Guide To Life

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Guide to Life for Teens

A personal well being handbook.

About this book Guide to Life is a handbook that is aimed to help teenagers, like you, boost your personal wellbeing. It is all about you and ways to make your life colorful and full of fun. It is the result of a personal project, and hopes to become your personal guide book too.

Beginning of the Book Date : _____________________________________________________ Activities : ________________________________________________ I feel : _____________________________________________________

@ the finish line Date : _____________________________________________________ Activities : ________________________________________________ I feel : _____________________________________________________

My Profile My full name :

My nickname :


My life is : AWESOME My height :

My hair is:



My favorite color :

My favorite band :

My favorite song :

I live in :

My nationality is :

My favorite dish :

My hobby :

Opening my

Emotions 1. I am feeling


2. I am normal / okay / uhhhh / beautiful . 3. The future is going to be


4. I am weak / strong / healthy . 5. Life is extremely / very / quite / okay / a little / not stressful . 6. I am a positive / passive / thoughtful / present person .

7. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being least and 10 being most, how much do you love food? 8. I go out


days a week, not including school and work.

9. I always / kinda / don’t really / never know what is going on in my community. 10. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being never and 10 being always, how often do you read or watch the news?


Thoughts &


My Checklist ▢

go to the beach

go hiking

play water sports

visit ancient ruins

visit friends

go on a shopping spree

make a sorbet

make hot chocolate

make a meat dish

make a smoothie

make popcorn

organize my room

put up positive quotes

decorate with pictures

put up fairy lights

decorate with plants

change cushions and pillows

try different music

have a bubble bath

light up candles

heat up essential oils

burn incenses

have a spa / massage

serve the community

read a book

have a movie marathon

Content Page What is Personal Well being? Travel Food Home Lifestyle Tips when Down

Personal Well being

What is personal

well being? Personal Well being can be inuenced by your surroundings, mood, and relationships with people around you. These aspects affect you and in turn your body responds to them. Learning to connect your physical body to your mental mind, aka soul, is an open door to maintaining good personal well being. Understanding that there are sensations all over you and your body, and being able to grasp hold of them, is the key of this book.

Doctors that Contributed Personal Well being is often mistaken to be defined by the absence of a disease, but it is the satisfaction and content with life, uninterrupted by disturbances. It is important to improve and take care of your personal well being through the years of adolescence. You may become more self aware of yourself and find the need to conform and fit in. It is crucial to find the meaning and passion in what you do, and focus on your physical, social, and spiritual health. Connecting with the world and enjoying life can bring immense joy.

Dr Irene Kam Associate Consultant Department of Psychiatry Tai Po Hospital

Dr Ann Mok EdD (Adolescent Development) MA (Counseling Psychology) BSc (Specialist in Psychology) Registered Psychologist, AF (HKPS) Approved Counseling Supervisor, AF (HKPCA)

You should be more aware of yourself and your surroundings. Stress is not evil, it is a source of motivation to carry on. It is also healthy at a certain level, but having too much would cause anxiety. This usually results in unusual breathing patterns and tense muscles. Mindfulness is the solution to this problem. It is the act of being mindful of your surrounding and yourself. Understanding the emotions inside of you, but not attempting to change them, but acknowledge and accept the twirls of chaos and fascination within your body. Being able to share your experience and thoughts with others will improve your personal well being.


hit the


The beach is the perfect place to have gatherings and a bonďŹ re. In the hot weather of summer, it would be irresistible to take a dip in the cool salty water, or lie on the golden soft beach, and feel the sizzling warm air of the sun resting on your skin.

Do it with style... 1.

Pick out the most bright and comfortable swimsuit.


Call up your friends and family.

3. Drive to the nearest beach, while blasting summer funk in the car. 4.

Occupy a spot far from the entrance, but not too close to the water.


Play with the foamy waves.


Build a majestic sand castle.


Buy a cold drink.


Sit under the sun and enjoy the heat.

hike through


Through the rocky mountains and little streams, hiking is a well loved sport by teenagers all over the world. Not only can you strengthen your body as you take a walk through nature, you can appreciate the magniďŹ cent view from above through horizons, and the clear blue sky.

Do it with style... 1.

Wake up early in the morning before the sun rises.


Pack a fruitful meal with fruits and protein.


Wear hiking shoes, bring water and a hat.


Meet up with your friend at the bottom of the mountain.


