Company Profile
Masterplan San Berillo Catania, Italy 1
Company Profile
Introduction Staff Curriculum Vitae Awards Exposition Mario Cucinella Architects srl Projects Cronologia
Mario Cucinella Architects Srl Ufficio - via Barozzi, 3/abc 40126 Bologna Italia T +39 051 631 3381 F +39 051 631 3316 Cod. Fiscale + P.Iva 02192891204 Certification UNI EN ISO 9001 n째91580
"Concebemos e realizamos projetos de arquitetura e design que através do desenvolvimento de pesquisas, a utilização de tecnologias inovadoras e o talento dos profissionais, tendem a um ideal de qualidade arquitetônica que integra a sustentabilidade ambiental, a ética nos comportamentos e o impacto social positivo." Mario Cucinella é o fundador do escritorio Mario Cucinella Architects, sociedade formada em Paris em 1992. O escritório, atualmente sediado em Bolohna, conta com uma equipe de arquitetos e engenheiros internacionais e possui uma solida experiencia em projetos arquitetônicos com particular atenção aos temas energéticos e ambientais, no design industrial e na pesquisa tecnológica, através de colaborações com Institutos Universitários e programas de pesquisa formados pela Comissão Europeia . Durante estes anos foram desenvolvidos projetos em diversas escalas como realizações de edifícios com diferentes funções, pesquisas tipológicas e tecnológicas, estudos sobre estratégias ambientais para o controle climático e grandes projetos urbanos. Entre os projetos realizados mais significativos: o Centre for Sustainable Energy Technoligies em Nigbo, China o projeto de pesquisa para a Casa de 100K €, o edifício multifuncional em via Santander em Milão, a nova sede da 3M em Milão, o Sino Italian Ecological Building em Pequim, a nova Sede da Prefeitura de Bologna, o complexo imobiliário di Bergognone 53 em Milao, a reestruturação da ex Casa Bianco em Cremona, o Pavilhão eBo em Bologna, a estação Villejuif - Leo Lagrange do metro de Paris, a Estacao Maritima de Otranto e a sede da empresa iGuzzini Illuminazione em Recanati. Desde 2004 è Honorary Professor na Universidade de Nottingham e em 2013 è Guest Professor em Emerging Technologies na Technische Universitat de Mônaco e na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Federico II di Napoli. Atualmente é membro da comissão científica de PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture), a organização internacional empenhada em promover os princípios da arquitetura sustentável e projeto urbano no mundo. Recebeu numerosos prêmios, entre eles o premio de Arquitetura ANCE CATANIA nel 2012, o MIPIM Green Building Award (Cannes, 2011), o Prêmio US Award 09 na categoria Arquitetura, o MIPIM Green Building Award (Cannes, 2009) MIPIM Architectural Review Future Projects Award. Vencedor do prêmio ‘Sustainability, o prêmio Energy Performance+Architecture Award (Parigi, 2005), o Special Award for the Environment de Cityscape World Architecture Congres (Dubai, 2005) , o prêmio Outstanding Architect 2004 dal World Renewable Energy Congress (Denver, USA) e o prêmio para arquitetura 1999 da Akademie der Kunste de Berlin.
"Esta imagem representa o principio de desenvolvimento sustentável e de integração das novas tecnologias em continuidade com a tradição. O médico atravessa o deserto com o camelo que leva sobre a cabeça uma antena GPS para o controle do posicionamento geográfico. Um painel fotovoltaico fixado sobre sua corcova garante energia para a bateria que abastece a geladeira que contém vacinas para curar as crianças dos vilarejos perdidos no deserto". (Mario Cucinella)
O estúdio Mario Cucinella Architects, além do arquiteto Mario Cucinella, fundador e diretor tecnico da sociedade, é composto por arquitetos, engenheiros, um time de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, um profissional especialista em maquetes, um responsável pela comunicação, um responsável pelas relações externas, uma responsável administrativa e duas secretárias. Presidente
Mario Cucinella
General Manager Diretor de Projetos
Cesar Mendoza Eugenio Roncacci
Arquitetos e Engenheiros
Julissa Gutarra Michele Olivieri Hyun-Seok Kim Luca Bertacchi Luca Sandri Marco Dell’Agli Nada Balestri Riccardo Minghini Giuliana Maggio Alberto Menozzi
Research and Development
Giulia Pentella Alberto Bruno Fabrizio Bonatti Alberto Casarotto
Giuseppe Perrone Luca Stramigioli
Yuri Costantini
Business & Development
Lodovico Bertuzzi
Michela Grosso
Partizia Pizzi
Nancy Colace Ursula Frigeri
Mario Cucinella
Mario Cucinella é o fundador de MCA. Com mais de 20 anos de pratica profissional, MCA desenvolveu uma grande experiência em projetos arquitetônicos, com particular atenção aos temas da energia e do impacto ambiental dos edifícios. Formado em Genova com Giancarlo De Carlo, trabalhou como Responsavel de projeto com Renzo Piano em Genova e em Paris. Desde 2004 è Honorary Professor na Universidade de Nottingham e em 2013 è Guest Professor em Emerging Technologies na Technische Universitat de Mônaco. Atualmente é diretor da comissão científica de PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture), a organização internacional empenhada em promover os princípios da arquitetura sustentável e projeto urbano no mundo. Em 2012, Mario Cucinella funda Building Green Futures, uma organização no-profit que tem como objetivo consolidar tecnologia e cultura ambiental para recriar uma arquitetura que garanta dignidade, qualidade e performance no respeito do meio-ambiente. Data de nascimento: 29 Agosto 1960
Experiência Profissional
Nacionalidade : Italiana
2013 Guest Professor em Emerging Technologies na Technische Universitat de Mônaco e guest professor na Facultade Federico II de Napoli
1993 Curso de bioclimatica Selecionado para a participação no currículo do curso da Comunidade Europeia em Lisboa.
2010-2011 Coordenador do Master in Architettura Sostenibile no IED di Torino
1986 Universidade de Genova. Facultade de Arquitetura. Tese de formadura discutido no 1986, com o Prof. Giancarlo de Carlo.
Idiomas: Italiano, Francês Inglês Iscrição Ordine degli Architetti di Bologna n° 2976
2004 - em atuação 'Honorary Professor’ na Universidade de Nottingham, Inglaterra 1999 Funda Mario Cucinella Architects em Bolonha 1998-2006 Professor de Tecnologia de Arquitetura na Facultade de Arquitetura de Ferrara 1992 Funda Mario Cucinella Architects em Parigi, Francia 1987-1992 Renzo Piano Building Workshop (Genova-Parigi) - Responsável de projeto
