fi scal y e ar 2012 annual r e p or t
w w w. little c ity. o r g
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) License 209412
main campus
chicago office
1760 W. Algonquin Road Palatine, IL 60067‑4799 (847) 358‑5510
700 N. Sacramento, Suite 201 Chicago, IL 60612‑1026 (773) 265‑1539
Supporting individuals with disabilities as they
live, learn and play creating hope • changing lives • challenging all limits •
We share the game board with you. Winning at this game not only depends on our actions but on the actions of each of you. What role can you play?
G ame on .
Letter from the Executive Director & Board President Friends and Partners, It is amazing to be part of a continually unfolding story that began over 50 years ago when friends, neighbors,
...these very special
donors, and community came together to create a new concept in caring for children, and later adults,
individuals play an
with intellectual and developmental disabilities – Little
important role in
City Foundation. Throughout this annual report, you’ll learn how these
all of our lives.
very special individuals play an important role in all of our lives. You’ll once again discover how your love and generosity continuously support the quality of life of hundreds of children and adults on our campus and in our communities.
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They are our neighbors. They are our students. They are our children. They are our teammates. They are our employees. They are our friends. As we envision all of the exciting possibilities that are on Little City’s horizon, the magnitude of our preceding achievements made possible by your generosity drives us forward. Let us continue to share the wonderful story of Little City.
live, learn & P L AY Yours in service,
Shawn E. Jeffers
Edward J. Hockfield
Executive Director
Little City
Little City Board of Directors
From left to right: Edward J. Hockfield, President, Little City Board of Directors; Eduardo Conrado, Chief Marketing Officer, Motorola Solutions; Shawn E. Jeffers, Executive Director, Little City Foundation; and Matthew B. Schubert, Executive Vice President & Treasurer, Little City Board of Directors
Home‑Based Supports hildren like Analigia and Jose Daniel are what make Little City so special. This pair of siblings enjoys playing games outdoors and taking pictures. As participants of Little City’s ChildBridge Center for Children & Families, both children receive home‑based supports from case coordinators, family support staff and therapists enabling them to do their very best in all aspects of life. Little City provides home‑based supports to both
Little City aims to preserve families
children and adults. Little City aims to preserve families and strengthen relationships as well
and strengthen relationships as
as provide goal‑oriented, person‑centered services with in‑home supports to individuals
well as provide goal‑oriented,
with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families. Services are consistent
person‑centered services with
with current best‑practice models with the goal of maintaining individuals in
in‑home supports to individuals
their respective communities while increasing their competency in all
with intellectual or developmental
areas of functioning.
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The program empowers families
disabilities and their families.
providing them with the skills they need to effectively meet
the needs of their family member. Adults who receive home‑based supports can also choose to enroll in other social, employment and recreational opportunities on Little City’s campus.
i am your F R I E N D
Analigia and Jose Daniel at Little City are just like you and me. They want to feel welcome. They want to learn, grow, and reach their
Jose Daniel enjoyed posing for this brother/sister portrait so
fullest potential. They aim to please. They covet genuine relationships. They interact with people like you and me every day. They are your friends.
much that he made his own camera out of a tissue box for the photographer who captured this moment.
Reside ntial Se r v ic e s s a young adult extremely proud of his own apartment on campus, Kevin
This spring, Little City will break ground
thoroughly enjoys hosting visitors. Kevin loves movies and acting but also enjoys
on two new children’s homes, which
sports and recently obtained a medal in Special Olympics. He thinks “Little City” should actually
will revolutionize the way people
be called “Big City” because of its size and the impact it makes. Kevin enjoys community outings and socializing with those he meets. Kevin is your neighbor.
look at environmental care for children with autism.
At Little City, we actively promote choice and person‑centered planning and we take pride in our residential offerings. This spring, Little City will break ground on two new children’s homes, which will revolutionize the way people look at environmental care for children with autism. Whether their home is an apartment complex on a beautiful 56‑acre campus in Palatine, or a two‑ story home next to yours, the children and adults at Little City are good neighbors. They take pride in the beautification of their home. They want to feel included at community events around them. They appreciate a good, neighborly conversation.
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Your support helps provide choice and a selection of residential offerings: 1. The Community Living Facility (CLF) offers apartments with a private bedroom and bathroom with a community kitchen and living area similar to many college dorm rooms; residents receive 24‑hour support.
2. The Supported Living Arrangement (SLA) offers apartments for people with mild‑to ‑moderate challenges who live by themselves or with a roommate.
i am your N E I G H B O R
3. A Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) is an adult group home in neighborhoods like your own.
4. Little City’s ChildBridge Center for Group‑Home Living include children’s group homes on our campus, which foster independence, growth and learning through therapeutic programs and services.
Pictured above, Kevin pauses from lively conversation to smile for Little City’s photographer at last year’s annual dinner gala held at the Fairmont Chicago.
Center for Employment & Business Development eet another young man named Kevin who works in the Book Warehouse on Little City’s campus in Palatine. Kevin’s job responsibilities include helping with book pick‑ups, unloading the van, organizing and packaging books and making boxes. He is a hardworking and dedicated employee. He is your employee. Kevin and hundreds of other adults are employed through Little City’s Center for Employment & Business Development. This program provides opportunities on Little City’s campus and at local businesses to allow individuals to take charge of their lives and learn
This program . . . allows individuals to take charge
the importance of working and interacting with others. The Community Employment Program provides assistance to secure and maintain employment
of their lives and learn the
in the private sector through partnerships with more than 70 companies that have
importance of working and interacting with others.
employed more than 250 full‑ and part‑time workers. Individuals are supported through job assessments, on‑site supports, job training, transportation and more.
Little City’s On‑Campus Employment Program assists individuals with optimizing their
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work skills, work habits and maximizes productivity and quality performance through: long term training and paid work opportunities, assessment of job preferences, supported work environments and much more.