Take your time to hike up slowly.


Appreciate the view and scenery.


Drink lots of water.


Stop and rest at a beautiful spot.


Watch the sun rise and eat.


Hike down when you feel tired.

sports on

water Sports and health are always closely connected. When you work out and do physical activity, your mind becomes calm and peaceful. However, sports make you sweat, and sometimes its not always favorable. How about water sports? Its everything in one package.

Do it with style... 1.

Pack healthy snacks.


Make your way to the closest beach.


Rent or bring a surďŹ ng board, or kayak.


Wear a life jacket for safety if you are new to the sport.


Check that all safety equipments are secured.


Take off to the water.


Have fun, and don’t go too far out into the sea.

travel through

time History of our past, history we can explore and learn from. It never gets more exciting to visit and see ancient ruins. These places allow us to better understand our culture and history, in which we can learn and thrive from. It is also an awesome place for family and friend vacations.

Do it with style... 1.

Pack a camera with you.


Wear comfortable and casual clothes.


Choose your favorite historical attraction to go to.


Take a brochure of your preferred language.


Buy tickets.


Start off your journey through history.


Take photos when allowed for memories


gatherings Friends are always there for you. Friends are your second brothers and sisters. However, life is too short to loose in touch with such precious people. Gatherings and lunches get people back on track down the road of friendship, always knowing that someone will be there to catch you when you fall.

Do it with style... 1.

Call up friends, or start a group chat.


Pick a day and time when you are all free.


Choose your favorite restaurant

4. Make reservations, cause there are going to be too many of you. 5.

Mark it on your calendar.


Pick your favorite outďŹ t.


And you are ready to go and have a blast.

shop till you

drop Shopping may seem like something only girls do, but its actually exciting to let your heart out and be free to shop. Go on a shopping spree, and get all the stuff that has been bugging you for so long. Its also a brilliant way to let go of your stress and pressure deep down in your heart.

Do it with style... 1.

Save up some money.


Meet up with friends.


Head to the closest shopping mall.


Go shopping.


Check the prices though.


Don’t go over budget.


Ever want something cold and chilly that melts instantly in your mouth on a hot morning? Well... sorbet is the perfect choice. It’s soft and sweet with the perfect amount of sugar and fruits. With a few steps and a whole load of freezer time, the sorbet will be done and ready for dessert.

sorbet for


Easy Peezy Recipe : Strawberry Sorbet Ingredients 1.

1 quart ripe strawberry stemmed and frozen

2. 5 tablespoons sugar 3. 1/4 cup water Instructions 1.

Freeze strawberries for 2 hours. Remove from freezer when hard.

2. Put strawberry and sugar in food processor. Blend until broken to bits. 3.

Add water and continue blending, until becomes smooth puree.


Place in freezer for 2 hours, or until hardens. Mix the puree every 30 minutes.

hot in the

chocolate Have you ever had a time when you felt like a cup of hot chocolate would just make your day? If yes, then you are perfectly normal. Research has shown that taking in warm sweet food and drinks, makes one feel warmer, kinder, and more loving. In other words, it brings people closer, through the heart and through the fan base.

Easy Peezy Recipe : Hot Chocolate Ingredients 1.

2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder

2. 1 (or 2 for those with a sweet tooth) tablespoons sugar 3. 1 cup milk 4. 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Instructions 1.

Whisk together cocoa, sugar, and 2 tablespoons of milk in a small saucepan over medium-low heat,, until all dissolved.


Pour in rest of milk, and simmer over medium heat.


Stir from time to time until hot., steam appears.


Add in vanilla extract.


Add marshmallows if preferred.

Chicken has always been well loved by teens. It is a great source of protein and selenium, which gives the body sufďŹ cient energy for every day life. It is tasteful and nutritious to teens, and can boost your personal and physical health in many ways.

chicken the


Easy Peezy Recipe : Baked Chicken Ingredients 1.

1 chicken, cut into pieces

2. 1 cup cornake crumbs 3. 1 teaspoon salt 4. 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper 5. 1/2 cup undiluted milk Instructions 1.

Preheat the oven at 350F.


Combine salt, pepper, and cornake crumbs together on wax paper.


Dip the chicken in the milk, and then roll in the crumbs.


Place the chicken in a baking pan with skin side facing up.


