1 minute read


The idea came from ancient agriculture. In the world, many civilizations started alongside a certain river such as the Danube river, the Nile river, the Yellow river of Huang He,... and in our case, it was the Red river of North Vietnam. That is why we mainly used boats to travel through rivers and canals. We basically did everything on the boat: eating, trading, sleeping, and relaxing. However, to avoid tropical rain, we had to find a way: turn the boat upside down and put on sticks and hide underneath to stay dry. This idea, combined with the advanced development of architecture and technology, became the basic principle of houses, especially traditional communal houses in Vietnam. The traditional communal house is the perfect place for physical, emotional, and religious support for the people. In my opinion, this design provides a peaceful and safe feeling. A peaceful mind will build a healthy body which is essential for shelter. In addition, the religious touch will function similarly to a lighthouse, guiding people through hard times and helping them to find their true selves.


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