Georgia Farm Bureau News Alert - January 25, 2017

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January 25, 2017

Vol. 35 No. 2

SONNY PERDUE NOMINATED FOR SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue was nominated as secretary of agriculture on Jan. 18, completing the list of nominees for President Donald Trump’s cabinet. Perdue, who served as Georgia’s governor from 2003 to 2011, is the second cabinet nominee from Georgia. Rep. Tom Price was nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services in November. Perdue will be subject to a confirmation hearing in the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee. In a telephone interview with the Georgia Farm Monitor, Perdue called the nomination “a huge and humbling opportunity that I’m looking forward to.” In a statement Trump touted Perdue’s experience in facing agricultural Sonny Perdue issues. “From growing up on a farm to being governor of a big agriculture state, he has spent his whole life understanding and solving the challenges our farmers The next issue face, and he is going to deliver big results for all Americans who earn their of GFB News living off the land,” Trump said. Alert comes out Perdue’s nomination drew widespread praise from the Georgia Feb. 8. Congressional delegation. Reactions from Georgia agriculture leaders were positive as well. “Gov. Perdue was certainly good to Georgia when he was governor,” said Georgia Farm Bureau President Gerald Long. “Georgia Farm Bureau has a relationship with him, and our American Farm Bureau president has a relationship with him. So I think we’ve got a great opportunity for Georgia in agriculture. I think the most important thing is the commodity program of the farm bill, that sometimes the Midwest does not understand how we operate and the importance to Georgia and the economic impact it has in Georgia.” Long noted that Perdue’s background as governor, veterinarian and agricultural business owner have prepared him for the demands the cabinet position will present. “Commodity programs, Sonny certainly understands them,” Long said. “With this new farm bill coming up it’s going to be one of the most important farm bills that we’ve ever had to protect the commodity programs for the southern part of the United States.” For more responses from Georgia agricultural leaders, visit

GFB News Alert page 2 of 11 NEXT FARM BILL KEY TOPIC AT AG FORECAST MEETINGS Washington lobbyist Bob Redding reviewed changes in Congress that could influence deliberations on the next farm bill and agricultural economists from the University of Georgia offered insights on trends likely to affect commodity prices in the coming year and during the 2017 Georgia Ag Forecast series, which is making seven stops around the state. The series, which kicked off on Jan. 18 at Georgia Farm Bureau in Macon and ends on Jan. 27, is funded through an endowment from Georgia Farm Bureau with support from other agricultural organizations. Redding, of the Redding Firm in Washington, D.C., gave an overview of changes in the national political landscape, including a preview of farm bill negotiations, which are expected to get underway this year. One key point Bob Redding was that legislative action in the Senate would likely be slow because of the new incoming presidential administration, which must make around 4,000 appointments, including approximately 1,200 that have to go through Senate confirmation. "The Senate will be bogged down with hearings, background checks and other things the first part of the year," Redding said. Key issues on the agenda of the 115th Congress are repeal of the Affordable Care Act, immigration reform, tax reform, infrastructure and federation regulations. Redding said the farm bill discussions will include negotiations over the generic acres issue in the crop insurance program, as well as an adjusted gross income test to limit payment amounts. “Interest groups from the right and the left will come in and try to cap what producers can get based on adjusted gross income,” Redding said. He predicted that the farm bill conservation title will be one program that could face reductions or eliminations. “If things get ugly in the House and Senate, there's going to be more and more talk of extending the farm bill.” Redding presented farm bill information at five of the eight stops. UGA Assistant Professor of Beef Production Dr. Brent Credille from the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine presented information on the Veterinary Feed Directive at the other three. UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Dean Sam Pardue welcomed the crowd and lauded farmers’ efforts to continue feeding and clothing the world. “We're excited about the future,” Pardue said. “The things that we do in agriculture are important, not only for the state of Georgia but for this nation and the world. I'm grateful that men and women invest their lives, their energy, their resources into an enterprise that does so much good in so many places.” Georgia Farm Bureau President Gerald Long welcomed the group to the GFB home office and encouraged them to join the organization as members in support of farm advocacy. UGA Assistant Professor Dr. Levi Russell presented the livestock report. Regarding beef cattle, Russell anticipated a return to normal supply, demand and trade factors and said the recovery of pasture conditions around the state will dictate the extent to which Georgia cattle producers' businesses are profitable. Russell said poultry production is expected to continue to grow in 2017 and that continued low feed prices will ultimately determine profitability in 2017. Georgia hog producers, he said, are likely to see a recovery in profits early – continued on next page

