September 7, 2016
Vol. 34 No. 30
PEANUT STANDARDS BOARD VOTES TO RAISE SEG 2 PEANUT STANDARD During a Sept. 1 conference call, the Peanut Standards Board (PSB) voted to recommend raising the grading score used to classify farmer stock peanuts as Segregation 2 from 2.49 percent damaged kernels to 3.49 percent damaged kernels. The recommendation will be sent to the USDA. Georgia Farm Bureau and eight other peanut stakeholder organizations wrote in July to PSB Chairman Marty McLendon requesting the change. In the letter it was noted that handling requirements for Segregation 2 peanuts have not changed from the old quota Look for the system, which stipulated that farmer stock peanuts classified as Segregation 2 next issue of had to be crushed. GFB News The conference call included a summary of analysis by UGA Professor Alert on Emeritus Stanley Fletcher, who noted that the loan value for Segregation 2 September 21. peanuts generally ranges $200 per ton less than Segregation 1 peanuts. Segregation 2 peanuts typically account for less than 1 percent of the U.S. peanut crop, but an individual producer who has his entire crop graded Segregation 2 could face financial ruin. “Georgia Farm Bureau is grateful the Peanut Standards Board recommended adjusting the percentage used to grade incoming farmer stock peanuts as Segregation 2. This change will create a more accurate value for growers when their peanuts grade Segregation 2,” said Georgia Farm Bureau President Gerald Long. “We urge USDA to move forward with the Peanut Standards Board request.” With new technology, damaged peanuts can be conditioned and resold at market value without affecting the quality of peanuts delivered to consumers. The Peanut Standards Board is authorized under the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 and has18 members representing the peanut growing regions of the U.S. The USDA consults with the board to establish or change quality and handling standards for domestically produced and imported peanuts. The Georgia Peanut Commission also applauded the move. “A farmer having a majority of their crop graded as Segregation 2 is an economic devastation which could lead to bankruptcy while the true value seems to be significantly higher,” said Armond Morris, chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission. “Based on the tonnage of the peanut crop, potential value and current use of Segregation 2 peanuts in the edible market, a reexamination of what constitutes a Segregation 2 peanut and the associated loan value is prudent.” The recommendation from the Peanut Standards Board will now be taken under consideration by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
GFB News Alert page 2 of 10 GFB FOUNDATION AWARDS GRANTS In August the Georgia Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture awarded 27 grants totaling $9,450 to county Farm Bureaus to support projects that aim to spread ag literacy throughout Georgia’s communities. The following county Farm Bureaus received a grant for the summer/fall application cycle: 1st Dist. – Fannin, Floyd, Gordon & Walker; 2nd Dist. – Elbert and Hall; 3rd Dist. – South Fulton, Haralson & Paulding; 4th Dist. – McDuffie and Putnam; 5th Dist. – Pike, Spalding, Troup & Upson; 6th Dist. – Washington; 7th Dist. – Chatham, Emanuel & Screven; 8th Dist. – Schley, Terrell & Turner; 9th Dist. – Colquitt and Tift; 10th Dist. – Bacon, Coffee & Irwin. Recipient counties are required to submit a follow-up report, including at least two photos within 30 days of finalization of the project supported by the grant. Applications for the winter/spring grant cycle are due Dec. 15. A total of 20 grants in amounts up to $350 will be awarded. Counties that received grants in the summer/fall cycle may not apply. Recipients will be notified by Jan. 15, 2017, and funding will be issued by January 31. Grant applications and guidelines may be accessed on the GFB Foundation for Agriculture website at The GFB Foundation for Agriculture is a non-profit charitable foundation that funds projects and scholarships to increase the public’s understanding of agriculture. For more information about the foundation or to make a tax-deductible donation, visit SOUTH GEORGIA PECAN GROWERS HIT BY HERMINE Numerous pecan orchards in South Georgia sustained significant damage as Tropical Storm Hermine blew through on Sept. 1, downing swaths of trees and resulting in damage estimated at millions of dollars, according to published reports. The damage included thousands of downed trees and extensive yield loss, with some growers reportedly losing from 30 to 80 percent or more of their crops. One pecan operation, Shiloh Pecan Growers in Ray City, losing between 30 and 40 acres of trees, around 1,000 in all, and at least a million pounds of nuts, according to WCTV in Tallahassee. The Georgia Department of Agriculture indicated it was assessing the overall damage to the state’s pecan crop. Georgia is the leading pecan-producing state, typically accounting for a third of U.S. pecan production according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service. In addition to the immediate crop and tree losses, Georgia Farm Bureau Pecan Committee Chairman Garrett Ganas said damage to root systems on trees that were left standing could result in further yield losses. “Weeks and maybe a year down the road, you’ll see it,” Ganas told the Florida Times-Union. “The yield will drop until the trees repair themselves.” Trees with damaged root systems are more susceptible to falling in subsequent storms, Ganas said.
