Welcome to your new home here at Gables Ponce! We are so excited for you to get settled in and take advantage of all Gables Ponce has to offer! Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to make your move in experience as smooth as possible:
Apartment Number: _____________ __________ _____
Mailbox Number: ____________ ___
Parking Space Number(s):_____ ____ _
Moving Boxes
Please take all your boxes to the recycling dumpster on the ground floor of your building.
Packages and LuxerOne
• Our LuxerOne package system offers the convenience of notifying you when your package has arrived via UPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc. Make sure you register your account at www.luxerone.com to not miss out on any packages. There is an annual fee of $30 paid to LuxerOne for this service.
• USPS will leave a key inside of your regular mailbox that corresponds to a locker below where your package will be stored.
• Our concierge will accept perishable items and packages that do not fit in the LuxerOne lockers on your behalf.
Emergency Maintenance Outside of Business Hours
Call the Concierge at 305.740.9173 or 305.667.5700 to report your emergency and they will contact the maintenance person on call to address your concerns Please refer to your lease for what’s considered an emergency. Please note that lockouts are not considered an emergency. You would need to call a locksmith at your expense.
Enjoy all our beautiful amenities at the times listed below:
Hours of Operations
Club Ponce (West Tower – 5th Floor) 9:00AM – 12:00AM
Café De Ponce (West Tower – 5th Floor) 9:00AM – 12:00AM
Sunbathing Pool (Phase 2 – 5th Floor) Dawn to Dusk
As a friendly reminder, rent is due on the 1st of every month and your account will be charged a late fee on the 4th. Before your rent is late, you can pay by:
• www.rentcafe.com (Pay by electronic check, credit, or debit)
• Setup Auto-Pay using the attached instructions
• Once rent is late, please contact the Customer Care Center at (833)924-1950 for payment assistance.
Our Gables Ponce staff is always here to help!
Kindest Regards, Gables Ponce Management
Packages at Ponce
• Must sign up for LuxerOne (LuxerOne.com/register)
• For furniture deliveries resident MUST BE PRESENT.
• Oversized packages will not be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
• Packages will be held a maximum of 5 days.
• Packages WILL NOT be accepted before future residents move in date.
• Must provide a Photo ID when collecting packages from Concierge. If someone else is picking up a package on behalf of the addressee, the addressee must send an email to ponce.concierge@gables.com and the person picking up the package must present a Photo ID.
Please contact the concierge at (305)667-5700 or via email at ponce.concierge@gables.com if you have any questions or need clarification.
Gables Ponce Parking Registration Form
1. Each apartment is allowed one car per leaseholder.
2. Your assigned parking space is final.
3. Requests to add or remove addi�onal parking space will incur a $100 Lease Change Fee that must be paid prior to changing your space and scheduling an appointment to sign the updated lease with all leaseholders present. No excep�ons.
4. Please be prepared to provide proof of registra�on upon request.
I have read and acknowledged the Parking Notes as detailed above.
•Bag and tie all waste - loose items are a safety hazard for our Service Valets.
•Double bag pet waste to prevent leaks and stains outside your home.
•Aim to keep the weight of your bags to 25 pounds or less.
•Do not include needles or other sharp objects.
•Help aid the collection process by breaking down all cardboard boxes.
•Bundle newspapers and magazines.
•Place your tied waste in your Valet Living provided container outside your home between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM on the scheduled nights of service.
• Doorstep collection will start after 7:00 PM.
No Service Holidays
• After your doorstep collection service has been completed, bring your Valet Living provided container back inside your residence by 9:00 AM the next morning.
Domingo a jueves
•Toda basura debe estar en bolsas y amarradas. Artículos sueltos pueden lastimar a nuestros Valets de Servicio.
•Utilize doble bolsa para desperdicios de mascotas, asi previene iltraciones o manchas.
•Mantenga las bolsas con peso máximo de 25 libras.
•No incluya jeringuillas u objetos con filo.
•Colapse todas las cajas de cartón.
•Acumule en un bulto los periódicos y revistas.
•Coloque las bolsas amarradas fuera de su apartamento en el contenedor provisto por Valet Living, entre 5:00pm y 7:00pm, en las noches designadas para servicio.
