embassy of Heaven). Benjamin was taken to Egypt which represents the sinful world as a condition for Simeon’s release. Because the number 2 is God’s number for creation and unclean spirit, Joseph knew that Simeon will be a perfect candidate to use as a representation of the sins of the world because he was Jacob’s second son. One major reason why God used the 3rd and 4th generations of Jacob to draft the Holy Bible is because when it was time to fulfill the covenant He made with Abraham, God used two people to accomplish that mission. The two people He used were Jacob and Joseph. While Jacob was Abraham’s 3 rd generation, Joseph on the other hand was Abraham’s 4th generation. New Testament Books = Old Testament Male Books – Benjamin’s seeds.


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New Testament Books = 37 Male Books – Benjamin’s seeds. 37 Male Books – 10 = 27 New Testament Books Books of the Holy Bible = Old Testament + New Testament. Books of the Holy Bible = 39 + 27 = 66 Books (This is the revised and fulfilled Law from our Lord Jesus Christ.) The Journey of Man


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Preparing for the Cross When Jesus assigns you a divine number, it is absolutely imperative that you use it in accordance with the stipulations of heaven. Joseph could have disclosed himself to his brothers when he first saw them during their first visit to Egypt but he controlled himself. The only reason why Joseph resisted the urge was not because he wanted to punish his brothers or play games. He controlled himself because he knew when and how to use his divine number 2. He had to find a way to meticulously force his brothers into making a second trip to Egypt. It was precisely for that reason that He took Simeon from them so that they had no choice but to come back for him.


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There have been moments when I blundered in the course of using my divine number and I know from experience that there was nothing pleasant from the lessons that came thereafter. Before Joseph revealed himself to his brothers when they came to Egypt the second time, the Bible teaches that Joseph ordered his steward to prepare a special meal for him and his brothers. “They hurried down to Egypt and presented themselves to Joseph. When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house, ‘Take these men to my house, slaughter an animal and prepare dinner; they are to eat with me at noon.’” Genesis 43:15-16. While these men were still shaken from their experience of the first trip, when Joseph came home and they sat down to eat, the stage was demarcated in such a unique fashion that the Egyptians ate by themselves while Joseph and his brothers ate from Joseph’s table. “They served him by himself, the brothers by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves, because Egyptians could not eat with Hebrews for that is detestable to Egyptians. The men had been seated before him in the order of their ages, from the firstborn to the youngest, and they looked at each other in astonishment. When portions were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s. So they feasted and drank freely with him.” Genesis 43:32-34. We know that Benjamin was Joseph’s younger brother from the same mother (Rachel) but was that enough reason for him to receive five times the share of each of his brothers? We also know that Joseph loved Benjamin very much and part of the reason why he organized the dinner meeting was because he wanted to spend some time with Benjamin up-close. If Joseph was eager to give his younger brother preferential treatment, why not give him three, four, or even two shares; why five? The Bible teaches that the next morning when Joseph sent his brothers back to Canaan, he ordered his steward to put his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack; why did he do that and what was very special about the cup? When Joseph gave the instructions to his steward, was it a setup? “Fill the men’s sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man’s silver in the mouth of his sack. Then put my cup, the silver one, in the mouth of the youngest one’s sack, along with the silver for his grain.” Genesis 44:1-2. From God’s divine plan, we know that Joseph was sold into slavery to mark the beginning of the covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That covenant was specifically designed to portray God’s future plan of addressing the sins of the world through His son Jesus Christ. The Egyptians did not eat from the same table with Joseph and his brothers not only because it was detestable for Egyptians to eat with Hebrews, but precisely because God reserved that moment for Joseph and his brothers.


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As much as it was detestable for Egyptians to eat with Hebrews, the only reason why the Egyptians in Joseph’s house observed that law was because at that very moment in that house, no one except Joseph knew that the eleven men eating from Joseph’s table were actually his brothers. To the Egyptians, the eleven men were just some hungry Hebrew guys who have come to Egypt to buy food. The Egyptians considered Joseph to be one of them because not only did he fluently speak their language, he also married an Egyptian woman from a royal bloodline. When they saw Joseph eating with the Hebrews, they thought their Prime Minister was just being nice by hosting a diplomatic dinner. I don’t know anybody who will not be honored to eat dinner at the White House with the President of the United States and his brothers at the same table. If that dinner took place after Joseph had revealed himself to his brothers, everybody in that house especially the Egyptians would have joined Joseph to eat from his table even with some fake jubilation. Let’s not forget that every Egyptian in Joseph’s home was an employee paid by the Egyptian government through Joseph. For any Egyptian to express any form of discrimination towards Joseph’s brothers will be like asking for a life sentence in prison because Joseph was the Prime Minister of the country with full authority and power to implement martial law where necessary. To understand the fate of any Egyptian found guilty of such offences, all we need to do is look at Pharaoh’s reaction when he was informed that Joseph’s brothers were in Egypt. “When the news reached Pharaoh’s palace that Joseph’s brothers had come, Pharaoh and all his officials were pleased.” Genesis 45:16. Pharaoh was not only happy with the news but he was also happy to invite Joseph’s family to become a part of Egypt. He asked Joseph to deliver this special message to his brothers: “Load your animals and return to the land of Canaan, and bring your father and your families back to me. I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land.” Genesis 45:17-18. The stage that afternoon was designed by God to reflect what Jesus will do when he makes spiritual preparations for the cross. The Bible teaches that while Jesus was celebrating the Passover (The Lord’s Supper) with his disciples, an argument arose among the disciples and Jesus said some very remarkable things. “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. But the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table. The Son of Man will go as it has been decreed, but woe to that man who betrays him. Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. Jesus said to them, ‘The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you, should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at


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the table? But I am among you as the one who serves. You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Luke 22:20-30. When Jesus talked about the hand that will betray him sitting at the same table with him, he was also referring to what happened when Joseph was sitting at the table with the hand that betrayed him. Remember that just like Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus by selling him for thirty silver coins, Judah also betrayed Joseph by selling him into slavery for twenty shekels of silver. The outcome of Joseph’s betrayal was his divine number and so did the outcome of the betrayal of Jesus Christ which also produced his (Jesus’) supernatural divine number. 20 = 2 (Divine number of Joseph and Natural divine number of Jesus Christ) 30 = 3 (Supernatural divine number of Jesus Christ) Joseph and Jesus Christ definitely shared the same journey because in God’s divine plan, Egypt was a representation of the world. The Bible teaches that after the dinner with his brothers, the next morning when Joseph sent them away, he spoke to them like he was their father. “Then he sent his brothers away, and as they were leaving he said to them, ‘Don’t quarrel on the way!’” Genesis 45:24. Joseph was not trying to play the father role when he made this statement and he was certainly not talking to kids; these were grown men. The only reason why Joseph said that to his brothers was because he was referring to and also trying to avoid the argument that the Bible talked about when Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples. Joseph knew that after giving preferential treatment to Benjamin who was the youngest, that alone was enough to provoke an argument among his brothers. Joseph was also aware of the fact that as soon as his brothers left Egypt, there was a great chance of an argument erupting as they made their way home because it was the same kind of special treatment that he received from his father Jacob which triggered an argument leading to his destiny as a slave in Egypt. That explains why Jesus made a contrast to the Gentiles and also talked about the youngest when he addressed the issue in Luke 22:20-30. The youngest in this case was a direct reference to Benjamin who was not only the youngest son of Jacob but was also the youngest of the brothers who had dinner with Joseph that afternoon. The Bible teaches that when Joseph’s brothers sat before him to eat, they were seated in an orderly fashion, from the firstborn, to the youngest which means that Benjamin was not sitting close to Joseph. Following the deep love Joseph had for his brother Benjamin, one would expect that Joseph should have ordered his steward to rearrange the sitting positions of his brothers to bring Benjamin closer to him. The reason Joseph resisted that urge was because that


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meeting had a lot more to do with God’s supernatural divine plan for Jesus Christ than it actually had to do with the feelings of Joseph. There was absolutely no reason for Joseph to temper with the sitting arrangements because it was evidently a fulfillment of what Jesus said to the sons of Zebedee during the Passover feast. “You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.” Matthew 20:23. Just like it was out of Jesus’ control to decide who sits at his left or right hand in the kingdom of God, it was also not up to Joseph to decide who sits at his right or left during that memorable dinner. It was not an easy decision for Joseph as he sat there watching his brother (Benjamin) sitting far away from him. The food that was served to Joseph’s brothers came directly from Joseph’s table because that evening as Jesus reclined at the table with his disciples, even though the disciples had the option of taking the bread from the table by themselves, Jesus made certain that the bread came directly from him to his disciples. The only reason why Benjamin received five portions was because Joseph also made certain that he served the food to his brothers; it also explains why as soon as the Egyptian servants were done placing the food on Joseph’s table, they left to go eat at a separate table. When Jesus took the cup, he made a promise to his disciples that he will not drink the fruit of the vine again until the kingdom of God is fulfilled. “For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” Luke 22:18. What he was trying to say was that he will not be using that cup to drink again for a while. It was that symbolic supernatural gesture that Joseph demonstrated when he asked his steward to put his special silver cup in Benjamin’s sack after the dinner. In Matthew 20:20-28 when Jesus was asked by Zebedee’s wife to grant her children the opportunity to sit at Jesus’ left and right hand in the kingdom of God, one thing Jesus made very clear was the fact that he can only decide who drinks from his cup but not who sits at his right or left hand. Putting the silver cup in Benjamin’s sack was Joseph’s way of showing us what Jesus was trying to explain to the sons of Zebedee and his other ten disciples. Joseph was able to give Benjamin the opportunity to keep his cup as a sign of the authority to drink from his cup but he was not able to make the decision of where Benjamin or any of his brothers sat that day during the dinner because just like Jesus said, that decision is only in the hands of the Father. It is God who decides who sits at the left and right hand of Jesus Christ in heaven. When Jesus addressed his disciples during the Passover feast he systematically said a few things to humble them. “Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.” Luke 22:26. When Joseph sat down to eat with his brothers, Benjamin who was the youngest, was treated as the greatest when he received five portions of what each of his brothers received. Joseph who served his brothers was obviously the one who


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rules because as ruler of Egypt, he had absolute authority over his brothers as well. The stage for that dinner was completely different from Egyptian custom because under normal circumstances, as Prime Minister of Egypt whenever Joseph sits down to eat, an Egyptian steward is always standing there by his table to serve him. There were no servants at Joseph’s table because the Egyptians ate by themselves; he decided to use that opportunity to serve his brothers because during the Lord’s Supper to celebrate the Passover, Jesus Christ will serve his disciples. Following the mission that Jesus came to accomplish, he also used the Passover feast to make a swift comparison of the world and the kingdom of God. “For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves. You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Luke 22:27-30. In the real world, the one who is at the table is far greater than the one who serves because the one who is at the table eats while the one who serves doesn’t eat at the same time – he is usually a servant to the one who is at the table. Jesus officially addressed himself as the one who serves because Joseph who was supposed to be “the one who is at the table”, turned out to be “the one who serves” as he took upon the duty of serving his brothers during dinner. To get a better understanding of why Joseph gave Benjamin five portions we have to look at how Jesus used the Parable of the Worker in the Vineyard to describe the kingdom of God. “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard. About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went. He went out again about the sixth hour and ninth hour and did the same thing. About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day doing nothing?’ ‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered. He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’ When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’ The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius. So when those came, who were hired first they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These men who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’” Matthew 20:1-12. The landowner went out five times to look for workers:


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Early in the morning. The 3rd hour. The 6th hour. The 9th hour. The 11th hour.

In the real world, since the workers who were hired at the eleventh hour received a denarius each for their labor, the worker who started early in the morning should definitely receive 5 denarius each. In an impartial world, mathematically speaking, the 11th hour workers received five times the wages they should have received. It is this parable that was set in motion as Joseph gathered his brothers for dinner at his house. When evening came, the workers who were hired early in the morning should have been paid first before the 11th hour employees. By starting the payment process with the last workers on the list (the 11th hour workers) that explains why when food was served to Joseph’s brothers, the first reference the Bible made was Benjamin’s portion who is the last son of Jacob. Benjamin represents the workers who were hired at the 11th hour. “When portions were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s.” Genesis 43:34. When Joseph had dinner with his brothers, if anybody was entitled to receive more than one portion, it was Reuben who was the oldest; not the other way round. Joseph gave Benjamin five portions to fulfill the concluding statement of Jesus Christ when he narrated this parable to his disciples. “So the last will be the first and the first will be last.” Matthew 20:16. While the true picture of the world was displayed in the sitting arrangements of Joseph’s brothers, on the other hand, the kingdom of God was displayed as the food was served because Benjamin, who sat in the last position from Joseph, became the first when the food was served. Jesus also used the parable to define the steps of his journey based on the number of times the landowner went out to look for workers – five times. The Journey of Jesus Christ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jesus came from heaven to earth. On earth he was betrayed and sold into the slavery of sin. From the slavery of sin he died on the cross and was buried. From his death on the cross and burial, he resurrected on the third day. From his resurrection, he went back to heaven.

Joseph’s Journey 1. He went from Canaan to his brothers. 2. His brothers sold him into slavery through the Ishmaelites.


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3. The Ishmaelites sold him to Portiphar. 4. Portiphar put Joseph in prison. 5. Joseph went from prison to the position of Prime Minister of Egypt. The Bible teaches that when Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he wept with Benjamin as the other ten brothers stood in front of him terrified because they were not really sure of what Joseph was going to do to them for selling him into slavery. To calm their fears, Joseph did not only forgive them but he also assured them that what they did to him was actually the will of God. “But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt. Now hurry back to my father and say to him, ‘This is what your son Joseph says: God has made me lord of all Egypt. Come down to me; don’t delay. And you shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me – you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have.’” Genesis 45:7-10. Was Joseph making any sense from what he said to his brothers? It is true that Joseph was lord of Pharaoh’s household and ruler of Egypt but did that make him a father to Pharaoh? Practically speaking, the answer is, “No” because Joseph worked for Pharaoh. As far as the chain of command is concerned, Pharaoh still had the final word in all the affairs of Egypt because while Joseph was the Prime Minister, he was appointed by Pharaoh who was the King. As much as Joseph reports to Pharaoh, on the other hand, from a spiritual standpoint God actually made Joseph a father to Pharaoh. The reason is because if Joseph did not have the power of God to successfully interpret Pharaoh’s dreams that eventually saved Egypt from the brink of collapse, the whole world would have perished as well. That is why Joseph said that God used him to preserve a remnant on earth and to save lives by a great deliverance. Let’s recall that the famine was so severe that Egypt was the only place anybody could buy food. God has a way of replaying His divine plan for humanity in such a manner that even though He retraces His steps, some very vital aspects of His plan will undergo some spiritual makeover. By using Egypt as the world when the famine kicked in, God was systematically replaying the flood He introduced with Noah in Genesis 7 and 8. During the flood, the major component that God used to save lives was the Ark which is synonymous to Joseph in Egypt. When we talked about the Ark in earlier chapters and in Book One, we concluded that it was God’s way of making the first introduction of His son Jesus Christ to the world and judging from the life of Joseph who shared every step of his life with Jesus Christ, it is no surprise that God decided to replay the scenes of the flood by using Joseph’s life.


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When Joseph’s brothers came back home to their father Jacob after the second journey, the Bible teaches that they brought carts for Jacob to use in transporting his household to Egypt. “Then Jacob left Beersheba, and Israel’s sons took their father Jacob and their children and their wives in the carts that Pharaoh had sent to transport him. They also took with them their livestock and the possessions they had acquired in Canaan, and Jacob and all his offspring went to Egypt. He took with him to Egypt his sons and grandsons and his daughters and granddaughters – all his offspring.” Genesis 46:5-7. In the entire Bible, if there was anybody who knew how to get God’s attention, it was certainly Jacob; not only was he loved by God as one of the three members that God used to ratify the covenant with Abraham, but one of the strongest attributes that God gave Jacob was a vast knowledge of the Language of Heaven. That is why as soon as God made a unique promise to Jacob, he immediately stepped out in faith as he gathered his household to join Joseph in Egypt. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.” Genesis 46:3-4.


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We know that Joseph’s brothers made trips to Egypt without complaining of the distance or means of transportation because Jacob was not begging food. Although Jacob was not a very wealthy man, he certainly had enough to take care of his household including enough animals to transport his family to places. But when it was time for God to move Jacob to Egypt, the means of transportation came from Pharaoh who is a member of a world that was completely different from the kind of world Jacob came from. Why did the carts not come from Joseph even though he had the authority to do so? The Bible teaches that when Pharaoh received the news of Joseph’s brothers, he immediately asked Joseph to bring his father to Egypt with specific instructions on how to go about it. “You are also directed to tell them, ‘Do this: Take some carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and come. Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be yours.’” Genesis 45:19-20. The carts came directly from Pharaoh because by moving Jacob to Egypt, God was also using that moment to show us how His son will enter Jerusalem in preparation for the cross (slavery of sin) as Jacob also prepares to enter the period of slavery in Egypt that God promised through Abraham. As much as Egypt was a spiritual symbol of the world, a part of Egypt called Goshen was what God used to symbolize the city of Jerusalem – a part of the world reserved for God. When Joseph invited his father and siblings to join him in Egypt, he told his brothers that they will live in a region called Goshen because he knew that God reserved that part of the city for his father Jacob. “Now hurry back to my father and say to him, ‘This is what your son Joseph says: God has made me lord of all Egypt. Come down to me; don’t delay. You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me – you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have. I will provide for you there, because five years of famine are still to come. Otherwise you and your household and all who belong to you will become destitute.’” Genesis 45:9-11. The transportation system for Jacob was provided by Pharaoh because when Jesus enters Jerusalem in preparation for the cross, his transportation system will be provided by a total stranger and it will also come from his destination just like Jacob’s transportation, came from Egypt. “As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples saying to them, ‘Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.’” Mark 11:1-2. Jesus knew that the two disciples will face some opposition when they try to untie the colt and for that reason, he also told them what to say if that happens. “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ Tell him, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’” Mark 11:3.


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Just like Jesus promised to send the colt back shortly, as soon as Jacob arrived in Egypt, the carts were also returned to Pharaoh. Under normal circumstances, if your father whom you have not seen for twenty two years and his household of about sixty six people decided to honor your invitation to join you in a foreign country, the traditional thing to do is that they will all come first to your home before you take them to wherever you have prepared for them to settle. In Jacob’s case, it did not necessarily follow; instead Jacob and his household went straight to Goshen. Why did they not go first to Joseph’s house at least for some refreshment after a long journey? The reason is because when Jesus entered Jerusalem, he did not go to anybody’s home; he went straight to the heart of the city just like Jacob went to Goshen which was spiritually considered to be the best part of Egypt. “On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there.” Mark 11:15. The Bible teaches that shortly after Jesus completed the Triumphal Entry, as he was teaching at the temple the chief priests and the elders started questioning his authority. “They arrived again in Jerusalem, and while Jesus was walking in the temple courts, the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders came to him. ‘By what authority are you doing these things?’ they asked. ‘And who gave you authority to do this?’” Mark 11:27-28. This was a very unique moment that God used to mark what happened to the Israelites after the death of Joseph and his generation. After the death of Joseph and his brothers’ generation, the Israelites were still enjoying the special privilege that came with the authority of Joseph over the years. But as soon as it was time for their oppression to start in compliance with the covenant God made with Abraham, the administration of a new Pharaoh started to question Joseph’s authority. “Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died, but the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them. Then a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt.” Exodus 1:6-8. The new king said to his people, “The Israelites have become much too numerous for us. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies fight against us and leave the country.” Exodus 1:9-10. One of the most remarkable moments of Jacob’s life was when he saw Joseph again after twenty two years. During that meeting, the normal thing for Jacob to say to his son would have been something like “Good to see you again son.” or “I praise God for letting me see you gain.” Instead, Jacob told Joseph that he was ready to die. What a stunning statement! You have not seen your father for 22 years and when that opportunity finally showed up he decides to suck the joy of that moment out of you by telling you he is ready to die? That was not the moment to talk about death because Jacob knew that his son went through a lot of pain, torture, loneliness, and rejection by living in a foreign land where he started as a slave.


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Although Jacob’s statement sounds painful and out of touch, the truth is that Jacob knew God’s divine plan for the Israelites more than anyone else who was alive at that time. “As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father and wept for a long time. Israel said to Joseph, ‘Now I am ready to die, since I have seen for myself that you are still alive.’” Genesis 46:29-30. Jacob said he was ready to die because after the triumphal entry, the anointing at Bethany and the Passover celebration, Jesus was ready to die on the cross as he was arrested in a place called Gethsemane. “Just as he was speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, appeared. With him was a crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the elders.” Mark 14:43. Before Jesus made preparations for the cross, he took some time to talk about the Signs of the End of the Age. In his conclusion of this topic, he stressed that no one knows the time when the Son of Man will come back. Jesus used this topic to relate to what the Israelites went through in Egypt after the death of Joseph and his generation because during their 400 years of bondage in slavery, no one knew the time when God was going to step in to deliver them. As a matter of fact, the Israelites had lost all hope when God finally showed up through Moses and Aaron. “No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.” Mark 13:32-33. It was precisely for the same reason that when God finally sent Moses and Aaron to deliver the Israelites from bondage by using the Passover in the last hour, He asked the Israelites to eat the meat under some very strange hasty conditions. “This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in a haste; it is the LORD’S Passover.” Exodus 12:11. -----------------------------Spiritual Lesson Number 4 There are times when we experience what appears to be the worst moments in life and the more we try to hang on hoping that each new day brings something to alleviate our pain and agony, the more we start to feel that it makes no sense hoping for a better future. In most cases, the more we pray the worse it gets and if we are not very careful, we start to drift to that place where we develop more doubt for what God is capable of doing for us. In moments like these, what matters is not how we feel; rather it is the truth that God works with a timely divine plan. It is also the truth that regardless of the pain and what we hear or see, God is still in control. Each passing day brings us closer to our deliverance and if we can just sit tight with all trust placed in God alone through Jesus Christ, He will surely deliver us at the right time. Our Passover is just around the corner. -----------------------------81

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The Bible teaches that Jesus was anointed at Bethany shortly before the Passover. “Now the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill him. ‘But not during the Feast,’ they said, ‘or the people may riot.’ While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.” Mark 14:1-3. Why was Jesus anointed two days before the Passover? Why not three or four days before the Passover? The reason he was anointed on that particular day was because since the Passover is celebrated on the 14 th day of the first month, the 12th day was a very unique day in the journey of Jesus Christ. While the number 14 is God’s expanded divine number for the dead and supernatural freedom, the number 12 on the other hand is God’s number for natural freedom – of the flesh. These two numbers were used to fulfill God’s divine number 2 for a pair of natural and supernatural freedom. That explains why when some of those who were present in the room challenged the actions of the woman, Jesus defended her right away. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.” Mark 14:6-8. Shortly after the Passover as Jesus was arrested, tried, and tortured, that phase marked the period when the sufferings of the Israelites in bondage greatly increased but as soon as Jesus died on the cross to pay the price of the sins of the world, God used the new period to introduced the Passover in Egypt to free His people from the bondage of slavery.

The Lives of Joseph and Jacob 1. Joseph was sold at the age of 17. “Joseph a young man of seventeen was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives and he brought their father a bad report about them.” Genesis 37:2. 2. Joseph joined Pharaoh’s service at the age of 30. “Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh King of Egypt.” Genesis 41:46. 3. Seven years of abundance plus two years of famine passed when Joseph’s father came to Egypt. “During the seven years of abundance the land produced plentifully. Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities.” Genesis 41:47-48. “For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping.” Genesis 45:6.