This year, the Center for Employment & Business Development will move forward with its Pathways to Employment Program̶a breakthrough in vocational training for individuals with disabilities. The capital improvements to the Center for
i am your E M P L OY E E
Employment in 2013 will include training modules that will allow employees to train, practice and develop skills making them more marketable in high‑growth industries.
“It’s been a blessing having Kevin help in the warehouse. I teach him how to be a hard worker but I also teach him life lessons in how to
In addition to being a devoted employee, Kevin is a member of Little City’s basketball, softball and volleyball team and has earned many Special Olympic medals. He loves watching
work and be independent. It’s great watching him grow,” said Little
the Bulls and his favorite player is Derrick Rose, who he
City Warehouse Supervisor Vince Williams.
had the opportunity to meet last basketball season.
ChildBridge Center for Children & Families shton was under three‑years‑old and had been in 15 different foster homes when his Little City foster
Over 90 percent of children
parents, Tony and Glen received him. After having Ashton for six months, Tony and Glen decided to adopt him.
living in Little City foster or
In the beginning, Ashton was on a lot of medication and had developmental delays. They worked to wane him off his
adoptive homes remain
medications and now Ashton is doing great̶he’s a typical 11‑year‑old boy who recently made his school’s honor roll.
in the same home.
He enjoys boy scouts, swimming and creating his own games. There are many children in need of loving foster/adoptive parents. Children like Ashton are in need of people like Tony, Glen and you. Ashton is your son. Celebrating 20 years of foster care service, Little City’s Foster Care & Adoption Program provides services to children in substitute care. As part of our mission, Little City is committed to recruiting and supporting foster/adoptive families to provide loving homes for children with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. Over 90 percent of children living in Little City foster or adoptive homes remain in the same home. This program provides innovative, individualized and community‑based treatment to our children and families.
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Little City welcomes all loving families regardless of age, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender‑identification, income or education level. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) recognized Little City as the first and only foster care and adoption agency in Illinois to obtain cultural competence in serving the LGBT community. In fiscal year 2012, Little City helped more than 10 children find their “forever families” or adoptive parents in permanent homes.
i am your S O N
Wards of the state with special needs can give as much joy and love as any other child. They deserve loving parents and loving homes. Wards of the state are our children.
“Being a foster parent is a lot more rewarding than I ever expected. It truly
Tony and Glen adopted two children through Little City. Kayla and Ashton (pictured above) have adventurous
changes your life,” said Little City adoptive parent, Tony. “Fostering is a
spirits and enjoy building forts and dreaming up their
great opportunity to see how having a child in your home works with
own games. Kayla’s adoption was finalized when she
your family.”
was three‑years‑old and is now in the 3 rd grade. 13
ChildBridge Center for Education ean is a very bright and happy 12‑year old like any other 6th grader. He loves his the outdoors and he loves his mother. Sean is also non‑verbal and hasn’t spoken in several years. However, since coming to Little City’s ChildBridge Center for Education̶a state‑of‑the‑art therapeutic day school, he said six words including “mom,” which he first said on Mother’s Day last year. At Little City’s ChildBridge Center for Education, Sean
The Center or Education
uses iPads to communicate and specialized teachers like Neal pictured to the right, bring the “classroom” to
provides an exclusive
students through lessons on Little City’s 56‑acre campus and in the surrounding community. Sean
opportunity because it uses a
receives extensive sensory therapy and has made impressive progress since transitioning to Little
combination of learning
City’s day school. Sean wants to learn as much as possible so that he can do more. He wants to
environments and first‑rate
gain as much independence as possible as he grows into an adult so that he can contribute
therapies and trainings.
to the community.
He is one of many
students in Illinois. Sean is your student. Led by a National Board Certified Teacher, Little City’s therapeutic day school is accredited by the Illinois State Board of Education. The school collaborates with each child’s home school
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district to develop an individualized education program and provides personalized therapies and intervention services to address each student’s unique educational needs. The ChildBridge Center for Education provides an exclusive opportunity because it uses a combination of learning environments and first‑rate therapies and trainings. Children receive the very best education preparing them for their future. Students have excelled and achieved goals spanning multiple areas: Behavior, Cognitive, Communication, Social, Community Integration, Motor and Functional Skills.
i am your S T U D E N T
Thanks to parent, community and donor support, Little City’s therapeutic day school will expand its number of classrooms by 100 percent in 2013 to accommodate additional students in need of specialized education. The build‑out of the school building will include breakthrough programming and will equip students with skills that will help them work once they graduate.
Sean and Neal enjoy a field trip to Millenium Park where he and fellow classmates spent the day learning in ways that made sense to them.
Center for Health & Wellness pecial Olympic Athletes Jeff (left) and Howard (right) love being active and interacting with
Little City improves the health,
others. They enjoy events in the community. Howard works at Twin Orchards Country Club where
wellness and overall quality
Little City will host its 50 th Anniversary Golf Invitational this year. Jeff plays basketball and works at the Center
of life of individuals with
for Employment & Business Development on Little City’s campus. Howard lives in a group home while Jeff prefers
to live on campus. Both compete fiercely in track and field and enjoy competition. People like Jeff and Howard are like you and me. They enjoy comradery and they enjoy good sportsmanship. They work hard and they play hard. They are your teammates. Through Little City’s Center for Health & Wellness, Little City improves the health, wellness and overall quality of life of individuals with disabilities. Primary and specialized oral care collectively assures conditions in which people can experience healthy lifestyles.
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Little City employs a dedicated nutritionist, specialists in medical, oral, emotional and behavioral health. The Center for Health & Wellness covers all aspects of health, including recreational health.
The recreation center on Little City’s campus includes a state‑of‑the‑art workout room with equipment tailored for individuals at Little City. It also has a movie theater and game room.
i am your T E A M M ATE
Little City will continue improvements to the recreation center in 2013 including the installation of a brand new swimming pool with a
Special Olympic Athletes Jeff (left) and Howard (right) take
wheelchair lift, a splash park and more.
a moment from all the Track‑and‑Field competition to pose proudly with their newly acquired medals.