• Recogido comenzará a partir de las 7:00pm.
No Servicio
Domingo de Pascuas
Día de la Recordación 4 de julio
Día del Trabajo
Noche Buena y Navidad
Víspera de Año Nuevo y Año Nuevo
Mañana Siguiente
•Después que su recogido haya sido completado, puede traer el contenedor al interior su residencia en o antes de las 9:00am de la mañana siguiente.
¡Dinos como estamos haciendo! 1-877-574-2587 Support@ValetLiving.com
Resident(s) accepts responsibility for the condition of the above described apartment “AS IS” with any exceptions listed below:
The following inspection reveals any damage beyond normal wear and tear. Charges will be assessed accordingly.
Number of Front Door Keys Issued _________
Number of Mail Keys Issued _________
Number of Amenity Keys/Cards Issued _________
NOTE: The Resident(s) shall be responsible for the condition of this apartment “AS IS.” Any damage beyond normal wear and tear will be paid at the resident’s expense. The standard minimum charges appear on the back of this form. Any additional outstanding balances or charges will be added.
If you do not clean or repair items listed below prior to moving out, minimum charges for the following will be deducted from your security deposit. Please note that this is not a complete list; you may be charged for cleaning or repairing items not on this list.
If any items are missing or damaged to the point that they must be repaired/replaced when you move out, you will be charged for the current cost of the item plus labor and service charges. A representative list of various minimum repair/replacement charges is provided below. Please note that this is not a complete list; you may be charged
We are so excited to announce that Gables Residential has new rent payment services created with you in mind!
We request that all paper check rent payments are mailed to the below address rather than being dropped off at the leasing office. Allow for 7-10 business days delivery prior to the first of the month.
WIPS is a payment option that enables our residents to make a cash payment to a PayNearMe store location. A great alternative to purchasing a money order or cashier’s check. PayNearMe will send an electronic payment directly to the associated Gables apartment account. The payments are sent electronically, and receipts are given immediately. Most payments will post to your account by the next business day if made before 7pm EST. However, payments can take up to 3 business days to populate in your Gables account.
• Obtain a WIPS Account Number: Contact the leasing office of your community to request your WIPS account information. Make sure they have your current email address.
• Review WIPS Account Email: Once you request the WIPS account number, an email is generated by our customer service representative and sent to you with specific instructions that will include a website link to find the nearest location who accept WIPS payments.
• Obtain Your Ledger Balance: It is important that you know the correct ledger balance due. This amount can be confirmed in your Gables Rent Café’ Resident Portal page. www.gables.com/residents
• PaySlip or Mobile Barcode: You will need one of these items to complete your payment at the vendor location. This is included in the WIPS account email.
• Fee: A minimal fee will be collected by the PayNearMe location for each transaction.
• Additional Instructions: Are included in the WIPS account email or can be found at PayNearMe.com.
How to Setup Auto-Pay on Rent Café
1. Log into Rent Café www.rentcafe.com
2. Select the Auto Pay Set- Up tab
3. Enter Payment, Start, and End Date
• Select the Payment Account
• Enter the date you would like autopay to start. Please note payment is due on or before the 1st of every month. However, you have a grace period until the 3rd.
• Enter the end date. Please note you do not have to set an end date if you plan to use auto pay through the end of your lease. You can set an end date if you only want to schedule auto-pay for a certain time frame.
4. Enter Pay Date, Percentage and Max Pay
• Select the day the payment will draft for payment. This date must be from the 1st to the 3rd of the month. For partial payments, each roommate must be set up on autopay, and payments must be scheduled for the same day.
• Next, enter the Percentage amount that you are responsible for. Please ensure that the total percentage between all roommates equal 100% for the rent.
• Next, enter the Max Pay Amount. This amount will be the max that will pull from your bank for your portion of the rent. We recommend that you do a max pay of more than what you pay on average to account for rent and utility fluctuations.
5. Hit next once all items are entered, hit Next to complete the set up.
We hope you enjoy the convenience of Auto-Pay! Please contact the Customer Care Center if you have any questions at (833)924-1950.
We are delighted to introduce you to smart home automation, an exciting new feature at your Gables community! In this guide, we’ll outline what you can expect from your devices and the benefits you get from using the SmartRent app.