GFB News Alert page 3 of 10 AFBF OFFERING COUNTY GRANTS, TEACHER SCHOLARSHIPS The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture White-Reinhardt Fund for Education offers two opportunities for counties to receive funding. The White-Reinhardt Mini-Grant Program is offered to county Farm Bureaus in amounts up to $500 for classroom education programs for grades K-12 to initiate new programs or expand existing programs to additional grade levels or new subject areas. Applications are due to AFBFA by Oct. 15 and must be made online. Visit for more information. The White-Reinhardt Scholarship Program provides up to $1,500 in travel funds to educators employed by a public or private school system or volunteers who actively participate in classroom ag literacy programs or events to attend the 2017 National Ag in the Classroom Conference. Applications are due to AFBFA by Oct. 15 and must be made online. To apply visit County Farm Bureaus may have their application reviewed by sending a draft of their application to Donna Rocker no later than Oct. 1. For help in completing the application, contact Rocker at MORE GA COUNTIES RECEIVE DISASTER DESIGNATION DUE TO DROUGHT In disaster declarations issued on Aug. 29 and Sept. 2 an additional five Georgia counties received designation from the USDA as primary natural disaster areas due to losses caused by a recent drought. On Aug. 29, Greene, Haralson and Morgan counties were declared primary natural disaster areas. Carroll, Hancock, Jasper, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Polk, Putnam, Taliaferro and Walton counties qualified for USDA disaster assistance because they are contiguous to a county that is a primary disaster area. In a separate declaration, Fannin and Union counties were named contiguous counties in a disaster declaration for two counties in North Carolina. On Sept. 2, Jasper and Monroe counties were declared primary natural disaster areas. The counties of Bibb, Butts, Crawford, Jones, Lamar, Morgan, Newton, Putnam and Upson qualified for USDA disaster assistance because they are contiguous. A total 77 Georgia counties have received a USDA primary or contiguous disaster designation. Farmers in counties named either primary disaster areas or contiguous counties are eligible for low interest emergency (EM) loans from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), provided eligibility requirements are met. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for loans to help cover part of their actual losses. FSA will consider each loan application on its own merits, taking into account the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. FSA has a variety of programs, in addition to the EM loan program, to help eligible farmers recover from adversity. Other FSA programs that can provide assistance, but do not require a disaster declaration, include the Emergency Conservation Program, the Livestock Forage Disaster Program, the Livestock Indemnity Program, the Emergency Assistance for Livestock Program, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program and the Tree Assistance Program. Interested farmers may contact their local USDA Service Centers for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at
GFB News Alert page 4 of 10 GA DAIRYMAN ELECTED DIRECTOR OF HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION USA Peach County Farm Bureau member Benjamin Newberry, of Lizella, is serving on the 2016-17 Holstein Association USA, Inc. Board of Directors. Delegates attending the 131st Annual Meeting of the Holstein Association USA in Saratoga Springs, New York, elected Newberry on July 1 to represent the board’s Region 4, which includes Georgia, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Florida. Newberry is serving the first year of a three-year term. Holstein Association USA is the world's largest dairy breed organization, composed of members who have an interest in breeding, raising and milking Holstein cattle. Headquartered in Brattleboro, Vermont, the association is a nonprofit membership organization that offers programs and services to the dairy industry. Newberry farms in partnership with his father, Donald, and youngest brother, Luke. The family’s farm, Donacin Dairy, milks a herd of 100 Ben Newberry registered Holsteins in a grazing operation. Newberry shares in milking responsibilities, and is in charge of breeding decisions and cattle registrations. Since Newberry has been involved in the partnership, Donacin Dairy has bred four Holstein cows that were scored Excellent 94, the highest score that a single cow classifier can rate a cow. FDA PUBLISHES GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS FOR FSMA RULES On Aug. 24 