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GaĂŤlle Rolet Object Design EnsAD - 2014



_ trophĂŠe de football

risme _ chair structure


ear Pillow _ low tech pillow




T empo _ photophore


ors-normes _ exosquelette


riaki _ applique murale


iroir Miroir _ chrisman tree

ĂŽmes _ fruits basket


rum _ classroom furnishing


quat Mobile _ mobile workshop


rĂŠnovation salle de classe classroom refurnishing



cerclage de bois, matière première

Design of furniture (stool, table and wall light) made primarily with wood strapping for drum found in the souks.

The goal was to refurnish the classroom of BabDkaken elementary school, located in Feze city in Morocco. The project is part of cooperation beetwen the École Boulle and Edmond de Rothschild Fondation.

Drum_rĂŠnovation salle de classe

_ babdkaken dĂŠtournement 18 . 03 . 2010

corbeille de fruits fruits basket



Design of a basket of fruits made with coppery steel pin and based on spatial triangulation system.

300 . 170 . 150 mm principe de triangulation

Cîmes _ corbeille de fruits

tiges d’acier cuivrées soudées à la brasure d’argent

_ cĂŽmes corbeille de fruits 20 . 04 . 2013

CĂŽmes _ corbeille de fruits

applique murale wall light



Design of a wall light made with a large oiled paper sheet in by using the Japanese art of paper folding,- Origami.

Triaki_ applique murale

patron d’un triakitétraèdre en papier, perforé sur chacun des plis

The central facet of my wall light is equipped of an ultra thin panels OLEDs. This technology allows both discretion and diffused light who can also interact with you.

20 . 04 . 2013

Triaki_ applique murale

_ triaki applique murale OLEDs

sapin de noĂŤl christmas tree


Design of a Christmas tree made with sevral pieces of miror consecutively stuck on top of each other with a different slight angle.

dessin préparatoire, maquette du sapin, commande numérique.

Miroir Miroir_ sapin de noël

600 . 1190 mm pmma effet miroir

Each stratum is a PMMA plate cut with computer numerical control (CNC), them, mounted on a transparent rod of PMMA and separated from each other with transparent tubes of PMMA beveledged.

Miroir Miroir_ sapin de noĂŤl

_ miroir miroir sapin de noĂŤl 20 . 12 . 2011

exosquelette exoskeleton



Shoes / Chaussures _ nouvelle posture, démarche...

Cervical collar / Minerve _ maintient le visage vers le ciel...

Clothing / Vêtement _ modifie le centre gravité...

Stilts / Échasses _ prolongent les bras...

Hors-normes_ exosquekette

Design of exoskeleton means made with wood, mould plaster, fabric sewn based on the zoomophism concept.

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 modules zoomorphisme contemporain

The world became a standardized environment, only based to the needs and desires of humans. This egocentric conception excludes the difference morphologies, as children, elderly, disabled, animals. From a zoomorphic and behavioral study, we designed four an exo-skeletons wearing full.

_ hors-normes exosquelette 18 . 11 . 2012

Hors-normes_ exosquekette

photophore augmentĂŠ mecanic photophore




Design of a Storm lamp made with sandblasted glass, thin plywood, DropPaper, coppery steel pin and equipped with an alarm mechanism.

le verre et le papier dispoe du même motif d’hachures ce qui créé un effet de moirures lumineuses.

300 . 200 mm moirures lumineuses

Tempo _ photophore

_ tempo

photophore minuteur 28 . 12 . 2013

Tempo _ photophore

This mechanic photophore was thinking for a romantic dinner at sunset. With the temporality for leit motive, my photophore is equipped of a clock mechanism. this one allows to the paper sheet to turn around candles and created beautiful shadows by following the rhythm of hours run out.

trophĂŠe de football football trophy



Design of a football trophy made with resin PLA and plywood cuted with quality, digital cutting technology and painted.

_ arbo trophĂŠe de foot 02 . 05 . 2013

Arbo_ trophĂŠe de football

Starting from ecologicals beliefs promoted by the French Football Federation, I wanted to realize, with branches of this three tree, an anamorphose shaped a foot ball.

boĂŽte aux lettres mortes dead drop



oreiller augmenté équipé d’un dictaphone 650 . 600 . 200 mm

Dear Pillow_ oreiller communiquant

Design of a low tech pillow made with cotton fabric and cotton wool equiped of a record voice system.

Like a Dead Drop, this large pillow, is equipped of a record voice, opens in two for plunge into and and leave a private vocal message for his missing lover.

Dear Pillow_ oreiller communiquant

_ dear pillow oreiller communiquant 20 . 05 . 2012

structure d’assise chair structure



Design of a seat structure made with steel pin of 4 millimetre in diameter arc welded.

Conception d’un fauteuil à la structure filaire, se limitant à l’unique usage de la tige d’acier de 4 mm de diamètre.

_ prisme structure d’assise 01 . 12 . 2013

Prisme_ structure pour assise

atelier mobile mobil workshop


The members of the Jeudi noir (Black Thursday) collective, are struggling against the housing crisis caused by the prices increase.

panneaux OSB 2440 . 1200 . 8 mm

espace de chargement

Squat Mobil_ atelier mobile

aménagement intérieur/ panneaux de bois à particules - OSB

espace de travail

Design of a mobile workshop made with wood panels OSB (Oriented Strand Board) and adjusted to the dimensions of the long van.

Here, exemples of furnitures we could make with the wood panels OSB in the mobile workshop with basics tools I plan to install inside.

Conception d’un fauteuil à la structure filaire, se limitant à l’unique usage de la tige d’acier de 4 mm de diamètre.

Squat Mobil_ atelier mobile

_ squat mobile atelier mobile 15 . 03 . 2013

My profile

After completing a Bachelor of Applied Arts at the Ecole Boulle of Paris, I made a BTS Product Design in the same school. Today, I am Third year Master Object Design at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris. This portfolio aims to present a brief overview of my research, experiments and projects. They are the result from group exercises, personal research and work carried out as part of my school studies.

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