Whether you are at home or on the go, the SmartRent app provides a seamless connected experience that you control.
By now you should have received an email from SmartRent with an activation link to set up your account and create a username and password. By default, your username will be the email address you’ve provided to your Gables community. If you have not received an email, please reach out to your Gables community team to help set up your account.
Af ter you regis ter your account , dow nload the Smar tRent app so you c an control your lock , ther mos t at , lighting and more f rom any w here in the wor ld!
W hat ’s N e x t?
Smart home device availability and features may vary by community.
T he hub is the brain of your smar t home s y s tem. T he hub connec t s to your loc al inter net v ia W iF i or
Ether net connec tion to communic ate w i th ins t alled dev ices so you c an control your smar t home s y s tem through the Smar tRent app. Depending on your communi t y, elec ting not to connec t the hub to your
home net work will re sult in feature and func tionalit y re s tric tions .
R e m o te Acce s s
Manage and control your devices from any where using the mobile app
H o m e Au to m a t i o n
S e t s cene s , s che dule s an d au toma t ions to simp li f y your li fe, an d s ave t ime & mone y
A l l oy S m a r t H o m e H u b T he “ brain ” of your s y s tem us e d to communic a te w i t h your de v ice s
iv i t y of your de v ice s N o t i c a t i o n s leak s , acce s s co de us age an d more
Once connec ted, you w ill see a succes s mes s age and your hub should have a green light indic ating i t is online. If the hub is the mobile app. Co nn e c t to W iFi
Connec ting the app to your loc al W iF i net wor k is a neces s ar y remote management c apabili ties . If you choose to not connec t to W iF i you w ill lose acces s to dev ice control through the app.
F ollow the in -app ins tr uc tions for connec ting to your W iF i net wor k
Phone: (844) 212-2752
Email: support@smartrent.com In-app chat available CONTAC T SUPPORT Need Help?
your new smar t home s y s tem. From the app, you c an remotel y lock and unlock your door, update your acces s code and even create temporar y codes for your guest s to use.
To remotel y control your lock , t ap on the lock icon f rom the My Devices lis t on the app homepage. Tap on the lock icon to change the s t ate of your lock .
Please allow 3 0 seconds to pas s before at tempting to change the s t ate again. Tapping too many times may c ause an er ror.
To v iew your dev ice ac ti v i t y, manage set ting s or create a schedule for your lock , t ap the three ver tical dots in the top r ight cor ner.
Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and features may var y.
T he app also let s you update your per sonal acces s code as well as create codes for other s to use. To update your code, t ap on Access f rom the bot tom menu, then t ap My Access , then Get a New Code.
If enabled by your community, you w ill see the option to Pick a Code in the M y Acces s sec tion of the app. T his feature allow s you to create a new 4 - or 6 - digi t cus tom acces s code.
Ty p es o f G u es t Co d es
Temporar y
This type of guest will be given a one-time use access code to the unit
This type of guest will have recurring access to the unit during the days and times selected. This code is ideal for an ongoing service, like a dog walker or cleaners.
Deliver y
This type of code is for delivery services only. The code will expire after 2 hours and will only grant access to community doors or gates.
Controlling your ther mos t at f rom the mobile app is eas y. On the home dashboard, t ap the ther mos t at icon to v iew and change the cur rent temperature, create a schedule, change modes and adjus t set ting s . It may t ake up to 3 0 seconds for your phy sic al dev ice to regis ter changes made through the app.
O p e r atin g Yo ur D ev i ce
To tur n your heater on, t ap HE AT and set your desired temperature
To tur n your air condi tioning on, t ap COOL and set your desired temperature
To keep your home temperature regulated, t ap AU TO and set a range using the plus or minus keep your home bet ween that temperature range
More info can be found at:
T h e H ub
The Hub
The hub is a small white box that sends and receives ac tions and automations based on commands from the app. It ’s impor tant to connec t your hub to a local WiFi net work in order to use the features and func tionalit y of the mobile experience. If you choose not to use the mobile app to control your devices, you will still be able to interac t with all your smar t devices manually.
