Gabriela Corral - Graphic Designer Portfolio

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Gabriela Corral Graphic Designer Portfolio


Hi! I’m Gabriela Corral, a graphic designer from Cuenca, Ecuador. Since I was a child I loved art and design, now I am very fortunate to be able to exercise my passion as a career. Below you can see some of my work. Welcome to my portfolio!


Projects and proposals

Index Pachanga 4 - 7 FDLM 2013 8 - 9 Parque Nacional Cajas 10 - 21 Bei 22 - 23 ZAZ 24 - 25 Garden Planet 26 - 27 Cocholate 28 - 29 FDLM 2014 30 - 35 Rumble 36 - 37 La Huerta 38 -39 Annoa 40 - 41 Happy Roses 42 - 43 Grafisum 44 - 47 CD Sin Miedo 48 - 49 AF 50 -51 Business Cards 52 - 53 Client´s comments 54 - 55 • Personal Illustrations 56 - 65 • Ki (personal business) 66 - 75 • Typography experiments 76 - 79 • Contacts 81






University Project Date: November 2012 - February 2013 Co-owner: Sofía Bustamante City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Graphic design, branding, packaging and advertising Applications: Pictures, video, packaging, business cards, gift cards, badges, bags, posters, teasers, labels and advertising for social networking. Pachanga was a college project carried out in the career of Graphic Designing. It was done with the purpose of identifying a social problem of the city and try to solve it with a visual proposal. One of the phenomena that interested us for working on, was the loss of cultural identity of young people. For this reason we chose the straw hat,

a characteristic piece of Cuenca and Ecuadorian culture. The straw hat is a hand-woven manufacture which accompanies the traditional dress of Cuenca community, however this object is no longer used as a cultural property and has been marketed as a craft for foreigners’ use and foreign sales. Therefore, we were interested in rescuing the symbolic use of this hat and we designed a brand aimed at young university people of the town. The concept was constructed taking into consideration four ideas that we think define youth: movement, rhythm, change and transformation. That is why we chose the brand name “Pachanga” which in Cuenca culture is an expression that refers to the party and joy, that characterized our proposal and its applications. The logo design was based upon the abstraction of the hat fabric and the style “op-art”, and we wanted a brand



that is dynamic and allows us to play applications freely. We have linked the graphic proposal with the different styles of young people, so we divided the market into three groups: “classic” for those who chose casual and traditional dressing without following a marked tendency; “pop” for those who are more risky, and are attracted to bright colors and do not like to go unnoticed; and “trendy” for those who follow fashion and seek to be the first to purchase something new. The color varies according to the style and fits both men and women. We conducted an advertising video with the participation of 150 university students and about 30 photographs with models that belonged to our target. The hats were welcomed by many young people. The brand positioned itself in the university sector, as this group felt identified with the product.















FDLM 2013 1/2

Fête de la musique 2013

Client: Alliance Francaise Date: May - June 2013 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Graphic design, branding and illustration. Applications: poster, teasers, banners, roll ups, badges and handbills. More information: The Music Festival is a celebration created by the French Republic in 1981. Every June 21, 1000 French alliances in different areas of the world call for local and foreign musicians who share various themes and genres in dissimilar spaces for free. Every year a contest is held to design the official poster of “La Fiesta de la Musica”. In 2013 I participated and my poster was selected. It was my first work displayed throughout the city of Cuenca. The design was inspired by the feeling that music causes and the calling to different sectors. Therefore, I illustrated young people with different physical traits: brunettes, blondes and redheads, all enjoying the music. The artwork maintains an organic style as it sought to be friendly with all the viewer.


