13 minute read

The Free Communities under the Sign of the Lily

We live in a mighty time of upheaval, in which it becomes ever clearer that the world is falling apart. The Earth, the provider of humankind was and is defiled and exploited – and now it is rebelling with resulting devastating natural disasters. In many countries, hardship and poverty, violence, war and despair are the rule.

Neither the powerful of this world nor the external religions with their dogmas, rituals and their empty traditions can offer a way out and a prospect for the future – for a better, peaceful life on the Earth, in unity among the people and with the animals and nature.

During this time of upheaval, ever more people are seeking true values, a hold and security, looking for answers to their life’s questions. The inkling that we are not from this world, that there is more than this life on Earth, as well as the longing for the one God of love and freedom, who neither punishes nor condemns, but who wants to have us all again at home with Him, in the Kingdom of God, pulsates deep in our inner being and leaves many without peace. God, the Eternal, is the Free Spirit, who is above all religions. He loves all of His children, regardless of what culture and nationality they belong to, and He never forsakes us: Again and again He sent His prophets from the Kingdom of God to the Earth, to bring His eternal word to His human children. It is the one message: God in us, God in every ensouled human being and in His entire creation; it is the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward human being, nature and animals that leads into a New Era.

Today, for almost 50 years, He, the Eternal, again speaks mightily to all nations through His prophetess and emissary of peace, Gabriele, just as He spoke at all times through His true divine prophets to the people – from Abraham to Gabriele. Today, through Gabriele, humankind is given His eternal word in a fullness as never before. We receive answers to the many questions that preoccupy us people, for example: Who is God? Where is God? What is the meaning and purpose of our life on Earth, and how does it continue after the physical death? Why are there illnesses, hardships and blows of fate? Where and how do we find happiness, security and protection? And much, much more.

In countless revelations, spiritual schoolings and explanations, we receive everything we need so that we can find our way back into the Kingdom of God, into our eternal homeland, from where we once went forth: It is the Inner Path to the heart of God – the path to God in us, and we in God. In this time of upheaval and of setting out into a New Era, ever more people worldwide are recognizing that God is not to be found in external temples and churches of stone, but rather, in each one of us – indeed, in His entire creation. In this awareness of inner freedom – God in us, and we in God – spiritual questions come up in many people, and they have the desire to find a community in which they can share the teachings of the Free Spirit with one another.

The Call from the Kingdom of God for the Free Communities under the Sign of the Lily No Religion – No Priests, No Teachers

In the Spring of 2017, God, the Eternal, and His Son, Christ, called worldwide for Free Communities – God in us – to be founded, in which people come together freely, without religious structures, that is, without priests, pastors, teachers, leaders – only brothers and sisters in His Spirit, in order to share with each other about the teachings of the Free Spirit or to pray together.

The Cherub of divine Wisdom, called Brother Emanuel on Earth, gave a revelation from the Kingdom of God through Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God, on what the Will of the Almighty and of His Son, the Christ of God, is for the coming time.

Following are some excerpts from this encompassing revelation:

The Free Spirit, the Spirit of the Christ of God that gives revelations worldwide, founds, through the Cherub of His Wisdom, communities on all the continents of this Earth under the Sign of the Lily, of Freedom, in the Messianic, Sophianic Age.

It is the desire and the will of the All Highest and of His Son, Christ, that all over the Earth communities form, in which neither pastor, nor priest, nor presider or teacher have the say.

The communities under the Sign of the Lily, of the Free Spirit – God in us – in the Messianic, Sophianic Age, desired by God, the Eternal, bear the seal and the banner for the New Era, which says: God in us, God in every soul and in every willing person, God in the nature kingdoms, in every mineral, in all the Being of infinity, God, the All-Power in us – God in us. It is the Free Spirit. ...

The desire of God, the Eternal, and of His Son for the communities is the following: May it be active, solely the Free Spirit, God in every ensouled human being, God in every soul, in all the Being.*

* Excerpt from the TV program “The Eternal Word – The Free Communities under the Sign of the Lily.”

God, the Eternal, is the love and the freedom. He is not to be found in religions, nor in splendid churches of stone, but in each person, in the primordial basis of the soul, very simply in the stillness of the heart, as Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God in earthly garment, taught more than 2000 years ago: The Kingdom of God is within, in you, and also according to the following: You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God is in us; He is the life in all of His human children, in nature, in the entire creation.

Jesus of Nazareth did not institute any church or any external religion. He taught and lived the commandments of the love for God and neighbor, summarized in their essence in His Sermon on the Mount as well as in the Ten Commandments of God through Moses, and He said: Follow Me!

His light of Redemption, the light of grace of the Christ of God, is the shining light in every person on our way back to our eternal homeland, on the Inner Path to God in us, the path of the love for God and neighbor. As Jesus of Nazareth, He already spoke more than 2000 years ago to His disciples:

Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.

According to the call from the Kingdom of God through His prophetess in our time, Gabriele, small communities are forming worldwide; they develop step by step everywhere people are addressed by the teachings of the Free Spirit and, in His Spirit, come together with those of like mind.

Since the times are becoming ever more insecure and many people no longer want to travel or go very far, or because it is no longer possible to meet in their country for this or that reason, there, where they live, they begin to meet in their homes, in public rooms or other spaces, and depending on the country, the season and possibility, even in nature. Another possibility is to simply share experiences via the telephone.

Dear fellow people, if you already know people of like mind, you can simply come together for a spiritual interchange and prayer, in order to learn, to grow spiritually and to mature together – perhaps with family members, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, just as they, in complete freedom, become interested in the teachings of the Free Spirit.

