Candidature for SCORA Director - Gabriela Cipriano

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GABRIELA CIPRIANO Candidature for SCORA Director 2018 - 2019.

Motivation Letter Dear IFMSA Members It is with great honor and pleasure to present to you my candidature for the position of SCORA Director for the term 2018 – 2019. So who’s that girl there? My name is Gabriela Cipriano and I have just turned 24. I am a fifth-year medical student from Perú, home of the Inca Empire. I am a proud Latina and my roots speak of a history filled of resistance, might and bravery. I am an occasional singer, a tireless dreamer and a fulltime advocate on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Writing these first words is not easy. When I first joined IFMSA three years ago as a SCORA general member of my local committee I did not know about positions, assemblies, acronyms, etc. I just cared about helping my community in what I have always felt very passionate about which was and still is educating for empowerment, advocating for what is fair and right and loving without prejudice. Back then, it would have never crossed my mind that I would be running for SCORA Director. Strange are the ways of life.

I think that the best way to describe my ride in IFMSA is unexpected in every way possible but rewarding and fulfilling. Let’s go back to 2015. I was a second-year medical student struggling with difficult courses, not feeling great and trying to find myself. “Is medical school really for me?” As a freshman, students had come to my classroom to introduce what IFMSA is and their committees and I was immediately drawn to SCORA because it seemed to break from what I had been taught in my all-girls school and present different perspectives on topics such as sexual health, gender identity, access to safe abortion; topics on which I was told one could face punishment if you engaged in any. Back then, I needed freedom of every kind: mental, moral, physical; because of my difficult background I felt I had missed living and I needed to do something about it. However, I did not join immediately because I felt I was not ready. I could not commit as I would have wanted because I honestly knew that some topics were going to be difficult to discuss, especially access to safe abortion. Yet there was something special about this committee above others. SCORA promised a little space in earth where prejudice, fear and refusal did not exist, and everything could be discussed, LITERALLY everything. SCORA represented a challenge to society: doing a campaign on high blood pressure is not as “controversial” as doing one on LGBT+ health and rights. I wanted to be part of that challenge and part of a generation that believed and fought for human rights. SCORA seemed to be that tribe I was looking for, a haven for people like me, that did not necessarily fit in in what is deemed as normal or proper. I finally decided to join because I did not have anything to lose and if I did not like it, I could always dismiss myself.

2017 represented a big change in my life. I became the SCORA Regional Assistant for the Americas and it was one of the happiest moments in my life. In these months of work, I could develop plans, activities and capacity building spaces which were necessary for my region so hit by “machismo� and gender inequality. I took the tools, the skills and the power SCORA gave me to teach my peers, my friends, my NORAs, my angels, everything I have learned so they can help their communities, their peers and themselves to start changing our present to a better future. I am running for SCORA Director because I feel I have the capacity to lead the Committee that has given me so many human and professional qualities. That changed my life and literally saved my life in my darkest moments. To continue to give back every piece of information but most importantly, to help develop the Angels full potential, to set our footprint on this world and be regarded as agents of change, medical students with a solid perspective of human rights. I am a girl all right, but it is this girl’s turn to take on the world and show what she is made of. I cannot do it alone of course, I will have with me the most amazing, powerful and passionate group of angels a girl could ask for supporting me. My candidature represents how times have changed and that anyone regardless of gender, background, religion, etc. can aspire to something incredible and be given the opportunity to do so. I promise I will not let you down.

Plan of Action Welcome dears! If you have come this far is because you are interested in knowing what plans I have for SCORA for the upcoming term. Before you read this, I want to say that the proposals were created to have a human rights and creativity approach, considering that our Angels are the driving force of the community and so individual potential will be the base of this. It has also been elaborated in accordance to the IFMSA Strategy 2017 – 2020 and the Global Priorities. I have based my plan in four pillars. 1. Engagement 2. SCORA for Sustainability 3. Cohesion 4. Development & Evolution

