Portfolio Gabriella Scotto
2018 / 2021
-Curriculum Vitae-
Gabriella Scotto Architecture student
2019 - 2021 Master of architecture and urban design
Politecnico di Milano
2018 - 2019 Bachelor of architecture
Ecole d’architecture de Paris-Belleville
2016 - 2018 Bachelor of architecture
Ecole d’architecture de Versailles
-Accomplishements2019 Naples workshop for Grasshopper Ecole d’architecture de Versailles
2018 Crate structure Workshop
Ecole d’architecture de Paris-Belleville
-Basic Info-
2019 One month internship
Enrico Franzolini Conception and drawings, design of the interior of a housing project
Name : Gabriella Scotto Born : 25 th April 1999 Birth place : Paris Residence place : Milano
2018 One month internship
Jesus Torres Garcià Architect Conception and drawings, creation of a Grasshopper code
-LanguagesFrench : Native language English : Advanced TOEIC : 945 Italian : Conversational
2017 Construction site intership
Monastery Bézier Construction of a cystercian monastery using traditional techniques
International relations Determination
+33 6 49 58 73 45
Team work
Archicad Autocad Sketchup
Rhinoceros 3D Grasshopper Open Office Photoshop
Indesign Basic
Reconstruction of the Souk Mosul, Iraq
A concert hall on a roundabout Milano, Italy
p. 20
Student housing Milan, Italy
p. 26
Urban reconstruction, Arquata del Tronto, Italy
p. 30
Requalification of an industrial town Lago D’Iseo, Italy
p. 38
The peanut pavillion Naples, Italy
p. 44
Crate structure workshop, Versailles, France
p. 46
Requalification Cité Universitaire, Paris, France
p. 48
p. 6
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Reconstruction of the Souk Mosul, Iraq Mosul,second largest city in Iraq, is located on the banks of the Tigris river. Very damaged during the war against ISIS, the historical city center is nowadays almost competely in ruins. Its reconstruction constitute an important challenge.
Year : 2021
Professors : Domenico Chizzoniti / Luca Preis School : Politecnico di Milano
In Collaboration with : Remi Lallemant / Angelina Garipova
The volontary destruction of many cultural heritage pieces constitutes the loss of centuries of islamic culture testimonies. The mosulian communities, relocated in camps outside the cities needs a reconstruction that adress this issues. Historically, Mosul developed thanks to its commercial trades with the rest of the islamic world. The agricultural production of the region has been highly reduced by the chemical weapong used during the war. As an answer to this problematics and as a first step in the direction of the resilience, we decided to rebuild the Souk, economic and social center of the city, located at the South-East, in front of the doors of the city. The main building of the Souk, vestige of the Ottoman heritage of Mosul, has been completely demolished by ISIS. The pre-
Reconstruction of the Souk
cious architecture has disapeared, leaving the city without a commercial emplacement. Rebuilding this emblem is a strong symbol for the revival of the commenrcial activities in the city. The Souk is a traditionnal feature of the islamic cities that plays an important role in the social life. A Souk is constituted of numerous cell shops, usually organized in a quite anarchic way around streets or courtyards. The sold items are diverse : fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals etc. The visitors stroll around the shops. Our site is located at an important crossroad between some of the main streets of Mosul. The urban fabric is dense and the activity was particularly high before the war. However, this area does not provide a lot of open public space and the temporary shops are installed on the streets, mixing with the traffic. For this reason we decided to design an introverted building offering large open public spaces. Our proposal also provides covered commercial shops following the main roads. 6
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Reconstruction of the Souk
The plan, here the groundfloor, is generated by different axis inherited from the surrounding neighborhood orientations. The different courtyards pace and organize the cell shops. The vertical circulations are grouped together in the the double walls. They create a deambulation though the project. This promenade has two culminent parts, materialized by short cubic towers. The North tower hosts a museum about the city, the South one, a community center, offering rooms for the community. Our design proposal also offers a congress center composed of an amphitheater, offices, dressing rooms and a welcome desk. This services provide a gathering place for the community.
