Osnovna škola Spinut "Be IN-Be INnovative" http://www.os-spinut-st.skole.hr
Osnovna škola Spinut 21 000, Teslina 12, Split Splitsko-dalmatinska županija,
Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: School education staff mobility
Elementary school Spinut Organisation type: School/Institute/Educational centre – General education (primary level)
Partners: Job Shadowing Mobility: JS in Spain, School Fundación escuelas Jado de Erandio, JS In Austria at the Paedagogische Hochschule Wien and in Italy at the Istituto Comprensivo Statale di Codogno School. The project is specific with the idea of mobility activities' combinations through courses I job shadowing. The project combines theory and practical experience and enhances new, but also previous projects’ outcomes of internationalization, for sustainability of an innovative program.
Start: 03-09-2018 - End: 02-09-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-HR01-KA101-047073
Fundación escuelas Jado de Erandio http://www.jadoikastetxea.com Tartanga 13 48950 Erandio, País Vasco, Spain
Istituto Comprensivo Statale di Codogno http://www.ic-codogno.gov.it/ Via Cavour, 26845 Codogno, Lombardia, Italia
Courses: ˝ School leadership in practice˝ in Rome,
˝Project Based Learning in the Classroom: Setup, Integration and Reflection˝ in Berlin
„Gamification- create your game based class˝in Barcelona.
Summary Project "Be IN-Be INnovative" is implemented through the mobility of the Spinut Primary School staff from Split, within the Erasmus +, KA1, Mobility for Learning for Individuals.
TOPICS - New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses - Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development) - Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills
DESCRIPTION School aims to improve staff competences for planning and organizing a customized innovative program, as well as their knowledge and practical experience for a sustainable implementation of the common learning and teamwork model, using innovative learning and teaching methods. Specific Objective: -Improving competences of school staff for planning and organizing a tailor-made innovative joint learning program and its sustainable implementation with innovative learning and teaching methods in teaching and extracurricular activities.
Overall objective: -Realization of the specific project goal will contribute to modernization of the school, increasing the innovativeness and quality of the curriculum for students and staff. By participating in international activities, school will develop the international dimension of work and programme, multiculturalism, partnerships with European primary schools. OUTCOMES Development of key and transversal competence of staff CERTIFICATE Certificates of Mobility Participation Certificates of attendance during observation and courses Europass mobility
PARTICIPANTS Sanja Čagalj, Headteacher Fadila Zoranić, Pedagogue
Primary classroom teacher: Vini Ballarin
Subject classroom teachers: Katarina Sablić Nina Stričević Iris Olujić Ljubica Ivana Bokavšek Antonia Drlje
Summary of the project The project “Be IN, Be Innovative“ is a two-year project by Elementary School Spinut from Split, which has been taking place from 3rd September 2018 till 2nd September 2020 through 12 staff mobilities within Erasmus+ programme, KA1, Learning Mobility for Individuals. The project was the result of two previous Erasmus projects of the school, as well as the long-term aim of the institution and the activities of improving the quality of the institution. The specificity of the project lies in the combination of theoretical and practical knowledge through three structured courses (“School leadership in practice“ in Rome, “Project Based Learning in the Classroom: Setup, Integration and Reflection˝ in Berlin tend ˝Gamification- create your game based class˝ in Barcelona) and three job-shadowing visits (schools: Fundación escuelas Jado de Erandio, Spain; Paedagogische Hochschule Wien, Austria and Istituto Comprensivo Statale di Codogno, Italy. The project combines practical and theoretical experiences and improves both new knowledge and those acquired as previous project outcomes and institutional internationalization.
The project team comprises of the school headmaster, the school pedagogical advisor, a mathematics and IT teacher, a biology and chemistry teacher and three English language teachers (one of which works in two elementary schools and two of which teach in boat primary and secondary education) and one primary teacher. Half of the project team members are experienced members, both teachersmentors and teachers-advisers who had previously taken part in one or both Erasmus projects of the school and who have brought a certain level of competence to the project; however, they have also taken advantage of the opportunity for further professional development end growth. The other half of the team are young colleagues who are taking part in project for the first time, creating a significant school resource in line with the long-term objectives of the school and long-term project results sustainability.
The project comprises of topics targeting the institution quality and the complete school development with additional focus on raising the quality of curriculum and the extra-curriculum programmes of the school both for the pupils students and the staff, enforcing modern educational methods and innovative curriculum.
By taking part in this project and reaching its objectives, the staff competences in planning and organising an adaptive innovative programme for learning together has been developed and so has it been implemented by use of innovative teaching and learning methods in regular and extracurricular classes. Furthermore, the project has significantly contributed to developing both key competences and transversal competences, mathematical literacy in particular, with both teachers and the students. By successfully taking part in mobilities in which they have acquired skills and knowledge, the teachers have been certified in achieving the project objectives in job shadowing activities and courses, Europass Mobility document and their institution’s certificate.
Ravnateljica: Sanja Čagalj, profesor politehnike
Check lista - priprema polaznika za mobilnost
Izraditi međunarodnu zdravstvenu iskaznicu Putno osiguranje Napraviti putni nalog Potpisati ugovor o dodjeli financijske potpore Potpisati MOBILITY AGREEMENT FOR SCHOOL STAFF Potpisati quality commitment Upoznavanje s programom po danima i obvezama Upoznavanje sa školom (web) i specifičnostima škole (JS) Upoznati obrazovni sustav Informirati se o kulturnim i društvenim aspektima Jezična priprema (stručna terminologija) Preuzeti dokumente od koordinatorice Pripremiti Turistički materijale RH, Dalmacije, Splita i poklone Dnevno vođenje bilješki Fotodokumentacija Zadnji dan preuzeti certifikat Provjeriti potpise na dokumentima Anketa u mobility tool Potpisati Europass Mobility dokument Ispuniti Europass passport Individualno pisano izvješće Prezentacija na projektnom sastanku Izrada plakata za projektni kutak Pismo zahvale školi Diseminacija
Primjeri didaktičkih scenarija članova projektnog tima: Iris Ljubica Olujić, Učiteljica engleskog i hrvatskog jezika
Engleski jezik, 5. razred Homes around the world ISHODI: OŠ (1) EJ A.5.4. Govori kratak i jednostavan tekst o domu i okolišu. OŠ (1) EJ C.5.6. Tumači informacije iz Google Maps aplikacije i svoga vlastitog iskustva za planiranje doma i okoliša. ISHODI MEĐUPREDMETNIH TEMA: Učiti kako učiti: A.3.2. Učenik se koristi kreativnošću za oblikovanje svojih ideja i pristupa rješavanju problema. Osobni i socijalni razvoj: B 2.4. Suradnički uči i radi u timu. AKTIVNOST: Učenici su do sada govorili o različitim ljudskim domovima. Imenuju dijelove kuće ili stana, namještaj i okoliš. Učenicima prikazujem fotografije različitih okoliša i domova u njima. Počinjem s dijelovima Republike Hrvatske i našim, primorskim zavičajem. Potičem ih da se prisjete zašto ljudi u različitim zavičajima žive u različitim kućama. Zatim im pokazujem iglue, plutajuće kuće na jezeru Titicaca, pustinjske gradove Sahare, slamnate kuće… Komentiramo izostanak pitke vode i električne energije na nekim mjestima. Zadatak – U skupini osmislite i usmeno predstavite najbolji mogući dom na ovome mjestu. Zadnja fotografija prikazuje zračnu snimku slabo izgrađene uvale jednog otoka u blizini. (Šolta – Donja Krušica). Na snimci se vidi pristupni put, morska obala, gustiš, uvala i nekoliko kuća. Učenici imaju zadatak da nacrtaju kuću u kojoj bi što kvalitetnije živjeli na ovome mjestu. S učenicima dijelim lokaciju parcele (Google Maps). Moraju uključiti informacije o: uvjetima života, položaju kuće, okolišu, poslu kojim bi se bavili.
