G4S News: Issue 2: Winter 2018

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2017 Summit Awards recognize the best of G4S.

Meet the Secure Integration Team. Employee Discounts: Ford/Lincoln General Motors

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2017 Summit Awards Recognize the Best of G4S


Peter Panaritis & The President’s Humanitarian Award


G4S Heads to the Classroom


Security Career Advice from Floria Chiu


Video Feature: On The Job With Rob 2


Innovation and Technology Steering Committee Challenge


Meet the G4S Secure Integration Team


Employee Discounts: Ford/Lincoln & General Motors


Message from SVP Darren Pederson on Teamwork


G4S Aviation Team Rounds the Bases for Charity


Health & Safety: Driving Tips for Changing Weather


2017 Summit Awards recognize the best of G4S. Every year we recognize employees from across the country who have gone above and beyond the normal lines of duty at the G4S Summit Awards. The awards are an opportunity for us to tell their stories and honor their dedication to our customers, the company, and Canadian public. The 2017 awards ceremony was hosted in Ottawa, Ontario in January 2018 and acknowledged 24 winners. Winners included a G4S Sudbury employee who apprehended a suspect and tended to the bleeding victim, a G4S screening officer at Williams Lake Regional Airport in British Columbia who assisted emergency staff fighting a wildfire blaze, and many others who exemplify our G4S values. How you can nominate a G4S employee for a 2018 Summit Award. If you know of a G4S employee who has demonstrated exceptional levels of service and commitment to their job, no matter their position, you can nominate them for the 2017 Summit Awards. To nominate, please complete and submit the nomination form by logging into your ADP account. Alternatively, you can fill out a paper copy of the nomination form found at your local office, scan it, and send it to solutions@ca.g4s.com. Congratulations to all the 2017 award winners, your hard work epitomizes G4S as the world’s leading security solutions provider.

The 2017 awards included: Wade Orr - Security Guard of the Year (Hamilton) For personally protecting two young girls as they attended school. Wade grew to be a fabric of the school community and has played a pivotal role in the (now teenage) girls development. Selvyn Nelson - Supervisor Of The Year Award (Toronto) For his professionalism, work ethic and proactive spirit for doing what is in the best interest of G4S and TD’s customers. Melissa Sanaian - Supervisor of the Year Award (Montreal) For her leadership, attention to details and unwavering commitment to our customers and G4S in the Montreal region. She conducts herself with respect and always puts her team first. Alissa Poff - Employee Relations Award (Ottawa) Thanks to Alissa’s dedication, hard work, attention to detail and people skills she has helped the Ottawa branch triumph over many recruiting, uniforming and trust challenges in 2017 Jen Huang - Admin of the Year Award (Vancouver) For working endless hours to ensure that our client goals are met, from tracking, coordinating, onboarding new hires and any new CATSA/G4S Training initiatives. Aaron Hazelwood - Outstanding Operations (Ottawa) For his precision, leadership and quick thinking when transitioning key Ottawa contracts and managing high profile events such as Red Bull’s Crashed Ice and Canada’s 150 celebrations. Denis Raj - SDM of the Year Award (Vancouver) For his bravery when dealing with a non-passenger who forced their way through the security line at YVR with a potential explosive. Stephen Riding - Screener of the Year (Vancouver) For his exceptional service to the travelers at Prince George Airport. Stephen’s attendance has been second to none; having only one sick day and a hand full of personal days in four years. CNRL - Health & Safety Award The G4S team have worked over 700 000 hours since 2014. Their last recorded Lost Time Incident was in January 2013. On October 14th 2017 they achieved 4 years of Goal Zero. Ryan Kim - Extra Mile Award (Toronto) For his ability to swiftly and effectively meet repeated scheduling demands of one of Toronto’s biggest clients.

