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Sharon's Shenanigans

My Favorite Word: Consent



As an advocate for the most misunderstood word in the history of time, I am a faithful believer that with enough effort, anyone devoted enough can learn its meaning. In my life-long observation of the phenomena known popularly as “misogyny,” I have picked up on the greatest flaw in the education system: the failure to teach the meaning of consent.

For many, especially young men raised with patriarchal values, consent is a mere suggestion. However, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary definition, consent means “to give assent or approval: agree.” So, why is there controversy over such an explicit definition?

It is a matter of coming to an agreement — or simply not. I have come to believe that misogynistic ideals and rampant ignorance are jointly responsible for the high rates of sexual and verbal assault. For the education system to even prohibit the teaching of such an important topic is highly irresponsible.

In toddler terms: “yes” means “you may” and “no” means “you may not.” Misogyny has taught men to take advantage of situations where women are vulnerable, as if a woman’s friendly smile was permission to touch their body. Women can do everything to prevent abuse and still be told that somehow their actions demonstrated consent. Amusingly enough, a woman has the right to change her mind and have that choice respected.

Recently, it has become a trend on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram for women to name activities they would partake in if they did not have to fear being sexually assaulted for one day. Answers as simple as going for a walk at night and being able to freely choose what to wear without fear were most common. What this says about current gender culture is that the underlying power given to women by the law’s requirement to “consent” is not respected by the patriarchy. Women’s ability and power to choose is an exaggeration and an impossible feat. But whether she’s in fishnets, a suit or a newborn’s overalls, consent means teaching men self-control, and that is a ridiculous thing to have to ask for.

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