The hub is a small white box that sends and receives actions and automations based on commands from the app. It’s important to connect your hub to a local WiFi network in order to use the features and functionality of the mobile experience. If you choose not to use the mobile app to control your devices, you will still be able to interact with all your smart devices manually.
L ea k S e n s o r
Leak Sensor
A smar t plug is a great way to conser ve energ y or automate devices. Using the app, you can set schedules for most devices that use less than 200 wat ts and do
Not all proper ties are equipped with plugs. A sk your proper t y manager if your home has one or if you can purchase one through the app. Smar t Plu
Leak sensors are discrete water detec tion devices water heaters, toilet or any thing else that would be susceptible to leakage and water damage. This device been detec ted, saving costly repair expenses. L ea k S e n s o r
Leak sensors are discrete water detec tion devi water heaters, toilet or any thing else that woul susceptible to leakage and water damage. This been detec ted, saving costly repair expenses.
Leak sensors are discrete water detection devices that fit under or near any appliance, sump pumps, water heaters, toilet or anything else that would be susceptible to leakage and water damage. This device will notify you and your community team if a leak has been detected, saving costly repair expenses.
Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and Smart home device availability and features may vary by community.
Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y managem
Leak Sensor
More infocan be found at:
More infocan be found at:
Support: (844 ) 212-2752
Support: (844 ) 212-2752 Leak Sensor Voice
e Assist an t In tegrat ions
More info can be found at:
Support: (844 ) 212-2752
More infocanbe found at:
Support: (844 ) 212-2752
Voi c e Assist an t In tegrat ions
Th e Hub
Voice Assistant Integrations
voiceassistantwith theapp. Elevateyour smarthome experienceand useyourvoice to control yourhome. Setup Siri Shortcuts,enablean Alexa Skill orintegrate lights,adjustthetemperatureand more!
Smar t Plug
SmartRent offers integrations to connect your favorite voice assistant with the app. Elevate your smart home experience and use your voice to control your home. Set up Siri Shortcuts, enable an Alexa Skill or integrate your Google Assistant-supported device to turn off the lights, adjust the temperature and more!
Thehub isa small whitebox thatsendsand receives actionsand automationsbased on commandsfromthe app. It’simportant to connectyourhub toalocal WiFi network in order to usethefeaturesand functionality of themobileexperience. If you choosenot to usethe mobileapp tocontrol yourdevices,you will still beable tointeractwith all yoursmartdevicesmanually.
A smartplug isagreatway to conserve energ y or automatedevices. Using theapp,you can setschedules for mostdevicesthatuselessthan 200 wattsand do
A smart plug is a great way to conserve energy or automate devices. Using the app, you can set schedules for most devices that use less than 200 watts and do not exceed 10 amps, like lamps, coffee makers and fans. Learn more about additional device integrations and purchase options through the SmartRent app. voiceassistantwith theapp. Elevateyour smarthome experienceand useyourvoice to control yourhome. p Siri Shortcuts,enablean Alexa Skill orintegrate ghts,adjustthetemperatureand more!
Notall propertiesareequipped with plugs. Ask your propert y managerif yourhomehasoneorif you can purchaseonethrough theapp.
Supported devices and features may vary.
Smart device availability is determined by property management. Supported devices and features may vary.
W hat are S ce n es?
Scenes allow you to adjus t the set tings of multiple devices with one t ap, and can be set up with jus t a few s teps in the app. For example, you may want to create a “goodbye ” scene for when you
Af ter you create this scene, you can run it each time you leave your smar t home to the nex t level.
W hat are S ch e dul es?
Schedules allow you to automate a device by set ting it to used for thermos t at s and entry way lighting , but can be cus tomized for any of your devices.
For example, you may want to schedule your thermos t at to auto mode for the hours and days you ’re at work to keep your home temperature regulated. Creating a schedule is a great way to conser ve energ y and save money.
if my ac tivation link isn’t work ing?
If your ac ti vation link does not wor k or becomes e xpired, please for ward your or iginal ac ti vation email to suppor t@smar trent .com and reques t a new ac ti vation link . Our suppor t team w ill be happy to send you a new ac ti vation email so you c an set up your account .
How does the Ring integration work?