1984 ILAUD - Partecipação o Laboratorio Internazional de Arquitetura e Urbanismo ILAUD em Siena.
Awards 2012 Itay Premio Architettura ANCE Catania 2012 alla carriera 2012 Itay Premio Internazionale Pilosio Costruire la Pace. Riconoscimento per il progetto “A green school for Gaza” 2011 Germany, Freiburgo Premio Nazionale di Architettura “intra-
luoghi” alla carriera
2011 Italy, Ischia PIDA, Premio Ischia di Architettura Premio Internazionale alla sostenibilità 2011 France MIPIM Award. Vincitore del Green Building award per la nuova sede della 3M a Milano 2011 Italiy Premio US Award 10 Secondo premio nella categoria Architettura per il progetto del nuovo centro commerciale di Parma. Competizione organizzata dalla rivista US-Ufficio Stile del Sole 24Ore. 2010 Italy Premio US Award 09 nella categoria Architettura per la nuova sede di 3M Italia a Pioltello, Milano. Competizione organizzata dalla rivista US-Ufficio Stile del Sole 24Ore. 2009 France MIPIM Award. Vincitore del Green Building Award per l’edificio Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Pechino, Cina. 2009 France MIPIM Architectural Review Future Projects Award. Vincitore dell premio‘Sustainability’ per i progetti ARPA e La Casa 100K e menzione nella categoria ‘Residenze’ per il progetto La Casa 100K. 2009 China SPACE Award. La rivista Cinese SPACE ha assegnato il premio annuale ‘Best Environmentally Friendly Building’ al CSET - Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies. 2008 Germany IBS Award 2008 (International Building Skin-tech). La rivista tedesca XIA Intelligente Architektur ha assegnato il premio IBS al SIEEB, Cina. 2007 Italy Menzione d’onore Barbara Cappochin Foundation per il “Premio Speciale per la cura degli elementi Architettonico e Costruttivo” sul progetto SIEEB Sino Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building. 2007 Italy Vincitore del Premio “Lombard Elite” per il migliore studio di progettazione nel mercato cinese, China Awards 2007, Milano 2007 USA Vincitore del premio International Architecture Award 2007 -SIEEB SinoItalian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building”, The Chicago Athenaeum - Museum of architecture and Design 2005 Francia Vincitore del premio ‘Energy Performance + Architecture Award’ - Salon interclima + elec home&building
2005 United Arab Emirates Uniti Vincitore del ‘Special Award for the Environment’ - per il progetto della nuova sede del Ministero del Turismo a Riyadh, Arabia Saudita
Cityscape Architectural Review Awards “Design for an Emerging World”, Dubai 17 – 18 Settembre 2005
2004 USA Outstanding Architect World Renewable Energy Congress VIII Denver Colorado 28 Agosto – 3 settembre 2004 2003 UK AR+D International Architectural Award per il padiglione eBo Bologna 2003 Germany International Forum Design Award 2003 per la lampada “Maxi Woody” prodotto dalla iGuzzini illuminazione. 2003 Italy Medaglia d’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, Triennale di Milano. Finalista per la sede iGuzzini di Recanati 2002 UK BDYA, Building Design Young Architect of the Year Award Menzioned’onore. 2000 UK PLEA 2000 The 17th International Conference on Passive and Low EnergyArchitecture Best Paper Award “The application of passive downdraught evaporative cooling (PDEC) to non-domestic buildings” 1999 Italy Premio Eurosolar Italia 1999, per la sede centrale della iGuzzini Illuminazione a Recanati. 1999 Italy Premio “Sistema d’Autore” Metra 99, sezione Facciate Continue, per la sede centrale della iGuzzini Illuminazione a Recanati. 1999 Germany “Kunstpreis 99” - Forderungspreis per l’Architettura dell’Akademie der Kunste di Berlino. 1998 Italy Menzione d’onore Compasso d’Oro ADI, per le lampade Woody e Platea prodotte dalla iGuzzini Illuminazione. 1998 Germany IF Industrie Forum Design Hannover 1997 per le lampade Woody e Miniwoody prodotte dalla iGuzzini Illuminazione. 1992 Argentina Medaglia d’Oro del C.A.Y.C., Centro Artistico e Culturale di Buenos Aires, in occasione del Forum Mondiale dei Giovani Architetti
Exhibition 2013 Italy, Rome 21 per XXI Nuove Chiese Italiane Maxxi Museo delle arti del XXI secolo 2013 UK, Nottingham and London Prototyping Architecture
2013 Italy, Milan Interni Hybrid Metissage. Architecture & Design. Università degli Studi, Milan 2012 Italy, Bologna Made in Italy Saie 2012 2012 Canada, Toronto Mario Cucinella Architects: building green future Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto 2012 Italia, Venice Le quattro stagioni: archittettura del made in Italy 13th International Architecture Exhibition of the Biennale 2011-2012 France, Paris Ressources de l’Architecture durable Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris Belleville e CNRS Paris 2011 Italy, Bologna Architectura Contemporanea a Bologna Urban center Bologna 2011 Italy, Milan Milano works in progress Spazio FMG 2011 Italy, Turin Stazione Futuro Esperienza Italiana Exhibition for the 150 anniversary of the united Italy 2011 UK, London Ecobuild 2010 Spain II Bienal Habitat Futura 2010 London Ecobuild 2010 Italy Anthroposphera forme della vità 2010 USA, Washington RETECH Renewable Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition 2010 Spain Toward Another Architecture 2010 China Universal exhibition Shanghai, Italian Pavillion 2009 Denmark, Copenaghen Green architecture for the future Louisiana Museum of Moder Art 2009 Italy Il segno dei designer Triennale di Milano
2009 USA Ecological Urbanism: Alternative and Sustainable Cities of the Future Harvard University Graduate School of Design 2009 France, Paris Habiter Ecologique. Architectures pour une ville durable, For a Sustainable Living Cité de l’architecture et du Patrimoine 2009 Italy, Bologna Saie Energia 2009 Italy, Palermo Mario Cucinella: Energy of Architecture 2008 Italy, Venezia Housing Italy. Biennale di Venezia - Italian Pavillion 2008 UK, London Sustainab.Italy. Contemporary Ecologies: energies for Italian Architecture London Festival of Architecture 2008 Italia, Turin UIA World Congress 2008 Italy, Bologna Mostra sulla nuova sede del Comune di Bologna Piazza del Nettuno 2008 Italy, Turin Mario Cucinella: Energia dell’Architettura Turin, World Design Capital 2008 2008 Italy, Milan Made Expo Architecture, Design, Building 2007 Italy, Milan Fiera Campionaria delle qualità Italiane 2007 Italy, Rimini Ecomondo, Città Sostenibile 2007 Italy, United States Belgium UK Ireland New World Architecture Travelling Exhibition organised by The Chicago Atheneum and the European Centre for Architecture Art design and urban Studies 2006 France, Paris Energy Performance+Architecture Award Interclima +elec home&building 2005 China, Nanjing Tradizione e Modernità. L’esperienza italiana nella riqualificazione architettonica e urbana Nanjing Museum 2005 Italy, Milan Architetti Italiani under 50 Triennale di Milano 2005 Italy, Rovigo Works at MCA 2005 France, Paris NouveauxParis – La ville et ses possibles Pavilion de l’Arsenal Paris 2004 Italy, Cremona Scala 1/1 Centro culturale di Santa Maria della Pietà
Exhibition 2003 Italy, Milan Medaglia d’Oro all’Architettura Italiana for the project iGuzzini Offices in Recanati La Triennale di Milano 2003 Belgium From Futurism to the possible Future Mario Cucinella and Uffices for iGuzzini in Recanati 2003 Italy, Turin More With Less Biennale dell’Eco-efficenza II° edition 2003 Italy Intimacy Beyond Media partecipation with the project “ e-Bo” at the exhibition ABOUT CITIES within the 7° Internazional Festival of Architecture in Video 2003 Italy, Turin More with Less Castello del Valentino 2002 Italy, Florence More With Less SESV Gallery, Exhibition Space of Santa Verdiana of Florence in collaboration with the University of Study of Florence and the Faculty of Architecture 2002 Italy, Naples More With Less Sala Borsa della Camera di Commercio of Naples in collaboration with the Urban Project Department of University of Studies of Napoli Federico II. 2002 Italy, Ascoli Piceno More With Less Libreria Rinascita in collaboration with l’Ordine degli Architetti of Ascoli Piceno, la Facoltà di Architettura ed il Centro Studi di Architettura of Ascoli Piceno. 2002 Ireland More With Less RIAI, Royal Institue of the Architects of Ireland. 2002 France Les sommets de la terre Fédération Française du Bâtiment, iGuzzini project and Joule III. 2002 Italy, Milan Progetto per Bergognone 53 Milano Salone del Mobile 2001 France, Paris More With Less Galerie d’Architecture 2000 Italy, Bologna Cuore Mostra, SAIE Salone Internazionale dell’Industrializzazione Edilizia 2000 UK, London RIBA, Equinox 2000 International Conference on Sustainable Development Exposition of the project for the iGuzzini Illuminazione Headquarters in Recanati 1999 Italy, Ferrara Museo di Architettura, Università di Ferrara 1999 Italy, Rome Eurosolar
1997 Italy, Bologna SAIE 97 Spazio Nuovo Ambiente. 1997 Italy, Genoa Riabitat 97 1994 United States, Chicago U.I.A. World Congress Seattle Symposium 1993 Portugal, Lisbon Lisbon EXPO 98
Mario Cucinella Architects Srl
Endereço: Via Baroz zi 3/abc 40126 Bologna Italia T 0039 051 6313381 F 0039 051 6313316 E CF. P. IVA 02192891204 Capitale €48 000,00 i.v.
Atividade : Projeto de arquitetura. Mario Cucinella Architects se ocupa de projetos em design, arquitetura e planejamento urbano.
Diretor: Mario Cucinella, arquiteto formado na Università di Genova. CF: CCNMRA60M29G273Y Ordem dos arquitetos de Bolonha n° 0002976
Certificação UNI EN ISO 9001 n°91580
Project selection
Projectos Projects
San Berillio Masterplan
Credits Place: Italy, Catania Year: 2012 Type: Commission Client: ISTICA-CECOS, RISANAMENTO SAN BERILLO Surface: 240.000 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Bertacchi and Hyun Seok Kim (project leaders), Giuseppe Perrone, Noa Shoval, Sara Trueba Fonseca, Yuri Costantini (model maker)
O objetivo do projeto é requalificar e reinterpretar a área do antigo bairro San Berillo, degradado a mais de 50 anos, como nova ligação entre o centro da cidade e o litoral. A intenção é restituir à cidade de Catania um espaço urbano com funções públicas e privadas. O masterplan inspira-se aos jardins suspensos da Babilônia e à cultura dos espaços verdes típica da cidade de Catania. O projeto prevê a realização de um grande jardim urbano que funciona como ligação entre a cidade e o mar e reconecta os dois bairros limítrofes à área. Ao seu interior se desenvolve um eixo verde (para pedestres e bicicletas) que se transformará em um novo Boulevard para a cidade. Ao longo desse Boulevard estão dispostos uma série de edifícios baixos, com jardins em terraços destinados a lojas e a funções de escala urbana (cinema, teatro, museu). Na extremidade estão localizados os edifícios residenciais (como fechamento do tecido urbano) e um hotel com um significado simbólico, como uma porta para a cidade do mar.