FDLM 2013 2/2





Repositioning Campaign of Cajas National Park Graduation thesis project Date: November 2012 - July 2013 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Graphic designing, branding, advertising, packaging, typography, product design, patterns and morphological design. Applications: souvenirs, advertising packaging, stand, advertising posters, teasers, billboards, videos and pictures. The “El Cajas” National Park is a natural reserve located 30 km from the city of Cuenca. It is in the Western Cordillera of southern Ecuadorian Andes. Its area is 28,544 hectares and it is 3,160 and 4,450 meters above the sea level. The ecosystem is composed by 253 permanent lagoons; 300 lagoons in wet weather; 767 water bodies, 163 lakes larger than one hectare and 604 smaller lakes less than one hectare. It was declared a new biosphere reserve and National Park of Ecuador in 1996 by UNESCO. It has been considered a protection zone that is part of all wilderness areas that stand out for their value in flora, fauna, endemic species, scientific, educational, scenic and recreational country property. Besides it is an area that provides a 60% of water to the city of Cuenca. The repositioning campaign of Cajas National Park was born from a conversation with biologist Joseph A. F. Cáceres, who explains that most local tourists damage the natural reserve while they misuse the material provided at the beginning of your visit, because there is no respect or knowledge about how to behave properly in this place. Most tourists know Cajas, they know it is important but they do not know why. Since this problem was born, this advertising campaign is aimed to inform all who visit the place and the people of the city of Cuenca the importance of Cajas National Park as a natural right. Therefore it was decided to create and design souvenirs based upon icons of

“El Cajas” National Park which would be accompanied by its respective informative packaging and it would explain the importance of flora, fauna and water resources in the nature reserve. The line of souvenirs was based on 15 icons of Cajas National Park representing fauna, flora and water here. Each product had its information package which presented both the icon selected and its family. The packaging had a link with social networks, where the campaign was going to be transmitted. The campaign targeted to youth and adults between 18 and 34 years of age because they represent the largest number of people who visit “El Cajas” National Park, also because they are a group that influences both children and older adults and often use the social network Facebook. The graphics used for souvenirs were designed from the abstraction of the shape of each icon. The color is based on each icon through saturated complete colors, no gradients. The composition was simple to make the message clear and straightforward from here it was used as official Helvetica to be neutral and legible typography. The primary means of promotion and dissemination were Facebook, Twitter and Youtube networks.



Icons of Cajas National Park




Trogón Enmascarado


Colibrí Georjivioleta

El Tucán andino mide aproximadamente 45cm, su dieta es muy variada con frutos e invertebrados. Lo encontramos en la parte alta de los árboles. Es una especie casi amenazada de extinción.

El Trogón Enmascarado mide alrededor 25cm, vive en los bosques montanos. Parece muy quieto, pero realiza rápidos vuelos cortos para atrapar a su presa mientras permanece en el aire.

El Xenodacnis habita en el Parque Nacional Cajas. Lo encontramos en grupos, alimentándose activamente entre el follaje. Es considerado en peligro de extinción en el Ecuador.

El colibrí Georjivioleta es endémico del Macizo del Cajas. El PNC es la única área natural que protege su hábitat. Vive en zonas arbustivas, en los bosques que quinua y arbustos de páramo. Se lo considera en peligro de extinción.





Andigena hypoglauca

Trogon personatus

Xenodacnis parina

Metallura baroni

Venado de cola blanca

Ratón pescador Chibchanomys orcesi

Leopardus tigrinus


Lobo de páramo

El venado de cola blanca habita en casi toda la extensión del PNC. Prefiere las zonas de páramo, este lugar al ser hostil ofrece un refugio para esta especie.

Este pequeño mamífero de ojos chiquitos se alimenta de insectos, invertebrados acuáticos y menos frecuentemente de pequeños peces. Es endémico del Macizo del Cajas; siempre asociado a pequeños riachuelos o cerca de lagunas.

El tigrillo es el menor dentro de los felinos manchados, puede compararse con un gato. Se diferencia de los demás felinos porque sus manchas son más pequeñas y concentradas, a veces forman una roseta. Su cola es corta y patas pequeñas. Nocturno, terrestre, pero ágil trepador y solitario. Casi amenazado de Extinción.

El lobo de páramo es el cánido más grande del Ecuador. Adulto emite ladridos y aullidos similares a los de un perro. Es un animal típico de climas fríos. Prefiere habitar zonas montañosas.

Odocoileus peruvianus



Tucán Andino Pechigris

Lycalopex culpaeus






Arlequín de tres cruces

Arlequín de Mazán

Globito o Sharashima


El Arlequín de tres cruces es endémico del Cajas, es terrestre y acuático. Es un habitante de los pajonales y bosques de árboles de Quinua. Hace pocos años era muy común, actualmente está críticamente amenazado de extinción.

