ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM Pavilion 1 Preliminary program June 7th 2017 08:30-9:00 h. Main Entrance Reception and registration of participants
09:30-10:30 h. Opening ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM -
Mr. Enrique Martínez. Coordinator National Smart Cities Plan, Secretary of State for Information Society and Digital Agenda (SESIAD), Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda (MINETAD) Representative European Commission
10:30-11:00 h. Presentation -
Pending confirmation
11:00-12:00 h. Financing Opportunities Moderator: - Mr. Adolfo Borrero. Vicepresident of Regional Actions of AMETIC and President of Smartcities of CEOE and Ametic Speakers: - Mr. José Manuel Leceta. General Director Red.es. Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda (MINETAD) - Mrs. María Dolores Ortiz. Vocal adviser. Subdirectorate-General of European Territorial Cooperation and Urban Development. Ministry of Finance and Civil Service (MINHAFP) - Mrs. Diana Alonso. Tecnical Adviser. Subdirectorate-General of Innovation Development. Geneal Secretariat of Sience and Innovation. Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) - Mr. Oscar Chabrera. Co-Founder, EU Manager. Vilynx
12:00-13:00 h. OPENINGS CEREMONY Greencities 2017
ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM Pavilion 1 Preliminary program 13:00-14:00 h. Mayors roundtable Moderator: - Mr. Manuel Bellido. Founder and CEO Grupo Informaria Speakers: - Mr. Francisco de la Torre. Mayor of Malaga Mrs. Núria Marín. Mayor of L'Hospitalet. - Mr. Miguel Anxo Fernández. Mayor of Pontevedra - Mrs. Elena Nevado. Mayor of Cáceres - Mr. Javier Márquez. Mayor of Jaén - Mr. José Benlloch. Mayor of Vila-real - Mr. Alfredo Zegarra. Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa (Peru)
14:00-16:00 h. Networking Lunch
16:00 – 16:30 h. Digital Transformation in the Public Sector and its application in local Government -
Mr. Javier González. Senior Executive Partner. GARTNER Spain
16:30-17:30 h. Technological Innovative solutions for local administrations Moderator: - Mr. Ibon Basterrechea. Tecnical Secretariat Red Innpulso Speakers: - Representative NEC - Mr. Diego Torrico. Director of Business for the Public Sector & Smart Cities of Vodafone Spain SAU - Mr. Mariano Barroso. President of Clúster Andalucía Smart City - Mr. Manuel Gómez. Department Director of IT and New Technologies. City Council of Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) - Mrs. Francesca Bria. Commissioner of Technology and Digital Innovation. City Council of Barcelona
ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM Pavilion 1 Preliminary program 17:00-18:00 h. International opportunities in Smart cities Pending confirmation of LATAM representatives
June 8th 2017 08:30-9:00 h. Main Entrance Reception and registration of participants
09:30-10:30 h. Energy efficiency Moderator: - Representative of the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE) Speakers: - Mrs. Rocío Fernández. President of National Platform of Energy Efficiency (PTE-EE) - Mr. Fernando García. Coordinator Interplatforms Group of Intelegent Cities (GICI) - Mr. Luis María Sánchez. Responsible for Coordination and Projects. National Federation of Energetics Business Agents (FENAGE) - Representative of the Andalusian Agency of Energy - Mr. José Antonio Ondiviela. Western Europa Industry Solutions Executive, Microsoft - Mr. Andrés Larre. Subsecretary of Innovation and Smart City of the Government of the City Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Representative CTN 178
