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Letter from the Editors
By: Estelle Erwich, Managing Editor, and Alexandra Torres, Editor-in-Chief
The world seems to be on pause as the increasingly difficult battle with coronavirus unfolds and events continue to be cancelled. Although our last few months have not exactly been typical, our accomplishments and contributions to society will not go unnoticed. Yes, our time in room 9220 — made most memorable by countless bags of burnt popcorn, an overwhelming number of ‘Isas’ and a slightly haunting stick of Mrs. Gonzalez — was cut short. Even with this, however, highlights rose above, earning us our second CAF&DM Field Day win and an All-Florida ranking for a third year in a row. We finally earned our reputation of “nice highlights”, and despite a few bumps in the road, our staff will go down in history as one of the amazing, interesting and occasionally dysfunctional groups of people we’ve ever met. highlights, this one’s for you.
To our graduating seniors, whether we have spent one or four years together, you have truly shaped highlights into what it is. Mercedes, Celine, Isa Q and Miguel — though your time in highlights was relatively short, your work ethic, artistic talent, positive attitudes and willingness to collaborate helped build a truly welcoming atmosphere. And now, to the true spirit of highlights - Kevin’s Korner. Thomas, your skills with a camera were invaluable, and we will always be grateful for your willingness to run around school and take pictures, as well as your dedication to competing with Kevin for the loudest laugh in the class. Oraida, your incredible talent has made news unique and creative, and your opening and welcoming spirit has added greatly to the highlights atmosphere. Dilan and Mesa, though your humor may be unorthodox, it left an impression on the class forever — with the Harambe and XXXTentacion story going down in history as one of the greatest op-eds ever written. Alexander, your enthusiasm, kindness and dedication to highlights is unmatched. It is wonderful to know that the future president of the United States is a highlights alum. And finally, the Korner’s namesake, Kevin, you have helped create the environment that highlights is today. Your humor and personality have made you a pillar of highlights’ history and your skill in writing and editing for opinion will not be forgotten. The Korner will live on forever.
To our new board, you all truly earned your positions. Marta and Grace, you have already proved yourselves as the ultimate social media dream team. We couldn’t have asked for anyone better to lead our “Insta-Face” (as Gonzo would say). Isa M, we always joked about how you could take our jobs as EIC and Managing, but in all honesty, we weren’t joking. You are more than ready to take the reigns of online, and you have a great partner to do so with. Greg, thank you for always making us laugh with you unique and extremely vague story ideas. I have no doubt that you and Isa will take online to the next level. Natalia, from the moment you joined highlights, you have reminded us so much of ourselves, and we could not be more confident in your ability to be a great Business Manager. Nataly, your creativity and kindness never fails to amaze us. Keep doing you, and your job as Features Editor will come easy. Alma, apart from being the queen of amazing hair, your layout skills and dedication to highlights made it clear that you are the perfect fit for News. Sharon, everything you did this year truly earns the title of “hot fire flames.” Your outspokenness and strong work ethic makes you more than capable to take on Opinion, and follow in the footsteps of Ben and Kevin. Hanna… I mean Sara, although your intense fanaticism for the Miami Heat might one day get you arrested, your passion for sports came in handy this year. Keep working hard and burning your popcorn and the spirit of highlights will live on. Arianna, not only did you earn the title of best dressed 80s child, your stunning layouts and artistic abilities always made us shed a tear of joy. Isa V, not once have we seen a frown on your face. You are more than ready to take on Insight on your own, and we know you’ll do it with a smile. Aya, you are truly inspiring. Despite having so much on your plate, you never failed to meet highlights deadlines. Your love for AP Style will serve you well as Copy Editor. Hanna, your attention to detail, commitment to highlights and decisiveness will greatly help you as Managing Editor. Keep leading with purpose, trusting your instincts, and working hard and the magazine will be incredible.
Gonzo, thank you so much for your unwavering support for us and for the entire staff. highlights would not be what it is without you. Thank you for pushing us to always strive for greatness, and to become better people everyday. Your sense of humor and quirkiness brightened our days and we will always appreciate your selflessness as a teacher. Also, thanks for putting up with our crazy selves, and occasionally getting us lunch. We love you!
Alexandra, at the beginning of this year together I could not have imagined how close we would now become. After all the ups and downs, simultaneous mental breakdowns and fits of delusional laughter, I can genuinely say there is no one else I would have rather led this year with. You are one of the most selfless, brave and strong people I know, and I am proud to be your friend. Thank you for always being there for me, doing more than you needed to and letting me occasionally leave class to buy concert tickets. You are going to be an amazing Editor-in-Chief again next year and I cannot wait to watch what you do. Never doubt yourself and your strength. Love to you always, your big sister, Estelle
Estelle, not only were you my partner-in-crime, but you also became one of my best friends. Our dynamic this year was unmatched, and I could not have asked for a better Managing Editor. Your amazing dance skills (take that with a grain of salt) and your need to call everyone and everything “chicken” made my year, and everyone else’s, all-the-more memorable. Your “hot fire flames” personality will definitely be missed. Although I’m a little upset that I did not get to say bye to you in person, I know for a fact that I’ll see you soon, and we’ll get to fight over the black cushion chair in our corner of room 9220 once again. Love, your chicken, Alexandra