Permanent Revolution N⁰2 – December 2019

Page 53

Latin America

Brazil: Bolsonaro, Lula and the Debates on the Left

Anti-Capitalism is

the Only Alternative Verónica O´Kelly, alternativa socialista

As in other countries, the “lesser evil” debate is also presented here. Possibilism, as a current expression of the campist recipe, invites us to form political alliances to face a “greater evil”.

Examples of the experiences of pseudo progressive governments, such as that of Lula and Dilma´s PT, have demonstrated not only their limitations in responding to the needs of our class, youth and people, but also the commitments they made, and still maintain, with imperialist plans in each country. The PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) is no stranger to these debates and, in relation to the upcoming elections, some comrades advocate creating alliances with the PT, the PCdoB (Communist Party of Brazil), or the PDT (Democratic Labor Party), to face the conservative advance. Our position is the opposite: we ratify the need to build a political alternative with class independence to confront Bolsonaro and his plan against the people. In the struggles and in the streets, we promote the broadest unity in action; but a political front with those who manage capitalism is unfeasible

The problem is that this recipe offers nothing new (or good) on the horizon. For example, Bolsonaro in power is explained by the masses´ disappointment with the PT (Workers Party). The (not longer so) workers´ party, betrayed its historical program shorty after taking office. It became the guarantor of the capitalist corporations´ business in the country and the cities. That betrayal generated an immense rupture with its social base, and this base confronted many austerity measures against the people, with the youth at the forefront of these processes of struggle. Thus, the right seized the opportunity and vied for power with one the most harmful elements it had: Jair Bolsonaro. 53


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