The masterplan of St. Berillo will redevelop and reinterpret the area around the old quarter of San Berillio, after more than 50 years of deterioration, as a new link between downtown and the waterfront. The intention is to restore an urban area to the city of Catania with new public and private functions. The masterplan is inspired by the hanging gardens of Babylon and by Catania's culture of green space. The project's involves the construction of a large urban garden with a link between city and sea and with programs that restrict the two neighboring districts. A green axis (pedestrian and bicycle) will emerge, forming a new town Boulevard and new pedestrian plazas. Facing the Boulevard will be a series of low buildings, stepped with garden terraces, intended as shops and more urban scale functions of (cinema, theater, museum). At the end there will be space for residential buildings (providing closure to the urban fabric) and a hotel with an iconic presence, almost a a gate to the city from the sea.
International Competition, New ARPT heardquarters
Credits Place: Algeri Year: 2013 Type: Competition: winner project Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri (architect in charge), Alberto Casarotto, Alberto Bruno, Giulia Mariotti, Rossana Romano, Michele Olivieri, Giuseppe Perrone, Yuri Costantini (model maker)
O edifício foi concebido come um ícone que combina tradição e modernidade, seja na forma (que nasce de um arco agudo tipico da arquitetura mediterrânea e da inclinação do diagrama solar) que no tratamento da superfície. O projeto se inspira na paisagem desértica da Argélia, aonde as dunas se assemelham a edifícios naturais, construídos pelo vento e pela areia. Analisando o tecido urbano, a posição do lote ao longo de uma artéria viária de grande importância e sobretudo a proximidade ao novo parque urbano do bairro Bab Ezzouar, oferecem a possibilidade de realizar um edifício altamente visível e representativo. Um edifício institucional como a nova sede ARPT deve funcionar como ponto de referência dentro de um bairro e de uma cidade na qual tradição e modernidade unem-se para criar novos cenários simbólicos e culturais. Por este motivo a proposta de projeto desenha um edifício altamente icônico longe da estética predominante da região e que desfrute o contato direto com o novo parque. A vontade de criar um edificio que funcionasse segundo os princípios bioclimaticos e em particular segundo as técnicas de resfriamento natural do passado, como os tu'rat, sugeriu uma forma aerodinâmica, convexa na parte orientada a Norte para desviar os ventos quentes, e concava no centro para captar as brisas frescas noturnas e favorecer assim a ventilação natural do edifício. Forma, energia e tradição transformam-se assim em um novo edifício que se tornará um emblema do desenvolvimento da Argélia.
The building has been conceived as an icon where tradition and modernity are melted, both in form (which arises from a pointed arch typical of Mediterranean architecture and the inclination of the solar diagram) as well as in the treatment of the surface of the body. The project is inspired by the Algerian desert landscape where the dunes of seem natural buildings, manufactured by wind and sand. Analysing the urban fabric, the location of the lot along a highway of great importance and especially the proximity to the new urban park Bab Ezzouar, offer the possibility to create a building highly visible and representative. An institutional building as the new ARPT headquarters should be the reference point within a neighborhood and a city where tradition and modernity merge each other to create new symbolic and cultural scenarios. For this reason the project proposal draws a highly iconic building far from the predominant aesthetics of the area and which exploits the direct contact with the new park. The desire to create a building that would work according to the principles of bioclimatic archiarchi tecture and in particular by the natural cooling techniques of the past, such as the tu'rat, suggested an aerodynamic shape, convex on the North side to didi vert the hot winds, and concave on the South side to capture the cool breezes during the night, and thus to promote the natural ventilation of the building. Form, energy and tradition are transfortransfor med then into a new building that will become a symbol of the development of Algeria.
Hines HE3 - East
Credits Location: Milan, Italy Year: 2012 - on going project Type: Design competition by invitation – winner project ex aequo with the project architect of the study of Michele de Lucchi Client: NEWCO ,DUC Bologna s.p.a. Soci:Consorzio Cooperativa Costruzioni, ADANTI s.p.a., Cooperativa Edile Appennino s.c.a.r.l.,Consorzio Emiliano-Romagnolo fra le Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro, COGEI Costruzioni s.p.a., Manutencoop s.p.a. Surface area: 1.700 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Sandri (architect in charge for Concept Design), Alberto Casarotto, Marco Dell’Agli, Alberto Bruno, Giuseppe Perrone, Riccardo Minghini (architect in charge for Preliminary and Final Project), Alberto Menozzi, Luca Stramigioli, Enrico Pintabona, Yuri Costantini (model maker) Rendering: MIR
A proposta de projeto para o edifício E3-East completa a área de Porta Nuova - Varesine levantando dois objetivos: ser uma intervenção altamente representativa que auxilia as atividades direcionais da área e conectar o tecido urbano com o parque adjacente, configurando-se como porta de acesso e quinta cênica. O projeto explora o tema da síntese entre 'natural' e 'artificial' sob os perfis formal e ambiental. O confronto entre a escala da intervenção e as preexistências volumétricas sugere, além de tudo, a pesquisa de uma solução caracterizada por uma forte unidade estética e volumétrica. O novo projeto, com os seus 1700 metros quadrados, foi concebido como um unicum aonde o ritmo dos grandes portais cria uma ampla pérgola direcionada ao parque. Simplicidade, ritmo, formas essenciais, são características da grande cultura arquitetônica de Milão.
The project proposal for the buildings E3 and E3- East-West completes the area of Porta Nuova - Varesine placing a dual purpose: firstly to be a highly representative intervention to support the activities of the executive; secondly, connect the urban space with the adjacent park taking shape as a gateway and scenic backdrop. The project explores the theme of synthesis between ‘natural’ and ‘artificial’ both in formal and environmental deal. Furthermore, the comparison between the scale of the operation and the preexisting volumes has suggested the search for a design solution characterized by a strong aesthetic and volumetric unitary. The new project, with its 1700 sqm, was conceived as a unique example in which the pace of the big portals, creates a large pergola that overlooks the park. Simplicity, rhythm and essentiality are the characteristics of a large Milanese architectural culture that has made school.
One Airport Square
Credits Place: Accra, Ghana Year: 2010 – current project Investor: ACTIS Project Developer: LAURUS DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Surface: 21 000 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, David Hirsch (architect in charge), Luca Bertacchi (anchitect in charge and Architectural Works Supervision), Hyun Seok Kim, Giuseppe Perrone, Nada Balestri, Luca Sandri, Giulia Pentella, Alberto Bruno, Yuri Costantini (model maker) Structural & Constructional Design: Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura, Modena Associate Local Structural & Constructional Engineers: Twum Boafo & Partners, Accra Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Design: BDSP Partnership, London Associate Local MEP Engineers: Impact Technologies Limited, Accra Local Architect: Deweger Gruter Brown, Accra Quantity Surveyors: Davis Langdon, London Associate Quantity Surveyors: A-Kon Consults Limited, Accra 3D Renderings: Engram studio
One Airport Square, Accra, Ghana One Airport Square é um edifício com uso misto de cerca 17.000 m2 com espaços comerciais no piso térreo e um bloco de escritórios de dez andares. O espaço de encontro para os funcionários e para os cidadãos é valorizado e configurado como praça pública, aberta ao lado nordeste e ao mesmo tempo protegida pelo andar comercial em forma de anel; o amplo espaço da praça permite abrigar eventos e exposições. O edifício é caracterizado por uma forma compacta que esconde um átrio interno que possui a função de fornecer luz e favorecer a ventilação natural nos ambientes internos. Característica predominante é o movimento gerado pelos volumes dos terraços, que reduzem sua dimensão ao subir. Tais variações na seção permitem flexibilidade na configuração dos ambientes. Outro elemento caracterizante é representado pela estrutura em concreto armado, aonde os pilares inclinados conferem maior rigidez ao edifício e aos vãos livres, tornando-se motivo decorativo da fachada.
Actis Boston & laurus development partners commissioned a 21,000 sqm mix used development with retail facilities and an office bock. According to the particular topography of the site, the project is organized in order tO create a public square towards the north east side of the area, concentraconcentra ting the building mass on the opposite side. The poor actual conditions of the surrounding area justifies the idea of a public or semi-public open space, to be mainly used by employees and popo tentially become a shopping plaza. The block contains retail, shops, restaurant, cafeterias making the area live during day and night time. Main Facades of the building are oriented towards north and south; east and west facades, which are most problematic in terms of solar control, have been reduced. Overhanging slabs protect all facades from direct solar radiation and vegetation mitigate the microclimate. The efficiency of natural ventilation is increased by an internal court. A concrete external structure support the slabs and creates a decorative motif on the facades taking inspiration from African typical patterns.
Cervia d'amare, edifício residencial
Credits Place: Italy, Milano Marittima, Cervia (RA) Year: 2010 - current project Client: Gallotti, Pentagramma Romagna Surface: 17 500 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, Hyun Seok Kim, Giuliana Maggio, Sara Trueba Fonseca, Luca Stramignoli, Caterina Pirani
O conceito arquitetônico se desenvolve sobre a ideia da falésia que sofre a erosão do vento e se sedimenta ao longo dos anos; a idéia de transpor uma serie de camadas sobrepostas, deslocadas e giradas entre si que procuram a própria orientação em base às melhores condições de luz e exposição. O edifício é posicionado de modo que todos os apartamentos sejam direcionados à melhor orientação norte-sul e possuam vista para o mar. Desta maneira se garante um ótimo controle da insolação durante os meses quentes, quando os ventos prevalentes chegam principalmente do mar, desfrutando plenamente seus benefícios. A vegetação presente contribui a reduzir o efeito "ilha de calor urbano", graças à evapotranspiração das plantas. O sistema de terraços, de diferentes profundidades, enfim, transforma o invólucro externo do edifício em uma textura de linhas horizontais que rende as fachadas vibrantes.