Ne znaju da: Mjesto ima napajanje električnom energijom, ali nema vodovoda. Ne postoji javni prijevoz do mjesta. U njihovom je vlasništvu i vez o ribarskoj lučici. Na parceli je veliki maslinik. Mjesto je poželjna turistička destinacija. Informacije doznaju pregledom karte (vidljivi apartmani, lučica, stupovi za struju, maslinik) i međusobnim razgovorom (voda). Učenici surađuju i dogovaraju se kako će izgledati njihova kuća i okućnica. Predstavljaju razredu svoj odabir te odgovaraju na postavljena pitanja. Pitaju ostale učenike za dodatne informacije ili pojašnjenja, npr. How do you get to your house? Is there a garden? VREDNOVANJE KAO UČENJE: vršnjačko vrednovanje listom procjene +/+- /Ideja ima smisla.
Ideja je razrađena. Jasno govore. Pravilno govore. Znaju odgovoriti na pitanja.
https://www.tes.com/lessons/lQqVP7LizE6IUg/edit Engleski jezik, 2. razred Easter egg hunt ISHODI: OŠ (1) EJ A.2.2. Prepoznaje zapisanu ključnu riječ na temelju izgovorene. OŠ (1) EJ B.2.3. Pokazuje interes običaje i tradicije vršnjaka u zemljama ciljnoga jezika. ISHODI MEĐUPREDMETNIH TEMA: Građanski odgoj – C.1.1. Sudjeluje u zajedničkome radu u razredu. AKTIVNOST: Učenici su čuli da je u zemljama engleskog običaj tražnje lov na uskršnja jaja. Pitam ih da mi pomognu objasniti kako se to jaja „love“, tko sudjeluje u toj igri i slično. Pogađaju čemu služe brojke različitih boja na klupama i stolicama u učionici. Traže brojke, gledaju koji je red označen kojom bojom i uočavaju da su sve stolice jednog reda označene istom bojom, sve klupe drugom i tako u sva tri reda. Kreću se po učionici pokazujući i imenujući što vide slijedeći primjer učiteljice (This is red chair number one.). Primjećuju i neobične papiriće na zidu, prozoru, vratima te nekoliko igrački u učionici. Dijelim učenike u četiri skupine po četvoro učenika slučajnim odabirom. Zadatak – Slijedite tragove i pronađite skrivena uskršnja jaja. Slatkiši se kriju u mojoj, platnenoj torbi, položenoj na mojoj klupi koja do tada nije dio potrage za blagom.
Učenici surađuju i čitaju tragove koje pronalaze na označenim mjestima, zalijepljene s donje strane klupa i stolica. VREDNOVANJE KAO UČENJE: Učenici komentiraju jesu li dobro surađivali i slijedili pravila igre
Vini Ballarin Učiteljica razredne nastave
4.razred Priprava za nastavni sat Matematike Nastavna jedinica: Dekadske jedinice i mjesne vrijednosti znamenaka do 1000 000,obrada U uvodnom dijelu učenici su putem igre-kviza ponovili brojeve do 1000 000. Jedan kviz bio je za rad u paru,a drugi grupni. Glavni dio: Obrada Ponavljanje: učenici su za ponavljanje dobili igru KODIRANJA. Nakon odrađenog kodiranja,morali su svaki red pretvoriti u broj s dekatskim jedinicama i mjesnom vrijednosti znamenaka.( jedan kvadratić predstavlja vrijednost 100)
Priprava za sat Prirode i društva Nastavna jedinica: Povijesne i kulturne znamenitosti primorskog zavičaja- ponavljanje blok sat Uvodni dio: putem križaljke (learnning apps) ponovili smo o povijesnim i kulturnim znamenitostima primorskog zavičaja. Glavni dio: podjela u grupe(7) te izrada pp prezentacija vezano za 5 gradova po zaštitom UNESC-a s povijesnim znamenitostima i ličnostima, jedna grupa radi kviz na istu temu,a druga grupa puzzle o Splitu. Završni dio: prezentacija radova
Ivana BokavĹĄek UÄ?iteljica engleskog jezika
Europeana Learning Scenario Title Advertising experts Author(s) Ivana BokavĹĄek Abstract Living in the 21st century without developed critical thinking is not easy. Teenagers deal with a bunch of advertising, targeting them as the most important consumer group, and are often highly influenced by various advertisements. Young people are usually not fully aware of the good and bad sides of advertising and its historic influence on a society which dates back to the beginning of the 20th century and the period of the industrial revolution. This learning scenario leads to students searching for examples of ads, using the Europeana platform. Moreover, students learn and talk about advertising when answering specific questions. Finally, based on what they learnt, students make their own advertisements in OneNote digital notebook, using Adobe Spark Post. Keywords Teaching English, Consumerism, Critical Thinking, Visual art, Digital competence skills
Table of summary
Table of summary Subject
Topic Age of students Preparation time Teaching time Online teaching material Offline teaching material Europeana resources used
English language Art History ICT Croatian language Advertising 13 30’ 110’ OneNote – each student has their own section where they post their work. The teacher can see, monitor and assess students’ work one by one. Adobe Spark Post – for making digital posters and webpage (advertisements) /
Old advertisements Model advertisement
Licenses Attribution CC BY. Integration into the curriculum Some recommended topics for 13-year-old students in English curriculum in Croatia are: The world around me and Technology including functions as: understanding the world of technology and creative expression through choosing and explaining the choice of picked information from different sources. It also refers to development of critical thinking. Aim of the lesson Students will be able to search, filter and choose the right information using Internet browser and Europeana platform, make their own digital poster or a website representing their fictional “product”, present it at its best, recognize good and bad sides of advertising. Outcome of the lesson Students make a digital advertisement of their fictional “product” in order to present its value. Trends Student centered learning: students at their own pace do the task at home and ask the teacher for help or advice using OneNote digital notebook. Peer-learning: students learn from each other by listening, watching and assessing their peers’ work. Assessment: Students assess peers’ presentation skills using a rubric made for that activity.
21st century skills Creativity, collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, technology literacy, productivity and responsibility.
Activities Name of activity
Warm up
Teacher shows an advertisement using Europeana Collections platform 5’ to present an example of the advertisement from the beginning of the 20th century. Teacher elicits some students’ answers by questions: What does it advertise? Which is the targeting group? Which decade is it from? Which information does it give? What are good and bad sides of this ad?
Searching Europeana
Teacher shows students the content of Europeana homepage and how 15’ to navigate through menu and different tabs. Teacher gives students the instructions to search for an older advertisement on Europeana Collections to find a certain ad they like to present and explain why they have chosen it. After choosing the item they want, they need to answer the same questions they answered in the warm-up activity.
Creating advertisements
Teacher gives the task to students to make their own digital poster or 30’ website using Adobe Spark Post presenting their fictional “product” giving following information: the name of product, the name of the brand, the characteristic features of the product, the targeting group of possible clients, the price and a catchy slogan. They need to paste the work in the page of their OneNote section in order to have it reviewed by teacher and to fill in their portfolio. Students present their work to their classmates who act as their 40’ possible “clients”. Teacher monitors the process of presentation taking notes of each of them. Students, according to the rubric for oral presentation, give their 20’ feedback and opinion on the peer presentations.
