FXpeditions: Team Member Commitment Supported by The Halpin Charitable Trust and the University of Exeter Last updated 15/10/2015
The vast majority of FXpedition participants lucky enough to be given the opportunity to take part in FXpeditions realise the privileged position they are in and the responsibility involved and are perfect ambassadors for their FXpedition, country, family, University etc. Participants should read the “Guidance for Approval and University Funding” section of the FXpeditions Handbook, available to all on the FXpeditions ISSUU page (http://issuu.com/fxpeditionskernow). Particular attention should be paid to section 8.0 “Responsibilities/Conditions”. Participants should read these notes carefully and familiarise themselves with the responsibilities associated with FXpedition membership and expectations about their behaviour. Participants can then sign and date the disclaimer below (or design something similar), and return it to the leader of the FXpedition by a date agreed by the team. Any behaviour jeopardising the success and/or reputation of the FXpedition can result in an individual being sent home immediately, at their own expense. Please refer to FAQ 7, 8 and 9 of the FXpeditions Handbook for details of your personal financial contribution to your expedition. I ……………………………………., a participant of the ……………………… FXpedition hereby certify that I have read and understood the FXpeditions Handbook. I understand that any behaviour contrary to the success of the FXpedition will result in my being sent home from the FXpedition immediately. Signed ........................................................................................ Date ...........................................................................................
Once chosen for an FXpedition, each individual shares responsibility for ensuring that the FXpedition is a success. Do not accept a place on an FXpedition unless you are sure you can commit to FXpedition planning and to completing the FXpedition’s aims. An FXpedition is NOT a holiday. You can expect some time off while on an FXpedition, but your main objective must be to ensure that you are fully fit, barring illness, to play a full part in the expedition’s work.
It is a privilege to be permitted to work in another country, and, while doing so, you are representative of the Universities of Exeter and Falmouth. You must ensure, therefore that you pay full attention to cultural norms of the country you are visiting (mode of dress; general behaviour) and do not behave in ways that could bring the Universities of Exeter and Falmouth into disrepute. Our FXpeditions are often annual return visits to the same place, and previous FXpeditions have built up good relationships with local people, such as conservation organisations, and a reputation for good work. It is all too easy for a few individuals to damage such relationships and reputation. Leaders on FXpeditions have a responsibility to maintain the University’s good name, and the power to send anyone home immediately if their activities are bringing the University into disrepute.
Similarly, an expedition leader has the right to dismiss you from the team and any time during the pre and post expedition stages if they are dissatisfied with your contribution. In such cases, it is typical that your personal contributions will not be refunded. Any disputes must be sorted in a meeting with the Expedition Advisory Board. The Expedition Advisory Board’s word is final; see the FXU Expedition Society Constitution in the FXpeditions Handbook Appendix I for further details.
Remember that funding organisations have provided the expedition money on the basis of the prospectus you have sent. Minor changes to aims/logistics etc. are permissible and normal for expeditions abroad. But any major changes before the expedition sets off should be reported to major funders, and all changes should be explained in the final report. Avoid making substantial changes as much as you can.
At the end of the expedition, it is the team’s joint responsibility to ensure that any equipment belonging to the Universities of Exeter and Falmouth is safely returned to the University.
It is the team’s responsibility, coordinated by the leader, to ensure that a full expedition report is completed within a reasonable timescale (normally by the Christmas following the expedition’s return, at the latest) and sent to all funders and to anyone in the country visited who has an interest in the expedition’s work. Good examples of expedition reports are available on the Royal Geographical Society website. You should send an electronic copy of the report to the FXpeditions Director for archiving and mounting on the FXpeditions website.