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GATEways to Teacher Education
A journal of the Georgia Association of Teacher Educators needs of their students.Additionally, as educators, we know that changes in curriculum, state standards, delivery methods, and materials are inevitable. Ateacher’s ability to be flexible and adapt to those changes is key. Covid-19 provided our pre-service teachers with the opportunity to be flexible and adaptable to realworld changes with a sense of immediacy. As teacher educators, we should take the lessons learned and incorporate them into our course instruction and assignments. For example, we could simulate a fire drill and lessons getting pushed back or request students to make sameday changes to lessons (with our support) when their elementary students are struggling with concepts being taught. I believe that educators no longer want to see a perfect lesson; we want to see pre-service teachers who are resilient and creative and can adapt to better meet their student’s needs and I believe our pre-service teachers would like to see the same from their university professors/instructors.
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Mundy-Henderson, C.A., & Martin, C. (2020). Online language arts instruction in an elementary methods course: successes and challenges. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education. 9(1). 1-3.
Murphy, K.M, Cook,A.L., & Fallon, L.M. (2021). Mixed reality simulations for socialemotional learning. Kappan. 102(6). 3037.
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United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. (2019). COVID19 Educational Disruption and Response. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationre sponse/ Wagner, C.J. (2021). PK-5 teacher perspectives on the design of remote teaching:17 Navigating Field Experiences During Covid-19 pedagogies and support structures to sustain student learning online. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(1) 132-147.
Wu, S.C, Pearce, E., & Price, C.J. (2020). Creating virtual engagement for pre-service teachers in a science methods course in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal for Research in Science and Mathematics Education. 24(3). 38-44.