GFB News Alert page 3 of 11 Continued from previous page in the year. UGA Extension Economist Dr. Don Shurley provided the outlook for the state's row crops. Regarding input prices, Shurley said seed prices appear headed for a 1 percent increase, fertilizers are down from a year ago and diesel fuel prices are expected to increase. Some chemical prices have gone up while others have fallen, machinery costs are expected to rise and labor rates should stay about the same as in 2016. Shurley said commodity prices for corn should range from $4.07 to $4.22 per bushel. Acres are forecast to decrease but demand for ethanol will likely increase. National cotton acreage is expected to increase, which combined with foreign production could affect cotton commodity prices, which Shurley estimated would end up between 65 and 75 cents per pound. Low prices in other commodities combined with Price Loss Coverage (PLC) payments have kept peanut acreage high; Shurley expects Georgia peanut farmers to plant more than 700,000 acres in 2017. He said peanut contract prices are around $475 per ton. Because of better commodity prices when compared with corn, soybean acres are projected to increase. Shurley said Georgia's price will likely be between $9.40 and $9.62 per bushel. SPECIAL MASTER ORDERS GEORGIA, FLORIDA BACK TO MEDIATION Special Master Ralph Lancaster ordered Georgia and Florida to resume efforts at mediation in the Supreme Court case Florida filed in 2013 over water rights. In a Jan. 3 court order, Lancaster, appointed by the Supreme Court to manage the case, directed the two states to meet by Jan. 24 with a mediator and attempt to reach a settlement. The special master has repeatedly urged the two states to reach a settlement in the case, in which Florida alleges Georgia’s overuse of water has harmed the oyster industry in the Apalachicola Bay. His final comments during the trial phase of the case, which concluded Dec. 1, emphasized the value of a mediated settlement. “Please settle this blasted thing,” Lancaster said then. “I can guarantee you that at least one of you is going to be unhappy with my recommendation, and perhaps both of you. You can't both be winners. You can both be losers.” In the Jan. 3 order, Lancaster noted that the court has often expressed its preference that states settle their controversies through mutual agreement. “The parties should consider solutions that could alleviate both parties’ concerns, including importation of water from outside the ACF [Apalachicola-Chattoochee-Flint] River Basin to supplement streamflow during drought periods,” Lancaster wrote. The states were directed to submit summaries of the settlement efforts by Jan. 26. In response to the Jan. 3 order, the state of Alabama indicated it may re-enter the dispute in a Jan. 11 letter to Lancaster and attorneys for Georgia and Florida. Because Florida was seeking to cap Georgia’s use of water from the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers, Alabama declined to be a party to the case currently before the court. In the Jan. 11 letter, however, Attorney John Neiman requested notice of any decree that would involve rivers that flow into Alabama and expressed willingness to participate in the mediation discussions.

GFB News Alert page 4 of 11 GFB ANNOUNCES COMMODITY COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN The Georgia Farm Bureau Commodity Advisory Committees have been selected for 2017. These committees provide members the opportunity to give input on Farm Bureau’s position on ag issues and help ensure farmers have a voice on public policy. GFB has named the chairmen of its 2017 commodity advisory committees. Each committee meets several times during the year to discuss issues related to its commodity and assist GFB’s policy development process. Chairmen of the 2017 GFB Commodity Committees are: Aquaculture - Terry Bramlett, Fannin County; Beef Cattle - Jerry McKinnon, Coffee County; Cotton - Darren Hembree, Colquitt County; Dairy - Mark Rodgers, McDuffie County; Direct Marketing/Agritourism Jake Carter, Henry County; Environmental Horticulture - Mark Porter, Fayette County; Equine - Gary Walker, Tift County; Feedgrain/Soybean - Jesse Patrick, Putnam County; Forestry - John Mixon, Pike County; Fruit - Tim McMillan, Berrien County; Goats & Sheep Will Cabe, Franklin County; Hay - Gilbert Andrews, Harris County; Honeybees - B.J. Weeks, Cherokee County; Peanuts - John Harrell, Grady County; Pecans - Garrett Ganas, Ware County; Poultry - Russ Moon, Madison County; Swine - Terry Danforth, Berrien County; Tobacco Jerry Wooten, Jeff Davis County; Vegetables - Brad Calhoun, Turner County; Water - Bubba Johnson, Mitchell County. During the upcoming spring committee meetings, the committees will discuss issues affecting their farms. The committees will meet again on Aug. 3 at the GFB commodity Conference in Tifton. In addition to the GFB committees, 10 GFB members have been named to American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Issue Advisory Committees (IACs). Those committee members are: Animal Care – Dr. Paul Johnson, Decatur County; Budget & Economy – Terry Bramlett, Fannin County; Farm Policy – Tim McMillan, Berrien County; Federal Lands – John Mixon, Pike County; Food Safety - Bob McLeod, Wilcox County; Market Structures - Andy Bell (chairman), Decatur County; Public Infrastructure – Randy Branch, Appling County; Technology – Chris Hopkins, Toombs County; Trade – John Harrell, Grady County; Water Supply & Quality – Mark Masters, Dougherty. The IACs will help develop AFBF’s national policy and make recommendations to the AFBF president and directors. GEORGIA CONGRESSMEN GET COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Three members of the Georgia delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives have been appointed to the House Agriculture Committee for the 115th Congress. Reps. Rick Allen (R-12th District), Austin Scott (R-8th District) and David Scott (D-13th District) were all appointed to the House Ag Committee. Austin Scott was reappointed as chairman of the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit. Sanford Bishop (D-2nd District), who sits on the House Committee on Appropriations, was named ranking member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture. Sen. David Perdue (R) was reappointed to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, where he will chair the Subcommittee on Conservation, Forestry and Natural Resources. The two agriculture committees are expected to begin crafting the new farm bill this year. The 2014 farm bill expires in 2018.

