Architectural Portfolio - Summary

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Gabriele Sacchi - 943003

Architectural works 2017-2020

SEAB HEADQUARTERS Office building for the Seab company

Bolzano, Italy Project of a building for offices, the Headquarter of SEAB (the company that manages water and waste of the city of Bolzano). The object was to create a new building on the ground of a demolished building, next to the actual offices. We designed this building also with the purpose to give a new life to the old industrial city of Piacentini which is now a cradle of innovation. The building is composed by a double height foyer which manages the flows of people and connects the 2 principal volumes of the building: the highest, which contains the offices and private areas and the other which is intended for public and customers. The building has been designed with compositive, constructive and energetic accuracies. The progect won a competition organized by the SEAB itself which was attended by 23 projects of the Politecnico di Milano and the Hochshule Anhalt of Dessau.


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North Elevation

Oct. 2017 - Jun. 2018

Architectural Design Studio 2

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Professors: Planivolumetrico - Scala 1:1000 Carlo Alberto Maggiore Patrizia Buzzi Giulia Fava ro nne l Bre Group with: e d da nero stra n Auto del Bre Simone Mirko Severgnini da stra Auto Alessandro Sillavi . Galilei Area di possibile futura riqualifica


Studio di percorsi ciclabili, pedonali e degli accessi - scala 1:2000

Studio di percorsi ciclabili, pedonali e degli accessi - scala 1:2000 Analisi dell’iter progettuale in base ai percorsi e la forma del lotto

Studio dei percorsi pedonali e ciclabili e degli accessi - scala 1:2000 1:1000 Studio dei percorsi pedonali e ciclabili e degli accessi - scala 1:1000

Impianto lungo e lineare del caso studio B

A’ Schema a pettine con elemento distributivo esterno A B’


Studio degli accessi auto con rispettivo riposizionamento delle rampe dei parcheggi sotteranei - scala 1:2000 1:1000 Studio degli accessi auto con rispettivo riposizionamento delle rampe dei parcheggi sotteranei - scala 1:1000

Definizione della forma progettuale con i relativi percorsi

distributivo centrale Elemento a ‘pettine’ Elemento ‘pettine’caratterizzato da un unico elemento distributivo di Volume aa “pettine” a “pettine”ed caratterizzato da un unico elemento di 2 Volume collegamento elementi aggettanti intervallati da distributivo patii, rivolti verso la collegamento ed elementi aggettanti intervallati da patii, rivolti verso la ferrovia. ferrovia. Gli elementi aggettanti ospitano ampie aule atte ad ospitare un gran nuGli elementi aggettanti ospitano ampie aule atte ad ospitare un gran numero di persone per assemblee, conferenze ed eventi; essi sono dun-

definizione dellaurbane forma progettuale con relativi percorsi Sezioni - scala 1:1000

First floor plan

Schema sezione


garantiscono permeabilità verso l’edificio, se posti verso l’esterno. garantiscono permeabilità verso l’edificio, se posti verso l’esterno.

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POLITECNICO DI MILANO POLITECNICO DI MILANO Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Ingegneria delle Costruzioni

Perspective view from via Galilei

mero di persone per assemblee, conferenze ed eventi; essi sono dun-

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sezione BB’ +0.00

sezione AA’ Gruppo 01 Gruppo 01





Gabriele Sacchi 879272 Gabriele Simone Mirko Sacchi Severgnini 879309879272 SimoneSillavi Mirko Severgnini 879309 Alessandro 879479 schema pettine con elemento distributivo esterno schema pettine con elemento distributivo centrale schema pettine con elemento distributivo schema pettine con distributivo centrale Alessandro Sillavi 879479 FASE 4 FASE 5 esterno FASE 6 elemento coerente con un impianto lungo e lineare coerente un impianto irregolare in cuivisnon vidirezione è una direzione principale coerente condiun impianto lungodei e lineare coerente con uncon impianto irregolare in cui snon è una principale Tagli dei volumi generati dalla giacitura via Scavo volumi al fine di ottenere delle logge Creazione di un volume contenente una sala Galilei e dall’inclinazione dell’edificio affacciato mostre seminterrata, che permetta anche la su via Lancia separazione fisica della piazza antistante, dal traffico di via Galilei

Design process

Politecnico di Milano

Schema di

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Architectural works 2017-2020

Gabriele Sacchi - 943003

A CIRCLE TO RELAUNCH THE OBLAST’ Urban and Landscape design project for the Oblast’ of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad, Russia Urban and Landscape design project with the aim to study and develop the territory of the peninsula of the “oblast’ of Kaliningrad”. The design strategy leads to the redevelopment and revitalisation of the peninsula’s powerful coastline with the aim of unblocking the urban and economic development of the areas affected by the two lagoons of the region and encouraging their connections. The first required intervention for this purpose is infrastructural and foresees the development of an annular highway that allows fast connections between the two coasts and the city of Kaliningrad. The intervention that concerns the northern coast provides for the project of a green corridor that runs along the entire coastal strip and creates the opportunity to redevelop the hinterland. Three types of intervention are proposed for the urbanization sector. The southern coast project strategy focuses on three elements - the wooded area, water and road - and the relationship between them. The Northern coast of Kaliningrad aim of the project is to guarantee a natural access to the lagoon by connecting strips and to build a waterfront for the inhabitants’ use.