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4. Joseph’s father lived in Egypt for 17 years as he died at the age of 147 years. “Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven.” Genesis 47:28. 5. When Jacob came to Egypt, Joseph was: 30 + 7 yrs of great abundance + 2 yrs of famine = 30 + 7 + 2 = 39 years old. 6. When Jacob died, Joseph had lived in Egypt for: (30 -17) + (7 + 2 + 17) = 39 years 7. Joseph died at 110 years. “Joseph stayed in Egypt, along with all his father’s family. He lived a hundred and ten years and saw the third generation of Ephraim’s children. Also the children of Makir son of Manasseh were placed at birth on Joseph’s knees.” Exodus 50:22-23. 8. Joseph lived 17 years in Canaan the Promised land but lived 110 – 17 = 93 years in Egypt. The number 93 is the exact flip of the 39 years Joseph lived in Egypt before his father died. 9. One thing Joseph had in common with his father was that God used them to implement divine number two because while Joseph lived 17 years in Canaan, his father on the other hand lived 17 years in Egypt. God’s most powerful divine number on earth (17) was displayed in the lives of both men. When Jacob died, his son Joseph was 39 + 17 = 56 years old. 10. After the death of his father, Joseph lived 110 – 56 = 54 years. 11. If Joseph was 39 years old when his father came to Egypt and Jacob was 130 years old when he travelled to Egypt, it therefore means that when Joseph was sold into slavery, his father was 130 – (39 - 17) = 108 years old. 12. If Jacob was 108 years old when Joseph was sold into slavery at the age of 17, it therefore means that Jacob was 108 – 17 = 91 years old when Joseph was born. 13. All together, Joseph and Jacob lived in Egypt for: (110 – 17) + 17 = 110 years. 14. All together, Jacob and Joseph lived in Canaan for: (147 -17) + 17 = 147 years. From the last two points (13 and 14) we now know that in God’s divine plan for the nation of Israel, the land of Egypt was used as a spiritual symbol of Joseph because all together Joseph and his father Jacob lived in Egypt for 110 years which is also the age at which Joseph died in Egypt. Also, God used Jacob as a spiritual symbol of the Promised Land Canaan because all together Jacob and his son Joseph lived in Canaan for 147 years which is also the age at which Jacob died in Egypt. The Bible teaches that when Jacob died, God used that opportunity to reveal some of the things that He will do when the appropriate time comes for Him to deliver the Israelites from bondage because Jacob was a very significant figure that God used to ratify the covenant He made with Abraham. “Joseph threw himself upon 83

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his father and wept over him and kissed him. Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. So the physicians embalmed him, taking a full forty days, for that was the time required for embalming. And the Egyptians mourned for him seventy days.” Genesis 50:1-3. It makes perfect sense that the Egyptians took forty days to embalm Jacob because that was the Egyptian tradition but it makes no sense that the Egyptians discarded their tradition when they mourned for Jacob because seventy days of mourning was not an Egyptian tradition. They mourned for Jacob that long because it was part of God’s divine plan for Jacob. The seventy days was to commemorate the seventy descendants of Jacob that started the nation of Israel when Jacob arrived in Egypt. “With the two sons who had been born to Joseph in Egypt, the members of Jacob’s family, which went to Egypt, were seventy in all.” Genesis 46:27. The Bible teaches that when Joseph left to bury his father in the place designated and bought by Abraham, he was accompanied by a large Egyptian delegation but before the burial, Joseph mourned for his father for seven days by the Jordan. “When they reached the threshing floor of Atad, near the Jordan, they lamented loudly and bitterly; and there Joseph observed a seven-day period of mourning for his father.” Genesis 50:10. Joseph knew precisely what needed to be done in order to fulfill what God had planned for the Israelites in the near future. As the Ambassador of Heaven, he knew that when that time comes, God will use Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land and he also knew that when the Israelites cross the Jordan, God will assign divine number 7 to Joshua and that was exactly what happened when God used that number to bring down the wall of Jericho through Joshua.

The Price of Guilt There are moments in life when we find ourselves at the wrong place at the right time. It could be because we accidentally witnessed a crime where someone was seriously hurt or even killed; we walk away shaken and wondering what our next move should be. In some cases, out of fear, we decide to say nothing to anybody. Despite countless appeals from the public and law enforcement agencies we still maintain our silence because we think it is the right thing to do. We are confident as the little voice deep inside keeps telling us, “Don’t get involved.” When Joseph’s brothers made the decision to sell him as a slave to the Ishmaelites, even though Reuben was not there when that decision was made, his nine brothers later told him about it. Armed with the truth, Reuben who was the first son had the choice of saying something to his father as he watched them falsely testify that Joseph was dead. The fact that he said nothing to his father for more than twenty years makes Reuben as guilty as the other nine brothers. That you witnessed a crime and chose to be silent


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does not necessarily exonerate you from being a part of the crime. You are just as guilty as the perpetrators if you decide not to report what you know. God commands us to always do the right thing even if it means risking our lives to defend the truth. Jesus thought us the same thing when he came to die for our sins. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. When Jesus sat down to celebrate the Passover with his disciples, even though he tried to tell them ahead of time that one of them sitting at the table will betray him, his disciples did not understand what he was trying to say. The plan that Judas Iscariot made with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus was something that Judas did not share with any of his fellow disciples. The guilt for this crime was solely on Judas Iscariot because the rest of the disciples were not aware of Judas’ plans. On the other hand, when Joseph sat down with his eleven brothers to share a meal in fulfillment of the Passover that Jesus will celebrate in preparation for the cross, Joseph knew that with the exception of Benjamin, the rest of his brothers (10 of them) were all guilty of selling him as a slave when he was just seventeen years old. In God’s divine plan and the Language of Heaven, the cash price of guilt for selling His son Jesus Christ as a slave to the Jewish leaders will be set at 30 pieces of silver. On that memorable day, as Joseph sat across the table from his brothers, because the price of guilt for each soul that participated in that willful act had been established in heaven to be 30 pieces of silver, Joseph did the math to prepare for his next move. Because ten of his brothers were guilty of this crime, that explains why Joseph gave Benjamin 300 shekels of silver in fulfillment of God’s plan for His son Jesus Christ – 30 shekels of silver on behalf of each of the ten brothers. “To each of them he gave new clothing, but to Benjamin he gave three hundred shekels of silver and five sets of clothes.” Genesis 45:22. It is true that when Joseph was sold by his brothers, the Ishmaelites paid them twenty shekels of silver; that amount of money was only designed by heaven to fulfill Joseph’s divine number 2 (20 = 2) just like the 30 pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received from the Jewish leaders was also designed to fulfill the supernatural divine number of Jesus Christ (30 = 3). “Then one of the Twelve – the one called Judas Iscariot – went to the chief priests and asked, ‘What are you going to give me if I hand him over to you?’ So they counted out for him thirty silver coins. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.” Matthew 26:14-16. If Joseph’s intention was to offer his brothers a memorable gift, why did he choose clothes and money? His brothers neither arrived naked when they came to buy food in Egypt nor without money. Why did Joseph find it necessary to provide them with clothes and money? If his intention was about a gift, then why did Benjamin receive the biggest share? If anybody was eligible for the biggest share in the family, it would be Reuben who was the oldest son of Jacob. After the fall of man, Jesus came to restore man’s soul to its original state as it was in the beginning and for him


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to accomplish that mission, God must make reference to where and when it all started. The Bible teaches that when God planted the Garden in Eden, He made a river to water the garden; that river gave birth to four other rivers which brought the total number of rivers to five. “A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.� Genesis 2:10-14.

The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve had three children – Cain, Abel, and Seth. The one thing that all three children and their mother have in common is that they all came from Adam who represents the main river flowing from Eden. The first river which is Pishon winds through the land of Havilah and contains significant products like gold, aromatic resin, and onyx. This river represents Eve because she was the first to come out of Adam and she gave birth to three sons who represent the three products (gold, aromatic resin, and onyx) found in Havilah. The first son Cain represents onyx which is a symbol for Satan who was the influence that led Cain to kill his brother Abel. The Bible vividly describes Satan in


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Ezekiel 28:12-13 and 15. “You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.” The second son Abel represents the gold because God made him a ruler (a king) over his older twin brother Cain which was the basic reason why Cain killed him. Gold was an item that was associated with kings which also explains why it was brought to Jesus at birth. The third son Seth represents the aromatic resin which is a component used to worship God. Some members of the aromatic resin family include myrrh and frankincense. Seth’s spiritual representation explains why we said in Book One that God used him to move Adam’s bloodline forward. Because of these unique specific spiritual representations, that explains why when God designed the gifts that the Magi presented to baby Jesus, there was no onyx involved. “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, and of incense and of myrrh.” Matthew 2:11. From the gifts presented to Jesus, we can see that the gold was for Abel while the myrrh and frankincense (incense) were both symbols of Seth. From the four waters that came out of the main river, God also used rivers 2, 3, and 4 to respectively represent Cain, Abel, and Seth. Unlike river number 2 and 3 located at Cush and Asshur respectively, river number 4 has no location because the one quality that Cain and Abel had in common was that they were twin boys born the same day. Another interesting revelation is the fact that rivers 2, 3, and 4 all lack components from their locations – their component columns are empty. In this case, one attribute that all three boys had in common was the fact that they were male seeds from the same parents. This feature sets them apart from Eve (female) who in this case is river number 1. The Bible teaches that after the fall of man, when God saw that Adam and Eve were ashamed of being naked, He made the first set of clothes for both of them. “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21. When Adam and Eve started having children, God also provided clothes for all three of Adam’s children – Cain, Abel, and Seth. That brought the total number of clothes that God made for Adam’s household and humanity, to five sets. When Joseph sent his brothers home from Egypt during their second trip that explains why he gave Benjamin five sets of clothes. After using the meal with his brothers to mark Jesus’ preparation for the cross, it was absolutely necessary in God’s divine plan to make reference to where it all started – the Garden of Eden. After the birth of Enosh which also marked a new beginning of a faith-based relationship with God, man was therefore given the knowledge to provide clothes for themselves.


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The five sets of clothes were specifically given to Benjamin because just like Seth who received the last set of clothes was Adam’s last son, Benjamin was also the last son of Jacob. Joseph knew that because the price of guilt (30 pieces of silver) to betray Jesus will be given to the last disciple of Jesus Christ who was Judas Iscariot, Joseph also made the decision to give the 300 shekels of silver (the price of guilt for 10 brothers) to Benjamin who was Jacobs last son - of the twelve. Benjamin therefore did not receive the five sets of clothes and 300 shekels of silver because Joseph loved him more; he received these gifts because Joseph armed with the full knowledge of the Language of Heaven knew exactly what he was required to do as the Ambassador of Heaven, to fulfill God’s divine plan for Israel.





he Garden of Eden was designed using God’s divine number for creation which is, the number 2. The Bible teaches in Genesis 2:10, that the first water in the Garden was the main river. Out of the four rivers that came from the main river, there were three rivers winding through three different locations; that left one river with no location. The only river without a location is River Euphrates. Euphrates = 5 As much as the main river represents Adam, it also represents God who owns the garden, because Adam was made in the LORD’s image and God also gave Adam dominion over all creatures. From Table 34, the four branches of the main river were divided into two groups in conformity with God’s divine number 2. It was for that same reason that the spiritual components of the garden were also separated into two groups – Darkness and Light. The Group of Light represents Eve who came out of Adam before sin was born; the Group of Darkness represents the three seeds (Cain, Abel and Seth), who came out of Adam and Eve after the birth of sin.


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The Group of Darkness represents the Spirit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, while the Group of Light represents the Spirit of the Tree of Life. Eve = 32 Pishon = 81 Gihon = 53 Tigris = 82 Cain = 27 Abel = 20 Seth = 52 Pishon + Gihon + Tigris = Cain + Abel + Seth….. …………. (Equation of Darkness) 81 + 53 + 82 = 27 + 20 + 52 9 + 8 + 10 = 9 + 2 + 7 9 + (8 + 10) = 9 + 2 + 7 9 + 18 = 9 + 2 + 7 9 + 9 = 9 + (2 + 7) 9 + 9 = 9+ 9 18 = 18 9 = 9 (Divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) Euphrates = Eve ………… (Equation of Light) Euphrates = 5+21+16+8+18+1+20+5+19


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Euphrates = (5+21+16+8+18) + (1+20+5+19) Euphrates = 68 + 45 Eve = 5+22+5 From (Equation of Light): 68 + 45 = 5 + (22+5) 14 + 9 = 5 + 27 5+9=5+9 14 = 14 5 = 5 (Divine number for Victory, Life and Salvation) From Table 34, God created two groups out of the four rivers because one seed (Eve) came out of Adam before Adam sinned against God, while three seeds (Cain, Abel and Seth) came out of Adam after Adam sinned against God. For God’s equation of the Garden of Eden to be perfectly supernaturally balanced, the sum of each group of rivers must balance the sum of the corresponding locations as follows:  Pishon + Gihon + Tigris = Havilah + Cush + Asshur  Euphrates = X Heaven = 10 Salvation = 5 Life = 5 If these four rivers represent the two supernatural spiritual groups of God in the Garden of Eden, then the Supernatural Equation for the Garden of Eden will also be established with God’s divine number 2. Also, because the Bible teaches that: The kingdom of Heaven = The kingdom of God; therefore: Heaven = God The Garden of Eden = The Garden of God The Bible also teaches that God made all things; with this simple spiritual truth we also know that:  God made darkness (Satan).  God made light (Jesus Christ). From this revelation, the two Supernatural Equations of the Garden of Eden are therefore:


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1. Heaven = (Pishon + Gihon + Tigris) + (Havilah + Cush + Asshur)……(For Satan, the Prince of Darkness) ……….. (Equation g1) 2. Heaven = Euphrates + X…..(For Jesus, the Prince of Light) ……… (Equation g2) From (Equation g1) which is Darkness: Heaven = (9 + 8 + 10) + (7 + 6 + 5) Heaven = 27 + 18 Heaven = 45 = 9 (God’s divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) Remember that when God told Adam about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, He also told Adam the consequences of eating from the tree. However, what God did not say, were the consequences or benefits of eating from the Tree of Life. Why did God withhold that crucial piece of information from Adam? That missing information is the value of X in Table 34. If the Tree of Life is Jesus Christ who is the way to the Father for eternal life, then the value of X must be equal to God’s divine number for Eternal Life and Salvation which is the number 5. Heaven = 8+5+1+22+5+14 = 55 = 10 From Equation g2: Heaven = Euphrates + X Heaven = 5 + X 10 = X + 5 10-5 = X X = 5 (God’s divine number for Everlasting Life and Salvation) From Equation g2: Heaven = 5 + 5 = 10 While on the cross, Jesus used this number for his last words when he said, “It is finished.” It is finished = 5 “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30. Because the Garden of Eden is God’s Garden and the Garden of Heaven which is God’s home, the sum of the two Supernatural Equations of the Garden must be perfectly supernaturally balanced with the divine number for Heaven which is the number 55 = 10. 92

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Heaven = (Equation g1) + (Equation g2)…. (Equ. G3) Equation g1 = (9 + 8 + 10) + (7 + 6 + 5) Equation g2 = 5 + 5 From (Equ. G3): Heaven = 9 + 8 + 10 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 Heaven = (9 + 5) + (8 + 10 + 7 + 6) + (5 + 5) Heaven = 14 + (31 + 10) Heaven = 14 + 41 = 55 From the Chart of the Language of Heaven and the Value Index Table, Heaven is: (8 + 5 + 1 + 22 + 5 + 14) 8 + 5 + 1 + 22 + 5 + 14 (8 + 5 + 1) + (22 + 5 + 14) 14 + 41 = 55 Therefore, (Equation g1) + (Equation g2) is the same value for Heaven derived from the “Chart of Heaven” in the Value Index Table. The Garden of Eden is therefore a spiritual image of the Kingdom of Heaven.

God’s Spiritual Acceptability Test (GSAT) When God planted the garden in Eden, in using His divine number 2 for creation, He highlighted some very prominent spirits that resided in the garden.


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From Table 35, the initial spiritual composition of the Garden was made of five spirits with a value of nine giving us a pair of (5, 9) because God’s divine number 2 always works with a pair in a such a unique fashion that each member must be the exact opposite of each other. 5 = The divine number for the Tree of Life 9 = The divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The value of the first group of spirits in the Garden of Eden in Table 35 is in strict supernatural compliance with the first statement from God’s mouth to humanity, which was also in relation to the Garden of Eden. The first statement from God’s mouth to humanity contains 36 words found in Genesis 2:16-17. “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” These two trees were not only at the center of the garden but also when God had His first conversation with Adam it was all about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible teaches that as soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit and after God had His last conversation with Adam, His focus was the Tree of Life as He banished Adam from the Garden. After the birth of sin, the number of spirits in the Garden increased by one because sin entered the garden (5 + 1 = 6), which brings us to the new composition of the garden. Sin = 6 New composition of the Garden = 5 spirits with a value of 36 plus the new spirit (sin) with a value of 6, will now give us: 36 + 6 = 42 = 6 With this new development, a new pair was also introduced; the pair of (6, 6) and the main focus of the Garden shifted to man and sin. Notice that the main focus of the Garden shifted from the number 9 to number 6 (From the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to Man and Sin). God had no choice but to kick Adam out of the Garden and as a result of this decision, the new spiritual composition of the Garden immediately changed once again.


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From Table 36, this new group (third composition) also gave us a new pair of (3, 3) because it was now transformed to the Garden of the Holy Trinity with divine number 3. To get a better understanding of how things changed so fast in the garden, let us review the outcome of each step.  First Composition: In the beginning with the first group of 5 spirits, the total value was 36 = 9 because the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was the main focus of the Garden.  Second Composition: When sin was born, the total value from 6 spirits became 36 + 6 = 42 = 6 and Adam (man) became the focus as God came looking for him in his hiding place. The number 6 is God’s number for man, sin, and dominion.  Third Composition: When God kicked man (Adam and Eve) including sin out of the Garden, a new value of 21 = 3 was born from (6 – 3 spirits) because by making the Tree of Life the new focus God eventually made the Holy Trinity in charge. Remember that the divine number for the Holy Trinity is 777 = 21 = 3. Unlike Adam, the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ) became the new head of the Garden of Eden with his supernatural divine number 3. When Adam and Eve were fired from the Garden, sin left with them because it lives in the soul of man. The order of the Spiritual Pairs is as follows: 1. (5, 9) = The original pair in the beginning. 2. (6, 6) = The pair when sin was born. 3. (3, 3) = The pair when God kicked man out and made the Holy Trinity in charge.


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4. The value of the three spiritual pairs must bring us back to the two supernatural spirits that God planted in the middle of the Garden of Eden in the shape of two trees. Those values must be the expanded divine number of each spirit. In the case of the Tree of Life, it must be expanded divine number 14 for God’s Passover Lamb who is the Tree of Life; in the case of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, it must be expanded divine number 18. In Genesis 2:9, the first tree the Bible mentioned was the Tree of Life. “In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” The three spiritual pairs from the Garden of Eden were:

 (5, 9)  (6, 6)  3, 3) By mentioning the Tree of Life as the first tree in the middle of the Garden, the first set of numbers (left hand side) from each spiritual pair represents the Tree of Life while the second set of numbers (right hand side) represents the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: First set of numbers = 5 + 6 + 3 First set of numbers = 14 (Expanded divine number for the Tree of Life) Second set of numbers = 9 + 6 + 3 Second set of numbers = 18 (Expanded divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) When Jesus died on the cross at the age of 33, he left us with two things – the Holy Bible with 66 books and the Holy Spirit to teach us all things in the Bible. Remember that as much as his death takes care of the spiritual mess created by Adam and Eve, one thing is certain; the Garden of Eden will never be equipped again with the same spirits that God used to create it in the beginning. By using his death at 33 to take care of number 3 spiritual pair (3 , 3) and the Holy Bible to take care of number 2 spiritual pair (6 , 6), Jesus gradually brings us back to where we started in the Garden with Adam and Eve which corresponds to number one spiritual pair of (5 , 9). God used the Bible to address number 2 pair (6 , 6) because sin was born when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s law and that prompted God to use His written Holy Law to address this pair. If Jesus came to die on the cross so we can successfully enter the kingdom of God through the Holy Trinity, then the spirits of the new garden after the cleaning exercise must be equal to the Holy Trinity with divine number 21 = 3. The death of Jesus Christ replaced the following spirits in the Garden with the mark of sin:  Adam  Eve


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 The serpent By using the Holy Spirit to replace these three spirits, it was God’s way of taking care of the sins of the world. The new Garden with the Holy Spirit in charge will have the following spiritual composition:

21 = 3 (Divine number for the Holy Trinity = 777 = 21 = 3). For anybody to be covered by the Holy Trinity, you have to accept Jesus Christ through repentance as your Lord and Savior and be baptized with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Why did God command us to use only water for baptism? Why can’t we use a different liquid for this process? The reason is because God’s spirit hovers over the waters. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:12. When Jesus was teaching Nicodemus, he explained in very simple terms, what it takes to enter the kingdom of God. “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.’” John 3:5. There are two very important components that Jesus mentioned in this command – water and the Spirit. Spirit = 10 Water = 4 Heaven = 10 Sin = 6


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Both procedures mentioned by Jesus are designed to make you holy and acceptable before God. To be born of water prepares you for acceptability before God. To be born of the Spirit prepares you for holiness before God. To be holy before God through Jesus Christ, it means you will be covered with God’s divine number for holy which is the number 7. To be acceptable before God through Jesus Christ and to reside in His kingdom, it means you have to be covered with God’s divine number for His residence which is Heaven with the number 10. When the two procedures that Jesus mentioned to Nicodemus are individually put together with sin, they must produce an outcome that passes God’s Spiritual Acceptability Test – GSAT Score of 10 and 7. This is your hidden spiritual test score to enter Paradise in the Kingdom of Heaven. 1. To be born of water = Water + Sin 2. To be born of the Spirit = Spirit + Sin Water + Sin = 4 + 6 = 10 ………… (Equation GSAT-1) Spirit + Sin = 10 + 6 = 16 = 7 ……(Equation GSAT-2) Holy Spirit = 6 + 10 = 16 = 7  The GSAT score for (Equation GSAT-1) = 10  The GSAT score for (Equation GSAT-2) = 7 As you can see, both equations passed the GSAT scores prescribed by heaven. The sum of the two tests will give you the expanded divine number 10 + 7 = 17 which is God’s most powerful divine number on earth. When God discovered that the world He took time to create was no longer acceptable in His presence because of evil, it was divine number 17 that He used to start the supernatural cleansing process through Noah in the Book of Genesis. One of God’s requirements associated with being born of water is that it must be made public. You cannot be baptized in secret because Jesus himself avoided that style. The reason is because the GSAT score for the Water Birth is 10 which is the divine number for heaven; we know that heaven is an actual place that exists and because we shall someday have the privilege to see it through Jesus Christ, your baptism must also be seen by men. On the other hand, the GSAT score for the Spiritual Birth is 7 which is God’s number for holy because just like the spirit involved in the process, no one can see or touch the spirit; and neither can you see or touch holiness. Only God can see that in us through Jesus Christ. Every human creature is a composition of the natural which is the flesh and the supernatural which is the soul. Invariably inherent in the union of these two


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components (flesh and soul) is a contaminant called sin which came through Adam and Eve. Soul = 67 Flesh = 50 Therefore Sinful Man = Soul + Flesh Sinful Man = 67 + 50 = 117 Sinful Man = 9 (The number for the Tree that gave birth to sin) The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the only one who is supernaturally capable of taking our sins away. When he takes away our sins, he establishes a permanent dwelling place in us with his supernatural divine number 3 so that we can also experience a life that is supernatural and everlasting. If this supernatural formula is true, then: Sinful Man – Sin = 3 117 – Sin = 3 Recall that from the Chart of Heaven, the value of Sin = 42. 117 – 42 = 75 75 = 12 = 3 By taking sin away, the flesh that houses sin becomes spiritually worthless living us with just the soul. It explains why God is only interested in your soul, not you flesh. Jesus gives us the spiritual body with divine number 3 which is the most powerful divine number in heaven. It is therefore true that when Jesus takes away our sins, he gives us his supernatural divine number 3 so we can experience everlasting life with him in Paradise located in Heaven. After passing the GSAT score of 17, our natural physical body is now ready to receive the imperishable supernatural spiritual body that comes from the supernatural divine number of Jesus Christ which is the number 3. 17 + 3 = 20 = 2 Remember that the number 2 is God’s divine number for creation and a pair of completely opposite attributes is always used in conjunction with divine number 2. By adding the supernatural divine number 3 to our GSAT score, we become new creatures in Jesus Christ, ready to live with our Lord and Savior in a new spiritual body with a pair of two opposite attributes:  The number 17 as God’s most powerful divine number on earth.  The number 3 as God’s most powerful divine number in heaven.


