GFB News - October 2009 Issue

Page 1

Vol. 71 No. 5


October 2009


The Voice of Georgia Farmers



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*Must be a Farm Bureau member for at least 30 days. Contact your local Farm Bureau office for details. †See your dealer for a copy of this Limited Warranty. Farm Bureau is a federally registered collective membership and a registered service mark of the American Farm Bureau Federation and is being used by Dodge under license from the American Farm Bureau Federation. Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins, Inc.

table of

contents october 2009

departments we, the farmers PAGE 4

legislative update PAGE 5

commodities update PAGE 10

young farmer update PAGE 16

around georgia


public relations staff

Paul Beliveau Director Jennifer Whittaker Editor

Lillian Davis Publications/Advertising Manager

Jay Stone Print/Web Specialist

Denny Moore TV Producer/Anchor

Rick Treptow Senior Radio-TV Specialist

Michael Edmondson Web/Video Manager

Mark Wildman Radio-TV Specialist

Dean Wood Radio-TV Specialist

Ryan Naquin Radio-TV Specialist

Vickie Amos Office Coordinator For questions about your membership or member benefits, call 1-800-633-5432. For questions regarding editorial content call 478-474-0679, ext. 5334 or email For questions regarding advertising contact Hurst and Associates, Inc., 1-800-397-8908 Visit the GFB Web site today!

Flood damages Georgia farms Farm Bureau members across North Georgia suffered property losses as a result of heavy rain in late September, but Georgia Farm Bureau’s 3rd District may have been hit the hardest. Fields at North Georgia Turf in Carroll County, located next to the Chattahoochee River, were flooded with 10 feet of water. PAGE 6

GFB & GA peanut industry donate peanut butter to food banks Georgia Farm Bureau joined the Georgia peanut industry in donating 28,224 jars of peanut butter to the Georgia Association of Food Banks in September through the Peanut Proud & Feeding Georgia initiative. Pictured from left, National Peanut Buying Points Association President Gary Cromer and GFB President Zippy Duvall presented 14 pallets of peanut butter to Brett Kirkland, president of the Food Bank of Southwest Georgia, along with Georgia Peanut Commission Chairman Armond Morris and American Peanut Shellers Association Chairman Joe Campbell on behalf of Georgia’s peanut industry. PAGE 7

GFB discusses technology fees with Monsanto The Georgia Farm Bureau Board of Directors welcomed Monsanto officials to its August board meeting to discuss why Georgia farmers are paying higher technology fees for genetically modified seed than growers in other states and to discuss the problems glyphosate resistant pigweed is causing farmers. PAGE 8

GFB changes convention schedule If you’re making plans to attend the 71st Annual Georgia Farm Bureau Convention take note that the convention schedule is slightly different this year. Young farmer events will be held on Saturday and Sunday and the awards program will be held Sunday evening immediately following vespers. The event will be held Dec. 5-8 at the Jekyll Island Convention Center. PAGE 9

Coyote, feral hog & kudzu control covered at forestry field day Speakers at the Agroforestry & Wildlife Field Day held Sept. 17 at the UGA Griffin campus gave landowners pointers on controlling nuisance wildlife and invasive plants. PAGE 14

Ag Advisory Committee seeks good stewards The Governor’s Agriculture Advisory Committee is accepting nominations for the 2010 Governor’s Agricultural Environmental Stewardship Award. Meet the 2009 state and district winners. PAGE 18

on the cover (Photo by Jay Stone) This shot was taken at North Georgia Turf in Carroll County where September flooding cost owner Aaron McWhorter more than half the sod grown on the farm this year. The water line on the trees behind the irrigation system shows how high water from the Chattahoochee River and Snake Creek rose. Statewide, the flood damage was estimated at more than $500 million.

Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 3

we, the

farmers Zippy Duvall, GFB President

Staying Committed

The purpose of Georgia Farm Bureau is to be the voice of Georgia Agriculture, and your GFB leaders are committed to this mission. They say actions speak louder than words and recent GFB activities demonstrate the commitment your GFB leaders have to being the voice of Georgia farmers. In the past year, you, our grassroots members, have voiced concern about some critical issues facing Georgia’s row crop and livestock farmers. Your GFB Board of Directors and I have heard you, and so we used our past two monthly board meetings to address these issues. During the August board meeting we invited Monsanto’s Executive Vice President of Global Commerce Brett Begemann to meet with us and explain why Georgia cotton farmers are paying higher technology fees for genetically modified seed than growers in other states. We also discussed the problems glyphosate resistant pigweed is causing farmers. During the September board meeting, we looked at the shortage of large animal veterinarians and what is being done to address the issue. To help voice our members’ opinions at the August meeting, we invited the chairmen of GFB’s row crop commodity committees to attend. Michael Williams, chairman of the Cotton Committee, Thomas Coleman, chairman of the Feedgrain Committee and Andy Bell, chairman of the Peanut Committee attended the meeting. You can read the article on page eight for a full account

of this meeting. The discussion was frank and to the point. Monsanto hasn’t announced fee reductions yet, but GFB made sure our farmers’ concerns were heard. This is an issue that has come up in previous Farm Bureau meetings, and GFB has been actively addressing this issue for at least a year now, and we’ll continue to do so. Increasing the number of large animal vets in rural Georgia has been one of GFB’s priority issues for several years, and we’ve supported legislation that will help increase the number of large animal vets in our rural communities. In September, Dr. Sheila Allen, dean of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine and Dr. Mike Overton, director of the vet school’s Food Animal Health Management Program, attended our board meeting to tell us what Georgia is doing to address the lack of large animal vets. To help in this discussion, we invited the chairmen of GFB’s livestock advisory commodity committees. Charles Crumbley, chairman of the Beef Committee; Danny Hogan, chairman of the Equine Committee; Phil Sanders, chairman of the Poultry Committee; Tom Sumners, chairman of the Dairy Committee; and Andrew Thompson, chairman of the Swine Committee attended the meeting. Dr. Allen explained that the UGA vet school is working with the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) to recruit high school students interested in becoming large animal vets through the Food Animal Veterinary Incentive Program (FAVIP). This program started in 2007 and accepts See WE, THE FARMERS page 15

Pictured above, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Dean Dr. Sheila Allen tells the GFB Board of Directors how the school is working to increase the number of students pursuing careers as large animal veterinarians. 4 / October 2009



The Voice of Georgia Farmers

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Farm Bureau Members: Included in dues — $1 per year Non-Members — $15 per year To subscribe call 1-898-1911, ext. 5238. OFFICERS President ZIPPY DUVALL 1st Vice President/South Georgia Vice President GERALD LONG North Georgia Vice President BERNARD SIMS Middle Georgia Vice President BRENT GALLOWAY Treasurer/Corporate Secretary Wayne Daniel General Counsel DUKE Groover

DIRECTORS FIRST DISTRICT: J. Louis Hunt, LaFayette; Henry J. West, Rydal SECOND DISTRICT: Bobby Gunter, Dahlonega; Randy Ruff, Elberton THIRD DISTRICT: George Chambers, Carrollton; Nora Goodman, Temple FOURTH DISTRICT: Marvin Ruark, Bishop; William Hutchins, Winder FIFTH DISTRICT: Jim Ham, Smarr; Ralph Adamson, Jr., Barnesville SIXTH DISTRICT: James Emory Tate, Denton; Jimmy Perry Jr., Cochran SEVENTH DISTRICT: Ben Boyd, Sylvania; Gennis Folsom, Glenville EIGHTH DISTRICT: Phil Redding, Bluffton; Don Wood, Rochelle NINTH DISTRICT: Paul Shirah, Camilla; Lucius Adkins, Elmodel TENTH DISTRICT: David Lee, Alma; Daniel Johnson, Alma YOUNG FARMER CHAIRMAN: Lanair Worsham, Camilla WOMEN’S COMMITTEE CHAIR: Kim Brown, Montezuma ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising accepted subject to publisher’s approval. Advertisers must assume liability for content of their advertising. Publisher maintains right to cancel advertising for non-payment or reader complaint about advertiser service or products. Publisher does not accept per-order, political or alcoholic beverage ads, nor does publisher prescreen or guarantee advertiser service or products. Publisher assumes no liability for products or services advertised in the Georgia Farm Bureau News. For advertising rates and information, contact Hurst and Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 6011, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, 1-800-397-8908. Georgia Farm Bureau News was established in 1937. Copyright 2009 by the Georgia Farm Bureau Federation. Printed by Panaprint, Macon, Georgia.