1. Engagement Our Angels are the most important asset in everything we do! For the upcoming term, I want our members to be actively involved and to have a saying in the activities, projects and decisions we take as team so that everyone contributes in a democratic way. By doing this, we ensure leaving no one behind and considering every bit of input you might give us that ultimately contribute to the benefit of all. Annual Working Plan The elaboration of my Annual Working Plan (AWP) will be critical for the development of SCORA through all the upcoming term. Short term and long-term goals as well as indicators will be elaborated and a call for input issued for our members’ vision to be reflected on it. Ensuring engagement of members and having an AWP aimed to develop their potential is a MUST. Participation Our Angels need to take an active role in the activities and projects we propose since they are the ones that execute them and know first-hand what needs to be improved, changed and/or kept.

Communication Approachability is essential for communication and our Angels need to know what is being proposed by the SCORA International Team (IT). This will be assessed by the following: ยง At least once a month Online Meetings with the SCORA IT to discuss upcoming plans, to assess regional needs, to take care of mental health, for capacity building purposes and bonding. ยง Sharing the minutes of each of our monthly meetings to ensure transparency and engagement of members. ยง Elaboration of a monthly report with contributions from each member of the IT to ensure the development and follow up of the AWP. ยง Taking every opportunity! Communication is heterogenous within every region and we must ensure that all the opportunities, calls for delegations, and sharing of information are known by our members. Therefore, at the beginning of the term, Regional Directors and NORAs will be asked to encourage the subscription to the SCORA yahoo email since all information will be shared through this. Also, since each region has a platform of communication, information will be shared through them. ยง SCORA Sessions in GAs and RMs We all want to learn and have different interests in many sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) related topics. This is why surveys will be sent out for angels to propose which topics should be addressed with recommendations and links with information regarding the topics.

§ Use of email and other social means of communication. The email platform will be the core of communication with EB, TOs and NMOs. For communication with the SCORA IT, a preferred method will be discussed for everyone’s comfort such as whatsapp, slack, telegram, etc. Involvement in decision – making processes § Constant call for input from our angels for each of our regional or international campaigns so everyone’s contribution is ensured for the better and more engaging development of activities. § Voting This year in SCORA, we had a voting for SCORA Xchange (SXC) regulations which allowed NORAs to be involved in one of the most important activities we have within the Committee. For every other activity that involves everyone’s agreement (such as SXC regulations, choosing LACMA host, etc.) poll – site voting (e.g. GAs & RMs) and remote voting will be enabled so everyone has a saying and opinion.

Representation - Assessing and Empowering Regions The five regions represent the multiculturalism and diverse backgrounds of our members. It is what makes IFMSA one of the biggest platforms for diverse points of view, experiences and sharing. Because of this, each region has distinct factors that contribute for the same problematic and therefore we cannot take care of a problem in a homogenous way. ยง Assessing Regional Needs with the help of the Regional Assistants and Regional Directors to have a better understanding of the problematic in SRHR within each region so to elaborate campaigns, projects and activities in a culturally respecting way with great impact. ยง Enabling Interregional Collaborations to maximize our reach and impact and feed on different points of view and partnerships. ยง Creation of Guidelines or Manuals that explore the five SCORA Focus Areas but with regional perspectives, so our members elaborate strategies to tackle the problematics in the best way possible.

2. SCORA for Sustainability Sustainable development aims at meeting the needs we have today but without compromising the future generation. This is why I consider within SCORA we need to go green! (Not as in SCORP <3) but we need to start changing habits in the usage of materials to reduce our carbon footprint and be socially responsible to the cause!

