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FWEA Focus—James J. Wallace
A Time to be Thankful: Veterans Day, Essential Service, and Gratitude!
James J. Wallace, P.E.
President, FWEA
November is always an important month in the year. The observance of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving are important celebrations in our annual calendar. This year we also have one of the most anticipated elections that I can remember, as well as a COVID-19 pandemic that unfortunately is still very much in the forefront.
My hope is that those last two items will not distract from some very important activities this month. Let’s show our appreciation for all who have served, our thankfulness for the essential nature of water and wastewater work, and our gratitude for all that we have in this life.
Veterans Day: Show Your Appreciation!
Depending on when you read this FWEA Focus, you may still be feeling the effects of this year’s Election Day (November 3), which is the culmination of one of the more exhausting election cycles in recent memory. Or, maybe you are still feeling that sense of anxiousness that comes with the continued projections of a resurgence of COVID-19. There is certainly no shortage of reasons to feel a little drained this year; however, I urge you to find that reserve of energy and join FWEA as we honor those who have served by providing them the appreciation they so deserve. On this Veteran’s Day (November 11), honor those who have sacrificed, putting the needs of others ahead of their own.
Veterans Day is particularly important in our industry since we have so many professionals who serve the water and wastewater industry who also previously served in the military. These individuals represent every facet of our industry, performing jobs at all levels and from all representative organizations.
The principles that were developed during their service (teamwork, responsibility, communication, sound and timely decision making, etc.) are directly applicable and so valuable to the water and wastewater industry. We are very lucky that these veterans have chosen to bring their talents to our field.
On this Veterans Day, show your appreciation in one or more of the following ways: S Attend a Veterans Day event. S Visit a Veterans Administration hospital. S Donate your time and/or money to support a worthy charity to benefit veterans. S Ask veterans about their service and engage in a conversation about their experience.
One final note: these acts of appreciation are not limited to Veterans Day, as November is also National Veterans and Military Families Month.
Join FWEA and show your appreciation all month (and all year) long.
Thankfulness: We are Essential!
November is also the month where we observe the Thanksgiving holiday. As I think back over this past year and contemplate the many things that I’m thankful for, one of my first thoughts is that I am thankful that we all work in an “essential” industry. Those of you reading this column already know the importance of your work; however, our industry is often one of the overlooked necessities of life.
This past year should reinforce to each of you just how important and how valuable you are to the water and wastewater industry. Recent examples of where our work has become more visible and in the spotlight include cuttingedge COVID-19 detection in wastewater (using wastewater surveillance to detect outbreaks, nextgeneration data analytics, and groundbreaking work in microconstituents). As an industry, we continue to do great work and it seems that our visibility and respect for our essential work will continue to grow.
Gratitude: Life Is Good!
To summarize my thoughts this month, let’s begin to move forward by first taking a moment to look back. First, let’s honor our military veterans for their service, both in the military and to our industry. Next, let’s give thanks to an industry that is “essential” and provides an endless well of rewarding opportunities to give back to our environment by providing essential life resources. Finally, I encourage each of you to head into this holiday season, as we wind down this calendar year with gratitude for the life we’ve been given.
There is no question it has been one of the more challenging years on record, but we have built a firm foundation upon which to rise out of these challenging times. Life is good. Live it well. Utilize your optimism to serve this industry and lead all who surround you to a better 2021—and beyond.
As we go forth in November to show our appreciation, thankfulness, and gratitude, these words of President John F. Kennedy ring true: “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”