Georgia Farm Bureau News

legislative update Jon Huffmaster, Legislative Director

Supreme Court considers free speech case involving animal cruelty On Oct. 6, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a free speech case related to animal cruelty (United States v. Stevens). The case could have long-term ramifications for animal agriculture because it seeks to equate animal cruelty and child pornography from a legal viewpoint. In 1999, Congress passed a law to prohibit the creation, sale or possession of videos depicting animal cruelty. The law, known as Section 48 or the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Law, sat quietly on the books until 2004. The problem is the law was written in very broad language. It makes it a crime to possess or sell any depiction in which “a living animal is intentionally maimed, mutilated, tortured, wounded or killed” if that conduct is illegal in the place where the prosecution takes place. Robert Stevens of Virginia is the only person ever arrested under the law. He was charged with possession and sale of dog fighting videos in violation of the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Law. The dog fights took place in Japan, where dog fighting is legal. Stevens was not charged with dog fighting nor even being present at the events. His offense was to obtain the videotapes, edit and narrate them and then advertise the recordings for sale in this country. He was convicted in 2005 and sentenced to 37 months in prison. A federal appeals court in Philadelphia overturned Stevens’ conviction last year and struck down the law on First Amendment grounds. That ruling was appealed to the Supreme Court. Farm Bureau has no interest in supporting or decriminalizing dog fighting. The activity is illegal in every state in the nation, and we have no policy to seek reversal. Nor would the Supreme Court’s decision overturn any state or federal statutes outlawing dog fighting. However, the questions regarding free speech in this case could be far reaching. The Supreme Court is being asked to decide if the First Amendment protects depictions

of animal cruelty when the cruelty occurred in a location where it is legal or the cruelty is simulated instead of a documented event. Similar rulings have been made for other types of speech. For example, the Court has ruled that pornographic videos involving children are not protected by the First Amendment even though such videos can be computer generated without any children actually being molested. Such material is not protected by the First Amendment and is therefore illegal to create, possess or distribute. If the Court were to issue a similar ruling on animal cruelty, then any depiction of animals being harmed would be open to interpretation as to whether it depicts or simulates animal cruelty. The implications could be broad. Simulated harm to animals is often shown in award winning movies. “Braveheart” and “Dances with Wolves” are examples. Millions of hunting videos are sold every year in which hunters harvest game birds and animals. Magazines are published

with tips on how to hunt or fish more successfully. Videos of livestock slaughter are produced to educate workers about proper procedures and to inform the public about modern meat packing processes. All of these forms of “speech” could be at risk if a jury or judge deems a particular book, pamphlet, video or DVD to be depicting animal cruelty. For example, hunting is illegal in Washington, D.C. Therefore, anyone with a hunting video in that jurisdiction could be in violation of the law. Many organizations from both ends of the political spectrum have filed briefs arguing the law is unconstitutional. Most news organizations and groups publishing or selling books, films, even comic books, find the case worrisome. Groups that differ as much as the National Rifle Association and the American Civil Liberties Union agree this law should be scrapped. It will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court rules on this case. Jon D. Huffmaster is the director of the GFB Legislative Department.

DHS rescinds “no-match” regulation

Making official a move it announced in July, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a final rule Oct. 7 rescinding its “no-match” regulation regarding immigrants not authorized to work in the United States. The rule, proposed by the Bush administration in 2007, required that U.S. employers terminate workers whose information did not match Social Security Administration (SSA) records. It faced legal challenges from the start and was never fully implemented. DHS said it decided to focus enforcement efforts on increased compliance through improved verification, including participation in E-Verify, an Internet-based system employers can use to validate employment eligibility

for new workers. The “no-match” rule allowed workers 90 days to resolve differences between the Social Security numbers they provided their employers and the numbers in the SSA database. It made those workers subject to termination if they did not resolve the differences. The rule was particularly troublesome to farmers who used seasonal migrant workers during harvest time. If a farmer had to terminate workers whose documentation issues could not be resolved and then could not replace them quickly enough, he faced the prospect of losing a crop. The final rule rescinding the nomatch rule goes into effect Nov. 6. To read the complete rule, visit http://edocket.

Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 5

Carroll County farmer Aaron McWhorter scrapes mud from his sod acreage in an attempt to salvage it after it was flooded in September.

Flood damages Georgia farms Article & photos by Jay Stone __________________________________________________________________________ Farm Bureau members across North Georgia suffered property losses as a result of heavy rain in late September. Northeast Georgia poultry farmers had to pump water out of their chicken houses, while farmers in the northwest corner of the state lost fences and had to move livestock to higher ground, but Georgia Farm Bureau’s 3rd District may have been hit the hardest. Carroll County Farm Bureau member Aaron McWhorter estimates he will lose at least 60 percent of the sod he was growing on his 450-acre sod farm that lies in the river plain where the Chattahoochee River and Snake Creek meet. McWhorter’s North Georgia Turf Farm, which was a stop on the Georgia Farm Bureau Farm Tour this summer, has one and a half miles of frontage on the Chattahoochee. The river and creek keep the soil moist and enriched with nutrients that make it ideally suited for growing grass, which is why McWhorter located his farm there in the mid-1980s. On Sept. 20, after a week of rain, McWhorter saw the forecasts of heavy rainstorms heading for Georgia later that day and knew some of his land would be flooded. “We spent Sunday [Sept. 20] preparing,” said McWhorter, who grows Bermuda, zoysia, fescue and centipede sod on the farm. “We pulled the pumps up from the 6 / October 2009

bank and moved some other equipment to higher ground, but we didn’t get our equipment high enough. We weren’t prepared for a flood this big.” At 7 p.m. on Sept. 20, the Chattahoochee was four feet below its banks and all of McWhorter’s turf grass was pristine

and green. By noon on Sept. 21, everything on the downhill side of McWhorter’s home and shop complex was under 10 feet of water. The water covered more than half of his farm, swirling around the irrigation pivots and washing out some of the trees that line the edge of the river. Six of the irrigation pumps he’d moved away from the river bank were submerged despite the efforts to elevate them. He could see grass carp swimming above the land that just days before was carpeted with grass. By Sept. 25, the river and creek had receded back into their banks, but the green turf acreage was left a vast expanse of mud. McWhorter and his employees had begun using scraping attachments on tractors to remove the mud from the grass, a procedure that must be done while the mud is still wet. Another inch of rain Sept. 25 and 26 gave McWhorter more time to scrape the mud off the sod, but he estimates he will have to plow up 60 percent of this farm and start over. “If we didn’t have the other farms, we would be out of business,” said McWhorter, who also has five additional farms in other parts of the state. Despite the damage to his farm, McWhorter is trying to keep a positive view. Long-term, he said, the soil on his See FLOOD page 13

Aaron McWhorter counted himself fortunate that he had five other farms around the state because he lost about 60 percent of the sod growing on the 450-acre farm on the banks of the Chattahoochee, which deposited this mud on his sod fields. Georgia Farm Bureau News

The Georgia Farm Bureau Board of Directors joined representatives of the Georgia Peanut Commission, American Peanut Shellers Association & National Peanut Buying Points Association in presenting 14,112 jars of peanut butter to Middle Georgia Food Bank during a press conference held Sept. 24 at the GFB state office.

