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Congratulations to WEFTEC 2021 Ops Challenge Participants

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) 34th Annual Operations Challenge Competition took place in Chicago this year on October 18 and 19, and Florida was well-represented.

In the competition, teams compete to earn the highest score in five different events. Each team includes four members, and often a coach as well. Each event is designed to test the diverse skills required for the operation and maintenance of water resource recovery facilities, collection systems, and laboratories.


The five events are: S Collections systems S Laboratory S Process control S Maintenance S Safety

Winners are determined by a weighted points system.

Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) teams from Polk County and St. Petersburg competed against 30 other utilities from across the United States.

The Polk County BioWizards brought home a third-place overall win in the Division III category. The team is the first from Florida to place in the competition in 10 years.

The Dirty Birds from St. Petersburg won the award for “Team With Best Effort.” The team also finished sixth overall in Division III.

Congratulations to this year’s participants for representing Florida water professionals at this national event. S

The BioWizards team members are (from left) Cody Deihl, Dave McGrotty, Chuck Nichols (coach), Jeff Goolsby, and Ed Clark. BioWizards running the lab event. BioWizards also won the contest for “Best Hard Hat Design.” The graphics are by Southern Graphics Design in Mulberry.

Third Place Division III Award BioWizards running the process event. From left are Ed Clark, Cody Diehl, Dave McGrotty, and Jeff Goolsby. BioWizards in team jackets. From left are Dave McGrotty, Cody Diehl, Chuck Nichols, Jeff Goolsby, and Ed Clark.

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