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The two attributes create the perfect opposite components associated with God’s use of divine number 2. This cycle in Fig. 5 explains why we arrive in Paradise, at the Gates of Heaven with divine number 2. The Gates of Heaven were created with divine number 2 because there are two gates – exit and entry. The two gates are both Jesus Christ; all things were made through him, which makes him the exit point into the world. We also know that after he paid the price of our sins on the cross, all authority in heaven and on earth was given to him when he was glorified by the Father. This in effect, makes him our only entry point into Paradise in Heaven.


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The seven stages of our spiritual life cycle corresponds to the period that it took God to create the world and finally rested on the Sabbath day (7 th day) as He declared it holy. God clearly demonstrated the prerequisite for His GSAT score in Book Two, when He asked Moses and Aaron in Exodus 24:1-2 to appoint 72 elders for a trip to heaven. During that visit, the value of the elders was 7 while the total value of the group was 10. These two values were in strict compliance with the two divine numbers of the GSAT score. For the group to appear before God like they did, the GSAT score was the divine number of the mission. In the history of humanity, God made three covenants to demonstrate the importance of the soul of man. He made the first covenant with Adam in the Garden of Eden; later on He made the second covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God made the third and final covenant with His son Jesus Christ who came to die for our sins. The covenant God made with His son was essentially the covenant that was designed to restore the soul of man just like it was when God made Adam. It explains why Jesus is also known as the Second Adam. The reason why your baptism (born of water) must be performed by another human is because it covers the covenants that God made with Adam. It also explains why John the Baptist who is human, baptized with water because Jesus Christ is the only one who can baptize us with the Holy Spirit. Adam =1 + 4 + 1 + 13 = 19 = 10 Water = 67 = 13 Sin = 42 = 6 When you become baptized (born of water), the result is: Water + Sin = 13 + 6 = 19 = 10 This is the same value for Adam. When you become born of the Spirit, it covers the third covenant God made with His son Jesus Christ because it was through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross that God eventually gave us the Holy Spirit. Spirit = 10 Spirit + Sin = 10 + 6 = 16 = 7 Holy Spirit = 6 + 10 = 16 = 7 Jesus Christ = 7 Unlike baptism, the process of being born of the Spirit cannot be accomplished using humans because God did not involve any human input in the third covenant; it was only between Him and His son Jesus Christ. The GSAT Score explains why when God used two principal leaders (Moses and Joshua) to lead the Israelites out of


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bondage from Egypt which represents the sinful world, their journey to the Promised Land which represents God’s kingdom was the most powerful demonstration of God’s strength against the devil before the coming of Jesus Christ. That mission is the most important mission that God ever assigned to man. In compliance with the GSAT score it explains why God assigned divine number 10 to Moses and divine number 7 to Joshua. The sum of the two divine numbers that God used for this mission produces God’s most powerful divine number on earth which is the number 17. 10 + 7 = 17 In the language of Heaven, it was therefore imperative that the Israelites enter the Promised Land with God’s GSAT score. It also explains why the Israelites left Egypt on the 17th appearance of Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh the king of Egypt. We know from Biblical truth that only the righteous will inherit the kingdom of God. In the Language of Heaven, if the GSAT score of (10 + 7) is what qualifies you for God’s Paradise, therefore the numeric value of Righteousness must supernaturally balance God’s Spiritual Acceptability Test score (GSAT) as follows: GSAT Score = Righteousness..… (Equation GSAT-3) GSAT Score = Equation GSAT-1 + Equation GSAT-2 GSAT Score = 10 + 7 Righteousness = 18 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 20 + 5 + 15 + 21 + 19 + 14 + 5 + 19 + 19 From (Equation GSAT-3): 10 + 7 = (18 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 20 + 5 + 15) + (21 + 19 + 14 + 5 + 19 + 19) 10 + 7 = 82 + 97 10 + 7 = 10 + 16 10 + 7 = 10 + 7 17 = 17 The number 17 is God’s most powerful divine number on earth because it is also God’s expanded divine number for Righteousness. “There is no one righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:10. You cannot pass the GSAT score without Jesus Christ. “For no one living is righteous before you.” Psalm 143:2.

Ready for War When God used Moses and Aaron to free the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, the Bible teaches that God had the journey to the Promised Land completely mapped out for the Israelites including where and when they will be camping along the way. 102

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“When Pharaoh let Israel go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, ‘If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.’ So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle.” Exodus 13:17-18. Do these two statements make any sense? If we analyze God’s concerns within the context of common sense, they will definitely pass the test of the most contradictory verses in the Bible. But because God will never contradict Himself, we know for certain that God was trying to tell us something that has everything to do with His supernatural plan for the nation of Israel and humanity. Practically speaking, these verses make no sense because this is the same God who used a mighty hand to cripple Egypt and delivered the Israelites out of bondage but suddenly He is concerned that the Israelites might change their minds if they face war from the Philistines. If Egypt was the most powerful nation in the world with the strongest army any government can afford and God did not use any man-made weapons to cripple Egypt, why did He suddenly become concerned about a little Mickey Mouse War from the Philistines? Again, if the Bible teaches that the Israelites went out of Egypt armed for battle, then why did God move them away from the same battle He prepared them for by avoiding the Philistine country? If God was trying to shelter the Israelites from any form of war then that plan did not go very far because as soon as they crossed the Red Sea and camped at Rephidim, the Amalekites came and attacked them. “The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim.” Exodus 17:8. If God was concerned that any type of war will make the Israelites go back to Egypt then that assumption was not true either because after the Israelites defeated the Amalekites, they did not go back to Egypt; they moved on toward the Promised Land. Very often, we come across people telling their stories of how and when they came to Jesus Christ. They usually start with a narrative of a memorable event that reminds them of when they made the decision to accept Jesus Christ with a verbal declaration. The question is, should you really look at that day as the beginning of your walk with Jesus Christ? Before we address this question, we must go back and take a look at what Jesus said to Nicodemus. “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” John 3:5. Notice how Jesus did not mention anything about a verbal declaration. He mentioned two conditions which have practically nothing to do with what comes out of your mouth. It is true that in view of the profound grace of God, our Lord Jesus Christ will welcome your verbal declaration to accept him into your life but make no mistake about it; that he accepts your invitation right away does not necessarily mean that you have been spiritually saved. That moment of exchange does not implicitly translate to a guaranteed ticket to Paradise. One of the transcendent qualities that set Jesus apart from humanity is that he is an impartial judge who is not prepared to bend the rules


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for anybody. When you make a verbal declaration through repentance to invite him into your life, he accepts it without any conditions; however you still have to follow the outlined spiritual procedure he spelled out for Nicodemus before you can receive salvation. That Jesus accepts your invitation does not imply that you have suddenly become a changed soul. We all know that as messed-up humans, you can invite somebody to a party but fail to show up to open the door when they get there. This is the kind of salvation that is being sold in most churches today. They tell you, “Just invite Jesus into your life and you will be instantly saved.” No you are not saved; because Jesus cannot be fooled. In order to show Jesus Christ that your verbal declaration was for real, you still have to take the necessary steps to become born again of water and of the Spirit. Being born again of water practically marks the beginning of your heartfelt commitment to give your life to Jesus Christ because that’s when your spiritual lesson starts. At that stage, Jesus will take one step closer to you so you can start learning how to exchange your yoke for his. As soon as you are born of water, you are officially enrolled with him and he will start fighting your battles for you. As much as it is true that through the Holy Spirit, Jesus fights all our spiritual battles for us when we repent and accept him as our Lord and Savior by being born again of water, it is also very important to note that Jesus uses us to fight every battle in our lives. Irrespective of the fact that Jesus came to the world in the fullness of God’s glory, he still subjected himself to the baptism process prescribed for humanity. It is true that he was conceived without sin but it is also true that he was born just like every other human being through a woman. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, it was definitely an assignment that John was prepared to avoid. “Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, ‘I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?’ Jesus replied, ‘Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.’ Then John consented.” Matthew 3:13-15. When Jesus talked about the fulfillment of all righteousness he was clearly indicating that the path to righteousness has been mapped out by the Father for every soul on earth who desires to embrace it in order to enter the kingdom of God. The path to righteousness is synonymous to the path to God’s GSAT score. He did not have to be baptized by John but the fact that he came to retrace the journey that the Israelites took from Egypt to the Promised Land, he had to fulfill every aspect of that journey which ultimately brings man to righteousness in the kingdom of God. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he was immediately led by God through the Holy Spirit to the battle field with the devil because God knew that at that point, His son was ready for war. As Jesus arrived at the battle front, he was immediately attacked by the devil through three temptations. This is not different from what happens to us


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when we take the first practical step of baptism with water. As soon as we go through that process, our spiritual battles are unleashed immediately and it is almost like we have just extended an open invitation to the devil with the caption “Bring it on devil.” The tools you need to fight these battles are usually injected into your system by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit during your baptism and even though it looks like you are the one fighting the battles, it is actually Jesus who is using the opportunity to teach you and manifest his supernatural presence in your life because you now officially belong to him. It also explains why the Bible teaches that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to the battle field (temptations) with Satan. Before your baptism, when all you had was the verbal declaration, there is a 100% chance that any spiritual battles you face at that point will definitely overpower you and most likely pull you back to the stage where you abandon your pursuit for Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Those who find themselves in this situation eventually go back to the devil’s camp. It was this type of catastrophic spiritual outcome that God was trying to avoid when He said that if the Israelites face war through the shorter road to the Promised Land, they might change their minds and go back to Egypt. All Christians who try to take the shorter road to salvation will never successfully make it to God’s Paradise. This approach explains why God wanted the Israelites to first cross the Red Sea which was their baptism, before they face any battles. -----------------------------Spiritual Lesson Number 5 There are many occasions in life when we spend several years praying to God for a specific dream but to our disappointment, the more we pray to make the dream come true, the more signs we see around us that beyond reasonable doubt convinces us that the dream is actually fading away. We begin to wonder why God is not answering our prayers as we find ourselves questioning the promises of God. We also come to the point where we start to question our faith in God as we slowly drift into a complete loss of hope. What we don’t understand is that as selfless as our prayers may seem to be and even though Jesus commanded us to ask for anything, God on the other hand is not obligated to grant us everything we asked for. God’s desire is to grant us the right gifts at the appropriate time that fits in His divine plan. Your request was not granted because you prayed; rather, it was granted because it was part of God’s divine plan in your life. When Jesus narrated The Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-32, it was a good example of why God refuses to answer some of our desperate prayers. Jesus told this story to show us that even though our plans are all over the place, God’s plan on the other hand is designed to bring everything together like a perfect puzzle at the right time. There was nothing wrong with the younger son asking his father for


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his share of the family inheritance. However, there was definitely something wrong with the timing. When we fail to see our unselfish prayers answered right away, it is only because God is saying to us, “Not now.” God’s time is the best because if He gives you what you asked for, when you want it, and how you want it, then your prayers will become your worst spiritual nightmare. Be still and wait for God’s time. -----------------------------As soon as the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the Amalekites attacked them in a battle that was fought from two fronts - the natural human front and the supernatural spiritual front. While Moses prepared for the spiritual battle, he commanded Joshua to look after the natural human side of the battle. “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” Exodus 17:9. The Bible teaches that the human part of the battle drew strength from the supernatural phase that was under Moses’ control. “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up – one on one side, one on the other – so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So, Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.” Exodus 17:11-13. The experience of the Israelites during this battle is synonymous to what we go through when the devil attacks us because while God through Jesus Christ fights all our spiritual battles using the Holy Spirit, there is no doubt that He also uses us to fight every single battle. Jesus Christ cannot use you unless you belong to him and that is what makes your verbal declaration alone a non-sufficient clause. You must be deliberately officially initiated into his supernatural spiritual club to become his property. It also explains why baptism is something no none else can do for you - on your behalf; you have to do it yourself. It is true that some churches have developed the habit of baptizing little children including babies even before they start talking; that ceremony is nothing but an anointing or blessing for the child because it does not meet the full spiritual requirements of baptism. For any baptism to be supernaturally ratified, it must have the full undivided attention and consent of the candidates with a complete recognition of what they are getting into. It is an initiation where the candidate pledges to completely surrender his or her life to Jesus Christ. It is a commitment through repentance that not only brings you closer to Jesus Christ but also holds you accountable for the promises you make from that day moving forward that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by doing everything in your power to obey his commands and learn from him through the Holy Spirit. From that day moving forward, you must start living by God’s law. No child or baby is capable of making such promises, let alone adhering to the standards prescribed therein. Regardless of how many times the parents baptized the child,


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when he or she becomes an adult a formal baptism must be rigorously pursued to unconditionally welcome Jesus Christ. This explains why after birth, Jesus in his human form was presented at the temple by his parents but later baptized out of his own free will as an adult through John the Baptist. It absolutely makes no spiritual sense baptizing your little baby when they can’t even pronounce their own names let alone make any meaningful spiritual decisions in relation to the struggles of this world.

Stages of the Journey As the Israelites celebrated the Passover in Egypt on the 14 th day of the first month, God had already mapped out the route for their journey to the Promised Land. Each section of the plan was to be handed to Moses at different stages as the need arises because God did not plan to give Moses a complete map of how and when the Israelites will arrive at the Promised Land. The reason is because God will never give you a detailed map of every step you will take in life or a blueprint of how your life will unfold to effectively come to an end. As soon as they left Egypt, God started directing Moses like a spiritual GPS on which way to go with specific instructions on where to temporarily camp. By the time the Israelites arrived at the border of the Promised Land, God had forced them to camp for more than forty times in more than 40 different locations with stunning fulfillments to perfectly fit with His divine plan for Israel and humanity as outlined in Table 38. It was very necessary for God to force the Israelites to camp at regular intervals because we have to remember that the Israelites did not initiate the journey. It was God who brought them out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt and it was the same God who had the only plan to successfully lead them to the Promised Land. There are moments in life when we feel like we are running out of time to complete a mission. We feel the self-inflicted pressure and we become deeply engulfed by the project that we fail to take a minute to pause for some rest. Circumstances like this will always produce a high chance of failure. As much as it was possible for God to fly the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land in less than twenty four hours, God also knew that there was no reason to rush the process because timing and patience are two very important attributes of God’s nature.


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God designed this journey to represent the spiritual journey of man from the world to His kingdom which will be perfectly retraced for us by His son Jesus Christ when he comes to die on the cross to take away the sins of the world. For that reason, as soon as the Passover celebration was over, God asked the Israelites to march out of Egypt on the 15th day of the month which is His divine number for sin; 15 = 6 through Adam and Eve. Adam = 19 = 10 Eve = 32 = 5 Adam + Eve = 15 = 6 “The Israelites set out from Rameses on the fifteenth day of the first month, the day after the Passover. They marched out defiantly in full view of all the Egyptians, who were burying all their firstborn, whom the LORD had struck down among them; for the LORD had brought judgment on their gods.” Numbers 33:3-4. God’s decision to command the Israelites to camp at designated locations was also designed to mark some specific supernatural events to honor heaven. From the stages of the journey, God introduced the following events with reference to Table 38: 1. When they observed camping number 3, God miraculously crossed them through the Red Sea which was a spiritual symbol of baptism. God used camping number three for this purpose not only because the journey was all about His son Jesus Christ with supernatural divine number 3, but also because when we become born of water through baptism, it is usually an initiation that invites the Holy Trinity into our lives with divine number (7+7+7 = 21 = 3). That explains why every baptism is conducted in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. After crossing the Red Sea, God gave them sweet water in camping number four as an indication of what the whole process was all about – it was about His son who will die on the cross for the sins of the world. Recall that in Book Two, we did an extensive study on God’s Supernatural Spiritual Flavor which is an indication of the sweet water in Marah. His son Jesus Christ will make all things new. Also recall that the miracle of sweet water was replayed by Jesus Christ through the woman who touched his cloak and was instantly healed from bleeding. 2. God asked them to observe camping number 6 by the Red Sea because it was this water that God used to baptize the entire Israelite community which marks the beginning of our spiritual cleansing from sin with divine number 6. 3. During camping number 10, God gave the Israelites the first water from the rock. It was this miracle that God used to give us a vivid picture of what He was planning to do for the world through His son Jesus Christ who will come to die on the cross for the sins of the world to give us eternal life. Because


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Jesus will come from heaven to accomplish this mission, God therefore used camping number ten which is the divine number for heaven to show us how the process will be implemented. During that process, God himself will strike His son as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of the world just like He used Moses’ staff to strike the rock for water to come out for the Israelites to drink. While the Israelites were observing camping number ten, the Amalekites came and attacked them. God used this battle to show us how His son will establish his church on earth which will be officially known as the Supernatural Embassy of Heaven. 4. As soon as the Israelites drank the water from the rock, just as they were observing their eleventh camping in the Desert of Sinai, through Moses God gave man His first set of written laws – The Ten Commandments. God used the number 11 = 2 which is his divine number for creation on earth. That explains why not only did God write the laws in two tablets of stone but He also gave us the law twice because Moses destroyed the first set. While Joseph was in Egypt, eleven of his brothers made a total of two trips to Egypt which corresponds to the two occasions that God gave the Law to Moses. 5. After observing their 40th camping in the mountains of Abarim near Nebo, God immediately prepared the Israelites for their next camping which will mark a very crucial point in the life of God’s people. When Moses compiled the list of camping locations in Numbers 33:1-56, what he did not know was that at the last minute before the Israelites enter the Promised Land, God will make some drastic changes through Joshua. These changes will supernaturally prepare the Israelites to enter the Promised Land. As soon as Joshua took over from Moses, God commanded the Israelites to camp at Gilgal where He also asked Joshua to circumcise the Israelites and celebrate the Passover. “At that time the LORD said to Joshua, ‘Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again.’ So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth. Then the LORD said to Joshua, ‘Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.’ So the place has been called Gilgal to this day. On the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, while camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho, the Israelites celebrated the Passover. The day after the Passover, that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land: unleavened bread and roasted grain. The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce of Canaan.” Joshua 5:2-3 and 9-12. When God said He rolled away the reproach of Egypt from the Israelites, He was basically saying that what the Israelites were about to do in Gilgal was a spiritual interpretation of crossing from death to life just like we all do when we completely repent and give our lives to Jesus Christ as our Lord and


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Savior; this move allows the Holy Spirit to take absolute control of our lives. That explains why when the Israelites crossed the Jordan to arrive at Gilgal, the water from the Dead Sea stopped flowing. “So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them. Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of Arabah (the Salt Sea) was completely cut off. So the People crossed over opposite Jericho. The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.” Joshua 3:14-17. The Salt Sea is another name for the Dead Sea. The camping at Gilgal was their 42 nd camping as God led them through final preparations to enter the Promised Land. With God’s perfect divine plan, if the Israelites should observe another camping, their 43 rd camping will be inside the Promised Land. 43 = 7 (God’s divine number for Holy, Perfect, and Complete). In the Language of Heaven, this corresponds to the number of years the Israelites lived in Egypt. “Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the LORD’S divisions left Egypt.” Exodus 12:40-41. 430 = 7 Before celebrating the Passover at Gilgal, while the Israelites were still camped in the plains of Moab across from the Jordan, Moses died; a census of all Israelite men was taken and the result was 43,730 = 17 which is God’s most powerful divine number on earth. It was absolutely imperative to celebrate the Passover at Gilgal because while the Passover in Egypt marked their departure from bondage and death, the Passover at Gilgal on the other hand officially marked their entry into freedom and life. As they camped by the Jordan, God gave the Israelites a direct order on what to do as soon as they enter the Promised Land. “When you cross the Jordan into Canaan, drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places. Take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess. Distribute the land by lot, according to your clans. To a larger group give a larger inheritance, and to a smaller group a smaller one. Whatever falls to them by lot will be theirs. Distribute it


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according to your ancestral tribes. But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live. And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.” Numbers 33:51-56. Judas Iscariot was a satanic spirit embedded in the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus Christ. When the Israelites left Egypt, inherent in God’s chosen people was also a satanic bloodline of a few group of people. This group was responsible for organizing every single rebellion towards God during the journey to the Promised Land. They were responsible for building the Golden Calf and for attempts to stone Moses and Aaron on numerous occasions. It is true that God killed the rebellious generation in the desert before the Israelites entered the Promised Land but that did not stop the satanic bloodline from constantly evolving at regular intervals. From a supernatural standpoint, God will not voluntarily allow any member of this satanic bloodline to enter the Promised Land but because they are constantly evolving and the fact that divine number two for “Unclean” is always a part of humanity, it explains why as soon as the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua did not hesitate to command the Israelites to discard their foreign gods. Those foreign gods were not made in the Promised Land; the satanic bloodline spiritually brought them from Egypt. This satanic bloodline is completely in love with the worship of ancient Egyptian gods. “Now then,” said Joshua, “throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the LORD, the God of Israel.” Joshua 24:23. This satanic bloodline buried in the cervix of God’s chosen people, will be responsible for the historic catastrophic events of evil that will trigger the End of the Age. Just like Judas Iscariot loved money more than he loved Jesus Christ, by the same token the satanic bloodline that left Egypt with the Israelites will prefer money to human life when they set the stage for the meticulous attempt to destroy humanity leading to the End of the Age. Every time a crucial part of God’s law is ignored or brushed aside by humanity, countless generations usually pay the price of the consequences which explains why to this day, we are still dealing with the consequences of the actions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as we constantly battle with sin. The failure of the Israelites to comply with God’s command through Joshua when they entered the Promised Land explains why Israel struggles to live in peace to this day. This naturally irrevocable dispute is considered the number one Foreign Policy Mission for all world leaders. The relentless quest for peace in the Middle East with special emphasis on Israel, poses an insurmountable challenge to world leaders as they constantly pause, dumfounded, and confused because the mission itself from a supernatural perspective is disregarding, unrealistic, and disillusioning.


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Inheritance The nation of Israel revolves around the covenant God made with Abraham which was extended to Isaac and Jacob including their descendants. As long as the quest for freedom was still number one in God’s plan, there was no need to remap the tribes of Israel that left Egypt. However, as soon as the Israelites arrived at the Promised Land, God knew that freedom from slavery was no longer a major issue and preparations were made right away to disregard divine number 12. This number which is God’s divine number for freedom was the primary number for the Israelites when freedom was the top priority for God. To establish a new divine number that depicts the situation of the Israelites inside the Promised Land, God introduced a new divine number. Expanded divine number 13 replaced expanded divine number 12 because this new number is God’s expanded divine number to mark the end of seasons. It is derived from God’s divine number four (13 = 4) which is God’s number to start and end a process. When God initially used expanded divine number 13 in Book One, we saw that He created thirteen seeds from Cain to Enosh when He marked the end of a season by using Enosh’s 7th generation who is Noah to create a new world. God marked another end of season when He gave Jacob thirteen children (twelve sons and one daughter) because Jacob was the last name in the covenant He made with Abraham. In Book Two, we also saw a powerful manifestation of expanded divine number 13 during the three temptations of Jesus Christ. When the Israelites arrived at the Promised Land, to accomplish expanded divine number 13, God decided to create two tribes from the tribe of Joseph in memory of Joseph’s divine number 2. With these two tribes – Manasseh and Ephraim that came out of Joseph’s tribe, the Israelites now had 13 tribes. “For the sons of Joseph had become two tribes – Manasseh and Ephraim.” Joshua 14:4. Before the Israelites arrived at the Promised Land, God through Moses had already divided part of the land as inheritance for two and a half tribes of Israel. The Bible teaches in Joshua 13:15, 24 and 29 that Moses gave inheritance to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh which gives us a total of two and a half tribes.