GFB & GA peanut industry donate peanut butter to food banks Article & photo by Jennifer Whittaker __________________________________________________________________________


eorgia Farm Bureau and the Georgia peanut industry donated 28 pallets (28,224 jars) of peanut butter to the Georgia Association of Food Banks in September to recognize that it was Hunger Action Month. Peanut officials estimate that’s enough peanut butter to make 350,000 sandwiches! The donation was purchased with contributions made to the Peanut Proud & Feeding Georgia program by GFB, the Georgia Peanut Commission, the National Peanut Buying Points Association and the American Peanut Shellers Association and 18 other individuals, organizations and businesses. Half of the peanut butter was presented to the Food Bank of Southwest Georgia in Albany on Sept. 9. The second half of the peanut butter was presented to the Middle Georgia Food Bank in Macon during a press conference at the GFB home office on Sept. 24. “Many Georgia Farm Bureau members are peanut farmers, so we thought what better way to give back to the community than to help feed the hungry with nutritious peanut butter,” said GFB President Zippy Duvall. “Our $3,200 contribution purchased four thousand jars of

peanut butter that was made with Georgia peanuts and processed in Albany, so this project is a win-win-win helping those in need, Georgia peanut growers and Tara Foods employees.” The Food Bank of Southwest Georgia serves 20 counties throughout Southwest Georgia and serves approximately 30,000 people each year, including 10,000 children. “Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and an ideal item to have in our pantries because adults and kids alike can make a quick meal or snack out of it,” said Brett Kirkland, president of the Food Bank of Southwest Georgia. “Thanks to the peanut industry and the donors of this project, this large donation of peanut butter will help us and our 300 partner agencies continue to distribute high-quality, easyto-prepare food to those in need of food assistance.” Kirkland said his food bank will distribute the peanut butter through its Backpack Program, which distributes a weekend supply of food to 350 children who have been identified as being at risk for going hungry while away from school. The Middle Georgia Food Bank (MGFB) partners with 310 agencies to serve

approximately 180,000 people in 24 Middle Georgia counties each year. Ronald Raleigh, executive director of the MGFB, said his food bank is receiving more requests for help due to the economic crisis. “The rural counties we serve are especially affected by this economic downturn. This peanut butter donation will be distributed to families with children through our mobile food pantry, to senior citizens and to after school tutorial programs who serve children at risk,” Raleigh said. “We appreciate everyone who made this donation possible. The peanut butter we received today will go a long way to meet our demand in the next month.” Donations are still being accepted for this program to help the Georgia Association of Food Banks. Call (404) 892-9822 or visit to make a donation. Georgia Farm Bureau’s participation in the Peanut Proud & Feeding Georgia initiative continues the organization’s ongoing support of Georgia’s food banks. Since 2004, GFB has coordinated five Harvest For All food drives through which GFB members from across the state have donated almost 38,000 pounds of staple food items and $12,452 in cash donations distributed to eight food banks located throughout Georgia. In 2005, GFB members collected 17,000 pounds of food, which were donated to victims of Hurricane Katrina in Hancock County, Miss., where the eye of the storm hit.

Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 7

GFB discusses technology fees with Monsanto By Jennifer Whittaker ___________________________________ The Georgia Farm Bureau Board of Directors welcomed Monsanto Executive Vice President of Global Commerce Brett Begemann to its monthly meeting Aug. 27 to discuss why Georgia farmers are paying higher technology fees for genetically modified seed than growers in other states. They also discussed the problems glyphosate resistant pigweed is causing farmers. GFB Cotton Advisory Committee Chairman Michael Williams, Feedgrain Advisory Committee Chairman Thomas Coleman and Peanut Advisory Committee Chairman Andy Bell also attended the meeting. Many Georgia farmers buy Monsanto seed described as Roundup Ready because it is genetically modified to withstand being sprayed with the herbicide Roundup. Roundup has traditionally been a trusted tool in the fight against weeds. In recent years, however, Palmer amaranth, commonly known as pigweed, has grown resistant to Roundup causing harvesting problems and reducing yields. “If you harvest pigweed with your cotton or peanut crops it will affect the grade and quality of your crops, and the weeds also jam up the cotton and peanut pickers,” explained Bell, who grows about 1,000 acres of cotton. “The weeds grow up tall and will reduce your crop yields by shading the crop plants under them.” When asked why the technology fee differs for a bag of cottonseed sold in Georgia and the same seed sold in Mississippi, Begemann said, “We try to look at the value the technology brings to a farmer in their specific geographical area. What we’re trying to do is make the product available to as many farmers as possible instead of charging the highest price to everyone. Even if we priced all cotton the same, I don’t know that the price would change a whole lot here.” Numerous board members and the commodity chairmen voiced displeasure at paying a premium for the Roundup 8 / October 2009

Monsanto Executive Vice President of Global Commerce Brett Begemann spoke to the GFB Board of Directors in August.

technology when they are fighting a weed that has developed resistance to Roundup. “We’re paying eighty dollars an acre for technology and still having to spray. That’s a hard pill to swallow. They are charging what they think the market will bear,” said Williams, who grows 600 acres of cotton and is a crop consultant. “I have growers who would rather have two-bale-an-acre cotton with no pigweed than two-anda-half-bale cotton with pigweed. I think Monsanto will always have a part of the market share, but if another company can offer a variety with a comparable yield, I think growers will switch.” When asked if fees will increase next year, Begemann said the company is still working on the 2010 cotton prices but expects any increases to be in the “low single digits.”

Begemann said Monsanto realizes the problem Georgia farmers are having with pigweed and is working to develop a solution but said it may be five or six years before the company can offer a variety that can control pigweed. “I don’t see a silver bullet out there for addressing pigweed. You’re in the hotbed, but we are committed to helping you.” Begemann also addressed the fees farmers in South America and India pay. He said Argentina found ways to avoid paying fees on soybeans by stealing the technology, but Argentine farmers are paying fees on Roundup Ready corn at higher rates than U.S. farmers, as are Brazilian corn farmers. Brazilian farmers are also paying fees on soybeans. He said cotton farmers in India pay lower fees because the Indian government sets the price.

Nov. 30 deadline to apply for USDA grants The USDA Rural Development Agency is accepting applications for grants to help farmers add value to their commodities. Applicants should propose projects that use ag commodities in non-traditional ways or merge ag products with technology in creative ways. Businesses of all sizes may apply, but priority will be given to small and medium-sized family farms with annual gross sales of less than $700,000. USDA plans to award planning grants of up to $100,000 and work-

ing capital grants of up to $300,000. Applicants must provide matching funds equal to the amount of the grant requested. Paper applications must be postmarked by Nov. 30 and should be mailed to: USDA Rural Development at 111 E. Spring St. Monroe, GA 30655. Electronic applications must be submitted through For more information visit www.rurdev. or contact Craig Scroggs at or (404) 229-5720.

Georgia Farm Bureau News

GFB changes convention schedule By Jennifer Whittaker ___________________________________

If you’re making plans to attend the 71st Annual Georgia Farm Bureau Convention take note that the convention schedule is different this year. The event will be held Dec. 5-8 at the Jekyll Island Convention Center. Young farmer events will be held on Saturday and Sunday this year instead of Sunday and Monday as in years past. The vespers service will begin earlier on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. Immediately afterward, the awards program will be held to announce winners of the state program awards and the Young Farmer Achievement and Discussion Meet Contests. “Several things prompted us to change the schedule. Young farmers still in college, who have expressed interest in competing in the discussion meet, have told us it would be easier for them to participate if it was held completely during the weekend because our previous schedule conflicted with exams and classes,” GFB President Zippy Duvall explained. “Holding the awards program on Sunday afternoon will allow any college students who compete in the contest to attend the awards ceremony. Starting the vespers and awards event earlier on Sunday afternoon will give our members more time to go out to dinner with their county groups and enjoy the evening. Plus, we’re proud to announce that John Berry will provide our entertainment Monday evening. We wanted to give John ample time to entertain you with his awardwinning Christmas and country music.” The preliminary rounds of the Young Farmer Discussion Meet will begin at 1 p.m. on Saturday afternoon in rooms adjoining Hartley Auditorium and will continue throughout the afternoon. The three finalists in the Young Farmer Achievement Contest will be honored during a reception for young farmers on Saturday afternoon instead of during the Monday morning breakfast, as has been the custom. On Sunday, Dec. 6, the exhibit hall will open at noon and convention registration will begin. The hall will be open until 4:30

p.m. The final round of the Young Farmer Discussion Meet will be held in the Beachside Hall of the convention center at 1:30 p.m. The Women’s Commodity Recognition and Leadership Program will be held at 2:30 p.m. in the Atlantic Hall. An open session of policy development will be held in Rooms 1 & 2 of Hartley Auditorium at 3:15 p.m., followed by a closed session. The general session will convene on Monday at 9 a.m. All of the 2010 gubernatorial candidates who have announced their intentions to run have been invited to speak. The county presidents’/secretaries’ luncheon will be held immediately following the close of the general session

in the Atlantic Hall Aquarama. Commodity conferences will be held Monday afternoon at 2 and 3:30 p.m., featuring speakers who will address management and policy issues for the major commodities grown in Georgia. The day will close with the John Berry concert beginning at 8 p.m. in Hartley Auditorium. Tuesday activities start at 6:45 a.m. with the membership breakfast. Voting delegates will convene at 8:30 a.m. to discuss and approve GFB policy. Delegates will also elect the 2010 GFB Board of Directors. Look for more details about convention in the November/December issue of the GFB News.