Assessment Rubric used for peer assessment and summative assessment by the teacher (Annex) ******************************* AFTER IMPLEMENTATION ********************************
Student feedback Students give the teacher feedback through a conversation about the lesson.
Teacher’s remarks / About the Europeana DSI-4 project Europeana is Europe’s digital platform for cultural heritage, providing free online access to over 53 million digitised items drawn from Europe’s museums, archives, libraries and galleries. The Europeana DSI-4 project continues the work of the previous three Europeana Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs). It is the fourth iteration with a proven record of accomplishment in creating access, interoperability, visibility and use of European cultural heritage in the five target markets outlined: European Citizens, Education, Research, Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage Institutions. European Schoolnet (EUN) is the network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, EUN aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. European Schoolnet’s task in the Europeana DSI-4 project is to continue and expand the Europeana Education Community
Presentation skills/Speech
Vocabulary (a brand, a catchy slogan, to entertain, advertise, commercials, ads) Creativity
Content completely correct. Student shows a thorough preparation of the topic. Topic is clearly presented; examples relevant; information in logical order; clear conclusion and natural transitions.
Content mostly correct. Student shows a good preparation of the topic. Most information is in logical order; topic and conclusion present; some transitions are sudden and illogical.
Some information correct but some out of topic. Student shows some preparation of the topic. Concepts and ideas are weakly connected; lacks transitions; topic and conclusion not clear almost at all.
The audience's attention is completely captured. A great deal of visual effects but not interrupting the attention. Clear and confident speech, and does not mispronounce any words. The use of grammar parts: Present Continuous, Future Simple Tense, Going to are accurately used.
Interesting to watch. Used some visual effects. Clearly and confident speech most of the time, and mispronounces some words. The use of grammar parts: Present Continuous, Future Simple Tense, Going to are accurately used most of the time.
Sometimes interesting. Rare visual effects. Speech sometimes unclear. Very often pronunciation mistakes. The use of grammar parts: Present Continuous, Future Simple Tense, Going to are not accurately used most of the time.
Confusing ideas lead to lack of understanding of the topic. Some information not relevant. Presentation does not flow; no apparent logic to order of the information; no conclusion and transitions. The point of the presentation often confusing. Lack of visual effects. Speech often incomprehensible, and audience frequently not interested. Mispronounce words almost all the time. The use of grammar parts: Present Continuous, Future Simple Tense, Going to are not accurately used.
Uses key vocabulary. Extends vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the audience.
Uses key vocabulary. Includes one or two words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them.
Uses key vocabulary. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience.
Doesn't use key vocabulary. Uses simple words that everyone understands or overcomplicated words which noone can follow. Student does not comprehend the used words.
Very original presentation. Student uses the unexpected moments/facts to catch the audience’s attention. The text does not prevail, there are just guiding speech prompts.
Some originality present; good variety of materials and method of presenting. Student uses more text in the presentation than guiding speech prompts.
Presentation is plain and monotonous. There are often repetitive parts/ideas. Student uses the great amount of text in the presentation. There are just fewer guiding speech prompts.
Presentation is repetitive; scarce original ideas or completely lacks of original ideas. The text is literally copied from used sources. There are not any guiding speech prompts.
EUROPEANA: https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/learning-scenarios/advertising-experts-en-cur388/?fbclid=IwAR1MG76bjjBUx6mb77CY93OiycIQXtKIfKIfVaXoxJr568lLkKQ17rdTQPA
Ivana Bokavšek, English teacher Students: Grade 6
Diocletian’s palace, Field class:
“The Best Offer”
Cross-curricular field class: English, History and Citizenship Education Students: age 12 Place: Diocletian’s palace Planned time: 2 classes (90 minutes) Learning outcomes & working procedure: * students use mobile phone to scan QR code * students solve the riddle in QR code * students collect data on the given topic * students use English language to present their project to teachers in a role-play based group work. Students play the role of a fictive "tourist agency" and teachers play the role of "tourists". * students prepare and make a poster working in a team according to the assessment rubric * students use digital app (Adobe Spark Poster) and mobile phone to make a poster * students make a presentation of their hometown famous sights in order to make a real tourist offer according to the given clues. * students use their knowledge of history and civilization to represent Diocletian’s palace at its best * students compete in a challenge to win a prize and pitched “client’s deal” * teachers need to choose which group is the winner according to the assessment rubric
The assessment rubric
Student shows a deep understanding of topic presenting the content following given clues. Examples are relevant; information in logical order; conclusion clear and transitions smooth.
Student shows a good understanding of topic following mostly given clues. Most information is in logical order; topic and conclusion present; some transitions choppy.
Some information accurate but some off topic. Student shows some understanding of topic. Concepts and ideas are loosely connected; lacks transitions; topic and conclusion vague.
Uses vocabulary that is appropriate for the audience and related to the subject. Extends audience vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the audience.
Uses vocabulary that is appropriate for the audience. Includes one or two words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them.
Uses vocabulary that is appropriate for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience.
Student shows no real understanding of topic. Some information not relevant. Presentation does not flow; no apparent logic to order of the information; no topic and few conclusions and transitions. Uses simple words that everyone understands or overcomplicated specialized words which no-one can follow.
Captured the attention of the audience. Great variety and use of visual aids. Clear, articulate and confident speech, and does not mispronounce any words.
Interesting to watch. Used a variety of visual aids effectively. Spoke clearly and confidently most of the time, and mispronounces fewer than five words.
Very original presentation; content mostly original; uses the unexpected to catch audience’s attention
Some originality present; good variety of materials and method of presenting.
Sometimes interesting. Some visual aids. Speech sometimes unclear. There is eye contact and facial expression. Mispronounces more than five words. Presentation is onesided and monotonous.
Information difficult to follow. Few visual aids. Speech often incomprehensible, and audience frequently lost interest. Mispronounce words. Presentation is repetitive; little or no originality.
All learners participate enthusiastically and equally; learners have clear roles that are performed effectively.
Most learners participate actively and share responsibility; roles not always clear or adhered to.
Half of learners participate actively and share responsibility; roles unclear.
One or two group members do most of the work; responsibility not shared and roles non-existent.
Katarina Sablić Učiteljica matematike
Skittles U posudi je ukupno 200 Skittlesa u 7 različitih boja: Žuti
Pravila igre: Nakon što popune donju tablicu, sudionici izvlače po jedan Skittles i za boju koju izvuku kažu kolika je vjerojatnost izvlačenja upravo te boje i postotak bombona te boje u posudi. Boja bombona
Vjerojatnost izvlačenja
Postotak udjela
Žuta Roza Zelena Ljubičasta Narančasta Plava Crvena
Današnji zadaci grupe su: 1. Odabrati vođu grupe koji će, u slučaju nejasnoća, doći do mene s konkretnim pitanjem. 2. Svakom članu grupe dati novinski članak koji ga/ju zanima. 3. Svaki od članova mora pronaći najmanje tri vrijednosti za (obrnutu) proporcionalnost koja se u članku spominje. Možete uvoditi svoje mjerne jedinice, parametre ili bilo što drugo što smatrate potrebnim za brojčano prikazati ono što se u članku navodi. Vrijednosti mogu biti izmišljene, ali izračuni s koeficijentima MORAJU biti točni. 4. Grafički prikazati svoj rezultat (uredno i precizno!). 5. Provjeriti ispravnost između sebe. 6. Prezentirati i obrazložiti svoje zaključke.