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a series of draft guidance documents for rules mandated by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and extended some compliance dates related to the rules. FSMA required the FDA to establish rules for a number of segments of the U.S. food supply system, including preventive controls for human food, preventive controls for animal feed and produce safety. The FDA released the first five chapters of guidance for preventive controls for human food, aimed at helping food companies comply. This multi-chapter draft guidance for industry explains FDA’s current thinking on how to comply with the requirements for hazard analysis and riskbased preventive controls. The FDA released two draft guidance documents aimed at assisting compliance with the Preventative Controls for Animal Feed under FSMA. The document released includes guidance on Current Good Manufacturing Practice Requirements and Human Food By-Products for Use as Animal Food. The draft guidance for industry for classification of activities such as harvesting, packing, holding, or manufacturing/processing for farms and facilities is aimed at helping food businesses determine which of the FSMA rules apply to their operations. Food businesses with fewer than 500 full-time equivalent employees now have until Sept. 18, 2019, to comply with the FSMA rules. Businesses with more than 500 full-time equivalent employees and that average less than $1 million in sales annually have until Sept. 18, 2018. The guidance documents are subject to public comment. The deadline to make comments is Feb. 21, 2017. To make a comment on the guidance for preventive controls for human food visit To make a comment on the guidance for animal feed visit To comment on the guidance for classification of harvesting, packing, holding or manufacturing, visit
GFB News Alert page 5 of 10 POLL SHOWS STRONG SUPPORT FOR TPP A new poll from Morning Consult shows most voters favor fair trade - something all candidates should keep in mind as a congressional vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement comes closer to reality. “Most Americans support free trade and most farmers do, too,” American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said. “Exports account for almost a quarter of American farm receipts, so opposing fair trade agreements like TPP doesn’t make a lot of sense to rural America.” Among other things, the August poll found: • Fifty-seven percent of registered voters have a favorable view of "fair trade.” • Fifty percent said they would be more likely to support TPP if they knew it would provide new markets overseas for U.S. farm products. • After Americans were told TPP would increase net farm income by $4.4 billion and agricultural exports by $5.3 billion, 52 percent said they would be more likely to support TPP. More than half (51 percent) say an estimated increase of 40,100 jobs resulting from the agreement would make them more likely to support TPP. • Fifty-two percent of voters say they would be more likely to support TPP if they knew the deal would increase annual income in the U.S. by $131 billion. • Sixty-nine percent of voters support trade policies that will open new markets for U.S. products and U.S. farmers while less than one in 10 (8 percent) oppose. FARM PROFITABILITY FORECAST TO DECLINE Farm sector profitability is forecast to decline for the third straight year, according to a summary from the USDA’s Economic Research Service. Net cash farm income for 2016 is forecast at $94.1 billion, down 13.3 percent from the 2015 estimate. Net farm income is forecast to be $71.5 billion in 2016, down 11.5 percent. If realized, 2016 net farm income would be the lowest since 2009. Cash receipts are forecast to fall $25.7 billion (6.8 percent) in 2016, led by an $18.7-billion (9.8 percent) drop in animal/animal product receipts and a $7.1-billion (3.7 percent) decline in crop receipts. Nearly all major animal specialties—including dairy, meat animals, and poultry/eggs— are forecast to have lower receipts, as are feed crops and vegetables/melons, down $3.2 billion (5.5 percent) and $1.5 billion (7.5 percent), respectively. While overall cash receipts are declining, receipts for several commodities are expected to increase by at least 1 percent above 2015 estimates, including cotton, up $0.6 billion (12.5 percent). Direct government farm program payments are projected to rise $2.7 billion (24.8 percent) to $13.5 billion in 2016, in part due to the expected price environment. For the second year in a row production expenses are down, the ERS said. Total production expenses are forecast down $10.1 billion (2.8 percent) over 2015, led by declines in farm-origin inputs (feed, livestock/poultry, seed) and fuel/oils. Farm asset values are forecast to decline by 2.2 percent in 2016, and farm debt is forecast to decrease by 0.8 percent. Farm sector equity, the net measure of assets and debt, is forecast down by $61.2 billion (2.4 percent) in 2016. The decline in assets reflects a 1.5-percent drop in the value of farm real estate, as well as declines in animal/animal product inventories, financial assets, and machinery/vehicles. For a more detailed look at the ERS Farm Sector Income & Finances Report visit