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Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 9

commodities/marketing update Jed Evans, Commodites/Marketing Specialist

GFB Web site offers late-breaking commodity news This summer, Georgia Farm Bureau unveiled our redesigned Web site, www.gfb. org. The site now offers many new features including the new GFB Marketing site, which is full of information waiting to be used by you, the farmer. This new feature offers a wide variety of information that will benefit you and your farm. Futures prices, forecasts, commentary, USDA reports, stocks and weather are just a few of the things you can find on the marketing site. The marketing site is powered by AgriCharts and is updated daily. AgriCharts has helped bring commodity information to many reputable agricultural organizations over the years, including the American Farm Bureau Federation. On futures prices, there is only a 10-minute delay from real-time Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Mercantile Exchange prices.

The site offers up-to-date prices on many commodities grown and produced in Georgia and daily commentary on many of these crops and livestock. Plus, there is a local weather feature full of information including forecasts and local radar. There’s even a livestock safety index. The commentary provided on the marketing site is updated several times throughout the day. You can find morning forecasts and news, a midday report and closing commentary on a variety of items. In this commentary, you will see highlighted trends, opening calls before the market opens and closing news explaining the day’s events. To access this site, simply type into your web browser. There is a link on the homepage titled Commodity Futures, News & Weather. By click-

United Sorghum Checkoff Program funds research The United Sorghum Checkoff Program (USCP) is a new producer funded program that allows sorghum farmers to invest in their industry. The USCP oversees research, market development and education efforts to benefit the sorghum industry. The checkoff rate for grain sorghum is 0.6 percent of the net value, and the checkoff rate for forage sorghum is 0.35 percent of net value. For example, on a $100,000 sale, $600 would be deducted for the checkoff program. Like other checkoff programs, first handlers are responsible for collecting checkoff funds at the first point of sale. A first handler is the first person who buys or takes possession of more than 1,000 bushels of grain sorghum or 5,000 tons of sorghum forage, sorghum hay, sorghum haylage, sorghum billets or sorghum silage from producers in a calendar year for marketing. Checkoff collections for 2009 are projected to be about $7 million. The checkoff program was created because sorghum has fallen behind other crops in research during the last 20 years, creating a technology gap that is negatively 10 / October 2009

affecting the profitability of sorghum farmers. Some of the sorghum varieties that farmers plant today are decades old. The process to create a national checkoff program for sorghum began in February 2006. Collections began on July 1, 2008. The first USCP Board Meeting was held in November 2008. The board has already approved and initiated several research projects using checkoff funding including two that are being conducted by the University of Georgia. One UGA project is studying drought tolerant genes, and the second is trying to isolate a gene related to flowering. Georgia had 44,000 acres of sorghum production last year, according to the USCP. Nationally, sorghum production has decreased but is still a popular crop in some areas because it is such a drought tolerant crop, relatively easy to grow and requires low inputs. By law, a referendum will be held in 2011 for producers to vote on whether to continue the checkoff. For more information visit

ing this link, you will be directed to the marketing page. Current futures prices for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, live cattle and feeder cattle, as well as the DOW and NASDAQ are featured on the right side of the GFB homepage. You can directly access the marketing site by typing markets.gfb. org into your web browser. One interesting feature of this site is the fact that you can create custom charts and spread charts and review historical data. There are also daily heat maps showing what the various markets are doing at a particular time. You can custom create a chart that parallels your own operation. Select a commodity, and this chart will show the trend of the commodity for the last several months. It may be as simple or as complex as you desire. Our goal in offering this new feature is to provide GFB members and the entire agriculture community free access to market information. You can view what is happening in the marketplace instantly from your office or home and can spend as much or as little time as you desire looking at the information that is important to you. This will help keep you more informed and help our farmer members make operational deciSee WEB SITE page 13 Georgia Farm Bureau News

Agritourism Referendum underway for road signs ornamental plant producers available

The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) is coordinating a program with the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) to promote agritourism operations with DOT road signs. Agritourism operations that want to participate in the program must submit an application to the GDA. Registering with the GDA allows the department to promote the agritourism operation and post the business on the GDA’s tourism Web site. The GDA will maintain a registry of agritourism operations divided into three categories: temporary (attractions operating 14 days or less per year), seasonal (attractions operating between 15 days to six months) and year-round (attractions operating more than six months a year). The registration fee is $50 for temporary attractions, $100 for seasonal attractions and $250 for year-round attractions. The cost of the road signs is an additional charge determined by the DOT. Agritourism attractions that participate in this program must have the following: a point of business sign that states the name of the attraction, days and hours of operation and tour times; public restrooms; available drinking water; an on-site telephone available for emergencies; adequate on-site parking; an all-weather structure; handicap accessibility; electric power; and adequate lighting. Georgia Farm Bureau supported the legislation the Georgia General Assembly passed in 2008, which created this program. Interested owners may visit to download an application form and program rules. For more information contact JulieAkins-Daughtrey at or (404) 656-3740.

Georgia ornamental plant producers will be voting in a referendum from Oct. 27 through Nov. 25 to determine if they will pass a marketing order to fund the newly created Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Ornamental Plants. Producers who will be subject to the marketing order are those who produce plants in commercial nurseries primarily for use in ornamental or landscape plantings and whose annual gross sales are $200,000 or more. Turfgrass and plants grown in nurseries for other farm, forestry or horticulture uses are specifically exempted. The proposed checkoff is one tenth of one percent of a producer’s annual gross revenues in excess of $200,000. For the marketing order to be approved, at least 25 percent of affected producers must vote, and at least twothirds of those voting must vote for the checkoff. If the required majority of ornamental plant producers approve the marketing order, it will go into effect Jan.1, 2010, and will be in effect for three years. At the end of the three years, producers will have the opportunity to vote in

another referendum to decide whether to continue the assessment. Georgia Farm Bureau supports producers of agricultural commodities having the opportunity to establish commodity commissions if affected producers choose to support them by referendum. The Georgia Department of Agriculture will mail ballots to affected producers. Producers who believe they are qualified to vote in the referendum but do not receive a ballot may contact Marcia Crowley at (404) 656-3678.

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Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 11

Members of the Georgia House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee visited farms in Northeast Georgia Aug. 20-21 during a tour cosponsored by Georgia Farm Bureau, the Georgia Poultry Federation and the Georgia Agribusiness Council. The tour was arranged at the request of Representative Tom McCall, chairman of the Georgia House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee, to educate committee members about the diversity and importance of Georgia agriculture. “I really appreciate Farm Bureau helping to put this tour together. Because these folks serve on the agriculture committee, they are called to make decisions affecting agriculture,” McCall said. “It’s in all of our interests for these legislators to know as much as possible about agriculture.” The tour visited the farms of Jeff Smith (dairy), Wilkes County; Russ

Moon (beef cattle, poultry, soybeans, wheat), Madison County; Terry Chandler (beef cattle), Madison County and Jeff and Lisa Beasley (nursery plants), Hart County. The tour also visited several agribusinesses including Franklin County tractor dealer Greensouth, a Pilgrim’s Pride poultry processing plant in Elbert County and the new Columbia Farms feed mill in Madison County. “Farm Bureau stands ready to be a resource to you on farm and rural issues,” GFB President Zippy Duvall told the 12 legislators participating in the tour. “Agriculture is important to all of us, and we commend you for your interest in learning more about it.” The tour gave the farmers an opportunity to talk one-on-one with the legislators about the issues they face as farmers and how legislation impacts their operations.

USDA crop insurance official visits GA By Jennifer Whittaker _________________________________ USDA Risk Management Agency Administrator Bill Murphy met with Georgia farmers in Albany and Waycross Aug. 27 to discuss changes they would like to see made to the federal program. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, ranking member of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, arranged the meetings. Georgia Farm Bureau submitted comments to Murphy requesting that the USDA extend the planting deadlines for Georgia’s peanut and wheat crops, create a replanting provision for cotton and establish insurance programs for poultry, forestry and honeybees. GFB supports the creation of poultry insurance that would provide growers with revenue protection in the event they are unable to get new flocks for an extended period due to an outbreak of avian influenza or another catastrophic disease. GFB also supports the development of insurance for timber growers to protect them from losses due to natural disaster, insects, disease or fire. Georgia peanut farmers are asking 12 / October 2009

the USDA to change the peanut planting deadline from May 31 to June 10 because University of Georgia research has shown that planting peanuts between the first and second week of May up to June 10 helps control Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus while still allowing peanut plants enough time to grow and produce good yields. Before this research, growers started planting peanuts in April and aimed to finish by the first part of May. “We are penalized with a one percent reduction in coverage for each day we plant after May 31. According to Extension, the optimum planting date for peanuts is May 20, so that only gives you eleven days to meet the current deadline,” said GFB Peanut Advisory Committee Chairman Andy Bell, who presented Farm Bureau’s comments at the Albany meeting. “If they’re going to decrease our coverage they should at least decrease our premium.” In submitted written comments, GFB President Zippy Duvall explained that the organization supports extending the planting deadline for wheat grown in See CROP INSURANCE page 17

Photo by Denny Moore

GFB cohosts farm tour for GA legislators

Wilkes County dairy farmer Jeff Smith (second from left) talks to legislators about his dairy operation.