Bake uncovered for 1 hour, until not raw.

time for

smoothie Smoothies are like rainbows and smiles all blended together, full of natural sugar and fruits. They are perfect for hot mornings, lazy afternoons, chilly evenings, and peaceful nights. With nutrients all all mixed in a cup, it gives to the boost of energy and enthusiasm for the day and night.

Easy Peezy Recipe : Orange Banana Strawberry Smoothie Ingredients 1.

1 cup plain yogurt

2. 1 banana 3. 1/2 cup orange juice 4. 6 frozen strawberries Instructions 1.

Blend all ingredients together for 20 seconds.


Scrape the mixture on the side back in.


Blend for 15 more seconds.


Ready to serve.


Chill is preferred.

movies or

popcorn Popcorn is an addictive snack. It might not be happy, but I assure you it brings joy and laughter. When you hear it popping in the microwave, a tingle of joy pulses through you. When the sweet aroma ďŹ lls the kitchen, it melts you from your head through your heart to your soles.

Easy Peezy Recipe : Popcorn Ingredients 1.

1 (or more depending on your appetite) pack of popcorn kernels

Instructions 1.

Place in microwave and set for 2.5 to 3 minutes.


Carefully take the bag out and open it slowly.


Pour into bowl.


Bon appetite.


clean up the

room Your room is basically your little universe. Its where you sleep, work, play, and do all the crazy stuff. Your clean and organized living space will boost your happiness and emotions, as the place will be sparkling clean. It also prevents all the nasty creatures living under your closet. Let’s get rid of them!

Do it with style... 1.

Buy simple buckets and dividers from a department store.


Use spray paint to decorate the items.


Categories shoes, bags, stationary, folders, (etc) into different piles.


Place them in the buckets or divide them orderly.

5. Place them on the side of your room, or in cabinets and closets. 6.

Use ďŹ le folders and labels to organize school material.


Use tiny holders to hold pencils and pens on the desk.

8. Fold clothes that have been placed randomly around the room. 9.

Move dirty clothes to the laundry.

Quotes are essentials to everyone’s life. They give a spark of encouragement and boost when you look at them. Having a secret collection in your room to always remind you is crucial, and can become a new style icon to make it more fun and interesting.

wall of


Do it with style... 1.

Get an old picture frame.


Use paint to color it your favorite color.


Buy a random cork board.


Cut it into the shape and size of the frame.


Attach it to the frame.


Print out your favorite inspiring quotes.


Post them on the board randomly.


Decorate with fun memorable pictures.

string of

polaroids Lying down on your bed, with a string dangling above you, hanging pictures of memories with friends and families. You stare out into the open space and swim in the pool of the beautiful past. It’s much simpler made than done. With a few materials and a load of pictures on your phone taking up storage will do.

Do it with style... 1.

Get a long piece of string. (length depends on the number of pictures)


Get normal pegs and use paint to make them colorful.


Choose pictures that you like from your phone or storage.


Print them on glossy paper 2.1x3.4 inches, which is the size of a normal polaroid.


Clip the pictures on the string in your style.


Hang them around your bed or window.

light up for

fairies Having little lights lighting up the room on quiet nights, bringing magic and mystery to every corner the light spreads to. The calmness and peace can send chills through your body. With a simple decoration of tiny white lights surrounding your room, brings tranquillity and mental stability to you.

Do it with style... 1.

Buy fairy lights from a department store. It can also be found at cotton on TYPO or urban outfitters.


Locate a power socket


From the power socket, decorate your room with it.


Turn off the lights.


Lie on your bed and enjoy a starry night.


Or place in a mason jar.


Appreciate the bundles of light like fireflies.

Looking at greens is proven through research to improve and boost your eyesight. Its as simple as looking at something so beautiful created by nature, can in turn boost your physical well being and health. Wouldn’t you call that 1-for-2 advantage. Well... it can also improve your relationships with nature and your room.

plant the


Do it with style... 1.

Go to a local ower or farmers market.


Pick out your favorite plants, ranging from owers to cactuses, from soil to water plants.


Bring them home carefully.


Decorate them around your room.


Water them regularly.


Research the type of plant you have, and give it extra care.


Remove them from the room at night, and place it back at daytime.

cushions for

comfort A warm and cozy home plays a main part in your everyday life. It gives you comfort from the outside into the heart. With funky bright colors, it will boost your emotions and make you as joyful and enthusiastic as they are. It also doesn’t hurt to change up the styles of pillows and cushions that ďŹ ll your house.