A number of our fellow people in the various countries of this Earth are already meeting to share experiencies in small communities as brothers and sisters in His Spirit, and have experienced that it is often easier to begin in a small way, in the spirit of the words of Jesus of Nazareth: Where two or three are gathered in My name… . Everything that begins in a small way can grow, little by little. And there, where it is possible, a small reading room or corner can be arranged with a selection of books containing the eternal word of God.

In the schoolings given by Gabriele, which are broadcast in many countries in the programs for the Free Communities, for example, on Sunday morning via TV and radio channels, everyone who wants this, receives impulses for the further course of their life. The brochures and books with the teachings of the Free Spirit can also be of further help for us on our path to the true life. It is an inexhaustible treasure, given from the wellspring of divine Wisdom – the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward human beings, nature and animals. Each one can teach himself with the help of the Christ of God, our inner friend and helper.

In community, we can share with each other our experiences with the application of the commandments of the love for God and neighbor in daily life – sharing in purity, clarity and straightforwardness and under the principle, “the one helps the other.” With this sharing in the Free Communities, there is no priestly intermediary, no external leader. Christ is the only Master, the teacher, in the very basis of the soul of every ensouled human being. Each person is free and remains free, for the Free Spirit knows no coercion and no binding. The schoolings given by Gabriele, the teaching prophetess and emissary of God, which can be seen in the programs for the Free Communities, encompass topics for all spheres of life, for example, explanations are given about the following:

• Words and patterns of behavior are energies – to where do they go?

• Prologues and monologues

• The love of God for human beings and for every creature

• The call of the soul for liberation

• Everything is communication

• The Inner Path to Cosmic Consciousness, the path of the Christ of God, the path to God in us

• The Age of the Lily, the High Time—After the Time

• Programs from the series "The True School Is Life" as, for example, “Keep the Inner Calm in Every Situation," “The Disease-Causing Subconscious and Life,” “Happiness and Health Are in Your Hands,” ...

And many more.

Regarding the Inner Path to Cosmic Consciousness, the messianic and sophianic path, Gabriele explained the following:

How does a person in the age of light of the Christ of God, the spiritual Messiah, follow the path? …

Every person has their personal state of consciousness, which has in itself the evolution all the way to the eternal Being; for every ensouled human being is a child of God, that is, a son or a daughter of God. ...

If we want to follow the path to the true Being, to our home, and to renew our consciousness and bring it into evolution, then the teaching statements of God through Moses and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth can be a great support. For example, we can compare the Ten Commandments of God through Moses and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus of Nazareth with our patterns of thought and behavior, the prologues and monologues that take place in our thoughts, our anger or vexation, also our behavior against our colleagues at work, or against our neighbor, against friends, and so on. …

Dear fellow people, thus, it is about our personal path to the eternal Being. All the messages of truth, whether we hear them or read them, have a content for our path, the Inner Path, which leads to the expansion of consciousness, to the spiritual-divine evolution. …

Each day, His word stands before us human beings. Whether we read slowly and judiciously in a book of truth or listen to a text of truth, or whether our disposition turns mellow through a spiritual-divine meditation –God’s word is directed to us in manifold ways.

A ray of sun, too, that briefly catches our eye or a flower at the side of the road, or a small beetle on a beautifully shaped leaf –everything wants to say something to us.

* Excerpt from the TV program, “The Eternal Word – The Free Communities under the Sign of the Lily.”

The Call of the Christ of God, of the Free Spirit

In the encompassing revelation from the Kingdom of God, given in June 2017 through the great teaching prophetess and emissary of God, Gabriele, the Cherub of the divine Wisdom conveyed the following to humankind:

Human children, gather in the name of peace, in the name of the love for God and neighbor. Gather in communities that are not subject to any church constraints, that are not ruled by any Bible experts, who twist the eternal truth according to their notions, nor by the compulsion of dogmatism.

God, the Eternal, and the Christ of God desire on all the continents of this Earth, Free

* Excerpts from the TV program “The Eternal Word – The Free Communities under the Sign of the Lily.”

Communities under the Sign of the Lily, of the Free Spirit – God in us – in the Messianic, Sophianic Age of the love for God and neighbor.

Each one is free in the Spirit of the eternal God, in the Spirit of the love for God and neighbor.*

This awareness links all people of all cultures, who strive for the truth and who cherish spiritual freedom; they are the people of the Free Spirit who come together worldwide in His Spirit, on their way to God in us, and we in God—into the New Era.

Dear fellow people, If you want to try it out: The Teachings of the Free Spirit lead us into the true inner freedom and into the certitude: We are not alone.

Question Telephone for the Free Communities: +49 (0)9391/9163-03 /Fax:91-9163-04

Daily from 16:00 to 19:00 Hours (CET) and each time after the TV program is aired

Or per E-Mail: Freie-Gemeinschaft@Gott-in-uns.de

WhatsApp / Viber /Messenger: +49.151.1883.8938

Airing Times of the programs for the Free Communities in English:

Worldwide WEB-TV Streaming (24/7):

SOPHIA TV: Sun. 11AM & Fri. 20:30 PM, www.Radio-Santec.com/en, ROKU Device /World TV Go

Satellite Broadcasting Continent-wide:

Africa: GabrieleTV-Africa (SES 5), Sun. 10 AM & 20:30 PM

Europe: New Jerusalem TV - (EUTELSAT HOT Bird 13c), Sun. 20:30 PM & Fri. 20:30 PM

(All hours are given in Central Europe Time - UTC+1 Winter, UTC+2 Summer)

For more details please call or write: WhatsApp/Messenger/Viber +49.151.1883.8938

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