Prilikom procesa se, lijepo molim, pokušajte što tiše dogovarati i svoje članke držite za sebe (da druge grupe ne znaju koje članke ste odabrali i što radite).
Voldemort – potraga za nosom Podijelite se u 4 grupe po 7 igrača. Svaka grupa dobiva svoj koordinatni sustav. U trenutku kada vam je dodijeljen koordinatni sustav postajete Voldemort i u potrazi ste za svojim nosom. Igra kreće od ishodišta koordinatnog sustava i kretanje je dopušteno samo po označenim malim točkama, u svim smjerovima, najviše 4 polja od vaše trenutne pozicije. Koordinate kojima prolazite zapisujete u donjoj tablici i nije dopušteno prolaziti istim točkama više od jednom. Nos se nalazi ispod jednog od prozorčića na kojem su upisane koordinate velikih točaka. Cilj igre je pronaći ispod koje od velikih točaka se nalazi vaš nos. Ukoliko ispod prozorčića ne bude nos biti će vam zadan jedan zadatak i ako ga netočno rješite zamijeniti će vas drugi član ekipe.
Fadila Zoranić StruÄ?ni suradnik pedagog
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/learningdesigner/viewer.php?uri=/personal/CroFaZo/designs/fid/c53e22db0fa461f8906d4210be9672830 a0ec3de110e915afc918151f52241b7 Reconstructing schoolyard
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/learningdesigner/viewer.php?uri=/personal/CroFaZo/designs/fid/35f4c9782d163dd9fae7b0f8190ff597f7a 3db1bddcc4521acb216214411989f
Learning Design for: Reconstructing schoolyard Context Topic: Cross-curricular Total learning time: 1 hour and 45 minutes Designed learning time: 1 hour and 45 minutes Size of class: 24 Description: 11-year old elementary school students Mode of delivery: Classroom-based
Aims - developing problem-solving skills - introducing financial literacy - developing entrepreneurial thinking - developing social skills
Outcomes Psychomotor skills: - spatial reasoning and orientation Affective learning outcomes: - awareness of importance of school environment - awareness of proactive approach to introducing change in environment Produce (Application): - drafted plan of elements of schoolyard - drafted budget for schoolyard reconstruction Comprehension: - identify cause and effect relations in budget management - identify possible risks in budgetmanagement Teaching-Learning activities Introduction Investigate 15 minutes
24 students
Tutor is not available F2F
During the recess the students conduct interviews in the schoolyard. The aim is to find out to what extent are students satisfied wit the school environment and the facilities in the schoolyard. Each student shall conduct 5 interviews. Q: What would they change? How to make the school environment more interesting? Notes Students could make some photo and they can send it to teacher for further activities. Group work - common list Collaborate 10 minutes
24 students
Tutor is available
Students work in groups to record collected data in worksheets. The data are classified according to 1-5 scale. Suggestions for improvement from other students are copied into worksheets. Data analysis Discuss
10 minutes
24 students
Tutor is available
The collected results are analysed and ideas for improvements are discussed (facilities, identified problems, proposed solutions). The concepts are recorded on magnetic cards and placed on map of school building and schoolyard. Produce
10 minutes
24 students
Tutor is available
Student produce list of facilities ( 5 ) and thedecide about price of each (5000 - 10000 $). With teacher agree how many of each could be possible to buy (one or two, not more) Budgeting Practice
30 minutes
24 students
Tutor is available
Students work in groups, each of which represents a company. Each group is allocated a budget (20.000 $) they can spend on facilities, put into savings or take loans from the bank. If they decide to put their money into savings, they get 20% interest. If they decide to take a loan, they have to pay 30% interest. Additional budget can be gained by developing additional ideas for activities in the schoolyard in the following categories: - volunteering - charity events - fun and entertainment activities
Notes Teacher "plays" the bank Summary Produce
30 minutes
24 students
Tutor is not available Online
Student produce report about managing the budget at home and share it on Edmodo Representations of the learning experience
Learning through
Acquisition (Read, Watch, Listen)
Learning Design for: Storytelling Context Topic: English Language Total learning time: 2 hours Designed learning time: 2 hours Size of class: 20 Description: 11 year old student make a digital Story in Book Creator Mode of delivery: Classroom-based
Aims - enhance collaboration and teamwork - developing storytelling skills - developing digital skills
Outcomes Knowledge: students will be able to describe the drawing Application: students will be able to apply knowledge of writing a description plan will be able to use adjectives Evaluation: they will value their work and that of their peers Affective learning outcomes: a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment Knowledge: they be able to describe drawing they be able to make slides
Teaching-Learning activities Introduction Collaborate 10 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
The class is divided in 5 groups. Every group has the same task, (the numbers are different). They have to crack code (3 numbers) following instructions. (see attached resource). Whoever finishes first chooses first the next task ( coloring packs from apps QUIVER). Linked resources File: introduction.docx Writing plan Discuss
5 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
From the packs (4 pages) which they have chosen, they make story plan, sorting pages in order 1-4. They discuss about order of pages and start with making sentences for the story Practice
15 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
Students color the drawing and animate them with Quiver apps. It helps them to get more ideas about describing of the drawings. They can make photos with a school tablets. Produce
20 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
Student produce text of the story, using mandatory list from classroom walls: adjectives (at least 15) , verbs (5) and activities relating to summer. Collaborate
10 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
Students sort a material for story: photos of drawing, sentences and photos of animated pages with Quiver. Making a digital story Read Watch Listen 10 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
20 students
Tutor is available
Techer give instruction about using app Produce
20 minutes
Students make pages of story in Book Creator app adding prepared material, with help of teacher.
Presentation Read Watch Listen 15 minutes
Tutor is available
Representative of each group present to the other the story and read the text. Evaluation Discuss
15 minutes
20 students
Tutor is available
Teacher and students evaluate a process. They express their feelings. How they felt, what was interesting, what they have learned, have they got any problem and how they solved it...
Representations of the learning experience
Acquisition (Read, Watch, Listen)
Learning through
Antonia Drlje UÄ?iteljica engleskog jezika
Engleski jezik, 2. Razred Subject: English language, Biology, ICT
Age of students: 8 years Topic: Jobs Teaching time: 90 min (collaboration with class teacher) Online teaching material: LearningApps Offline teaching material: book, workbook Aim of the lesson: students will be able to revise the jobs that are coomon in their region. They will be able name the jobs and describe them in their mother tongue. They will name the jobs in English language and match the definition to the job in English language. Outcome of the lesson: They will work in groups and create a quiz using LearningApps.
Activities: - Warm up Students revise the jobs, they name the pictures showing certain job. They pin the pictures to the blackboard. Students flip the wordcards with the names of the jobs and then match them to the pictures on the blackboard. Students use simple sentences to describe a job (A teacher teaches pupils.; A vet helps animals. ...)
- Main part Students are divided in groups and are given tablets. They log in to LearningApps and choose a type of a task they want to create (multiple choice quiz, guess the word, matching pairs, ...) In groups they work on their task and are supervised by the teacher. Time frame for this activity is 45-50 minutes. Students save their task with the help of their teacher. - End of the lesson Teacher evaluates the tasks. Teacher projects the quizes one by one to a whiteboard and students come to the board to solve the task. Assessment and evaluation: students comment and choose the best quiz, express their opinion on working in groups and using tablets and LearnigApp
Engleski jezik 6. i 7. Razred
eTwinning project Local Value is European Heritage
Description of the project The key point of understanding the importance of European projects, by which the awareness of the European cultural heritage is promoted, is local heritage.