Mike Francis - Health & Safety Award (CLG/EDM) For his efforts in meeting Alberta’s provincial health & safety standards and deadlines and achieving a Certificate of Recognition status with 90% compliance. Nataliya Popenyuk - Extra Mile Award (Sudbury) For her selflessness, versatility and commitment to the Northern Ontario team’s success. Craig Blais - Extra Mile Award (Sudbury) For tending to a woman who suffered a stab wound and apprehending the attacker in downtown Sudbury. Amandeep Ghuman - Extra Mile Award (Winnipeg) For going above and beyond and always being the first to volunteer to fulfill an open post. She continues to advance her education in security and shows unwavering commitment. Meena Rajah - Extra Mile Award (Toronto - HO) For proactively managing an early morning National Call Centre outage. Meena organized the team on duty to keep back-up phones answered until the systems were restored. Jodi Cutway - Extra Mile Award (Vancouver) For securing Williams Lake Regional Airport and facilitating a safe evacuation during British Columbia’s worst wildfire on record. Brian Wall - Extra Mile Award (Halifax) For working tirelessly to facilitate an enjoyable visitor experience at the Halifax International Airport. Norm Carbonneau - President’s Award for Business Development JD Killeen - President’s Award for Business Development Andrew Thorpe - President’s Award for Branch Management Kim Giroux - President’s Award for Branch Management Neal Archer - President’s Award for Branch Management Joe Maloney - President’s Award for Region Management Tom Doyle - President’s MVP Award Darren Pedersen - President’s Award for Leadership

A Humanitarian Award message from Peter Panaritis: Throughout my travels across Canada I see and hear stories of bravery and courage at G4S.These stories make me proud to be a member of a team that shows extraordinary levels of commitment to our customers and the public. From coastto-coast, G4S employees are called upon to perform in life and death situations; whether it is administering CPR or first aid to someone in need, helping deliver a baby, or even preventing suicide. In appreciation of the outstanding efforts demonstrated by members of the G4S team that went above and beyond the call of duty, I am happy to present them with the

Peter Panaritis

Chief Executive Officer and President, G4S Secure Solutions

President’s Humanitarian Award.This award is issued throughout the year in recognition of efforts made with respect to the preservation and promotion of a human life.

In the first half of 2018 we have seen several winners of this award. In Toronto, Sante Mondanese help prevent a suspected overdose by administering narcan and first aid to an unresponsive member of the public. From our Kingston branch, Samantha Freeburn, Brittni DeJong and Thomas Medeiros responded to a suspected drowning close to the hospital where they work. The team’s efforts resuscitated the victim and they were safely admitted to hospital. At another Kingston hospital, Cody Kell, Mat Tomlinson and Marcel McDonald’s swift efforts during a fire successfully evacuated over 100 personnel without incident. In London, Gary Lucas successfully performed CPR to a person who had overdosed, reviving them before paramedics arrived. Lastly, I would like to highlight the efforts of Dylan Downey who responded to the van attack in Toronto on April 23rd. Dylan demonstrated exemplary levels of courage, supporting law enforcement and comforting victims during a time of chaos and uncertainty in the City of Toronto. On behalf of the Canadian Executive team, congratulations and thank you for your outstanding efforts. Remaining committed to preserving and promoting the life of others is what separates President’s Humanitarian Award winners and epitomizes G4S as Canada’s leading security solutions provider. All G4S employees are eligible for the President’s Humanitarian Award. If you know of someone who has gone above and beyond to save or promote human life, please let us know. Start by sending an email to your local manager with the candidate’s name, the date of the incident, and the details of their efforts and your manager will submit it on your behalf. I look forward to seeing many of you on my travels. Until then, please remember to keep safe at work, home or at play.