GFB News Alert page 5 of 11 GEORGIA PEANUT FARM SHOW FEATURES AWARDS, SEMINARS The Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) announced its annual awards while offering education seminars on peanut production and the latest seed reseach during the 41st Annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show in Tifton on Jan. 19. More than 1,400 attended the show, which featured 110 exhibitors, ranging from heavy farm equipment manufacturers to irrigation technology and numerous other products designed to enhance peanut farmers’ yields and production efficiency. The University of Georgia Peanut Team presented an educational peanut production seminar focusing on advanced irrigation management. The peanut seed seminar highlighted peanut varieties available for 2017. During lunch, GPC Executive Director Don Koehler spoke, emphasizing the contributions of the GPC staff, Bob Redding of The Redding Firm and UGA researchers exploring the peanut genome. Redding offered an overview of factors likely to affect the development of the next farm bill, among them the new presidential administration, a handful of new members of Congress and pressure from non-farm groups. The GPC presented awards to individuals and businesses for their service to the peanut industry and promotion of peanuts across the United States. The award recipients are: Distinguished Service Award – Gov. Nathan Deal; Research and Education Award – Jere W. Morehead, president of the University of Georgia; Promotion Award – The Kroger Company; Media Award – RFD-TV; and Georgia Peanut Special Awards to John Harrell, past chairman of the National Peanut Board and Don McGough, director of the Georgia Farm Bureau Commodities/Marketing Department. The GPC also recognized Kelley Manufacturing Co. for their 50 years of business. The Outstanding Georgia Young Peanut Farmer Award, sponsored by the Georgia Peanut Commission and BASF, was presented to Appling County Farm Bureau member Brandon Branch. The award is presented to one Georgia peanut farmer based on the applicant’s overall farm operation; environmental and stewardship practices; and leadership and community service activities. Branch, a third-generation farmer, operates a 1,500 acre diversified row crop operation including peanuts, cotton, corn, soybeans and wheat as well as a custom harvesting enterprise. The GPC and Agri Supply presented the Outstanding Georgia Peanut Farmers of the Year Award to individuals representing each of the commission’s five districts. Winners were: District 1 – John Bridges Sr., Brinson; District 2 – Kenneth Hall Sr., Tifton; District 3 – Rep. Jon Burns, Newington; District 4 – Richard Nutt, Pitts; and District 5 – Glen Lee Chase, Oglethorpe. These farmers received a sign to display at their farm and a $100 gift card from Agri Supply. For photos and additional information on the Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference visit the Georgia Peanut Commission website at or