“We were happy to be associated with this effort,” said Duvall. “One of Farm Bureau’s priorities is to work closely with other groups to promote Georgia agriculture. We must work together to advance agriculture.”

Managing risks in volatile markets

About 65 Georgia Farm Bureau members learned how to use the futures market and options to manage price risks while attending a one-day seminar held Sept. 1 at the organization’s Macon headquarters. GFB President Zippy Duvall welcomed the group saying the seminar resulted from a recommendation submitted by a county Farm Bureau during the 2008 policy development process. “We think this seminar will provide you with the essential information you need to better understand how commodities markets work and will benefit you and your operations,” Duvall said. Speakers at the seminar included University of Georgia agricultural economists Dr. John McKissick, Dr. George Shumaker and Dr. Nathan Smith. GFB Commodities/ Marketing Director Don McGough and Assistant Director Joe McManus discussed GFB’s marketing services. Shumaker encouraged farmers to realize that marketing begins when they start making planting decisions. “Our best marketing opportunities occur early in the crop year. Historically we see some of the lowest See RISKS page 17 Georgia Farm Bureau News

Pilgrim’s Pride to sell majority of stock to JBS The Federal Trade Commission, U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Bankruptcy Court have approved a deal Pilgrim’s Pride struck with JBS S.A. to sell a majority of its stock for $800 million in cash. Pilgrim’s Pride announced Sept. 16 the plan to sell 64 percent of the stock in the reorganized company to JBS through its JBS USA Holdings Inc. The value of the overall transaction is estimated at $2.8 billion. The majority stock JBS will purchase is valued at $1.25 billion, and JBS will pay off Pilgrim Pride’s current debt of $1.5 billion. Existing shareholders will receive shares in the remaining 36 percent of the company worth $450 million. The company filed for Chapter 11 protection Dec. 1, 2008 and filed a reorganization plan in September. Pilgrim’s Pride is one of the major poultry companies in Georgia. Since filing for bankruptcy last year it has closed three processing plants across the state and eliminated growers. Pilgrim’s Pride must now ask its share-

holders to approve its sale to JBS. The company is in the process of sending copies of its reorganization plan to shareholders. Ballots must be received by Dec. 1, and a court hearing to confirm the plan is scheduled for Dec. 8. If approved, the deal would make JBS USA a direct rival to Tyson Foods Inc., currently the only major U.S. meat company to produce beef, pork and poultry. JBS S.A. is currently the world’s larg-

est beef producer and exporter with a daily harvesting capacity of 73,000 head of cattle. Two years ago, JBS acquired Swift & Company, a U.S. beef and pork company. Last year, JBS acquired Smithfield Beef and Five Rivers Cattle Feeding. JBS S.A. is the third-largest pork producer in the U.S., with a harvesting capacity of 48,500 head per day. Pilgrim’s Pride is the largest poultry company in the United States.

WEB SITE from page 10 sions easier with more accurate information. Most importantly, this is a free resource that should benefit all Georgia farmers. While visiting our new Web site, browse some of our other features. You will find information on our many member benefits and may learn more about the various Farm Bureau programs. You may also use the site to locate the Certified Farm Market nearest you, catch up on the legislative news, watch stories from the “Georgia Farm Monitor”

or read the latest issue of the GFB News or Leadership Alert. We encourage you to utilize this tool and hope it will be both a time-saver and money-maker for you and your farm. If you have any questions, please contact the GFB Commodities/Marketing Department at 1-800-342-1196. Jed Evans is a commodity specialist in the GFB Commodities/Marketing Department.

FLOOD from page 6 Carroll County farm will be enriched with the silt deposited there from the flood. So he’ll try to salvage as much of this year’s crop as he can and move on. “There will be more floods,” he said. “We’re already getting ready for the next one.” Douglas County Farm Bureau President Travis Henry also suffered substantial losses after Little Bear Creek flooded, flowing through his property and shifting his barn off its foundation, destroying all of his woodworking equipment and some hay. Henry’s tractor was left under water and a trailer containing vinyl fencing materials was washed across his property. “There’s no way to tell how much it would cost to get it back to the way it was,” said Henry, who found his horses wandering in some woods near his farm. “I’m kind of wondering where to start.” In all, 23 counties were declared federal disaster areas. More than 20,000 structures sustained flood damage and the total damage was estimated at more than $500 million by Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine. Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 13

Coyote, feral hog & kudzu control topics of forestry field day By Jay Stone ______________________________________________________


andowners who want to get rid of nuisance wildlife like coyotes and feral hogs need to change their mindset, according to Dr. Mike Mengak of UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. He was one of many speakers at the annual Agroforestry & Wildlife Field Day held Sept. 17 at the UGA Griffin campus. Mengak reviewed various methods used to combat nuisance wildlife ranging in size from mice to feral hogs, which can grow to several hundred pounds in weight. “There is no magic bullet,” he said. “It’s like cutting your grass and raking your leaves. You have to do it all the time.” He pointed out that hogs have been in Georgia since the 1500s. “We’re not ever going to get rid of them,” he said. “They are adaptive and intelligent. Anything they can get their mouth on, they can eat. They reproduce twice a year, with three to 12 in a litter, and those pigs are capable of reproducing at six months of age.” Mengak recommended that farmers whose land is being damaged by the hogs connect with people who want to hunt them. Coyotes are another predatory pest plaguing Georgia landown-

Burn ban over

Georgia’s annual air quality ban on outdoor burning, mostly in the northern half of Georgia, is over for this year. The annual restrictions have been in place since May 1 in 54 counties statewide. Burn permits can now be obtained from the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC). To request permits call 1-877-OK2-BURN or your county GFC office. You may also visit 14 / October 2009

Dr. Mike Mengak with UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry demonstrates various techniques to control unwanted wildlife.

ers. Charlie Killmaster, a wildlife biologist with the Department of Natural Resources, says that coyotes are now in all 159 of the state’s counties and have essentially replaced the red wolf and mountain lion as apex predators in Georgia. He noted that coyotes aren’t viewed as a problem by everyone. “If you farm and you have a deer problem, the coyotes are probably helping,” he said, “but if you are a livestock owner, the coyotes are a problem.” In early October, the DNR and UGA launched a collaborative project to study the effects of coyotes on deer herds. The study will monitor the impact removing coyotes has on the number of fawns that live to six months of age. The study is being done at Cedar Creek and B.F. Grant Wildlife Management Areas in Putnam County. Dr. Will Getz, an animal science specialist with the Cooperative Extension Program at Fort Valley State University, had 45 hair sheep on display as a way to use grazing livestock in a targeted manner to get rid of unwanted vegetation. In two days they had eaten away vegetation up to 6 feet off the ground, including the lower portions of the kudzu. Getz pointed out that using grazing animals can be useful in instances where mechanical or chemical means of controlling vegetation are not possible or desirable. “In recent years it has gotten more attention throughout the country,” Getz said. “Out West it has eliminated a lot of fuel [brushy vegetation] burned by wildfires. A lot of that fuel grows in places where it’s not feasible to control it mechanically or with chemicals because of the cost.” This type of grazing has been used in all parts of the United States, Getz wrote in a paper published in the event program. Used properly, sheep can help land managers control herbaceous broadleaf weeds, suppress invasive annual grasses, manage weedy brush and trees and aid in coniferous forest management. Georgia Farm Bureau News