Localities, especially the ones on the UNESCO list, have enormous importance for European society and civilization as well as understanding of European citizen dimension. The development of the important site through various historical phases includes also knowing the language and customs of the people and it is the part of the European Union. By this project, a bigger knowledge of cultural, social, historical and language diversity will be gained as well as the same thing that connects us – development of students' entrepreneurship skills in promoting European cultural heritage.
Goals In this project it is planned to achieve several goals: developing of students' team work skills, in other words, teach them to take responsibility for their role in the team and to work by the team work rules. Their entrepreneurship skills in promoting cultural heritage of their and partner's locality, presentation skills and retelling the stories will develop through this project. Use of English as a working language and the mutual communication language make their language competence far much better. Successful use of digital tools is necessary to present their work and this way their creativity and digital literacy will improve.
Searching for the information about a certain topic, and it is about a certain site in partner's country, and presenting that site more precisely they can, develops students' curiosity and interest for getting more knowledge about different culture and people. Evolving of awareness about the importance of belonging to their own and at the same time European society is ultimate goal.
Expected results The results of each activity will be presented on the project Twinspace. The results are: various digital work (posters, brochures, digital stories, videos, QR codes, digital timelines, digital maps, web page and evaluation forms) and project corners in partners’ schools where students’ work will be exhibited along with the description of the project. As it is planned in the school curriculum to reinforce extracurricular activities, existing extracurricular activities, as English Club and Spinut Online, will become richer in their content and attractive to students by developing students’ digital and language competencies gained in the eTwinning project. It will be suggested to continue this successful cooperation by establishing a new eTwinning project or Erasmus+ project.
Working procedure Project lasts for one year. Five activities are planned to be finished including two additional ones Europe Day and European Day of Languages. Deadline for each activity is one month.
Project timeline Project began with a video meeting when two teams, Croatian and Lithuanian teachers met and talked about the first project activity. Geographical activity was the first one and it was done flipped way. Lithuanian students represented Croatia and Split and Croatian students made a presentation on Lithuania and Kaunas. The short video talks about geographical position, population, climate, relief and economical resources. The video was made by students with the help of their geography teacher.
Along with this task, students made a logo representing our project. Each country made its own best logo, and then we made a poster with three best logos. That poster became common project logo. At this point our project expanded with the team of teachers and students from Spain. The 2nd project activity was history of our countries. Each team created a digital timeline representing some basic history features of our countries and our home towns. Croatian timeline of our town Split from pre-historic time until today was made in digital tool Sutori and students made it with the help of their history teacher.
Additional activity was about Europe Day & eTwinning Day. A big board with some information about our eTwinning project which represents our European cooperation and friendship was put in an eTwinning corner at our school. Third activity was representing a local famous sight. Students had to make a QR Code of their local (town) famous sight containing a riddle with informational clues about that sight. The partner students had to guess which sight it is and write their answers in common Padlet. Students had to upload their answers. At this point teachers joined their students to Twinspace to celebrate the European Day of Languages. Students and teachers from all three countries, participated in online meeting. Students met each other, introduced themselves, talked about their way of learning foreign languages and the importance of being able to communicate in different languages. They suggested different ways how to improve foreign language skills and in the end they exchange few basic expressions in their own languages.
The next activity was music. Students had to represent a local/traditional music piece, musical instruments, the way of singing, playing music or dancing. In other words everything that makes local music recognizable and distinctive and that way a part of European common culture. Students completed this activity with the help of their music teacher. In the fifth activity students exchanged letters and Christmas cards with Lithuanian and Spanish friends, in which they presented each other's Christmas traditions and customs. Students learnt about interesting activities people in Lithuania and Spain do during Advent and about the ways they celebrate Christmas. Students enjoyed preparing and performing all the activities during this project. This activity was made with the help of religion teacher. The 6th activity was to represent typical local food of some importance whether it is historical, geographical, conditioned by climate or it is popular among your local community traditionally. Students chose our traditional dessert- fritule. They made a digital story with receipe and detailed procedure how to prepare this dessert in a digital tool StoryJumper. This activity was made with the help of school pedagogue.
Nina Stričević Učiteljica kemije i biologije
Detaljna priprema za nastavni sat
Nastavni predmet: Biologija Razred: sedmi Nastavna tema: Građa živih bića Nastavna jedinica Biljna i životinjska stanica - Izrada modela stanice Predviđeni broj sati za realizaciju teme : blok sat Cilj sata Usvajanje znanja o građi biljne i životinjske stanice, kao i uloge pojedinih organela Ključni pojmovi Stanica,jezgra, citoplazma, stanična membrana, stanična stjenka, kloroplasti, vakuola, mitihondriji Povezanost s nastavnim predmetima: OŠ HJ A.8.3. - Učenik čita tekst, prosuđuje značenje teksta i povezuje ga s prethodnim znanjem i iskustvom - OŠ HJ A.8.3. - Učenik čita tekst, prosuđuje značenje teksta i povezuje ga s prethodnim znanjem i iskustvom.
FIZ OŠ ABCD.7.10. - Istražuje fizičke pojave. LK OŠ A.7.1. Učenik istražuje i interpretira različite sadržaje oblikujući ideje koje izražava služeći se likovnim i vizualnim jezikom Međupredmetne teme: ikt A.3.2. Učenik se samostalno koristi raznim uređajima i programima. uku A.3.3. Kreativno mišljenje Učenik samostalno oblikuje svoje ideje i kreativno pristupa rješavanju problema. uku D.3.2. Suradnja s drugima Učenik ostvaruje dobru komunikaciju s drugima, uspješno surađuje u različitim situacijama i spreman je zatražiti i ponuditi pomoć Ishodi učenja: BIO OŠ D.7.1 primjenjuje osnovna načela znanstvene metodologije i objašnjava dobivene rezultate BIO OŠ D.7.1 Uspoređuje različite vrste u živom svijetu
a) Vrednovanje za učenje: Aktivnost 3-2-1: Dragi učenici procijenite svoje znanje nakon sata na temu: Kemijska svojstva tvari
I. Tri informacije koje mislim da znam: 1. 2. 3.
II. Dvije informacije koje su mi nejasne/ ne znam ih: 1. 2.
III. Jednu informaciju u koju sam potpuno siguran/na 1.
Vrednovanje naučenog Lista procjene rada u PARU Vrednovanje naučenog : Rubrike za vrednovanje
Tijek nastavnog sata Uvodni dio: Uvodni dio: Učenici rade u paru. Svaki par učenika od učitelja dobije omotnicu u kojoj se nalazi slagalica (engl. Puzzle) koja prikazuje sliku biljne, odnosno životinjske stanice. Slagalica se, ovisno o želji učenika, može riješiti preko mobilnih uređaja - on line Obrada sadržaja: Prateći upute s nastavnog listića učenici od različitih materijala izrađuju modele stanica prema predlošku koji su sastavili na početku sata.