K e y Pl aye rs : O f f ic e r s & Bo a r d o f D i r ec t o r s officers
board of advisors
Edward J. Hockfield, Time Tested Formulas
Janet Barker‑Evans
Ryan Partnership
Quentin C. Johnson
Executive Vice President
Matthew B. Schubert, Paramount Staffing
Brian Bernardoni
Chicago Association of Realtors
Laurence M. Landsman Block & Landsman
Vice President
Douglas A. Wilson, Breakthrough Technologies, LLC
Paul Castiglione
State’s Attorney Office
Matthew B. Schubert, Paramount Staffing
Richard M. Daley
City of Chicago
Assistant Treasurer
Charles G. Fergus, Office of the Illinois Attorney General
Thomas J. Dart
Daniel N. Luber, Rabjohns Financial Group
Jeff R. Lyon Jennifer Maley
The Prairie Group Consulting
Sheriff’s Office of Cook County
Marcus D. Montanye
The Private Bank
Rita L. Mullins
Citizens for Mullins
Joseph Dus
Little City Advocacy Group Director
Mona Pearl
Quintin E. Primo
Capri Capital Advisors
Assistant Secretary
Alex G. Alexandrou, City of Aurora
Immediate Past President
Fred G. Lebed, The Prairie Group Consulting, Inc.
Michael Fisher
Great Lakes Garage Builders
General Counsel
John J. George, Schuyler, Roche & Crisham, P.C.
Lincoln D. Germain
Honeywell International
Jonathan C. Green
City of Chicago
board of directors Ronald Ally
William Rainey Harper College
Eleni P. Bousis
Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre
Vernon L. Carson
Sue M. Saltsberg Scott A. Ziomek
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
executive staff Executive Director
Shawn E. Jeffers
Chief Development Officer
Rebecca B. Clarkin
Chief Financial Officer
Linda LaPorte
Chief Human Resources Officer
Yvonne Renee Watts
Chief Program Officer
LeAn E. Taylor
Chief Administrative Officer
Robert C. Shears
Kevin J. Conboy
John M. Duffey
Six Flags Great America
Alexander A. Gianaras
Alex K. and Vienna P. Gianaras Foundation
Sherwin (Stan) Konik
Konik and Company, Inc.
Mitchell A. Kovitz
Kovitz Investment Group
Joan M. Lebow
Ulmer Berne, LLP
Michael McKenna
Advocate Luthern General Hospital
junior board members
Joseph A. Power
Power, Rogers & Smith, P.C.
President Josh Steinfeld
Amanda Bowser
Connor McCarthy
David A. Rose
Coldwell Banker
Vice President Alyse Eligulashvili
Jillian Cole
Erin McCrary
Robert J. Samson
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Treasurer Daniel Salemi
Ashley Decker
Justin Milner
Jerry I. Siegel
Midway Moving and Storage, Inc.
Secretary Rachael Rose
Timur Eligulashvili
Kathryn Nelson
James H. Stone
Stone Management Company
Daniel Adler
Marni Hirschfield
Megan Phee
James V. Testa
Show Sage, LLC
Christina Berger
Marissa Hockfield
Biswa Phuyal
Brea Malloy
Justin Yoder
Homero Tristan
Tristan & Cervantes
Randi Blume
“Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.” ‑‑David Thomas 18
Game Changers: Corporate & Individual Donors founder’s society
mayor’s circle
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
($2,500 ‑ 4,999)
Alec K. and Viena P. Gianaras Foundation / Alexander Gianaras
Bruce Amsterdam & Ilene Grossman
Peter & Holly Geraci
Justin Millner
Lincoln & Gayla Wicks Germain
City of Chicago Department of Finance
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
James & Mary Andersen Julie Bell
Cook County
Diane & Barry Kirschenbaum
BMO Harris Bank
Good Family Foundation / Dr. Mary L. Good
Herman & Katherine Peters Foundation
Gladys K. Crown Philanthropic Fund
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
Gilda M. Castiglione
William & Deborah Hartmann
Michael J. & Donna Polelle
John & Becky Duffey
Ethel & Joel Sharenow
Bhakti & Amit Choksi
Health Plus Physicians Organization
William J. Pollard
Vincent W. & Patricia Foglia / Foglia Family Foundation
E. Gary Widen Trust
Eileen Christensen
Ellen Kolegar & Jack F. McKart
Prairie House Tavern, LLC
Wendy K. Kritt
Professional Education International
Argonne National Laboratories
Michael & Nancy Daley Todd DeFranco Jerry & Elissa Feig
president’s society
($10,000 ‑ 24,999)
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Judge Albert & Celia Green
Marguerite D. Hark
Eleni P. & Dimitrios Bousis
Jean Hartmann
Vernon & Merle Carson
Carl R. Hendrickson Family Foundation
Cermak Produce Kent & Elizabeth Dauten Tahra & Mark Dodson / Dodson Foundation A. Finkl & Sons Co. Vince J. Foglia Paul Galvin Memorial Foundation Trust
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Wells Fargo Foundation
June and George Block Family Foundation
Joan Lebow
Community Health Charities of Illinois
Walgreens Company
Paramount Staffing
Linda LaPorte
Chase Bank
Eleni Tzotzolis
Oberweiler Foundation
Thomas G. Blanchard
($5,000 ‑ 9,999)
Mesirow Financial Corporation Midway Moving and Storage, Inc. Rosellen & E. William Monter David Nelms Northern Trust Company
Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc.
Vapor 4 Life, Inc.
Donlan, Goldman & Roth, P.C.
Illinois Inaugural Committee 2011
ACI Enterprises, Inc.
Robert S. DuCharme
Imperial Crane Services, Inc.