Do it with style... 1.

Measure the sizes of the pillows and cushions in your home.


Keep and record and hit the shops for cushion cases.


Match the colors with your color scheme, or go all wild and choose random patterns and colors.


Don’t be in a rush, the best things always come last.


When you have everything, bring them home.


Wash the cushion cases or small pillows.


Go decorate!


music fills the

air Music is a major component in life, it helps get your brain moving and allows you to understand and absorb knowledge at a much faster pace. Music can also allow you to be more relaxed, which would let you do anything possible. Different kinds of music have amazingly unique abilities on you.

Do it with style... 1.

Map out your schedule for the day.


Figure out how fast you want to complete your task.


Depending on the tempo choose between your favorite music Learning and remembering new facts? Choose music with 50 - 80 beats per minute. It calms the part of the brain focusing on logical thinking. Miley Cyrus “We can’t stop”

of the style.

Creative thoughts and writing essays? Choose fast-paced pop music as it stimulates the brain. Katy Perry “Firework” Anna Kendrick “Cups” Maroon 5 “Maps”

bubble bath

bomb After a long day of work and hectic homework, its always nice to take a warm shower and let go of all the stress. LushŽ is famous for its bath bombs with special purposes and amazing fragrances. With these simple bath bombs, you can be smelling like the perfect ower boy / girl in an instant. It is also 100% organic.

Do it with style... 1.

Go to a lush store.


Choose your favorite bath bombs.


Smell them to see if you like the scent.


Bring them home.


Prepare a tub of preferred temperature water.


Drop a bath bomb in.


Watch it ďŹ zzle.


Go in for a dip

Recommendations 1.

Twilight - Lavender and tonka scent. Makes you feel warm.

2. Phoenix Rising - Includes cinnamon stick and organic jojoba oil.. Spicy apple scent. 3. Space Girl - Has blueberry candy scent. Includes grapefruit oil. 4. Sakura - Envelop you with mimosa and jasmine scents. 5. Honey Bee - Toffee and honey scented. Keeps skin moisturized

candies and

candles Who doesn’t love candy sweet smell pulsating through the room. Candles are known to uplift emotions and have amazing positive effects on users. It also provides aromatherapy impact on you, as it makes you calm and relaxed, and gives the room a whole new peaceful vibe.

Do it with style... 1.

Shop at a department store.


Go to the candles section.


Choose your favorite scents.


Place them decoratively around the house.


Light them when you feel worn out.

Recommendations 1.

Lavender - To soothe and relax. Can relieve stress.

2. Citrus scents - Uplifting and creates a joyful mood in the room. 3. Vanilla - Relaxing and comforting, warm. 4. Cinnamon - Help with exhaustion. Restore energy. 5. Jasmine - Relaxing. 6. Rose - Huge beneďŹ t for girls. Balance your emotions. 7. Lilac - Helps give you a clear mind to make decisions.

burning essential

oils Burning essential oils may not sound glamorous and fun at all, but it provides nutrients and a plethora of beneďŹ ts to users. Setting a small plate with a few drops, can bring comfort to you in an instant. With many unique scents, there are many to choose from to suit your needs to the fullest.

Do it with style... 1.

Go to an essential oil shop.


Have an assistant tell you about each oil and their beneďŹ ts.


Make a decision on which scent you enjoy the most.


Buy a oil burner to use , if you don’t have one.


When feeling empty, drop 3-5 drops of oil in the burner.


Place a tiny candle underneath.


Wait for magic to unfold.

Recommendations 1.

Lavender - Soothing and refreshing. Brings life to skin.

2. Lemon - Strong and purifying, uplifting. 3. Peppermint - Clean and fresh aroma. Soothe minor stomach discomfort and fatigue. 4. Helichrysum - Fresh and earthy aroma. Uplifts emotions.

spirits after

incense You may think burning incense is like praying to a god to bring luck and wealth to you. However, burning incense is much more than that. Similar to candles and essential oils, the uses and beneďŹ ts of incense are aimed to bring serenity to you, with bubbly and interesting scents to liven up the room.

Do it with style... 1.

Go to an incense stick shop.


Understand the different types of incenses.


Choose your favorite type.


Get an incense dish.


When feeling drowsy, light the tip of the incense.


Make sure it doesn’t accidentally tip over.

Recommendations 1.