The architectural concept is based on the idea of cliffside, eroded by wind and stratified over the years; this idea is translated into a series of superimposed layers, shifted and rotated relative to one onother, deriving their orientation from optimal conditions of light and exposure. The orientation of the building means that all dwellings have a double exposure - North and South - and will enjoy views towards the sea. This strategy also ensures the proper management of solar heat, gain during the summer months, fully taking advantage of the prevaling winds that blow mainly from the sea. Sourrounding vegetation also helps to reduce the "urban heat island", via the evapotranspiration of the plants. The system of loggias and terrace of varying depts effectively transforms the exterior of the building into a texture of horizontal lines which makes for vibrant elevations.
Polo Universitario da Valle d’Aosta ex quartel militar Testafochi University campus of the Valle d'Aosta ex military barracks Testafochi Credits Place: Italy, Aosta Year: 2011 - on going Client: NUV – Nuova Università Valdostana Surface: 30.320 sqm 26.000 sqm underground Project: Mario Cucinella Architects with:Pession Studio Associato Teatrastudio, rA – Studio Rosset e Associati Team: Mario Cucinella, Julissa Gutarra (architect in charge), Riccardo Minghini, Michele Olivieri (project managers for the delivery final phase), Rigoberto Arambula, Fabrizio Bonatti, Luca Stramigioli, Agnese Pirani, Caterina Pirani, Giulia Pentella, Alberto Bruno, Yuri Costantini (model maker) Structural engineering: Sintecna srl Mechanical and Electrical engineering: Golder Associates srl – Metec & Saggese – Energy Services Security and fire : Ing. Giuseppe G. Amaro Coordination : Mario Cucinella Architects 3D Rendering: Engram studio
MCA foi encarregado pela Nuova Università Valdostana para realizar o restauro e a transformação sobre uma área de 56.302 m2 no ex quartel militar Testafochi. A área de intervenção está localizada em uma importante faixa de território urbano, foi adotado o conceito de campus para responder a todas as exigências funcionais do programa (a universidade devera acolher 2000 estudantes) e ao mesmo tempo fazelo fortemente reconhecível como Landmark da cidade contemporânea de Aosta. A nova intervenção reforça as atividades culturais, estende o patrimônio de áreas verdes e o amplia até construir um sistema que atravessa a cidade. Será privilegiada a organização por funções na universidade, aonde cada edifício é dotado de própria autonomia funcional. O aspecto geral do edifício combina leveza e transparência de formas e materiais. O inteiro complexo foi desenvolvido com uma rigorosa e atenta pesquisa de eficiência energética.
MCA was assigned by the New University Valdostana to perform the restoration and processing on a total area of 56,302 sqm of the ex military Barracks Testafochi. The area of intervention is limited into an important and crucial part of the urban area, thus the challenge to face the concept of campus, so as to meet all functional requirements (The university will have to be able to host 2000 students) and simultaneously, to be highly recognizable as a Landmark of the contemporary city of Aosta. The new intervention strengthens the cultural activities, increases the heritage of green areas, and creates a system integrating within the city. In the university is privileged the organization of functions. Each building has, therefore, its functional autonomy. The general appearance of the building "wholly in cantilevered" combines lightness and transparency of shapes and materials. The entire complex has been developed with a thorough and careful research of energy efficiency.
Masterplan Veneto Green City
Credits Place: Veneto, Italy Year: 2011 Client: Veneto City Spa Surface: 750 000 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects with: studio LAND Srl Team: Mario Cucinella, David Hirsch, Michele Olivieri, Hyun Seok Kim, Riccardo Minghini, Alberto Menozzi
MCA, em colaboração com o estúdio Land, foi encarregado pela sociedade Veneto city spa para realizar um masterplan sobre uma área de 750 000 m2 na cidade difusa do Veneto. Espaços direcionais, uma promenade comercial, uma grande vitrine para as empresas do território, formação, lazer e tempo livre: estas são as funções de Veneto City. Qualidade e sustentabilidade: um binômio que caracteriza de modo peculiar o projeto de Veneto City. Veneto City integra e desenvolve conceitos e aspectos que fazem de uma cidade "normal" uma cidade inteligente, iniciando pela reutilização de um território direcionado à edilícia industrial/produtiva e construindo um formato urbanistico-arquitetonico "green". A realização desta "smart city green" foi concebida prevendo um sistema de projeto e construção que considera um alto standard de qualidade ambiental.
MCA, in cooperation with the firm Land, has been engaged by the company Veneto City Spa to realize masterplan on an area of approximately 750.000 m2 in the widespread city of Veneto. Office space, a shopping promenade, a great shop window for local companies, training, leisure and free time - these are the vocations of Veneto City. Quality and sustainability, this is the particular combination which distinguishes Veneto City. All components of the project integrate and develop concepts and aspects which transform a “normal” city into a “smart” city, starting from reuse of land which would otherwise be designated for industrial/manufacturing purposes and constructing a “green” urban-architectural format. The concept behind realization of this “smart green city” is based on a design and construction system complying with high quality and environmental standards.
3M Italia new headquarters, Pioltello, Milan, Italy 3M Italia new headquarters, Pioltello, Milan, Italy Credits Place: Milan, Italy Year: 2008-2010 Client: Pirelli & C.Real Estate S.p.A Development Management Italy Consultants: SCE PROJECT, TIFS Engineering, Studio Meucci Building area: 10.300 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, Luca Bertacchi (responsabile di progetto), David Hirsch (Direzione Artistica), Julissa Gutarra, Michele Olivieri, Linda Larice, Cristina Garavelli, Alessio Rocco, Alberto Bruno, Luca Stramigioli Structural engineering: SCE PROJECT Mechanical and Electrical engineering: TIFS Engineering Project Management: Pirelli RE Construction Management: Manutencoop Facility Management S.p.A. Landscape: Studio Meucci Contractors Civil works: CMB Façades: TELEYA Electrical and Mechanical services: Siemens Furnishing: Unifor Photovoltaic Systems: Tecsolis External works: Gabanelli Landscaping: Riva Giardini 3D Rendering: Engram studio Photographer: Daniele Domenicali
Nova sede de escritórios da empresa 3M de 10.300 m2 em Pioltello, próximo a Milão. O primeiro edifício realizado faz parte de um masterplan realizado por MCA em 2005. Trata-se de uma estrutura linear, com terraços, com 105 metros de extensão por 21 de largura, de altura variável entre dois e cinco andares. A forma e a orientação consentem uma grande eficácia no controle ambiental: as fachadas norte, leste e oeste são projetadas com vidros e um sistema particular de sombreamento. A fachada sul foi desenhada com uma série de terraços que oferecem espaços sombreados. Estes terraços funcionam também como um abrigo ambiental protegendo a cobertura e as fachadas das variações climáticas. Os painéis fotovoltaicos integrados, além de produzir energia, conferem um aspecto tecnológico à construção.
The new 10,300m² headquarters office building for the company 3M is located on the outskirts of Milan in the Pioltello district. The building is the first to be built on the site as part of a masterplan completed by MC A in 2005. A linear building, 105m long and 21m wide, it has a terraced form stepping down from five to two storeys. The form and orientation of the building allow optimal environmental control. The north, east and west facades have specially designed glazing and shading systems. The south face of the building steps creating a series of terraces that provide shaded outdoor space for the office workers. The terraces act as an environmental buffer space that protecting the building from climate extremes in both summer and winter. Environmental analysis of the building in context led to the choice of an active solution for the roof and facades. Photovoltaics are integrated into the design and produce energy while giving a shimmering technological aesthetic to the building.
Parallelo, Milan, Italy
Credits Place: Milan, Italy Year: 2008 - 2012 Client: DUEMME Sgr Spa Surface area: 12.000 sqm Budget: 25.000.000 € Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, David Hirsch, Julissa Gutarra, Alessandro Gazzoni, Aldo Giachetto, Dora Giunco, Luca Stramigioli, Michele Roveri, Natalino Roveri (model maker) Structural engineering: STARCHING/C P Engineering Srl Mechanical engineering: STARCHING / Ariatta Ingegneria dei sistemi Srl Electrical engineering: STARCHING /Ariatta Ingegneria dei sistemi Srl Fire Protection: STZ Srl Developpment & Costruction Management: BNP Parisbas Real Estate Italy General Contractor: CESI Soc. Coop. Artistic Direction: Mario Cucinella Architects srl – Arch. David Hirsch General construction supervision: STARCHING Srl Construction supervision for mechanical installations: STARCHING Srl Construction supervision for electrical installations and Site manager: CESI Soc. Coop. Execution security: STARCHING Srl - Energy certification: Studio Nocera - Elevators systems: Kone Spa - Electrical installations: Elettromeccanica Galli - Mechanical installations: Aertermica Sub contractors: for cladding: Giuliani Infissi, for metal carpentry: OCML, for lighting: IGuzzini, Bega, Zumtobel 3D Rendering: Engram studio Photographers: Daniele Domenicali
O projeto prevê a realização de uma estrutura única que receberá 12.000 metros quadrados de escritórios. Tratase do primeiro edifício a emissão zero de CO2. Quatro mil metros quadrados de painéis fotovoltaicos consentem cobrir completamente a demanda de energia necessária para a climatização da estrutura, estudada para redefinir a identidade de um espaço hoje degradado pela marginalização com praças internas e percursos verdes, graças a uma elevação de 13 metros sobre o nível da rua. O projeto se desenvolve horizontalmente oferecendo vida nova a um pátio que se transforma em um microcosmo de atividades e consente de aproveitar ao máximo a energia natural. O projeto propõe um edifício constituído em 3 blocos para abrigar as diferentes funções do programa. Projeto realizado para a sociedade Advanced Real Estate.