Throughout the course of 2018, G4S Canada has invested in the training and development of our management teams across the country, challenging and equipping them to better lead diverse functions of our business. In January, the Emerging Leaders Development Program (ELDP) came to a close with final presentations to John Kenning, CEO, G4S Americas and members of the senior management team in Ottawa, ON. Over the months leading to the final presentations, participants were coached in ways to better hone their presentation and leadership skills. The 13 participants from varying departments and offices across Canada were split into three groups. Each group was assigned a topic to present. Topics included how to embed the Integrated Security Solutions (ISS) strategy in company culture, improving recruiting and retention, and improving Canada’s mobile and alarm response program. G4S Canada’s Emerging Leaders Program ties into the G4S’ Regional and Global Leadership Program, that focus on developing leaders within our organization. The second round of the Americas Regional Leadership Program (RLP) was hosted in Toronto in September 2018. The program spanned three days and focused

on finance, customer service, and organizational efficiency. Leaders were invited from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Columbia and more.The program aimed to equip our regional leaders with the tools and knowledge they need to lead in increasingly complex environments within their respective businesses.

In July, Customer Solutions Managers (Strategic Accounts), General Managers, Branch Managers, Operations Managers, Area and HR Managers from across Canada were invited to participate in the Operations Management Development Program (OMDP). Hosted at G4S Canada’s National Training Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, 42 participants were put through three days of training that covered important operational finance skills, the G4S Way of Selling, and negotiation tactics. The courses were taught by key members of the Leadership Team in a peer-to-peer setting. The OMDP is the first in a series of management development programs followed by the ELDP and the RLP. When asked about the training programs, G4S Canada’s Senior Vice President of Manned Guarding, Darren Pedersen, said “It’s our leaders’ responsibility to translate G4S values and business priorities into employee behaviours and actions that bring about accelerated, sustained growth to our business. Our leadership development is integral to driving our performance in Canada and continuing our evolution to a premium integrated service provider.” At G4S we place an emphasis on training and the professional development of our greatest asset, our people. All employees are welcome to further their education through G4Su.


A learning management system

We call it “G4Su”. It’s your online gateway to a fulfilling career. Every G4S employee can log on and take advantage of over 1800 unique

training programs. Visit www.myg4straining.com and login using the first initial of your first name paired with your full last name and the last four digits of your employee number (eg: jsmith4567). Password is naticu (all lowercase). L e a r n . G r o w . T h r i v e .

What advice do you have for people who want a career in the security industry? Floria Chiu Director, Marketing & Communications The industry has evolved a lot since I joined almost 20 years ago. Security departments and security businesses like G4S are no longer solely focused on physical security experience. There is no longer a prerequisite to become a part of this industry. Rather, we need people with diverse experiences and backgrounds to drive innovation and creativity as security, risk, and business challenges become more and more complex and borderless. The opportunities within G4S and the broader security industry are endless. There are five key pieces of advice I would share with anyone who wants to establish a successful career in the security industry. 1. Self-Improvement: Learn as much as you can, and don’t stop improving yourself. The moment you believe you know it all is the moment you stop growing. The broader your experience, the more you can contribute to an industry and business that needs innovation and creativity. I encourage you to access the thousands of training courses available on the G4Su to start expanding your learning. Visit www.myg4straining.com. 2. Be Adaptable: Change is the constant in our environment; welcome it. Be flexible and open minded to change. It is the only way that innovation and creativity can materialize. This industry needs leaders who can adapt and manage within a constantly evolving environment. 3. Never Compromise Your Professionalism: Broaden the conversations we need to have in the industry with a professional approach, and do not be afraid to communicate new and innovative ideas, even if there is resistance to change. 4. Contribute to the Industry: Support industry colleagues, attend industry events, and encourage young professionals to join the industry as a career path. Contributing and doing your part will enhance your experience in this industry and open up opportunities for continued career growth. I encourage you to visit the ASIS International website for more information about the security industry and how you can participate and contribute. https://www.asisonline.org 5. Take a Leap: My final piece of advice is to have the guts to carve out a place for yourself based on your key strengths and interests. Take the time to research the different areas of security that may line up with your expertise, and go for it! I did not join this industry with previous frontline security or law enforcement experience. Of all things, I intended to have a career in politics or law. The opportunity to enter this industry presented itself, and I have not regretted following this path. It has been a very rewarding experience.