Završni dio sata: Učenici prezentiraju svoje radove i ocjenjuju se međusobno prema rubrici za ocjenjivanje. Čitaju tekst u udžbeniku o ulogama pojedinih dijelova i u paru izrađuju konceptualnu mapu. Sat završite popunjavanjem izlazne kartice 3-2-1. Na temelju dobivenih informacija pojasnite učenicima pojmove i zadatke koji su im nejasni. Pitanja za provjeru ostvarenosti obrazovnih ishoda: Koja je zadaća jezgre? Koja je zadaća citoplazme? Koja je zadaća mitohondrija? Koja je zadaća kloroplasta? Koja je zadaća vakuole? Koja je zadaća stanične membrane? Koja je zadaća stanične stijenke?
Prijedlozi vanjskih izvora literature: Kurikulum nastavnog predmeta Biologija za osnovne škole i gimnazije (2019) MZO (2017) Prijedlog okvira za vrednovanje procesa i ishoda učenja u osnovnoškolskom i srednjoškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju
RADNI LISTOVI Nastavni listić 1 – upute za izradu modela stanice građa stanica (model) Potreban pribor i materijal: računalo, plastelin, glinamol, stiropor, plastični balon, lopte, poklopci, tempera boje za slikanje, flomasteri, žica, uže, kartonske kutije i dr.
Opis aktivnosti: -
Učenici će izraditi modele različitih stanica – navedenih u tablici. Broj modela koji će
učenici izraditi ovisi o željama i sposobnostima učenika. -
Aktivnost završava fotografiranjem učeničkih radova
Tablica za vrednovanje u paru: Elementi
treba popraviti
1. Svaki učenik (u paru) je odradio svoj dio zadatka. 2. Podjela zadataka u paru je bila dobro osmišljena. 3. Tijekom rada smo surađivali. 4. Zadatak je obavljen u zadanom vremenu. 5. Zadatak je uspješno obavljen. 6. Osjećao/osjećala sam se sigurno radeći u paru. 7. Opet bih sudjelovao/sudjelovala u ovakvoj aktivnosti.
Istraživački rad: ikt A.3.2. Učenik se samostalno koristi raznim uređajima i programima. uku D.3.2. Suradnja s drugima. Zadaće stanica Potreban pribor i materijal: računalo, literatura, nastavni listić – tablica
Opis aktivnosti: -
Učenici će pronaći podatke o zadaći/zadaćama stanica navedenih u tablici, koristeći se
literaturom i/ili digitalnim izvorima. Podatke, u obliku natuknica, treba upisati u tablicu. stanica
Detaljna priprema za nastavni sat Nastavni predmet: Kemija Razred: osmi Nastavna tema: Prirodni i umjetni polimeri Nastavna jedinica Sapuni i deterdženti Predviđeni broj sati za realizaciju teme : blok sat Cilj sata Usvajanje znanja o kemijskom sastavu, građi i djelovanju sapuna i deterdženata Ključni pojmovi Sapuni, deterdženti, hidrofilni i hidrofobni dio molekule, saponifikacija, micela Povezanost s nastavnim predmetima: OŠ HJ A.8.3. - Učenik čita tekst, prosuđuje značenje teksta i povezuje ga s prethodnim znanjem i iskustvom - OŠ HJ A.8.3. - Učenik čita tekst, prosuđuje značenje teksta i povezuje ga s prethodnim znanjem i iskustvom. FIZ OŠ ABCD.7.10. - Istražuje fizičke pojave. BIO OŠ B.7.2. - Analizira utjecaj životnih navika i rizičnih čimbenika na zdravlje organizma ističući važnost prepoznavanja simptoma bolesti i pravovremenoga poduzimanja mjera zaštite Ishodi učenja: KEM OŠ A.8.1 Primjenjuje kemijsko nazivlje i simboliku za opisivanje sastava tvari. - Razlikuje sapune i deterdžente KEM OŠ A.8.2. Povezuje građu tvari s njihovim svojstvima. -
Opisuje građu sapuna i deterdženata Uspoređuje formule sa njihovim svojstvima Razlikuje hidrofilni od hidrofobnog dijela molekule sapuna.
KEM OŠ A.8.3. Kritički razmatra upotrebu tvari i njihov utjecaj na čovjekovo zdravlje i okoliš. - Opisuje pojam saponifikacije KEM OŠ D.8.1. Povezuje rezultate i zaključke istraživanja s konceptualnim spoznajama. -
Opisuje pokuse u okviru koncepata Tvari, Promjene i procesi i Energija.
Primjena usvojenog gradiva u rješavanju problemskih zadataka
KEM OŠ D.8.3.Uočava zakonitosti uopćavanjem podataka prikazanih tekstom, crtežom, modelima, tablicama i grafovima. -
Interpretira različite vrste brojčanih, tabličnih i grafičkih podataka te prenosi jednu vrstu prikaza u drugu.
Vrednovanje: b) Vrednovanje kao učenje: Lista procjene za samovrednovanje i vršnjačko vrednovanje tijekom rada u skupinama Elementi Jesi li zadovoljan/zadovoljna osobnim doprinosom izvršenju zadatka?
Je li svaki član tima dao maksimalan doprinos izvršenju zadatka? Je li ti ovakav način rada zanimljiv i koristan? Jeste li zajedno donosili odluke? Navedi prijedloge za daljnji rad i poboljšanje. c) Vrednovanje naučenog: - Opažanje učeničkih aktivnosti tijekom individualnog rada i rada u skupini Rubrika: Vrednovanje naučenog ELEMENTI U POTPUNOSTI OPIS POKUSA
Jasno opisani koraci izvođenja pokusa
Radni stol je uredan, odlično organiziran i pregledan.
Učenik u potpunosti izvodi pokus u skladu s radnim uputama i pravilno koristi zaštitnu opremu.
RAZINE OSTVARENOSTI KRITERIJA DJELOMIČNO POTREBNO DORADITI Nedostaju neki Nejasan postupak dijelovi opisa izvođenja pokusa. pokusa. Radni stol je uredan, Radni stol je no mogao bi biti neuredan, nedovoljno bolje organiziran organiziran i i pregledniji. nepregledan. Učenik u potpunosti Učenik u potpunosti ne izvodi pokus u ne izvodi pokus u skladu s radnim skladu s radnim uputama i pravilno uputama i ne koristi koristi zaštitnu pravilno ili uopće opremu. zaštitnu opremu.
Aparatura kojom se izvodi pokus ispravno je složena.
Učenik u potpunosti skicira i bilježi opažanja i zaključak pokusa
i/ili Učenik u potpunosti izvodi pokus u skladu s radnim uputama ali ne koristi pravilno ili uopće zaštitnu opremu. Aparatura kojom se Aparatura kojom se izvodi pokus izvodi pokus nije djelomično je točno točno složena. složena. Učenik djelomično skicira i bilježi opažanja i zaključak pokusa.
Učenik ne skicira i ne bilježi opažanja i zaključak pokusa.
d) Vrednovanje za učenje: Aktivnost 3-2-1: Dragi učenici procijenite svoje znanje nakon sata na temu: Kemijska svojstva tvari
I. Tri informacije koje mislim da znam: 1. 2. 3.
II. Dvije informacije koje su mi nejasne/ ne znam ih: 1. 2.
III. Jednu informaciju u koju sam potpuno siguran/na 1.
Tijek nastavnog sata Uvodni dio: Temu možete započeti tako da učenicima kao izvornu stvarnost pokažete posudu s pepelom drveta i, a kroz razgovor oni će opisivati fizikalna i kemijska svojstva tvari. Zatim ulijte vodu u taj pepeo i opet metodom razgovora i diskusije prisjetite se primjena pepela kroz povijest, pa sve do današnjih dana..
