3 minute read
Test Yourself What Do You Know About Beaches and Inlets?
Donna Kaluzniak
1. Per the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Beaches website, to protect, preserve and manage Florida’s valuable sandy beaches and adjacent coastal systems, the Florida Legislature adopted the Florida Beach and Shore Preservation Act, which provides three programs that FDEP administers: the Coastal Construction Control Line, Beach Management Funding Assistance, and the a. Beaches, Inlets, and Ports Program. b. Beaches Restoration Program. c. Critical Erosion Repair Program. d. Offshore Management Program. a. Coastal Construction Control Line Permit (CCLP) b. Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) c. Joint Coastal Permit (JCP) d. Submerged Lands Permit (SLP ) a. 25-year storm b. 50-year storm c. 75-year storm d. 100-year storm
2. Per the FDEP Beaches website, what type of permit is required for activities such as beach renourishment, construction of erosion control structures, and public fishing piers?
3. Per the FDEP Beaches website, the department’s Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) Program protects coastal resources from improperly located and designed structures and activities that can destabilize the beach and dune system, cause erosion, expose upland property to storm damage, or interfere with public access. The CCCL is set at the upland limits of the damaging effects of what level of coastal storm?
4. The FDEP Strategic Beach Management Plan (SBMP) develops and maintains a comprehensive long-term management plan for beach restoration. Strategies must be developed for inlets and a. all Florida shorelines. b. any beach that has suffered minimal erosion. c. critically eroded beaches. d. shorelines in heavily populated areas.
5. Per the FDEP Beaches, Inlands, and Ports Program (BIPP) website, one of BIPP’s responsibilities is to provide support in defining the property boundary between sovereign submerged land and upland ownership, which is the a. Coastal Control Line (CCL). b. Erosion Control Line (ECL). c. Private Property Line (PPL). d. Submerged Land Line (SLL). a. 25 percent b. 50 percent c. 60 percent d. 75 percent
6. Per the FDEP Beaches Funding Program website, financial assistance of up to 50 percent is available for beach projects such as restoration and renourishment. How much assistance is available for inlet project costs?
7. Per Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62B-41, Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits, with the exception of beach renourishment or restoration, any coastal construction permitted by FDEP must not be conducted during the period of May 15 through October 31 if FDEP determines severe impacts, because that period is a. hurricane season. b. marine turtle nesting season. c. months with excessively high tides. d. tourist season. a. Five-year storm b. 10-year storm c. 15-year storm d. 25-year storm a. Enterococci b. Fecal coliform c. Total coliform d. Salmonella a. E. Coli b. Legionella pneumophila c. Pseudomonas d. Vibrio vulnificus
8. Per FAC 62B-41, FDEP will not permit armoring (installation of manmade structures to prevent erosion to upland property or eligible structures), except as a last resort. The property or structure must be vulnerable to erosion from what level storm?
9. Per the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) Florida Healthy Beaches Program website, monitoring for fecal indicator bacteria is conducted routinely at beaches throughout the state. What microorganism is monitored to determine contamination?
10. Per the FDOH Florida Healthy Beaches Program website, FDOH monitors the number of cases of severe illness and death caused by a specific bacterium that lives in warm seawater and can enter open cuts or wounds. In 2022, there were 17 deaths from such infection in Florida. Which bacterium is responsible?
Answers on page 70
References used for this quiz:
• Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62B-41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits: https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ChapterHome. asp?Chapter=62b-41
• Florida Department of Environmental Protection –Beaches website: https://floridadep.gov/rcp/beaches
• Florida Department of Environmental Protection –Strategic Beach Management Plan: https://floridadep.gov/sites/default/files/SBMP_ Introduction_2020_FINAL_ER_riv_0.pdf
• Florida Department of Environmental Protection
– FDEP’s Beaches, Inlands, and Ports Program (BIPP) website: https://floridadep.gov/rcp/beaches-inlets-ports
• Florida Department of Environmental Protection –Beaches Funding Program website: https://floridadep.gov/rcp/beaches-funding-program
• Florida Department of Health – Florida Healthy Beaches Program website: https://www.floridahealth.gov/environmentalhealth/beach-water-quality/index.html
• Florida Department of Health – Vibrio Infections website: https://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/ vibrio-infections/vibrio-vulnificus/index.html
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