WE, THE FARMERS from page 4 five graduating high school seniors each year who want to become large animal vets. Students enter the CAES and major in either animal, dairy or poultry science or avian biology. They are guaranteed admission to the vet school once they receive their undergraduate degree and complete the necessary requirement for admission. While the FAVIP students are working on their undergraduate degree they are mentored by the vet school and encouraged to do internships with large animal vets. Drs. Allen and Overton encouraged us as livestock producers to get the word out about this program to the 4-Hers and FFA

students we know who have the potential to become the large animal vets we so desperately need. Visit academics/FoodAnimalVIP.html to learn more about this program. Last, but not least, our GFB Policy Development Committee has been busy reviewing the 350 resolutions sent in by 75 counties across Georgia. The main topics were taxes, healthcare reform, water, environmental regulations, wildlife management and the beef checkoff. The state committee is made up of three county presidents from each of our 10 districts, the chairmen of all 20 of our commod-

Lunch on the farm

In August, GFB President Zippy Duvall held two informal tailgate lunches for county leaders in Middle and Southeast Georgia. Chris Hopkins in Toombs County and Glenn Lee Chase in Macon County served as hosts for the lunches. Pictured clockwise starting at 6 o’clock, Montgomery County Farm Bureau Directors Charles Davis, Chesley Hilton, Howard Morris and Royle Sullivan talk with Duvall during the tailgate luncheon held at the Hopkins farm along with MCFB President David Carswell. “The reason for having these lunches was to hear from our active volunteer leaders about the issues they are concerned with and to give our members an update on the issues we are addressing, like the state water issue,” Duvall said. Farm Bureau leaders within an hour drive of the host farm were invited to make it easy for folks to come. “Farm Bureau members have enough

meetings to go to already, so we didn’t want to make this yet another meeting that took folks away from their farms,” Duvall said. “I stressed that folks were to come straight from the farm in their work clothes. This was something I wanted to try on a trial basis to see how it was received. Given the positive feedback it’s something I hope to continue across the state in the future.” Farmers at both of these tailgates expressed concern about the higher technology fees Georgia farmers pay for genetically modified cottonseed than farmers in other parts of the country and the spread of glyphosate resistant pigweed. Duvall gave updates on climate change, health care reform and encouraged the leaders to participate in policy development. “Our ears are wide open. We’re listening to ya’ll, and when we need to change we will,” Duvall said. “It’s important to us to stay in touch with our grassroot farmer members.”

ity committees and our state board members. This committee has worked hard to develop a policy book that will be presented to the voting delegates at our 71st annual convention in December. I would like to say thanks to all these volunteers for their hard work and the time they have put into this process. To be committed means you are devoted to something. Farmers are committed people. We’re committed to our farms, our family and our communities, and that’s the way God wants us to be. The Bible says in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” God made man to work – that’s why He put him in a garden. He expects us to work for Him in our everyday walk with Him. The key word in this verse is whatever. That means raising our families, being a neighbor or friend, going to church, planting your fields, milking cows or being the voice of Georgia agriculture as a volunteer Farm Bureau member. Whatever we’re doing, God expects us to do it with all our heart. God bless you and your families.


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Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 15

young farmer update Andy Lucas, Young Farmer Coordinator

GFB Young Farmers enjoy district events group also visited R&G Farm, which uses hydroponic technology to produce lettuce and herbs that are sold in four midstate Kroger grocery stores and local restaurants Pictured from left, Alexis Edwards tells some of the tour group about the six-week growing process she and her husband, Colby, use in their greenhouse. The event concluded with a dinner hosted by GFB District 6 Young Farmer Chairmen Cody and Lora Lord at a local camp house in Laurens County. DISTRICT 5 Young farmers from the GFB 5th District gathered Oct. 10 in Concord for a district young farmer event hosted by GFB 5th District Young Farmer Chairmen Matt and Melissa Bottoms at the farm of Mark and Beth Camp. The group enjoyed a skeet shoot prior to dinner. After dinner, Mark, who is a district sales manager with Southern States, spoke to the group about fertilizer options and new Southern States products. Former GFB 5th District Young Farmer Chairman and GFB Young Farmer Committee Chairman Leighton Cooley talked to the group about the importance of being an active Farm Bureau member and the opportunities offered through Farm Bureau young farmer programs. Leighton, and his wife, Brenda, are now serving on the American Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Committee. Attending the event, (L-R) were: GFB 5th District Field Representative Cliff Bowden, Brian and Melissa Ogletree of Spalding County; Leighton and Brenda Cooley and their nephew Kade and Edward and Shana Harris all of Crawford County; Brice Crawford, Will Godowns, Matt, Melissa and Anna Bottoms, all from Pike County and Brian and Annie Johnston of Upson County.

DISTRICT 6 Young farmers in the GFB 6th District visited two unique farming operations in their district on Aug. 22 to learn how other farmers are producing and selling value-added products. The young farmers visited T&T Farms in Dublin, a roadside market that specializes in fresh produce, nursery plants, pine and wheat straw. The

16 / October 2009

DISTRICT 8 GFB 8th District Young Farmer Chairmen William and Heather Culpepper coordinated a tour for District 8 young farmers on Aug. 22. Crisp County Extension Agent Tucker Price spoke to the group at the Crisp County Watermelon Research Center about the results from this year’s crop. During a stop at Ag Technologies of Cordele (pictured) staff discussed the capabilities of a tractor equipped with Trimble and Precision Ag Service. The last stop of the tour was Calhoun Produce in Ashburn where the young farmers saw the complete process of shelling, packaging and selling peas and butterbeans. They also enjoyed lunch at the Calhouns.

DISTRICT 9 GFB 9th District young farmers participated in a farm tour highlighting Decatur County agriculture on Aug. 8. The young farmers visited the Attapulgus Research and Education Center and Paul Johnson’s Providence Dairy. GFB 1st Vice President Gerald Long prepared lunch for the group after the tour. GFB Young Farmer Committee Chairmen and 9th District Chairs Lanair and Kristi Worsham coordinated the event. See YOUNG FARMERS page 19 Georgia Farm Bureau News

GFB offers agriculture scholarships Georgia Farm Bureau will award a total of $14,250 in scholarships to 10 high school seniors who plan to pursue a college degree in agriculture, family and consumer sciences or a related field. Scholarships will be awarded to the top 10 applicants. The top three students will each receive a scholarship of $3,000. The remaining seven students will each receive a $750 scholarship. The scholarships are available to students whose parents or legal guardians are members of Georgia Farm Bureau as of Sept. 1, 2009. Students submitting an application must currently be a high school senior and plan to enroll in a unit of the University System of Georgia or Berry College during the 2010-2011 academic year RISKS from page 12 crop prices at harvest time,” Shumaker said. “It’s just basic supply and demand.” Keeping this in mind, Shumaker warned farmers not to risk a lot to gain a little. “Don’t wait to sell if you’ve got a good price and the market is trending downwards into harvest.” McKissick said that the most important component of developing a marketing strategy is being able to analyze what prices mean to your operation in terms of your risk. He explained that futures prices represent national and international supply and demand conditions and the value of any commodity at delivery points. He encouraged farmers to consider the futures market as much a tool for pre-buying input supplies, such as fuel or fertilizer, as it is for selling their crops. “Understanding how futures markets work will help you evaluate the price you are being offered to buy or sell a commodity or the price at which you can buy a commodity,” McKissick said. To successfully use options markets, Smith said farmers must know the target price they need for their crop in order to make a profit, know where the market currently is at all times and know possible marketing alternatives. “Savvy marketers know what it costs them to farm,” Smith said. In his overview of GFB’s marketing services, McManus said the organization marketed more than $12 million in grain

to pursue an undergraduate degree in agricultural and environmental sciences, family and consumer sciences or a related agricultural field. For more information or an application, contact your county Farm Bureau office. You may also download a copy of the application by going to and selecting GFB Programs, then Ag in the Classroom. The application deadline is February 26, 2010. Applications must be approved and signed by the Farm Bureau president of the county where Farm Bureau membership is held before being submitted to the home office. Each county may submit up to four applications. The Georgia Farm Bureau Mutual

Insurance Company and the GFB Women’s Committee sponsor the scholarship program. Winners will be announced in May 2010. For more information contact the GFB Field Services Department at 1-800898-1911, ext. 5365 or email Donna Rocker at

last year. GFB buys and sells corn, wheat, soybeans, milo and feed ingredients using cash trades, forward cash contracts and basis contracts. “GFB guarantees your payment, and we know the advantages and disadvan-

tages of different buyers,” McManus said. Anyone interested in marketing grain or purchasing feed ingredients should contact the Georgia Farm Bureau Commodities/Marketing Department at 1-800342-1196.

