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Shigeru GmbH

Europe based Japan biotech venture capital fights for human equality

Shigeru is a Japanese PE based venture capital company located in Basel Switzerland. They were established in January 2020 by the support of Swiss business hub office for attracting foreign companies to the embassy of Switzerland in Japan. That is why the head office is located in Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area. Their purpose is to support the promising technology ventures in the medical, healthcare, environment and digital health across the world. And their R&D and international technology transfer office is located in AWL, Solna campus in Karolinska Institute, Sweden. They provide three services as follows.

1. Oversea technology transfer support › Formulation of overseas business plans › Introduction and mediation of major companies with partnership potential and external partners such as light persons. › Formulation of R&D plan › Building IP (Intellectual property) licensing schemes › IP licensing and marketing activities › Dispatch of directors to customers and your affiliates › Introduction of the government and its related institutions for technologies and products with high social contribution.

2. Financial support › Financing used for R&D and market development › Investment for third party share issuance › Introduction and negotiation of major audit companies and full sponsors (securities companies, investment banks, audits and so on) and other listed related companies. › Building an international tax structure 3.Overseas business bases support › General market research on the country you wish to expand into › Establishment of local subsidiaries through our affiliated law and accounting firms (Subsidiaries, branch offices, liaison office, etc.) › Opening a corporate bank account at local bank › Introduction of specialized companies for local HR procurement


Message from Shigeru Shiraki

“All the people in the world has the right to live a healthy and happy life. It has not been realized for all people in the world to have equal and happy rights depending on the various challenges including lack of essential medical services, financial security and early detection of disease. This results in people unnecessarily lose their life. For solving such problems and improving global health, I have established SHIGERU GmbH to meet these challenges and provide the necessary change with the latest and most effective health care solutions including innovative pharmaceuticals, medical services, healthcare environment improvements. We are committed to ensuring that worldwide people live a healthy and happy life.”

Shigeru Shiraki

A serial entrepreneur who has extensive business experience related to advertising, environment improvement, R&D pharmaceuticals over two decades. With the experience of losing a family member due to cancer, he has established WinMedics Co. Ltd for the development of remote diagnosis system and R&D of anticancer agents in 2016. In 2019 he has established both Win-Medics Holdings and Medics Kingdom at address of well-known audit company “BDO” (150 Aldersgate Street, London, EC1A 4AB, United Kingdom) in London, UK. as the base for international expansion. To be close to and support cancer patient and their families, he has written the book “The man who saved a terminal cancer patient”. With this book, he supports many families with cancer patients.

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