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Make an Alumni Association Awards Nomination
The FWCD Alumni Association will celebrate alumni in April 2022 at its first Alumni Awards celebration since 2018. These awards celebrate FWCD Falcon alumni who have made an impact in their profession, community, or the world at large and have shown extreme dedication to Fort Worth Country Day. Visit fwcd.org/alumni to view past award recipients and make a nomination by November 1. Stay tuned for more information about the celebration in April.
Honorary Alumnus/a
This award honors persons who have made outstanding commitments to Fort Worth Country Day even though they did not attend the School as students. The award was established in 1998, and its charter class includes three former Headmasters. This is the highest honor bestowed by the Alumni Association.
Distinguished Alumnus/a
Established in 1998, this award honors an alumnus/a who has achieved prominence in their particular field or career and brought credit to themselves and, in turn, to Fort Worth Country Day.
Service to Humanity Award
Established in 2001, this award is presented in recognition of extraordinary and selfless service to others, by vocation or avocation, in the local, national or international community. Recipients shall stand for altruism and as inspirations for Fort Worth Country Day alumni and others.
Jean Webb Service to Alma Mater Award
Established in 2001 in honor of Jean Webb H’01 in recognition of her 35 years of service to students and alumni of Fort Worth Country Day, this award honors the alumnus/a who has shown extraordinary and lengthy service to the alma mater – the product of love and loyalty.
Falcon Star Award
This award was established in 2002 and is presented to alumni who are distinguished visual or performing artists, musicians, patrons of the arts, or art or music educators who have achieved prominence in a chosen field of the arts.