Babilonci oko 2800 godina prije Krista koristili mješavinu masti i pepela za čišćenje pamuka i vune. Oko 1000 godina pr. Kr. u Starom Rimu odjeća se prala u rijeci Tiber, koja je sadržavala masti i pepeo radi prinošenja životinjskih žrtava. U srednjem vijeku, posebice 14 st. ljudi su umirali zbog slabe higijene. Prikažite im se prezentaciju „Sapuni i deterdženti“ na poveznici https://carnetmy.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/nina_stricevic_skole_hr/EWteRSsMKQxCu1EkiW2gkFYBBFK GDMPAU2Zamnijynif0w?e=PY2ozq Obrada sadržaja: Sapune dobivamo procesom saponifikacije. Uz pomoć učenika na ploči se zapisuje reakcija saponifikacije, Za proizvodnju tvrdog sapuna koristi se natrijeva lužina, za proizvodnju mekih sapuna koristi se kalijeva lužina. U vodenoj otopini sapuna dolazi do odvajanja kationa i anionskog ostatka sapuna.. Pomoću prezentacije im se pokaže na koji način anionski dio sapunske molekule djeluje na prljavštinu. Diskusijom učenici zaključuju sa su sapuni bolje topljivi u mekoj vodi poput kišnice, deionizirane i destilirane vode. Zato su nekoć domaćice radije skupljale kišnicu nego sapunom prale rublje na potoku. U tvrdoj vodi potoka veća je količina kalcijevih iona zbog kojih se sapun taloži. Kod pranja u tvrdoj vodi jedan će se dio sapuna utrošiti na taloženje s kalcijem, a tek preostali dio koristit će se za pranje. Deterdženti se ne proizvode iz masti i ulja, već iz frakcija nafte. Metodom razgovora objasniti da su biološki nerazgradivi. Među važnijim dodacima deterdžentima bili su fosfati koji se danas ne koriste. Umjesto njih koriste se zeoliti. Zašto su se fosfati koristili? (Omekšavanje vode, sprječavanje nastanka kamenca u perilicama za rublje.) Jesu li fosfati otrovni? (Nisu.) Zašto je onda njihovo nakupljanje u vodotocima štetno? (Bujanje vodenog bilja, vode postaju neprozirne, u većim dubinama biljke trunu, neugodan miris.) .) Iznimno je važno da učenici razumiju kemijski sastav molekule deterdženta kako bi im bilo lakše shvatiti proces pranja deterdžentom. Metodom demonstracije i razgovora proučit ćemo djelovanje deterdženta na čestice masnoće i Kako će se molekule deterdženta orijentirati na površini vode. Hidrofobni rep anionskog dijela molekule deterdženta veže se s nečistoćama jer strukturom odgovara masnim česticama nečistoće. Hidrofilna glava se orijentira prema molekulama vode. Koja je posljedica vezanja molekula deterdženta za nečistoću? (Dolazi do formiranja kuglastih tvorbi s nečistoćom u središtu – micele. Formiraju kuglastu nakupinu, deterdženti nečistoću razbijaju na više manjih dijelova.) Svojom polarnom površinom micele se vežu za vodu i lako odlaze s mjesta pranja. Što se događa kada u vodi imamo više micela? (Na površini su polarne negativno nabijene glave, pa se zbog toga micele u vodi međusobno odbijaju.) Tražit ću od učenika da opet obrate pozornost na anionski dio molekule sapuna i anionski dio molekule deterdženta. Deterdžent umjesto karboksilne skupine sadrži skupinu koja potječe od jake kiseline. Demonstracijski izvesti pokus KOJA SREDSTVA BOLJE UKLJANJAJU NEČISTOĆU, SAPUNI ILI DETERDŽENTI? U jednoj čaši nalazi se 1 gram čvrstog sapuna, u drugoj čaši 1 gram deterdženta za pranje suđa. U obje čaše ulit ću vodovodne vode, te lagano promiješati staklenim štapićem. U čaši u kojoj se nalaze otopina sapuna i vodovodna voda ima manje pjene nego u čaši u kojoj se nalaze otopina deterdženta i vodovodna voda. Koja otopina će bolje uklanjati nečistoću? (Deterdžent bolje uklanja
nečistoću jer je u čaši s deterdžentom nastalo više pjene nego u čaši sa sapunom. Veća površina reaktanta, reakcija ide brže.) Metodom rasprave zaključiti kojim bi se još procesima mogao ubrzati proces uklanjanja nečistoća? U čaši u kojoj se nalaze otopina sapuna i vodovodne vode, voda je neprozirna. Zaključiti da reakcijom sapunskih aniona s mineralima (kalcij, magnezij) iz vodovodne vode nastaje netopljivi talog. Zašto je otopina deterdženta i vodovodne vode ostala bistra? (Otopina deterdženta i vodovodne vode je ostala bistra jer molekule deterdženta ne reagiraju s kalcijevim i magnezijevim ionima iz vodovodne vode.) Koji je još nedostatak sapuna kod uklanjanja nečistoća, osim što je lošiji od deterdženta? (Talog koji nastaje zbog reagiranja sapunskih aniona s mineralima iz vodovodne vode ostavlja nečistoću.) Što biste vi onda odabrali kad bi trebali ukloniti nečistoću? Što ako je nečistoća koju uklanjate krv, a ne masnoća? Može li to deterdžent ukloniti? (Može, upravo zato deterdžent ima puno sastojaka, među njima i enzime koji pomažu uklanjanju bjelančevinastih nečistoća kao što je krv. Zatim se učenici podijele u četiri grupe. Svaka grupa radi svoj pokus, bilježi zapažanja i zaključke. Nakon završetka praktičnog dijela sata predstavnik svake grupe izlaže njihov uradak, opisuje pokus i zaključke do kojih su došli. Nakon što budemo provjeravali pitanja prikažite animaciju koja pokazuje kako dolazi do privlačenja čestica kationa i anionskog dijela molekula sapuna na poveznici https://carnet-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/nina_stricevic_skole_hr/Ee_Vy9RwRNAgXzzM4Gk46UBUmwsL82-Csa9QLWvwxjibQ?e=mkLeKE
Završni dio sata: Učenici popunjavaju listu procjene za samovrednovanje i vršnjačko vrednovanje tijekom rada u skupinama. Učenici popunjavaju i tablicu u kojoj uspoređuju svojstva sapuna i deterdženata. Sat završite popunjavanjem izlazne kartice 3-2-1. Na temelju dobivenih informacija pojasnite učenicima pojmove i zadatke koji su im nejasni.
Plan učeničkog zapisa
Sapuni i deterdženti -
Sapuni natrijeve ili kalijeve soli viših masnih kiselina Nastaju saponifikacijom
Svojstva sapuna -
Nisu učinkoviti u tvrdim vodama. Otopine su sapuna lužnate. Biorazgradivi su.