El Arlequín de Mazán es un anfibio diurno endémico del Macizo del Cajas, vive en los bosques montano altos nublados, de parches de árboles de Quinua y de pajonales en áreas de Páramo. Hace pocos años era muy común, actualmente está críticamente amenazado de extinción.

La Sharashima o Globito es una hierba baja de color amarillo, anaranjado. Tiene la forma de un globo y es endémico del PNC.

La Chuquiragua mide hasta 1,5m de alto, tiene hojas alternas duras y punzantes. Su flor es delgada de color amarillo o anaranjado. Sus flores son polinizadas por colibríes, frecuentemente por el Estrellita del Ecuador. Se utiliza como medicina para aliviar la fiebre tifoidea, resfríos, próstata y nervios.




Atelopus Nanay

Atelopus Exiguus

Gentianella hirculus

Árbol de papel

Castilleja o Valeriana

Agua del Cajas

En el PNC existen 5 de las 7 especies registradas en el Ecuador. Miden entre 8 y 10 metros de altura, con árboles retorcidos y muy ramificados, sus troncos y ramas están cubiertos de musgos. Representan el hábitat de miles de especies dentro del Parque.

La las partes rojas más vistosas de la planta son las brácteas, no las flores. En el PNC la familia de las Valerianas presenta 6 especies. Medicinalmente se la usaba para regular la menstruación.

En el PNC existen 5 de las 7 especies registradas en el Ecuador. Miden entre 8 y 10 metros de altura, con árboles retorcidos y muy ramificados, sus troncos y ramas están cubiertos de musgos. Representan el hábitat de miles de especies dentro del Parque.


Castilleja fissifolia

Chuquiraga jussieui


Icon, motif and morphology pattern





Product´s applications





El TucánAndino buff

Diseño inspirado en

Diseño inspirado en

Arlequín de 3 crucesbuff


Diseño inspirado en

El Xenodacnis buff



proceso diseño



El Tucán Andino iPhone 5 Skin Diseño inspirado en

Proceso de diseño:


¿Cómo colocar tu skin? 1. Limpia muy bien la superficie de tu iPhone y revisa que no queden huellas, ni pelusas. 2. Centra el skin y colócalo con mucho cuidado presionando poco a poco de un extremo hasta el otro. Listo! Puedes limpiarlo húmedo




100% reciclable hecho en Cuenca - Ecuador

lugar de fabricación logo reciclable

cómo colocar producto logos


información general ícono


El Tucán Andino

come frutos invertebrados &

En el Parque Nacional Cajas encontramos

152 especies de aves es una zona AICA

(área de importancias de la conservación de aves)



información grupo


código QR 19






BEI 1/2

Client: AndrĂŠs Bravo, David and Danilo Sarmiento Date: August 2013 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Logo design and branding Applications: Stationery store More information: Bei is a small catering company founded by three young university chefs from the University of Cuenca, who sought that the image of their company compete with larger companies in the city. The strategy used was to show a creative picture with a young perspective, without neglecting the professionalism and good taste. The logo was inspired by the morphology of chef hat, it was used as a reason for making applications. The chromatic proposal was made of vivid colors, which was aimed to give the applications life and contrast with competitors, who use colors from serious tones like black, sealing and dark green.


BEI 2/2


ZAZ 1/2


Client: Diego Aguilar Date: September 2013 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Corporate image Applications: Cards and advertising. In 2013 Ecuador increased the tax on imports, so buying a product meant overspending and getting a headache. Zaz aims to facilitate virtual product purchase like Gap, Best Buy, Victoria’s Secret, among others brands. Its objective is to ensure easy and safe arrival and at lower prices than stores or mail carrier companies The company main objective was to provide a system for fast and easy purchasing, for this reason they chose the name ZAZ, which is an onomatopoeia that refers to consume the idea of speed and hurry. Extra high contrast colors planes were handled, because the cards were to be located on boxes of different stores, so they needed attention.