W i th our R ing integration, you are able to link your R ing account w i th the Smar tRent app. L ink ing your per sonal R ing dev ices allow you to control and manage them in a single app, and f ur ther improve the smar t home e xper ience.
What happens if the power goes out or the internet goes down?
Will I be locked out?
If the power goes ou t you w ill NOT be locked ou t of your home. Smar t lock s use bat ter ies (not inter net connec tion) for power and f unc tionali t y. A ny codes that have been added to your lock w ill s till wor k .
You w ill not be able to control the lock (or other dev ices) f rom the app until power is res tored and the hub comes back online. T his includes adding new codes , deleting codes and adjus ting dev ice set ting s.
If a power ou t age occur s , you w ill not be able to manuall y or remotel y control your thermostat
ther mos t at display is bat ter y - powered, so you w ill s till see the screen display the cur rent temperature and set ting s .
f rom the mobile app until the hub comes back online. You w ill s till be able to control your dev ices manuall y (t y ping your code into the lock , adjus ting the temperature f rom the ther mos t at wall uni t , etc.).
We understand that smart home technology isn’t always smart. If you experience issues with your device or app, use the information below as a general guideline for who to contact first.
Contac t Your Gables Community
• Smar tRent account acces s
• On - si te maintenance request s
Contac t Smar tRent
• Login is sues and acces s codes
• A pp features and set ting s
• How to add optional devices to your SmartRent account
• Pay ment s or fees of any k ind
• Phy sic al dev ice is sues
• Smar tRent ins t allation proces s
• Ques tions abou t your dev ices
Your New Smart Home Is Just a Tap Away
Say hello to comfort, control, and convenience with your new smart home! Soon, your home will be backed by SmartRent’s home automation solution that allows you to interact with your home in new ways through the SmartRent App. You can monitor and control your new smart home technology from anywhere, create thermostat schedules, grant access to your guests, and more with just a few taps.
How Does it All Work?
The SmartRent Hub will power your new smart home. It acts as the brain of your home, linking your smart devices to the SmartRent App so you can easily control them from anywhere. The hub also allows you to receive alerts when a device requires your attention, such as a leak detected or low battery levels.
Next-Level Smart™
Living the Smart Life
Once you’ve downloaded the SmartRent App, you can begin personalizing your devices to truly feel at home.
Smart Lock: Imagine never losing your keys again –lock or unlock your door from anywhere using the SmartRent App. Get real-time notifications when guest access credentials are used by family, friends, and service providers. You can also unlock your door manually using your unique PIN code for a true keyless experience.
Smart Thermostat: You can remotely adjust your thermostat from anywhere. Control your home’s temperature, whether you’re on the couch or on the move. You can even save money on your monthly energy bills by creating schedules that use less energy during your utility’s more expensive hours.
Leak Sensor: Enjoy peace of mind knowing that leaks will be caught and addressed quickly. Receive emails and push notifications to your phone when a leak is detected. Automatic work orders are also created, so you’ll know when the issue is resolved.
adjust multiple devices at once with Scenes and Automations. A Bedtime scene can automatically lower the temperature and ensure you door is locked when you’re ready to sleep. Or set it and forget it with a thermostat Schedule.
Our support team is ready to answer any questions about your new smart home 24/7. Email support at support@smartrent.com or call us at 833-SMR-TREN (833-767-8736).
Take smart to the next level with Scenes, Automations, and Schedules. You can easily
Top quality cleaning, affordable prices
Book in under 3 minutes
Choose your day & time
Background-checked Cleaning Pros
Trusted & partnered with your property
Community Information and Amenities
When are nearest fitness classes held and where?
Equinox is approximately 0.5 miles from the community, on San Lorenzo Ave, at Shops at Merrick Park. Lifetime is approximately 500 feet from the community right off South Dixie Hwy. Below are the addresses and phone numbers for your reference.
Equinox Lifetime
370 San Lorenzo Ave 237 S Dixie Hwy
Coral Gables, FL 33146 Coral Gables, FL 33133
Phone: 786-497-8200
Phone: 786-437-4400
What are the hours of the amenities?