Groundfloor 1/200
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Reconstruction of the Souk
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Longitudinal sections 1/200
Reconstruction of the Souk
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Reconstruction of the Souk
The project proposal uses three different material, the earthen, the brown bricks and the red bricks. Their repartition is designed to highlight the different parts and atmospheres. The complex is mainly built in earthen, the double walls are made of brown bricks, the towers, peculiar elements, of red bricks. The arches are an important elements of the islamic architecture, there are used in different location, creating a continuty in the deambulation. The use of the brick walls are also an opportunity to create interesting shading systems, following the heritage of the islamic mashrabiyah. The balance between the contemporean architecture and the preservation of the traditionnal tech-
niques is fundamental in this project. The introvertion, the courtyards and the intricated spaces are also an important heritage of the iraqi architecture and craftmanship. The management of the heat is another significant aspect. The situation of Mosul, located in an arrid area, requires a special protection from the heat. The souk, crowded and open, is specially vulnareble to the effects of the sun. For this reason, the shaded deep courtyards and the thick brick walls are useful to regulate the internal temperature. However the traditionnal colonnades create an interesting porosity with the exterior, very adapted to the economic activities so important for the city in reconstruction.
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Reconstruction of the Souk
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Reconstruction of the Souk
Gabriella Marie Scotto
A concert hall in a roundabout Milano, Italy
Year : 2020
Professors : Pier Paolo Tamburelli
School : Politecnico di Milano
Loretto is an important crossroads of Milan, at the intersection of some of the main avenues. Central for the mobility, the roundabout presents a high car traffic. The underground also hosts a metro station constituted by a network of tunnels. The exits are distributed in the adjacent streets. Because of its prominent position, the Loreto roundabout is a strategic place. The existing area, leftover covered by vegetation, is not accessible to pedestrians. This project proposes to give an important role to this roundabout creating a new center of the cultural life in Milan, a concert hall. Because of the constraints of the location, the proposal keeps a strong introversion. The entrances are located on the underground, linked to the tunnel of the metro. The building has a regular shape with sleek perforated steel facades. The double skin facade allows a control of the light, pollution and noise. The concert hall hosts 3 different amphitheaters of 1500, 500 and 200 seats, a welcome desk, a foyer, a book shop, a restaurant, some rehearsal
A concert hall in a roundabout
and technical rooms. In addition offices and administration are located at the last floor. The building is also equiped with a hoist. High of five floors including the underground, the building provides public and semi public spaces and protected terraces. This concert hall would play an important role in the milanese life and host different cultural activities in parallel with the music events. The steel structure defines a grid that organize the space in two main parts. In the South, the monumental entrance from the underground leads to an open space hosting all the vertical circulations and public spaces. The North part is dedicatd to the concert rooms and to the rest of the program. The facades are printed with a very organic pattern creating interesting shadows during the day. The perforations also produce a great effect during the night when the light comes from the interior. This facade gives a very homogeneous aspect to the building and creates a sculptural and introverted dimension. Their design is thought to be seen from the drivers moving around the roundabout. 20
Axonometry of the concert hall in the neighborhood, the building has an inPANEL 2 troverted position and protects from the pollution and the noise of the traffic.
Gabriella Marie Scotto
The groundfloor map including the restaurant, the foyer, the 200 seats auditorium, some technical and rehearsal rooms and some storage. The open foyer is one of the main feature of the building.
The first floor plan includes the first floor of the largest concert room of 1500 seats, some rehearsal and technical rooms and storage. This floor also host a projection room.
A concert hall in a roundabout
The second floor plan includes the second floor of the 1500 seats, some rehearsal rooms, storage, dressing rooms and technical rooms.
The third and last floor includes a terrace, some technical and dressing rooms, storage and the offices of the administration
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Axonometry of the different layers of the building, the groundfloor connected directly to the metro tunnels leads the to groundfloor and to the public spaces.