sa pre ble m e a la ens .S.A. n p e U s 9 i nte s ind io en 45 e 3 am s e icil L12 nic ione dom C u A m n da pc ali scri ta co v a n su go @ pa Para y cue rdec e r a p a. eo d ta r idc rje iona cor repa a T ns on p me tar c n co OR



ZAZ 2/2

a res le p em ab la ens .S.A. n e U sp te indi en 59 n 4 e o s i l 3 am s e ici L12 nic ione dom u C a ipc on A om lid va uscr ta c aol.c o ag ra s uen c@ rep . Pa o y c arde p da re ta idc rje iona cor repa a T ns on p me tar c n co OR



sa pre ble m a e sa A. n l ispen U.S. e n d 9 te en es in ilio e 45 m 3 c a i ic es L12 un cion dom m a n AC d p co .co ali cri l o v sus enta @ao g c a a u r e p c a pre a. P eo y card a d d t r i a rje na or Ta nsio on c prep e c m tar n co OR





Client: Richard Cawsey Date: September - October 2013 City: Cuenca, Chile, Great Britain Area: Corporate Image Applications: Stationery, Postcards, water footprint for photographs more information: Garden Planet Studios is a company of photography in charge of Richard Cawsey, British photographer who travels around the world capturing images of the places he visits. Richard wanted a logo that merged photography and nature, so it was decided to design a structure composed of a shutter, its working tool, and a hummingbird image which represented the natural elements. The logo was designed with a single color in order to avoid competing with photography in its applications.



Logotipo Garden Planet para ocaciones especiales

Feliz San ValentĂ­n <3

Feliz Navidad


Negro y Blanco

Garden Planet en Inglaterra

Garden Planet en Ecuador

Festival Pop


Garden Planet en Chile DiseĂąado por Gabriela Corral



Diseño de menú y fotografía Menu Design and photography

Tipografía Typography

Gill Sans Light

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R ST UV W XY Z abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz

Light Italic

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R ST U V W XY Z abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R ST UVW XY Z abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R ST UVW XY Z abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz


Cromática Chromatic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz

Bold Italic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz

Motivo base branding Branding motif


COCHOLATE 1/2 Client: Juan Vasquez Date: April - May 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Graphic design, corporate identity, photography and branding. Applications: Menu, business cards and advertising for social networks. More information: Cocholate is a café in the city of Cuenca. Its owner wanted to redesign the menu because of poor quality and aesthetics in its image (small and low quality pictures). It did not have a corporate image either. The redesign of the menu was made by keeping the colors turquoise and brown and its logo. We also worked with the “drop” which was the isotype of the logo itself and it later was used for different patterns applications. Salads, burgers, sandwiches, drinks and desserts and a photo of a dish representing the categories performed. On the other hand, we played with the composition looking for the menu to be dynamic, direct, simple and easy to understand.


FDLM 2014 1/6

FĂŠTE DE LA MUSIQUE 2014 Client: Alliance Française Date: May -June 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Graphic design, branding, illustration, typography and chromatic. Applications: poster, teasers, banners, badges, handbills and shirts. More information: gabrielacorral After winning the call in 2013 for the Festival of Music, a new poster for the proposal of 2014 was designed. Taking this into consideration, we started with three concepts involving music, joy and movement. We also took into account all the applications and formats that would be the design: The goal was to create a versatile image that could be adapted to different platforms. Therefore, a chameleon style design was built from different musical instruments. They were constant in color, while compositional variants contrived to design all applications. The image won the call for the second time and it was applied on posters, teasers, handbills, web advertising, banners, t-shirts and badges.


FDLM 2014 2/6



FDLM 2014 3/6

Music gendre´s teasers


Countdown´s teaser

FDLM 2014 4/6


FDLM 2014 5/6


FDLM 2014 6/6



Client: Santiago Barros Date: June - July 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Corporate image Applications: Packaging and cards. Rumble is an Ecuadorian brand. It sells cases for cell phones which are manufactured in China. The client wanted a corporate image that is close to its competitor level, “Mercury�. It was kept a simple, minimalist and an easy aesthetics which was applied to the products with pad printing and screen printing. A rhino logo was also designed as isotype. Besides, a Sans Serif font was used with some slightly curved angles in the letters and image. On the other hand, from the rhinoceros horn some patterns were designed and they were used in all the applications. The product is intended for male and female consumer.