Gables Ponce offers the following amenities for you to enjoy:
Club Ponce – 9:00am-12:00am
Café De Ponce – 9:00am-12:00am
Fitness Center – Open 24 Hours
Yoga Room & Spinning Room – Open 24 Hours
Steam/Sauna – 9:00am-10:00pm
Pool – Dawn to Dusk
Sunbathing Pool – Dawn to Dusk
Fuego Deck – 9:00am -12:00am
Sereno Deck - 9:00am -12:00am
What amenity activities can I use at the community and how do I get the needed equipment?
At Gables Ponce, you can enjoy the following activities:
Pool table
Poker table
Pac-Man arcade
For pool cues, cards, paddles please see concierge.
Gables Ponce
Where do I dispose of my trash?
Gables Ponce has trash chutes located from the 5th to 10th level, near the stairway for all households to use. Valet trash services are also provided to residents from Sundays thru Thursdays.
Where are the recycling centers?
We pride ourselves on our green initiatives to care for the environment. Gables Ponce has recycling areas located at the base of each tower near the loading zones for disposal of newspaper, glass, and plastic. Thank you for helping us take care of the Earth.
What do I do with my move in boxes?
It is helpful to everyone in the community if everyone breaks down all boxes and disposes of them in the recycling area. We do ask that you do not use the trash compactor for boxes, as they block the chutes and create undesirable overflow. Furniture cannot be disposed of in the community. Fees will be incurred for anyone who disposes of furniture anywhere in the community.
Where are the mailboxes located?
The mailboxes for your apartment home are located on the 1st floor in the mail room of each tower.
Do you have resident activities or events?
Gables Ponce has many fun events and activities that promote a sense of community and allow opportunity for you to meet other residents. Keep up to date on all of our community gatherings in our newsletter and through e-blasts. You can expect to see events such as: Back to school bash, Yappy Hour, Food tasting events, movie night and holiday party.
Can I have a party at the pool?
Our relaxing pool areas are available for all residents and their guest to enjoy during pool hours. To ensure enjoyment for all residents at the pool, we regretfully do not permit private pool parties.
Where is the best place for me to park?
You may park only in your designated parking space. As a reminder, handicap parking is patrolled by local law enforcement and is subject to maximum parking violation penalty.
How do I pay rent online?
Rent is due on the 1st of every month and your account will be charged a late fee on the 4th. Before your rent is late, you can pay by:
· www.rentcafe.com (Pay by electronic check, credit, or debit)
· Setup Auto-Pay using the attached instructions
· Once rent is late, please contact the Customer Care Center at (833)924-1950 for payment assistance.
How do I use Gables Connect?
Changing your utilities to your new address can be time consuming and a challenge, so visit www.gablesconnect.com or call 1-866-914-0631 to transfer or set up your utilities with ease. At Gables Ponce, you can establish your new utility service for electric, phone, cable and secure renter’s insurance.
How do I reserve the freight elevator?
You can contact the leasing office at 305-667-5700 and our team will walk you through the reservation process. The freight elevator is available Mon – Fri, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm for moving. There is limited elevator time allocated for moving and a reservation is necessary to ensure that each resident has ample time to move.
Where can I access WI-FI in the building?
The business center, leasing office, club lounge, and pool areas are WI-FI accessible for your use and convenience. This amenity is complimentary and part of your community benefits.
How do I get a hold of the Concierge?
To reach the concierge desk, you can call their direct line at 305-740-9175. After hours, you can also reach the concierge by calling the leasing office at 305-667-5700.
Gables Ponce
Where can my guests park?
Your guest may park in any available meter space around the buildings. As a reminder to tell your guests that handicap parking is patrolled by local law enforcement and is subject to maximum parking violation penalty.
Where do my movers park?
In the interest of safety for proper clearance for other residents and emergency vehicles, your movers may park at the back entrance which is off Granello Ave.
How does my guest access the garage?
Guests do not have access to the garage.
Where does the delivery person come in or do I have to meet them?
Delivery personal will need to use the guest call box to enter the building to get to your apartment. Your Smart Rent application allows you to provide temporary access codes to delivery personal. For packages all residents should be registered with Luxer One to receive packages in any of the three locations on in the community. Luxer one lockers can be found; 1. Inside the gym in the East tower, 2. Hallway outside of the East tower, and 3. In the loading dock of the Phase 2 building.