CROP INSURANCE from page 12 South Georgia since wheat planting overlaps with the harvest of fall crops. GFB supports extending the deadline to mid-December. Duvall also mentioned that cotton is the only major row crop for which the USDA doesn’t offer a provision to offset the costs of replanting. “Georgia is one of the largest producers of cotton, and we request that a replant provision be implemented for this economically important crop,” Duvall

wrote in the submitted comments. Murphy said the USDA is moving ahead on studies to implement insurance programs for honeybees and poultry. “We’re a little further ahead on implementing a honeybee program. We have just awarded a contract for honeybee coverage, and we just announced that we’re accepting bids from companies to offer poultry coverage,” Murphy said.

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Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 17

Ag Advisory Committee seeks good stewards By Jay Stone _______________________________________________________


raises on his 1,000-acre farm is turned into something saleable or usable. Nothing, not even sunlight, is wasted. The meat is sold to high-end restaurants and grocery stores. The bones are ground into particles that can be used in fertilizer, and the entrails and blood are used to make organic fertilizer for his pastures. Harris uses 150 sheep to keep weeds under control through targeted grazing. Solar thermal panels on the roof of the processing plant are employed to heat the water, reducing electricity consumption. Riparian buffers and fences keep cattle out of the streams that flow through the farm. Harris and his wife Yvonne are members of the Early County Farm Bureau and farm in the Flint River SWCD. Billy Max James, his son Gene James, and son-in-law Kenny McClure run Cohutta Farms in Gilmer County, where the hilly terrain leaves only small parcels of open land on which to farm, placing a premium on the use of renewable resources. Using techniques they learned from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) the Jameses store the waste and compost from their poultry, cattle and hay operations for fertilizer Continued on next page

(L-R) District 1 winners Billy Max James, Gene James & Kenny McClure.

District III winner Tom Bradbury

Photo by Rick Treptow

he Governor’s Agriculture Advisory Committee is accepting nominations for the 2010 Governor’s Agricultural Environmental Stewardship Award. The award celebrates efforts to use conservation practices in farming operations where natural resources are being protected and preserved. The program will recognize winners in five geographic districts around the state, and the statewide winner will be announced during the Agriculture Week Celebration on March 16, 2010. Applications must be mailed or electronically submitted by noon on Dec. 10. For more information, please visit or call the Governor’s Agriculture Advisory Commission at (229) 391-6882. The 2009 award winner, Terry Chandler, who owns Still Water Farm in Danielsville, was also the 2009 District II winner. Billy Max James of Ellijay won the District I award. Tom Bradbury of Montrose won the District III award. The District IV winner was Will Harris of Bluffton, while the District V winner was Wayne McKinnon of Douglas. Chandler raises beef cattle and poultry with his family on a 145acre farm in Madison County. The farm was run-down when the Chandlers purchased it 20 years ago. The use of a rotational grazing program has been a key component of Chandler’s restoration project. He divided the farm into 17 paddocks with 10 heavy-use areas using five miles of fencing. More than one and a half miles of underground pipes supply water to each paddock. A lagoon previously used for hog waste has been converted to catch runoff from the poultry, cattle and hay barns. Once he moves his herd out of a paddock he tries to keep the paddock unoccupied for 30 days. In some cases, these breaks have enabled him to harvest hay off his pastures, which he fertilizes with litter from his chicken houses. Chandler and his wife Deborah are members of the Madison County Farm Bureau and farm in the Broad River Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). Harris has developed his own USDA-approved beef processing plant in Early County, where virtually every part of the cattle he

18 / October 2009

Photo by Denny Moore

Photo by DeanWood

Terry Chandler, the 2009 Governor’s Agricultural Environmental Stewardship Winner

Georgia Farm Bureau News

Continued from previous page use. They’ve managed the streams on their 400 acres using fences and water ramps to keep cattle out of streams. The results have been firmer banks, increased wildlife habitat at the edge of the streams and cleaner water. Billy Max and his wife Mary Sue are members of the Gilmer County Farm Bureau. The family farms in the Limestone Valley SWCD. Wayne and Lynn McKinnon, members of the Coffee County Farm Bureau, use cover crops to limit evaporation of water in the soil and reduce the amount of water they use for irrigation, which results in less electricity and fossil fuel use in pumping the water. A wood-fired boiler system heats water that is piped into the barns where McKinnon’s tobacco is cured, and the wood for the boilers comes from discarded utility poles. The farm is located in the Altamaha SWCD. Tom and Nell Bradbury, members of the Bleckley County Farm Bureau, use no-till methods on their 1,800 acres of corn, soybeans and wheat, as well as retrofitted irrigation systems on another 1,500 acres to maximize water conservation. The no-till process gives Bradbury a fast planting season and also makes for quick transitions between crops on the same piece of land. Weekly tissue sampling of his wheat and corn, along with zoned fertility management, has allowed him to cut his fertilizer use by 25 percent. The farm is located in the Central Georgia SWCD.

David Bennett, longtime GSWCC employee, dies

David Bennett, a past executive director and longtime employee of the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC), died Sept. 23. A resident of Monticello, Bennett was 57. He began his career with the GSWCC in 1974 as a field representative and later served as a regional representative. He served as deputy executive director of the Commission from 1999 until 2003 when he was appointed executive director, a position he held until his retirement in December 2005. He served as the first executive director of the Georgia Association of Conservation District Supervisors (GACDS) from January 2006 until 2007. Bennett served on several agricultural advisory boards including: the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Agricultural Economics Advisory Council, the Georgia Water Resources Council, the Georgia Agrirama Board of Directors and the Land Conservation Program. Bennett is survived by his wife, Carey Bennett of Monticello, who served as the Baldwin County Farm Bureau Agency Manager for many years; a son, William David Bennett II of Cordele and his mother, Hazel Bennett of Eastman.

Photo by DeanWood

Stone joins GFB staff

Photo by DeanWood

District V winner Wayne McKinnon

District IV winner Will Harris

Jay Stone is a veteran writer who holds an associate degree from Brewton-Parker College and a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from the University of West Georgia. He has covered sports in Georgia since 1990 for a variety of publications, including The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Associated Press and Morris News Service. He has done volunteer work for the Griffin-Spalding County School System and is on the Board of Directors for Camelot Theatre Company in Griffin. He and his wife Tammy have two children, Tyler, 16, and Nikki, 15. YOUNG FARMERS from page 16 Tour participants included (front row, L-R): from Mitchell County, Sandy and Jeff Collins, Lanair and Kristi Worsham with their children Ki and Rain, Daniel Morrell and David Griner; from Miller County, Russ Worsley and LaDon Calhoun; (back row, L-R): Attapulgus Research Station Superintendent Billy Mills, GFB 9th District Field Representative Jeff Nunnery, from Grady County, Destin Gainous and Chad Gainous; from Decatur County Justin and Jessica Long and Judson Hornsby. Andy Lucas is the GFB Young Farmer Coordinator. If you would like more information about GFB Young Farmer programs you may contact him at 1-898-1911, ext. 5224.

Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 19

AROUND GEORGIA News from County Farm Bureaus BARROW COUNTY The Barrow County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee recently presented the Barrow County Sheriff ’s Department a DVD on handling cattle. Women’s Committee Chairman Linda Crumley is pictured presenting the DVD “Think like a cow!” to officers Jim Briscoe and Nic Hanson. The DVD will be used to train officers on how cattle react to various situations. It will give the officers a better understanding of how to handle loose cattle on roadways. CHARLTON COUNTY Katie Thigpen received the 2009 Charlton County Farm Bureau Scholarship. Katie is the daughter of Robert and Karen Thigpen of Folkston. Pictured from left, CCFB President Bufort Thrift Jr., presents the award to Katie, who was accompanied by her father, Robert. Katie is pursuing a degree in agricultural communications at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. She is a 10-year member of 4-H, during which time she has served as a county, state and district officer and won two state awards. FLOYD COUNTY Floyd County Farm Bureau held an Ag Day for 5th graders at the Coosa Valley Fairgounds attended by more than 500 students. The Floyd County agriculture community used the event to teach the students that agriculture is an $82 million industry in the county. Event volunteers also stressed that food doesn’t just come from the grocery store. FCFB President Paul Smith, the FCFB Board of Directors, local farmers and FFA students manned information booths to educate the students on topics ranging from how food is produced to the danger of farm equipment and recommended safety procedures. The students visited the different information stations in small groups led by an FFA student. They learned how different 20 / October 2009

farm equipment works and then were taken into a barn to learn about the many animals raised on area farms such as cows, pigs, chickens, horses and sheep. Mayfield Dairy Farms delivered and donated chocolate milk and fudge sticks, which FCFB Directors Cecil Burk, dairy farmer John Bagwell and Women’s Committee Chairman Dr. Barbara Carter distributed to the students. FCFB member Kevin Ellis (black cowboy hat) and Pepperell High School FFA Student Jordan Worthey talked to the students about caring for horses and how they can be used to round up cattle. NEWTON COUNTY In late July, the Newton County Farm Bureau Young Farmer Committee participated in the Back to School Block Party held in Covington for Newton County students. The Young Farmers promoted school and farm safety tips to more than 2,500 members of the local community by distributing band-aids and safety coloring books.

