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Reclaiming Power in Adversarial Times
Deadline for manuscript submissions is July 15, 2023
Editors: Dr. LaTasha Adams and Dr. Jennifer Curl
The ongoing context of silencing educators necessitates this special edition: Enlightening, Investing, and Reclaiming Power in Adversarial Times. Against this background, this special issue asks:
• How do these adversarial times impact the work we do as educators?
• How does policy and practices (i.e. Georgia House Bill 1084 from 2021-2022 legislation session) impact our work in education and teacher education?
• What role does an investment in ourselves for resistance play in teaching and learning?
• What role does agency play in these adversarial times within the context of education and educational policy?
• How can educators engage in “good trouble” given our current context?
Potential Foci of Contributions
The special issue is aimed to be broad in scope. We are inviting high quality, original contributions that impact teaching, learning, and teaching education. Contributions to the special issue might address, but are by no means limited to, the following points:
• Enlightening and Awareness: Policies and Practices for Advocacy
• Investing in Ourselves for Resistance
• Reclaiming Agency: Moving from Fear to Freedom
• Engaging in Good Trouble
• Navigating Digital Equity and Landscapes
Project descriptions, research reports, theoretical papers, debates, papers espousing a particular point of view, and descriptions of activities or issues in teacher education at the local, state, or national level would be appropriate topics for the journal.
Submission Procedure:
Submit all completed manuscripts to gatewayssubmissions@gmail.com by July 15, 2023. Submissions should:
• adhere to APA (7th edition) style,
• include title page with author name(s) and affiliation(s),
• include autobiographical sketches of the author(s) (three to five sentences each) on a separate page,
• include title and abstract (150 words maximum) on the first page of manuscript (exclude author affiliation),
• include a manuscript that is a minimum of words 2500 words (without counting title page, reference page, tables, charts, etc.)
• include a signed submission checklist (found on GATEways website)
• be submitted as three Word documents: (1) title page (2) autobiographical sketches (3) manuscript (4) signed submission checklist.