Episode 2: Identity & Credential Management

On the Job with Rob is an informational video series on security technology filmed from the G4S Secure Integration demo room. Rob Plume, General Manager, Secure Integration at G4S Canada, is interviewed on topics such as access control, biometrics, video systems and more. This is the second episode in the series which is aimed at educating us on trends in security technology. Episodes are released regularly and featured in this newsletter. In this episode, Rob defines identity vs. credential management, outlining key differences and benefits. Rob also talks about the ways in which credentials can be managed and the industries an identity management program is most relevant. Building on Episode 1, where Rob discussed access control systems, we start to understand how identity management can offer an added level of security when managing access to certain areas of a facility. Associating a credential to a specific person allows a security program to keep up with compliance certificates, set property parameters and protect sensitive areas. To view this episode and keep up to date with future videos in this series, please visit our YouTube channel and subscribe to the following playlist: https://youtu.be/emWnQ-3m1sc

Innovation Committee Challenging the Status Quo Encouraging & suppor ting an open forum for idea generation We act with INTEGRITY and RESPECT. We are passionate about SAFETY, SECURITY and SERVICE EXCELLENCE. We achieve this through INNOVATION and TEAMWORK. It’s time to put our values to work in a new positive and rewarding way! G4S has recently launched two new committees – the Innovation Committee and the Technology Steering Committee – both focused on driving innovation forward for our teams, our business and our clients. At G4S, we continue to innovate, pushing ourselves to think creatively about how best to design and execute efficient solutions for our business. Whether we are looking at risk consulting, software and technology, security personnel, or internal processes, we know that we can push ourselves to be better and to do better. Status quo is never an option. “We are excited about the direction we are taking with the launch of our two new committees focused on innovation,” says Scott Sutton, Product Manager and Chair of the G4S Innovation Committee. “This is a call for all hands-on-deck as we know that each and every one of you has ideas on how we can better use technology to maximize efficiency and leverage revenue generation, both internally and externally.”

Your Mission: Nobody knows our business and our clients like the people working here at G4S each and every day. We have no doubt that all of you have valuable ideas on how to reduce waste, increase efficiencies and ultimately drive growth. We want you to share your ideas with the Innovation Committee, and together, we will continue to live our values of innovation and teamwork. Here’s how to have your say: Step One: Brainstorming Raise an innovative idea - whether that is a new product, process or service offering that can help differentiate G4S or make us more efficient. Step Two: Sharing Reach out to the Innovation Committee by emailing Scott Sutton, Product Manager at scott.sutton@ca.g4s.com. Share your idea(s) with Scott and the potential impact on the business, either in terms of dollars & cents, driving efficiencies or improving the client experience. We promise that no idea is a bad idea, so please share! Step Three: Collaboration & Development The Innovation Committee will consider all ideas and invite those employees they want to hear more from to collaborate on bringing an idea to the next level. Step Four: Implementation The Innovation Committee with present those ideas that best meet the committee’s mandate to the Technology Steering Committee for review and approval. It is the Technology Steering Committee’s job to provide feedback and the needed support to bring viable ideas to life. What’s in it for me? “At G4S we understand the inherent value of ideas,” says Scott. Together, we have built this company on bringing new and innovative ideas to life. As a thank you for your commitment to driving innovation forward and sharing your ideas, any employee who presents a solution that is ultimately implemented, will receive a $250 gift card as a token of our thanks. We can’t do this without you.”

Meet the G4S Secure Integration Team

G4S Canada’s technology division known as G4S Secure Integration, has helped new and existing G4S customers design, build and maintain integrated security technology systems since 2015. With two main branch offices (North and South) led by Rob Plume, General Manager, Secure Integration, the G4S Secure Integration Team is ready and available to support our clients to develop unique and customized solutions.