ra y dis



Santiag o Ba 099261 rros Cuenca 5386 - Ecuad or







Tags La Huerta


Client: Tatiana Blandín Date: September 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Illustration Applications: Cards and images for social networks. La Huerta is a small business in the city of Cuenca which is operated from its “fanpage” on Facebook. It is dedicated to selling cupcakes, jellies and preserves made from natural, homemade products and 100% organic. The illustration was done to show the quality of their products, so a bike was used to show that the products are fresh and recently purchased. It was also brought by an organic aesthetic and vintage nature.



Project: Tags Annoa Client: Annoa Cosmetics Date: September - October 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Label design, graphic design, typography and chromatic. Applications: Labels body lotion, body butter and hand cream. More information: Annoa is a cosmetics company that sells products for facial treatments. In 2014 they expanded their market and launched a line of products including creams, butters, and body milks, among others. The products were intended for mass sale, so that an image that was fresh and striking was needed. The main consumers are women, therefore an organic, delicate and dynamic design to show an aesthetic that innovate the previous image of the company was sought.


The products have five different fragrances that have been inspired by the following flowers: orange blossom, magnolia, freesia, iris and acacia. Each scent is aimed at a different audience, so that a different color is used as the tone of each flower, each target. Additionally complementary colors were used to create contrast and harmony.




Proposal: Happy Roses corporate image Client: David Gutierrez Date: October 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Logo design and branding Applications: Packaging (boots, blades and boxes) During October 2004 I worked with designer David Gutiérrez who had as a client an exporter roses company called “Rosas del Ecuador Trebol”. This company required a design proposal for its parallel brand: “Happy Roses”. The logo was trying to denote joy, energy and movement, so warm colors like yellow, orange and


red were used. In addition, the turquoise color was introduced as a complementary element. The aesthetic nature and organic proposal included handmade typography and isotype of a rose which was taken as a reason for conducting patterns and applications.




ยกUn mundo de color! 44

GRAFISUM 2/4 Client: Grafisum Co-owner: David Gutierrez Date: October 2014 City: Cuenca, Ecuador Area: Illustration, offset technology Applications: Calendar, Poster

L M M J V S D L M M J V S D 5 12 19 26

Grafisum is the second largest printing shop in Cuenca. It provides printing services to small, medium and large scales. In October 2014, along with David Gutierrez, A calendar was designed for the company. They were looking for a product to show the potential of the technology that the company has: hot stamping, selective coatings, and lacquers selective Glitter, dies, metallic colors, neon, among others. Therefore, it was decided to take into consideration the official company isotype, a “peacock�. We did a job that has many details and allow us to play with colors and textures. The idea was conceived as a whole, while the illustrations were my responsibility.

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4 11 18 25

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1 8 15 22 29


3 24 2 12 13 2 2 2 2 0 2 13/4 3 0 3 1 1 9GRAFISUM 28 29 7 2 6 2

L M M J V S 1 2 3 7



20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

3 10 9 17 8 16 24 15 23 31 0 22 1 29 3 28 2


4 5 8 9 10 1 14 1 1 5 21 2 16 17 1 12 1 8 19 2 23 2 2 28 2 9 30 4 25 26 27

30 31 GRAFISUM 4/4


6 13 20 7

S D V 1 J M 8 7 L M 5 6 41 5

31 4 2 1 21 22 3 1 1 2 0 9 01 92 82 9 1 7 18 1 27 2 6 1 16 4 25 2 2 23 30



Client: Maria Fernanda Rivera Date: February - March 2015 City: Cuenca - Ecuador Area: Illustration and graphic design Applications: Cd, invitation cards and posters. María Fernanda Rivera is a cuencana leading singer who has been producing and composing music for about 14 years. Much of her work has been done within a group “Voices and Guitars”. In 2013, Se began his solo career and after a year of work she released his first


album titled Fearless. This album contains exclusively the influence of Latin American in her songs. The singer wished the CD reflects the environment in which she grew up: the countryside, mountains, houses and animals that represent the cultural identity of María Fernanda. That is why the vivid design colors reflect the different icons that show the author and her music.