2. Ecofriendliness § Let’s reduce. We all know that for every SCORA activity we use quite a big number of flipcharts, post – its, paper sheets, etc. which contribute to increasing our paper waste. The proposal is simple: for every SCORA activity, workshop, project, etc. we should limit the usage of this materials to the minimum required and change to other ways for display of information such as whiteboards or use digital devices such as projectors. § How do we ensure that? For every event we will elaborate an Excel Sheet where facilitators put the amount of paper materials and non – biodegradable items needed and a description for what they would use it, so we carefully monitor our footprint. § Let’s keep a track on our usage! With the information of the Excel Sheet and as part of Follow-up Kits of the SCORA activities mentioned, elaboration of statistics will be displayed so our Angels know how we are contributing to the environment and, moreover, the statistics serve us to see how we are progressively reducing our paper waste. § What about condoms? Unfortunately, latex and other materials such as polyisoprene, polyurethane and nitrile are not biodegradable. And even though the usage of condoms for the prevention of STIs and pregnancy is unquestionable, there are ways to make their disposal more eco – friendly! The proposal is to include in all packages of information regarding to any SCORA event steps and recommendations to dispose condoms and of organizations you can donate the ones you would not use.

3. Cohesion Working with LRA The LRA is fundamental for SCORA to make alliance with partners that share the same vision and that can be beneficial for our development and empowerment. The elected LRA will be my partner in crime for everything SCORA and non – SCORA related. Support, proactivity and dynamism will characterize our work. § SCORA Alumni Database It is important to keep track on the Angels that have been part of this beautiful Committee and whose expertise and opinions can be incorporated to nourish our work. § Implementation of External’s Recommendations in Internal Work The alignment of our externals’ vision and experience is critical to enhance our knowledge and expand our impact in other areas that are relevant to our line of work. § Delegations for External Meeting & Inputs for External Representation Establish a system for selection of participants for external meetings to ensure maximum quality and representation. Gender and regional distribution will be highly taken into account. Calls for inputs and recommendations will be issued for the non – attending members to have active participation. § Strengthen our Partnerships and Developing Others! I will support the LRA by actively engaging the partners we have such as IPAS, PMNCH and THE PACT in internal work so that we reach common grounds and joint actions to ensure sustainability, quality and maintenance. Regarding developing other partnerships, we should assess the gaps we have on certain topics of SCORA focus areas, so we can establish fruitful alliances.

Collaborations § With other Standing Committees SRHR is a topic that can be worked on from different perspectives. It will be imperative to establish joint sessions in RMs and GAs with the help of the pertinent RAs with at least 3 of the IFMSA Standing Committees Also, international campaigns which share common objectives with other SCs will developed so we attain the most impact and help of IFMSAians. § With Program Coordinators We have programs that are inextricably linked to SCORA and its focus areas. Include Program Coordinators’ input in the AWP, in international campaign and regional activities. RAs & PCs collaboration for enrollment of activities

Being part of something bigger! § IFMSA Strategy In the midst of the development of the IFMSA Strategy 2017 – 2020 it is imperative that all the proposals and plans for the term are aligned with the pillars proposed so continuity and cohesion is achieved. 1. Pillar I: Secretariat and Financial Administration Scora Alumni and Externals Database Fundraising skills and strategies with the help of VPF Eco friendliness and financial stability in every SCORA related activity, especially in SRTs 2. Pillar II: Participation and Representation Check ENGAGEMENT part of this Plan of Action Empowering NMOs with help of the pertinent RA by constantly receiving input and providing with tools and developing skills for our angels to achieve full potential Assessment of NMOs’ status in SCORA work at the beginning of the term, the mid and the end of the term. 3. Pillar III: Alignment of work Elaboration of a new handover manual for clearly defined tasks among the IT. Elaborate analysis tools for the achievement of the SCORA Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019 to assess the outcomes, improve the means for achieving goals, and setting foundations for the elaboration of the new Strategic Plan. Revision of Training Manuals and their regulations by external help and online consultation of our own most experienced trainers to implement recommendations and elaborate new guidelines.

Online platforms of capacity building will be set for our trainees to know the new regulations and adapt to their NMOs and regions. Impact Assessment. Closely work with VPA to use a standardized tool for assessing the impact of every SCORA related activity, especially to assess increase of knowledge and skills. Then, publish the impact in follow up kits or outcomes of the mentioned SCORA activity. 4. Pillar IV: Visibility and Promotion Use of online platforms for webinars, debates and capacity building spaces. E-publications of SCORA campaigns, activities, projects. § Global Priorities IFMSA has chosen a variety of global priorities to maximize efforts in global health with overarching concepts that aim to guide this process. One global priority will focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, so it is SCORA’s goal to develop this priority to the fullest. My AWP will focus on acknowledging the catastrophic consequences of deficiencies in healthcare when addressing SRHR related issues and how youth force can revert this by actively advocating and building comprehensive and multidisciplinary actions, taking into account the intercultural background and social norms of each of the regions.