John L. Aikin
Patricia G. Echols
Donna Iuorio
American Chartered Bank
Patricia Edwalds
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Charles W. & Melany Andrew
Charles & Caroline Ephraim
Christian Jacobs
Anthony Marano Company
Excel Displays & Packaging
Milton Jacobson
Richard & Philis Beilfuss
Mark & Carole Faber
Werner & Rosmarie Jerzy
The Berner Charitable and Scholarship Foundation
Caroline G. Faytle
Al H. Kaeppel
FCL Builders
Nancy Kane
David & Heather Figlioli
Daniel & Brenda Kennedy
Fortune Brands Home & Security
Michael & Carol Killian
W. James Ganson
Randall & Heather Knapp
Geriann Gentile
Konik & Company, Inc.
Gibsons, LLC
Stan & Marlene Konik
Bernard Goldberg
Raquel Konopacki
Goldman Sachs & Company
Lakeshore Title Company
Golub & Company
Janet & Ralph Langton
Jonathan & Monica Green
Legat Architects, Inc.
Donald & Joyce Greenberg
Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation
Emil Bertolozzi
David M. Stone
The Braeside Foundation
James H. Stone / James H. Stone 2006 Trust
James E. Bramsen
James Testa & Terri Rudd
United Way of Metro Chicago
Elk Grove Township
Daniel J. & Helen Pradt
US Cellular
The Fogelson Foundation
The Private Bank
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.
Edward J. & Andrea Hockfield
Beverly Rapsky
Richard D. Hodgers
The Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner Family Foundation
Williams Family Charitable Foundation
Tristan & Cervantes Homero & Julia Tristan
($1,000 ‑ 2,499)
Robert & Alice Abt
Richard & Carole Blazek
Timothy & Nancy Desmond
Robert I. Steinberg
Ronald & Bonnie Hopperton
Irwin Steinberg, CPA
Palatine Township
Mitchell & Sari Kovitz
Gordon H. & Karen M. Millner Family Foundation
Robert Shears
Brian & Tracey Donlan
H. Edison Birginal Foundation
The Davee Foundation
Kaye B. Karch
Melanie & Steven Milin
Dennis & Carla Schlemmer
Jimmie S. Abbott
Jerry & Ashley Siegel
Omron Foundation, Inc.
Shawn & Barbara Jeffers
Carol L. Meyer
ambassador’s club
Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Berven
CS Associates, Inc.
David Rose & Nancy Block
John & Mary Jo George
Show Sage, LLC
Northwest Community Hospital
Illinois Tool Works
GaiaTech, Inc.
Joseph & Mary Jo McMahon
Janet & Alan Rosenfeld
Matthew B. & Tina Schubert
Marvin & Kay Lichtman Foundation, Inc.
Kraft Foundation
Andrew & Karen Flis
Elliot & Mable Manint
The John D. and Minnie R. Schneider Charitable Trust
Lawson Products, Inc.
Andrea Bell Trust
Breakthrough Technologies, LLC
Running Away Enterprises, LLC
Illinois Arts Council
executive director’s circle
Abraham & Judith Bohrer
Joseph & Susan Power / Power Family Foundation
Charles (Gil) & Betty Fergus
Magellan Development Group, LLC
Charlie Trotter’s Culinary The Chicago Community Trust Constantine J. Christ ComEd The Cooper Foundation Gary & Deborah Cremieux Dahlberg Associates, LLC Peder & Gloria Dahlberg
Douglas & Jennifer Wilson
Daley and George, Ltd.
Marilyn & Howard Witt
Gwendolyn Damico
Randy & Liz Sass
Jean & James Day
John & Erma Schnabel / John Schnabel Trust
DeFranco Plumbing, Inc. Troy D. DeFranco
Pamela & Gregory Greene Robert & Virginia Hellenga Jack R. Hlustik Hockfield & Associates, Inc.
Bernard & Augrill Leviton J. Randolph & M. Kay Lewis E. John Loberg
Robert & Charlotte Hodes
Sandra Loebe‑Stoken & Richard Stoken
Joan H. Holland & Eli Glassman
Max & Sondra Lorig
Honeywell International
M. Holland Company
Honeywell International Charity Matching
Dennis & Mary Masek
Game Changers: Corporate & Individual Donors ambassador’s club
advocate’s club
($1,000 ‑ 2,499)
($500 ‑ 999)
McCormick Foundation
Mark & Marianne Rakoczy
Aviva Schultz
Gerald & Betty Lois Francis
Louis & Betsy LaPaglia
Marko C. Popovic
Michael & Denise Mikula
Richard and Marianne Reinisch Foundation
Schwartz Brothers Insurance
Gerald & Ellen Freedman
George & LaVerne Lastrico
Kenneth & Arlene Posner
Joan & Anthony Scialabba
Dianne & David Friedman
Fred & Debbie Lebed
Thomas M. Power
Michael H. Secoy
Timothy & Valerie Fu
Janet Lewis
The Prairie Group Consulting, Inc.
Phillip & Suzanne Rooney
Gerald & Joanne Shea / Shea Family Foundation
Joel & Cindy Lieberman Family Philanthropic Fund
Rahn Equipment Company
Thomas & Cynthia Neri
Rotary Club of Palatine Foundation
Towers Watson
Northbrook Duxler Tire, Inc.
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Burt Ury
Omnicare, Inc.
Paul & Joan Rubschlager Family Foundation
Shirley A. Vallort
Eileen R. Miller Morici, Figlioli & Associates MR/LD Fund Illinois State Council K of C Charities, Inc.
