Fxpedition Application Form

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FXpedition of interest: Why do you want to be a part of the team? (200 words)

FXpedition Application Form

What can you bring to the team? (200 words)

The Les Halpin Expedition Fund and the University of Exeter Scientific Expedition Fund

What previous experience do you have? Don’t be afraid to think outside the box a bit here! (200 words)

Can you provide us with any extra information that you think may help you application? Extra qualifications, portfolios, hobbies, interests etc. (200 words)

Please mark relevant boxes with an “X”. Please note, we are not looking for you to tick “Experienced” for every single skill, one of the best things about an expedition is that you will be able to learn these skills throughout the project. Right now we just want to know what your strengths are. Skill Organisation Team work Leadership Budgeting Risk Assessments Planning itineraries First aid Managing finances Social media output Report writing Grant writing Fundraising

No experience

Limited experience

Reasonable experience


Logistical planning Fieldwork Networking/ communicating Ecological surveys Habitat surveys Management Website design Photography Film Video Editing Sound recording

If your application is successful then you may be invited to an interview. Good luck!

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