Gables Residential + Smart Rent Welcome Guide

Page 3

We l co m e to Yo ur N ew Sm ar t H o m e Automation G e t tin g St ar ted G ui d e 72

We are delighted to introduce you to smart home automation, an exciting new feature at your Gables community! In this guide, we’ll outline what you can expect from your devices and the benefits you get from using the SmartRent app.

Whether you are at home or on the go, the SmartRent app provides a seamless connected experience that you control.



By now you should have received an email from SmartRent with an activation link to set up your account and create a username and password. By default, your username will be the email address you’ve provided to your Gables community.

If you have not received an email, please reach out to your Gables community team to help set up your account.

’s N e
A f ter you regis ter your account , dow nload the Smar tRent app so you c an control your lock , ther mos t at , lighting and more f rom any w here in the wor ld! t?
Smart home device availability and features may vary by community.

T he hub is the brain of your smar t home s y s tem. T he hub connec t s to your loc al inter net v ia W iF i or Ether net connec tion to communic ate w i th ins t alled dev ices so you c an control your smar t home s y s tem through the Smar tRent app. Depending on your communi t y, elec ting not to connec t the hub to your home net work will re sult in feature and func tionalit y re s tric tions .

R e m o te Acce s s

Manage and control your devices from any where using the mobile app

N o t i c a t i o n s

leak s , acce s s co de us age an d more

H o m e Au to m a t i o n

S e t s cene s , s che dule s an d

au toma t ions to simp li f y your li fe, an d s ave t ime & mone y

A l l oy S m a r t H o m e H u b

T he “ brain ” of your s y s tem us e d to communic a te w i t h your de v ice s

M o n i to r Ac t i v i t y

Us e real t ime t rack ing to remote l y

v ie w an d moni tor t he ac t iv i t y of your de v ice s


Connec ting the app to your loc al W iF i net wor k is a neces s ar y remote management c apabili ties . If you choose to not connec t to W iF i you w ill lose acces s to dev ice control through the app.

F ollow the in -app ins tr uc tions for connec ting to your W iF i net wor k

Co nn e c t to W iFi Phone: (844) 212-2752

Once connec ted, you w ill see a succes s mes s age and your hub should have a green light indic ating i t is online. If the hub is the mobile app.

on the More menu 1
on Set tings 2
Tap on WiFi
More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2
Net work Set
3 5
Email: In-app chat available CONTAC T SUPPORT Need Help?
Your hub may be disconne c te d if you don’t conne c t to WiFi. Tap on

your new smar t home s y s tem. From the app, you c an remotel y lock and unlock your door, update your acces s code and even create temporar y codes for your g uest s to use.

To remotel y control your lock , t ap on the lock icon f rom the My Devices lis t on the app homepage. Tap on the lock icon to change the s t ate of your lock .


Please allow 3 0 seconds to pas s before at tempting to change the s t ate again. Tapping too many times may c ause an er ror.

To v iew your dev ice ac ti v i t y, manage set ting s or create a schedule for your lock , t ap the three ver tical dots in the top r ight cor ner.

Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and features may var y.

A C C E S S C O N T R O L More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2

T he app also let s you update your per sonal acces s code as well as create codes for other s to use. To update your code, t ap on Access f rom the bot tom menu, then t ap My Access , then Get a New Code.

If enabled by your community, you w ill see the option to Pick a Code in the M y Acces s sec tion of the app. T his feat ure allow s you to create a new 4 - or 6 - digi t cus tom acces s code.

Temporar y

This type of guest will be given a one-time use access code to the unit


This type of guest will have recurring access to the unit during the days and times selected. This code is ideal for an ongoing service, like a dog walker or cleaners.

Deliver y

This type of code is for delivery services only. The code will expire after 2 hours and will only grant access to community doors or gates.

A C C E S S C O D E S Ty p es o f G u es t Co d es
More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2

Controlling your ther mos t at f rom the mobile app is eas y. On the home dashboard, t ap the ther mos t at icon to v iew and change the cur rent temperat ure, create a schedule, change modes and adjus t set ting s . It may t ake up to 3 0 seconds for your phy sic al dev ice to regis ter changes made through the app.

To tur n your heater on , t ap HE AT and set your desired temperat ure

To tur n your air condi tioning on , t ap COOL and set your desired temperat ure

To keep your home temperat ure reg ulated, t ap AU TO and set a range using the plus or minus keep your home bet ween that temperat ure range

O p e
More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2
r atin g Yo ur D ev i ce
Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and features may var y.

The hub is a small white box that sends and receives ac tions and automations based on commands from the app. It ’s impor tant to connec t your hub to a local WiFi net work in order to use the features and func tionalit y of the mobile experience. If you choose not to use the mobile app to control your devices, you will still be able to interac t with all your smar t devices manually.

The hub is a small white box that sends and receives actions and automations based on commands from the app. It’s important to connect your hub to a local WiFi network in order to use the features and functionality of the mobile experience. If you choose not to use the mobile app to control your devices, you will still be able to interact with all your smart devices manually.

A smar t plug is a great way to conser ve energ y or automate devices. Using the app, you can set schedules for most devices that use less than 200 wat ts and do Not all proper ties are equipped with plugs. A sk your proper t y manager if your home has one or if you can purchase one through the app.

Leak sensors are discrete water detec tion devices

Leak sensors are discrete water detec tion devi

water heaters, toilet or any thing else that would be susceptible to leakage and water damage. This device been detec ted, saving costly repair expenses.