Palatine Jaycees Lisa & Louis Palivos Joseph & Celia Parrott Mayur M. Patel Floyd & Linda Perkins Bonadel & Michael Purpura Quaker Oats Company Robert & Joy Quandt Annie Rakoczy
advocate’s club
Larry Rogers Michael & Deborah Rohrwasser
Mary Ann & Donald Ruegg Noel & Jeanette Ruiz Daniel E. Salazar Roslyn Saltsberg Robert & Julie Samson Sanchez Construction Services Douglas & Gwen Schaaf Roger & Carolyn Schellenberger
Paul L. Vilmur
Roylene Gallas Patrick Gaughan Jennifer & Greg Gavelek Ronald & Catherine Gengler
Randy Lindenberg Kenneth J. Liss Demetrios & Marianna Logothetis
Joyce & Christopher Rahn Steve & Lori Raupp Barbara Regard Joanne & Gregory Remington
Marshall & Sandra Gerber
George J. London Memorial Foundation
Thomas & Darlene Gesell
Daniel N. Luber
Mark & Ellen Richmond
Kerry Glicken
Mike & Joyce Lueth
The RJN Foundation, Inc.
Jeff & Christie Weiss
Joseph H. Goldberg Family Foundation
Silvia Manetti
Stephan & Joan Robinson
Marjorie Weiss
Robert & Abby Grenke
Martin, Brown, Sullivan, Roadman & Hartnett, Ltd
Anne N. Rorimer
Jack & Gail Witlin
John & Lorraine Grod
Hugh G. McBreen
Hal & Cindy Wolken
Greg Grzeskiewicz
Rachael L. Rose
Christopher McIntyre
H C D Foundation
John McTigue
Rosenson Family Foundation / Harold B. Rosenson
David & Denise Hall
Walter & Louise Meder
Renee and Edward Ross Foundation
William Rainey Harper College
Robert B. Mellander
Maynard & Lesley Sue Russell
Health Care Services, Inc.
Kenneth M. Mihalka
Daniel & Lisa Salemi
Gary A. Heine
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Millar
Sheila Sammons
Visitor Studies Association Mark Walenga The Clara Weiss Fund
($500 ‑ 999)
Robert J. Repel
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Rose
Thomas Abinanti
Elaine G. Brownfield
Thomas & Ann Derrig
Dawn & Thomas Higgins
Michael & Anita Miller
Carl & Patricia Sanders
Nicholas D. Adams
David & Mary Brueggen
Azeeza Desai
Kent & Lori Higgins
Jerome Mrowca
Priscella A. Sanders
Bruce Adreani
William & Jennifer Buesing
Desitter Flooring, Inc.
Robert G. Higgins
Richard D. & Debra Naponelli
Adreani Foundation
Ann E. Callaway
Mary & Leo Domzalski
Donald & Sandra Hoffman
Claude & Paula Nickell
The Schwaben Society Charity Fund
After School Matters, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cantz
Michael & Karen Donahue
Sharon S. Holihan
Michael J. & Tammy Nilles
Alex & Karen Alexandrou
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer Business
Donna Glass Homes, Inc.
Mark Holzberg, Ph.D.
Donald & Karen Norman
Sam & Deanna Amirante / Sam L. Amirante & Associates, LLC
Chevron Humankind Program
Martin & Gail Dooley
Ili Real Estate, Inc.
Richard & Diane Norwood
Anita T. Chiero
Mary F. Duncan
J. V. Enterprises, Inc.
NTI Trading, Ltd
Ann M. Chiero
Stefanos Economou
Jeff Johl
Leverne E. O'Neill
Rajendra Choksi
Shawna Egan
Kimberly T. Joseph
Janet A. Ortaggio
SOHO (Central Occupational Health Org., Inc.)
Rebecca & David Clarkin
Arlene Engert
William & Sharon Kallas
Roger & Maureen Osborne
Samuel M. Sorkin
Autism Society NE IL
Daniel Cohen
Thomas & Lisa Engoren
Harrison Kennicott
Robert J. Palm
Granvil & Marcia Specks
James L. Barce
John T. Coletta
Equable Ascent Financial, LLC
James Kershasky
Jitendra & Rashmi Patel
Richard Barr
Predennis J. Conant
Kent A. Farbelow
Steven & Priscilla Kersten
Peck Bloom, LLC
St. Haralambos Philoptochos Society
Lana J. Baumeister
Carol & Roy Coniglione/ Coniglione‑ Jourdan Family Charitable Trust
William B. Farr
Syed & Zehra Khader
Daniel J. Phillips
Anne & Donald Farrell
Lori S. Khanuk
Roger & Susanne Fein
Kollias & Associates, Inc.
Donna Zadeikis‑Pino & Albert R. Pino
Barbara Feller
George C. Kollias
Albert R. Pino, Ltd.
Mary & Ronald Streit
Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation, Inc.
Tom J. Pisarczyk
Frank & Irma Stromberg
Thomas & Susan Piskorski
LeAn & Harry Taylor
Kathleen & Kenneth Korsch
Milton Podolsky
Matthew Thomas
Lawrence J. Kostrzewa
Joseph & Gina Podwika
Tom & Barbara Thompson
Elizabeth Kuczera
Virginia & Charles Poidomani
Marisa & Daniel Timm
Norman H. Kumins
Dana & Kip Poncher
Fred Tokowitz
Dale Laidlaw
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Popeil / Ronald M. Popeil 1997 Trust
Kellie Truppa
Amvet Post #66 Anonymous Konstantinos & Kaliopi Apostolopoulos
Clark Baurer Anna & Wilfried Bechtloff Karel L. Bekker Robert & Beverly Berman/ Louis & Dorothy Berman Foundation
Kevin & Claudia Conlon Conlon Public Strategies Terrence & Veda Connolly Vincent & Sheila Connor
Leo & Lois Bernhard
Elzora M. Costello
Willard & Catherine Bishop
Denise Curry
Charles & Martha Bonifield
Betty B. Danielson
George Bousis
Carolyn Delany
Susan Brill
Dennis & Joann Demoss
John & Cheryl Ferroli FGMK, LLC Roslyn Finder Robert & Maurita Fischer Joyce Fitzgerald Laura Foxgrover GE Foundation Matching Gifts
James & Anna Schwartz Carol & Paul Sedmidubsky Marc & Rhonda Silver Carolyn Sinwell Mitchell & Valerie Slotnick
John Stelmach & Linda Valentino Robert & Audrae Stephen James A. Stewart
Game Changers: Corporate & Individual Donors advocate’s club
neighbor’s club
($500 ‑ 999)
($250 ‑ 499)
Anastasios Tzotzolis
Frank J. Wasilewski
YPV Distribution, Inc.
