new railway design scenarios (universitary transportation design programme)

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new railway design scenario selectioned projects

prima facoltĂ di architettura ludovico quaroni

undergraduate in industrial design transportation design programme professor gabriele toneguzzi

federica mucci/roberto tino railway hotel car (revamping double-deck commuter french-italian carriage) The European night trains market, due to the advent of low-cost flights, has generally suffered a hemorrhage of passengers in the low end, while the high-end customer is not willing to give up comfortable hotels: how to make again attractive the night journey for these travelers? A substantial part of double decker carriages of French and Italian regional transportation has become obsolete and their internal revamping, considering the excellent condition of the boxes, it would be very interesting to reinterpret the spaces. Within of these, completely emptied, we have been obtained sleeping cabins, spacious duplex apartments with different capacities to plan the lower living area, while the upper part was set up to sleeping quarters with bath and shower module. Il mercato dei treni notte, causa l’avvento dei voli low-cost, ha subito un’emorragia di passeggeri nella fascia bassa, mentre la fascia di clientela alta non è più disposta a rinunciare alle comodità alberghiere: come rendere nuovamente appetibile il viaggio notturno per questi viaggiatori? Una parte consistente di carrozze a due piani del trasporto regionale è divenuta obsoleta e la loro ristrutturazione interna, il revamping, vista l’ottima condizione delle casse, potrebbe essere reinterpretare gli spazi per usi inizialmente non previsti. Negli interni completamente svuotati, sono state ricavate delle cabineletto, spaziosi appartamenti duplex di capienza diversa con, al piano inferiore, la zona giorno, mentre nella parte superiore è stata creata una zona notte munita di modulo bagno-doccia.

sections and elevations of the train hotel car rendering from the top of reception area

cutaway perspective ground and first floor detail of the coupled bathrooms views of the night area

yatch style living view of ground floor

pietro carrozzo/ francesco garofalo revamping restaurant car of Etr 500

The first high-speed Italian train Etr 500 class (60 convoys, top speed 200 Mph) circulating on the network are equipped with a car restaurant-bar that, after twenty years of service, it’s no longer to common expectations. The ideas expressed in these images shows that a unique environment, with a live kitchenbar restaurant completely in view, and spaces designed to eat snacks standing, or enjoying pasta dish sitting at the table, in addition to the normal bar activities, they can coexist in a well structured environment, if the design pay attention to the workplace. Ergonomics, cleaning, maintenance and rationality are not minor points.

I primi treni ad alta velocità, Etr 500 (60 treni), che circolano sulla rete italiana sono muniti di una vettura ristorante-bar che, dopo vent’anni, non è più all’altezza delle aspettative. L’idea espressa in queste immagini dimostra che un ambiente unico, con una cucina-bar completamente in vista può coesistere con degli spazi pensati per la ristorazione al posto e la consumazione di snacks, entro ambienti ben strutturati in cui attenzione al lavoro, ergonomia, pulizia, razionalità e manutenzione non sono aspetti secondari.






revamping plan and rendering of the restaurant car

Vetrinetta Piano di lavoro adibito ad uso di piastre Stoccaggio e ripostiglio per merci Forno Wirpool JT359 Zona cottura (Gaggenau - design Reinhard Segers) Lavabbo Garbage

top wiew of bar zone and set-up of the kitchen equipments 12

preliminary material study roof and white panels: pvc; leaks: shining steel; floor: rubber or poliurethanic resin; tables: polish aluminium Materiali utilizzati Tetto imperiale: P.V.C. stampato Pannelli bianchi: P.V.C. stampato Fughe cromate: acciaio lucidato a specchio Pavimento: resina poliuretanica Tavoli: alluminio satinato

Materiali utilizzati Tetto imperiale: P.V.C. stampato Pannelli bianchi: P.V.C. stampato Fughe cromate: acciaio lucidato a specchio Pavimento: resina poliuretanica Tavoli: alluminio satinato

Sedie: sedia 266 - (design Jacobsen) legno curvato colori Bianco, Nero struttura tubolare acciaio

vittorio grossi railway swivel seats

The core idea of the concept is to have polyfunctional seats, swivel seats allowing freedom of location for the occupant to join another group of passengers or to foster personal privacy. Unlike Japan, in which the seats into the Shinkansen are always positioned in the direction of travel, this solution allows free arrangement, creating microenvironments for socialization or personal relaxation. A rigid shell behind the seat would allow 180° rotation: each is equipped with a comfortable table prepared for 17” notebook and a large multifunctional touchscreen monitor for watching TV, Internet access and consultation of the travel info. The design of the chair has exposed structural ribs sealed by a transparent skin. The fabrics and padding are designed with innovative dirt-proof materials. The attack cantilever positioned on the side walls, greatly favors the cleaning and any deposit on the ground of extra baggage.