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The remaining 10 ½ tribes (13 – 2 ½ ) received their inheritance from Joshua as prescribed by God. As the twelve brothers sat down to share a meal in Egypt during their second visit, because Joseph was able to see through God’s divine plan for Israel, he knew that the next time the twelve bloodlines will come together again to share anything, will be in the Promised Land. It will be when the twelve tribes of Israel come together to share the inheritance of the land God promised them on oath. When that time comes, the first portion of inheritance to be allotted will be 5 portions for the first set of five tribes (2 ½ by Moses and 2 ½ by Joshua). This was also in compliance with the first five portions of the meal that came out of Joseph’s table for Benjamin during the second journey.


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From the Table of Inheritance in Table 40, one thing that stands out is the fact that allotments were not done according to age even though the tribe of Reuben (the oldest) was the first to receive a share. In God’s divine plan for the nation of Israel, because Joseph was at the center of the creation and transformation of the nation of Israel, his divine number 2 must play a major role on how the land will be distributed. In compliance with this divine number, not only will God use the two principal leaders (Moses and Joshua) to divide the land, but He will first partition the land into two sections. The first section will be six portions allotted to five tribes (2½ by Moses and 2 ½ by Joshua) with two of those portions allotted to the tribe of Joseph because the tribe of Joseph became two tribes – the tribe of Manasseh and the tribe of Ephraim. “Moses had granted the two-and-a-half tribes their inheritance east of the Jordan but had not granted the Levites an inheritance among the rest, for the sons of Joseph had become two tribes – Manasseh and Ephraim. The Levites received no 116

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share of the land but only towns to live in, with pasturelands for their flocks and herds. So the Israelites divided the land, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.” Joshua 14:3-5. The Levites did not receive an inheritance because God had a different promise for them. “But to the tribe of Levi, Moses had given no inheritance; the LORD, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, as he promised them.” Joshua 13:33. After Moses allotted portions for the two-and-a-half tribes of Israel, the Bible teaches in Joshua 15 through 17 that the first tribes to receive inheritance from Joshua were the tribes of Judah, Ephraim, and half of the tribe of Manasseh respectively. Group one is comprised of six portions for the first five tribes that received their inheritance (2½ by Moses and 2½ by Joshua). The remaining tribes will form group two. It is true that when it comes to obeying God’s command, Moses made some mistakes as a leader; it is also true that Joshua was capable of making some spiritual mistakes as the new leader of Israel. However, when it comes to the distribution of the land to the Israelites, there was no room for mistakes because God’s command must be carefully implemented.

The first tribe to receive their inheritance in group one was the tribe of Reuben not because Reuben was the firstborn, but rather because the two groups that God will use to divide the land represent the two trips that Joseph’s brothers made to Egypt while Joseph was in charge of Egypt. God gave a specific command to Joshua on how to divide the remaining part of the land to the tribes of Israel that form group two. “As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim, that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites. Be sure to allocate this land to Israel for an inheritance, as I have instructed you, and divide it as an inheritance among the nine tribes and a half of the tribe of Manasseh.” Joshua 13:6-7. After Joshua gave the 2½ tribes their inheritance, there were still seven tribes left that forms group two in God’s plan. “The whole assembly of the Israelites gathered at 117

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Shiloh and set up the tent of meeting there. The country was brought under their control, but there were still seven Israelite tribes who had not yet received their inheritance.� Joshua 18:1-2. In Table 42, while group one represents the first journey to Egypt, group two on the other hand, represents the second journey not necessarily in terms of the number of individuals that participated in each journey but rather they shed some light on how the land will be divided among the twelve tribes of Israel. With the exception of the Levites, every single tribe was allotted a portion in keeping with God’s promise through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


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Group One plus Group Two = 9 + 7 = 16 = 7 The value of the two groups is the equivalent of the Holy Spirit because if Israel is the Natural Embassy of Heaven, the job of the Holy Spirit is to take care of God’s property on earth. This was the same value that we saw from the three fruits when the ten spies came back from exploring the Promised Land. The nation of Israel can never be successfully erased by any human force. In group one and among all the tribes of Israel, the tribe of Reuben received the first share because when Joseph’s brothers were planning to kill Joseph, it was Reuben who stepped in to save his life. Also, when Joseph’s brother made their first trip to Egypt to buy food, not only did Reuben speak out against what his brothers did to Joseph, but he also used his two sons to assure his father Jacob that no harm will come against Benjamin if he is taken to Egypt to meet Joseph “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy? But you wouldn’t listen! Now we must give an accounting for his blood.” Genesis 42:22. Jacob allowed Benjamin to go to Egypt because of the assurance he received from Reuben. “You may put both of my sons to death if I do not bring him back to you. Entrust him to my care, and I will bring him back.” Genesis 42:37. When Joseph’s brothers made their first trip to Egypt, ten of them left Canaan but only nine of them came back because Joseph kept Simeon in prison pending the arrival of Benjamin. All together, the descendants of Jacob made a total of four trips to Egypt in keeping with God’s divine number 4 to start and end a process. The first trip was made by Joseph alone, his brothers made two trips, and his father made the last trip with the entire family. God used the wickedness of 9 of Joseph’s brothers to implement the first trip by Joseph and when Jacob and his descendants made the last trip to Egypt, the number of direct descendants that started settlement in Egypt numbered 70 = 7 in total. In the Garden of Eden, after God finished creating the world, He rested on the seventh day which means that the number 7 was God’s number to start the existence of man on earth. It is also God’s number to start the dominion of man over the earth. Eventually thereafter, through the devil man introduced divine number 9 from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In God’s plan, the journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land which Jesus is also going to fulfill will eventually reverse what happened in the Garden of Eden. It explains why the outcome of the process in Table 42 must be inversely proportional to the process of what happened in the Garden of Eden:  In the Garden of Eden, God started with divine number 7 and man later introduced divine number 9. From 7 to 9.


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 In the Promised Land from Table 42, God started with group one with divine number 9 and finished with group two with divine number 7. From 9 to 7. Although group two represents the last journey made by Jacob and his descendants, it was actually the outcome of the second journey of Joseph’s brothers that influenced Jacob to move to Egypt. In group two, the tribe of Benjamin received the first allotment because during the second journey of Joseph’s brothers to Egypt as he shared a meal with his brothers, the first portion of food that was served from Joseph’s table was given to Benjamin. When the land was finally allotted to the 2½ plus 9½ tribes of Israel excluding the Levites, the total outcome from both groups must sum up to God’s divine number for complete, perfect, and holy which is divine number 7.  Group One outcome : Total of old tribe number = 9  Group Two outcome: Total of old tribe number = 7 Total outcome = 9 + 7 = 16 = 7 (God’s number for Holy, perfect, and complete) If Israel is in fact the Holy Land, then the sum of the two groups must balance the value of the Holy Spirit just like we saw earlier with the three fruits that the spies brought from exploring the Promised Land. If the nation of Israel is God’s Natural Embassy on earth occupied by God’s chosen people, then: Holy Spirit = (Group One + Group Two)....... Equation HLd-1. Holy = 8 + 15 + 12 + 25 Holy = (8+15) + (12+25) Holy = 23 + 37 Holy = 5 + 10 Spirit = 19 + 16 + 9 + 18 + 9 + 20 Spirit = (19+16) + (9+18) + (9+20) Spirit = 35+27+29 Spirit = 8+9+11 From Equation HLd-1: 5+10+8+9+11 = (Group One + Group Two) 5+10+8+9+11 = 9+7 (10+8) + (5+9+11) = 9+7 18+25 = 9+7 9+7 = 9+7 16 = 16


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The mission of Jesus Christ was designed to reverse the actions of the devil because when God created man, He created us with the attributes of the Tree of Life which is eternal life. In using God’s divine number 2 to reverse the actions of the devil that started in the Garden of Eden, Fig. 6 shows that the path of Jesus Christ is the exact opposite of the path of Satan which is in compliance with God’s reverse principle of divine number 2. Fig. 6 is a summary illustration of the mission of Jesus Christ and the mission of Satan. It shows how Satan strategically approached his mission of contaminating humanity with sin from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When God created man (Adam), He made an image that was a spiritual symbol of the Tree of Life. For Satan to successfully inject sin into man, he must find a way to replace the spiritual symbol of the Tree of Life inside man with the spiritual symbol of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by using the fruit. As soon as man ate from the tree, the supernatural spiritual symbol (the Tree of Life) was immediately ejected from the spiritual mechanics of man. The manifestation of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in man is the fruit which is sin living in the soul of man. For Jesus to reverse the process created by Satan, he (Jesus) must start from the manifestation of sin and eventually push it back to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil where it originally came from. For Jesus to accomplish this task, God must transform him to become sin (essentially taking our place) on the cross. With


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the spiritual properties of the cross, Jesus will leave our sins on the cross which has a spiritual property value of (18 = 9) which is the divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Later in this book, we will take a closer look at the properties of the cross of Jesus Christ. By leaving our sins on the cross, we are able to once again assume the original spiritual properties of the Tree of Life that God created in Adam in the beginning through Jesus Christ.

The 13th Disciple When Jacob was about to die, he knew that God’s expanded divine number for end of seasons is the number 13 and there will come a time when God will lead the Israelites out of bondage to inherit the Promised Land. When that time comes, as soon as the Israelites enter the Promised Land, God will mark the end of season in connection with the freedom of the Israelites from bondage. One advantage that Jacob had over the other two individuals (Abraham and Isaac) as far as the covenant was concerned was the fact that God used Jacob to fulfill the practical aspects of the covenant – Jacob was used to do most of the work on earth. Unlike Abraham and Isaac who were mostly used for the spiritual phase of the covenant, God on the other hand used Jacob to do most of the physical work that was required to complete the covenant. Abraham = 8 (God’s number for a new beginning) Isaac = 6 (God’s number for sin, man, and dominion) Jacob = 4 (God’s number to start and end a process) Abraham + Isaac + Jacob = 18 = 9 (God’s number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). With God’s divine number 8 for a new beginning, Abraham was the perfect candidate to use in God’s quest for a new faith-based relationship with man. Unlike the relationship God originally had with man through Adam and Eve, the relationship with Abraham was completely different. Adam and Eve proved to God that man does not have what it takes to maintain a flawless (righteous) spiritual relationship with God and for that reason Isaac was brought into the equation to replicate God’s son because in the new relationship, it will take more than man’s effort to please God. To demonstrate how God will do it, and what He will use to replace man’s input in the equation, Isaac was therefore introduced as a spiritual catalyst. In this new covenant, God will sacrifice His one and only son on the cross to die for the sins of the world so that man can successfully have a flawless faith-based relationship with God that is renewable from time to time through His son Jesus Christ.


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To create a symbol that will spiritually represent His son who will die on the cross, God created Isaac with divine number 6 for the sins of the world. With Jacob being marked as the end of the process, God also used Jacob to officially mark the beginning of the physical process by blessing him with twelve sons who will become the framework of the nation of Israel. By using Israel as a symbol of God’s destination for the world, the twelve sons of Jacob were used to create the tribes of Israel because when God’s son comes to pay the price of sin, he will choose twelve disciples to represent the twelve sons of Jacob. The twelve disciples will not only become the foundation of Jesus’ ministry but they will also be used to establish the church which is the Supernatural Embassy of Heaven on Earth just like Israel is the Natural Embassy of Heaven. In God’s divine plan, when Jesus comes to fulfill the Father’s covenant with Abraham, because Jesus will start with Jacob, not Abraham, it explains why he wasted no time in choosing the twelve disciples. Jesus knew that the covenant God made with Abraham was a covenant of compassion which translates to the church Jesus will build when he addresses the sins of the world. In conformity with God’s divine number 2 which is used for creation on earth, the covenant was therefore established in two stages. The first stage will be the Spiritual Phase involving Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This phase will be accomplished by Jesus Christ when he uses the Holy Trinity as the power house of his church. The second stage is the Human Phase which involves the twelve disciples that Jesus will use to start his church.

By using Jacob’s descendants to start and end the process that Jesus will follow when he comes, Jacob was therefore a perfect candidate for God’s divine number 4 which is used to start and end a process. As Jacob’s last days on earth drew closer, he asked Joseph to bring his two sons – Ephraim and Manasseh over to him because he knew that God entrusted him with the responsibility of spiritually creating the 13 th


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tribe of Israel through Joseph. “Jacob said to Joseph, God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and there he blessed me and said to me, ‘I am going to make you fruitful and increase your numbers. I will make you a community of peoples, and I will give this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you.’ Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine. Any children born to you after them will be yours; in the territory they inherit they will be reckoned under the names of their brothers.” Genesis 48:3-6. From this passage, Jacob sounded like he just pushed aside the parental rights of Joseph. Now if you were Joseph, you will probably stand there in shock scratching your head and wondering “Hey Dad, if you are about to do what I just heard you say, how exactly do you plan to accomplish that since you are about to die?” The Bible teaches that Jacob had many grandchildren from his twelve sons and if that was the case, why did he specifically ask for Joseph’s children? Did Jacob love them more than he loved his other grandchildren? The reason Jacob took very special interest in Ephraim and Manasseh was because he knew that carving out two tribes out of Joseph will be the channel that God will take to create the additional tribes needed to bring the final number of tribes to thirteen when the Israelites finally settle in the Promised Land. Recall that when Jesus came to retrace this journey, he started with the battle of the Holy Trinity in Book Two which was largely dominated by expanded divine number 13. God therefore charged Jacob to bless the two boys in preparation for their future establishment as new tribes of Israel. When Jacob said: “Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine just as Reuben and Simeon are mine” he was not necessarily saying that he will claim them as his own children. He was trying to say that just like Reuben and Simeon, the two boys - Ephraim and Manasseh have been designated by God as two distinctive tribes of Israel. Remember that God changed Jacob’s name to Israel and that’s what makes the word “Mine” in that statement equals to the nation of Israel. In compliance with God’s divine plan, it explains why as soon as the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God immediately commanded Joshua to treat Ephraim and Manasseh as two tribes of Israel carved out of Joseph. God gave this command because when His son Jesus Christ comes to retrace the steps of this journey, not only will he chose twelve disciples, but he will also appoint the 13th disciple when his mission is accomplished on earth. It was precisely for the purpose of accomplishing God’s original covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that Jesus decided to call the 13th disciple (Paul) originally known as Saul. The apostle Paul was not chosen by chance; he was appointed by Jesus Christ to complete God’s divine plan of expanded divine number 13. If Jesus knew this, why did he wait that long to call Paul? Why didn’t he appoint thirteen disciples in the beginning of his ministry?


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With God’s divine plan, timing is a very crucial element. Just like the Israelites had to first enter the Promised Land before creating the 13 th tribe, since the Promised Land represents God’s kingdom on earth, Jesus had to first go back to heaven which is also the kingdom of God because the call must be made from God’s kingdom. “Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the LORD’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Saul asked. ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied. ‘Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.’ The men travelling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.” Acts 9:1-7. If Jesus was going to appoint the 13th disciple, why did he not find another fisherman or tax collector like he did with the sons of Zebedee and Matthew? What was so special about Saul that made him the perfect candidate for disciple number thirteen? When Joseph was in Egypt, we know that he did everything to preserve his relationship with God which was a clear testimony that not only did he detest Egyptian gods, he also never worshipped them. If that was the case, why did he accept the idol worshipping woman that Pharaoh offered him for a wife? From the lessons of Solomon, Joseph of all people knew that accepting to marry an idol worshipper is a very dangerous spiritual gamble. As the appointed Ambassador of Heaven, the only reason why Joseph accepted Pharaoh’s gift was because when God gave him the meaning of Pharaoh’s dreams, God also told him how Pharaoh was going to react. One of Pharaoh’s reactions that God revealed to Joseph was the fact that Joseph will be asked to marry an Egyptian woman. God therefore approved it as part of the divine plan for the nation of Israel and the world at large. One of the most important attributes of God’s divine numbers is that when He assigns you one of them to work with, you never make a critical decision in life without His consent. Your life is no longer “Business as usual”. Joseph and Joshua were experts in using their divine numbers. It explains why everything Jesus did on earth including the miracles were all part of God’s plan for him. Not only was Joseph’s wife an idol worshipper, she also came from the prestigious royal bloodline of Egypt which even made matters spiritually worse because her bloodline was actively responsible for rigorously oppressing the Israelites as slaves. If God’s desire was to use a perfect bloodline to create the 13 th tribe of Israel then regardless of Joseph’s untainted spiritual record, Ephraim and Manasseh will be disqualified because of the bloodline of their mother. God used Joseph and his Egyptian wife to create the 13th tribe because when Jesus comes to fulfill the mission of addressing the sins of the world and building his church with twelve disciples, the


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13th disciple will be chosen from a bloodline with traits of oppression towards God’s chosen people – the Israelites. When the 13th tribe was created in the Promised Land, the definition of God’s chosen people was “The Israelites”. But when Jesus called the 13th disciple, the definition of God’s chosen people became “The Disciples of Jesus Christ”. That explains why Jesus decided to call Saul who was officially authorized and publicly known for persecuting the disciples of Jesus Christ. Saul therefore had the same spiritual traits that were found in the bloodline of Joseph’s wife. Although Jacob’s descendants lived in Egypt for more than four hundred years, Joseph was the only Israelite that eventually married an Egyptian woman.

With respect to God’s supernatural divine plan for humanity perfectly carved out of His plan for the nation of Israel, the call of Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ was nothing but a fulfillment of the 13 th tribe of the nation of Israel that came out of the original tribe of Joseph. It is true that each of Jacob’s twelve sons also had male seeds just like Joseph; irrespective of this Biblical truth, God however decided to concentrate His plan of creating a 13 th tribe of Israel strictly by using the sons of Joseph. This supernatural preference also explains why even though Jesus appointed Simon Peter to head his church before he ascended into heaven, Apostle Paul 126

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however was used to write more than 48% of the New Testament Books of the Holy Bible. To perfectly replicate the 13 th tribe of Israel, it explains why God allowed Apostle Paul to write 13 books of the New Testament, as follows:

By using Apostle Paul (the 13th disciple) who was also the last disciple Jesus called, to write 13 books of the New Testament, God effectively fulfilled His divine plan of replicating the last divine number for the nation of Israel which is expanded divine number 13. This also proves that when Jesus successfully completed his mission on earth, it was an indication of the Israelites entering the Promised Land where God carved out the 13th tribe. In God’s divine plan, it was absolutely necessary to create the 13th tribe when the Israelites entered the Promised Land because remember that in Book One, back in Egypt it took 12 unique miracles and 13 miraculous signs to finally set the Israelites free from the bondage of slavery.





he Bible teaches that after Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as they were hiding from God among the trees, God called Adam. In Adam’s attempt to explain why he was hiding from God, the only reason he gave God was that he discovered he was naked. God immediately asked him if he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the process of investigating what happened and how it happened, God started the interrogation process with Adam and walked His way up to Eve and the Serpent. Even though God received explanations from Adam and Eve, those explanations did not deter Him from immediately pronouncing punishments for Adam, Eve, and the Serpent.

As soon as God discovered that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because they were deceived by the serpent, God’s anger should have been principally directed to the serpent as the key suspect. Notice that God started the interrogation process with Adam because in life, the principle of accountability is not a human invention. It is the same principle that Jesus will apply


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to the human race on judgment day because Jesus gave us the Holy Bible and we are individually accountable for the life that God has given to us. God started with Adam because in a chain of command, whoever is in charge is usually held accountable for any failures in the system. Likewise if the system is successful, the leader will also take the credit. When God planted the Garden of Eden, He put Adam in charge and appointed Eve as a suitable helper. The serpent had no responsibility role and was also the last in the chain of command. That notwithstanding, when God was about to pronounce punishments designed for each participant, God changed the sequence. The first punishment was issued to the serpent, while the last punishment was issued to Adam.

To pronounce unique consequences for all three players, God used the sequence of the path that sin navigated to enter the world. God pronounced the first punishment for the serpent, followed by Eve and finally Adam.

God used this approach because just like sin was designed to inflict suffering and pain, the individual punishments God designed for all three were also intended to inflict suffering and pain in the life of each participant – Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. It was God’s way of systematically injecting the principle of divine number 2 where


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members of a pair are the exact opposites of each other. In this case, the first pain came from God’s adversary (Satan) while the second pain came from God.

Reinstating Peter As Jesus prepares to reinstate Peter after the prophecy fulfillment that made Peter deny him three times, Jesus knew that the process of reinstating Peter will involve a replay and supernatural spiritual correction of what happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve marked the beginning of the fall of man giving birth to sin, that fiasco was about the first two humans that God made. We know from Bible teachings that the number two is God’s divine number for creation but after the fall of man, it also immediately became God’s number for unclean when He gave Noah specific instructions on how to fill the Ark. “Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and have two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate.” Genesis 7:2. God introduced divine number 7 for clean after He made man and saw that everything was good and commanded man to keep the seventh day (Sabbath day) holy. In the process of reinstating Peter as the head of his church, to make it synonymous to the role that Adam was commanded to play in the Garden of Eden, Jesus therefore used the gathering of seven disciples to set the stage for the ceremony. “Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were gathered. ‘I am going out to fish, Simon Peter told them, and they said, ‘We’ll go with you.’ So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.” John 21:2-3.


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The timing for this ceremony was perfect because after Jesus paid the price for the sins of the world on the cross, it was time to bring man back to the Kingdom of God otherwise known as the Garden of Eden. From Bible teachings we know that the number 7 is God’s divine number for clean. Man was a clean creature when God gave him the keys to the kingdom but when God took the keys away from man as sin made its way into the world, man’s spiritual nature at that point was unclean. “Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but his disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, ‘Friends, haven’t you any fish?’ ‘No,’ they answered. He said, ‘Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’ When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, ‘It is the Lord,’ he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.” John 21:4-9. The Bible teaches that before Jesus appeared to his disciples that early morning they had been fishing all night but caught nothing. This was the same scenario that was displayed when Jesus called Simon Peter at the beginning of his ministry. Recall that Simon Peter had been fishing but caught nothing when Jesus called him. God planned the moment for the disciples to fish all night to no avail because He wanted them to be frustrated, tired, and hungry. From a natural standpoint, while it is easier to get someone’s attention when they are in a good mood, on the other hand, from a spiritual standpoint, it is a lot easier to get someone’s attention when they are tired, frustrated, painful, and hopeless. Remember that back in the Garden of Eden before the serpent tempted Adam and Eve, they were very hungry; and likewise before Satan tempted Jesus Christ, the Bible also teaches that he was hungry. As Jesus prepared to welcome his disciples from the unsuccessful fishing trip, the Bible teaches that he had a fire of burning coals with fish on it and some bread. Jesus knew that his disciples will be hungry when he appears to them and he also wanted to make sure that the first meal they will eat for that day must come from him. This was designed to be a symbol of the first meal that Adam and Eve ate when they failed God in the Garden of Eden. “Jesus said to them, ‘Bring some of the fish you have just caught.’ Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ None of the disciples dared ask him, ‘Who are you?’ They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.” John 21:10-14.