Victor J. Franks, Jr.
Helen W. Jantz
William & Jane McCauley
Robert & Jan Van Iten
Scott & Janice Weinstein
Russell & Debra Zdeb
Richard & Marie Frederick
Adolph & LaVerne Johnson
Keith J. McCrea
Darryl & Antonia Van Kampen
Craig & Kathleen Wissmiller
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Zeller
Susan Fried
Mark V. Johnson
Adam C. Meade
Andrew & Alyshia Verb
Steven & Sally Witz
Eva & Robert Ziegler
Friends of Dart
Pamela S. & Fred W. Johnson
Barry & Armida Menich
Warady & Davis, LLP
Kenneth A. Youga
Peter & Mary Zouras
Robert & Mary Galvanoni
Rick & Sue Johnson
Steven Menoff
Russell Warye
Gerald & Alita Young
Debra J. Gammon
Colleen Joyce‑Trent
Jerome & Virginia Merkel
Sandra K. Gass
Gregory & Sharon Kaczmarek
Susan Gerber
Russell & Lori Kathrein
The Morris and Helen Messing Foundation
Raymond & Terry Gladych
William J. Kearns
Steven J. Gloeckle
Robert & Diane Kelderhouse
Robert & Joan Gonnella
Karen A. Kemeny
Paul & Cheryl Gosiewski
Thomas & Kathleen Kemp
Eugene A. Goszczycki
Earle & Dolores Kessler
Stephen & Kathryn Gotz
Michael A. Kiely
Susan F. & Frederick Gourley
James & Virginia Kintz
Theodore & Kaye Grabbe
Laura A. Kirk
Paul & Barbara Grabowski
E. Angelo Kokkino
Alan & Carol Greene
Patricia Kowalski
William & Alice Grippe
Scott Kruger
Michael Drinane
Jose & Sara Guerrero
Larry & Claudia Kubinski
Brian Ducko & Lida Kreidich
Abby & Neil Gurevitz
Nora Kyger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Duda
Steve & Mary Haar
Richard Lai
Paul & Rosalinda Dussault
Warren & Dori Hachmeister
Laurence & Angie Landsman
Darrel & Joan Dyer
Ellen C. Hallissey
Stephen & Beth Landsman
Thomas & Bonnie Edwalds
Heather & Gregory Hamm
Patrick & Mary Ann Larmon
Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program
Efie's Canteen, Inc.
Elfine H. & George Hansen
Joseph & Beth Lasky
John Notini
Michael & Bonnie Harris
Ralph V. LaVieri, Sr.
Kimberly & Randel Notz
Nayda B. Harris
Diana Lee
David & Jane Novosel
neighbor’s club
($250 ‑ 499)
Metro Anesthesia Consultants PC Ryan Mitchell
Brian & Karen Abry
Alphonsa J. Boyd
Derrig Concrete Inc.
Farida Ahmed
Kevin & Tara Derrig
Charles & Mary Albrecht
Helen E. Bradford
Sean & Patricia Derrig
Peter Alderson
Adrianne & Charles Brimie
Emanual & Cheryl DeSantis
Allstate Giving Campaign
Brown & Bigelow, Inc.
Deuchler Environmental, Inc.
Ellen Anderson
Paul Brune
Elecia R. Dexter
Eula Anderson
Mary Jo Buffo
Darrell & Roberta Dickey
Gene R. Anderson
Sharon & Michael Bukovitz
Linda DiCostanzo
Andreas Company
William & Joyce Buresh
Mark & Gail Andrulis
Nancy S. Burk
Georgia J. Diederich & Vincent Baruso
Carol & David Angus
Roger & Becky Butler
Norma J. Cannestra
Appletree Learning Center
Patricia A. Carson
Gerard & Rosemary Aranha
Frank & Barbara Castiglione
Nancy E. Arndt
Charles & Elizabeth Cavazos
Loraine I. Arrigo
Gerry & Alfonso Cervone
Steven & Lee Baggio
Paul T. & Judith Clarey
Thomas C. Barmore
Coated Film Products, Inc.
The Center For Egg Options Illinois, LLC
Lynn Barone /Barone Reporting Service
Craig Cocalis
EHC Industries, Inc.
Pippa Cohen
Nancy S. & John Hartung
Dona Lee Trotter
Alyse B. & Timur Eligulashvili
Ronald E. Nowak
Phillip I. Coleman
Kevin & Cynthia Hayes
Francine LeFrak
Cedric A. Ellis
Ann Nussdorfer
Karen & Randall Collins
Leo F. Hickman
John & Bonnie England
James E. & Jane F. O’Brien
Nicole Collins‑Earley
Sharon Hidalgo
Harry & Betty Levin Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ali Entezar
Mark Comin
Margaret Hillstrom
Anne H. Evans
Community Health Charities of Alabama
Jeffrey N. Holland
Patricia & John Fallon
Richard & Debra Homa
Judy & Robert Ferrero
Joel & Carol Honigberg
Joseph Ferron
Timothy J. Hoster
William & Robin Filipowski
Ralph Howard
Joseph M. Filippo
Karen M. Howe
Donald S. Finkelman
James & Tamara Howell
Fiorention Family Fund
Edward & Rosemarie Hrzenjak
William Fitzgerald
Laurie & Timothy Humphreys
Jonathan & Pamela Fitzner
Michael & Christine Hurley
Rita DeBoer
James & Patricia Fluhler
Roger & Arlene Ihssen
James V. Dellorto
Anell & Lisa Foss
J. C. Root Camp 280
Alexandra & Mariusz Dembicki
George & Bettina Francis
Jerry & Ann Jaeger
Anne & Danny Derrig
Paul & Barbara Franke
Gulab Jani
Baxter International Foundation Marvin Bauman Pamela Benitez Don & Kathleen Bennett Donald & Gail Benson Bentron Financial Group, Inc. Larry & Cathy Bertolozzi
Corkill Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bethel Lutheran Church
Ernest & Laurie Corsi
Lieselotte Betterman
Rosann Costantino
Richard & Fredene Biagi
Cathleen & Gaurav Cunningham
Joseph R. Blank
Richard & Barbara Dapriele
Ralph W. Boedeker
Thomas J. Dart
Bon Air Services, Inc.