A concert hall in a roundabout
The vertical circulations are located in two main locations. In the foyer the floors form stairs creating a monumental entrance. This very high space connect all the programs. More stairs and elevators are located in the North corner. The concert rooms are superposed to create a very compact environement where the technical and the public spaces are intricated together. The goal is to mix the users and to gather the musicians and the public. The diversity of the uses is a great opportunity for the concert hall to become an 25
important center for the cultural events in Milan, following a long tradition of musical events.
Perspective showing the concert hall from a car , the second skin of perforated steel produce a mesmerizing moving illusion for the drivers.
Connected to the neighborhood through the underground tunnels, this building is also conceived to enter in dialog with the surrounding important architecture production. The design respects the existing green area and its wild aspect proposing the plantation of selected low maintenance essences of trees and bushes. Even if this surrounding area in between the building and the road is not accesible, this vegetation helps with the pollution and noise reduction. Gabriella Marie Scotto
Student housing Milan, Italy
Year : 2020
Professors : Fanzini Daniele / Filogamo Luana
School : Politecnico di Milano
In Collaboration with : Remi Lallemant / Carlotta PLuda / Efe Ozazman
Rogoredo is a neighborhood of Milan, located between the highway and the railway, the housing blocks suffer of a lack of services. The industrial urban fabric is slowly tranformed in residential areas. To answer the milanese shortage in student housing, our project proposes the construction of a complex. Our design provides 200 housing units with diverse layouts. The mixity is one of the main goals, the appartments are designed to host students, professors and searchers. The four main buildings provide services for the residents such as working rooms, roof tops, libraries, common kitchens and gym. The four main buildings are linked together by a common groundfloor that welcome users from the neighborhood. It provides restaurants, a supermarket and a book shop. The green area surrounding the complex is composed of playgrounds, sport fields and shared vegetable gardens hosting both the residents and the visitors. The objective is to mix the users, gathering the visitors and the inhabitants in a fluid and open floor. The visual connection creates a link between the programs and promotes
Student housing
relations between the exteriors and the interiors. This project has a strong sustainable scope and uses innovative materials. The facades are specially studied to provide a energy efficient insulation and a integrated shading system. The green stripe surrounding the complex are designed to absorb the sound and the pollution of the highway and railway, creating a boundary. The hydraulic system is also designed to treat the rain water to depollute. The facades are composed of two layers. The first one is composed of the external walls ans windows, the second hosts a vegetalized wall and movable wood lamellas that can adapt to the sun orientation. The orientation of the towers is thought to maximize the light enterring in winter and to reduce the heating in summer. Overall, this project adresses both the social and environmental problematics of this area of Milan, proposing a community gathering complex that could also play an important role in the cleaning of the water, presenting a great performance in insulation and energetic consumption. 26
Axonometry of the housing complex showing the treatment of the groundfloor and the vegetal area creating a natural boundary between the public space ad the buildings.
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Student housing
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Urban reconstruction, Arquata del Tronto, Italy Arquata del Tronto is an italian town of 1000 inhabitants. In 2016, two thirds of the uran settlement are destroyed by a powerful earthquake. Since back then, the lack of financial support and the political issues have left the situation intact.
Year : 2020 Professors : Davide Del Curto / Alessandro Bianchi In Collaboration with : Swatika Ganasundra / Anna Dall’Ara / Alice Massi Mauri / Andrea Sibaja / Virginia Valentini / Katarina Varis / Jumana Tarazi
The main landmark of the city, the Rocca, overhang the town and the surrounding and was fortunatly preserved from a total destruction. Built during the XIII th century, the fortress was used as a communal room and hosted socal events. The Rocca is located on a peak but its difficult access and the damages have encouraged its abandon. Our project proposes to revive the former social common acitvities occuring. The project is divided in three different parts. The first one, proposed the creation of inclusive paths allowing the access to the building. The second one, the rehabilitation of the Rocca takes in account preservation and consolidation methods. The last one focus on the urban reconstruction proposposing a time line of different phases. The first part of the project requalify the existing
Urban reconstruction
narrow path that reaches the Rocca to transform it in an accessible and inclusive journey that includes playgrounds, panoramic points of view and public spaces. This path is tranfomed in a gathering space for inhabitants, ederly and disable persons, families and tourists. The rehabilitation of the Rocca is challenging as the earthquake fragilized the walls and partially destroyed one of the towers. Our proposal adresses the technical aspect of the consolidation and reconstruction of the damaged parts and creates new spaces for a wine tasting experience. The reconstuction of the East tower is an important part of the project as it hosts a structural system that stabilize and reinforce the existing walls. The interiors of the building are also adapted to be inclusively accessible with the creation of an elevator and ramps. The creation of a second floor and the replacement of the roof provides more space for the wine tasting program. The panoramic terrace is one of the important feature that gives an impressive view on the surrounding nature. 30
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Urban reconstruction
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Urban reconstruction
Gabriella Marie Scotto
5 - EXHIBITION SPACE - CLASS ROOM Urban reconstruction
The external facades are consolidated by the replacement of the damaged stones and the reconstruction of the East tower. The use of a steel structure covered in wood allows to support the existing walls. The interior design of the Rocca includes public spaces, a welcome desk, wine tasting rooms, exhibition rooms and a shop. The main challenge of the building is the management of the natural light entering from the roof. The light steel structure supporting the second floor and the roof provides a good opportunity for transparency. The second floor is partly made of steel mesh, creating fluidity and visual connection with the groundfloor. The external and internal interventions share the same design approach, marking a clear difference between the existing and the new materials. The location of the Rocca, on the peak of the moutain, makes the realization of the necessary works difficult. The deisgn includes the creation of a temporary road allowing the trucks and other machines to reach the building. The reconstruction of the city of Arquata is designed 37
by phases The rehabilitation of the Rocca is a first step, reviving the social and commercial activities and the symbolic importance of this landmark for the community. The Rocca could become a cultural and heritage center, displaying the wine production of the region and promoting the craftmanship. During this period the center of the city established on a flat area could host material storages and housing for the workers. After the completion of the first phase, the town would be ready to be rebuilt, supported by the economic revival. The main monuments and the historical valuable buldings would be reconstructed allowing the inhabitants to recognize their heritage. The Rocca plays an important role in the communal life and its rehabilitation would encourage the inhabitants to move back in the town. To regive a program to the Rocca that have been unsused for decades is a preservation strategy for the building itself but also for the entire town. In fact, it could have a inter generational importance and provide spaces to transmit the tangible and intagible heritage of the region, gathering the community. Gabriella Marie Scotto
Requalification of an industrial town Lago D’Iseo, Italy Tavernola Bergamasca is an italian municipality located on the Lago d’Iseo, in the North-East of Milan. The town that has an important industrial past remaining with a heavy pollution of the water and of the ground and with many abandonned factories.
Year : 2020
Professors : Mario Paris / Catherine Dezio
School : Politecnico di Milano
Less touristic than its neighborhoords, the Como lake and the Garda lake, the Lago d’Iseo has issues to stabilize its economy and to create new opportunities for its inhbaitants. However, the potentialities of the place are numerous. This project goal is to requalify the town and the surrounding landscape, facing the pollution issues and proposing new uses to revive the economy and the job opportunities of the area. The long term goal is to attract new inhabitants in the town balancing the recent loss. The design is divided in two main parts. The first one, located in the valley, along the lake bank, proposes to create an extension of the urban center. The second, situated on the mountain side reconstitutes farms and agricultre lands to revive the food production of the
Requalification of an industrial town
area. An analysis of the site underline the importance of the agriculture tradition of the lake and the diversity of the production. The surrounding farms produce honey, chesnut, olives, cereals, wine, cheese etc. The raw products are grown on the mountain side and transported on the factories to be transformed and later in the valley to be consumed. The farms are organized around different activities and diverse productions that respect the seasonal cycle. The multiple streams that flow from the mountain peaks are used for the irrigation of the fields. Currently the abandonned site of the factories of Tavernola Bergamasca remains polluted and arid. Its proximity with thewater streams provokes the contamination of the lake by the runoff of the rain water. The project is based on the creation of a new water system including streams, irrigations, pools and aquaponic agriculture fields. Across the journey different plants depollute the water by absorbing the substances. 38
Gabriella Marie Scotto
OLIVE TREES : long term cutlure Season : october to december Maturation : 35 - 150 years
OLIVE TREES : long term cutlure Season : october to december Maturation : 35 - 150 years
CEREALS : short term cutlure Season : spring and automn Maturation : 30 days
CEREALS : short term cutlure Season : spring and automn Maturation : 30 days
CULTIVATION ON TERRASMENTS : reduce the erosion stabilize and help to prevent landslides
City scale spatial analysis CULTIVATION ON TERRASMENTS : reduce the erosion stabilize and help to prevent landslides
City scale spatial analysis
Cereals production
Wood exploitations used for crafts
Farm primary production (cereals, olives, fruits ...) Fishing (balbel, eel, carp ...)
Animal alimentation (cows, chicken ...)
Transformation, oil extraction, fermentation
Markets, restaurants
Crafts, handwork
FOREST : wood, chestnut, honey
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Pedestrians path with a panoramic view on the lake, resting and observation points
Existing mountain road that allows an access to all the parts of the farm
Banches for hikers and medium hight plants
Depollution of the water of the streams by a selection of plants
Road riserved to cars
Shadowing t absorption, w tion and ph 42 tion. Bike pat
trees, noise water collechytodeppolu43 th.
Final Report- Nature Rebooting The urban extension Section on hosts residential buildings mixed with shops, restaurants, sport facilities, public spaces, parks and a community center. A part is dedicated to the tourism and works as the starting point of a journey following the water streams along the mountain side. The farming journey is accessible to pedestrians and bikes, protected from the car traffic. The journey includes differen paths, panoramic observation points, fields discovery
Pedestrian paths in the mountain side providing a panoramic view on the lake
Pedestrian path with semi permeable path.
activities, products degus-
the vignes plantation tation and pools. The food transformation factories are also accessible and provide employement for the inhabitants.
The food production is diversified to correspond to the season cycle and to propose different activities during the whole year. The creation of a temporary market located in the city center and of a panoramic restaurant proposes the farm production to the inhabitants and visitors.
Agriculture production and public spaces
Vignes plantation with Scotto Gabriella Marie view on the lake.
The peanut pavillion Naples, Italy
Year : 2019
Professors : Raphael Fabbri / Béatrice Gheno
In Collaboration with : Louise Chagnaud, Srijan Maharajan
School : ENSA - Belleville
The Workshop of parametric design in collaboration with the Facoltà di Architectura Federico II takes place in Naples for one week and allows students from different countries to team up to design innovative and creative parametric architectural propositions. The scope of the Workshop is to create a pavillion using parametric programmation starting from a geometric element such as hexagones and using Grasshopper. The pavillion has to be studied to be constructible in wood pannels. The main challenge for our group was to create a peanut shape from flat pannels that could be realized in wood and assemblied with screws. The planarity of the constructive element was key considering the rules of the Workshop The first peanut shape is obtained with the rotation of a curve, later divided in hexagones. This polygones are then divided themselves in 6 branches stars and their centers are extruded. This operation guarantees the planarity of every pannel. The top of the stars are truncated to create openings with
The peanut pavillion