This project for the design and construction of a 12,000m2 offices building will be the first Zero CO2 office building in Milan. Four thousand square metres of photovoltaic panels on the roof produce enough renewable energy to completely satisfy the building’s cooling needs. The building is on the outskirts of the city and is designed to give a new identity to the Santander area. It is raised 13 metres above ground level with piazzas, pathways and green areas below. The building is compact and extends horizontally over most of the site with a series of courtyards that allow diversification of function and maximum use of natural light and ventilation. The single building has three distinct parts that house different functions as required by the brief. The facades are glazed with high technology selective glass and the treatment of the glass varies depending on the orientation of the façade. The building was commissioned by Advanced Real estate.
ARPA Ferrara, Italia
Credits Place: Ferrara, Italy Year: 2006 - current project Client: Arpa Ferrara Surface area: 5.000 sqm Budget: 4.000.000 € Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella , Francesco Barone, Caterina Maciocco, Antonella Maggiore, Giulio Piisciotti, Luca Stramigioli, Debora venture, Michele Olivieri Structural engineering: Tecnopolis S.P.A. Wood structures: SWS Engineering Bioclimatic study: TIFS Ingegneria Electrical engineering: Tecnopolis S.P.A. 3D Rendering: Engram Studio Photographers: Luca Bertacchi
O projeto venceu o concurso internacional para um novo complexo destinado a escritórios e laboratórios de pesquisa e ocupa uma area de 5.000 mq. Foi solicitado pelo cliente um imóvel a ser destinado aos próprios escritórios que respondesse aos mais altos padrões de qualidade arquitetônica e ambiental e fosse caracterizado pelo máximo nível de sustentabilidade ambiental. O novo edifício é situado ao redor de um pátio central que constitui o núcleo do complexo. A cobertura do edifício, conhecida como a quinta fachada, representa o elemento de design caracterizante do projeto. Uma serie de dutos de luz natural conferem uma forte identidade arquitetônica ao edifício e ao mesmo tempo favorecem a ventilação natural e reduzem a necessidade de resfriamento mecânico do ambiente. No complexo, o inteiro edifício desempenha um papel ativo com o microclima local, satisfazendo as exigências de caráter tecnológico manifestadas no briefing. Todos os espaços de trabalho são abertos ao exterior com inclusão de áreas verdes que criam uma alternância de micro ambientes internos/externos, volumes cheios e vazios que movimentam e definem as formas dos edifícios.
An International competition was held for the design of a new 5,000 sqm building complex offices and research laboratories. The client’s desire was to have a new workplace of the highest architectural and environmental sustainability. The design proposed interacts proactively with the local microclimate to produce an architectural solution that addresses these desires. A new building surrounds a central courtyard, the hub of the complex. The roof of the building, the so‑called fifth facade, is the strongest design feature of the project. A series of chimneys give to the building a strong architectural identity while satisfying the technological requirementsof the brief. The chymneys are skylights that filter light, promote natural ventilation and reduce the need for mechanical cooling. All the workspaces are open to the outside by the inclusion of green courtyards creating an alteration of soid void – indoor‑outdoor micro‑environment that brea up and define the building volumes.
SIEEB, Sino-Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building
Credits Place: Bejing, China Year: Project 2003, building 2005-2006 Client: Italian Ministry for Environment and Territory; Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China Surface area: 20.000 sqm Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Project leader: Politecnico di Milano Best department, Prof. Federico Butera Team: Mario Cucinella, David Hirsch, Giulio Altieri, Natalino Roveri (model maker) Engineering: Favero & Milan Ingegneria – Ing. Sandro Favero, Ing. Federico Zaggia, Ing. Giampaolo Lenarduzzi, Ing. Luca Nicolini China Architecture Design & Research Group Construction Management: Impregilo Spa Lighting Equipement: iGuzzini Illuminazione Spa Glass Facades: Permasteelisa Spa Heating and water heating systems: Merloni Termosanitari Group Raised floors: GranitiFiandre Spa Building Management System: Siemens Spa Screw and Centrifugal chillers: Climaveneta Spa Radiant Ceiling Panels and Control Valves: Proter Imex Spa Glasses: Glaverbel Spa Photographers: Daniele Domenicali, Alessandro Digaetano, Mario Cucinella Archive
Este projeto, nascido de uma joint venture entre o governo italiano e chinês, trata-se da realização de um novo edifício da Tsinghua University que ocupa uma área de 20.000 m2 e é destinado a abrigar o Centro sinoitaliano de instrução, formação e pesquisa para a proteção do meioambiente e a conservação da energia. O edifício foi projetado como uma "vitrine" das potencialidades de redução das emissoes de CO2 na China. O edifício reune estratégias ativas e passivas para controlar o ambiente externo com a finalidade de otimizar as condições ambientais internas. Sua planta em forma de ferradura se desenvolve ao redor de um pátio central, com as áreas publicas no térreo orientadas a um jardim paisagístico. O edificio é fechado e bem isolado no lado setentrional pois exposto aos ventos durante o inverno, enquanto é aberto e transparente no lado meridional. Os escritórios e os laboratórios nos pisos superiores dispõem de jardins suspensos sombreados por painéis fotovoltaicos que produzem energia para todo o edifício.
Born out of the collaboration between the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the Italian Ministry of Science and Technology of China, to implement the agreements of the Kyoto Protocol, the SIEEB, Sino-Italian Ecological Energy efficient Building, represents a challenge to reduce CO2 emissions. Built on the campus of Tsinghua University, it integrates active and passive strategies such as building form, garden terraces and shading photovoltaic panels. The building integrates active and passive strategies to control the external environment in order to optimize internal environmental conditions. The building is shaped like a horseshoe plan that is built around a central courtyard, with the public areas on the ground floor overlooking a landscaped garden. The building is closed and well insulated on the northern side which is exposed to the cold winter winds, while it is open and transparent on the south side. The offices and laboratories on the upper floors of hanging gardens shaded by photovoltaic panels that produce energy for the entire building.
CSET Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies Ningbo, Cina Location: Ningbo, China Year: 2006 - 2008 Client: University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China Surface area: 1.200 sqm Budget: 5.000.000 € Project: Mario Cucinella Architects Team: Mario Cucinella, Elizabeth Francis, Angelo Agostini, David Hirsch In collaboration with: Eva Cantwell, Richard Ceccanti, Francesco Fulvi, Caterina Maciocco, Giuseppe Perrone, Natalino Roveri (model maker), Luca Stramigioli, Debora Venturi (environmental strategies)
O edifício, sede do Centro para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias relativas a energia renovável, é situado dentro do campus da Universidade de Nottingham em Ningbo e abriga um centro de visitas, laboratórios de pesquisa e salas para os cursos de especialização. O projeto se inspira na idéia das lâmpadas chinesas e dos leques e se articula em fachadas inclinadas triangulares. O edifício é inteiramente revestido por uma dupla pele em vidro opaco. Um átrio interno, que funciona como poço de luz, aciona a ventilação natural enquanto a ativação térmica da massa das lajes utiliza a energia geotérmica para aquecer e resfriar o ambiente.
The building, the Centre for the development of renewable energy technologies, is located on the campus of the University of Nottingham opened in Ningbo and houses a visitor center, research laboratories and classrooms for specialization courses. The project was inspired by the idea of Chinese lanterns and fans and is divided into triangular, sloping sides. The building is entirely covered with a double skin of opaline glass. An internal atrium, which acts as a light well, activates the natural ventilation while the thermal mass of the ground floor uses geothermal energy to heat and cool the environment.
Projects’ Cronology
Cascina Merlata
Residential Year: 2013 - Construction in progress Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 15.000 sqm Client: Euromilano S.p.A.
Scuola Mirabello
Public Building Year: 2012 - Built Location: Ferrara, Italy Surface: 1.000 sqm Client: Regione Emilia Romagna
Santa Maria Goretti Church Public Building Year: 2012 - Design in progress Location: Mormanno (CS), Italy Type: Competition - winner project Surface: 450 sqm
Bocconi Farm
Public Building - University Year: 2012 Location: Milan, Italy Type: Competition Client: Bocconi University
Gioia, Porta Nuova Milano Offices Year: 2012 Location: Milan, Italy Type: Competition
Padiglione Italia Mixed Use Year: 2012 Location: Milan, Italy Type: Competition Client: Expo 2015
Nuova Cantina Vinicola Solicchiata servizi Location: Castiglione di Sicilia, Italia Year: 2013 - Costruction in progress Surface: 1.000 sqm Clients: Piano dei Daini Società Agricola a r.l.