Leak sensors are discrete water detection devices that fit under or near any appliance, sump pumps, water heaters, toilet or anything else that would be susceptible to leakage and water damage. This device will notify you and your community team if a leak has been detected, saving costly repair expenses.

water heaters, toilet or any thing else that woul susceptible to leakage and water damage. This

been detec ted, saving costly repair expenses.

Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and features may var y.

Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and Smart home device availability and features may vary by community.

device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y managem

L ea k S e n s o
O T H E R D E V I C E S More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2
r Smar
T h e H ub
Smar t Plu g Hub Plug
O T H E R D E V I C E S vo ex Se lig V
L ea k S e n s o r
The Hub
Leak Sensor
Leak Sensor More info can be found S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2 Hub



More info can be found at:

S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2 Leak Sensor Voice

Voice Assistant Integrations

assistant with the app. Elevate your smar t home ience and use your voice to control your home. p

Shor tcuts, enable an Alexa Skill or integrate adjust the temperature and more!

SmartRent offers integrations to connect your favorite voice assistant with the app. Elevate your smart home experience and use your voice to control your home. Set up Siri Shortcuts, enable an Alexa Skill or integrate your Google Assistant-supported device to turn off the lights, adjust the temperature and more!

tures may var y.

More info can be found at:

Smart Plug

The hub is a small white box that sends and receives ac tions and automations based on commands from the app. It ’s impor tant to connec t your hub to a local WiFi net work in order to use the features and func tionalit y of the mobile experience. If you choose not to use the mobile app to control your devices, you will still be able to interac t with all your smar t devices manually.

voice assistant with the app. Elevate your smar t home experience and use your voice to control your home. Set up Siri Shor tcuts, enable an Alexa Skill or integrate lights, adjust the temperature and more!

A smar t plug is a great way to conser ve energ y or automate devices. Using the app, you can set schedules for most devices that use less than 200 wat ts and do

Not all proper ties are equipped with plugs. A sk your proper t y manager if your home has one or if you can purchase one through the app.

Voi c e A s s i s t an t In t e g rat i o n s ice
S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2 Leak Sensor Voice upp or te d devices and features may var y. O T H E R D E V I C E S
S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2
T h e H ub
Smar t Plu g Hub Plug
Smar t device availabilit y is determine d by prop er t y management. Supp or te d devices and features may var y.
A smart plug is a great way to conserve energy or automate devices. Using the app, you can set schedules for most devices that use less than 200 watts and do not exceed 10 amps, like lamps, coffee makers and fans. Learn more about additional device integrations and purchase options through the SmartRent app. e A s s i s t an t In t e g rat i o n s
Voice Plug
S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2
More info can be found at:
info can be found at:

W hat are S ce n es?

Scenes allow you to adjus t the set tings of multiple devices with one t ap, and can be set up with jus t a few s teps in the app. For example, you may want to create a “goodbye ” scene for when you

Af ter you create this scene, you can run it each time you leave your smar t home to the nex t level.

More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2


Schedules allow you to automate a device by set ting it to used for thermos t at s and entry way lighting , but can be cus tomized for any of your devices.

For example, you may want to schedule your thermos t at to auto mode for the hour s and days you ’re at work to keep your home temperature regulated. Creating a schedule is a great way to conser ve energ y and save money.

A P P F E A T U R E S More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2
hat are S ch e dul es?

What if my ac tivation link isn’t work ing?

If your ac ti vation link does not wor k or becomes e xpired, please for ward your or iginal ac ti vation email to suppor t@smar trent .com and reques t a new ac ti vation link . Our suppor t team w ill be happy to send you a new ac ti vation email so you c an set up your account .

How does the Ring integration work?

W i th our R ing integration , you are able to link your R ing account w i th the Smar tRent app. L ink ing your per sonal R ing dev ices allow you to control and manage them in a single app, and f ur ther improve the smar t home e xper ience.

More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2 FAQs

What happens if the power goes out or the internet goes down?

Will I be locked out?

If the power goes ou t you w ill NOT be locked ou t of your home. Smar t lock s use bat ter ies (not inter net connec tion) for power and f unc tionali t y. A ny codes that have been added to your lock w ill s till wor k .

You w ill not be able to control the lock (or other dev ices) f rom the app until power is res tored and the hub comes back online. T his includes adding new codes , deleting codes and adjus ting dev ice set ting s.

If a power ou t age occur s , you w ill not be able to manuall y or remotel y control your thermostat ther mos t at display is bat ter y - powered, so you w ill s till see the screen display the cur rent temperat ure and set ting s .

f rom the mobile app until the hub comes back online. You w ill s till be able to control your dev ices manuall y (t y ping your code into the lock , adjus ting the temperat ure f rom the ther mos t at wall uni t , etc.).

F A Q More info can be found at: S u p p o r t : ( 8 4 4 ) 212 -2 75 2

We understand that smart home technology isn’t always smart. If you experience issues with your device or app, use the information below as a general guideline for who to contact first.

Contac t Your Gables Community

• Smar tRent account acces s

• On - si te maintenance request s

Contac t Smar tRent

• Login is sues and acces s codes

• A pp feat ures and set ting s

• How to add optional devices to your SmartRent account

• Pay ment s or fees of any k ind

• Phy sic al dev ice is sues

• Smar tRent ins t allation proces s

• Ques tions abou t your dev ices


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