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When Jesus called out to his disciples from the shore, the Bible teaches that his disciples did not initially recognize him. The only reason why the disciples did not recognize Jesus was because he appeared to them in a different image completely different from what they knew before he died on the cross. They were unable to recognize him because in fulfillment of what happened in the Garden of Eden, we know that Adam and Eve also did not recognize Satan when he appeared to them in the image of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. However, as soon as they realized it was Jesus, they all ran to him because they were very excited to see him again. Unlike in the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve hid from God when they heard His voice, Jesus’ disciples were completely drawn to him in a mad rush. Remember that in the beginning of his ministry Jesus used Peter to perform a similar miraculous catch of fish. By repeating the same miracle, was Jesus trying to play back the events that marked the beginning of his ministry? When Jesus came looking for his disciples he knew they could hear him from the shore and that is why he did not bother to go into the water. Another very important reason why Jesus stood by the shore was because after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God called Adam from some distance away, from where Adam was hiding with Eve. The Bible also took the time to inform us that Simon Peter was not wearing his outer garment when Jesus called. Why was Peter the only one without an outer garment in the boat? Why did he take it off? Peter took off his outer garment prior to Jesus’ arrival because of the same type of prophecy fulfillment that engulfed him when he denied Jesus three times. It had nothing to do with Peter’s judgment. He was not wearing his outer garment because when God called out to Adam who was in charge of the Garden of Eden, Adam was naked but as soon as God finished his conversation with Adam, Eve, and the serpent, God put an outer garment on Adam and Eve. When God called Adam he did not bother to ask who was calling because he knew it was God just like Jesus’ disciples did not bother to ask him (Jesus) because they knew it was the Lord Jesus Christ when they came out of the boat. The fire of burning coals was used as a supernatural indication of God’s presence. In the meeting, the three Godheads were all present - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit because Jesus was about to reinstate Simon Peter to head the church which is the Supernatural Embassy of Heaven on Earth.  The Father = The Fire of burning coals.  The Son (Jesus) = In person.  The Holy Spirit = The Fire and the water. In Psalm 18:8, the Bible uses “Fire of burning coals” to describe one of God’s qualities. “Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth; burning coals blazed out of it.” Everything was spiritually perfect as man ate the first 132

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food again; this time, not from the serpent (Satan) but from the Holy Trinity as it was meant to be in the beginning because Jesus had just finished paying the price of sin on the cross. One remarkable statement that Jesus made as he was standing there waiting for his disciples to come out of the water, was when he asked them to bring some of the fish they just caught. From this statement, it will appear as if Jesus did not have enough fish in the fire to feed everybody that was present. It will also appear as if Jesus was originally preparing to eat alone when he suddenly saw his disciples. If any of these scenarios holds the truth, then why did Jesus only use the one fish he had in the fire to feed his disciples? Even though his disciples brought some of the fish he asked for, that supply never made it to the fire of burning coals. Why did Jesus ask for more fish? The Bible teaches that the disciples caught a total of 153 fish that morning. 153 = 9 Notice how Jesus did not ask them to bring all of the 153 fish to him; we should also recall that the number 9 is the divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible teaches that as soon as they finished eating, Jesus posed a puzzling question to Peter. “Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’ Again Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John, do you truly love me?’ He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Take care of my sheep.’ The third time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, ‘do you love me?’ Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ He said, ‘Lord you know all things; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’” John 21:15-17. Now, what was Jesus referring to when he said “More than these?” Was he referring to the rest of his disciples? Jesus was definitely not referring to that; he was referring to the pleasures of life because remember that it was Simon Peter who brought the idea of going fishing that morning. Jesus was not expecting Simon Peter to immediately go back to his old occupation after all the teachings he received from him over a period of three years. When Jesus said, “Do you love me more than these?” he was referring to the fish he asked them to bring from their catch. Jesus pointed to the fish when he posed the first question to Simon Peter because he used it as a reference to the pleasures of the world. How many times have we heard people profess their faith in Jesus Christ but deep inside their hearts, they still strongly love anything that puts money in their pockets more than they love Jesus? They will not think twice to push Jesus aside because they only honor him with their lips. When Jesus pointed to the fish from the group of 153 and said to Peter; “Do you love me more than these?”, from a natural perspective, he was referring to the pleasures of life; but from a supernatural perspective, he was referring to the spiritual symbol of the group of fish which represented the Tree of the Knowledge of Good 133

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and Evil. The only time in the Bible that Jesus strictly put man’s love for God in a contest was in Matthew 6:24 when he said, “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” We know that money shares the same divine number with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is the number 9. Money = 13 + 15 + 14 +5 + 25 Money = (13 + 15) + (14 + 5 + 25) Money = 28 +44 Money = 10 + 8 Money = 18 = 9 While the number 9 is the divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the number 18 is the expanded divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve made the decision to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil while ignoring God’s command; their actions were a clear testimony of their love for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.” Genesis 3:6. Jesus wanted to make sure that Simon Peter was strong enough to lead the church and avoid the same mistake that Adam and Eve made in the Garden of Eden. From a supernatural spiritual standpoint, the center of gravity of all false teachings in the church is embedded with the qualities that Adam and Eve saw in the fruit that came from the serpent. Jesus also knew that Peter’s strength alone was not going to be enough to sustain him and the church from the ravaging forces of temptation that brought Adam and Eve to their spiritual knees. That explains why Jesus asked Simon Peter the same question three times because it was his way of wrapping up that ceremony with his supernatural divine number 3. By using his supernatural divine number 3 as the supernatural glue to hold that moment together, it also explains why the following were present: 1. The three Godheads were present (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). 2. It was Jesus’ third appearance to his disciples. 3. Jesus asked Peter the same question three times. One of the reasons why Jesus asked his disciples to bring some of the fish they caught that morning was because in the Garden of Eden, what Satan gave Adam and Eve was a part of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil which was essentially the fruit. In the Language of Heaven, because Satan did not give Adam and Eve the tree itself, it explains why Jesus did not ask for all 153 fish. Adam and Eve ate the


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fruit from the tree and since Jesus already paid the price of the consequences of their actions by shedding his precious blood on the cross, there was no need for man to eat from the tree again. That explains why nobody ate from the 153 fish that was caught that morning.

Jesus asked for some of the 153 fish because he did not come to take away the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; he came to take away the sins of the world which is part of the tree. By using the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a symbol of Satan and the fruit as a symbol of sin, Jesus therefore asked his disciples to bring only some of the 153 fish because he was also trying to demonstrate that he took away the sins of the world but Satan still remains in the world. That explains why Jesus concluded his meeting with his disciples that morning talking about his return when he will finally deal with the eradication of Satan from the world. The first miracle Jesus performed was changing water to wine and the first spiritual meal he had with his twelve disciples was the Passover feast using bread and wine. Bread = 3 Wine = 6 During the Passover feast, the bread was a symbol of his body while the wine was a symbol of his blood. The last spiritual meal Jesus had with his disciples was the meal of bread and fish with seven disciples by the Sea of Tiberias during the miraculous fish catch of 153.


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Fish = 6 Body = 10 Blood = 3 Body + Blood = 13 The number 13 is God’s expanded divine number to mark the end of a season. Jesus therefore transformed the bread and wine to become his body and blood respectively to mark the end of the season of bondage in connection with the soul of man under sin.

In the Language of Heaven, if the food (Bread and Fish) that Jesus gave to his disciples that morning represents the first fruit (food) that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden, then: Fruit = Bread + Fish From Bible teachings, the Language of Heaven, and the Spiritual Symbols of Satan and Sin in Table 48, if the first fruit and the meal by the sea both represent the sins of the world, then: Sin = The Fruit ……… (Equation A) (Equation A) = First meal of Adam and Eve. Sin = Bread + Fish …………… (Equation B) (Equation B) = Last meal with his (7) disciples. Sin = 42 = 6 (Divine number for sin, man, and dominion) We know from Bible teachings that during the Passover Feast, the bread was his body and the wine was his blood in the process of taking away our sins.


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Sin = Bread + Wine …. (Equation C) (Equation C) = The Passover and first meal with his disciples. This now brings us to: (Equation C) = (Equation B) = (Equation A) Bread + Wine = Fish + Bread ……… (Equation D) 3+6=6+3 9=9 This proves beyond any reasonable spiritual doubt, that the last meal Jesus had with his disciples was therefore a playback of the Passover feast which was his first spiritual meal with them and a symbol of his supernatural mission on earth – to die on the cross to take away the sins of the world. It is also a playback of the first meal Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden. Before we proceed, it is very important to pause and remind ourselves of the following: 1. If Bread + Fish = Sin 2. And Bread + Wine = His body + His blood 3. And he used his body and his blood to take away the sins of the world, therefore: Bread + Fish = Bread + Wine …………… (Equation B) = (Equation C) From the First and Last Spiritual Meals in Table 49, since Bread + Wine = 9 And Bread + Fish = 9 as well, therefore: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 = Sin. God was absolutely right as the Bible teaches that sin came from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God was also correct when He warned Adam that eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil will produce the wages of sin which is death. When Jesus was at the wedding ceremony with his mother and his disciples, before he performed the miracle of wine, his mother told him the wedding officials had no wine left. “When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.’” John 2:3. The Bible teaches that there were six stone water jars nearby and Jesus instructed the wedding servants to fill the jars with water. “Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’” John 2:7. After Jesus performed the miracle, the only wine that was available at the wedding was the wine that Jesus just made. Jesus used 6 jars of water to make 6 jars of wine. Water = 4


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Wine = 6 6 x Water = 6 x Wine ………… (Wine Equation) 6x4=6x6 24 = 36 6=9 From this miracle, Jesus was also telling us that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 and the sins of the world with divine number 6 are inseparable – they have the same supernatural spiritual DNA because they are one and the same. When the wine was made, the water supernaturally disappeared because that’s what Jesus used to make the wine. In this case, the only divine number that remained standing at the wedding after making the wine was divine number 9 which corresponds to the right hand side of the wine equation. Final result of Wine Miracle = 36 = 9 with zero water left. The wine miracle marks the first official supernatural communication between Jesus Christ and humanity because back in the Garden of Eden, we saw in Book One that the first official supernatural communication between God and humanity was also the statement of 36 words contained in Genesis 2:16-17 specifically addressing the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Likewise before Jesus miraculously helped his seven disciples to catch 153 fish, there was one fish in the fire of burning coals and Jesus fed them with the fish. Fish = 6 Because nobody ate from the 153 fish that came out of the boat, the total number of fish remaining when they finished eating was 153 fish. 153 = 9 (Fish x 153) = (6 x 153) 153 fish = 918 918 = 18 = 9 The number 9 and expanded divine number 18 are both numbers for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was all about confronting sin head-on through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which houses the supernatural mechanics of the sins of the world. In both miracles (the wedding and the 153 miraculous catch of fish), Jesus started with divine number 6 and finished with divine number 9. Also, in both miracles divine number 6 disappeared, leaving only divine number 9 because Jesus came to take away the sins of the world, not the source of sin. After Jesus died on the cross, he took away the sins of the world with divine


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number 6 but the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9, was not the principal target of his mission as far as erosion is concerned. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is the source of sin will be God’s principal target when Jesus comes the second time during the End of the Age.

Breakfast with the Holy Trinity When Jesus resurrected from the dead, there were eleven disciples left; but when he had breakfast with his disciples by the Sea of Tiberias, only seven disciples were present. What happened to the other four disciples? Did they stop believing in Jesus Christ? There were only seven disciples present because God was about to manifest Himself to humanity like never before. In life, we have a common tradition where as our children grow up to become adults, we feel confident sending them away to college or university sometimes very far away from home. When it is time for our children to graduate from school, we feel very proud to attend their graduation ceremony regardless of the distance because we cherish the love we have for our children and we want to show them that we are very proud of their academic accomplishments. It was the same relationship that played out between God and His son. Jesus Christ left heaven and came to us on earth to fulfill the Father’s mission of paying the price for the sins of the world with his blood on the cross. After the mission was accomplished and Jesus was about to establish his church on earth, it is synonymous to your child’s graduation ceremony we just talked about. Jesus was about to go back to heaven after successfully completed the mission that brought him to the world; for this reason the Holy Trinity had to be present for his graduation ceremony which will involve sharing a meal and supernaturally establish his church through his disciples. After his resurrection, Jesus was no longer the Jesus we knew before he died on the cross. Unlike the Jesus that was born in flesh through the Virgin Mary, the new resurrected Jesus had no human flesh. After his resurrection, his body was in the absolute transcendent image of God which is a spiritual body. As he sat down to eat breakfast with his disciples early that morning, the only time such a ceremony took place in the history of humanity where God sat down with humans to eat, was when God invited Moses, Aaron, Abihu, Nadab, and seventy elders of Israel for a meal in heaven in Exodus 24:1-18. That meeting was organized by God to confirm the covenant of the Law of Moses (The Old Testament). Let’s recall that Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets by giving us The New Testament. To confirm this new law, it also explains why the Holy Trinity had to be present for the breakfast Jesus prepared for his disciples. By eating with his disciples that morning, it was a supernatural meeting


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because “God had breakfast with 7 disciples of Jesus Christ.” The first time God had a meal with humans was when Moses took the delegation of Israelite elders to see God in heaven in Exodus 24. In compliance with God’s divine number 2, the meeting by the Sea of Tiberias had some opposite manifestations as compared to the meeting that took place in heaven:  The meeting by the Sea of Tiberias took place on earth.  During the meeting in heaven, out of the 72 elders of Israel, God only disclosed the names of two elders (Nadab and Abihu). The names of the remaining 70 elders were not disclosed. 70 = 7.  During the meeting on earth, out of the seven disciples, the Bible disclosed only 5 names. Two names were not disclosed by God.  The major manifestation of God’s law of divine number 2 from both meetings is the fact that in one meeting (in heaven), 2 names were disclosed but in another meeting (on earth), 2 names were not disclosed. Remember that God’s Law of Divine Number 2 states that: Members of a pair must be the exact opposites of each other. When the meeting took place in heaven, the value of the seventy two elders was in perfect compliance with God’s Spiritual Acceptability Test (GSAT) Score of 7 which is God’s number for Holy. As far as the names of the disciples who attended the meeting on earth are concerned, we shall call Simon Peter just Peter because Jesus rejected the name Simon and only one disciple was allowed by heaven to keep two names – Judas Iscariot.


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From Table 49b, the total value that attended the meeting in heaven was 253 while the total value for those who were present during the meeting on earth was 313. From God’s supernatural plan, each total value must balance the divine number of the corresponding venue; in this case, Heaven and Earth. Heaven = 253 = 10 (God’s divine number for Heaven). Earth = 313 = 7 (God’s divine number for the Earth). From the Chart of Heaven, the values of heaven and earth are as follows: Heaven = 8 + 5 + 1 + 22 + 5 + 14 = 55 = 10 Earth = 5 + 1 + 18 + 20 + 8 = 52 = 7 Out of the 74 humans that attended the meeting in heaven, 72 of them were representatives (elders) of Israel because Moses and Aaron worked for God. Likewise during the meeting on earth, the 7 disciples were also representing the nation of Israel. The values that represented Israel in heaven and on earth were as follows: In Heaven = 70 + 22 + 41 = 133 = 7 On Earth = 313 = 7 In God’s perfect supernatural divine plan for both meetings, the first digit of each value representing Israel must be the divine number of the Godhead that is currently in charge of the venue. The two venues are Heaven and Earth. When the meeting took place in heaven, the value of those representing Israel was: 253 – (Moses + Aaron) 253 – (71+49) = 133 From the number 133, the first digit in this case is the number 1. This is the Supernatural Divine Number for God Himself who is in charge of Heaven. But when the meeting took place on earth, the value representing the nation of Israel was (all 7 disciples) 313 and the first digit is the number 3 which is the Supernatural Divine Number of Jesus Christ because at the time of the meeting, Jesus Christ was the Godhead in charge of the earth. However, he later transferred power and authority to the Holy Spirit before he ascended into heaven. From the two values representing the nation of Israel, we can clearly see that both values were in strict compliance with God’s GSAT Score for Holiness which is the number 7. 133 = 7 313 = 7


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As far as heaven and earth are concerned, there is only one thing that differentiates them from each other. It is the supernatural force from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 responsible for injecting sin into humanity through Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The presence of sin from this tree is what supernaturally demarcates heaven from the earth. If this is the Biblical truth, then likewise for the two meetings, the difference between the two values that represent Israel (in the shape of humanity) must also be the divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It must be the number 9. 313 – 133 = 180 = 9 Jesus said to Peter: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18. Jesus made this statement because when the time comes for him to reinstate Peter to head the Church of God, not only will Jesus be present in Godly form but also, the three Godheads will be present. When Peter was supernaturally given the authority and power to head God’s Church, it was like no other moment in the history of humanity because God had breakfast with man for the first time on earth. This time around it was completely different because back in the Garden of Eden, Satan had breakfast with Adam and Eve. While the dinner party with Moses’ delegation took place in heaven when Jesus saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven in Luke 10:18, the breakfast party on the other hand took place on earth with the disciples just as Jesus was about to make preparations to go back to heaven. The Bible teaches in Luke 6:12-16, that before Jesus died on the cross he officially chose 12 disciples whom he designated apostles as follows: 1. Peter 2. Andrew 3. James 4. John 5. Philip 6. Bartholomew 7. Matthew 8. Thomas 9. James 10. Simon 11. Judas 12. Judas Iscariot If we compare this list to the list of 7 disciples in Table 49b that had breakfast with the Holy Trinity, you will notice that Nathanael was not one of the twelve names Biblically listed as the disciples of Jesus Christ. With God’s divine plan to use this


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meeting to supernaturally establish the church, it was therefore absolutely necessary to set the stage in compliance with God’s divine numbers for Holy and Sin. Through the Holy Spirit, the church will overshadow the sins of man because the church will always be holy. For the church to remain holy it must be established with God’s divine number 7 for Holiness; on the other hand, for the church to overshadow the sins of man, the absence of the source of sin (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) with divine number 9 must be manifested through the names of the disciples present in the meeting. Peter’s decision to go fishing at a time when seven out of twelve disciples were gathered in a unique location, was nothing but a Prophecy Fulfillment for a supernatural breakfast with the Holy Trinity similar to what we saw when he denied Jesus three times. When we think of the Holy Trinity, we immediately think of the permanent seat of God’s Spirit. The Biblical birth of God’s Spirit is in the opening statement of the Book of Genesis with specific reference to “Water”. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:12. The first time God had a meeting with man on earth was after He planted the garden in Eden. During that meeting, God brought all the creatures He had made to man (Adam) for a naming ceremony because He gave Adam the authority to pick names for each creature. “Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beats of the field.” Genesis 2:19-20. Notice that during that ceremony, the creatures of the sea (water) were not invited. God completely excluded the creatures of the sea from the meeting because He had a different plan for them in the future. In compliance with divine number 2, when it was time for God to hold the second and last meeting with man on earth, the only creatures that He used were the creatures of the sea (Fish). It explains why Peter’s decision to go fishing on that particular occasion, was not necessarily a voluntary spiritual failure. It was God’s way of showing us that the spirit of man does not have what it takes to sustain the church of Jesus Christ. Recall that when we talked about the features of the Garden of Eden in Book Two using Jesus’ visit to the temple, the creatures of the sea were the only group of creatures that were missing from the temple. When Jesus visited the temple which is God’s house, the Bible teaches that the temple was no longer a holy place which explains why the creatures of the sea that dwell in the water with God’s spirit were also missing from the temple. But when God decided to establish a new temple which is the Church of Jesus Christ in connection with the soul of man, God also introduced a counselor called the Holy Spirit. The job of the Holy Spirit is to keep God’s church holy. When the Holy


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Trinity had breakfast with the seven disciples to establish the Church of Jesus Christ, the creatures of the sea (fish) were therefore the only creatures present because God’s new temple (the church) will always be holy. While the members of the church are all sinners, the church of Jesus Christ on the other hand, will always remain holy. This is precisely what Jesus was trying to tell Simon Peter; “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18. The official Biblical list of the twelve disciples is consistent in Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14, and Acts 1:13. We know from Bible teachings in John 1:47 that Nathanael was one of the disciples Jesus called and he is also known as Bartholomew. However, after he was called, the Bible stopped using the name Nathanael in the official list of twelve disciples because the Bible persistently addressed him as Bartholomew. But when Jesus decided to reinstate Peter by organizing a supernatural breakfast meeting with the Holy Trinity, the Bible suddenly reintroduced the name Nathanael in the list of seven disciples in John 21:2. Why did Nathanael, all of a sudden replace Bartholomew during the breakfast meeting with the Holy Trinity? When Jesus first saw Nathanael in John 1:47, he described him as an Israelite without deceit. “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” With this description and because the seven disciples were representing the nation of Israel during the meeting with the Holy Trinity, it was therefore very important to God that the name Nathanael be included in the list of disciples. The most important reason why God used the name Nathanael instead of Bartholomew was because of the GSAT Score. For the seven disciples to appear before Him the list of names must meet the GSAT Score requirement of 7 for Holy; in this case divine number 9 must be strictly avoided. Remember in Book One we saw how God systematically avoided divine number 9 when the inheritance was allotted to the Israelites in the Promised Land. We also saw another episode of God avoiding divine number 9 when He invited Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and 70 elders of Israel in Exodus 24:1-8. If the breakfast meeting with the seven disciples was designed to also address the spiritual mistakes of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, then divine number 9 for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil must be strictly avoided by God using the names of the seven disciples. Table 49C is a comparative table of the seven disciples using Nathanael as a substitute for Bartholomew during the breakfast meeting. This table reveals some interesting results to help you understand the reasons why Jesus decided to use specific names for the disciples that were destined to participate in the meeting.


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Looking at the right hand side of Table 49c, it is very clear that in the Language of Heaven, God decided to use the name Nathanael for the list of disciples designated to represent the nation of Israel for the last meeting between God and humanity. The left hand side of the table meets the Holy requirement of divine number 7 for God’s Spiritual Acceptability Test Score (GSAT Score). It was all about making sure that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 be completely avoided at all cost from the meeting. God’s decision to keep the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil away from everything that had to do with the church of His son explains why Jesus also avoided the Tree by making sure that no one ate from the 153 fish caught by the disciples that morning because: 153 = 9

Spiritual Identity As citizens of a nation, we all have unique individual identities that clearly set us apart from all other members of the society. It could be something as simple as your Social Security Number, your DNA or even your likes and preferences in life. Your physical identity is very obvious and everybody can see it as you carry yourself around because you can’t hide from the world. On the other hand, your spiritual 145

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identity can only be felt as you exhibit your inner self from the way you approach the struggles of life. Your spiritual identity describes who you are. Joseph knew himself; he knew he was the spoiled little kid who was very much loved and received everything from Daddy including an expensive coat of many colors. But when he found himself in prison in Egypt, he knew he had to redefine and change his spiritual identity. He decided to become tough, brave, and relentless. He became very hopeful and trusting God with everything. I want you to take a piece of paper and draw a table with two columns; on the left hand side of the table call it “Who am I” and write down what you know about yourself; on the right hand side, call it “What I want” and write down what you want from life. If both sides conflict with each other, then you know your chart is unbalanced. What I mean by unbalanced is that if the things you want from life are not achievable by using what you listed in the “Who am I” column then your chart needs some serious spiritual makeover. Changing what you want might be the easier road to follow especially if fear, lack of self-esteem, and low motivation show up but the reason why this is not the best fix is because by changing what you want, you can only downgrade that column to balance your chart. The best solution is to change the variables in the “Who am I” column because that will only upgrade you to what it takes to achieve your dreams. For example, if you are a truck driver who wants to become a medical doctor in the future but hate education, then you obviously have a conflicting table. If your dream is to become a preacher but you hate Bible study then you definitely have aspirations that conflict with who you are. The key to successfully accomplishing the things that you want from life is directly proportional to the desire and willingness to change some of the things you listed that define who you are. What will define you at any given moment in life are the key determinants of your future harvest. To accomplish the things that you want in the future, you cannot meet those goals without some corresponding changes to the variables that define you. Sometimes we hear people adamantly say things like, “This is who I am and I am not ready to change that for any reason.” That may be true but the problem with this philosophy is that people like this fail to understand that: Who you are = Your current spiritual identity. Your future spiritual identity = Where you want to be in the future. While you may be correct, because nobody can force you to change, the other inherent truth in your philosophy is that your spiritual identity for the things that you want from the future is definitely in self-bondage. Refusing to change who you are in relation to what you want, is like a rolling stone that gathers no moss. When you give your life to Jesus Christ through repentance and accept him as your Lord and savior,


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the first thing he does is start the process of changing who you are by pulling you away from everything that defines you. When Jesus called the twelve disciples, he pulled them away from everything they knew because he wanted to change their spiritual identity. Changing who you are, weeds out old unproductive habits and replaces them with new habits that are compatible with the things you want from life. The equation of your spiritual identity is balanced when: What you want = Who you are. Don’t blame God if you are not willing to work for the things that you want from life. When you show God that you are willing and absolutely prepared to work hard in life along with unwavering relationship with His son, He will lead you to the destiny that you were created for. “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” Hebrews 6:12.

