Issue One

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- 444 1. To use the Qpons in this magazine you have to be a member of Qpon Revolution. Not a member?? Sign up !"#". YES IT’S 100% FREE.. Woop Woop!!! 2. NEVER PRINT THE COUPON. The stores in this magazine have a device at their location that can be used to redeem the coupons. To learn more click !"#". 3. If you need a reminder of what Qpons are available just text the code at the bottom of each page to 368-266 and you’ll receive a reminder to your phone!!!

Oh, and make sure you put a space between “QponRevolution� and the Keyword... !!

4. To view more Qpons from each business just click on their logo and instantly be taken to more great deals!!


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Buy One Get One 1/2 Off! Buy a Buffet and get the 2nd one 1/2 off!!

Limit One Per Person

BBQ Chicken Pizza, Cinnamon Apple Dessert Pizza, Salad Bar, Video Games and a new Slushy Machine can all be found at this establishment!!!

Text “QponRevolution CHIZIS” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

15% OFF

Receive 15% OFF your first session with Englexas Photography

Limit One Per Person

There is no doubt about it... these guys are good, really good!! Just take a look for yourself at

Text “QponRevolution ENGLEXAS” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

Buy One Get One 1/2 Off! Buy ANY regular priced item in the store and get another 1/2 off!

Limit One Per Person not to be combined with any other offer.

There is no better way for a man to shop!! Get over to Evolve NOW and use this great Qpon while you’re at it!!!!!! Text “QponRevolution EVOLVE” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

20% OFF

Receive 20% OFF any item in the store on your next visit!

Limit One Per Person

If you love to shop resale this is the place to go!! Just click on their logo to find out more.

Text “QponRevolutoin FASHION” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

10% OFF

Receive 10% OFF your entire purchase!

Limit One Per Person

These guys can be found right on main street across the river!! They are constantly getting new stuff in so be sure and go check out their latest arrivals!! Text “QponRevolution GALAXY” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

Free Scoop of Ice Cream Come in and visit us and receive a free scoop of ice cream!

Limit One Per Person

Walk into Galaxy Furniture and you’ll find a pleasent surprise in the back of the store. Just follow your nose to this homemade hole in the wall bakery and get a HUNKA PIE!!! It goes perfect with some ice cream. Text “QponRevolution HUNKA” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

Sub or Salad for One Dollar! Buy any size sub or salad and get a regular size sub or salad for a dollar!

Limit One Per Person

There is absolutely no better sub on the planet. Invite a friend to lunch and taste it for yourself... not to mention this really great Qpon!!

Text “QponRevolution LENNYS� to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

$100 Gift Card

For every $100 spent at Minx you’ll receive a loyalty reward. Get 10 loyalty rewards and receive a $100 gift card. Limit One Per Person

Make your way down to hillcrest and visit Minx. Everytime you shop you get rewarded!!

Text “QponRevolution MINX” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

20% OFF

Take 20% OFF any one regular priced item!!

Limit One Per Person

After a long hard day of work why not treat yourself to some new clothes?? This place has some of the hottest clothing lines and with this great coupon you can stock up!! Text “QponRevolution MODA” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

Free 12 oz. Smoothie One Free 12 oz. Smoothie of your choice for FREE!!!!

Limit One Per Person

Can be redeemed at any Little Rock and North Little Rock location. Must be a member of Qpon Revolution to redeem Qpon. Not a member?? Sign up HERE.

Text “QponRevolution PLANET” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

Half off Denim

Buy any Denim and get the 2nd pair half off! Limit One Per Person Chenal Prominade is the place to go these days... while you’re there pop in and use this Qpon from RK collections!!

Text “QponRevolution RKCOLLECTIONS” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

Free Scoop

One Free Jr. Scoop of Ice Cream! Limit One Per Person

Available at the Little Rock Location ONLY...not North Little Rock. Since the scoop is FREE why not try out their new cookies while you’re there?!?

Text “QponRevolution SHAKES” to 368-266 to get the coupon on your phone. DO NOT PRINT THIS COUPON.

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4 4


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