G4S Secure Integration offers full turnkey services; taking a customer’s requirements, developing the concept, designing the network, selecting the product that best fits the requirements, and completing the installation. The team aims to create solutions that work in tandem with other G4S products and services, partnering with other members of the organization to deliver the best program for our clients. Unofficially known as the “Tech Team,” G4S Canada’s Secure Integration division is made up of in-house Business Development Managers, Pre-sales Engineers, Project Managers, Technicians, a service department, operations and technical experts. The Technology South office, located in Mississauga, Ontario, is equipped with a demo-room that is outfitted with products from AMAG Technology and other G4S partners, the tactile space is designed to walk customers through the potential benefits of adding software or hardware products to their program. At the back of the building is a warehouse where product is labeled and stored. This setup makes it easy for technicians to park their service vehicle close to the tools and product they need when installing or servicing a job.

When asked about the progress and development of his team’s role at G4S, Rob said, “We are passionate about creating and delivering the best solution for our customers - working with the guarding team, risk team, or the broader business is key to accomplishing that. Our diverse capabilities as a company enable us to be different from the competition. It is important that we keep this in our customer conversations and share relationships across the country.” The Tech Team had recent success partnering with the Customer Solutions team to deliver a Video Verification solution to a major crown corporation at a remote site in Ontario. When in a regular meeting to review our guard performance, the customer raised concerns about intruders at a remote property and asked for help. Cindy Stetka, Customer Solutions Manager at G4S contacted Rob and the Secure Integration team to get their input, later inviting them to a customer meeting. Working collaboratively as a team and partnering with the customer, G4S successfully installed two ONSight units equipped with two pan-tilt-zoom cameras powered by pattern-based analytics, a talk-down speaker and strobe light. When an intruder enters the property an alert is triggered, sending the video signal to the G4S Monitoring Centre in Boston, MA via a 4G LTE modem, a component of the ONSight unit.The G4S Monitoring Centre can use the onboard speaker to vocally deter the intruder or dispatch G4S Mobile Patrol if needed. The customer was impressed by the team’s creativity and willingness to develop a unique solution tailored to their environment and budget. By working together, the team was to able utilize G4S’s breadth of products to achieve customer satisfaction. Stay tuned for our next edition of the G4S Employee Newsletter where we will feature the Technology North Team to continue sharing the unique and creative solutions our Secure Integration teams develop and implement for our clients.

Employee Discounts: Ford/Lincoln & General Motors The Ford/Lincoln Partner Recognition “X-Plan”

The General Motors Preferred Pricing Plan

G4S has many partners in Canada that are pleased to offer G4S employees preferred pricing and corporate discounts! These discounts can be used by you and your family to save on items such as gas, new vehicle purchases, phone contracts, travel and insurance. In this edition we are proud to promote the discounts with Ford, Lincoln and General Motors. For a complete list of discounts, or more information, please contact your local Human Resources representative. The Ford/Lincoln Partner Recognition “X-Plan” offers G4S employees discounts on eligible Ford and Lincoln vehicles. To take advantage of this offer, visit www.fordpartner.com and type in the Partner Code 1M607 to generate your PIN. Visit your local Ford dealer with this PIN and identify yourself as a Partner Recognition participant. You will have to present proof of employment in the form of a letter, paystub, T4, company ID or healthcare card with G4S on it. The General Motors Preferred Pricing Plan, gives eligible G4S employees discounts on the purchase or lease of any new Chevrolet, Buick, GMC or Cadillac. Start by visiting www.gmpreferredpricing.ca for offers. Once you have found an eligible vehicle, make an appointment with a participating dealer. Bring a recent pay stub or letter of employment from your HR representative as proof of employment with G4S and let the dealer know you are eligible for Preferred Pricing.