GFB News Alert page 6 of 11 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO BUYING OUT REYNOLDS Reynolds American Inc. (RAI) announced Jan. 17 it has reached an agreement with British American Tobacco (BAT) through which BAT will acquire the 57.8 percent of RAI common stock BAT currently does not own. Under the agreement, RAI shareholders will receive $29.44 in cash for each share of RAI and a number of BAT American Depositary Shares representing 0.5626 of a BAT ordinary share, which had a closing share price of $30.20 per share on Jan. 16. RAI shareholders will own about 19 percent of the combined company. The transaction is subject to shareholder approval from both RAI and BAT shareholders and pending regulatory approval. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2017. Newport, Kent and Pall Mall are among the cigarette brands the combined companies will produce along with vapor and tobacco-heating products. SEFVGA CONFERENCE PROVIDES EDUCATION, NETWORKING More than 3,300 people from around the Southeast attended the Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (SEFVGA) Conference, held Jan. 5-8 in Savannah. The annual event featured 463 exhibits in its trade show, more than 85 hours of educational sessions and multiple networking opportunities at the Savannah International Convention & Trade Center. Mark Daniels of Mark’s Melon Patch in Terrell County (a Georgia Farm Bureau Certified Farm Market) presented information about his operation during the roadside markets conference, sharing how he started his market when he was in high school, then worked it in the summers while he was in college and ultimately made it his full-time livelihood. Mark Daniels “When I got out of school, I decided instead of working somewhere else I was going to give it a shot at doing my own thing. It has worked out pretty good, it has been a great way to raise a family,” Daniels told the Georgia Farm Monitor. In addition to highlighting his own roadside market and farm, Daniels welcomed the chance to get ideas from other growers. “You get new insights into things and new ideas and it kind of lets you get out of the box a little bit,” Daniels said. The event, in its 15th year, included commodity or topic specific conferences for blueberries, caneberries, food safety, organics, peaches, roadside markets, vegetables, business operations, muscadines, strawberries, Vidalia onions, watermelons and unmanned systems. “When people come to the Southeast Regional they are coming here to learn about what is going on with products, with production practices, with new techniques,” said Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Executive Director Charles Hall. At the trade show, the latest products and equipment for fruit and vegetable production were on full display, from seed and fertilizer to tractors and other large pieces of equipment. The unmanned systems conference, held on Jan. 5, was new to the SEFVGA event in 2017 and featured information on the latest in agricultural drone use and regulations. The morning session covered proven applications of drone-based scouting and mapping for agriculture. The afternoon session addressed business opportunities and emerging applications for the technology, with a special training session covering compliance issues for drone operations under the new Part 107 FAA regulations.

GFB News Alert page 7 of 11 2017 AG FORECAST MEETINGS Jan. 26 Burke County Office Park Waynesboro Jan. 27 Georgia Center for Continuing Education Athens This annual series is supported by an endowment from Georgia Farm Bureau with support from other ag groups. The keynote topic for the Jan. 26 meeting will be a farm bill update given by Bob Redding. The keynote topic for the Jan. 27 meeting will be the Veterinary Feed Directive, given by Dr. Brent Credille of the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine. Check-in for the meetings begins at 9 a.m. with seminars starting at 10 a.m. followed by lunch at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $30 per person or $200 for a table of eight. Advance registration is required. For more information or to register, visit, call 706-583-0347 or email Follow the meetings on or on Twitter @UGA_CollegeofAg and join the conversation with #AgForecast. GGIA WINTERGREEN TRADE SHOW AND CONFERENCE Through Jan. 27 Infinite Energy Center Duluth The annual event is Georgia’s only multi-day trade show and education conference for the horticulture and landscape industries. A new outdoor equipment show will also debut at Wintergreen 2017 allowing attendees to investigate mowers, skid-steers and other machines for the trade. The expanded selection of education sessions feature classes on landscapes design, new plants, industry trends, pruning, pest and disease treatments, irrigation technology, invasive plants, horticultural research and much more. Many classes offer CEU’s for pesticide applicators, irrigation contractors and arborists. All sessions are taught by recognized leaders from the industry and experts from UGA’s Cooperative Extension Service. The complete event brochure is available online at providing detailed descriptions of the education tracts, trade show exhibitors, hotel and travel information and much more. Online registration is at The GGIA staff is available at 888-GET-GGIA to assist you with all of your questions or needs for Wintergreen 2017. OLD SOUTH FARM MUSEUM HOG KILLING DEMONSTRATION Feb. 11 Old South Farm Museum, 8750 Manchester Hwy. Woodland This event will demonstrate how hogs were once harvested and the products made from them. The program begins at 8:30 a.m. and includes a meat-curing class and demonstrations on making various pork products. Observers may attend and receive sausage for $12 per person. Workshop participants receive a hands-on experience and between 10 and 15 pounds of pork products for $35 per person. Deadline to register is Jan. 28. For more information or to register, contact Paul Bulloch at 706-975-9136 or visit

GFB News Alert page 8 of 11 FARMERS ALMANAC FARMER OF THE YEAR CONTEST Jan. 31 deadline for nominations Farmers' Almanac, in partnership with the American Farm Bureau Federation, is searching for three farmers or ranchers to be recognized as “Farmers' Almanac Farmer of the Year.� The contest seeks to recognize and share the dedication, hard work and contributions farmers make to our world and society. Nominations must highlight, in 300 words or less, the following criteria: Supporting the Tradition - How long has the nominee been in their field? How did he or she get involved in agriculture and why? - Innovation in Agriculture: How the nominee has embraced technology or new ways of farming and ranching; Community Involvement - How has the nominee engaged his/her community to support agriculture and/or teach more about farming overall; and Inspiration - How the nominee is a true leader in agriculture and deserves to be recognized. All nominations must be received by Jan. 31, 2017, and must be submitted online at CONSERVATION PRODUCTION SYSTEMS TRAINING CONFERENCE Jan. 31-Feb.1 South Georgia State College, Engram Hall #220 Douglas Learn ways to reduce risk and improve land at this 17th annual conference, which brings farmers, researchers and Extension together to discuss new ideas and how best to implement conservation production practices. This year speakers will discuss issues like how to get cover crops established, planting in cover crop residue, managing fertility, cover crop mixes, using cover crops in grazing systems and economics. There will be a field day at nearby Nugent Farm demonstrating new equipment and attachments for conservation tillage systems and how to adjust equipment for planting in heavy residue. Registration is $25, which includes lunch. For more information, contact: Eugene Dyal or Brenda Hallman at Seven Rivers RC&D by calling 912 337-8574 or sending an email to To register, contact the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center at 229-386-3416 or MEAT GOAT MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM Feb. 2 5511 Bloomfield Rd. Macon New South Development and Training (NSDT), in partnership with the USDA, is providing aid for up to 20 eligible small, socially disadvantaged, limited-resource farmers in Georgia. NSDT is holding this hands-on meat goat management training program, where participants will learn about business planning, facilities planning, goat health management, predation control, marketing and sales, and nutritional value. Active participants will also be connected with local agencies that provide financial and technical assistance. Session lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information call 678-852-7258 or visit

GFB News Alert page 9 of 11 AUXIN HERBICIDE CLASSROOM TRAINING Feb. 2 Screven County Extension 3 p.m. Sylvania RSVP to 912-564-2064 Feb.13 Pierce County Extension 9 a.m. Blackshear RSVP to 912-449-2034 Feb. 15 Moby Dick restaurant 1 p.m. Colquitt RSVP to 229-758-4106 Feb. 17 Houston County Extension 9 a.m. Perry RSVP to 478-987-2028 March 7 Olin Tatum Ag Building 1 p.m. Cartersville RSVP to 770-387-5142 March 14 Elbert County Extension 1 :30 p.m. Elberton RSVP to 706-283-2037 Cotton and soybean varieties with tolerance to auxin herbicides (2,4-D or dicamba) are being commercialized. Prior to making applications of dicamba to dicamba-tolerant cotton/soybean or 2,4-D to 2,4-D-tolerant cotton/soybeans in Georgia, growers will be required to attend the training “Using Pesticides Wisely”. The training will focus on helping applicators/growers make wise decisions when applying not only 2,4-D and dicamba but all pesticides. Growers are strongly encouraged to bring their applicators with them. Attendance is suggested for all on farm applicators to confirm that they have been provided the best management practices when applying all pesticides. Growers who attended 2015 or 2016 trainings, as long as they registered, are not required to attend the meeting again. However, they are welcome to attend as many times as they like. For more information please contact your local county extension office. GFB ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR AG SCHOLARSHIPS Feb. 3 Deadline to apply In 2017 GFB will award scholarships in four categories: Scholarship for Agriculture – For high school students who plan to enter a college that is part of the University System of Georgia, Berry College or Emmanuel College during the 2017-2018 academic year to pursue an undergraduate degree in agricultural and environmental sciences, family and consumer sciences or a related agricultural field. The GFB Foundation will award five scholarships of $3,000 each and seven scholarships of $1,500 each; Technical College Scholarship for Agriculture – For high school students who plan to enroll in a Georgia accredited technical college who will be majoring in an area of agriculture or agriculture-related field of study. The GFB Foundation will award 10 scholarships of $1,000 each; Rising College Junior/Senior Scholarship for Agriculture – For college students who have at least two semesters of college work remaining to receive an undergraduate degree from a unit of The University System of Georgia, Berry College or Emmanuel College and are majoring in agriculture and environmental sciences, family and consumer sciences or a related agriculture field. The GFB Foundation will award 10 scholarships of $2,000 each; UGA College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship - For students currently enrolled in the UGA Veterinary Medicine program specializing in large animal/food animal practice. The GFB Foundation will award two scholarships of $2,500 each. Applications and scholarship eligibility requirements may be obtained from county Farm Bureau offices across Georgia or downloaded at the GFB Foundation for Agriculture website at The scholarship recipients will be announced in spring 2017, and the scholarships will be distributed in the summer of 2017.

GFB News Alert page 10 of 11 GEORGIA FARM BUREAU DAY AT THE CAPITOL Feb. 15 Georgia Depot and State Capitol 9:30 a.m. Atlanta Georgia Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol is a chance for Farm Bureau members to meet with legislators and other government officials. Orientation begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Blue Room of the historic Georgia Railroad Freight Depot, located next to Underground Atlanta. Free secure parking will be available at the Ramada Plaza Atlanta Capitol Park Hotel's parking deck, with shuttle bus service running from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. For more information contact the GFB Legislative Department at 1-800-342-1192 or your local county Farm Bureau office. GEORGIA PORK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Feb. 21 Georgia Farm Bureau 2 p.m. Macon The election of pork producer delegate candidates for the 2018 National Pork Producers (Pork Act) Delegate Body will take place at this meeting in conjunction with the Georgia Pork Producers Board of Directors meeting. All Georgia pork producers are invited to attend. Any producer, age 18 or older, who is a resident of the state and has paid all assessments due may be considered as a delegate candidate and/or participate in the election. All eligible producers are encouraged to bring with them a sales receipt proving that hogs were sold in their name and the checkoff deducted. For more information, contact the Georgia Pork Producers Association, P.O. Box 1566, Bainbridge, Ga., telephone 1-229-246-8297. 2017 FVSU FARM, HOME AND MINISTERS CONFERENCE Feb. 21 C.W. Pettigrew Center 9 a.m. Fort Valley This annual conference features free workshops about farming, health, wellness and technology. Breakout session topics include: Aeroponics/vegetable production; solar panel drone systems; diversified farming; credit repair/creditworthiness; making of FVSU goat products; gardening, food and nutrition; a 2017 ag outlook; egg candling and more. For more information about the 2016 FHM conference, contact Terralon Chaney at 478-945-3391 or or Charlie Grace at 478-235-7091 or AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTATION & SAFETY SEMINAR Feb. 23 Jaemor Farms Barn 6 p.m. Alto The Hall County Farm Bureau Young Farmer Committee is hosting this seminar to educate farmers about safety precautions they should follow to prevent accidents involving farm equipment and farm chemicals. Harris Blackwood, director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and Michael Wheeler, Hall County UGA Extension coordinator, will be the guest speakers. They will discuss updated laws, rules & regulations for highway and off-road ag equipment; Commercial Drivers License (CDL) requirements pertaining to ag; how to properly tag and light ag equipment driven on highways; weight limits and pesticide handling and safety precautions. Attendees can earn 1 hour credit towards their pesticide license. All farmers in the GFB 2nd District are invited to attend this seminar. A free dinner will be provided. Anyone who wishes to attend should RSVP by Feb. 17 to Justine Palmer at 770-536-3461 or via email to Door prizes and a drawing for an ARCTIK cooler will be held. Jaemor Farms is located at 5340 Cornelia HWY. Alto, Ga. 30510. The barn is the second building on the right once you pull into the driveway.

GFB News Alert page 11 of 11 SMALL VEGETABLE FARM WORKSHOP Feb. 28 Stuckey Center, UGA Griffin Campus 8 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. Griffin This program is for individuals working with small market vegetable farming and will benefit seasoned farmers as well as those interested in getting started. Topics of discussion include interpreting soil samples, soil health, troubleshooting vegetable problems, increasing pollinators for better production, integrated pest management and more. Cost is $20 per person, which covers instructional materials, lunch and refreshments. To register online, visit https://T.UGA.EDU/2UH. For more information contact More information – please contact Beth Horne at 770-228-7214 or by e-mail 2017 PEANUT PROUD FESTIVAL March 25 Downtown area Blakely This annual event features free concerts all day, the Peanut Proud Parade, arts & crafts, a 5K road race, kids’ peanut obstacle course, a street dance and much more. For more information visit Festivities begin at 9 a.m.

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