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FSAWWA Speaking Out—Emilie

FSAWWA SPEAKING OUT We Make Water Matter: 2022 and Beyond

Emilie Moore, P.E., PMP, ENV SP



It has been an extreme pleasure and honor to serve as your chair for the Florida Section American Water Works Association for 2022. The people in our organization are its lifeblood and are the ones who make FSAWWA happen.

From my experiences with AWWA and FSAWWA over the past year, I can say confidently that we have the most dedicated and collaborative staff and volunteers throughout our water organization. We are responsive, creative, professional, welcoming, and empathetic—and we top it all off with fun! We are dedicated to doing the job right, helping others at a moment’s notice, remembering those who have paved the path before us, and providing mentorship to our younger generation.

Those who come before us, help mold us. Thank you to my mentors in FSAWWA— from those in Region IV, the Technical and Education Council and past section chairs, and the FSAWWA staff and volunteers. This opportunity to serve as your 2022 chair is one that I’m deeply appreciative of and will always treasure. Thank you to my employer, Black and Veatch, for supporting me during this year. Thank you also to my family and friends who have been with me every step of the way.

Representing FSAWWA

The Water Industry Lunch at AWWA ACE22. (photo: Emilie Moore)

My experience with FSAWWA in 2022 has been a whirlwind, including representing the organization at the following events: S AWWA/WEF Utility Management

Conference - Feb. 21-24, 2022, in Orlando S Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)

Water/Wastewater Conference - April 4-6, 2022, in Orlando S AWWA Region II Regional Meeting of

Section Officers (RMSO) - April 10-12, 2022, in Savannah, Ga. S Florida Water Resources Conference -

April 24-26, 2022, in Daytona Beach S AWWA D.C. Fly-In - April 26-28, 2022, in Washington, D.C. S Water Distribution System Award

Presentation at Bonita Springs Utilities

Board Meeting - May 17, 2022, Bonita

Springs S AWWA Annual Conference and

Exposition (ACE22) - June 12-15, 2022, in San Antonio S FSAWWA Inaugural Water Utility

Community Innovation, Technology, and

Financial Workshop - Aug. 12, 2022, in

Orlando S FSAWWA Past Chairs Summit - Aug. 1819, 2022, in Celebration

12-mile swim around Charleston, S.C., on Sept. 18, 2022. (photo: Julie Harn) Continued from page 24 S Florida Water Loss Program Information

Meeting (virtual) - Oct. 26, 2022 S Region IV 2023 Best Tasting Drinking

Water Contest - Oct. 28, 2022, in Lakeland S FSAWWA Fall Conference - Nov. 27-30, 2022, in Orlando

Additionally, I’ve had the opportunity and enjoyment to write the monthly FSAWWA Speaking Out column for this magazine. I hope that these columns have provided information that helps our industry and the people and environment we are immersed with.

A Team Effort

Being chair has provided me a window into the breadth and depth of FSAWWA. There is so much activity, with our online and in-person training, seven councils, 12 regions, and 17 committees.

Behind the scenes at FSAWWA headquarters, our staff is the glue that keeps our organization running. I am deeply grateful to Peggy, Donna, Casey and Jenny—their focus, responsiveness, efficiency, humbleness, and positivity keep the train on the tracks and they get the job done!

Our volunteers inspire me with their genuine and tireless desire to make our water world a better place for our youth, consumers, water professionals, and the environment. Please take the time to thank our staff and fellow volunteers frequently and often for all that they give to FSAWWA.

I love open water swimming, as do other volunteers in the section, and I’m looking forward to more time in the water in 2023. Perhaps a FSAWWA benefit swim for our charities is in our future?

Looking Ahead

Please join me in welcoming Greg Taylor as incoming chair of FSAWWA. We are in great hands with his leadership and the leadership of our staff and volunteers in 2023. Be well my friends and I look forward to continued participation with you in FSAWWA and our collective pursuit protecting and advocating for Florida’s water. We do make water matter! S

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