Back to School…Back to Basics…Back to the Word
Thy Word (digi layout): By Kimberly Colliss Visit Kimberly’s gallery for more inspiring layouts and projects.
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In the Beginning: By Betsy Burnett In the beginning was the word…So John’s gospel starts out. If you think about it that is a really profound statement. At the start of everything there was the WORD. With most kids heading back to school late August early September, naturally our thoughts turn to back to the basics; reading, writing, and arithmetic. With homeschooling my children I wanted to make sure they had a good foundation in reading. I truly believe giving children the tools to not only learn to read but helping them nurture a love FOR reading, will encourage a lifetime of learning. For once you are fluent in reading a whole world of learning opens up to you. Just as I believe reading is the foundations to education; I believe that God’s word needs to be the foundation in our hearts and lives. It needs to be our beginning where we first go to for advice; it needs to be our ending, the answer for everything. This month we will challenge ourselves to explore the word, study the word and memorize the word. We will challenge ourselves to go back to the basics of our faith, back to that foundation upon which we have built. We challenge you to join us on our journey. For God’s word can not only change our focus, it can bring guidance, offer comfort and even change our lives!
Layout by Kimberly Colliss Brought to you by
It helps to read the directions by Betsy Burnett In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God, He was with God in the beginning John 1: 1-2 Have you ever opened a box with a bunch of pieces, looked at the picture and KNOWN how it was suppose to go together? I have. Not heeding the warning to “read all instructions first,” I forge ahead. Thinking the project is easy I set off with my tools and get busy. Who needs the directions? Things are running smoothly. Then something happens, that one piece is just some how off, because that one piece is off the door won’t shut properly. Because the door doesn’t shut properly (ok I admit it, it didn’t shut at all!) you really can’t use the cabinet the way it’s suppose to be used. This is so frustrating when it happens. I then have to start taking it apart and do it all over again only this time I wise up, I read the directions. Reading them I found that I had put something together wrong. When I changed that piece around, I found out things turned out much differently. Being an impulsive person reading the instructions first is sometime difficult for me. My impatience gets the best of me and I want to forge on ahead to see the finished product. I forget that someone created this project and has done it before and I might just benefit from his or her knowledge and expertise. They can help me not only do the project right, but do it right the first time (so I don’t have to take things apart and start over) You would think I would learn my lesson with kit box furniture making, but my impulsiveness doesn’t just get the best of me with projects; I have done this in life as well. I rush ahead eager to get started. Plugging away, things are going great until I find there is this piece that doesn’t fit. Because that piece doesn’t fit everything else just seems “off.” Because things are off, nothing is really going right. So it’s time to take a step back and consult the directions for life, God’s word. It’s in God’s word I can find instruction for life. When I apply these instructions I can make the necessary corrections, and start again this time doing things the right way. Better yet if I would have read God’s word in the first place I might have benefited from not only my creators words and instructions, but the knowledge, advice and example of those who have been there before me. The truth of God’s word is not only the foundation upon which we can build our lives, it’s the beginning of instruction for them.. It’s comforting to know that not only when all else fails we can read the “instructions,” but that it’s available for me to read before I even get started, and can help me put all the pieces of me life in the right place so I don’t have to take things apart and start over. So take it from me with a cabinet sometimes you can get by without reading the instructions, but in life if you don’t want to have to undo a wrong situation it helps to begin with the instructions first. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16
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Layout by Sabrina Tolbertson Two of our boys went to public school for the first time this year. The boys were very excited to go to school for the first time in a public school. Maverick loves his teacher and all of his friends. Matt loves his new independence and being in the band. It's a whole new experience for us all. (click layout for more information)
Layout by Erin Bassett I'm so thankful that a friend of mine invited me to attend Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)about 5 years ago. I decided to document my involvement in BSF in a layout since a new year of bible study will be starting in September. (click layout for more information) Brought to you by
Layout by Lisa Votraw
Blessed Beginnings Cards: God’s Word Journaling Prompts God’s Word -supporting scripture Word book –Tips for working with wordbooks
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When the test isn’t “open book” by Betsy Burnett