The Russell & Frieda De Yong Foundation
Thomas J. Bonick Katharine Bornarth Sidney F. Bosen John & Joanette Bossong
John M. Lewis Makis Limperis George & Kathleen Lindemulder Phyllis G. Linning Carolyn M. Lofgren James J. Lomonaco Leslie & Gordon Long Alan & Diane Lubow Ronald & Patricia Lucido Richard J. Lutz William & Kathleen Lynch Jeff & Bonita Lyon Tina & Mark Maraccini Lois Marchini Anna & Mark McCarthy
Laura I. Moody Mary Ann Moore Theresa Moran Craig W. Mouttet Glenn & Patricia Mueller Antonio Munoz Lisa Muraff Renee & Edward Murphy Charles & Darla Musson Sandeep Nain Marc & Holly Nelson Donald R. Newar Peter & Christine Newton Nicholas & Molly Nocerino
Deborah & Stephen O’Connor Kyung Soon Oh Carole & George Olsen Edward P. O’Malley Timothy W. Oster Fred C. & Iris W. Ouyang Charles & Charlotte Page Brian & Regina Palvas Mary Beth Panfil Pam Papakanelou Frederica S. Pederson Scott & Ann Marie Pfeifer Kenneth Pietrucha Pirogovsky Fremderman, Ltd. Frank & Lorraine Poczatek 25
Game Changers: Corporate & Individual Donors neighbor’s club
gifts of tribute
($250 ‑ 499)
Charles & Barbara Poncher
Robert & Beatrice Schonta
Ida VanGilder
Janet M. Powers
Joseph J. Schuler
Demetrios Vergakis
Pro‑Tek Mechanical, Inc.
Mary & Michael Semik
Verizon Foundation
Ernestene & James Qualls
Patricianne & Walter Senkow
Paul & Victoria Vestuto
JoAnn Rakoczy
Johanne S. Siff
Pavel A. Vodenisov
Cynthia Raskin
John and Susan Skarren
William R. Vollmer
David J. Rauwolf
Mark Slezak
Martha & John Ward
Emily Rawsky
Sylvester & Naomi Smith
Mary A. Watson
Harold & Judith Redelsperger
Robert & Christina Smolen
Patricia A. Waynick
Audrey L. Reynolds
Linas Smulkstys
Richard & Sylvia Westgard
Dana & Aaron Rice
Irene Sobczak
Richard & LaTanya Wheeler
Steven P. Richardson
Matthew & Janice Sowske
Susan & Donald Whitney
George Richeson
Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Robert & Denise Wiemer
Neil & Louise Richter Mr. & Mrs. Neal Ridenour Phil & Karol Ritchey Robert & Susan Roberts Dean & Barbara Robinson Gerald & Sandra Rodeghiero Brian & Linda Roman Richard & Barbara Rosenfield
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church Bernard & Annette Staggenburg Mary C. Steinbruegge Robert & Paula Stendel John H. & Geraldine Stevens Ana & Paulo Szwec Charles & Nancy Taubman
Ted R. & Sharon Wilken Anna M. Williams Harvey S. Wineberg Anthony & Christina Winter Priscilla Wish Rivian H. Wolf Dolores A. Wolschon Woodfield Fund Administration
in honor of George P. Alexandrou
Steven Gebel
Kim McTee
Steve Amsterdam
John J. George
Wayne Meyer
Robert and Nancy Andrew
Mr. & Mrs. C. Goldberg
Joseph A. Power
Ernest and Marion Gottlieb
Keith Purpura
Burton Greenberg
Rakoczy Family
Martin & Catherine Appel
Barbara Gregornik
Jerry Rose
Andrea Bell
Michael Greyson
Robert & Beatrice Schonta
Julie Bell
Angelyn Heil
Matthew B. & Tina Schubert
Tom, Chris & Kate Berry
Jack Heneghan
Ananya Shah
Thomas Bertolozzi
Edward J. & Andrea Hockfield
Samantha Sperling
Joseph Castiglione
Joan H. Holland
James Stelmach
Gilda M. Castiglione
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jacobs
Melinda Stinger
James Chuck
Shawn E. Jeffers
Ilene Strauss
Jerry Clousson
Doug Johnson
Thomas Szuck
Michael Daley
Kathryn Kane
James V. Testa
Troy D. DeFranco
Anthony LaPorte
Donna Villa
Timothy Derrig
Jasmine Lawson
Deborah Weinfuss
Timur & Alyse B. Eligulashvili
Peter P. Lederer
Jill Weiss
Brian Feig
Nancy R. Levi
Wayne & Brenda L. Williams
Martin L. Fergus
Steven Levin
Howard & Marilyn A. Witt
David M. French
Cynthia Loebe
Hal R. Wolken
Sandra M. Garfinkel
Daniel N. Luber
Leslie Yamshon
Stephen G. Roubik
The Lawrence Pucci Wedgwood Society of Chicago
Melanie Rouse
David & Nancy Thomsen
Mark Woodworth
Albert L. Roy
Carol & Ulfur Thors
John & Susan Wozny
Timothy & Brenda Runyon
George & Jean Thrasher
Beverly T. Yoder
Jennifer Rupp
James & Sharon Tierney
Z3 Solutions, LLC
Paul A. Sanderson
Larry L. Tinker
Ken R. Zahler
Jerry & Barbara Santangelo
Thomas & Jeannie Tisbo
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Zeller
Homer Santiago
Betty E. Traver‑Zeaman
David & Esther Zevin
Stella Berven
Tamara Howell
Richard & La Verne B. McCrory
Alan & Allison Satyr
UBS Matching Gift Program
Charles Zitnick
Hannah Bramson
Robert J. Jeffers
Avrom Metcoff
Ronald Ustas
Carol Zolp
Edwin S. Charles
Marianne M. Johnson
Eleanor A. Richards
Valley Piping, Inc.