Kuwait City School
Education Year: 2012- Design in progress, architectural proposal for a school to be built for the young people of the Palestinian camps Location: Gaza stripe, Palestine Surface: 2 865 sqm Budget: $ 765/sqm; $ 2 200 00 Donnors: Islamic Development Bank - Kuwait Fund for Development Partnership: UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency) &MCA
Accra Sunrise developpement
Masterplan Year: 2011- Design in progress, masterplan for hotels offices, retail and residential uses in Accra Location: Accra Ghana Surface: 7 acre Client: LAURUS DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS
Terra dei Bambini
Education Year: 2011- 2012 Location: Um al Nasser, Striscia di Gaza Contributor: Ministero Degli Affari Esteri - Cooperazione Italiana; Cei – Conferenza Episcopale Italiana; Comune Di Milano; Comune Di Sesto San Giovanni (MI); L.U.S.H. Italia; Rete Sostenitori Vento Di Terra Ong Project: Arcò – Architettura & Cooperazione; Mario Cucinella Architects
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
University Year: 2011- Design completed MCA was shortlisted for an international competition to build a universitiy in the centre of Paris Location: Paris, France Surface: 15.000 sqm Client: UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE
RIMED Centre for biotecnologies and biomedical research
offices and laboratories Year: 2011- Design completed MCA was shortlisted for an international competition to build a biomedical research centre Location: Carini, Palermo, Italia Surface: 25.000 sqm Client: FONDAZIONE RIMED
New Parliamentary complex of the Republic of Albania Public Building Year: 2011- Design completed MCA was shortlisted for an international competition to buildthe new parlementary complex of the Republic of Albania Location: Tirana, Albany Surface: 49 065 sqm Client: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA
University Project INPG-PHELMA2
University Year: 2011- Design completed Design of two different buildings on the campus of the University Phelma 2-INP Grenoble Location: Grenoble, France Surface: 8700 sqm Budget: 14.8 ML € Client: CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL DE L’ISÈRE
A bar in the landscape
Leisure Year: 2010 - construction in progress, design of a bar immersed in the landscape of a public park Location: Lodi, Italy Surface: 75 sqm Budget: 120 000 € Client: TOWN OF LODI
A theatre for L’Aquila
Leisure Year: 2009- design in progress, a theatre in the Earthquake stricken city planned to host 500 people Location: L’Aquila, Italy Surface: 2 800 sqm Budget: 7.8 ML € Client: PRO BONO
Lavazza New Business Center
Business center Year: 2010- Design completed, Lavazza new business center Location: Torino, Italy, Surface: 43,000 sqm Client: LAVAZZA SPA
Masterplan Piazza d’Armi
Masterplan Year: 2010- Design in progress, Construction of a large urban park Location: L’Aquila, Italy Surface: 18.6 Ha Budget: Pro Bono Client: TOWN OF L’AQUILA
Generali Residential Intervention
Residential Year: 2010- Design in progress, Residential intervention via Piranesi in Milan, for Generali Immobiliare SrG Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 11,000 sqm Budget: 18.3 ML € Client: GENERALI IMMOBILIARE SRG
Touristic Pole “Città delle Colonie di Ponente”
Masterplan Year: 2010- Design completed, economic and financial feasibility study, design of a masterplan for the area north of Cesenatico Location. Cesenatico, Italy Surface: 130.41 Ha Budget: 348.9 ML € Client: S.T.U. CITTÀ DEL MARE CESENATICO & COMUNE DI CESENATICO
Residential Complex ALER Milan
Residential Year: 2010 - Design in progress Redevelopment and extension of the residential complex ALER Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 3500 sqm Budget: 10 ML € Client: ALER
Redevelopment Former Tobacco Factory, Naples
Masterplan Year: 2010- Design in progress, redevelopment of the area of the former Manifattura Tabacchi (tobacco factory), located east of downtown in Naples Location. Naples,Italy Surface: 170,000 sqm Client: FINTECNA IMMOBILIARE S.R.L.
Eco Efficient Building Podgorica
Public Building Year: 2009- Design in progressm, Premises of the Ministry of Tourism and the Environment at Podgorica University campus Montenegro Location: Montenegro, Podgorica Surface: 4000 m2 Budget: 11 ML € Client: MINISTERO DEL TURISMO ED AMBIENTE DI MONTENEGRO & MINISTERO DELL’AMBIENTE ITALIANO
Redevelopment Building Hennebique
Mixed use Year: 2009- Design Completed, Ideas competition for the redevelopment of the building Hennebique with residences, shops and offices Location: Genoa, Italy Surface: 102,840,000 sqm Client: DUFERCO
Uffici Provincia di Milano
Offices Year: 2009- Design Completed, Project for the administrative offices of the province of Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 45,000 sqm Client: PROVINCIA DI MILANO
National Park of Pollino
Leisure Year: 2009- Design in progress, multifunctional center, in the Campotenese park Location. Campotenese, Morano Calabro (CS),Italy Surface: 845 sqm Budget: 1.9 ML € Client: ENTE PARCO NAZIONALE DEL POLLINO
Navacchio Technological Pole
Offices and Laboratories Year: 2008- design in progress, Design of offices and laboratories, with an extensive photovoltaic canopy, at the Navacchio technology park in Pisa Location. Pisa, Italy Surface: 5,000 sqm Budget: 6.5 ML € Client: POLO TECNOLOGICO DI NAVACCHIO
Mixed use Year: 2008- design in progress, Design of a mixed use building in the Ospizio area of Reggio Emilia including offices, retail, residential and an urban park Location. Reggio Emilia, Italy Surface: 45,000 m2 Budget: 50 ML € Client: CREA SPA
European Institute of Design
Education Year: 2008- Design in progress, Project winner of the international competition for the new European Institute of Design campus Location: Torino, Italy Surface: 12,700 sqm Budget: 9.5 ML € Client: ISTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN
Shopping Center Parma
servizi Location: Year: 2009 - Design in progress Surface: 115.000 sqm Clients: Sviluppi Immobiliari Parmensi di Coopsette Soc. Coop. e Pizzarotti & C. S.p.a.
Bologna “Città dei Creativi”
Masterplan Year: 2009- Design completed, Masterplan, for the center of Bologna, It contains 3 areas with 3 different functions Location. Bologna, Italy Surface: 138,000 sqm Client: LEGACOOP
New passenger transport
Offices & leisure Year: 2009- Design completed, Adaptable and efficient project for reception and information areas in stations Location: Italy Surface: 100 / 200 / 300 sqm Client: NUOVO TRASPORTO SPA
Complex CAMFIN / ENI
Masterplan Year: 2009- Design completed, Contest of ideas for the masterplan of the complex CAMFIN / ENI in Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 124,000 sqm Client: SVILUPPO SISTEMA FIERA
Multicultural centre, Cugnaux
Public Building Year: 2009- Design completed, Competition for the design of the Cugnaux’s new multicultural center Location: Cugnaux, France Surface: 6,600 sqm Client: TOWN OF CUGNAUX
Interior Design Energies
Exhibition Year: 2009- Design completed, On the occasion of the exhibition Interior Design Energies, MCA exposes a pavilion and organizes a meeting entitled “Visions for a Sustainable Milan” Location: Milan, Italy Partner: ITALCEMENTI
Shangtex teaching complex
Offices & Education Year: 2009- Design Completed, The Shangtex Teaching Complex consists of two separate buildings and an underground car park Location: Shanghai, China Surface: 13,000 sqm Client: SHANGTEX COMPANY
Stezzano Business Park
Business park Year: 2008- Design Completed, Project for a complex that integrates differents functions and interact with the surrounding landscape Location: Stezzano, Italy Surface: 55,000 sqm Client: VITALI SPA, VALORE REALE S.G.R. S.P.A.