How many guests can I have with me at the amenities?
We love it when you share your community with your friends and family. Two guests per apartment home are welcome to join you in all the amenity areas.
How do I let friends in using the call boxes?
Each tower has callboxes located at each entrance. Your guests will enter your last name on the callbox at your tower. You will receive a call on the phone you provided at move-in. If the caller is someone you wish to permit entry to, press “9” on your keypad and the door will open and the elevator will give them access to your floor level. You may also provide them with a temporary access code to come into the community via the Smart Rent app.
Gables Ponce
How do I submit service requests?
We want placing a service request for work needed in your apartment home to be easy. Logon to your Gables Resident app or to your resident portal on Rent Café and submit a service request
If you need further assistance, please contact the leasing office at (305)667-5700, via email at ponce@gables.com, or in person during office hours.
What do I do if I have a Maintenance emergency after hours?
For those times that you may have an emergency after office hours, you may contact the leasing office at 305-667-5700 for maintenance assistance. The answering service will dispatch your service emergency to the on-call service technician. You should receive a call from the technician within the hour.
What is considered a maintenance emergency?
Emergency maintenance problems that will be dispatched to the on-call service technician include:
1. No electricity throughout the apartment
2. No water.
3. No air conditioning on a day of extreme heat (80+ degrees).
4. Water entering the apartment.
5. Possibility of fire.
6. Impeded plumbing in an apartment with only one bathroom.
7. No heat.
8. Non-functioning or malfunctioning smoke detector.
9. Gas leak (also call the gas company).
10. Running water that cannot be shut off.
11. Malfunctioning door or window locks.
Furry Friends
Where is the best place to walk my pet?
The green areas around the property are appropriate to walk your pets. Please help us to maintain a clean and pleasant community by always picking up after your pets. There are many doggie stations surrounding the community. In addition, there is the indoor doggie area in the 4585 building parking garage on the 3rd floor.
Do I have to have my dog on a leash?
For the safety of your dog and all residents in the community, all pets are required to be on a leash when in any common area. It’s the law and the best practice for your pet’s safety. The nearest dog park is 2.81 miles from our community located at 2400 S. Bayshore Dr. Coconut Grove, FL 33133. Fido can run free!
Do you have a dog park?
The nearest dog park is located 2.81 miles from the community, on S. Bayshore Dr.
Dog Chow Dog Park
2400 S.Bayshore Dr. Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Local Neighborhood
Where is the nearest post office?
Located 1 mile from the community, at the intersection of SW 40th St and Dixie HWY. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Address: 2551 S. LeJeune Rd, Coral Gables, FL 33134
Phone: 305-445-2641
Hours: Mon-Sun hours 7:00am- 11:00pm
Trader Joe’s
(0.3 miles away)
Address: 211 S Dixie Hwy, Coral Gables, FL 33133
Phone: (305)442-5402
Hours: Mon-Sun hours 8:00am-9:00pm
The Fresh Market
Located 2.1 miles from the community, at the intersection of S.Bayshore Dr. and Darwin St. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Address: 2640 S Bayshore Dr, Miami, FL 33133
Phone: 305-854-7202
Hours: Mon-Sun hours 8:00am- 10:00pm
Where is the nearest Train?
Located 0.5 miles from the community, at the intersection of SW 38 St. and Shipping Ave. Douglas Road Stat. Rail Southbound
Address: 111 Ruiz Avenue, Miami, FL 33133
Where is the nearest bus stop?
Located 1 mile from the community, at the intersection of Granada Blvd and Benevento Ave.
What bus route are we on?
Bus route 500 Midnight Owl
Service provided from about 12:30 a.m. until about 5:30 a.m. Stops at or near Metrorail stations, from Dadeland South to Government Center stations. Dadeland South Metrorail Station, US 1, University Metrorail Station, Bird Rd., SW 27 Ave., Coral Way, Downtown Miami Bus Terminal, Government Center Metrorail Station.
Coral Gables Trolley
The service is free Monday through Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and provides service on two routes, Ponce de Leon and Grand Avenue. Ponce de Leon runs north and south on Ponce de Leon Boulevard, from Douglas Metrorail Station to Flagler Street. Grand Avenue runs north and south from Douglas Metrorail Station through the historic McFarlane Homestead District. The service provides connections to Miami-Dade Metro-Rail and Transit Metrobus Services and the City of Miami Trolley.