I love math. It was probably my favorite subject back in school. Math had “order” to it. There were rules to follow and normally those rules applied in all situations. 2 x 2 was always 4. There was always an order of operation (add, subtract, multiply divide) when solving an equation. Knowing those rules helped me to know not only where to start in the problem, but helped me to figure out the answer as well. It was easy to follow those rules during homework assignments, but during tests it was a bit more difficult as we couldn’t use the book. We had to KNOW those rules in order to know how to solve the problem and pass the test. There are “rules” in life as well. God in His ability to know all things figured we would need some guidance in life and inspired the Bible. Scripture tells us that it ‘is Godbreathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.’ (2 Timothy 3:16) God designed and wrote a book for us to show us the “order of operation” in life. There is such a wealth of information there, the Bible offers advise on everything from relationships, to child-rearing, from finances to leadership. If take that advise, we will be able to figure out the answers in life as well. Just like in math class though, in life I don’t always get to have an “open book” test. Sometimes immediate decisions are necessary and I don’t have time to look back over what I have learned from God’s word. That’s when it’s necessary to memorize those rules, so I know how to solve a problem. Your word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee, Psalm 119:11. Memorizing the word of God insures us that when we are faced with those difficult decisions in life that require immediate action, we have a wealth of Godly wisdom to draw from. When we take the time to memorize scripture, it causes us to dwell on those words, and the Holy Spirit has a way of really helping those words to sink in deep, so we don’t just have empty words in our minds that are meaningless, we have truth that is allowed to penetrate deep into our spirits changing us and our desires in the process. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word. Psalm 119:13-16
***Jumbo ClothesPin by Sabrina Tolbertson (click image for more information) Brought to you by
His Word “WORD” Wordbook by Lisa Voltraw I titled this His Word and the first inside page says “for you”. Each page is a picture and bible verse pertaining in some way to that person. Most papers were from the Glory Collection by the Paper Element.
WORD wordbook available in Faithfully Yours Store! Wouldn’t this be a great way to memorize scripture.
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No empty words by Betsy Burnett As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11 God’s word, oh so faithful and true. It’s amazing to me sometimes the power behind those words. But then should it really surprise me after all God’s word is well FROM GOD. It can be a soothing balm to my wounded soul. It can be meat to a hungry spirit. It can be a cool refreshing drink when I feel dry and empty. It’s alive and it has a purpose to accomplish. And God’s Himself tells me that His word doesn’t return to Him empty but will accomplish his purpose. (Isaiah 55: 11) Have you ever dreamed of a ministry that would reach people and change lives? Well did you know that ministry is right at your fingertips? It lies within the pages of your albums, and in the wording of your cards and it’s as simple as adding God’s word to your projects. As believers we know that God’s word is faithful and true, but we sometimes forget God has purpose in his words. Every time tell of what the Lord has done for us in our album pages we witness for the Lord. Every time we add scripture to that witness we are planting a seed for a future purpose. Think of how God’s word has ministered in your own life. I am sure you have had at least ONE experience where the words of the Bible have leapt off the page and spoken directly to your heart, (at the very least at the time of your salvation.) Now think of the effect those words could have on those looking through your scrapbooks? You could be planning a seed of hope, encouragement or faith. It might be a seed that we never see grow, (for it might be for a future generation) but we can know we have been faithful in planting that word in what we have left for those that come. Or it could just be a simple reminder of the goodness of God in your life at that moment in time. The next time you hesitate to share your faith in your pages, or put scripture in your albums, think again and then do it. Become part of God’s bigger plan, a plan that will accomplish the purpose God has for it!
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Lunch Cards by Melissa Czapor
This is the set of cards I made to send to school with Kendra. Each card used the digital journaling blocks from FY. I hand wrote a scripture verse I felt appropriate to different areas of her school life. (click image for more information)
God Bless You card By Sabrina Tolbertson
Created with The Paper Element’s Glory Collection patterned cardstocks and cardstock sticker. (Click image for more information)
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Memory Card Verses and Holders By Betsy Burnett The unchanging, powerful, infallible word of God. All month long we have talked about God's word and it's importance in our life. This project is designed to be a tool to help you memorize scripture. A simple business card template to be printed out. Then a holder so you can place the cards where you are most likely to see them on a regular basis (by the kitchen sink, by the computer, on your dresser, etc.) Whenever you see it, you will have a visible reminder of the scripture you are memorizing, then if you stop and repeat it to your self a couple of times you will have that verse memorized in no time.
Memory Verse Cards
Memory Verse Cards Directions for Memory Verse Cards Directions for Photo/Memory Verse Cards Holder
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