Svojstva deterdženata -
Učinkoviti su i u tvrdim vodama. Otopine su deterdženata najčešće blago kisele do neutralne. Uglavnom nisu biorazgradivi. Dobivaju se iz nafte
Literatura Vladušić R., Pernar M., Šimičić S., 2015.: Kemija 8, udžbenik kemije za 8- razred osnovne škole, Profil, Zagreb Vladušić R., Pernar M., Šimičić S., 2015.: Kemija 8, radna bilježnica iz kemije za 8- razred osnovne škole, Profil, Zagreb Vladušić R., 2013.: U svijetu kemije 8, zbirka zadataka s rješenjima iz kemije za osmi razred osnovne škole, Profil, Zagreb
Pitanja za provjeru ostvarenosti obrazovnih ishoda: R1 Što su sapuni, a što deterdženti po svojem kemijskom sastavu? R1 Definiraj saponifikaciju. R1 Shematski prikaži pojednostavnjen model sapuna. R2 Objasni mehanizam pranja,te odabir. odgovarajućeg sredstva za pranje. R2 Koja su sredstva za pranje (sapuni ili deterdženti) manja opasnost za okoliš? Obrazloži odgovori. R3 S obzirom na to da je kosa proteinske građe, a vlasište točno određene kiselosti, prosudi jesu li sapuni li šamponi bolja sredstva za njihovo pranje. Detaljno obrazloži svoju procjenu. R3Zašto je otopina deterdženta i vodovodne vode ostala bistra, a sapuna zamućena? R3Jesu li deterdženti, ako nastaju iz frakcija nafte, biološki razgradivi?
Poveznice na multimedijske i interaktivne sadržaje: https://carnetmy.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/nina_stricevic_skole_hr/EWteRSsMKQxCu1EkiW2gkFYBBFK GDMPAU2Zamnijynif0w?e=PY2ozq https://carnet-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/nina_stricevic_skole_hr/Ee_Vy9RwRNAgXzzM4Gk46UBUmwsL82-Csa9QLWvwxjibQ?e=mkLeKE Prijedlozi vanjskih izvora literature: Kurikulum nastavnog predmeta Kemija za osnovne škole i gimnazije (2019) MZO (2017) Prijedlog okvira za vrednovanje procesa i ishoda učenja u osnovnoškolskom i srednjoškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju M. Sikirica, E-kemija za učenike osnovnih škola RADNI LISTOVI
1. Pokus Potreban pribor i kemikalije: - 3 epruvete - Kapaljke - Stalak za epruvete - Univerzalni pH indikator - Otopina drvenog pepela - Otopina sapuna - Otopina tekućeg sapuna - Fenolftalein
Tijek rada: 1.KORAK:Epruvete označimo brojevima. U prvu stavite otopinu pepela, u drugu otopinu sapuna, a u treću otopinu tekućeg sapuna. 2.KORAK: U sve tri epruvete dodaj komadić univerzalnog pH indikatora, a u epruvete označene brojevima 2 i 3 po nekoliko kapi fenolftaleina. Zabilježi opažanja: ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Kakav je pH ispitivanih otopina? ___________________________________________________________________________ Što su „tekući sapuni“ po kemijskom sastavu? __________________________________________________________________________
2. Pokus Potreban pribor i kemikalije: - Čaša - Epruvete - Vodovodna voda - Destilirana voda - Vodena otopina sapuna - Razrijeđena otopina sumporne kiseline - Otopina magnezijevog klorida
Tijek rada: 1.KORAK : Imate na raspolaganju vodovodnu vodu, sapun i komadić uprljane tkanine. tkaninu u vodu i pokušajte očistiti mrlju
Zabilježi opažanja: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Jeli se nečistoća uklonila? ___________________________________________________________________________
Predloži postupak kojim bi uklonio mrlju! ___________________________________________________________________________ Koji dio molekule sapuna ne sudjeluje u procesu pranja? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.KORAK: U svaku epruvetu ulij oko 1 mL vodene otopine sapuna. U prvu epruvetu stavi i mL vodovodne vode, u drugu 1 mL destilirane vode, treću 1 mL razrijeđene otopine sumporne kiseline, a u četiri 1 mL otopine magnezijevog klorida. Promiješaj snažno sadržaj svake epruvete i zabilježi opažanja. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ U kojoj epruveti je bilo najviše pjene? Što zaključujete? ___________________________________________________________________________ Kako količina otopljenih soli utječe na to? ___________________________________________________________________________ Ivana i Ante su dobili zadatak. Trebali su ukloniti masnu mrlju s odjeće. Oboje su na raspolaganju imali istu otopinu sapuna. Međutim, Ivana je u to vrijeme bila na ljetovanju i mogla je koristiti samo slanu vodu. Što misliš tko je imao više uspjeha u uklanjanju masnoća s tkanine. Objasni svoj zaključak! ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Promotri epruvetu a otopinom magnezijevog klorida i objasni zašto je došlo do zamućenja! ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
3. Pokus Potreban pribor i kemikalije: -
Čaša Otopina sapuna Otopina deterdženta Sumpor u prahu Vodovodna voda Žličica
Tijek rada: 1. KORAK:U obje čaše dodaj 80 ml vodovodne vode. Vrhom žlice uzmi sumpor u prahu. Pažljivo i ravnomjerno na površinu obje otopine pospi sumpora u prahu. Zabilježi opažanja! ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2.KORAK: U sredinu prve čaše kapni 4- 5 kapi otopine sapuna. Zabilježi opažanja! ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Vodena otopina sapuna __________________________ površinsku napetost. U sredinu druge čaše kapni 4- 5 kapi otopine deterdženta. Zabilježi opažanja! ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Vodena otopina deterdženta _______________________ površinsku napetost.
4. Pokus Potreban pribor i kemikalije: -
Izmrvljeni čvrsti sapun za ruke Tekući sapun Deterdžent za pranje posuđa Deterdžent za pranje odjeće Vodovodna voda Fenolftalein Stalak s četiri epruvete Četiri staklena štapića Univerzalni indikatorski papir Satno stakalce
Tijek rada:: NAPOMENA: Za svaku epruvetu koristi drugi stakleni štapić. Ovaj korak je bitan za dobivanje točnih rezultata pokusa. Kad završiš s miješanjem, svaki štapić odloži pored epruvete za koju si ga koristio/la. U epruveti 1 nalazi se izmrvljeni čvrsti sapun. Epruvetu do trećine napuni vodom i sadržaj promiješaj staklenim štapićem.
U epruveti 2 nalazi se tekući sapun. Epruvetu do trećine napuni vodom i sadržaj promiješaj staklenim štapićem. U epruveti 3 nalazi se deterdžent za pranje posuđa. Epruvetu do trećine napuni vodom i sadržaj promiješaj staklenim štapićem. U epruveti 4 nalazi se deterdžent za pranje odjeće. Epruvetu do trećine napuni vodom i sadržaj promiješaj staklenim štapićem. 1.KORAK:U sve četiri epruvete dodaj dvije kapi fenolftaleina. Opažanja zabilježi u tablicu. 2.KORAK:Na satnom stakalcu nalaze se četiri univerzalna indikatorska papirića pomoću kojih ćeš ispitati pH otopina koje se nalaze u epruvetama. Stakleni štapić pripadajuće epruvete uroni u tu epruvetu, sadržaj kapni na indikatorski papir. Postupak ponovi sa otopinama koje se nalaze u preostalim epruvetama. Promjena boje pH otopine Epruveta 1. Epruveta 2. Epruveta 3. Epruveta 4. Jesi li dobio očekivani rezultat za otopinu koja se nalazi u epruveti 4? Obrazloži svoj odgovor. __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Na osnovu rezultata, što možeš zaključiti o pH vrijednostima otopina sapuna i deterdženata? __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Tablica za ponavljanje: Popuni tablicu!
Od čega se proizvode?
Jesu li biorazgradivi?
Pokazuju li kisela, neutralna ili lužnata svojstva? Efikasnost pranja u vodovodnoj vodi. Obrazloži! Efikasnost pranja u destiliranoj vodi. Obrazloži!