Joyce Zurek
Salvatore Demma
Helen J. Jung
Kiki Riess
Naomi DiCostanzo
Edward J. Kaczmarek
Dennis Rodgers
Perry Donsky
Robert S. LaMantia
Rose Schelly
William Fogel
Bernard M. LaPorte
Bernard Silkowitz
Franky Friedman
Raymond H. Lee
Bernard J. Sobczak
Viena Gianaras
Otto H. Liebich
Takis Sotos
Virginia Green
Elizabeth C. Limburg
Richard A. Sprague
Nanci Hartenstein
Justice David Linn
Susan Ury
Alfred B. Henry
Lyle H. Lyon
Rosalie M. Wecker
Doris Hirshman
Mary C. Mazurek
Elizabeth J. Wolf
Gustav Scheuble Randall D. Schmidt
Woodmen of the World Lodge 144
William E. Schoedel
lifetime givers
(of over $50,000)
Bernard Goldberg
Rosellen & E. William Monter
Ronald P. Barsanti
Judge Albert & Celia Green
Michael J. & Donna Polelle
Abraham & Judith Bohrer
Pamela & Gregory Greene
Joseph & Susan Power
Vernon & Merle Carson
Marguerite D. Hark
Daniel J. & Helen Pradt
Gilda M. Castiglione
Edward J. & Andrea Hockfield
Robert & Julie Samson
Michael & Nancy Daley
Richard D. Hodgers
Randy & Liz Sass
Nancy & James Donohoe
James R. Howell
Ethel & Joel Sharenow
John & Becky Duffey
Ellen Kolegar & Jack F. McKart
Henry Smogolski
Vincent & Patricia Foglia
Frank Kral
Robert J. & Roberta Washlow
John & Mary Jo George
Donald & Ellen Kuhns
in memory of
A La s ting L eg a c y
F i n a n c i a l Ov er v i ew
Bequests are an important, consistent source of funding that help Little City weather
Since 1959, Little City has provided innovative programs and services that foster development and personal
various economic cycles and budgetary setbacks. To make a bequest or include Little City in
fulfillment for the children and adults it serves. To do so, Little City relies on government funding and direct
your will, contact (847) 358‑5510 or
contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations. In fact, 85 cents of every dollar directly support first‑class programs and services for hundreds of children and adults in need. Little City must raise an average of $10,000/individual/year* to maintain the quality
founder’s society
of life desired for each child and adult at Little City. Beyond the state‑required minimal standard of care,
Patricia G. Evans Trust
John T. Powers Trust
Arthur & Helen Henry Memorial Fund Trust
Larry Rudis Special Needs Trust
Kathleen Pollman Trust
Thomas F. Whalon Trust
Little City’s quality‑of‑life standards encompass programs and services that foster a life of health, recreation, education and culture that protect one’s rights, beliefs, choices and aspirations.* *The shortfall is due primarily to less than full reimbursement from the State of Illinois for services rendered, but also due to Little City’s commitment to a quality of life.
president’s society
($10,000 ‑ 24,999)
Estate of Madeleine Camilleri
Raymond Seng CRUT FBO Barbara Teich
Edelstein Charitable Trust
Richard J. Tennes Trust
Mary A. Janca Trust
Estate of Norman E. Wolff
The pie charts provide a breakdown of Little City Foundation’s operating budget for Fiscal Year 2012 dating July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
$23.7MM Operating Budget
Charlotte Jones Trust
executive director’s circle Elaine Amsterdam Cohen Trust
($5,000 ‑ 9,999) Theodore I. Salmon Trust 14.0%
Florence D. Fife 1986 Trust
mayor’s circle
Estate of Amanda Moloney
ambassador’s club
($1,000 ‑ 2,499)
Thomas P. & Etta L. Garrity Trust
Estate of Doris Hirshman
The Lewis A. & Ruth L. Hare Trust
The Dorothy Rose Living Trust
advocate’s club
($500 ‑ 999)
Agency Expenses
Government Funding
Management & General
Total Agency (LCF & LCCD * ) REVENUE Contributions
Beatrice S. Harrison Estate
Agency Revenue
($2,500 ‑ 4,999)
Bernice L. Cook Trust
*Little City for Community Development (LCCD), which includes Little City HUD properties.
Government Funding
Investment and Other
Total Revenue
Ronald M. Popeil 1997 Trust EXPENSES Program Services
neighbor’s club Estate of Harold F. Ost
($250 ‑ 499)
Management & General
Total Expense Net
Each role is important and everyone counts. Choose wisely as the outcome depends on it. If w e e ach t ake our t urn , w e ’ re all w in n e rs !
It’s time for your move.
Contact Numbers General DONATIONS & GIFTS Ann Bechtloff
Events Phyllis Shipbaugh 847‑221‑7892
Volunteering Catrina Johnson
ChildBridge Programs & Services RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Jennifer Rupp
LifePath A dult Services RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Jennifer Rupp
Little City Foundation 1760 West Algonquin Road | Palatine, IL 60067‑4799 847‑358‑5510 |