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AECOM ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 AWWA HBCU Virtual Student Chapter Membership ������������ 36 Blue Planet Environmental Systems ������������������������������������� 51 CEU Challenge������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Data Flow���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Florida Water Resources Conference�������������������������������������� 6 FSAWWA Fall Conference��������������������������������������������������30-34 FWPCOA Training Calendar ��������������������������������������������������� 39 Gerber Pumps���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Heyward�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Hudson Pump �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Hydro International�������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 InfoSence ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47 Lakeside ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 PolyProcessing������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37 UF TREEO Center �������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 US Submergent������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27 Violia ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Water Treatment����������������������������������������������������������������������� 47 Wright-Pierce ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 Xylem���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52

1� D) 0.6 mg/L.

Per FAC 62-555.350(6), Operation and Maintenance of Public Water Systems, “Suppliers of water shall maintain a minimum free chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/L, or a minimum combined chlorine residual of 0.6 mg/L, or an equivalent chlorine dioxide residual, throughout their drinking water distribution system at all times.”

2� C) pH and temperature

Per FAC 62-555.350(5)(a), “For each day a supplier of water serving 3,300 or more persons serves water to the public from a drinking water treatment plant that includes chemical disinfection for virus inactivation, the supplier of water shall continuously monitor the residual disinfectant concentration (C) before or at the first customer and shall record in the logs. . . the lowest C measured before or at the first customer during peak flow, the corresponding disinfectant contact time (T) at the C monitoring point during peak flow, and the resulting lowest CT provided before or at the first customer during peak flow. In addition, at least once for each day the supplier of water serves water to the public from the plant, the supplier of water shall measure and record the temperature of the water at the point where C is monitored, shall measure and record the pH of the water at the point where C is monitored if free chlorine is being used for virus inactivation, and with this temperature and pH information, shall determine and record the minimum CT. . .”

3� D) 0.8 mg/L

Per FAC 62-550.310(2)(a), Primary Drinking Water Standards: Maximum Contaminant Levels and Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels, “Maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs) are as follows: DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL MRDL


4 mg/L (as Cl2) Chloramines 4 mg/L (as Cl2). Chlorine Dioxide 0.8 mg/L (as ClO2).

4� C) 75 percent

Per FAC 62-600.440(6)(a), Disinfection Requirements, “. . . facilities required to provide high-level disinfection shall meet the following criteria (using membrane filter [MF] or equivalent most probable number [MPN] methods): 1. Over a 30-day period (monthly), 75 percent of the fecal coliform values shall be below the detection limits, 2. Any one sample shall not exceed 25 fecal coliform values per 100 mL of sample; and, 3. Any one sample shall not exceed 5 mg/L of total suspended solids (TSS) at a point before application of the disinfectant.”

5� C) 20

Per FAC 62-555.315(6)(b)1., Disinfection of Wells and Bacteriological Surveys and Evaluations of Wells, “A total of at least 20 samples—each taken on a separate but consecutive workday and taken at least six hours apart from the other samples—shall be collected after first pumping the well to waste to remove all residual chlorine and then pumping the well to waste at a rate approximately equal to that of the permanent well pump for at least 15 minutes before each sample is collected, and the samples shall be analyzed for the presence of total residual chlorine, total coliform, and E. coli.”

6� C) Four-log

Per FAC 62-555.315(6)(b)2., Disinfection of Wells and Bacteriological Surveys and Evaluations of Wells, “If a well is considered microbially contaminated or susceptible to microbial contamination, the supplier of water shall provide treatment that reliably achieves at least four-log inactivation or removal of viruses. . .”

7. D) 4 mg/L.

Per FAC 62-555.340(2)(a) Disinfection and Bacteriological Evaluation of Public Water System Components, “After reducing the total chlorine residual in the facilities or mains to no more than 4 mg/L, a total of at least two samples – each taken on a separate day and taken at least six hours apart from the other sample(s) – shall be collected at each of the locations indicated in the applicable American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. . . and the samples shall be analyzed for total residual chlorine and for the presence of total coliform.”

8� A) exposure time.

Per the NWRI “Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse” (NWRI UV Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section 2 Water Reuse – UV Dose, “The UV dose is expressed, for practical purposes, as the product of UV intensity, expressed in milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cm2), and the exposure time of the fluid or particle to be treated, expressed in seconds (s). The units of UV dose are expressed as millijoules per square centimeter (mJ/cm2), which is equivalent to milliwatt seconds per square centimeter (mW•s/cm2).”

9� C) Filtration

Per NWRI UV Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section 2 Water Reuse – UV Dose, “The design of a UV disinfection system for the water reuse applications discussed in Section 1 depends on the type of filtration technologies preceding it. The following minimum criteria shall be used for these three types of filtration: media filtration, membrane filtration, and reverse osmosis (RO).”

10� B) Slow-rate land application,

public access areas

Per FAC 62-610 Part III Slow Rate Land Application Systems, Public Access Areas, Residential Areas and Edible Crops – 62610.460 Waste Treatment and Disinfection, “Preapplication waste treatment shall result in a reclaimed water that meets, at a minimum, secondary treatment and high-level disinfection. The reclaimed water shall not contain more than 5 mg/L of suspended solids before the application of the disinfectant.”

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