Gables Ponce
Where are schools for this area located?
Coral Gables Public Schools:
Elementary School:
Located 1 mile from the community, on Douglas Rd and Thomas Ave. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Tucker, Frances S. Elementary
3500 Douglas Rd
Miami, FL 33133
Phone: 305-567-3533
Middle School:
Located 1.3 miles from the community, right off Augusto St. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Ponce de Leon Middle School
5801 Augusto St.
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Phone: 305-661-1611
High School:
Located .87 miles from the community, at the intersection of Bird Rd. and Riviera Dr. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Coral Gables Senior High School
450 Bird Rd
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Phone: 305-443-487
Where is the nearest biking or walking trail?
Located 1.10 miles from the community, at the intersection of SW 27th Lane and Douglas Rd. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Douglas Park
2795 SW 37th Ave
Miami, FL 33133
Phone: 305-461-6805
Located 2.4 miles from the community, at the intersection of SW 24 St. and Cordova St. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Salvadore Park
1120 Andalusia Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134 Phone: 305-460-5600
Where is the nearest laundry facility?
Washers and Dryers are included in all of our apartment homes, however if you are in need of a laundry facility, this one is nearby:
Laundry Systems USA
1234 S. Dixie HWY
Coral Gables, FL 786-281-6800
The closest dry cleaner is on-site!
Mr. Locker Phone: 786-763-0720
Where is the nearest mall?
Located 0.50 miles from the community, at the intersection of San Lorenzo and Laguna St. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Shops at Merrick Park
358 San Lorenzo Ave Miami, FL 33146 (305) 447-0635 www.villageofmerrickpark.com
Where is the nearest movie theater?
Located 0.4 miles from the community, at the Shops of Merrick Park. Below is the address and number for your reference.
Located 1.24 miles from the community, on Segovia St. one block after Aledo Ave. Below is the address and phone number for your reference.
Coral Gables Library
3443 Segovia St. Coral Gables, FL 33134 305) 442-8706 http://www.mdpls.org/info/locations/cg.asp
How to Set Up AutoPay on Rent Cafe
We’re excited to announce that we ’ re now able to offer autopay set-up for your monthly rent. We look forward to better serving you and hope this payment option will be a beneficial and convenient service for you.
Log into your rent cafe similar to how you would to pay your rent.
When you log in you will arrive at your home page. Select the Auto-pay Set Up tab.
Select the Payment Account for your auto-pay. Then enter the date you would like the auto-pay to start and end.
Select the day the payment will draft for payment. Then enter 100% in the Percentage. Next, enter in the Max Pay Amount. This amount will be the max that will pull from your bank. Keep in mind the average monthly charge will only show your rent and NOT water. It is recommended to do a max pay more than what you pay on average for rent and water The auto-pay will only draft what is due if your max pay is higher than what is owed
Unsure of what to enter for the Max Pay? Select Recent Activity to view your previous payments. If your average payment is $2000 then it is recommend to do the max pay as $2300 for good measure. Please note if the max pay is set up for less than what is owed the auto-pay will not be able to draft from the bank. For example, if your max pay is set at $2000, but you owe $2030 the auto-pay will not draft from the bank.
Should you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to the Leasing Office.
Click here Click here to learn more about our Sustainability efforts and to learn more about our Sustainability efforts and practices. practices.
At Gables, we understand that your pets are members of your family. We value how important they are to you and we strive to make your pets feel right at home. That's why we've developed the Paws to Care™ program to celebrate your pet!
As a Gables resident, you can “Paws to Care” for your precious pets for a reduced rate. Gables has partnered with Nationwide to o er our residents exclusive access to discounted pet protection. This is just one of the many perks for our Gables pets! Visit the website below to register!
Gables supports the charity Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. This organization trains and donates medical service dogs to deserving Veterans and others in need. Learn more about this impactful nonprofit at medicalservicedogs.org, or donate today at gables.com/give Learn more about the benefits of Paws to Care™ at gables.com/pawstocare