The Daniel One Principle for Christians in the Marketplace “Influence Knows Influence”
Marketplace Christians
Impact wisdom and sustainability
To My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the Marketplace, It is an honor for me to bring words of greetings and revelation to those of you that are diligently working in the marketplace. I would like to “thank you” for all that you are doing to impact the lives of so many people in the sphere of influence that God has planted you in. I have worked over 15 years in the government sphere of influence and it has been eye-opening for me and has caused me to become an expert in this sphere of influence. I have seen the good and not so good in this sphere of influence and have seen where we as Christians “lack” influence, where we need more training of knowing who we are in Christ and our authority. My desire is to inspire, educate, activate and commission those of you who are called to the marketplace. I had been a pastor for over 7 years when GOD called me to leave the traditional way of pastoring and to work in a new way, to pastor leaders of influence in the marketplace. This was very new and I truly did not understand this walk until approximately 3 years after I was actively working in this influence. I never looked to work in the government, but my desire was to please God and my King-Jesus. One day I said use me and I meant every word that I stated. I also said, “I want to know you for real and I want EVERY spiritual gift that YOU want to give me”. After this statement my entire world turned inside out. I started out as a case manager for the Department of Social Services and became a Liaison for my state to the White House. My last title from my government position was the Director for Faith Based and Community Initiatives for the State of Maryland. I became the liaison to the White House for our state. This was monumental because God used this platform to validate my expertise, to launch me to Africa and to assure leaders that I had the influence for confidentiality and wisdom to speak to Presidents, Governors, Kings and the like. My prayer is that some of the writings in this booklet will provide information that you may need and to let you know that “you are valuable-right where you are”. I founded G-Level which stands for God Led because as I was in my time of prayer and listening, the Lord spoke and said that many people aspire to be on the C-Level/C-Suites (CEO, CFO, CIO, etc.) but I want them on a G-Level whereas they are God Led in any area of influence. Hence, you have the G Level Christian Marketplace Group. Our core goal is to assist any Christian that is committed to the lifestyle of following Jesus, in any area in their lives helping them to advance, impact and release their gifting in a practical way with spiritual implications. May you have strength in your work and continue to impact the world.
In His Service,
Dr C heryl Hill Dr. Cheryl Hill
What Is the Marketplace?
A marketplace is the space, actual, virtual or metaphorical, in which a market operates. A marketplace is a location where goods and services are exchanged (Wikipedia). Every institution, place of business and, in fact, environment or organization outside of home and Church is considered the marketplace. Jesus encouraged us to be effective in the marketplace. We are empowered through the Word of God and can become the standard of truth, strategies, wisdom and knowledge. For our purposes we will look at the marketplace’s seven influences that make a city, town or nation. These influences are Education, Government, Business, Ministry, Family, Arts & Entertainment, and Media. These areas of influence are actually pillars that affect a society in many ways. The marketplace sustains venues where laws are passed, people are educated, hospitals are instituted and the way we think is influenced. If leaders who are “not” righteous are leading the society must submit to the leader’s rulings and way of life. With a righteous leader in place whether a teacher, doctor, lawyer or President; wisdom, right standing, fairness, and justice for all will take place. A Christian leader in the marketplace will utilize the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit to go beyond the norm in administering laws, medical help, teaching or any role that they may be working in or assigned to. They will see beyond what is being presented and wisely rule. Being a leader in the marketplace does not mean evangelize to those you work with or meet about the coming of Jesus Christ. It means stepping in your authority to rule with excellence, to listen, and to administer equally to the saved and unsaved. It means glorifying God through the fairness and compassion of your heart to bring truth in every situation. Truth is the thing that is “right” according to God’s mandate for man. Truth is speaking through your lifestyle. You are “The Message” to those that know the Lord as well as those that have not received Jesus Christ as their Lord. Letting them know that you are concerned about them, their family and every aspect of their lives. This is the heart of the Father. Love is the most important message of Jesus. The marketplace is one of the most exciting places for truth being revealed through a Christ-like lifestyle. I didn’t say a religious lifestyle but a lifestyle that is steady in excellence, right standing, self-control, meekness, and wisdom. We must be “mindful” not to leave the impression that fivefold leaders (Pastors, Evangelist, Prophets, Teachers and Apostles) are not important. Fivefold leaders are extremely important as are marketplace leaders. We ARE saying that the Church must change its thinking about how to appropriately minister, assist and spiritually cover the marketplace leaders. We must not forget the importance of those in our present day that are like Daniel, Esther, David, and Joseph.
Daniel 1 New King James Version (NKJV) 1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. 2 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with some of the articles of [a] the house of God, which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the articles into the treasure house of his god. 3
Then the king instructed Ashpenaz, the master of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the king’s descendants and some of the nobles, 4 young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability to serve in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the language and [b] literature of the Chaldeans.