L’idea alla base di questo concetto è quella di avere dei sedili polifunzionali che ruotino sul proprio asse consentendo libertà di posizione a ciascuno durante la marcia. Diversamente dal Giappone, in cui le sedute, negli Shinkansen, sono sempre posizionate nel senso di marcia, questa soluzione consente la disposizione libera, creando microambienti per la socializzazione o per il relax personale. Ognuno è munito di un comodo tavolino predisposto per notebook da 17” ed un ampio monitor touchscreen multifunzione per la visione di programmi televisivi, l’accesso ad internet o la consultazione delle info di viaggio. Il disegno della poltrona presenta nervature strutturali a vista sigillate da una pelle trasparente. I tessuti e le imbottiture sono progettate con innovativi materiali a prova di sporco. L’attacco a sbalzo, posizionato sulle pareti laterali, favorisce notevolmente la pulizia e l’eventuale deposito a terra di bagagli aggiuntivi.

Project sketches

Programme of the seat forming elements

Technical tables and seat rendering

Technical tables and rendering of seats into the coach (italian Intercity coach ‘z’ type)

luigi pardo/sandra persiani revamping italian ‘z’ Ic coach into family car with playground for children (4-7 y) Goals Separate the “playground” from the rest of the car in order to not disturb the passengers. Create a safe place for children to play (no edges or recesses where they can hurt themselves or get stuck, surfaces easy to clean, anti-fall and nonslippery materials) Bring forward the parent’s necessities (children easy to control, enough place for stopping, shelves for putting down small bags/ objects, toilet with a baby-changing-unit, drinks and candy dispenser) Playground with its own rules tought as a completely different space (an other dimension) creative and stimulating games. Introduction of different games which keep the children’s interest alive for a long time without any help from the parents.

Target For small children, which have not yet the patience to sit for a few hours.( Years 4-7) Solutions different activities depending on the children’s age and interests: active games (climbing, sliding, playing in the coloured-ball-pool) sedentary games (drawing, building a toy and playing with it, seats covered with thermocrhromic materials which draw both children’s and adult’s interest) a different surrounding from the rest of the car: mirrors on floor, wall and ceiling (realized with a bent metallic plate) to optically enlarge the space and to enhance all movements and colours “Monsters” as a leading theme for the design, in order to introduce couloured and bizarre elements.

Italian railway car “z” and project solution

Plan and section of the playground’s area and rendering

Rendering of the playground and suggestions for sedentary games (assembling cardboard toys)

Mirror realized with a bent metallic plate (covers floor, wall and ceiling)

Children’s seats covered with thermochromic materials Slide realized in plastic material (with shock-absorbing foam)

Playground cutaway and rendering over the adult’s seat

matteo iori space for bicycles head coach revamping

Lo spazio bici nei veicoli ferroviari è un problema risolto malamente. Questo progetto cerca di risolvere più aspetti apparentemente contrastanti: sicurezza, facilità e rapidità d’uso e di pulizia, versatilità e riadattabilità dello spazio che può essere sfruttato pure in assenza di biciclette, sia per le sedute che per il deposito bagagli. Pur essendo stato pensato per le semipilota media distanza del trasporto regionale, può essere adattato a moltissimi altri veicoli in circolazione.

The project focuses on the development of the space for bicycles in the train carriage from a real Italian example (a 25 years old coach called ‘media distanza’). It’s aim is to conciliate different elements of the bicycle lock: safety, easiness of use, versatility, flexibility. Most importantly, the project intends to design a structure that can be both a bicycle lock and a passenger seat, in order to create a more versatile space. In this way, the bicycle space in the train carriage is no longer only dedicated to bicycles but it can also host passengers. Although designed for old head coach for regional transport, this design can be adapted to many other vehicles in use.

train master zone

reclinable seat

back wheel lock/seat

back wheel lock/seat

front wheel lock

positioning of bicycle (sequence: a, b, c phases) seating system (without bicycle)

back wheel lock

‘safety spoon’ for cleaning guide

front wheel lock

Italian national railway museum of Pietrarsa, Naples. I and my students, Mr. Luigi Cantamessa, chef of Fs Italiane foundation and the director of museum: on the back, two historical Dmu called ‘Littorine’

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