Renco Spa
Offices and Laboratories Year: 2008- Design completed, New Headquarters building with offices and laboratories Location: Pesaro, Italy Surface: 11,000 sqm Budget: 12 ML € Client: RENCO SPA
Sustainable Industrial Area Ceppagatti
Masterplan Year: 2008 - Design Completed, Project for a sustainable industrial area in Ceppagatti, Italy Location: Ceppagatti, Italy Surface: 40 Ha Client: IEA SRL
Italian Cultural Institute of San Paolo
Cultural institute Year: 2008- Design Completed, Project for the headquarter of the Italian Institute of Culture in San Paolo Location: San Paolo, Brazil Surface: 2,037 sqm Client: ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA DI SAN PAOLO
Bord Gais Networks Control Center
Offices Year: 2008- Design Completed, Competition for the design of new offices for Bord Gais Networks Location: Dublin, Ireland Surface: 4,000 sqm Client: RIAI, THE ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS OF IRELAND
100K Euro Home
Research & Residential Year: 2008- Design in process, Zero CO2, High Quality, Low cost, Low environmental impact. A home that satisfys the need for ecomomy, the reduction of polluting emmissions and the pleasure for living Location: Italy SQM: 100 sqm Budget: 100,000 € Client: MCA
The new Center of Bicocca
Residential Year: 2008- Design Completed Competition to design a residential building in the district of Bicocca in Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 51,500 sqm Client: PIRELLI RE
Sviluppo Aera Romanina
Masterplan Year: 2008- Design Completed, Building of a new neighbourhood. A system of loops is provided for accessibility Location: Roma, Italy Surface: 93 HA Client: IMPREME SPA
Cascina Merlata
Masterplan Year: 2008- Design Completed, Construction of a new quarter of 316 000 m2, on an area to redevelop amounted to 530,000 m2 in Cascina Merlata Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 530,000 sqm Client: EURO MILANO
Redevelopment of the area Borgheria
Masterplan Year: 2008- Design Completed, Redevelopment of an area in Pesaro that includes a Bikepolitan forests, squares and green spaces with sports, botanical gardens and dunes are designed to protect the area Location. Pesaro, Italy Surface: 270,000 sqm Client: BORGHERIA SRL
Centro Direzionale Forum
Offices & Retail Year: 2003-2008- Building Completed, This building is five stories high and houses 1,700 m2 of offices and retail units Location: Rimini, Italy Surface: 1,500 sqm Budget: 2.2 ML € Client: EDILE CARPENTIERI SRL
For Sustainable Living
Residential & Exhibition Year: 2008- Design Completed, This residential six floors building was designed for the 2008 exhibition ‘Habiter Ecologique” held at the Cité de l’Architecture in Paris Location. Paris, France Surface: 1,780 sqm Client: CITÉ DE L’ARCHITECTURE
Michelin Campus RDI
Research center Year: 2008- Design Completed, Groupe Michelin held an international competition for a new research centre on their headquarters industrial site Location: Clermont Ferrand, France, Surface: 53,121 sqm Client: GROUPE MICHELIN
Off Limits
Exhibition Pavillion Year: 2008- Design Completed, Structure for the mobile exhibition pavilion, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, designed to house the exhibition Made in Italy for sports - Design off limits Location: Bologna, Italy Surface: Extensible structure Client: MINISTERO AFFARI ESTERI
Baia del Re
Residential Year: 2007- Design Completed, This project is for the design of a residential complex on the Unicem cement factory’s brownfield site on the outskirts of Piacenza Location: Piacenza, Italy Surface: 7,600 sqm Client: BAIA DEL RE
Dongtan EcoCity
Education & Research center Year: 2007- Design Completed, This project includes the new Dongtan School of Economics, the Institute of Environmental R&D and Technology and the Global Hub for Sustainable Forum Location: Shanghai, China Surface: 45,000 sqm Client: ARUP
Children’s Hospital
Hospital Year: 2007- Design Completed, International competition for the construction of the Ukrainian Health Protection Centre for Mothers and Children Location: Kiev, Ukraine Surface: 47,000 sqm
Campidoglio 2
Public Building Year: 2007- Design Completed, Project winner of the international competition for the new Civic Offices in Rome. Location: Roma, Italy SQM: 110,000 sqm Budget: 175 ML € Client: COMMUNE OF ROME
Tuscan Hospitals
Hospital Year: 2007- Design Completed, Project for four new hospitals in the Apuana area Location: Lucca, Massa, Pistoia, Prato , Italy Surface: 40,000 sqm Massa, 45,000 sqm Lucca, 43,000 sqm Pistoia, 50,000 sqm Prato Budget: 320 ML € Client: ASTALDI SPA, PIZZAROTTI SPA, TECHINT SPA
Congress Centre and Hotel
Congress center & Hotel Year: 2007- Design Completed, This project was the winning entry in a competition for the design and construction of a hotel and congress centre on the island of Elba Location: Capoliveri, Italy Surface: 6,500 sqm Budget: 7.5 ML € Client: COMUNE DI CAPOLIVERI
INES, National Institute of Solar Energy
Research center Year: 2007- Design Completed, Project winner in an international competition for a new headquarters of the INES research institute. The project brief demanded the highest environmental and architectural standards Location: Chambéry , France Surface: 5,000 sqm Budget: 8 ML € Client: DEPARTEMENT DE LA SAVOIE
Riva del Garda Congress Centre
Congress Center Year: 2007- Design Completed, International competition for requalification and extention of a congress centre Location: Riva del Garda, Italy Surface: 20,300 sqm Budget: 4,750,000 € Client: PROVINCIA AUTONOMA TRENTO, GARDA TRENTINO FIERE SPA
National Statistics Institute - ISTAT
Offices Year: 2007- Design Completed, Project winner of the the international competition for the new headquarters of the central Statistics Office or ISTAT Location: Roma, Italy Surface: 60,000 sqm Budget: 102 ML € Client: MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE
G8 Summit in La Maddalena Archipelago
Masterplan Year: 2007- Design Completed, Design of the redevelopment of the area which was to host the G8 in 2009 The objective is to minimize energy consumption Location: La Maddalena, Italy Surface: 30,845 sqm
Piazza Navigatori
Urban design Year: 2007- Design Completed, Project for the requalification of the Place navigatori in Rome Location: Rome, Italy Surface: 15,400 sqm Budget: 20.7 ML € Client: IMPREME SPA
Resort & SPA Penegal
Resort & SPA Year: 2007- Design Completed, Project for a resort and a SPA in Sarnonico, Location: Sarnonico, Italy Surface: 15,000 sqm Budget: 37 ML €
Carré de Soie
Mixed use Year: 2007- Design Completed, Competition for the construction of a multifunctional building with shops, offices and housing in Vaulx en Velin Location: Lyon, France Surface: 5,912 sqm Client: PREMIER PLAN
Blocco Corso Como
Mixed use Year: 2006 - Design Completed, Competition for the architectural design, as part of the redevelopment of the area Garibaldi Repubblica, of a complex of houses and shops Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 5,660 sqm Budget: 16 ML € Client: HINES ITALIA SRL
Abano Terme
Hospital Year: 2006- Design completed, Concept for a new hospital complex Location: Abano, Italy Surface: 32,000 sqm Budget: 50 ML € Client: P&G IMMOBILARE SRL
Chiesi headquarters
Offices, Laboratories and research Year: 2006 - Design Completed, The pharmaceutical company Chiesi held a competition for the design of their new headquarters and research centre. The brief included offices, laboratories and landscaping Location: Parma, Italia Surface: 19,000 sqm Budget: 50 ML € Client: CHIESI SPA
FOCCHI headquarters
Offices Year: 2002-2006 - Building Completed, This project is for the new headquarters for Focchi S.p.A. It brings together the company’s direction, administration and commercial offices Location: Rimini, Italy Surface: 2,500 sqm Budget: 3 ML € Client: FOCCHI S.p.A.
Acoustic barrier in via Buozzi
Insrastructure Year: 2006- Design Completed, design of a17km long acoustic barrier along the train and metro tracks of the Liguria region Location: Genoa, Italy Surface: 17 km Budget: 49 ML € Client: GEODATA SPA FOR RFI
Hines Varesine
Residential Year: 2006 - Design completed, The project constitutes an architectural proposal for a residential development to be part of the Varesine project in Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 8,750 sqm Budget: 12.5 ML € Client: HINES ITALIA SRL
Wexford County Council Headquarters
Offices Year: 2006 - Design completed, Wexford County Council held an open international competition for the design of their new headquarters building Location: Wexford, Irland Surface: 12,500 sqm Budget: 34 ML € Client: RIAI, WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL
Mixed use Year: 2006 - Design completed, GD SpA. Design competition for a new headquarters building for GD including a public creche and auditorium. Second prize Location: Bologna, Italy Surface: 7,000 sqm Budget: 8 ML € Client: GD SPA
Britain Quay, Dublin Docklands
Mixed use Year: 2006 - Design Completed, Feasibility study for the development of a new mixed use building housing offices, retail, apartments and landscaping Location: Dublin, Ireland Surface: 11,500 sqm Budget: 34 ML € Client: DUBLIN DOCKLANDS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
Ex Casa di Bianco
Mixed use Year: 1999-2005 - Building completed, Renovation of a building in the heart of Cremona’s historical centre. The building has been converted into a mix of offices, apartments and shops Location: Cremona, Italy Surface: 6,700 sqm Budget: 4.42 ML € Client: ACTEA SRL
Offices Year: 2005 - Design completed, This competition project for an office park for Pirelli RE concerns the construction of a new office building cluster in the Bicocca complex in Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 65,000 sqm Budget: 80 ML € Client: PIRELLI REAL ESTATE
Hugo Boss
Officies & Industrial Area Year: 2005 - Design completed. Hugo Boss Shoes & Accessories Italia commissioned an extension to their shoe factory buildings on the Morrovalle industrial site Location: Morrovalle, Italy Surface: 7,000 sqm Budget: 7 ML € Client: HUGO BOSS SHOES S.P.A.