10:30-11:30 h. ITC’s - FIWARE ZONE Moderator: - Mr. Juan José Hierro. CTO Fiware Foundation Speakers: - Mr. Jesús Villasante. Head of Unit. European Commission - Mr. Juan Carlos Tellez. Innovation and Knowledge Management. Infotec Mexico - Mr. Carl Piva. VP Strategic Programs at TM Forum - Mrs. María Virtudes Briz. R+D at Telefónica, Chile - Mr. Manuel Ortigosa. General Director of Telecomunications and IT Society of the Junta de Andalucía - Mr. Enrique Martínez. Coordinator National Smart Cities Plan, Secretary of State for Information Society and Digital Agenda (SESIAD), Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda (MINETAD) 3
ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM Pavilion 1 Preliminary program
11:30-12:30 h. Circular Economy Moderator: - Mr. Raúl Jiménez. Deputy Mayor Delegate of Environmental Sostainability. City Council of Malaga Speakers: - Mrs. Paloma López-Izquierdo. General Subdirector of Waste Department. General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Assessment and Natural Environment. Spanish Office of Climate Change (OECC) - Representative FCC Social Servicios - Mrs. Nerea Melgosa. Councillor for Employment and Sustainable Economic Development. Town Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz - Representative CTN 178 - Representative LATAM
12:30-13:30 h. Rehabilitation and Sustainable Urbanism
Moderator: - Mr. Rafael Pérez de la Fuente. Head of Department of Architecture. Municipal Management of Urbanism, Constructions and Infrastructures Speakers: - Mr. José María López Cerezo. Managing Director. Municipal Institute of Housing (IMV) - Mr. Fernando Prieto. President. National Association of Rehabilitation and Reform Companies (ANERR) - Mrs. Ángela de la Cruz. Deputy General of Urbanism. General Direction of Architecture, Housing and Land. Ministery of Development - Mr. Nelson Cárdenas. Planification Manager of the Municipality Lima (Perú) - Mr. Jesús Hernández. Director of Accessibility ONCE Foundation - Representive Asociation of Sostainability Architecture (ASA)
ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM Pavilion 1 Preliminary program 13:30-14:30 h. Smart regions Andalusian Moderator: - Mr. Adolfo Borrero. Vicepresident of Regional Actions of AMETIC and President of Smartcities of CEOE and Ametic Speakers: - Mr. Antonio Cabello. Boss of Public Administrations Coordination Service. Junta de Andalucía - Mrs. María Carmen Rodríguez. Director IT Society Provincial Council of Seville (INPRO) - Mr. José Morales. Manager of Provincial IT Company (EPRINSA). Provincial Council of Córdoba - Provincial Council of Malaga - Provincial Council of Huelva
14:30-16:00 h. Proyect ‘Autodrive’. Área of Innovation and New Technologies of the City Council of Malaga Speakers:
16:00-17:00 h. Smart Mobility. Integrated Management of Mobility Moderator: - Mr. Juan Marín. Director of Cities for Spain and Portugal of Kapsch Speakers: - Mrs. Elvira Maeso. Deputy Mayor Delegate of Mobility. City Council of Malaga - Mr. Arturo Pérez de Lucía. Mananing Director of AEDIVE - Mr. Daniel Muniz. Engineer Projects Coordinator. City Council of Montevideo (Uruguay) - Representative CTN 178 - Representative Spanish Smart City
ICT & SUSTAINABILITY FORUM Pavilion 1 Preliminary program 17:00-18:00 h. How to make your City an Intelligent Tourist Destination Moderator: - Mrs. Tania Marcos. Head of Quality and Smart & Sustainable Cities, Secretary CTN 178. Spanish association of Standardisation, UNE Speakers: - Mr. Mario Cortés. Deputy Mayor Delegate of Innovation, Energy, New Technologies and Segurity. City Council of Malaga - Mr. Carlos Romero. Manager of R+D+i. SEGITTUR - Mr. Álvaro Carrillo de Albornoz. General Director. Hotel Technological Institut (ITH) - D. Antonio Guevara. Dean of the Turism Faculty of the University of Malaga - Mr. Jesús Cañadas. Head of Area. Secretary of State for Information Society and Digital Agenda (SESIAD) - Representative Spanish Tourist Smart City - Representative LATAM