rente ejarme transpa d e d o d ie m y No ha este mundo no hay razón en s. vida a los demá que aleje de mi uien r sola o con alg ta es e d o d ie m No hay en este mundo No hay razón gría la tristeza y ale ue eg ni e m ue Q

Sin Miedo er e pudiera yo perd No hay cosa qu ea de vivir que apague la id aprisionar e pueda no hay celda qu ar. el deseo de cant ar no pueda aguant e qu or ol d y ha No pueda curar o que el tiempo ni afirmar d de re no hay necesida son verdaderos. que mis anhelos “Como el paso del viento por el rostro, “Como el paso del viento por el rostro,dejando la sensación de vida, nace este ndo la sensación de vida, nace este proyecto hermoso desde la esenciadeja ma de su protagonista, proyecto hermoso desde la esenciamismis de su protagonista, María Fernanda Rivma era. aría Fernanda Riv Los pasajes de esta ruta que M se nutrieron deeracolo. res y sonidos, de can Los pas de esta ruta quedíadíaa día tos día se nutr y emocionajes es, nos dejaron una enormeaaleg de colores y sonidos, de can tos ría y satiierosfan cció y emociones, nos dejaron una enorme aleg n con sab or a cam ino. Es un gusto enorme para mí y estoy segu ría y satisfacción con sabor a camino. ro de que para todos quienes formaron Es to enorme para mí y estoy segu parte deunestegusproy ro de que para todos quienes formaron ecto, haber participado en este querido ajo y compartir el eco parte de este proy ecto , hab er par ticip ado de un sueño que ha venido alimentando en este queridotrabtrab partir el eco su cora zón de un sueño que ha venido alimentando y que sonaráajoenyloscomdem ás con su cora cada canción zón y que sona , con rá cad en a los letr a, con cad a melodía, con el sentir a través dedemlosás con cada canción, con cada letra, con cad a , con tiempos en sus lugares ymelparodía a todos”el sentir a través de los tiempos en sus lugares y par a todos”

Kike Pacherres Álamo Kike Pacherres Álamo


r í a Fe r n a n d a Ale


Fr a n c i


Yu n i o r




s A. : Kike Pacherre Letra y música “Sin Miedo” es redescubrir mi “Sin Miedo” es redescubrir mi camino mus ical a través de las camino mus ical a través de las experiencias as en estos experienciasvividvivid as en estos años de “cantora”, busc ando años de “cantora”, busc ando profundizar en notas y escalas, profundizar en notas y escalas, sonidos de distintos colores que sonidos de distintos colores que en nuevas prop uestas artísticas, en nuevas prop as artísticas, dan un sin finuest ices dan un sin finde dematmat armónicos para contar cantanicesdo armónicos para contar cantando historias de , de aquí y de hist s devidavida , de aquí y de allá, sencoria illas y profund as, como allá, sencillas y profund un homenaje a esta tierraas,y acomo un hom je a esta tierra y a su genteena que lo su gente quesonsonun unrega Este CD infinito de vida. regalo infinito de vida. latinoa es el resultad merican o del se os nt María Fernanda Rivera H. un sueñ o. El d -Perú, Colom imiento que heM Fernanda Rivera H. i rmaaría b s i ciud co s a, C n

F icha


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x K i ke


brar pueda desequili e qu n ió oc em y No ha d por dentro Esta estabilida amiento ni pens No hay acción onar. Que no pueda d r junto a todos Si puedo colorea s y tonos nrisa Y Así tener so que me limite ón No hay ambici acasar. fr Por el miedo a

Juan M a


Pach da R Guita nvitad iver herres A. err o r peru ra Acúst en “Te B es - Alex a H. ica, c L ano, usco ”: Ju oayza. bom hara Bajo an n b e Pian lectrónic o leguer go, quen Manue o lO o a o Yem y teclad : Carlos y palo d , quenac choa C. b e llu o V via: A ho, zam Yunio é, conga s: Francis argas. p lex L s, c oayz oña, toyo Armó r Hernán cajón pe o Álvare a. s, ca d z ruan n jón peru ica, yem ez. o, m N. arac a b as, c Direc no, toyo é, guita amp s, za rra a ión d anas m c Foto tubu grafía e Arte y d poña: Kik ústica, gu lares is it : Kik : e Pac eño grá e Pacher arra ele fico: ctroa res A herre Gabr . cúst s A. ica, s iela C ixtill orral o, ca M. jón