New Pioltello Business Park
Masterplan Year: 2004-2005 - Design completed. Masterplan and preliminary project for a new Business Park in Piotello, Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 7,500 sqm Budget: 90 ML € Client: TRIXIA SRL
Commercial Park and Directional Area Manzan
Masterplan Year: 2005 - Design Completed. Project for a commercial park and a directionnal area, Udine Location: Udine, Italy Surface: 73,170 sqm Budget: 280 ML € Client: MIDOLINI
Rimini Stadium
Sport Building Year: 2005 - Design Completed. Project for the extension of the 20 000 places stadium of Rimini, creation of comercial activities and external sistemations Location: Rimini, Italy Surface: 11,170 m2 + external sistemations Budget: 35.8 ML € Client: GECOS GENERALE COSTRUZIONI SPA
Milano Fiori Snake Flowers
Residential Year: 2005 - Design completed. Competition by invitation for a concept for a residential area in Milano Fiori. Location: Milano, Italy Surface: 15,000 sqm Budget: 15 ML € Client: GRUPPO BRIOSCHI
Mixed Use Year: 2005 - Design completed. Competition by invitation for the ‘Italian Style Zone’ in Tianjin Location: Tianjin, China Surface: 32,000 sqm Budget: 20 ML € Client: TIANJIN MUNICIPALITY
Hines Bergognone 53
Officies Year: 2001-2004 - Building completed. International competition, for the renovation of an office complex Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 25,000 sqm Budget: 23 ML € Client: HINES ITALIA SRL
New Lombardia Region’s Headquarters
Public building Year: 2004 - Design completed. International competition, for the conception of the new Lombardia region’s headquarters Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 87,000 sqm Budget: 175 ML € Client: REGIONE LOMBARDIA
Uniflair Headquarters
Industrial area & Officies Year: 2004 - Building completed Developement of the site landscaping and an office fit-out Location: Conselve, Italy Surface: 3,600 sqm Budget: 1.4 ML € Client: UNIFLAIR SPA
Padiglione Jona
Hospital Year: 2004- Design completed Project financing competition for the design of the Jona Pavilion at the the SS. Giovanni e Paolo hospital in Venice Location: Venice, Italy Budget: 26.2 ML € Client: AZIENDA ULSS 12 VENEZIANA
Museum Year: 2004 - Design completed Competition by invitation for the design of the new Maserati museum with a space dedicated to Enzo Ferrari. Location: Tianjin, China Surface: 50,000 sqm Budget: 8,8 ML € Client: FONDAZIONE ENZO FERRARI
Winery Year: 2004 - Design completed Design of the new Midolini SpA wine cellars at Manzano Location: Udine, Italy Surface: 3,000 sqm Budget: 4 ML € Client: AZ. AGRICOLA MIDOLINI SRL
eBO Exhibition Pavilion
Exhibition pavilion Year: 2003 - Building completed. This pavilion forms the entrance to an underground Urban Centre exhibiting new projects for the city Location: Bologna, Italy Surface: 1,000 sqm Budget: 1.6 ML € Client: COMITATO PER IL PADIGLIONE INFORMATIVO SUI PROGETTI PER LA CITTA
Palazzo Pepoli
Museum Year: 2003 - Design completed Idea competition for the new headqurter of the Bologna City Museum Location: Bologna, Italy Surface: 19,570 sqm Budget: 22 ML € Client: MUSEO DELLA CITTÀ DI BOLOGNA S.R.L.
Masterplan in Piacenza
Masterplan Year: 2003 - Design completed. Master plan for upgrading the former Unicem cement factory in Piacenza (new residential area) Location: Piacenza, Italy Surface: 75,000 sqm Client: ORION SCRL
Piacenza new Civic Offices
Public building Year: 2003 - Design completed. Project financing competition for the new Civic Offices in Piacenza. Winning project Location: Piacenza, Italy Surface: 15,000 sqm Budget: 23 ML € Client: ORION SCRL
Pirelli Lainate
Masterplan Year: 2003 - Design completed. Complex of buildings at Lainate (Milan) in an area belonging to the company Pirelli Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 15,000 sqm Budget: 16 ML € Client: PIRELLI REAL ESTATE
Masterplan Reggio Emilia
Masterplan Year: 2002 - Design completed. International competition by invitation for the urban plan of an area of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Location: Reggio Emilia, Italy SQM: 55 Ha Client: COOPERATIVA MURATORI REGGIOLO
Science Faculty Tel Aviv
University Year: 2002 - Design completed International competition by invitation for the new school of environmental studies and visitors centre for the University of Tel Aviv in Israel Location: Tel Aviv, Israel Surface: 3,000 sqm Client: UNIVERSITY OF TEL AVIV
Shopping Center and Towers
Mixed Use Year: 2002 - Design Completed. Competition for the redevelopment of the area of Milano comparto with shops and offices Location: Brescia, Italy Surface: 60,000 sqm Client: BASILEUS SPA
Rozzano University Campus
University Year: 2002 - Design Completed. Creation of a space for study and reasearch that is connected to the ICH hospital Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 6,500 sqm Client: TECHNIT SPA
Bologna Airport Business Centre
Masterplan Year: 2002 - Design completed. Masterplan for a new Bologna Airport Business Centre at the ex quarry Cave Reno Location: Bologna, Italy Surface: 75,000 sqm Client: CAVE RENO SPA
Town Hall of Echirolles
Public building Year: 2002 - Design completed. International competition by invitation for the new Town hall and administration centre at Echirolles Location: Grenoble, France Surface: 5,000 m2 Client: VILLE D’ECHIROLLES
Ministry of Tourism
Public building Year: 2001 - Design completed. International competition by invitation for the new headquarters of the ‘Supreme Commission of Tourism’ in Riyadh Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Surface: 25,000 sqm Client: DCA KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA
Museum & Offices Year: 2001 - Design in Progress. Project for the historic museum of IGuzzini. Location: Recanati, Italy Surface: 5,000 sqm Client: IGUZZINI ILLUMINAZIONI
IBM Headquarters
Offices Year: 2001- Design completed. International competition by invitation for the new European Headquarters of IBM Europe in Milan Location: Milan, Italy Surface: 35,000 sqm Client: FIATENGINEERING S.P.A
Otranto Ferry Terminal
Public building Year: 1999-2001- Building completed. The new ferry terminal building appears as a mass of rock that has come away from the cliff Location: Otranto, Italy Surface: 3,000 sqm Budget: 2.85 ML € Client: CEE, COMUNE DE OTRANTO, REGION PUGLIA
Paris Metro Station
Metro station Year: 1998-2000 - Building completed. Competition to renovate a metro station. At Villejuif Leo Lagrange station the theme was Sport Location: Paris, France Surface: 1,000 sqm Budget: 5.62 ML € Client: RATP REGIE AUTONOME DES TRANSPORTS PARISIENS
Ponte Parodi
Bridge Year: 2000 - Design completed. Ponte Parodi. Shortlisted for the international competition for the regeneration of Ponte Parodi in Genova harbour Location: Genova, Italy
University Campus Forli
University Year: 1999 - Design completed. Competition for the creation of a new university campus on the site of the Morgani hospital in Forli Location: Forli, Italy Surface: 34,000 sqm Budget: 40 ML â‚Ź Client: COMUNE DI FORLI
iGuzzini Headquarters
Offices Year: 1995-1997- Building completed. iGuzzini Illuminazione commissioned a new extension to their existing headquarters Location: Recanati, Italy Surface: 3,000 sqm Budget: 3.5 ML â‚Ź Client: IGUZZINI ILLUMINAZIONE SRL
Sri Lanka
Masterplan Year: 1996 - Design Completed. International competition first prize for the masterplan of the Fort area of Colombo Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Design Year: 1996 - Fulfilled design. A series of lamps ranging from mini spot lights to coloured flood lights for urban spaces Location: Recanati, Italy Client: IGUZZINI ILLUMINAZIONE SRL
Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling
Research Year: 1993-1996- Design completed. The European Commission funded an international team of architects, engineers and industrialists to research the application of evaporative cooling in office buildings Client: COMMISSIONE EUROPEA
Ispra Eco Centre
Renovation Year: 1993-1996 - Building completed. The European Commission held an international competition for the retrofit of the buildings of the Joint Research Centre. Building No. 8, the canteen Location: Ispra, Italy Surface: 2,500 sqm Budget: 1.3 ML € Client: JRC ISPRA SERVIZI INFRASTRUTTURA
Cintus II
Residential Year: 1992 - Design completed. International competition organised by the United Nations.Application of new technologies in social housing in the Delta of the Nile in Egypt - 1st prize Location: Il Cairo, Egypt Client: UNITED NATIONS UIA
Masterplan Year: 1994 - Design Completed. International competition for the regeneration of Beiruth’ souk Location: Beirut, Liban
Cyprus University Masterplan
Masterplan University Year: 1993 - Design completed. International Competition for a masterplan for the University of Cyprus. 2nd prize after the second stage Location: Nicosia, Cyprus Client: UNIVERSITÀ DI CIPRO
Faculty of Natural Science Cyprus
University Year: 1993- Design completed. Competition for the design of the Natural science faculty of Athalassa, first prize and special prize for environmental strategies Location: Nicosia, Cyprus SQM: 14,500 sqm Budget: 15.2 ML € Client: UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS