T R A D I T I O N S - Presentation Board

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Food, no matter where it is from, has been known to connect vast communities. It connects us to each other, to our pasts, and to the culture around us. Traditions is a gathering space that honors the heraldry of lactose through traditional recipes.

West Section


Traditions is a four-level building that seamlessly blends programming from both the Eastern and Western aspects of the site. It features interactive exhibit spaces, a continuously expanding archive of local recipes, a heraldry center linking these recipes to local families, a versatile multi-use room, lush gardening areas, charming courtyards, a welcome center, and a variety of insulated spaces. S



Sub-level 1: -Theater

Welcome Center Floor Plan

Sub-level 2: -Interactive Culinary Cubicles -Interactive Installation Level 3: -Courtyard -Heraldry Center -Multi Space Level 4: -Welcome Center

Courtyard View

North Views

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