Using your Supernatural Divine Number God has made it possible for us to ask Him for anything through His son Jesus Christ. Unlike the vast majority of things the Bible allows us to ask from God, your divine number is a supernatural component that you are not allowed to ask from God. What I am trying to say is that for you to be assigned a divine number, Jesus Christ does not require any formal request from you because no amount of prayer will do it. A supernatural divine number is not a spiritual reward in any way, shape or form. It is a supernatural tool that God equips you with to accomplish what He has called you to do. Jesus Christ makes the determination as to who is eligible to receive a divine number and the purpose for which the number is issued to the designated candidate. It has nothing to do with how long you have been serving God or how close you find yourself to God. Once your number is revealed to you, it is entirely up to you to chart a unique path in life that constantly honors Jesus Christ at all times in the course of using your divine number to navigate life. After receiving your number, once each month on the day before your divine number, you must fast from midnight to 10.00 AM the next day – the date of your divine number. For example, if your divine number is the number 8, you must fast from 12.00 AM on the 7 th to10.00 AM on the 8th. This approach is designed to boost your divine number and also honor God. This period of ten hours of fasting should be observed with nothing going into your mouth. It may sound harsh but keep in mind that your divine number is not about you; it is all about God in heaven. Heaven = 10


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Your divine number is something that you should never reveal to anybody. The only exception God makes in this case is your spouse because of the holy nature of the sacrament of marriage. The story of Samson with divine number three is a good example of why you should keep your divine number a secret. If Satan did not have the information that God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he would not have used that piece of information to insidiously attack Eve. As far as your divine number is concerned, my advice to you is very simple: “Keep your mouth shut.” Do not boast about it but do everything in your power to use it wisely and watch God move you to greater heights like you’ve never seen before. The more storms you face in life with your divine number, the higher God will lift you up just like the Ark with Noah, and Joseph in Egypt. Your divine number is not meant to be used for every single situation in life or every time you face difficulties. It is designed to be used for those moments when nothing natural seems to work to get you out of any trap created by evil spiritual forces. It is also designed to be used during spiritual harvest periods. Your spiritual harvest periods are those moments when you are about to step into arenas in life that are far higher than you’ve ever been; it has nothing to do with money. As you know, Solomon who was the richest man in the Bible did not have a divine number. On the other hand, Moses and Joshua who were assigned specific divine numbers were not rich; but supernaturally and spiritually speaking, they were the most powerful men alive who enjoyed direct communication with Heaven. If you don’t use your divine number to step into your supernatural harvest, chances are you will either stumble, make the wrong move, or your harvest will be short-lived which will push your destiny a lot further from you. Joseph knew when and how to perfectly use his divine number and that’s what made him an expert in clinching the supernatural spiritual moments. When Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, God immediately made salvation a universal gift to the world. Unlike salvation, God did not design personal divine numbers to be classified as universal gifts for humanity. The fact that you have sincerely given your life to Jesus Christ by accepting him as your Lord and Savior through repentance does not automatically qualify you for divine number designation. Personal divine numbers are special purpose tools that God creates for specific supernatural spiritual projects and assignments on earth. God, through Jesus Christ will assign you a divine number when He calls you for a specific mission that requires the use of a divine number. When Jesus assigns you a divine number, something very unique will take place in your life that will open your spiritual eyes to clearly see your divine number and immediately recognize it. Jesus will also supernaturally educate you on how to start using it. I will love to go deeper into the description of this unique event but unfortunately, that explanation is not reserved for the contents of this book. As soon as your divine number is revealed to you, it is an indication that you are ready to


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embark on the mission for which the number was created. It is time to move fearlessly to accomplish God’s mission. Moses knew his divine number was 10, Joshua knew his divine number was 7, Joseph knew his divine number was 2, and David knew his divine number was 5. As a young man, as soon as David received his divine number, he picked five stones even though he knew that he was only going to use one stone to fight and kill the giant Goliath. I will like to remind you once again that you don’t necessarily receive a divine number from Jesus Christ just because you asked for it or because you are righteous. As you can see, none of these people in Table 50 were either righteous or asked God for a mission. These are people were going about their normal lives when God called them for a mission involving a divine number. Your supernatural divine number is a gift that you should cherish every day and please don’t be scared if some reason you eventually make mistakes when using your divine number. The important thing to remember is that God understands when we make unintentional mistakes as we strive to serve Him with all our hearts.


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Naming a Child It is always a great joy when God blesses you with a child. In the process of that joy also comes one very conspicuous spiritual mistake that most parents make primarily because we always fail to acknowledge the author of the gift. Children are a blessing from God. Every time we name a child, embedded in that name are some very strong supernatural spiritual traits that will greatly influence the life of that child. We know that God assigned divine numbers to some individuals in the Bible but there was only one male that God chose as the bearer of the natural divine number 2 for His son Jesus Christ; God gave it to Joseph. Remember that divine number 2 is God’s number for creation and unclean; since all things were made through Jesus Christ and he came to die on the cross for our unclean spiritual qualities, it explains why God gave His son this number. The number 2 is also the natural divine number of Jesus Christ. Recall that when Adam and Eve fell to the temptation of the devil in the Garden of Eden, everything God created on earth using divine number 2 was transformed from spiritually clean to spiritually unclean; that clearly indicates why the number 2 is God’s number for creation and unclean. Following the powerful attributes that come with divine number 2 which states that two components of a pair must be the exact opposites of each other, the question is: Did the name Joseph meet this criterion in relation to Jesus Christ? What spiritual qualities did God put in Joseph that made him a suitable candidate for divine number 2? In God’s divine plan for Israel, we know that He made Moses just like Jesus Christ and if anybody was qualified to carry this powerful divine number, it should have been Moses; God made the decision to assign Joseph the natural divine number of Jesus Christ for the following reasons: 1. When Jesus was born, even though he had a supernatural father in heaven, God used Mary’s husband (Joseph) to play the part of Jesus’ natural stepfather on earth. 2. When King Herod was planning to kill baby Jesus, God through an angel asked Joseph to escape to Egypt with baby Jesus and his mother Mary. 3. In the Genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1:16, the Bible teaches that the name of Joseph’s father (Mary’s Father-in-law) was Jacob. 4. The Bible teaches in Genesis 37:2 that young Joseph of 17 years old who was sold as a slave also had a father named Jacob. Remember this is a different Joseph because he was one of the twelve sons of Jacob in Canaan. Because we now have two Josephs, for the interest of clarity, we shall differentiate them as follows: Let Joseph the husband of Mary be called “Joseph the Dad” Let Joseph who was sold as a slave be called “Joseph the Kid”


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For God to assign the powerful natural divine number 2 of His son Jesus Christ to the name Joseph, there must be a component with strong opposite attributes that Joseph the Dad shares with Joseph the Kid. That component is as follows: God made a covenant of 400 years of slavery in Egypt with Abraham. After the death of Abraham, when God started the implementation phase of the covenant, Joseph the Kid was the first Israelite to settle in Egypt before God delivered the Israelites from the bondage of slavery. On the other hand, Joseph the Dad was the first Israelite to settle in Egypt (when Jesus was born) after God delivered the Israelites from the bondage of slavery. God gave Joseph the Kid the natural divine number 2 of His son Jesus Christ because in the future, when the Virgin Mary gives birth to God’s son, the natural father will be called Joseph (Joseph the Dad) who will escape to Egypt where they will settle until they hear from God. When Joseph the Dad settled in Egypt with his wife, unlike the rest of the world, God’s son (Jesus Christ) was there in Egypt with the parents in his natural physical state. All true Christians have Jesus in their lives in a spiritual form but Joseph the Dad experienced Jesus in his natural physical state because in the course of raising him, he held him, fed him, kissed him, and tucked him to sleep just like most parents still do today with their children. These experiences explain why Joseph the Kid was assigned the natural divine number of Jesus Christ as an indication of the natural physical presence of Jesus Christ in Egypt. It also explains why Joseph the Kid spent the greater part of his life in Egypt. Before Joseph the Kid was sold into slavery as the first Israelite to settle and die in Egypt after the death of Abraham, God knew that after the Israelites inherit the Promised Land, the first Israelite who will later settle in Egypt will be Joseph the Dad with God’s son Jesus Christ. God’s son will be living in Egypt in his natural physical state with Joseph the Dad. When Joseph the Kid moved to Egypt through slavery, to successfully manifest the natural physical state of God’s son living in Egypt with a man named Joseph, God therefore assigned Joseph the Kid the natural divine number 2 of His son Jesus Christ which explains why Joseph was able to exercise his duties as the Ambassador of Heaven while living in Egypt. In the land of Canaan, because Jacob was very close to God, he knew the perfect name to give his son before Joseph the Kid was born. For God to assign the natural divine number of His son to Joseph the Kid there must also be a natural phenomenon that God will use to set the stage in Joseph’s life that directly relates to the natural circumstances surrounding the life of Jesus Christ at a specific period of time. The period in question deals with the birth of Jesus Christ because King Herod made plans to kill baby Jesus as soon as he was born. The principal natural phenomenon that Jesus shares with the rest of humanity is the fact that unlike his conception, his birth was natural. We know from what he revealed earlier in Book Two that he was born on the 17th day of the 5th month. His natural birth on the 17th day of the 5th month is a


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perfect translation of the natural birth of salvation with God’s most powerful divine number (17) on earth. Salvation = 5 For Joseph the Kid to be crowned with divine number 2, God must set the stage of the beginning of Joseph’s Biblical life to vividly reflect these two numbers (17 and 5). To make that happen, God revealed it by giving us the opening Biblical statement of the life of Joseph the Kid in Genesis 37:2. “Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them.”  The Bible teaches that the sons of Bilhah were Dan and Naphtali.  The Bible also teaches that the sons of Zilpah were Gad and Asher. From this information, we now know that there were five males altogether (Joseph plus his four brothers) when Joseph’s life started in the Bible. Biblically speaking, it therefore means that the life of Joseph started with the number 5 when he was 17 years old just like Jesus Christ who was Biblically and naturally born on the 17th day of the 5th month. The next stage in Joseph’s life was the presence of extreme hate from his own brothers who tried to kill him; this incident led to Joseph being sold as a slave to Egypt. Likewise, as soon as Jesus was born, King Herod hated him and made plans to kill him which prompted God to move Jesus to Egypt. In both cases, hate was the driving force that moved Joseph the Kid and Baby Jesus to Egypt. Pick your child’s name wisely. Before Joseph was born, following Jacob’s intimate relationship with God and his vast knowledge of the Language of Heaven, Jacob knew that his unborn son will be named Joseph because God will use the child to start the fulfillment of the covenant God made with Abraham. It explains why out of Jacob’s children, God decided to use Joseph to start the process of bringing the covenant into action because Egypt was part of the covenant when God spoke to Abraham regarding 400 years of slavery in a foreign land. Egypt = Joseph ……. (Equation Nm-2) Egypt = 5 + 7 + 25 + 16 + 20 = 73 Joseph = 10 + 15 + 19 + 5 + 16 + 8 = 73 From (Equation Nm-2): 73 = 73 10 = 10

The Importance of a Female Seed So far, we’ve seen how God used the twelve sons of Jacob to fulfill almost every aspect of His divine plan for the nation of Israel and the world in general as He


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mapped out the route from the covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. However, what we’ve not seen is any major involvement of a female seed from Jacob. What about Dinah, the only daughter of Jacob? Was she not an important figure in God’s plan for the nation of Israel? Why did the Bible keep her behind the scene all this while? After the fall of man, the Bible teaches that God gave Adam and Eve another son named Seth. From this male seed, even though the spiritual distance between God and man was still wide apart, God decided to use Seth to move Adam’s generation forward. Through Seth, at the age of 105 years God introduced a male seed called Enosh.”When Seth had lived 105 years, he became the father of Enosh.” Genesis 5:6. The Biblical remarkable quality that brings humanity closer to God is a faithful and contrite heart; it is the most important quality of mankind that sets God’s chosen people apart from the rest of the world. A contrite heart is an attribute that is missing in every wicked heart. The Bible teaches that after Enosh was born, man expressed the first sign of a contrite heart by seeking God again; after Adam and Eve disobeyed God it took man a long time to come back to God. “When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth.” Genesis 5:3. Since Enosh was born when Seth was 105 years old, it therefore means that from the creation of Adam, it took man 130 + 105 = 235 years to come back to God through a contrite heart. 235 = 10 (Divine number for Heaven) As soon as God saw the genuine contrite heart expression from man, He gave man the first female seed that was not cursed, through Seth. “Seth lived 807 years and had other sons and daughters.” Genesis 5:7. It is true that the first female seed from Adam’s bloodline was from Cain in Genesis 4:22 but remember that Cain’s bloodline was cursed and cut off from God’s divine plan. “Seth also had a son and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD.” Genesis 4:26. The general rule in a family unit is that mothers have a soft heart while fathers are usually viewed as strict figures; it is for this simple reason that God preferably uses female seeds as a symbol for a contrite heart. It also explains why instead of Jesus Christ just appearing to us from heaven, God used a female seed (the Virgin Mary) to bring His son to the world. When God established the covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, even though He did not give Abraham and Isaac a female seed, He made certain that Jacob had a female seed – Dinah who was Jacob’s only daughter. God’s decision to withhold a female seed from Abraham and Isaac was not designed to act as a punitive measure. The only reason why God made that decision was because since the covenant was God’s renewed call for a faith-based relationship with man, the injection of a female seed must follow the pre-established pattern that


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God prescribed in His divine plan for humanity. The pattern God was trying to use for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was what He originally designed for Adam. In God’s plan, because He used the female seed from the last (3 rd ) son of Adam who is Seth to move His plan forward, it explains why God also gave the only female seed in His covenant fulfillment, to the last (3 rd ) individual in the covenant who in this case is Jacob. If God had given Abraham a female seed, that would have been a replication of the cursed bloodline of Cain; God was not prepared to repeat Cain’s spiritual bloodline. One unique characteristic of God is that when it comes to moving His divine plan forward, He will never do things just to satisfy a human desire. God blessed Jacob with twelve male seeds that He also used to establish the nation and the tribes of Israel. The fact that Jacob’s daughter (Dinah) was not used to establish any of the tribes of Israel does not necessarily undermine her spiritual role in God’s plan for Israel and the world. God used Dinah to reveal to the world what role a female seed will play when His son comes to take away the sins of the world. When Jesus came to the world, after his birth through the Virgin Mary, and as soon as he started his ministry, Mary was no longer in the spotlight of his life. Jesus chose twelve disciples who became the daily figures in his life throughout his ministry. It was this scenario that God repeated when He gave Jacob twelve male seeds who became the major players in establishing the nation of Israel while Dinah was hidden from the spotlight just like the Virgin Mary. The fact that Jesus used twelve male disciples to build his church on earth during his ministry and the gospel is highly concentrated around these twelve men, does not rule out the truth that after God, Mary was the next most important figure in the life of Jesus Christ which also makes Dinah a very important spiritual figure in the establishment of the nation of Israel.



SUPERNATURAL EQUILIBRIUM God’s Equations of the Sacrificial Lamb


ollowing God’s preliminary process of setting up a spiritual framework for the journey His son will later undertake to address the sins of the world, it was very important for heaven to compile a list of individuals who will play different roles in the process. After the fall of Adam and Eve, God knew that using man as a strategic supernatural tool to pay for the sins of the world was going to be an impossible task. Instead, after Adam, God used four additional men (Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Joshua) to define the individual modules of the mission for His son. By using divine number 2 at the center of the mission, God therefore divided the mission into two modules:  The Natural Module.  The Supernatural Module. The Natural Module holds the activities that were designed to be accomplished using humanity on behalf of Jesus Christ. The Supernatural Module on the other hand comprises of everything Jesus personally fulfilled in his mission. As much as the Natural Module was carried out by men, it was imperative that everything they did be in conformity with God’s divine plan for His son; there was zero tolerance for any deviations. From the revelations of Jesus Christ in Book One and in this book as well, we now know that five men were involved in the Natural Module, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Adam Jacob Joseph Moses Joshua


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While God started with Adam in the Garden of Eden, injecting Joshua into the picture was God’s way of bringing the mission to a successful finish as the Israelites inherited the land promised to them on oath through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If the journey of the Israelites is the same spiritual journey that Jesus took to the cross and the Promised Land is also a blueprint of the kingdom of God, then the five men that God used to naturally execute this journey, must be equal to Jesus Christ who supernaturally fulfilled the mission. Adam = 19 =10 Jacob = 31 = 4 Joseph = 73 = 10 Moses = 71 = 8 Joshua = 74 = 11 Jesus Christ = 74 + 77 =11 + 14 Jesus Christ = 11 + 14 = 2 + 5 = 7 Adam + Jacob + Joseph + Moses + Joshua = Jesus Christ ……… Equation (i14) Adam + Jacob + Joseph + Moses + Joshua = 74 + 77 ……… Equation (i-14) Equation (i-14) = God’s Divine Equation for the first coming of His Son Jesus Christ. From Equation (i-14): 10 + 4 +10 +8 +11 = Jesus Christ 10 + 4 +10 +8 +11 = 11 + 14 (10 + 4) + (10 +8 +11) = 11 + 14 14 + 29 = 11 + 14 5 + 11 = 2 + 5 5+2=2+5 7=7


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Both the Natural and Supernatural Modules started with the value of 10 and also finished with the value of 2. The cross is our only chance of arriving at God’s Paradise in Heaven with divine number 2 like we saw in the Human Spiritual Life Cycle. We can see that Equation (i-14) which is God’s Divine Equation for the First Coming of His Son is, perfectly supernaturally balanced in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that Jesus will come again for a different phase of God’s divine plan for humanity which involves the restoration of the soul of man through a spiritual body. Just like we saw with man’s contribution to Equation (i-14), this time, God’s Divine Equation for the Second Coming of His Son must also be perfectly balanced with man’s contribution to the process. The Bible teaches that God commands us to complete the following procedure in order to enter His kingdom through His son which will also prepare us for the second coming of Jesus Christ: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Be born naturally through a woman into this world. Receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior through repentance. Be born of water. Be born of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will give us a spiritual body to restore our soul.

From the Language of Heaven, we also know that specific divine numbers apply to each of the four steps mentioned above. Water = 4 Sin = 6 Spirit = 10 God’s spiritual process for humanity: 1. First, we arrive on earth with sin from birth with divine number 6. 2. To be born of water means we receive divine number 10, (Water + Sin) which is 4 + 6 = 10.


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3. To be born of the Spirit means we receive divine number 7, (Spirit + Sin) because sin is suppressed; 6 + 10 = 16 = 7. 4. When we sincerely accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, he gives us his supernatural divine number 3 in preparation for our spiritual body. 5. When Jesus gives us a spiritual body in preparation to enter Paradise in Heaven, we become new creatures with divine number 2. For us to become like Jesus Christ before we appear in the presence of God in Paradise, steps two through five must be able to take away step one which is the sin we are born with. That brings us to Equation (ii-14) which is God’s Divine Equation for the Second Coming of His Son Jesus Christ:     

Step one = 6 Step two = 10 Step three = 7 Step four = 3 Step five = 2

(10 + 7 + 3 + 2) – 6 = Jesus Christ… Equation (ii-14) 22 – 6 = Jesus Christ We know that Jesus Christ = 74 + 77 From Equation (ii-14): (10 + 7) + (3 + 2) – 6 = Jesus Christ (17 + 5) – 6 = 74 + 77 (8 + 5) – 6 = 74 + 77 13 – 6 = 11 + 14 13 – 6 = 2 + 5 7=7 Therefore, Equation (ii-14) is also a perfectly balanced supernatural equation in the name of Jesus Christ. From the two equations (Equation i-14 and Equation ii-14) in the Language of Heaven, we know that no amount of theological studies, no amount of scientific discovery, and no degree of human argument can overrule the truth that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father’s Paradise in Heaven. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6. We also know from Bible teachings that it took one sacrifice to generate these two equations. It was the sacrifice of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world; this brings us to Equation (iii-14) which is the Equation of the Sacrificial Lamb of God.