What was the KING looking for? He was looking for ones that “looked” appealing, had wisdom and knowledge, were strategic and knew protocols. He also wanted those that could “learn” the language of another culture/ influence. As Christians in the marketplace we cannot just “pray” and quote scriptures. We have been given everything pertaining to life and godliness and that includes the gifts of the Spirit which gives us a vantage point for learning, wisdom, understanding and knowledge. We should be the ones that people run to for the aforementioned qualities that the KING was seeking. The reason the KING asked for descendants of the King and some of the nobles is because no matter what culture you may come from, those that are ROYAL will know the protocols of influence. We are ROYAL and descendants of the King. As Christians in the marketplace we must impact cultures by: • Learning the language and protocols of the sphere of influence that you are assigned to • Being the “added value” • Listening, becoming a friend and then witnessing how Jesus has changed your life in practical ways that have spiritual implications • Having solutions/strategies • Praying/fasting and “doing” Many years ago an “awakening” came to the Church about the need for the Church to be influential in all areas of our society. There are 7 spheres or seven arenas of any society that influences a family and a country as a whole. When you look at these influences you will note that without one of these areas a society will be weakened.
The 7 Spheres of Influence • Business - this area of influence is key to a society’s economic strength. The economic strength is important because it also reflects the livelihood of its citizen. Small businesses are key and vital because small businesses address a plethora of needs from food, transportation, clothing etc. Business deals with poverty, health and everyday life. Christian business leaders are crucial. These leaders go beyond the economic importance and assist communities as led by God. • Education - a good education is key to sustained success. Good schools lead to good citizens and a safer community. Education deals with the mind of all people. Educators are needed, especially Christians who can discern history, the Word of God and the destiny of others. • Faith - at the core of everyone is their belief. What you believe is what you receive. God has a divine plan that ALL shall hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith deals with the heart of all people. If we do not preach the gospel in practical and spiritual ways we do not give the opportunity for others to know God as many of us do. Faith leaders and marketplace leaders are needed. • Arts & Entertainment - movies, plays, television etc. All of these areas deal with the “ear and eye gates”. What we take in, is what we become. This area of influence is very important. We have certain guilds, policies and organizations which oversee the extent in which the arts and entertainment operate. As Christians if we are not in the policy making position we get what we get and fight against the Devil after the fact of the implementation of policies. Christian actors and actresses are needed not only for their acting abilities but to bring a quality perspective of what life is to be while addressing challenges and the good side of life. Those in this arena should choose wisely their roles. You are responsible for what people follow and listen to. • Media - how things are reported. A good media outlet will be fair and just. The media can be there to provide a holistic perspective of any cause/current matters. Media is important for the same reasons that Arts & Entertainment are important. Whatever a person takes in, they will believe. The truth matters. Those that are in this arena should always work to bring truth in practical ways. • Government - this sphere of influence holds the heaviest weight…it determines what rules over you. We are governed by laws that should protect the people of all jurisdictions the laws are made for. This sphere
of influence could determine your peace, happiness and influence to a certain degree. Christians in this sphere of influence should make certain that they are truly called to government. Many times Christians may start with a pure heart but if they are not grounded in the Word of God they too fall prey to seduction of power which leads to submitting to ways that do not meet the standard of justice that God intended. Christians in this sphere of influence must learn when to stand and when to walk away from some matters. They may have to walk away from their appointed position if need be. THE PURPOSE & GOALS OF CHRISTIANS IN THE MARKETPLACE
1) To communicate the message of the Kingdom to the market in practical ways 2) To communicate “in” the language of your market (to showcase the gifts of the Holy Spirit through Strategies, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding) 3) To convince not condemn 4) To impact not impose 5) To create reason not rejection HOW TO PRESENT IN THE MARKETPLACE
1) 2) 3) 4)
Understand the concepts of the sphere of influence you are assigned to Identify the interest of the market Use illustrations from the market You should quote scriptures in a “practical way” not religious. I.E. My mentor is a Jewish Rabbi, or when using scripture call it “literature”. 5) Place reference in historical context and no religious framework 6) Focus on Kingdom values and morals not tradition JOIN US FOR THE G LEVEL EXPERIENCE
The G-Level Experience What is the G-Level Experience? It is about godly strategic planning, promotion, resourcing, international engagement, marketplace influences and implementation. It is the process of rethinking who you are, what your position is, where you are going, and how you will impact the lives of people, communities, and nations.
Where Worship Meets the Marketplace
Our Vision: To bridge and unify the work between faith-based leaders and marketplace leaders; and to socially, economically, and spiritually impact leaders, communities, business, government, and entertainment. Our Mission: • To bring added value and holistic influence to leaders from all walks of life • To rethink, redefine, and influence the community, church, business, government, education, media, and arts and entertainment industry • To effectively equip leaders serving within their respective fields of influence • To establish accountability standards and strategies in leadership • To impact communities, cities, and nations with Godly integrity and principles Connect with us on: Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Youtube: as=subscriber
Marketplace Christians
Impact wisdom and sustainability