4. Development and Evolution Updates Updating the SCORA Manual and SCORActive Map with the help of SWGs and IT members while receiving input from Angels. Updating the SCORA Database with all the contact information needed from NORAs to establish networks and work spaces and of the trainings conducted so we have an organized list of trainers that can facilitate workshops around the globe. Revision ยง SCORA X Change Regulations With the help of the NORAs and Angels who have organized and/or participated in them Improving the Report Template to generate better information on the programs offered by the OCs, the participants impressions and their recommendations. Organizing! ยง SCORA Calendar Each Region will have an important SCORA date to develop into a campaign so each date has an outcome

Curriculum Vitae i. Personal Data Name and Last Name: Gabriela De Jesus Cipriano Flores Date of birth :June the 10th 1994 Cellphone number: (+51) 993450811 Address: rau Avenue 340 La Punta – Callao. Perú E – mail: Skype: gabriela.jcf

ii. Education Elementary school: San Antonio de Mujeres High School: San Antonio de Mujeres Medical Degree: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) Ninth semester – Fifth year. Expected to graduate in 2020

iii. Languages Spanish: Native Language English: Advanced level. TOEFL ITP and FCE certificates (2011). CAE certificate (2018).

iv. Positions Held SCORA Regional Assistant for the Americas for the term 2017 – 2018. Member of the Peruvian Society of Sexology and Sexual Education (May 2017) National Officer Assistant on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV and AIDS (April 2017 to April 2018) Local Officer on Reproductive Health including AIDS (February 2017 to February 2018) President of Asociación de Estudiantes de Cayetano Heredia (AECH). January 2017 – December 2017

v. Training and Sessions Facilitated August 2018. SCORA Sessions Team in the 68th IFMSA General Assembly July 2018. Facilitator of “the role of young and future healthcare providers in the HIV response (a conversation with IFMSA Member) in AIDS 2018 Conference. July 2018. Facilitator of BEAST. Subregional Training IFMSA Chile July 2018. Facilitator for the III Latin American Cooperation on Maternal Health and Access to Safe Abortion June 2018. Facilitator of IPET. Subregional Training ASCEMCOL April 2018. SCORA Sessions in Aemppi Ecuador’s NGA March 2018. SCORA Sessions Team in the 67th Ifmsa General Assembly March 2018. Facilitator of Ipas Workshop in IFMSA Pre General Assembly. January 2018. Head of Scora Sessions Team in Americas Regional Meeting.

January 2018. Facilitator of Ipas Workshop in Americas Regional Meeting October 2017. Facilitator of Peer Education on Access to Safe Abortion (Peace) in Chile. July 2017. Facilitator for the II Latin American Cooperation on Maternal Health and Access to Safe Abortion January 2017. Facilitator for the SCORA SESSIONS TEAM on the Americas Regional Meeting - Peru

vi. Workshops and trainings attended July - August 2018. HIV Education & Advocacy Training. Québec – Canada. July 2017. Youth and Future Health Workforce engagement in the HIV and other STIs response. Río de Janeiro – Brazil. May 2017. Sexual Health and Pleasure and Sex Positive especially aimed at medical students. Prague – Czech Republic.July 2016. Latin American Cooperation on Maternal Health and Access to Safe Abortion. Quito – Ecuador.

vii. Meeting and Conference Participation II Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development – Santiago de Chile (April 2018) 67th IFMSA General Assembly – Egypt (March 2018) The Americas Regional Meeting – Paraguay (January 2018) STI & HIV World Congress 2017 (July 2017) 23rd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (May 2017) The Americas Regional Meeting – Perú (January 2017)

See you in Montreal, amores!

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