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Equation (i-14) + Equation (ii-14) = The Sacrificial Lamb of God. …………... Equation (iii-14) God’s Equation of the Sacrificial Lamb = Equation (i-14) + Equation (ii-14) 7 + 7 = The Sacrificial Lamb of God 14 = 5 = The Sacrificial Lamb of God Salvation = 5 This equation supernaturally explains why the Sacrificial Lamb was slaughtered on the 14th day of the first month. God said to Moses: “This month is to be for you the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household. If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor, having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat. The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight.” Exodus 12:1-6. For the liberation of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt which gave us Equation (i-14), a natural lamb and human input were used for the sacrifice.  Adam + Jacob + Joseph + Moses + Joshua = Jesus Christ ……… Equation (i-14).  (Born of water + Born of the Spirit + Supernatural divine number of Jesus Christ + Creation of spiritual body) – Sin = Jesus Christ …… Equation (ii14). Notice that the left side of Equation (i-14) is strictly human while the left side of Equation (ii-14) is strictly spiritual which brings us to: Equation (i-14) = God’s Natural Equation of the Sacrificial Lamb. Equation (ii-14) = God’s Supernatural Equation of the Sacrificial Lamb. In Equation (i-14), a natural lamb was naturally sacrificed on a date taken from the word of God in Exodus 12:6 and that sacrifice was made by man who physically slaughtered the lamb. In Equation (ii-14), a supernatural lamb was supernaturally sacrificed first in heaven and then on the cross by God himself. Unlike Equation (i14), God did not give us any notice as to when His lamb will die on the cross for the sins of the world in Equation (ii-14). However, when that time came, while on the


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cross God declared the date and time with one statement from His son when Jesus said “It is finished.” It is finished = 5 “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30. While the date of death for the Natural Lamb in Equation (i-14) was given to us in the language of the world, the date of death for the Supernatural Lamb in Equation (ii-14) on the other hand was given to us in the Language of Heaven. While the Natural Lamb was slaughtered in a nation (Egypt) that Biblically represents the natural world which is the earth, the Supernatural Lamb on the other hand was slaughtered in a nation (Israel) that Biblically represents the Embassy of the supernatural world which is Heaven. Although the two nations have this stack difference, we cannot rule out the truth that the decision for both lambs came from heaven. Heaven = 10 That explains why both Egypt and Israel share the value of heaven as follows: Heaven = 8 + 5 + 1 + 22 + 5 + 14 Heaven = (8 + 5 + 1 + 22) + (5 + 14) Heaven = 36 + 19 ***Heaven = 9 + 10 = 19 = 10 Israel = 9 + 19 + 18 + 1 + 5 + 12 Israel = (9 + 19 + 18) + (1 + 5 + 12) Israel = 46 + 18 ***Israel = 10 + 9 = 19 = 10 Egypt = 5 + 7 + 25 + 16 + 20 Egypt = (5 + 7 + 25) + (16 + 20) Egypt = 37 + 36 ***Egypt = 10 + 9 = 19 = 10 Just like the first month of the year (when the lamb was slaughtered) that God mentioned to Moses, was basically a period to mark the beginning of the natural freedom of the Israelites from slavery, likewise when Jesus took his last breath on the cross, the month of his death also marked the first month of the year of supernatural freedom from the slavery of sin. It marked the first month of salvation and eternal life for the soul of humanity. 160

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God’s Equations of the Cross In every relationship that God created involving a unification of the natural and the supernatural, power is usually transferred from the supernatural to the natural, not the other way round because the supernatural is designed to overpower the natural. When it comes to the cross of Jesus Christ, inherent in his blood is what makes his cross supernatural. Without his blood, his cross will be completely powerless and comparable to the cross that was used to crucify ordinary people during the Roman Empire. It explains why having a cross in the church without a symbol of Jesus Christ is absolutely useless. I am not implying that we worship the cross hanging on the wall; the image of Jesus Christ is there as a reminder of what he did for us with his blood on the cross. The body of Jesus Christ is the source of supernatural strength that completes the cross of our sins. The supernatural power that took away our sins on the cross did not come from the piece of wood; it came from his blood housed by his body that resurrected on the third day. Displaying a cross in the church without an image that specifically connects Jesus to that cross is an act of spiritual arrogance that speaks volumes of an attempt to make a mockery of the source of supernatural power that God used to define the cross of His son. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9. The Bible teaches that as soon as that happened and sin entered the world, God’s immediate reaction was to protect the Tree of Life because He knew that only the Tree of Life is capable of reversing what came out of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of Life was created to supernaturally reverse the effects of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible teaches that the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross is what washes our sins away. Our sins are the effects of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. With this Biblical truth, it therefore means that: The Tree of Life = The Blood of Jesus + The Cross …… (Equation j1) The Tree of Life = The Cross of Jesus Christ. If sin is the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, therefore by the same spiritual token, the blood of Jesus Christ that washes our sins away is also the fruit of the Tree of Life. His blood = The Fruit from the Tree of Life. Blood = 3 Cross = 2


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The divine number for the Tree of Life is also the divine number for Salvation and Everlasting Life. Salvation = 5 Life = 5 (For the Tree of Life) If the cross is the Tree of Life and his blood is the fruit from the Tree of Life that reverses the actions of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, then the Equation of the Cross of Jesus Christ which is (His Blood + His Cross) must be equal to the divine number of the Tree of Life, which is the number 5. Blood + Cross = 5 3+2=5 5=5 Salvation = His blood + The Cross…… (Equation j2) If the Cross of Jesus Christ is both Salvation and the Tree of Life, therefore: (Equation j1) = (Equation j2) Salvation = The Tree of Life 5=5 From the teachings of the Bible, we can successfully draw an indisputable spiritual conclusion of what defines the core principles of God’s nature. That principle is the fact that God doesn’t do things at random unless they perfectly fit like an unshakable piece of puzzle in His divine plan. In Book Two when we talked about the specifications that God gave Noah to build the Ark, we saw how divine number 9 surrounded every aspect of the Ark’s physical image otherwise known as the Properties of the Ark. Another remarkable revelation was how God used the Ark to lead us to the true date of birth of His son Jesus Christ and also the birth date of John the Baptist. We also concluded that God used the Ark as a symbol of His son when he came to shed his blood on the cross for the sins of the world. If the Ark is Jesus Christ who was later crucified for the sins of the world, then the circumstances of divine number 9 that surrounded the Ark must also be supernaturally applicable to the cross where Jesus will die when he comes to the world. This brings us to the Properties of the Cross of Jesus Christ in Fig. 7. The Bible teaches that salvation came to us from the east where Jesus was born naturally through the Virgin Mary in Israel. For Jesus to systematically address the sins of the world he must tackle the source, not the product; the source in this case is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9 and this number must mark his entry (arrival) point to the cross which in this case is the East. It is no


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coincidence that when God made plans to establish the nation of Israel on earth, He made certain that the Middle East was the designated location in the world map for the Promised Land. It also explains why regardless of all the enemies and hostilities surrounding the nation of Israel, the truth is that Israel is here to stay.

The Bible teaches that while on the cross, Jesus was pierced on three spots – his left hand, his right hand, and his feet; it is obvious that he was bleeding from these


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three spots where the nails were driven through his flesh to stabilize him on the cross. If his blood is the price of our sins, therefore the three spots represent the source of payment for our sins. The three spots are like the spiritual supernatural bank account that took care of our sins. The payment for our sins was spiritually wired from this bank account. During the Passover feast (the Lord’s Supper) with his disciples, when Jesus gave the cup to his disciples to drink, he called it the cup of his blood for the forgiveness of the sins of the world. “Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.’” Matthew 26:27-28. In view of the fact that no part of his blood was designed to be wasted, we therefore have to harvest his blood from the cross for the sins of the world. To do this, we will need three cups for the three spots where he was bleeding from because he was pierced for our transgressions. Figure 7 gives us a graphic illustration of the process. The spiritual supernatural values of each cup, (cup 1, cup 2, and cup 3) are essentially identical (the divine number for Sin) to each other because the three cups contain blood that came from the same body. If this is the Biblical and natural truth, therefore: Cup 1 = The Sins of the world = Divine number 6. Cup 2 = The Sins of the world = Divine number 6. Cup 3 = The Sins of the world = Divine number 6. Cup 1, Cup 2, Cup 3 = 666. This is the Biblical number for the human race after sin entered the world; we mentioned earlier that the first 6 is for man, the second 6 is for woman, and the third 6 is for child. The Bible teaches that the number 666 is the number for man; not only is this number the designated summary number for man, it also clearly sums up to the sins of humanity because it is the expanded divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In Book One, we saw that the entire human race is encapsulated in the number 666. 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 9 666 = 18 = 9 We know from Bible teachings that Jesus Christ was not the only one crucified on that fateful day and we also know for certain that his cross was the same type of cross used to crucify other people including the two thieves that were beside him, one on his left and one on his right. To pay the price for our sins, God used two components namely:  The Cross. 164

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 The Blood of Jesus Christ. The cross was built by man and because his cross was not unique in any way shape or form, that brings us to God’s Natural Equation of the Cross. God’s Natural Equation of the Cross = The Natural Properties of the Cross. The Natural Properties of the Cross = North + South +East + West. This was the definition God used to describe the cross when He spoke to Abram. “The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, ‘Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.’” Genesis 13:14-15. Notice how God used a very incredible careful approach in describing the cross of His son; instead of just saying north, south, east, and west. God carefully demarcated the information by carving out two groups as follows: North and South. East and West. With respect to the significant role that God’s divine number 2 was going to play in the sacrifice of His son on the cross, God decided to create a supernatural and a natural pathway for the cross. Cross = 2 It was precisely for this reason that God used the Language of Heaven to describe the cross when He spoke to Abram in Genesis 13:14-15. Jesus came to the world to die on the cross to free the soul of man from the bondage of sin created through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That explains why God used the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 18 = 9 to define the cross as follows: North = 3 South = 2 East = 9 West = 4 North + South + East + West = 18 3 + 2 + 9 + 4 = 18 18 = 9 (Divine number and expanded divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil)


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Just like the only thing that comes from the cross is death because nobody survives from the punishment of crucifixion, it explains why God told Adam that if he eats from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil he will surely die. What God was trying to tell Adam was very simple: “Eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is synonymous to being crucified which means death.” In the image of the cross of His son, God supernaturally inscribed the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

North and South = The supernatural pathway of Jesus Christ. North = His supernatural arrival point to the world. South = His supernatural departure point from the world. East to West = The natural pathway of Jesus Christ. East = His natural arrival point to the world. West = His natural departure point from the world. Remember when God introduced the Plague of Locust in Egypt, He used the east and west winds to show us the arrival and departure of His son. See Exodus 10:1-20. 7. The North with divine number 3 for the Holy Trinity represents Heaven where Jesus will rest his head while on the cross. It also has the value of blood which came from heaven because man cannot manufacture blood. The number 3 is also the supernatural divine number of Jesus Christ. 8. The South with divine number 2 represents the earth and God’s creation on earth. The South with divine number 2 also contains the following inscriptions: Cross, Unclean, Death, and Rebellion. It is also the foot of the cross where we come to surrender through repentance as God’s creation. 9. His supernatural pathway (North and South) is a two-way street because it is the pathway that your soul takes when you come to the world and when you finally leave the world. 10. On the other hand, his natural pathway (East to West) is a one-way street because you are naturally born to this world just once, not twice. You are usually naturally born as the seed of a woman but when you die, the natural departure point of your body is not your mother’s womb, but the ground – two different directions. 11. His supernatural arrival point (North) has his supernatural divine number 3 while his supernatural departure point (South) has his natural divine number 2 because he departed (died) naturally on the cross; Cross = 74 =11 = 2. 12. His supernatural pathway (North and South) has a value of 3 + 2 = 5 which is the divine number for Salvation and Everlasting Life which is supernatural life. 13. His natural pathway (East to West) has a value of 9 + 4 =13 which is God’s expanded divine number for supernatural demarcations to mark the end of seasons. It is also God’s number to start and end a process. It was God’s way of creating a demarcation between heaven and earth.


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14. Precisely because the West is his natural point of departure, it explains why after Jesus took his last breath on the cross his head was slightly tilted towards the West. He died a natural death but rose supernaturally from the dead on the third day. 15. His cross had three directions (two vertically supernatural and one horizontally natural) which corresponds to his supernatural divine number of (2 + 1) = 3 because when the supernatural and the natural come together, the result is another supernatural component. 16. His Supernatural Arrival Point which is the North with the value of (3) + His Natural Arrival Point (9) = The Supernatural Arrival of salvation to the world through the twelve disciples. 3 + 9 = 12. 17. His supernatural departure point (2) + His natural departure point (4) = The Natural Arrival of sin to the world through Adam and Eve. God made Adam from the dust of the ground (South of the Cross). Eve came out of Adam (from another human) just like Jesus came out of the Virgin Mary with no human input (2 + 4) = 6. Adam + Eve = 6 If the Properties of the Cross (North + South + East + West) represent the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 18 = 9 and the Bible teaches that the Tree of Life which represents Jesus Christ, is the only supernatural tool that can reverse the effects of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, therefore: Jesus Christ + The Properties of the Cross = The Sinless Soul‌.. (Equation IG77) The Sinless Soul represents the properties that God originally created in man. The original properties of man are summarized in the image of God because the Bible teaches that God made us in his own image before sin entered the world. The image of God is also the image of Jesus Christ with divine number 7 for Holy, Perfect, and Complete. Translating this Biblical truth to the Language of Heaven will give us: (The Properties of the Cross) + (Jesus Christ) = 7 Recall that the value of Jesus Christ = 74 + 77 = 11 + 14 = 2 + 5 = 7 By adding Jesus to the cross, God was able to once again make us Holy, Perfect, and Complete before Him through His son. From (Equation IG-77): (North + South + East + West) + Jesus Christ = Jesus Christ


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(3 + 2 + 9 + 4) + (74 + 77) = 74 + 77 3 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 11 + 14 = 74 + 77 (3 + 2 + 9) + (4 +2 + 5) = 74 + 77 14 + 11 = 74 + 77 14 + 11 = 11 + 14 5+2=2+5 7=7 He was pierced for our transgressions on three different spots to create a natural balance of his body on the cross (East, West, and South). Out of these wounds came his blood that filled the three cups; for his blood to get to the cups, it had to travel south bound through his supernatural pathway. If his blood came out of the wounds that were inflicted to create a natural balance of his body and his blood is the supernatural component of the cross, it is therefore very clear that God designed his blood to create a supernatural balance on the cross to pay for our sins.  His Natural Balance = God’s Natural Equation of the Cross …….. (Equation vii)  His Supernatural Balance = God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross …. (Equation viii.) As much as his cross was not unique or designed with any special features, the Bible teaches that the blood of Jesus Christ is the supernatural component that God used to pay for our sins. To compute God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross, we must use the contents of the three cups of his blood; each cup holds his precious blood which is equivalent to the sins of the world with divine number 6. Sin = 6 Cup 1 + Cup 2 + Cup 3 = God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross …… (Equation viii) 6 + 6 + 6 = God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross = 18 = 9……(Equation viii) The number 18 = 9 is the divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is the supernatural path of sin to the world. To compute God’s Natural Equation of the Cross, we must use the locations of the three wounds that were designed for his natural balance on the cross (East, West, and South). East + West + South = God’s Natural Equation of the Cross ………. (Equation vii)


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9 + 4 + 2 = God’s Natural Equation of the Cross God’s Natural Equation of the Cross = 9 + (4 + 2) = 9 + 6 = 15 = 6…… (Equation vii) For sin to supernaturally make its way into the world a natural path must be present; in this case the path was Adam and Eve. This path must balance God’s Natural Equation of the Cross. Adam + Eve = God’s Natural Equation of the Cross. Adam = 1 + 4 + 1 + 13 Eve = 5 + 22 + 5 Eve + Adam = (5 + 22) + (5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 13) Adam + Eve = 27 + 24 Adam + Eve = 9 + 6 = 15 = 6 …….. Same as God’s Natural Equation of the Cross (Equation vii). The number 6 is the divine number for Sin. For God to successfully use His son on the cross to pay the price of the sins of the world that started through Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the sum of God’s Natural and Supernatural Equations of the Cross, must balance the divine number for Sin. Sin = 19 + 9 + 14 Equation vii + Equation viii = Sin (9 + 4 + 2) + (6 + 6 + 6) = 19 + 9 + 14 15 + 18 = 19 + 9 + 14 6 +9 = 28 + 14 6 + 9 = 10 + 5 15 = 15 6 = 6 (Divine number for sin, man, and dominion) The sum of God’s Natural Equation of the Cross and God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross is the age at which Jesus died on the cross. God’s Natural Equation of the Cross + God’s Supernatural Equation of the Cross = (9 + 4 + 2) + (6 + 6 + 6)… When Jesus died on the cross. Therefore, Jesus died on the cross at the age of 15 + 18 = 33 years. 15 = 6 (Divine number for sin) 169

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18 = 9 (Divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) Jesus died on the cross at the age of 33 to take away the sins of the world with divine number 6 which came from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with divine number 9. Jesus Loves you!

The Gates of Heaven When we think of Heaven, we immediately think of God’s home; but when we think of hell, we also think of Satan’s ultimate destination along with all sinners who willfully reject Jesus Christ. To this day, the church still struggles when it comes to teachings surrounding Heaven and Hell. Most preachers will tell you that heaven is where all believers will go while unbelievers are strictly barred from heaven. The Bible also talks about a place called Paradise for all believers. To get a better understanding of Heaven, Hell and Paradise, we will gradually walk our way through each of them. While Hell is designed by God for all those who will suffer eternal condemnation for rejecting His son Jesus Christ, Paradise on the other hand was designed by God as a reward and permanent dwelling place for all those who accept His son Jesus Christ through repentance. Jesus persistently used the terms “The Kingdom of God” and “The Kingdom of Heaven” interchangeably throughout his teachings during his ministry. But while on the cross, when he was about to die, he used a new term for the first time called “Paradise” to describe his destination when he leaves the cross and the world. In his opening statement before he started his ministry, Jesus said “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Matthew 4:17. Jesus used the two terms “The Kingdom of Heaven” and “The Kingdom of God” during his ministry not necessarily to indicate a life cycle after death, but rather it was an indication of a new life that you can start experiencing while on earth, on one condition: The Holy Spirit must take absolute control of your life after repentance. When you live your life with total surrender of principle through repentance to Jesus Christ which allows him to send the Holy Spirit to take absolute control of your life, the kingdom of heaven is immediately manifested in your life. When Jesus narrated the parable of finding the kingdom of heaven, it had nothing to do with when you die; rather it had everything to do with while you are still alive. In the parable Jesus said: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold everything he had and bought it. Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of age. The angels will come and separate the 170

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wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:44-50. Looking at the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven like something you receive when you die is like putting your salvation on hold only to activate it when you are about to die. Experiencing the kingdom of God begins while you are still on earth because as a true Christian, it is that citizenship of God’s kingdom that sets you apart as God’s child from the rest of the world who belong to the devil. That is why Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14. When you die, your destination is a different story because as a citizen of God’s kingdom and family, your destination is Paradise. It explains why at the point of death on the cross, Jesus used the word “Paradise” for the first and only time. But when he started his ministry, to teach us the lifestyle that God expects from us in order to inherit His Kingdom, Jesus constantly talked about the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God. When God used the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land to show us how to enter the kingdom of heaven, all the Israelites did not have to physically experience death before entering the Promised Land. However, they had to experience spiritual death through repentance from sin. While the kingdom of God is your spiritual life in honor of God through Jesus Christ, as a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven, Paradise on the other hand is your destination when you leave this sinful world. This is exactly what Jesus was trying to teach Nicodemus in John 3:1-10. While the kingdom of God is God’s law on earth, your qualification as a citizen of God’s kingdom prepares you for permanent residence in Paradise with Jesus Christ. Because of the unique nature of Paradise in relation to life after death, it explains why the Book of Revelation also uses this terminology for our final destination. “He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Revelation 2:7.


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1. Stage one is your life at birth. 2. Stage two is when you receive Jesus Christ through repentance of your sins. 3. Stage three is the Holy Spirit living in you and your citizenship in God’s kingdom or family. 4. Stage four is natural death from this sinful world. 5. Stage five is your residence in Paradise through the spiritual body of Jesus Christ. Following the stack difference between Heaven and Paradise, to be very specific, it explains why while on the cross, Jesus said to the repented criminal that was crucified beside him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43. Notice how Jesus did not use the word heaven because he was being very specific of the city of all believers. In compliance with God’s divine number 2 for creation, Hell and Paradise are opposites of each other naturally and supernaturally housed by Heaven. One remarkable incident that God used to display the real estate of Heaven, Hell, and Paradise was the moment when He called Abram. 172

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“So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him. Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold. From the Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier and where he had first built an altar. There Abram called on the name of the LORD. Now Lot who was moving about with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents. But the land could not support them while they stayed together, for their possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together.” Genesis 13:1-6. Eventually Abram and Lot parted company and Lot settled near the wicked people of Sodom while Abram lived in the land of Canaan. “The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, ‘Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.’” Genesis 13:14-15. Contrary to popular Christian belief, Heaven is not a city; Heaven is a nation with two cities (Paradise and Hell). It is the only nation above the earth. Recall that God’s law of divine number 2 states that members of a pair must be the exact opposites of each other. In compliance with the law of God’s divine number 2, above the earth where life is supernatural, there is only one nation with two cities (Paradise and Hell). From a natural standpoint, on earth where life is natural there are many nations and cities. But from a supernatural standpoint, the earth was also created in compliance with divine number 2 because there are only two cities on earth; they are:  The city of believers  The city of unbelievers. As far as Jesus Christ is concerned, there is absolutely no supernatural grey area in life; you either belong to Jesus Christ or you don’t. If your salvation is not completely sealed in his name, then you are definitely a citizen of hell through Satan. An illustration of the two gates of Heaven is shown in Figure 9. From previous studies, we concluded that God used Egypt as a symbol of the world but used Israel (the land of Canaan) as a symbol of His home. The Bible teaches that when Abram and Lot left Egypt, they came to a place between Bethel and Ai where Abram once built an altar to God and also called on the name of the Lord. From this point, Abram parted company with Lot. As soon as Lot left, God called Abram and immediately defined the cross of His son Jesus Christ. While Lot decided to settle in Sodom, Abram on the other hand settled in Canaan. It was at Canaan that God called Abram. As Abram and Lot left Egypt, God used that opportunity to give us a snap shot of what will take place in the Kingdom of Heaven through these simple steps:  Egypt is the sinful world.  Abram and Lot leaving Egypt is a symbol of believers and sinners leaving the world. 173

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 Between Bethel and Ai is the Kingdom of Heaven.  Sodom is Hell.  Canaan is Paradise. Because of the significant nature of Canaan which symbolizes God’s paradise in heaven, God waited for Abram to make the choice of settling in Canaan before He revealed the cross to him. It was God’s way of saying that the cross of His son will be revealed only to those who chose to settle in Paradise because His son on the cross will be the only way to Paradise. God created Heaven in such a unique way that everything that is originally carved out of Heaven must bear the supernatural spiritual DNA or divine number 10, of Heaven. Heaven = 10 The following were carved out of Heaven:     

Paradise = 10 Hell = 10 Man was made in God’s image. (Man = 10). Adam was named by God in the image of God. (Adam = 10) Circumcision = 10 (The first covenant God made with Abraham for spiritual purification)

Hell = The exact flip of Paradise (Opposite of Paradise) Hell = 8 + 5 + 12 + 12 = 37 37 = The exact flip of Paradise. If Hell is the exact supernatural spiritual flip (opposite) of Paradise, then in the Language of Heaven, Paradise must be 73. Paradise = 16 + 1 + 18 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 19 + 5 = 73 37 = The exact flip of 73 Because of the common supernatural housing that is shared by both Hell and Paradise, it explains why their values are exact flips of each other (37 and 73).


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When God made humanity, He started with man after which He created the woman by using the man’s rib. Before sin entered the world, God’s perfect creation of humanity was: Man + Woman God’s Supernatural Equation of Humanity = Man + Woman ……(Equation hi) Man = 13 + 1 + 14 = 28 Woman = 23 + 15 + 13 + 1 + 14 = 66 God’s Supernatural Equation of Humanity = 28 + 66 = 94 = 13 = 4 The number 4 is God’s number to start and end a process while the number thirteen is God’s expanded divine number to start and end a season. When God made Adam and Eve, the Tree of Life who is Jesus Christ, was part of humanity which is what made God’s original creation supernaturally clean. It also explains why God initially made no attempts to restrict man from eating from the Tree of Life, prior to eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, when sin entered the world, God’s Supernatural Equation of Humanity changed to God’s Natural Equation of Humanity. 175

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God’s Natural Equation of Humanity = Man + Woman + Sin……….. (Equation hii) When Sin entered the world, the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ) disappeared from God’s original supernatural creation which is why God’s preferable way of restoring His original creation is by re-injecting His son again into humanity. God’s Natural Equation of Humanity = (Man + Woman) – Jesus Christ … (Equation hii) Because the influence of sin erased the powerful supernatural components that God used in creating humanity, the value of God’s Natural Equation of Humanity must therefore balance the divine number 6 for sin. Sin = 19 + 9 + 14 = 42 = 6 God’s Natural Equation of Humanity = Sin …….. (Equation hiii) (Equation hii) = (Equation hiii) From (Equation hii) and (Equation hiii) in the Language of Heaven, we balance sin as follows: (Man + Woman) – Jesus Christ = Sin (28 + 66) – (77 + 74) = Sin 94 – 151 = Sin Remember that Sin = 19 + 9 + 14 = 42 94 – 151 = 42 13 – 7 = 6 6=6 As far as the Kingdom of Heaven is concerned, God’s Supernatural Equation of Humanity (Redeemed humanity through the cross) is designed for Paradise, while God’s Natural Equation of Humanity (Sinful humanity) is reserved for Hell. As far as God’s Paradise is concerned, nothing natural can even come close to the gates. Only Jesus can take us to Paradise because he is the only designated supernatural way to the Father.