interesting shadows inside the pavillion. The parametric aspect of this research allows the design to be modified upon request. The primary curve, the size of the hexagones, the height of the extruded stars and the size of the openings can all independently be adjusted. This freedom makes the design very flexible and universal and could help to fit diverse uses and climates. Our research about the curvature of the surface also proved the structural benefits of the three dimensional pattern specially in compression. The assembly solutions that were studied would also help to block the bending moment and give strength to the structure. The peanut shape could also evolved as the code created to design the pavillion could also be applied to other sufaces such as an hemisphere or any free double curvature surface giving a lot of freedom to develop. The entrances of the pavillio are obtained by the deletion of some polygones at the extremities of the shape creating a very open space i that could be used for exhibitions or working spaces. 44
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Crate structure workshop, Versailles, France
Year : 2018
Professors : Marco Casagrande
In Collaboration with : Louise Chagnaud
School : ENSA - Versailles
The structure workshop is supervided by Marco Casagrande, finnish architect and professor that works with textures and unusual construction techniques. This workshop took place in the Ecole d’architecture de Versailles. During three days the students had to create a pavillion using only crate wood. The wood of the crates is very specific, very flexible but also very fragile. It does not easily reach enough rigidity and strengh to support its own weight. We took advatage of this property creating a
Crate structure workshop
pattern producing a surface that we could suspend transforming thecurves in interesting shadows. The workshop rules were not allowing any type of staples or nail. To reach the long strip pieces required to build the structures, we created a node assembly that only required the wood itself. Based on the concept of waving, the system is blocked by a perpendicalarwedge. The final size of the pavillion reaches 10 m x 10 m only made of crate wood and thread suspendors.
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Requalification Cité Universitaire, Paris, France The South suburb of Paris faces a lot of issues such as a lack of services and housing units, a difficult connection with the center and a fragmentation of the urban fabric by regional roads and highways.
Year : 2018
Professors : Radim Louda / Djamel Klouche
In Collaboration with : Louise Chagnaud
School : ENSA - Versailles
Another challenge that the inhabitants of the area have to manage is the difficulty to access to services. Paradoxally, there is a high concentration of very large infrastructures created to serve the whole agglomeration of Paris. A very good exemple of this situation is the Cité Universitaire de Paris. Built to welcome students from all aournd the world, the buildings of the university occupy the stripe of available land between two highways. The site has a high architectural value but its location makes it very difficult to access and the structures are falling in decay. In few years the cité will be abandoned and emptied of student. For this reason we chosed it as a site for our project. We wanted to use the opportinity of its transformation to create a link between the surburbs and the city of Paris. First we reflected on the type of inhabitants and users that cross, live and use the cité universitaire.
Cité Universitaire de Paris
We analized the layered, intricated and confused area and we tried to reference all the services and infrastructures surrouding, producing «clusters» of activity. This idea of cluster helped us to understand the dynamic of the area and the relationships between the spaces. Our main objective was to reconnect the residential fabric to the Cité Universitaire that is for now completely opaque to the inhabitants of the neighborhood. We proposed an «urban needeling» project to requalify the Cité Universitaire itself and create a network of smaller interventions. The main goal was to use existing structures and opportunities such as an abandonned aquaduct, wasterlands and interesting housing residences to create services that can be used both by the inhabitants and by the external visitors. Starting from the metro station, very central location in an area that has a very low connectivity to Paris, the project goes through small scale housing blocks, the Cité Universitaire complex, green spaces and finishes close to a business center in expansion. 48
Map of the different services around the Cité Universitaire, the elements in white represent the infrastructure that are used by parisians. The black ones represent the services that are used by the inhabitants of the neighborhood.
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Cité Universitaire de Paris
Gabriella Marie Scotto
Cité Universitaire de Paris
The metro station is the beginning of the journey. Located in the West, it represents the nevralgic point of the area and the connection to the center of Paris. The project proposes the creation of squares and green areas associated with commercial spaces. Through the small housing units neighborhood we created a community center that could be used for events and exhibitions. The Cité Universitaire plays a central role in the project and provides housing, sport facilities and public spaces. An abandonned aqueduc is transformed in a market and makes the link with the center of the city and the business center that provides shops and public spaces.
Gabriella Marie Scotto