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Alumni News: Upper School Hosts Medical and Business Professionals Panels

In the spring semester, Upper School hosted its first Medical Professionals Panel (February 28) and a Business Professionals Panel (April 22), both organized by Chappell Carter ’25 with support from Director of College Counseling Kristin Larsen.

Carter wanted to leverage the School’s connections and provide students with insights into future career paths. He sought Larsen’s help to arrange the events, secure the venue and manage the logistics.

“I’m lucky enough to be on the Strategic Planning Committee, and one of the things we have talked about is college prep versus life prep,” Carter said. “FWCD is a great school with a lot of great connections. Alumni and parents are well-connected within the community, and it’s a great opportunity for students to get a leg up. So, with medicine being such a huge interest in the Upper School, I thought it would be great to feature some alumni, parents and friends so they can learn more about future careers.”

Each panel featured four professionals. The Medical Panel included Dr. Tracy Carrington ’95 (sports psychology), Elyse Stoltz Dickerson ’93 (biotech), Jeff Newman (physical therapy), and Dr. Scott Bloemendal (general surgery). The Business Panel featured Holly Raeder (ONCOR), Chris Rooker (Higginbotham), Jamie Packer (UBS), and Whitney Baggett Creel ’04 (Creel Family Foundations). During the 40-minute sessions, Carter engaged the panelists in discussion, posing questions to the panelists. This was followed by a student Q&A and networking opportunities. “Both panels were wonderfully successful events, well-attended by our students,” Larsen said. “They provided great exposure to a variety of different career fields in health care and business.”

The Business Panel featured Jamie Packer (UBS), Holly Raeder (ONCOR), Chris Rooker (Higginbotham) and Whitney Baggett Creel ’04 (Creel Family Foundations).
The Medical Panel included Jeff Newman (physical therapy), Dr. Tracy Carrington '95 (sports psychology), Elyse Stoltz Dickerson '93 (biotech) and Dr. Scott Bloemendal (general surgery).
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