It's About: Death

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It’s About:

When the time comes,

Have I lived to the fullest?

Will I have any regret?

What’s after death? Those questions have been roaming around in my head.

We lose our loved one, and someday we’re the one who’s leaving, and I believe not everyone is ready for that. Yet most of us live as we forget about it; perhaps that’s the point of life. Complicated, I would say,

Death. The word has been stuck on my mind. I promise I’m not suicidal.

or maybe it’s just me. Shall we talk about it?

The following project is an interactive art-book with augmented reality artwork that will portray the whole story. Participants are highly suggested to download the Artivive app on mobile devices for the full experience.

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Google Play


Death. It is something that every living being will get through no matter what age, gender, sexuality, even religion.

Born in a Christian Catholic household, I was taught about the existence of Heaven and Hell, Hell where the good and the bad belong after they die. These places were deliberated by our deed when we’re still alive.

This teaching was also told to the Muslims & Judaism

On the other hand,

some They b or eve

believed in reincarnation such as Buddhist and Hinduism. believe after their death, they will be reborn as someone else en something else.

The question is, which one is the right one?

It feels like gambling isn’t it? Or in the end, there’s just nothing? What i f the re’s noth ing afte r de ath, we don’t fe e l any th ing, just lay the re, eye s close d, bre athle ss and al l of the se re l ig ions are just she nan igans that we re cre ate d by some craz y pe ople and e nde d up be com ing a g lobal ly acce pte d cult?

Those thoug hts p ro ba b l y s c a re d a l o t o f p e o p l e a n d m ay b e t h a t’s o n e o f t h e re a s o n s t h a t p e o p l e d o n’t o r avo i d t a l k i n g about de ath.

But I think it is ok and rather important to talk about it, not be c a u s e of the a f t e rl i fe but a bout pe ople’s pe rc e pt ion a nd how the y c ope w ith it .

There’s There’saa saying: saying:

“You shouldn’t be sad if someone passed away, yet you should be happy because they will be in a safe place with God.”

Whoever said that,

fuck you.

Why can’t we be sad about it?

It is sad to lose someone you love.

The fact that you won’t be able to see them again, sometimes makes us wonder what kind of things we haven’t been able to do with them while they’re still alive,

Perh regr starte eme

haps rets ed to erge.

Leaving our loved one or being left by them, it’s something sad and scary that will happen to everyone

and it’s

s okay to feel that way.

Should we end this on a high note? Well, it all depends on you. Who the fuck am i telling you what to do. Life is a complicated roller coaster ride and emotion is one of them. Either we embrace it or take the other road.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this project. Any feedback would be very helpful for future project. On the last note, thank you and see you soon.

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