The New Science Of Fat Loss

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Contents 1. Introduction



2. The Old World Theory



3. Welcome To The New World



4. The New Science Of Fat Loss



5. G14: The Missing Link



6. Summary



7. G14 Programme Summary



8. What do I do next?



Copyright Copyright © (2013) (Joe & Ben Read / Studio G14 Ltd). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Disclaimer The information and advice in this e-­‐book are intended as a general guide. Consult with a Doctor or health professional before undertaking any lifestyle, exercise or nutritional changes. The authors cannot be held responsible for any claims arising from inappropriate use of this information. The authors shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this e-­‐book.

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Introduction Does this describe you? When you wake up in the morning, you're full of energy. You feel vibrant and healthy. You are lean and toned, your weight is controlled and you can wear any clothes that you want. Everywhere you go people compliment you on your appearance and tell you that you look fantastic. More importantly, you actually feel fantastic! You have no aches and pains, no disease or illness and you feel confident, alert and in control of your life. No physical endeavour feels like it's beyond you. You are the very picture of health and well-­being. Sounds great doesn’t it? Sadly, for most people the above description is far removed from the reality of their true physical condition with increasing numbers battling obesity, fatigue, chronic joint pain, stress, depression, disease, allergies and all manner of health disorders. We are meant to be fit, healthy, lean and well, yet poor information, advice, choices and habits have created environments for us that make lifelong health seem impossible. Do you struggle with your weight? So much so that it has a negative impact on your health, confidence, social life, relationships, energy levels, the clothes you wear and career? It seems no matter what you try – gyms, boot camps, group classes, diets, package meals, supplements, instant shakes, hypnosis, counting calories or points – you either don’t see any positive results at all or if you do, the changes only last a few weeks before you’re right back where you started again? If so, you’re not alone. At a time when health awareness has never been greater, the number of adults and children in the UK who are overweight and obese continues to rise alarmingly year on year, as are those suffering from diabetes and heart disease. Why is the health of the population regressing at such an alarming rate? Well, this hasn’t happened overnight, it’s been a gradual process over the last few hundred years and it looks likely to continue unless things change. We’ve hardly changed genetically in that time period, but our 21st century modern

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environment is different in every possible way. The agricultural and then industrial revolutions saw us transition from active hunter gatherers living off natural clean foods, to sedentary mass food producers; consuming processed man-­‐ made chemicals that our bodies are not designed to deal with. The choices we’re making and lifestyle habits we’re developing in modern day life are ruining our health, making us fat and the resultant inflammation in our bodies is causing various diseases that are killing us. As a result, most people lead their lives in a constant state of ill health believing 'that's all there is' and putting up with failing bodies that refuse to comply with their dreams and desires. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. There is a solution to your problems. If you’re frustrated, stuck in a cycle of failure and looking for help on how to lose weight and improve your overall quality of life then you need to know about the new science of fat loss.

The Old World Theory

Calories in < Calories out = Weight Loss

Eat less (calories in) and exercise more (calories out) to lose weight and improve health. Simple right? Unfortunately, as you’re probably aware, it’s not quite that easy. This generic, out dated formula is the basic principle for all those fad diets and 'one size fits all' exercise programmes. However, this approach won't guarantee success and any changes are often only temporary. Before we go any further, we need to put this traditional calories in/calories out approach to dead. It’s never going to work as a long-­‐term solution, and here are the reasons why: Nutrition (calories in): All those fad diets, package meals, meal replacement shakes and 'counting points' methods are designed to make you eat less. Diets can

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be appealing for some as they appear as an easy way out, a quick-­‐fix answer. They promise rapid weight loss in just a few weeks. They make you eat less by either heavily reduce calorie intake (600-­‐1200 per day) and/or restricting or eliminating food groups (i.e. low fat). However, there are 2 major problems with this approach: 1. You may be lighter on the scales but you’re often losing a combination of muscle and water, not body fat. This is the complete opposite of what you want to achieve because the calorie deficit is too extreme. Your body switches into something known as ‘Starvation Response' mode. It holds on to fat stores (essential for survival when food is limited) and breaks down muscle for energy instead. This is not a healthy approach to change and will just leave you feeling weak, hungry, irritable, exhausted and lacking muscle tone. 2. What happens when the diet ends? You can keep it up for a few weeks but they are just too restrictive and unrealistic as a long-­‐term solution. They are not sustainable. Diets won’t help you learn how to manage your weight for life, as they do not address the key choices that got you to this position in the first place. Any changes achieved are often only temporary as you soon return to previous habits, the weight goes back on and usually a bit more for good measure. You’re right back where you started and the yo-­‐yo weight pattern continues. Exercise (calories out): The old world approach says you just need to ‘do more’. This is based on the assumption that ALL exercise is good for you. It doesn’t matter what exercise you do – its just about burning as many calories as possible in the shortest time, often associated with the 'no pain-­‐no gain' approach. However, we are often unaware of the potentially harmful effects of exercise when the amount and type of force or stress applied is inappropriate for our body. Negative results can include pain, inflammation, injury, increased body fat, decrease in muscle tissue, fatigue, muscle soreness, lowered immunity, muscle weakness and tightness.

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Walk into any gym today and you will see the majority of people doing aerobic training (with oxygen) – which involves training at a moderate to high intensity continuously for around 45-­‐60 minutes, whether its running, using the bike/x-­‐ trainer or going to a spin class. Aerobic exercise requires oxygen to produce energy that will sustain this level of continuous effort for a long period of time. However, this type of exercise can cause many of the negative results just mentioned because we’re not designed to move this way. This is something we’ll explore in more detail later on. Ultimately it depends on what your goal is; if you want to run a 10km or half marathon then you will need to go for repeated long runs. However, if your main objective is to improve body composition then this type of activity must be avoided at all costs. You can go to the gym 2 hours a day, 7 days a week but if you’re making the wrong choices of exercise or working at the wrong intensity then you will still find it incredibly difficult to achieve any positive results. When people don’t see any changes they think its because they aren’t doing enough – so they spend even more time doing something that isn’t working! All that time, pain and effort for nothing -­‐ how frustrating! So, you may think that what you’re missing is the one exercise that will shed away all your unwanted body fat, or you’re waiting for that next fad diet that will actually work this time – but it’s never going to happen. Before we can move forwards, we need to accept that the generic ‘eat less, do more’ approach is never going to give you the long-­‐term results that you really want.

Welcome To The New World

Re-­balance Hormones = Fat Loss

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To start with, you can forget total body weight on the scales as its completely irrelevant. If you want to look and feel great, and sustain the results for the long-­‐ term then the aim is to lose body fat whilst maintaining or increasing muscle tissue. The goal is to change your body composition (muscle-­‐to-­‐fat ratio) -­‐ you want to be lean, not light. This is essential for your long-­‐term success. If fat loss is the goal, then its what goes on inside your body in between the calories in and calories out that really matters. If you want to lose body fat then you need to know about the role of hormones in your body.

It’s your individual balance of certain hormones that determines

how much body fat you store and where on your body.

hormones? What are A hormone is a chemical messenger released by a gland in one part of the body (i.e.

thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, adrenal) that travels in the bloodstream to communicate a specific instruction that affects cells in other parts of the body. They work in large part to keep the body’s internal environment in natural balance and are therefore crucial for optimum health and survival. They control such body activities as growth, development, metabolism, immune function, reproduction and preparation of the body for a new phase of life (such as puberty, parenting and menopause) For our objective, we need to know that its our hormones that drive either body fat storage or fat burning, and they determine in which areas of the body this occurs. Some people can therefore have stubborn body fat areas on their body due to imbalances in their biochemistry. How much body fat you have and where you distribute it on your body is determined by the lifestyle choices that you make every single day. Here are a few examples:

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High beer intake in men can increase oestrogen levels, which can cause a high deposit of fat around the chest area, otherwise known as ‘man boobs’.

Consuming large, regular amounts of refined carbohydrates will fatigue your insulin system, which will result in extra sugar being stored in the fat cells around the top of the hips and abdominal area, commonly referred to as ‘love handles’

High levels of stress will raise cortisol levels, which will increase abdominal body fat, decrease muscle tissue, and generally leave you feeling exhausted all the time.

Ever been told that ‘spot reduction’ of body fat is impossible? This is definitely true when it comes to exercise. You can’t train specific areas of your body to lose fat, so for example, doing 100’s of sit ups a day will never reduce body fat around you middle. However, spot reduction of body fat is possible if you can balance certain hormones. For example, if you stabilise your insulin and cortisol levels then you will lose body fat from around your abdominals quickly and easily.

The New Science Of Fat Loss If we now look at our exercise and nutrition choices from a hormonal point of view, rather than a calories in/calories out perspective – then we can begin to understand how we might do things differently and that losing body fat and feeling great is easier than you might think. Exercise: The old world approach says you just need to ‘do more’. It doesn’t matter what exercise you do – its just about burning as many calories as possible in the shortest time. But what happens if you’re creating havoc with your hormones whilst you’re burning all those calories? Put simply, some exercise choices will help us lose body fat and keep it off, where as other types may have the exact opposite effect and may even cause body fat levels to increase.

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Stopping long bouts of long duration, steady state cardio exercise (aerobic training) is one of the most important things you must do if you want to lose body fat. This type of exercise can create hormonal imbalances, as we’re not designed to move this way. We’re genetically programmed for short bursts of activity otherwise know as the ‘fight or flight’ response, and not hours on the treadmill. Intense, continuous activity can cause chronic elevation in cortisol levels, which will increase abdominal body fat, decrease muscle, lower immunity, lead to premature aging of tissues and generally leave you feeling beat up and exhausted — so its all-­‐around bad news! This type of training is also tedious, takes up a lot of time and increases the risk of injury due to its repetitive nature. What do you need to do instead? Well, if the goal is to lose body fat and maintain muscle tissue, then you need to do short bursts of interval training or anaerobic training (without oxygen), combined with personalised resistance (weight) training. This type of activity mimics how we are genetically designed to move. Anaerobic exercise in general will improve your entire hormonal system – it will enhance the cells sensitivity to insulin, help you lose abdominal fat, aid muscle development and will increase energy levels. It also elevates energy use for more than 24 hours post-­‐workout, which has a dramatic effect on fat loss. Plus it’s more time efficient than those tedious, long gym sessions, which means you can reduce the amount of time you spend in the gym and achieve far greater results – so its win-­‐win! It’s about exercising smarter, not harder and longer. Nutrition: Rather than just looking at how many calories we consume on a daily basis, we need to understand that what we eat and drink directly influences our hormones. It’s your hormones that determine the fate of food entering the body; they direct the body to either store or burn fat, and where this occurs on your body. They are the air traffic controllers determining the fate of whatever flies in. From a nutritional standpoint, insulin is the star actor in our little hormonal play, which is known as the hormone of fat storage (especially around the hips and abs), ageing and hunger. The key to insulin regulation is blood sugar management,

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which is crucial if you want to be lean, healthy, have lots of energy and feel great. To bring an end to the constant fluctuation between low and high blood sugar levels, both of which have a hugely negative effect on body composition (increasing body fat and decreasing muscle). It’s not just what you eat and drink that directly influences your insulin levels, but also how much (portion size) and when (meal timings). Interestingly, regularly skipping meals can be just as detrimental for body composition from a hormonal perspective as eating high sugar, processed foods. So if your every day nutrition choices are contributing to your hormonal imbalances then you will find it almost impossible to lose body fat and keep it off. Media sources will tell us that fat is the enemy, and reducing dietary fat and therefore calories is the answer to our problems. However, the real problem with the modern diet is that we eat far too many low quality carbohydrates that have little or no nutritional content and play havoc with our insulin levels (such as refined sugar, grains/starches and processed foods). These foods are far more damaging to the body than fat, so beware all those low-­‐fat options that are laden with sugar instead. From a nutrition stand point, regulating blood sugar and insulin levels is the number one priority if you want to transform how you look and feel forever. Therefore, this is one of the key objectives of a 14-­‐week programme that requires continual personal support and education. G14: The Missing Link What we’ve found over the years is that most people will focus on either their exercise or nutrition, but very rarely both together at the same time in a structured way. They may buy a block of 10 sessions with a personal trainer, join a gym or sign up for a boot camp. Or they will see a nutritionist for 2 or 3 appointments to get for some advice and meal plans, or follow the latest fad diet they read about in

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a magazine or heard about from a friend. Either way, they stick to their new routine for a few weeks, but either they don’t see any results or just feel terrible – so they quit. Investing in one or the other, in both time and money, is in our experience a false economy. If any method is based on the calories in/calories out approach then it’s flawed from the very beginning anyway. To achieve maximum results that last, you must combine exercise and nutrition together at the same time. At G14, we are both personal trainers and nutrition experts. We combine our expertise in both to help our clients achieve optimal change. This is the missing link. If you really want to lose body fat and transform how you look and feel then a half-­‐ hearted approach isn’t going to work. It’s about following a plan consistently for an extended period of time. Not one good meal here, the odd training session there – but a focused and consistent approach to change. You need to make a commitment to stick to an agreed plan of action that requires hard work, discipline, accountability and commitment to break old bad habits. To challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. This isn’t easy -­‐ it requires support, education and guidance to ensure you stay on track. We use 14 weeks as our time frame, why? We found it’s the perfect amount of time – long enough to achieve substantial change, yet short enough to keep you focused on the end goal every day. So, if like most people, you think the answer is calorie counting with low fat foods or long bouts of long duration, steady state cardio exercise then I hope this e-­‐Book has opened your eyes. This will save you countless of frustrating hours in the gym and the torture of following a restrictive fad diet. The calories in/calories out approach is not the answer to your problems. To lose body fat and feel great, blood sugar management and anaerobic exercise with weight training must be priority. This forms the foundation of any G14 programme, which we then personalise to your body, your life and your individual needs over a 14-­‐week period. This is our recipe for success.

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Weight Loss

Fat Loss


Eat less / Exercise More

Regulate Hormones


Count calories & low fat

Blood sugar management



Anaerobic & weight training

Generic (one size fits all)


Unsustainable (short-­‐term)

Sustainable (long-­‐term)

Application: Time:

The G14 programme is a focused approach to changing your body composition, health and quality of life. A results-­‐driven process over 14 weeks based on the ‘new world’ principles of fat loss that will transform how you look and feel. The generic, quick fix, ‘eat less, do more’ approach doesn’t work. We pride ourselves on a truly personalised, scientific and sustainable approach that does. All you need is the motivation to change; we take care of the rest. We have helped many hundreds of people get in the best shape of the lives and achieve some life-­‐changing results. We have the experience, expertise and the system to help transform how you look and feel too. G14 Programme Summary Personal 14 Week Programme: highly effective, one-­‐to-­‐one exercise and nutrition coaching programme for men and women of all ages who want to transform how they look and feel. Start and End Date: Without committing to an agreed start date you may always put it off till later, but there will never be a perfect time. You will always have challenges and obstacles to overcome; so taking action, getting started and then learning how to overcome any barriers is an important part of the process. The

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end date provides the magic of the imminent deadline to ensure you stay focused on your goal every day of the programme. The time pressure forces you to focus on execution. The G14 programme is only available three times each year. Personal Coach: You will be provided with your own personal exercise and nutrition coach who will support you throughout your programme. Everything we do is one-­‐to-­‐one, tailored to your body, your life and your individual needs. Each coach works with a maximum of 20 clients each to ensure you get the individual attention required. Individual Exercise Sessions (3 per week, 45-­‐60min): Truly personalised exercise prescription tailored to your body, fitness level and your needs -­‐ no gimmicks, fads or generic group classes. Daily Personal Nutritional Support: We provide you with daily nutritional accountability and support that will keep you consistent. If you have to report your actions and activities to someone who cares about your progress then you are more likely to stay on track. Without accountability, life can often get in the way of us achieving our goals and dreams, even for those who have all the motivation and information required for success. For us, daily accountability is the most important ingredient for success on this programme. Private 4500sq/ft Gym: spacious, friendly and welcoming atmosphere you'll feel comfortable training in, with state of the art equipment. Comprehensive Assessments: weight, body fat %, lean muscle, water %, circumferences, caliper readings, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, blood pressure – all reviewed, analysed and discussed to monitor your progress throughout the programme. Professional Before/After Photograph (*optional): The best way to track your changes and results over time.

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What happens after 14 weeks? Personal training and nutrition coaching shouldn’t be forever. When we think you’re ready, then you can join our limited membership gym, which is only available for those who have completed our 14-­‐ week programme. We get you in the best shape of your life and teach you how to sustain the results on your own. We like to call it a journey to self-­‐sufficiency. So ask yourself – when was the last time you lived a clean, healthy, active lifestyle for a full 14 weeks? Not based on the out dated traditional approach, but on the new principles discussed in this e-­‐Book. Ever wondered how you might look and feel if you did? You’ll see a selection of before/after pictures and testimonials on our website from other people who have completed our programme. Let’s do it together and find out! What do I do next? The countdown and current availability for our next programme is shown on our website: If you're interested in finding out more then contact us today to arrange your free personal consultation. This appointment will be with our head trainer; Ben Read, who will show around, discuss your individual requirements, explain our programme options in detail, answer any specific questions you may have and recommend a plan of action to achieve the results that you want. Our unique programme is only available three times a year and numbers are extremely limited with only 20 spaces opened up for new clients to join each time. Spaces are on a first come, first served basis with a limited number of peak time slots available and they usually sell out within a few weeks of being released. Contact us today to avoid missing out.

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If for whatever reason you decide that the G14 programme is not right for you then we hope you can take the key principles of this e-­‐Book away you. Whatever you choose to do, we strongly recommend you look for two things to guarantee success: 1. Find a mentor. Someone who has a track record of helping people just like you to lose body fat and sustain the results for the long-­‐term. Someone who will apply the new science of fat loss principles, will give equal attention to both exercise and nutrition together, and who won’t just make you eat less and exercise more. 2. Seek accountability. You can be highly motivated, have all the education on what to do, and set a fixed start and end date – but the chances are you will still fail without accountability. Being held accountable to your end goal is what keeps you focused and on track every single day.

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