1 minute read
GATEways to Teacher Education
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210 Appendix A
Survey: Graduate Teacher Educators’ Perspectives on Lecture as a Teaching Method in Social Studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Part I
Directions: Choose the response that best reflects your answers to each statement.
A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Neither Agree or Disagree D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree
1. Lecturing is an effective method to teach social studies content
2. Lecturing is an effective strategy to teach social studies standards
3. Lecturing is an effective instructional method to promote student engagement in social studies
4.Lecturing is enhanced with slide presentations (i.e., Power Point)
5. Student note taking during lecture promotes student engagement in social studies
6. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted my perspectives on lecture as an effective strategy to teach social studies
7. I taught social studies online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
8. I have been teaching in-person since the COVID-19 pandemic
9.I have been teaching online only since the COVID-19 pandemic
10. I have been teaching in a hybrid format (both online and face to face) since the COVID-19 pandemic
11. I have been lecturing when I teach social studies since the COVID-19 pandemic
12. I took online classes as a student in middle school and/or high school
13. I took online classes as an undergraduate student in college
14. I took online classes in graduate school prior to the COVID-19 pandemic
15. I took online classes in graduate school since the COVID-19 pandemic
16. I feel comfortable using technology when teaching social studies since the COVID-19 pandemic
Part II
Directions: Please respond to each question in as many complete sentences as possible.
17. How do you characterize ‘lecture?’
18. Approximately what percentage of class time on average do you spend lecturing?
19. What strategies, if any, do you use in the remainder of your class time?
20. What have been your experiences using lecture as a social studies teaching method prior to the COVID-19 pandemic?
21. What have been your experiences using lecture as a social studies teaching method since the COVID-19 pandemic?
22. Do you think your students benefit from lecture as a social studies teaching method? Explain why or why not.
23. What other information or thoughts would you like to share?
Part III: Demographics (Optional)
Directions: Please respond to following:
Gender Identification:
Racial Identification:
Grade level and content area taught and years teaching: