Georgia Farm Bureau News Alert - May 31, 2017

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May 31, 2017

Vol. 35 No. 11

AMS ISSUES PROPOSED RULE TO SET RAISE SEG 1 PEANUT STANDARD On May 25 the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) issued a proposed rule to adjust the grading score used to classify farmer stock peanuts as Segregation 1 (Seg 1) from 2.49 percent damaged kernels to 3.49 percent, with a corresponding adjustment to the standard for Segregation 2 (Seg 2) peanuts. The Peanut Standards Board (PSB) recommended this change to align the incoming standards with recent changes to the outgoing quality standards and to help increase returns to peanut producers. The PSB voted in September 2016 to recommend the change in an effort to limit losses in value for peanut crops. Peanuts graded lower than The next issue of Seg 1 are less valuable, in some cases by hundreds of dollars per ton, GFB News Alert comes out according to information presented prior to the September PSB vote. Seg 2 June 14. peanuts typically make up less than 1 percent of the U.S. peanut crop, but a farmer whose entire crop is graded Seg 2 could face financial ruin. With new technology, damaged peanuts can be conditioned and resold at market value without affecting the quality of peanuts delivered to consumers. “Segregation 1 peanut standards are an ancient regulation and the technology in the industry is vastly improved,” said Armond Morris, chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission. “A similar action was granted to the peanut processors last year on outgoing regulations so it only makes sense growers should be afforded the same revision in the rules.” Georgia Farm Bureau and Rep. Rick Allen (R-Georgia) also support the adjustment in the Seg 1 peanut standard. “These proposed changes align with the recommendations of the Peanut Standards Board and I believe these changes will greatly reduce the burden on peanut growers in my district and across the United States,” Allen said. The AMS is accepting public comment through June 26. Comments must be sent to the Docket Clerk, Marketing Order and Agreement Division, Specialty Crops Program, AMS, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW., STOP 0237, Washington, DC 20250-0237. Comments may be submitted by fax at 202-720-8938 or online at All comments should reference the document number (AMS-SC-16-0102; SC16-996-3 PR) and the date (May 25, 2017) and page number (24082) of this issue of the Federal Register. The PSB is authorized under the Farm Security and rural Investment Act of 2002 and has 18 members representing the peanut-growing regions of the U.S. The USDA consults with the board to establish or change quality and handling standards for domestically produced peanuts. Georgia growers produce about half the U.S. peanut crop.

GFB News Alert page 2 of 11 PROPOSED USDA BUDGET WOULD CUT $228 BILLION OVER 10 YEARS The Trump Administration’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2018 would cut USDA spending by $228 billion over 10 years - $38 billion from farm programs and $190 billion from nutrition programs. The proposed cuts to the USDA budget have drawn criticism from numerous agricultural groups, including Georgia Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). The president sent the proposed budget to Congress on May 23. It is the first step in setting the federal government’s spending priorities for FY18. Congress writes the budget and appropriations bills. According to AFBF analysis, the budget provides $18 billion in discretionary funding for the USDA in FY18, a decrease of 20.5 percent, $4.6 billion below FY17. The proposed budget would cap crop insurance premiums at $40,000 and establish a $500,000 adjusted gross income test to determine eligibility for crop insurance and commodity payments. The Harvest Price Option for crop insurance would be eliminated and conservation programs would be reduced by $5.7 billion over 10 years. “Farmers have always supported fiscal responsibility but we believe we’ve already sustained more than our fair share by cutting almost $23 billion in the last farm bill,” said Georgia Farm Bureau President Gerald Long. “We have serious concerns about placing additional strain on Georgia’s farmers, who are already struggling with an extended period of low commodity prices. We look forward to working with Congress to come up with a budget that will enhance farmers’ economic sustainability.” In addition to the deep cuts to farm programs, the proposed budget would establish user fees for activities under the Food Safety Inspection Service, the Animal and Plant Health Information Service, the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Act and the Agricultural Marketing Service. “The administration’s budget proposal fails to recognize agriculture’s current financial challenges or its historical contribution to deficit reduction. It would gut federal crop insurance, one of the nation’s most important farm safety-net programs. It would drastically reshape important voluntary conservation programs and negatively impact consumer confidence in critical meat and poultry inspection,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “This proposal would hamper the viability of plant and animal security programs at our borders and undermine the nation’s grain quality and market information systems. It would stunt rural America’s economic growth by eliminating important utility programs and other rural development programs. Clearly, this budget fails agriculture and rural America.” To view the USDA FY18 budget summary visit

GFB News Alert page 3 of 11 FORMER COUNTY FARM BUREAU PRESIDENTS SMITH AND PRESCOTT DIE Georgia Farm Bureau recently lost two former county Farm Bureau presidents, Russell Smith Sr. of Turner County and Walter Prescott of Jefferson County. Smith, who served as Turner County Farm Bureau president for 23 years, died on May 23 at age 89. Smith was born on March 14, 1928, to the late Gordon Milton and Annie Searcy Smith in Turner County. In addition to his county presidency, Smith served on several GFB state committees. He was the Soil Conservation District Supervisor for many years and served as president of the Turner County Livestock Association. He is survived by his wife of more than 66 years, Peggy Lanneau Smith of Sycamore; children, Rusty (Mary) Smith of Candler, North Carolina; Beth (Bob) Blanton of Sycamore and Brett Franklin Smith of Georgia; sister, Loraine (Ben) Wilson of Warner Robins; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Prescott, who served as Jefferson County Farm Bureau President for 37 years, died on May 17 at age 85. The youngest son of the late Carrie Ann Riley Prescott and the late James Atkinson Prescott, Walter attended South Georgia College in Douglas and was a graduate of the University of Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in animal husbandry. Walter was preceded in death by his brothers, James A. Prescott Jr. and Charles R. Prescott; and son-in-law, Nelson Foster. Survivors include his wife, Eva, four children: Sandra P. Foster, Richard W. Prescott (Ina), Jimmy W. Prescott (Joyce) and Raymond E. Prescott (Susan); nine grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; cousins; nieces, nephews and church family. USTR TO RENEGOTIATE NAFTA WITH CANADA, MEXICO United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer informed Congressional leaders in a May 18 letter that he intends to initiate negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico as soon as mid-August. In a corresponding move, the office of the USTR published a notice in the Federal Register on May 23 requesting comments on NAFTA negotiations. Lighthizer noted that NAFTA was negotiated 25 years ago and its rules have not adjusted to changing economies and business environments. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue agreed. “While NAFTA has been an overall positive for American Agriculture, any trade deal can always be improved,” Perdue said in a release. “As President Trump moves forward with renegotiating with Canada and Mexico, I am confident this will result in a better deal for our farmers, ranchers, foresters and producers. When the rules are fair and the playing field is level, U.S. agriculture will succeed and lead the world.” The USTR is seeking comments specifically related to negotiating objectives, economic costs and benefits to U.S. producers and consumers, treatment of specific goods and product-specific import or export interests or barriers others. Written comments are due by June 12. Comments may be submitted online at using docket number USTR-2017-0006. A public hearing will be held June 27 in Washington. Individuals who intend to testify at that hearing must notify the USTR and include a summary of their testimony by June 12, which may also be done at To read the entire Federal Register notice, visit

GFB News Alert page 4 of 11 APPEALS COURT STRIKES DOWN PORTION OF FAA DRONE RULE In a May 19 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia found a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rule requiring registration of drones used for recreation in violation of federal law. A three-judge panel ruled that the FAA’s 2015 rule requiring registration of unmanned aircraft was in direct violation of the 2012 FAA Modernization and Reform Act, which forbids the FAA from issuing a rule or regulation regarding model aircraft. The National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) expressed concern about the decision. “Agricultural aircraft used to treat crops, fight fires and combat health-threatening pests, such as mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus and other deadly diseases, consistently operate at the same low altitudes as drones,” the NAAA said in a public statement. “As such, agricultural aviators are deeply concerned about their ability to fly safely in air space where pilots could encounter any unmanned aircraft, be it commercial or otherwise.” The NAAA noted that the registration requirement presented an opportunity to educate the public about the hazards of careless drone operations. To read the court’s opinion visit GFB LAUNCHES “TRAVELING TUESDAY” FEATURE ON FACEBOOK The Georgia Farm Bureau News/Neighbors Facebook page has kicked off its “Traveling Tuesday” feature, which recognizes the contributions county staff and volunteer leaders and ag commodities grown in each county or something unique about the county. County Farm Bureaus are being asked to send a group photo of all county office staff (insurance & federation). County volunteers are welcome to be included in these photos, which should be shot around the county Farm Bureau office sign so it is clear from the photo which county is represented. We’re also asking for a second photo that depicts ag in your county – apples in Gilmer/Fannin, tomatoes in Rabun, horses in Cherokee, cotton in Dooly, peanuts in Mitchell, pecans in Dougherty or something unique to your county. Examples would be Amicalola Falls in Dawson Co. (in the fall), Providence Canyon in Stewart Co., Uncle Remus Museum in Putnam Co. County offices will also be sent promotional items to display in their offices to publicize the Facebook page for GFB publications. The News/Neighbors Facebook page can be accessed at

GFB News Alert page 5 of 11 SURVEY: BEE LOSSES SLOWED IN 2016-17 An annual report from the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) and Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) showed fewer losses of bee colonies in 2016-2017 than the previous year, according to a press release from Bayer CropScience. An estimated 21.1 percent of colonies managed were lost over the 2016-2017 winter, an improvement of 5.8 percentage points compared to the previous winter and falling well below the 10-year average total winter loss rate of 28.4 percent. It’s the lowest winter loss rate since these surveys began. “This is terrific news for everyone who cares about bee health,” said Dick Rogers, principal scientist and beekeeper for the Bayer Bee Care Program in North America. “As I reported last month, we are not out of the woods, but there is a reason for optimism, given the industry’s commitment to protect these vital pollinators.” BIP and AIA surveyed more than 4,900 beekeepers. Beekeepers not only lose colonies in winter (October – March) but also throughout summer (April – September). The 2016 summer colony loss rate was 18.1 percent. When all the survey results were combined, beekeepers lost 33.2 percent of their colonies between April 2016 and March 2017, the second lowest rate of annual colony loss recorded over the last seven years. GLYNN COUNTY RECEIVES DROUGHT DISASTER DECLARATIONS On May 24 the USDA issued a disaster declaration for a total of five Georgia counties to help farmers mitigate their losses due to ongoing drought conditions. Glynn County received a primary disaster declaration. Brantley, Camden, McIntosh and Wayne counties were named contiguous counties. Farmers in counties named either primary disaster areas or contiguous counties are eligible for low interest emergency (EM) loans from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), provided eligibility requirements are met. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for loans to help cover part of their actual losses. FSA will consider each loan application on its own merits, taking into account the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. FSA has a variety of programs, in addition to the EM loan program, to help eligible farmers recover from adversity. Other FSA programs that can provide assistance, but do not require a disaster declaration, include the Emergency Conservation Program, the Livestock Forage Disaster Program, the Livestock Indemnity Program, the Emergency Assistance for Livestock Program, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program and the Tree Assistance Program. Interested farmers may contact their local USDA Service Centers for more information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at

GFB News Alert page 6 of 11 UGA SCIENTISTS TO REPORT ON RESEARCH AT SUNBELT FIELD DAY World-renowned research by University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences scientists will be featured at this year’s Sunbelt Field Day in Moultrie. More than 600 acres of agricultural research conducted by various UGA commodity teams, as well as industry scientists, will be on display during the field day, which is set for July 13, at the Darrell Williams Research Farm, located at the Sunbelt Agricultural Expo site at Spence Field in Moultrie. The event is free and registration will begin at 7:15 a.m. Trams depart for the field tours at 8 a.m. and the event concludes at noon. “This year’s field day will continue to focus on the latest cotton, peanut, corn and soybean seed varieties, crop protection, soil fertility and irrigation. We will also have a Bermudagrass variety plot as well as alfalfa plots,” said Chip Blalock, executive director of the Expo. “The goal of these research plots is to identify the best practices for our farmers and ranchers to use to become even more economically and environmentally sustainable.” The field day will feature 30 stops with presentations from UGA scientists like Stanley Culpepper, Glen Harris and Dennis Hancock. Glen Harris, UGA Cooperative Extension soils and fertility specialist, focuses the majority of his research at the Expo farm on cotton. Harris studies the effects of fertilizer treatments, specifically sulfur-based fertilizers, foliar potassium and sidedress nitrogen fertilizers. “To be able to do research at Sunbelt is really valuable because the crew here is so easy to work with, and it’s also a very visible place. A lot of people know where Sunbelt is and come by,” Harris said. “Sunbelt is absolutely valuable to our work. Some of our studies wouldn’t be possible if not for the cooperation and help that we receive here.” Managing weeds is a constant battle for southern farmers. Research efforts at the Expo farm involve maximizing weed control through new and old cotton technologies, minimizing cotton injury by herbicides and better understanding the volatility potential of the new auxin herbicides. “The Expo is unique in my research program because I am provided an opportunity to do largeacreage-plot research that more closely represents our growers. Additionally, the assistance from the expo staff is priceless,” Culpepper said. Hancock’s UGA research team is involved in forage demonstrations and research activities at the Expo farm. They will demonstrate alfalfa’s performance with Bermudagrass, a plot that is in its 11th year of research. The forage team also conducts several weed management trials on expo farm plots. More recently, the UGA research team started a Bermudagrass demonstration that highlights several varieties and their relative susceptibility to the Bermudagrass stem maggot. “It’s right in the middle of the season for us and it’s a good opportunity to see what our producers are facing at that point. The great thing about the Expo is that you’ve got a large number of folks who are coming through, getting a lot of different pieces of information at one time and really covering the whole range of agricultural production,” Hancock said. “It’s a really good opportunity for them to get the latest products that are being studied at UGA and across the industry.”

GFB News Alert page 7 of 11 FIRE IN OKEFENOKEE NWR IS 65 PERCENT CONTAINED A fire started by lightning in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) had burned 152,515 acres of forestland and was 65 percent contained as of May 30, according to information issued by state and federal agencies working to contain the fire. According to a multi-agency press release, 598 personnel are fighting this fire, designated as the West Mims fire. Equipment resources include 56 wildland fire engines, 45 bulldozers, eight helicopters and two fixed-wing air tankers. Personnel include five “hand crews,” wildland firefighters who clear land of flammable material around the fire perimeter and remove limbs and ground vegetation to reduce the amount of fuel exposed to the fire. The West Mims Fire was initially reported on April 6. It straddles the Georgia-Florida state line southeast of Fargo, Ga., approximately 2.5 miles northeast of Eddy Tower. The fire is currently located within the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida’s John M. Bethea State Forest, and Osceola National Forest. A Georgia Forestry Commission Incident Management Team is assisting in managing the fire with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Forest Service, and U.S. Forest Service. Updates are available on the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Facebook page at

GFB News Alert page 8 of 11 GEORGIA CENTENNIAL FARM PROGRAM June 1 Deadline to apply The Georgia Centennial Farm Program honors farms in three categories. The Centennial Heritage Farm Award honors farms owned by members of the same family for 100 years or more that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The Centennial Farm Award doesn’t require continuous family ownership, but farms must be at least 100 years old and listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The Centennial Family Farm Award honors farms owned by members of the same family for 100 years or more that aren’t listed in the National Register of Historic Places. More than 500 farms have been recognized through the Centennial Farm Program since it began in 1993. Farm owners interested in applying for the award in 2017 should visit to download an application or contact Allison Asbrock at 770389-7868 or Applications must be postmarked by June 1. 43RD GEORGIA BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL June 2 & 3 Alma Celebrate Georgia’s blueberry crop with a fun run, blueberry pancakes, blueberry pie eating contest, parade, arts/crafts, Civil War reenactments & much more! Visit or call 912-310-7399 for more information. PUTNAM COUNTY DAIRY FESTIVAL June 3 Putnam County Courthouse 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Eatonton Hosted by the Pilot Club of Eatonton, the annual Putnam County Dairy Festival is a tribute to the dairy industry and local dairy families. The festival acknowledges the success of Putnam County as a leading dairy county in Georgia. Events include a 10k road race, a parade, recognition of the Dairy Family of the Year, a barbecue on the courthouse square and much more. For more information visit AMERICAN SOYBEAN ASSOCIATION SOY LEADERS OF THE FUTURE June 9 deadline to apply The American Soybean Association (ASA) and Valent USA are pleased to announce the Soy Leaders of the Future program, a new opportunity for young people interested in improving their understanding of major policy issues that impact soybean farmers, the importance of advocacy, and careers that can impact agricultural policy. The first class will take place this summer and will be held in conjunction with the ASA Board Meeting and Soy Issues Briefing, July 10-13, 2017, in Washington, D.C. To apply for the Soy Leaders of the Future program, students must be at least 18 years old and have an interest in learning more about advocacy and policy issues that impact U.S. soybean farmers and career opportunities in Washington, D.C. and the agriculture industry. This program may be especially appealing to students majoring in various areas of agriculture, political science, communications and business. Program sponsors will cover all travel, lodging and meal expenses for the students who are selected for this program. Class size is limited. Visit to complete an online application or for more information. All applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 9.

GFB News Alert page 9 of 11 2017 GEORGIA-FLORIDA TOBACCO TOUR June 12-14 Blackshear, Ga. to Live Oak, Fla. This annual tour provides up-to-date information on variety trials, control of tomato spotted wilt virus, insect control and much more. The tour will begin with a kick-off supper in Blackshear at 7 p.m. on June 12. For more information or to register, visit or contact Dr. J. Michael Moore at 229-386-3006 or GFB FOUNDATION FOR AGRICULTURE GRANTS June 30 deadline to apply County Farm Bureaus, 4-H Clubs and FFA Chapters have until June 30 to apply for grants of up to $500 the Georgia Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is offering to fund activities and projects that will improve students’ or consumers’ understanding of agriculture or offer leadership development for members of the ag community. The foundation is offering 10 grants to county Farm Bureaus in amounts up to $500. County Farm Bureaus should visit to apply. Four grants of $500 each will be awarded to 4-H Clubs or FFA Chapters to support leadership development and ag literacy projects conducted by the student organizations. Visit for the 4-H and FFA grant application. Visit for examples of projects that qualify for the grants and for complete guidelines. Contact Katie Gazda, executive director of the foundation, with questions regarding the application or selection process at or 478-474-0679, ext. 5230. AFBF RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHALLENGE June 30 deadline for entries The American Farm Bureau Federation is open for online applications for its fourth Rural Entrepreneurship Challenge. Entrepreneurs will compete for $145,000 in startup funds. The competition provides an opportunity for individuals to showcase ideas and business innovations that benefit rural regions of the United States. It is the first national rural business competition focused exclusively on innovative entrepreneurs working on food and agriculture businesses. Competitors are invited to submit for-profit business ideas related to food and agriculture online at The final four teams will compete in a live competition at AFBF’s 99th Annual Convention in Nashville on Jan. 7 for Farm Bureau Entrepreneur of the Year award and $30,000 (chosen by judges), People’s Choice award and $25,000 (chosen by public vote), First runner-up prize, $15,000 and Second runner-up prize, $15,000 2017 AGAWARE WORKSHOP Aug. 25 Burke County Office Park Waynesboro AgSouth Farm Credit and AgGeorgia Farm Credit are hosting this workshop to give farmers a better understanding of how to approach their finances. Topics covered in the program include: balance sheets; income statements; family finance & family budgeting; risk management; accrual income; applying for financing and preparing a business plan. Bonus videos on recordkeeping, marketing and technology will be available for continued education. To register visit

GFB News Alert page 10 of 11 22nd ANNUAL LUMBER CITY FARM DAY FESTIVAL Sept. 9 & 10 Lumber City Saturday’s events include a Fun Run & 5K race, arts/crafts, food vendors, a parade and live entertainment. A community church service will be held Sept. 10. For more information or to register for the race visit or call Jeanette Ban at 912-363-4643 or email GEORGIA FARM TO SCHOOL SUMMIT Oct. 5 & 6 Helms College Augusta The Farm to School Summit connects schools, early care centers, and local farms and distributors to serve and champion healthy, local meals in cafeterias, improve student nutrition, and increase farm and gardening educational opportunities. This year’s Summit welcomes farmers, teachers, early care educators and administrators, school nutrition staff, students, parents, and others interested in learning more about Georgia’s farm to school movement. Highlights include the opening keynote address from national farm to school leader Betti Wiggins of Detroit Public Schools, closing keynote address from Burke County School Nutrition Director and Presidentelect of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Donna Martin, workshops, educational sessions and networking. For more information visit FARM BUREAU-AFFILIATED FARMERS MARKETS COBB COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Lost Mountain Park Powder Springs Cobb County Farm Bureau (CCFB) in cooperation with Cobb County Parks & Recreation will host this farmers market. CCFB is offering vendor space to farmers, growers, and producers in Cobb and surrounding counties, with the goal of offering locally grown food to the community. Each vendor must be a Farm Bureau member. Vendor fees are only $5 per week, with a discount for paying in full for the entire market season. For more information contact us at or Debbie Payne at or 770-943-3531. MONROE FARMERS MARKET Saturdays until Oct. 7 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Court Street, Downtown Monroe This market, sponsored in part by Walton County Farm Bureau, will feature fresh produce and goods from local farmers, work from local artisans and family friendly activities. For more information visit WOODSTOCK FARM FRESH MARKET Saturdays May-September 8:30 am to Noon. Woodstock Located on Market Street in Downtown Woodstock, the market features vendors who grow at least 85 percent of the product they sell. The Cherokee County Farm Bureau is partnering with the market to bring special events to the market throughout the 2017 season. For more information call 770-924-0406 or visit

GFB News Alert page 11 of 11 CANTON FARMERS MARKET Through Oct. 28 Saturdays 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Cannon Park Canton This market features 100 percent GA Grown produce and handcrafted items. Cherokee County Farm Bureau will hold an event once a month at the market promoting watermelon day, apple day, peach day etc. On May 27 CCFB will be on hand to promote vegetables. ROCKDALE/DEKALB FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays & Saturdays beginning June 3 8 a.m. – noon, RDCFB office Conyers Beginning June 3, the Rockdale/DeKalb Farm Bureau Farmers Market will be held at 1400 Parker Rd. SE in Conyers. The public is invited to stop by and shop for fresh, locally grown vegetables, dairy products, crafts and more. The market is expected to run into late summer or early fall when produce production ends. For more information contact the Rockdale/DeKalb County Farm Bureau office at 770-922-3566. UNION COUNTY FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Saturdays 7 a.m. – 1 p.m., 148 Old Smokey Road Blairsville Beginning June 3, the public is welcome to shop for fresh, locally grown vegetables from local farmers. For more information contact Mickey Cummings or Kristy Peney at 706-781-8802 or visit Union County Farm Bureau will sponsor a tractor show at the market Labor Day weekend. SHIELDS-ETHRIDGE HERITAGE FARM CULTIVATORS MARKET June 3, July 1, Aug. 5, Sept. 2 & Oct. 21 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2355 Ethridge Rd. Jefferson Jackson County Farm Bureau (JCFB) sponsors this monthly open-air market that features local farmers and entrepreneurs selling products they make or grow in a festival atmosphere. Market held rain or shine. The Shields-Ethridge Heritage Farm is an outdoor ag museum that functions as an educational and interpretative facility. Proceeds from the market will be used for restoration projects at the farm. If you are interested in having a booth at the market, contact JCFB Office Manager Denise Temple at or call 706-367-8877 or visit to complete an application online. PAULDING COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Thursdays, Mid-June through Oct. 26 3 p.m.-7 p.m., 549 Hardee St. Dallas Paulding County Farm Bureau (PCFB) is accepting vendors for its weekly farmers market that will be held at the PCFB office starting in mid-June. Visit the market’s Facebook page( for weekly updates. Vendors will sell locally grown produce and other ag commodities or homemade crafts. There is no fee to participate but vendors must be Farm Bureau members. To participate in the market, contact Tracy Grice at 770-445-6681 or email her at

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