AF 1/2

In November 2013 I started working as a designer at the French Alliance, an organization promoting the French language and French culture in the world. I love working in this institution because they have an open mind for creativity and like to listen to new ideas and proposals. I am in charge of taking care of its image for their cultural events. Below you can see some of them:


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Client´s comments ZAZ: “The work done by Gabriela Corral exceeded my expectations. Her monitoring and concerning in every detail of her work as well as her advice, all of it has been really important in the development of the brand ZAZ. I have full confidence in both creativity and professionalism. I could recommend Gaby to anyone who needs energy, desire, enthusiasm and knowledge.” Diego Aguilar Owner

RUMBLE: “The design of both: the logo and the packaging for the products of our organization, is very similar to what we were looking for. The process was developed in a fluid way without problems, respecting the deadlines. Gabriela was always concerned in serving our needs and preferences as her customers. She was ready to listen and welcome, always with the greatest willingness our requirements. So the end result was a product and a satisfactory service.” Santiago Barros Owner

Garden Planet Studios: “Gabriela did a beautiful job on my logo and im very happy with the results. I realized after just how much time and skill went in to it and above all the importance of branding for your business. A very talented multilingual artist that I highly recommend.” Richard Cawsey Photographer owner

Tags La Huerta: “Gabriela did a perfect job. The illustration was more than I expected. She is a friendly and open person with a unique style. I must say that is talented and probably we will work on some projects in the future.” Tatiana Blandín Owner

CHOCOLATE: “The work of Gabriela from the beginning was very professional and above all, it provides us the confidence to express all our ideas trusting her extensive experience in the field. On completion we noticed a major contribution with a new image of the cafeteria, more sober and more striking in view of the customer, they felt more comfortable and enjoy their stay more in our cafeteria. Sales increased by 30%.” Juan Vásquez General Manager, Café Cocholate

CD (Sin Miedo) “Fearless”: “The design work Gabriela Corral created for the CD “Sin Miedo” brings everything that was sought to express graphically speaking. Gaby perfectly understood the musical spirit of the project through colors and shapes that represent the feelings of all who participate in this beautiful project. Gaby thank you very much for this wonderful work.” María Fernanda Rivera Singer-songwriter CD Sin Miedo.






















KI 1/10

PERSONAL BUSINESS KI Date: December 2012 - present City: Cuenca Area: Products Applications: Cushions, badges, books, Makeup bags, bags for computer and tablet, cases, bag hangers, yoyos, piggy banks, stickers, key chains and buffs. Ki is the energy that all living things are born. I chose this name for my company because I identify myself as a cheerful and energetic person. The graph is the key feature in all of my products, so I look for them to be made with good materials and high quality systems, which prolongs its lifetime to its maximum, all under the focus of Eco design.


All proposed designs are original. They are worked under two main branches: comics and patterns generated by the geometry and morphology of plants and animals. Each product is promoted through photos on the official fanpage of Ki. In addition, I work with local distribution and I try to participate in design fairs that take place in the city. I have had the opportunity to grow with the design workshop of my parents where I knew and learned to manipulate technological tools for the realization of products such as laser cutter, adhesive printer, and digital printer, among others. My main goal is to industrialize the process so that the costs are not high and the products accessible to the public.

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Diseño №9 Tiro



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Morphology of the MandarĂ­n fish My works are based on the nature, morphology of animals and plants. It has been my inspiration when making my designs. Below you can see some of them:


Morphology patterns

KI 10/10

fuchsia flower

Mandarin fish

passion fruit flower

violet flower












Contacts Gabriela Corral Graphic Designer

+593984965287 Av. 27 de Febrero 7-96 y Adolfo Torres Cuenca – Ecuador /DisenoGabrielaCorral gabycorralm


Gabriela Corral Graphic Designer Portfolio


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