2 minute read
Retired Faculty: Where are They Now?
By Debby Jennings
Jackie Rea, PE/Athletics 1973-92
During her 19 years at FWCD, Jackie taught Lower School PE and coached Middle School volleyball, soccer, softball, and Upper School girls varsity track. She coached track before the School had a physical track. The team would drive to TCU for practice.

Jackie Rea, PE/Athletics 1973-92
Jackie retired from teaching to travel around the U.S. with her husband, Glenn. They owned a motorhome and managed to travel to all 50 states working (selling competition shotguns, shooting traps, and sporting clays) and for leisure. The couple has fond memories of their time on the road and especially liked Door County, Wisconsin. Later, they moved to Pecan Plantation in Granbury, where they played golf, rode their horses, and played duplicate bridge.
After 21 years in Granbury, they moved to The Stayton, a Fort Worth retirement community. After 62 years together, Glenn passed away in 2013. Jackie remains at The Stayton, where she plays bridge and reads to kindergarten children in a Fort Worth Opera-sponsored program.
Jackie says her fondest memories of her years at FWCD are Lower School Field Day and the SPC tournaments.
Butch Traeder H’16, Athletics 1979-2019
Butch has made quite a recovery since his October 2015 pulmonary embolism. He now has an apartment within walking distance of FWCD and spends time taking online WWII history courses, playing online Gin Rummy, and competing in an online chess league. For exercise, he participates in Boxing for Parkinson’s, a program developed by Fort Worth boxer Paulie Ayala.

Butch Traeder H’16, Athletics 1979-2019
Butch loved his FWCD coaching years, and he enjoys talking about his students. He came to FWCD with a plan to stay only one year and then move to Colorado, but the girls on his teams talked him into staying. Butch’s standout memories involve the 1980 girls volleyball team, led by Nancy Whitson Martin ’81. They lost their first game but won the next 30. He also remembers Dr. Tracy Carrington ’95 telling him she wanted to break a 6-minute mile. They trained together, and, at the last meet of her eighth-grade year, she ran a 5:57 mile.
Butch believes the whole FWCD family has helped him recover. Ed and Paige (Farris) Chisholm ’87 oversee his scheduling and financial affairs, and Elyse Stolz Dickerson ’93 frequently gives him rides to his doctor appointments. Butch shares his words of wisdom, quoting something from his coaching days: “As long as you feel pain, you know you are alive.”