Territorial study

expansion of dacha settlements

green corridor and requalification of the hinterland

Southern coast of Kaliningrad

settlements crossed by the main road

reaching the sea by natural system

forest, settlement and sea connection

Feb. 2019 - Jun. 2019

Final Design Workshop Professors: Marialessandra Secchi Marco Voltini Lorenzo Mussone Group with: Lisa Sabiucciu

Masterplan for Svetlij (Southern coast)

View of project B. (Northern coast)


Monometric axonometry of the project of protection of the space between two settlements)

Politecnico di Milano

PORTFOLIO in pills

Gabriele Sacchi - 943003

Architectural works 2017-2020

ROMAN MUSEUM Museum for Roman Art in Como

Como, Italy Project of a museum located in center of the “ancient city” of Como (probably the original roman forum). It is designed to show original gold coins of Roman empire (discovered during the excavation for the new theatre of the city). The project bases itself on the concept of italian “CORTE” which helps to create a public space surrounded by the building itself. This fact has the purpose to give a new use and dignity to this “hidden” part of the central city. The building is composed by 2 floors: the ground floor is trasparent as soon as possible to create a direct link with the city; the first floor, which contains the exhibition, is more opaque because of the role it has to follow.





Sep. 2018 - Feb. 2019

A. D. Studio 3 Professors: Valerio Tolve Luisa Ferro Group with: Eugenio Sivilotti Simone Severgnini

ADAPT TO CLIMATE CHANGE Urban planning strategies for the New York Bay Area

New York City, NY, U.S.A. ABSTRACT The more frequent consequences caused by climate change, in terms of environmental disasters and sea level rise, oblige world administrations to implement prevention interventions which cannot be limited to reduce greenhouse gases emissions but require concrete actions through an intelligent territorial and urban planning. Coastal areas are particularly prone to such phenomena and New York Bay is among the most vulnerable. In recent years New York Bay has been placed at the center of attention for reflections and debates regarding adaptive and resilient design needs. This fact has found concreteness with the “Rebuild By Design competition”, that was organized after the disasters caused by Hurri-


cane Sandy in 2012. This initiative gave birth to ten projects which are currently on the execution phase; within the paper, four of them have been analyzed due to the relevance of the strategies and the differences of scale. The attention to issues such as the environment, resilience and adaptability can be read in terms of a possible “paradigm shift” in Urban Design. The application of these projects to the New York reality stands at the antipodes of Manhattanism, whose theory has been at the basis of the development of a city, whose worldwide influence provides the prerequisites for the birth of replicable urban models, that face to a problem that has become common to the whole globe.

Bachelor Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Marialessandra Secchi

Politecnico di Milano

PORTFOLIO in pills

Architectural works 2017-2020

Gabriele Sacchi - 943003

VIBRANT CONNECTIONS IN NOLO Inclusive Housing as a Driver of Equitable Urban Regeneration

Milan, Italy This work of “Vibrant Connections” deals with the complexity of several problems and lacks which come up in the development of the city area of Milan. As most of the European metropolitan areas also Milan is confronted with the immense lack of different housing supply for all the social groups of our society. The project includes a total intervention surface of 18.900 sqm which is separated into four different sites with different sizes and problems to deal with. It is settled in the vibrant and gentrifying neighbourhood of Nolo, characterized by a huge lack of open, public and green spaces. Here there is an immense need for new role models as pioneers for an easily accessible housing market to counteract displacement and investment speculations. sites as new users. The new function program of the project, besides all the housing models for different social and age groups is as diverse as the area is: public services like supermarket, cultural institutions, sport and cultural centre, bed & breakfast, kindergarten, canteen, cafés. It is also put a focus on several opportunities for open spaces like open cinema, greenery, or a playground. Quite apart from anything else, it should not be forgotten that the complex project of a city transformation is never fully completed. There is always a changing process which is never coming to an end. It should always let enough space for own participation and thoughts to be realized.


Sep. 2019 - Jan. 2020

Urban Design Studio



Professor: Alessandro Coppola Group with: Lisa Sabiucciu Laura Bertelt

Axonometry site 02 (via Monza)

View site 01 (via Battaglia)

Masterplan ‘Vibrant NoLo’


View site 02 (via Monza)

Politecnico di Milano

PORTFOLIO in pills

Architectural works 2017-2020

Gabriele Sacchi - 943003


New intermodal Hub for Bovisa

Milan, Italy The topic proposed in the studio is “the intermodal hub in correspondence with urban railway station” and it involves a peculiar aspect of architectural design as the simultaneous usage of different scale in a single building or complex related to the presence of “huge and medium transport machine” as trains, tramway and buses, and the “human scale”. Such intermodal hubs requires the definition of complex section able to link and separate the different kind of flows. At the same time Railway station “area” is an urban space “par excellence” collecting several functions characterising urban life. The project is settled in Bovisa, in which the actual “decadent” station does not provide the right facilities for its importance, and the right connections with the different “transport machines”. The whole project is based on the system of “plates” and the theme of the “canopy” is at the centre of the attention. The urban system includes the station for trains, trams, buses and trolleybuses (that also provides a direct connection between the Bovisa area and the “Goccia”), a new residential area, a market, a commercial gallery, a business campus and a convention centre.

Mar. 2020 - Jun. 2020

Architectural Design Studio Professors: Maurizio Meriggi Tan Zhu Vitomir Racic Group with: Connor Jorgensen Lisa Sabiucciu

Perspective section of the station Exploded axonometry of the station

View of the hall


View of the eastern entrance

Politecnico di Milano

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