As we enter into the Holiday Season, I want to thank the entire Team for their hard work and dedication over the last 10 months. As one team, we worked through many special projects and major deployments, on top of regular day-to-day operations. I am very proud of what we have accomplished thus far in 2018. The next few months will be equally demanding, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside each of you as we strive for our annual targets. There is nothing more rewarding to me than coming out to customer locations to meet our hard working teams. Seeing them on post, proudly representing the G4S brand is why I love working here and reminds me of the difference we are making across the country.

Darren Pedersen

Senior Vice President, Manned Guarding

During my travels across Canada, I have met employees that work in demanding and sometimes dangerous environments, working as a team, and upholding our G4S values day-in and day-out. From the bitter cold in Edmonton, to sensitive and volatile environments within a Healthcare facility, including teams of office and management staff who come out to the front lines to support our guards during special events, I am continually impressed with our people’s dedication and care for one another and to our clients. I thank each of you for your continued commitment to our business, and look forward to seeing you out in the field.

G4S Aviation Team Rounds the Bases for Charity In mid-July, a team from G4S Canada’s Aviation Division participated in the Annual Softball Slam, a two-day sports event hosted at King George Park in Richmond, BC. Organized by the Vancouver Airline Operators Committee, which consists of 41 annual airlines and associate organizations from Vancouver International Airport (YVR), the event raises funds and awareness for Hope for Kids, a charitable resource that empowers children who have been bullied. Entertainment, food, a silent auction and beer garden were on offer, all benefiting the Richmond community. This was the tournament’s 11th year and 12 teams participated including one from G4S Canada’s Aviation division. G4S’s team consisted of 25 members of staff that provide pre-board, hold-baggage and non-passenger screening services for the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) at YVR. Team G4S took home the “Most Sportsmanlike” trophy at the end of the two-day tournament. We are very proud of our Aviation colleagues for representing the G4S brand, and displaying our core values of integrity, respect, and teamwork. Well done to all members of the G4S team!

Changing Weather Poses Safety Risks

The reality is that we live and work in Canada and have to adapt to changing weather patterns for our own safety, as well as the safety of our clients and our teams. Being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions helps us keep safe at work, home and at play. Here are some tips our Health & Safety team want you to keep in mind:

Wet Leaves = Slippery Mess Once leaves become wet, they can present slippery and dangerous walking and driving conditions. Be aware that wet leaves on road surfaces can make stopping difficult, while wet leaves on property grounds and walkways present their own set of hazards. Clear leaves where you can, otherwise avoid them only if it is safe to do so. Driving Alert The end of Daylight Saving Time means reduced visibility on the roads, which can create unfamiliar driving conditions. It’s important that motorists use additional caution and adjust their driving habits to watch for pedestrians, cyclists and other roadway users who will be less visible, especially during the first week of the time change. Ensure your lights are on not only at night but also during inclement weather conditions. See and be seen is the goal! Avoid Sun Glare With the change in time you may need to adjust to the different morning or late afternoon glare from the sun. The glare can cause reflections off car windows and hoods, decreasing your visibility. It’s always a good idea to have sunglasses readily available. Also, be aware of shadows and the high-contrast conditions which can sometimes be misleading or distracting. Client Experience Tip: If you are working with clients on a daily basis, take a minute and share what you’ve learned. Remind them to be safe driving home with the slippery leaves or that it’s getting dark earlier these days and to be safe on the roads. A friendly message will not only help keep them safe, but is a great reminder of the value you bring to them each and every day.

NEWSLETTER STORIES? IDEAS? Email: newsletter@ca.g4s.com Previous newsletters can be found on our website www.g4s.ca. ------------------------------------------------Publisher Peter Panaritis, CEO Editor at Large Floria Chiu, Director, Marketing & Communications Graphic Design & Layout Hrabal Creative www.hrabalcreative.com Copywriter/Contributor Douglas MacKellar Marketing & Communications Specialist G4S Canada Mobile: +1 416 518-0831 www.g4s.ca

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