9 minute read
Trend Drivers
from Trendmap Report
by gabihowarth

It’s clear throughout research that radical transparency has become more prevalent since the evolvement of individualism and freedom of expression. Tracking trends and predicting the movement and changes of trends is a big part in what keeps brands and retailers successful.

It’s clear there are many factors that keep infl uencing trends. Social media and economics have a large impact on how society views and wears fashion. Fast fashion trends have enabled society to look good and keep up-to date with new trends while not breaking the bank. However, a result of fast fashion and cheaper clothing has meant slave labour and poor working conditions has become more prevalent in poorer countries. An example of a fashion trend is faux fur, this became popular from the anti fur campaigns; society used their freedom of expression to voice their opinions.

Through research and understanding of the life cycle of a trend, we can conclude that there is an introduction, adoption peak and a decline. However, time frames differ for certain styles. As discussed in the report, some styles are timeless while others are only around for a short period of time. From primary research we were able to gain a better understanding of radical transparency and how popular it is amongst style concerned people. Through primary and secondary research it would be fair to suggest that the trend has been a success. Radical transparency is a regular style seen from TV, catwalks, magazines and in the general public. Social media and celebrities have enabled the trend to stay relevant amongst the new cohort of style conscious consumers.
Perhaps in the future, materials developed with technological advancements will overtake radical transparency. It may be cheaper and more environmentally friendly to develop. Sustainability may be a reason why radical transparency does not have longevity in the market, as is expected. Future trends may have a more ethical development process, pushing radical transparency out the market. However, from research, it is fair to suggest the style is here for the long haul and you can expect it to remain a staple style amongst fashion and style conscious consumers.
Raymond, 2010
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