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Personalize the Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, My only God. Hallowed be your name, Father, I praise your mighty name. Your kingdom come, Father, I pray for your kingdom. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Father, let your will be perfectly manifested in me. Give us today our daily bread, Father, I commit this day into your hands. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors, Father, I surrender everything that I am at the foot of the cross of your son Jesus Christ. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Father, direct my steps and keep me under the shadow of your wings because my life is not about me; it is about you, your glory, your power, and your son Jesus Christ. In his mighty name I pray, Amen, Amen, and Amen.

The Call of Moses, Aaron, and Joshua When you carefully read the Holy Bible, you will notice that one aspect that clearly defines God’s nature is the fact that He doesn’t do things at random. God always has an underlying supernatural reason for every action He takes. From this Biblical truth, we also know that there is a supernatural reason why He called Moses, Aaron, and Joshua to lead the most important mission ever handed to man. Naturally speaking, we know that when it comes to spiritual resume, these three men will be disqualified. There was absolutely nothing from a human aspect that qualified them for the job. God called them because He already mapped out this mission with their names written all over it when they were not yet born. God made these three men in relation to the supernatural journey His son will take to the cross when he comes to take away the sins of the world. Because Jesus will use his supernatural divine number 3 to accomplish God’s mission, it explains why only three men were called to replicate the mission. Moses = 13 + 15 + 19 + 5 + 19 = 71 = 8


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Aaron = 1 + 1 + 18 + 15 + 14 = 49 = 13 Joshua = 10 + 15 + 19 + 8 + 21 + 1 = 74 = 11 1. Moses with number 8 We know that for the mission to free Israel and lead them to the Promised Land. God essentially made Moses like Jesus Christ. As the leader of the mission, God designed Moses to reflect the eight steps that will cover the mission of His son as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

God’s angel visited the Virgin Mary. Jesus was conceived. His birth. His life growing up unnoticed by the world. His life in the ministry. His death on the cross. His resurrection on the third day. His ascension into heaven. God’s angel was there to mark the end of the mission.

2. Aaron with number 13 As far as this mission is concerned, we know that God made Aaron like Moses’ prophet, which means that Aaron was designed to help and learn from Moses. While on earth, we know that Jesus appointed 12 disciples; he officially used them to establish his ministry and his church. Just like Aaron, we also know that these twelve disciples were appointed to help and also learn from Jesus Christ. We also know from Biblical teachings that after his ascension, Jesus made one last appointment to bring the total number of his disciples to thirteen. 12 disciples + (1) Apostle Paul = 13 disciples. For the mission to free His people and lead them to the land He promised them on oath, God therefore made Aaron to represent the disciples of Jesus Christ. 3. Joshua with number 11 From Biblical teachings in Book Two, we know that God made Joshua like the Holy Spirit in this mission. The Bible teaches that after Jesus rose from the dead when he appeared to his disciples to introduce the Holy Spirit in John 20:19-23, there were only eleven disciples left because Judas Iscariot was no more. By using Joshua to replicate the role of the Holy Spirit in this mission, it explains why Jesus did not


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ask his disciples to appoint a replacement for Judas Iscariot before he introduced the Holy Spirit. The mission of Jesus Christ was to bring salvation to the world by taking away the sins of the world on the cross. If this statement holds the Biblical truth, therefore in the Language of Heaven, Moses, Aaron, and Joshua must supernaturally balance God’s divine number for salvation and everlasting life which is the number 5: Moses + Aaron + Joshua = Salvation …. (Equation Pr-5) Salvation = (19+1) + (12+22)+(1+20)+(15+14) + 9 Salvation = 20 + 34 + 21 + 29 + 9 Salvation = (2+7+3) + 11 + 9 Salvation = 12 + 11 + 9 Moses = 8 Joshua = 11 Aaron = 13 From (Equation Pr-5): Moses + Aaron + Joshua = 12 + 11 +9 8 + 13 + 11 = 12 + 11 + 9 32 = 32 5=5 The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ came to the world in flesh as the second Adam. On the other hand, the Bible also teaches that Jesus Christ came to the world as God’s son. From this Biblical truth, we know that Jesus came to the world in two forms: In flesh as the second Adam because Adam was made man. In spirit as God’s son because God is spirit as illustrated in John 4:24. If Jesus came to us in flesh as the second Adam, therefore whoever God appointed in human flesh to replicate His son’s journey to the Promised Land must also balance the value of Adam. In this case, God appointed Moses and Joshua because while He made Moses like Jesus Christ, He however made Joshua like the Holy Spirit. The two major contrasting positions here are:  Both Moses and Joshua are two separate humans transformed into the image of Adam (sinless man) before sin entered the world.  Bothe Jesus and the Holy Spirit are two inseparable Godheads of the Holy Trinity. In the Language of Heaven, Moses and Joshua must therefore balance the value of Adam.


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Moses + Joshua = Adam Adam = 1 + 4 + 1 + 13 = 19 Moses = 8 Joshua = 11 Moses + Joshua = 8 + 11 = 19 19 = 10 (Divine number for Heaven) If you are wondering why even though Aaron assisted Moses in this mission but failed to appear in this equation, the reason is because unlike one of the three Godheads, God made Aaron like Moses’ prophet which disqualifies him from the Second-Adam-concept. The second form (spirit) that Jesus came to us cannot be practically replicated by any human flesh because while you can see and touch the flesh, the truth is you cannot touch God’s spirit. If Jesus came to us as God’s spirit, therefore he must perfectly balance the value of God’s spirit. We know from Biblical revelation that the Spirit of God is commonly referred to as the Holy Spirit which brings us to: Jesus Christ = Holy Spirit …… (Equation Ms-5) Jesus = (10+5) + (19+21+19) Jesus = 15 + 59 Christ = (3+8+18) + (9+19+20) Christ = 15+59+29+48 Christ = 6 + 14 + 11 + 12 Christ = (14+11) + (6+12) Christ = 25 + 18 Holy = (8+15) + (12+25) Holy = 23 + 37 Spirit = (19+16+9) + (18+9+20) Spirit = 44 + 47 Holy Spirit = 23 + 37 + 44 + 47 Holy Spirit = 5 + 10 + 8 + 11 Holy Spirit = (5+11) + (10+8) Holy Spirit = 16 + 18 From Equation Ms-5: Jesus Christ = Holy Spirit 25 + 18 = 16 + 18 7+9=7+9


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16 = 16 7 = 7 (God’s number for Holy, Perfect, and Complete)

God’s Equations of the Law and the Prophets When God designed the plan to liberate Israel from the bondage of slavery in Egypt as a fulfillment of the covenant He made with Abraham, it was also God’s intention to use this plan to map out the supernatural path of His son when he comes to take away the sins of the world. To execute this plan, God called three men – Moses, Aaron and Joshua. In a nation full of elders who spent all their lives serving God, why did He take very special interest in these three men, especially Moses who knew nothing about God? The Bible teaches that the Passover God used to bring Israel out of Egypt was celebrated under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. On the other hand, the Passover that God used to grant the Israelites entry into the Promised Land was celebrated under the leadership of Joshua. If God’s Passover was a supernatural symbolic tool for the mission He called Moses, Aaron, and Joshua to fulfill, therefore in the Language of Heaven, the value of the three men must perfectly balance God’s divine number for the Passover which is the number 14. This brings us to: Moses + Aaron + Joshua = 14 …(Equation PsD-7) Moses = 71 Aaron = 49 Joshua = 74 From Equation PsD-7: 71 + 49 + 74 = 14 (71+49) + 74 = 14 120 + 74 = 14 3 + 11 = 14 The Bible teaches that Joshua was called because Moses and Aaron failed to complete the job. The Bible also teaches that while the law was brought to us through Moses, grace and truth came to us through God’s son. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:17. Grace came to us through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross while the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ brought the truth to help us understand grace embedded in the law. We know that the first written law (The Old Testament) was brought to us through Moses while the second written law (The New Testament) was given to us through Jesus Christ; it explains why The Old Testament is commonly referred to as The Law of Moses. We also know from Bible teachings that when God gave Moses 181

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the law, his assistant was Aaron because while Moses was made like God, Aaron on the other hand was made like Moses’ prophet. This is confirmed by God’s statement in Exodus 7:1 “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet.’” In a summary statement of his mission, Jesus stated that he came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Matthew 5:17. The Law and the Prophets were designed to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. While Moses was the Law, his brother Aaron on the other hand was the Prophet.  The Law and the Prophets = Moses + Aaron.  Grace = The death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  The Truth = The gift of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. If Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, it therefore means that he also came to fulfill Moses and Aaron. In the beginning, God called Moses and Aaron as a team to carry out the mission but when they failed, God introduced a third candidate to finish the job. This new appointment also changed God’s definition of the Law and the Prophets to: The Law and the Prophets = Moses + Aaron + Joshua. If the Law and the Prophets is a natural representation of The Old Testament because humans were involved in the mission, a representation of the New Testament is therefore referred to as the Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. As far as Jesus is concerned, the fulfillment of his mission from the Father is what the Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets is all about; it is a replay of the journey of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land. Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets = Moses + Aaron + Joshua. We know our savior as Jesus Christ but the Bible also talks about the Messiah as the same person. The Bible teaches that when John’s disciple (Andrew) found Jesus, the first thing he did was look for his brother Simon; as soon as he found Simon, he described his findings to his brother with the statement, “We have found the Messiah (that is, the Christ)”. John 1:41. When Jesus was trying to teach the Samaritan woman, she also talked about the Messiah. “I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” John 4:25. Moses = 71 Aaron = 49 Joshua = 74


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Jesus = 74 Christ = 77 Messiah = 74  Jesus is the Messiah.  Christ means the one that will be crucified.  Messiah means the promised savior. As much as all these names are used to address Jesus Christ, in the Language of Heaven, each of these names carry specific spiritual interpretations as outlined in Table 52.

When the Passover lamb was slaughtered in Egypt on the 14 th day of the first month, it was an indication that slavery in bondage is finished; likewise when Jesus took his last breath on the cross with the statement “It is finished”, it was also an indication that slavery in the bondage of sin is finished. Although the value of “It is finished” is 131 = 5, the divine number of this statement which marks the last words of Jesus on the cross is equivalent to the day God asked the Israelites to slaughter the lamb in Egypt. That divine number is 14. It is finished = 14 This divine number is symbolic of the fact that from the moment Adam and Eve introduced sin to the world, we all became dead souls incapable of supernaturally rescuing ourselves from the supernatural mess that started in the Garden of Eden.


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Dead = 4 +5 + 1 + 4 = 14. This explains why we are born to this sinful world as dead souls. God designed the Passover to liberate dead souls. When Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, he effectively fulfilled the mission that God assigned to Moses, Aaron and Joshua. If the Law and the Prophets (The Old Testament) was introduced to combat the influence of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, therefore the sum of the Law and the Prophets must spiritually and effectively balance not only the divine number 9 of the Tree but also the expanded divine number as well which is the number 18. Law = 36 = 9 Prophets = 117 = 9 Law + Prophets = 9 + 9 = 18 = 9 Christ = 77 = 14 By using three humans to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, this brings us to God’s Natural Equation of the Law and the Prophets. …….. (Equation Lp2) Moses + Aaron + Joshua = God’s Natural Equation of the Law and the Prophets …. (Equation Lp2). Moses + Aaron + Joshua = 8 + 13 + 11 = 32 God’s Supernatural Equation of the Law and the Prophets will involve His son Jesus Christ fulfilling the mission on the cross - Jesus on the cross who is Christ ……… (Equation Lp1) Law + Prophets + Christ = God’s Supernatural Equation of the Law and the Prophets….. (Equation Lp1) 9+ 9 + 14 = 32 32 = 5 (God’s number for Salvation) Because Jesus came to repeat the journey of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land under the leadership of Moses, Aaron and Joshua, that brings us to God’s Equation of the Law and the Prophets. (Equation Lp1) + (Equation Lp2) = God’s Equation of the Law and the Prophets. 32 + 32 = God’s Equation of the Law and the Prophets. 5 + 5 = 10


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To fulfill the two equations, God used two Passover celebrations, one in Egypt and another one in Israel. The first 5 is for the slaughter (14 = 5) of the Natural Passover Lamb in Egypt while the other 5 is for the slaughter of the Supernatural Passover Lamb (Christ) on the cross for our salvation. Salvation = 19+1+12+22+1+20+9+15+14 =113 Salvation = 113 = 5 5 + 5 = 10 The number 10 is God’s divine number for heaven where the law (The Holy Bible) came from. Both Passover celebrations came from heaven because they are considered to be the Lord’s Passover. “Eat it in a haste; it is the LORD’s Passover.” Exodus 12:11. As Christ died on the cross to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, he also fulfilled the divine number for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is the root of the sins of the world. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the reason why God gave us the Law and the Prophets to help us avoid the spiritual mistakes that Adam and Eve made in the Garden of Eden. If you have not sincerely given your life to Jesus Christ through repentance, I strongly suggest you find him now; do it in a haste, just like God asked the Israelites to eat the Passover Lamb in a haste because today maybe all you have. There is absolutely nothing that can save you from hell; your only chance of entering God’s paradise in Heaven is through His only son. Jesus loves you!

The Tearful End of the Age When we are feeling good, we say life is great; we call it success, rich, fulfillment, accomplishment, and blessings. We call this group of experiences a “Positive Life.” But when excruciating pain, poverty, and discomfort manifest themselves we say life is bad; we call it miserable, poor, pathetic, and hopeless. We call this group of experiences a “Negative Life.” From the human definition of a “Negative Life”, came the humiliation, judgment, torture, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Out of man’s “Negative Life” definition, the cross of Jesus Christ is completely revealed. Out of the cross of His son, God carved out spiritual success, blessings, fulfillment, and mission accomplished. Your spiritual success through repentance, among other things, will be largely determined by God not from the pleasures of life, but rather, from the “Negative Life” definition that spiritually identifies you with Jesus Christ. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny


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himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. Luke 9:23-24. The Bible teaches that God has already prepared an unprecedented closure to all life on earth. Jesus called it the End of the Age. It may sound like a fairy tale that someday, every life on earth will without notice, come to an unprecedented end. The truth is, regardless of how you feel or what you think, it will eventually come to pass. In preparation for the End of the Age, a time is fast approaching when no man will be able to walk the streets of the world because the supernatural forces of darkness will be unleashed like never before in human history. First, the world will be relatively calm, too calm for a very sinful world then, all of a sudden without warning, all hell will break loose. I couldn’t help the pain and sorrow that filled my heart as I sat there beside him watching in stupefied horror as he walked me through the short scene. From the glimpse of what he showed me, be rest assured that no amount of money, no amount of self-righteousness, no amount of education, no level of technology, and no amount of intellectual advancement can prepare humanity for what is about to happen. Fasten your spiritual seat belt because only Jesus Christ can prepare you for it. The Bible teaches that before God started creating the earth, darkness was all over the earth, the earth was empty, and the earth was formless. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2. Jesus on the other hand gave us a brief description of what will happen when the End of the Age shows up. “Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” Matthew 24:29-31. The sun, the moon, and the stars are the three supernatural tools that God uses to give light to the world. If these three sources of light disappear, the earth will be literarily submerged into total darkness – where it all started in the beginning when God created the earth. The only reason why we will be able to see Jesus coming through the clouds of the sky is because in a world submerged in total blackout, Jesus Christ will be the only source of light coming from the sky. After God created His most powerful divine number on earth which is divine number 17, He used it for the following six occasions: 1. To create the earth. 2. To start the flood with Noah on the 17 th day of the second month for a spiritually-revised earth. 3. To stop the Ark from sailing on the 17th day of the 7th month. 186

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4. To liberate the Israelites from the bondage of slavery when Pharaoh decided to let Israel go on the 17th appearance of Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh. 5. To lead the Israelites to the Promised land by assigning divine number 10 to Moses and divine number 7 to Joshua. A total of divine number 10 + 7 = 17 for the journey. 6. In Book One we saw that the divine value for the number of kings Moses and Joshua had to defeat in order to enter the Promised Land was also 17. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light.” Genesis 1:1-3. The End of the Age is nothing but God taking us back to the beginning when He first created the heavens and the earth. Heaven = 10 Earth = 7 Heaven + Earth = 17 When the Bible says that darkness was over the surface of the deep (the earth) it is essentially what will happen again during the End of the Age (total darkness will engulf the earth once again). When God said “Let there be light”, it is the same statement that God will use to send His son Jesus Christ who will be the only source of light in the clouds of the sky in Matthew 24:29-31. The End of the Age is essentially God’s way of tearing down the house to rebuild by weeding out all those who will reject His son Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. God made all things through Jesus Christ who is the light in Genesis 1:1-3; likewise God will also use the same light coming from the clouds of the sky to finally bring all things to an end. By first taking all sources of light away from the world before Jesus shows up in the clouds of the sky, it is God’s way of demonstrating that all of God’s children who are considered to be the light of the world will be taken away by the angels before Jesus arrives on earth. Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world.” This will happen very fast (before you blink) because the process is designed by God to be completed in a haste, just like the Passover in Egypt. There will be no time for repentance; it will be “Game over.” Figure 10 and Figure 11 are illustrations of the Beginning and the End of the Age respectively. As much as the timing of the End of the Age remains a hidden mystery from humanity, one thing is very clear; to shut the world down, God will use the same divine number that He used to create the world. God demonstrated this pattern during the flood through Noah. God’s most powerful divine number on earth will be the principal tool that He will use to unleash the Tearful End of the Age. It will take place on the 17th day which will mark the 7th episode of the use of divine number 17 because the number 7 is God’s number for Holy, Perfect and Complete. Only those 187

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who have been made righteous through Jesus Christ will make it to God’s Paradise using God’s divine number 17 for righteousness.

Righteousness = (18 +9) + (7 + 8) + (20 + 5) + (15 + 21) + (19 + 14) + (5 + 19 + 19) Righteousness = 27+15+25+36+33+43 Righteousness = 9+6+7+9+6+7 Righteousness = (6+7+6) + (9+9+7)


Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 3

Righteousness = 19 + 25 Righteousness = 10 + 7 Righteousness = 17 To create the world, God used divine number 17 and rested on the 7 th day. To bring the world to an end, God will use divine number 17 for the 7 th time. It was on the 17th day of the 5th month that God’s son was naturally and physically born to the world through the Virgin Mary; it will also be on the 17th day that God will ask His son to physically come to us again for the second time. Are you ready for him? Living a life where you try at all cost to avoid Jesus Christ is like a fugitive who spends all day running but has nowhere to hide. While on the cross, with the spiritual knowledge that the task of dying for the sins of the world can only be accomplished through the power of God, Jesus surrendered his spirit into the hands of the Father as he took his last breath with the words “It is finished.” If you had 60 seconds to plead your case before Jesus Christ with four words, what will you say to him? Your only choice is what Jesus said to the Father; just tell him “Lord Jesus, I surrender.” Surrender your life and your sins to him because he is the only way to repentance and our Father in Heaven.


Felix Wantang

When your 60 seconds dissipate by the end of today, it may never come back. Today maybe all you have; repent and give your life to Jesus Christ today before it is too late. Jesus loves you!

Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished reading this amazing book, you will now test yourself. Your challenge is to use what you have learned so far from the Language of Heaven to spiritually dissect the first page of this book. The cover page was specifically designed by Jesus Christ. There are 21 spiritual mysteries hidden in the cover page of this book; your test is to find them. Before you start, I want you to ask him for the spiritual wisdom to successfully complete this task. For a complete feedback on your test, please feel free to email your answers to: ftfmeetingswithjesuschrist@gmail.com. To help you start with this test, I will give you the first two mysteries: 1. The white box is Jesus’ tomb where he was buried after his death on the cross. 2. The red color stands for the blood of the Lamb of God. Remember that the divine number for the Sacrificial Lamb of God is the number 14. To enter God’s Paradise, we must go through the blood of the lamb who is Jesus Christ.

My Dream I pray that this book enriches your life to bring you closer to Jesus Christ because at the end of the day, that’s what life is all about. A wasted life is a life spent without Jesus Christ and only those who have him will live a fulfilled life. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5. My dream is to someday open a facility to take care of troubled youths. My goal is to provide them with food, shelter, education, teach them a trade, and at the same time bring them to Jesus Christ. God bless you and thanks again for reading.

About the Author Felix Wantang was born in Cameroon - Africa. While working for a missionary hospital in a small town called Nguti in Cameroon, he received his first visitation from Jesus Christ in October 1991. After graduating with an MBA from the European


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University Madrid - Spain, he eventually moved to Canada in 1999 where he started meeting regularly face-to-face with Jesus Christ to learn the language of Heaven. During one of the meetings in 2006, Jesus asked him to start writing the Hidden Supernatural Mysteries of the Holy Bible and the Language of Heaven because the Church for the most part has lost its way. His book is a series (trilogy) of Biblical revelations from Jesus Christ in the Language of Heaven titled, "Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ". Felix Wantang lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife and children as he continues to meet face-to-face regularly with Jesus Christ to learn more about the Language of Heaven and God's plan for humanity. Connect with Felix Wantang on:    

Facebook Twitter: @FelixWantang Blog Feed: http://felixwantang.wordpress.com/feed/ Author page: amazon.com/author/felixwantang


Felix Wantang

Other Books by Felix Wantang  Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ  Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ 2


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49 20 41 31 37 44 35 19 36 34 96 53 58 43 65 23 45 30 47 73 21 68 47 51 86


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60 132 41 20 68 43 41 48 44 46 30 27 23 77 61 136 134 74 51 51 105 19 40 14 16 38 36 52 45 30 28 73 22 68 60 51 88


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46 70 23 32 46 113 32 48 62 44 41 42 50 119 74 12 25 42 49 31 86 50 53 41 102 66 51 32 22 55 49 61 32 55 38 37 73


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Hezron Holy Horeb Huppim Hur Hushim Igal Imnah Isaac Issachar Iscariot Ishvah Ishvi Israel Issachar It is Finished Jacob Jahleel Jahziel Jakim James Jamin Japheth Jashub Jeconiah Jehoram Jehoshaphat Jemuel Jerusalem Jesse Jesus Jezer John Joseph Joshua Josiah Jotham

86 60 48 83 47 78 29 45 33 78 94 67 67 64 78 131 31 53 71 44 48 47 68 61 65 70 111 66 104 58 74 64 47 73 74 62 67


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Judah Judas Karmi Kohath Lame Law Leah Leprosy Let Levi Life Man Manasseh Marah Mary Massah Mathan Matthew Melkiel Merari Meribah Messiah Money Moriah Moses Muppim Myrrh Naaman Nadab Nahbi Nahor Nahshon Naphtali Nathanael Noah North Obed

44 55 52 63 31 36 26 110 37 48 32 28 80 41 57 61 57 90 67 64 56 74 72 64 71 88 82 44 22 34 56 79 81 76 38 75 26


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28 44 62 58 73 115 45 70 64 70 81 134 64 117 61 46 56 32 37 77 82 165 44 65 179 47 60 74 113 47 48 51 51 97 70 52 91


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Shamua Shaphat Shaul Shealtiel Shelah Shem Shillem Shimron Shuni Sight Simeon Simon Sin Solomon Soul South Spirit Spiritual Staff Stone Temple Terah Thaddaeus Tigris Thomas Tola Tree Uzziah Walk Water West Wine Wisdom Woman Zadok Zebulun Zechariah

63 73 61 91 53 45 78 96 71 63 75 70 42 103 67 83 91 125 52 73 71 52 83 82 76 48 48 91 47 67 67 51 83 66 57 101 79


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Zephon Zerah Zerubbabel Zoher

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