ROCKDALE/DEKALB COUNTY The Rockdale/DeKalb County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee helped sponsor the winning prizes for a Peach Pie Baking See AROUND GEORGIA next page Georgia Farm Bureau News

See AROUND GEORGIA next page

County Farm Bureaus promote Certified Farm Markets This spring the Georgia Farm Bureau Commodities and Field Services Departments encouraged county Farm Bureaus to promote the GFB Certified Farm Markets in their county. We thought we’d share with you how some counties answered the challenge. Visit to learn more about the GFB CFM program or to locate a CFM near you. BROOKS COUNTY Throughout the summer, Brooks County Farm Bureau displayed an exhibit in its county office highlighting the three CFMs located in the county. The three CFMs located in the county are Burton Brooks Orchards, Lawson Peach Shed and Thompson Farm Smokehouse. The county also worked with its local paper to run individual articles about each CFM and displayed the CFM brochures in the QuitmanBrooks Chamber of Commerce. BCFB member Stacy Marshall (pictured) picked up one of the GFB CFM brochures while visiting the BCFB office. CHEROKEE COUNTY Every Saturday from May 30 to Sept. 5, the Cherokee County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee sponsored a farmers market with two of the county’s CFMs - Papa Albert’s Market and Cagle’s Dairy. The market was held at Cagle’s Dairy. There was no charge for vendors to participate, but they were required to sell only homegrown or homemade items. The only requirement was that anything sold be homegrown or homemade. Vendors sold fresh vegetables, soaps, fruits, breads, preserves, woodcrafts, flowers, honey and beeswax candles. CCFB also promoted the county’s third CFM, Berry Patch Farms, by displaying the GFB CFM brochure at the market and at the county office. COLQUITT COUNTY Colquitt County Farm Bureau promotes its CFM, Ochlockonee Ridge Farms, by giving new Farm Bureau members a gift certificate for fresh, seasonal produce. New members get a flat of strawberries or a 5-gallon bucket of tomatoes depending on the season. The county Farm Bureau is only billed for certificates that are redeemed.

FRANKLIN COUNTY Franklin County Farm Bureau invited their local CFM, Hayes Farms, to showcase its produce at the Farm Bureau office. CFM owners Ron and Patricia Hayes created a display showcasing the various types of produce, preserves and jellies sold at their CFM in Canon. FCFB Secretary Karry Weaver (front right) is pictured talking to member Missy Brown (back right) about the variety of produce available at Hayes Farm.

MITCHELL COUNTY The Mitchell County Farm Bureau promoted its local CFMs during their annual legislative breakfast. Guests sampled jellies, strawberries and homemade syrup from Van Strawberry Patch along with homemade jellies and cane syrup from Rusty’s Produce Market and jellies and pecans from Peyton’s Pecans. The GFB Ag Commodity Maps were used as placemats to educate breakfast guests about the different commodities grown throughout Georgia. SCHLEY COUNTY In April, the Schley County Farm Bureau participated in the 2009 Springtime Ellaville Festival. The county partnered with Freddie Perry, who owns CFM Perry Pecan & Produce, to provide festival attendees with general information about Farm Bureau and make them aware they can purchase local produce from Perry. TURNER COUNTY Turner County Farm Bureau promoted a Farm Bureau Day at Calhoun’s Produce during which members received a 15 percent discount on all purchases that day. To receive the discount, Farm Bureau members were required to show their membership card. AROUND GEORGIA from previous page Contest held at the local farmer’s market in July. The Family and Consumer Sciences Program Development Team organized the contest. The FACS PDT and the RDCFB plan to make the pie contest an annual event. RDCFB Women’s Committee Chairman MiMi Soileau (back row, second from right) and RDCFB President Jerry Davis (back row, far right) are pictured with the contest winners.

Georgia Farm Bureau News October 2009 / 21

Dates To Note available near both locations. Seating is limited. Visit or call (706) 583-0347 to learn more about the workshops.


Nov. 5-6 Dillard House • Dillard Dec. 2-3 Oakhurst Farms • West Point The University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development and other supporting organizations are hosting these workshops. Day one of the workshops will include sessions on business and web site development. The day will conclude with tours of existing agritourism venues and a networking reception. On the second day, speakers will address marketing, finances, promotional signs, insurance and other topics. Registration is $99 and hotels are

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Nov. 10 • 1 p.m. Coffee Co. Farm Bureau 417 West Walker St. • Douglas, GA 31533 This meeting is being held to fill four expiring positions on the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Tobacco. A minimum of two nominations is required to fill each position and will be considered by the ex officio members of the commission. Each nominee and the person making the nomination must be tobacco producers. Producers appointed will serve a three-year term. A board member may be considered for reappointment as long as his name goes through the nomination process. The positions to be filled are currently held by Paul Folsom of Lowndes County, Daniel Johnson of Pierce County, Lewis Medley of Colquitt County and Fred Wetherington of Lowndes County.


Nov. 10_11 C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park Camilla The Georgia Green Industry Association’s Irrigation Division is teaming up with the Irrigation Association (IA) to offer a two-day session on irrigation for tradi-


Nov. 10 • 10 a.m. Colquitt Co. Farm Bureau Office 1899 Sylvester Hwy. • Moultrie, GA 31767 Nov. 17 • 1 p.m. Emanuel Co. Farm Bureau Office 320 Lambs Bridge Road Swainsboro, GA 30401 These meetings are being held to fill two expiring positions on the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Cotton. A minimum of two nominations is required to fill each position and will be considered by the ex officio members of the commission. Each nominee and the person making the nomination must be cotton producers. Producers appointed will serve a three-year term. A board member may be considered for reappointment as long as his name goes through the nomination process. The positions to be filled are currently held by Louie Perry of Colquitt County and Wavell Robinson of Brooks County.

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22 / October 2009


tional agriculture. The class is designed for experienced irrigators and will cover fundamental theory and application principles for agriculture. Though not a design class, this session can assist in review for Step 2 and 3 of the Certified Irrigation Designer program. In addition to this class, individual advanced preparation is highly recommended for the Step 2 and Step 3 exam. Topics include: soil-water-plant relationships, advanced hydraulics, electricity, pumps, specialty valves, and irrigation equipment. The cost is $245 for IA members and $295 for nonmembers. For more information visit the GGIA website at or call the GGIA offices at 706-632-0100.

toccoa, ga / greenville, sc Albany • WALB - Ch. 10 • Sunday / 6:30 am wneg - ch. 32 • Sunday / 5:30 am AUGUSTA • WJBF - CH. 6 • Saturday / 6 am atlanta • wpxa - ch. 14 • Saturday / 6 am VALDOSTA • WSWG - ch. 44 • Sunday / 8:30 am – National – BRUNSWICK, GA /JACKSONVILLE, FL RFD-TV Channel 231 on the Dish® Network wpxC - ch. 21 • Saturday / 6 am and Channel 345 on DirecTV Sunday at 6 pm columbus • wtvm - ch. 9 • Saturday / 6 am Wednesday at 8:30 pm, Thursday at 10:30 a.m. cordele • WSST - CH. 55 • Sat & Sun / Noon macon • wmaz - ch. 13 • Saturday / 6 am Reporting information, offering insight and serving Georgia farmers and consumers – macon • WPGA - CH. 58 • Sunday / 10 am that’s the kind of professional journalism savannah • wtoc - ch. 11 • Saturday / 6 am you’ll find when you watch the awardwinning Georgia Farm Monitor. savannah • wgsa - ch. 34• Saturday / 6 am

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