Frankincense - Helps you become calm and peaceful. Relieves stress and anxiety.

2. Lotus - Allows peaceful mind. Increases focus and intelligence. 3. Musk - Restores order and balance. 4. Sandalwood - Allows mental thoughts and calmness meditation.

time to hit the

spa Letting go of everything and just taking in your surroundings is something that rarely happens in your life. With your cramped schedule and loads of homework and assessments, you deserve to take the time off and just enjoy life. How about a spa day with friends, or a massage to relieve stress?

Do it with style... 1.

Visit a spa and massage shop.


Book a treatment that is not out of your budget, but suits your interests.


Mark it down on your calendar, and make time.


Don’t be late and arrive on time on the reserved day.


Block out everything else, mute your phone.


Just relax.

giving back to the

community Our community is every single person beside you working to improve the place, the city, the country. Your relationship with your community is crucial and reects you as a person. Why not ďŹ nd a day to give back to the community, having received so much beneďŹ ts and laughter from it. They can also be anonymous.

Do it with style... 1.

Volunteer at a animal shelter.


Go to a public library and help the librarian.


Water the plants along the roads and streets.


Offer to help give out newspapers in the morning.


Donate old clothes, toys, and stationary.


Make posters to promote recycling.


Donate old books to less fortunate schools.

looks and

books Books bring you into totally different and magical dimension, where monsters, fairies live, and weird coincidences happen. Books are also a source for intelligence and knowledge, it is also a great time killer when waiting or on the plane. However, it takes a long time to ďŹ nd the “oneâ€? that touches your heart.

Do it with style... 1.

Choose a genre that most interests you, for example thriller, romance, historical, adventure, detective.


Ask your friends for suggestions.


Search them up online and read the blurb.


Write down the names of those that most fascinate you.


Search for them in the Library.


Borrow them .


Find a place comfy and quiet.


Sit down and start your journey into books.

marathon of

movies Movies are fun and relaxing. While sitting on the couch or in a cinema, with a bag of popcorn and drink in your hands, another story unfolds in front of your eyes. Some people would prefer movies over books, and its totally normal, not because they are lazy. The whole experience is different and laid back fun.

Do it with style... 1.

Call up your friends and family.


Choose your favorite movie, single of series.


Prepare your favorite snacks and drinks.


Start playing the movie.


When its over watch the sequel, or another totally different themed one.


Stop the movie marathon when everyone is tired, or else keep going.

Tips when Down

confide in a

friend Your friends and family will always be there for you. When you are sad, it will affect them as well because they care and are worried about you. You should take some time to sit down, and spill your feelings and emotions to them. As you let it out of your heart, all that black stuff will also leave your body, and you will feel relieved.

write it and

throw it With everything thing bundled up and pushed down in your heart, it will only make you suffer more. If you don’t feel comfortable telling anyone, write it down on a piece of paper. Then crumble it up and tear it into pieces. With you torturing the darkness and bad stuff, it will also be treated and dealt with magically in your heart.

sleep it


Sleeping is another form of shutting down your body, and rebooting it. It lets go of the stress and lets your body and brain calm down from all that stress. Sleep is a great way to calm your nerves down before thinking carefully, and ďŹ nding ways to deal with your problems logically and intelligently.

run to burn

stress Putting your energy in these bad and unpleasant thoughts is not healthy for your body, you should put that excess energy in other things, like sports. While running or doing light physical activity, you will be killing calories and stress at the same time, in which with a clear mind, you can evaluate them and make right decisions.

Closing my

Emotions 1. I am feeling


2. I am normal / okay / uhhhh / beautiful . 3. The future is going to be


4. I am weak / strong / healthy . 5. Life is extremely / very / quite / okay / a little / not stressful . 6. I am a positive / passive / thoughtful / present person .

7. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being least and 10 being most, how much do you love food? 8. I go out


days a week, not including school and work.

9. I always / kinda / don’t really / never know what is going on in my community. 10. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being never and 10 being always, how often do you read or watch the news?


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.

They must be felt with the heart.

-Helen Keller

Acknowledgements Pictures from Google Photography by Gabby

Information from Dr Ann Mok and Dr Irene Kam and the Internet

Guide to Life for Teens is a personal handbook aimed to encourage personal well being for teens. With fun and relatable suggestions and tips, teens can carry this handbook in their pocket and attempt new adventures every day!

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