GFB News Alert page 6 of 10 FAA RULES FOR DRONES IN EFFECT The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new comprehensive regulations went into effect Aug. 29 for routine non-recreational use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) – more popularly known as “drones,” according to an FAA press release. The provisions of the new rule – formally known as Part 107 – are designed to minimize risks to other aircraft and people and property on the ground. A summary is available at The FAA has put several processes in place to help individuals use the rule. If a drone user’s operation doesn’t comply with Part 107 regulations, they’ll need to apply for a waiver of some restrictions, and they’ll be required to prove the proposed flight will be conducted safely under a waiver. Users must apply for these waivers at the online portal located at Drones can be flown in Class G (uncontrolled) airspace without air traffic control authorization, but operations in any other airspace need air traffic approval. Access to controlled airspace has to be requested online at, not from individual air traffic facilities. Users should submit their request at least 90 days before they intend to fly in controlled airspace. An Aeronautical Knowledge Test is required under Part 107. There are testing centers nationwide. After passing the test, users must complete an FAA Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application to receive their remote pilot certificate at: The new regulations do not apply to model aircraft operations that meet all the criteria specified in Section 336 of Public Law 112-95 (which is now codified in part 101), including the stipulation they be operated only for hobby or recreational purposes. USDA TO BUY SURPLUS CHEESE TO HELP NEEDY, SUPPORT DAIRY On Aug. 23 the USDA announced plans to purchase approximately 11 million pounds of cheese from private inventories to assist food banks and pantries across the nation, while reducing a cheese surplus that is at its highest level in 30 years. The $20 million purchase will be provided to families in need across the country through USDA nutrition assistance programs, while assisting the stalled marketplace for dairy producers whose revenues have dropped 35 percent over the past two years. The USDA received requests from Georgia Farm Bureau, members of Congress, the National Farmers Union, the American Farm Bureau and the National Milk Producers Federation to make an immediate dairy purchase. “We are hopeful that dairy prices will recover, and the USDA’s decision to purchase additional dairy products to be used in USDA’s nutritional programs will have a positive impact on dairy prices for farmers,” said GFB President Gerald Long, who wrote to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Aug. 15 urging the purchase of surplus dairy products. The USDA also announced that it will extend the deadline for dairy producers to enroll in the Margin Protection Program (MPP) for Dairy to Dec. 16 from the previous deadline of Sept. 30. A USDA web tool, available at, allows dairy producers to calculate levels of coverage available from MPP based on price projections.
GFB News Alert page 7 of 10 GEORGIA FARM BUREAU DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETINGS Sept. 8 2nd District First Baptist Church 7 p.m. Toccoa Sept. 12 7th District First Baptist Church 7 p.m. Statesboro Sept. 15 10th District Jamestown Baptist Church 7 p.m. Waycross Contact your county Farm Bureau office for more information. Note: These meetings are for Farm Bureau members only and are not open to the general public. GA MILK PRODUCERS & ADA FALL DISTRICT MEETINGS Sept. 12 Oasis Coffee House, 314 Spaulding Rd. 7:30 p.m. Montezuma Sept. 13 The Plaza Restaurant, 217 S. Broad St noon Thomasville Sept. 14 Captain Joe's Restaurant, 2115 Golden Isles E. noon Baxley Sept. 15 Dutch House Restaurant, 14455 U.S. 1 7 p.m. Wrens Sept. 16 McGill/Woodruff Ag Bldg., 136 N Bypass noon Washington Sept. 19 Bonner’s Restaurant, 1500 Bonner Lane 7 p.m. Buckhead Sept. 20 Barnstormers Grill, 349 Jonathans Roost Rd. 7 p.m. Williamson Sept. 22 Western Sizzlin', 501 Legion Dr. 7 p.m. Dalton Sept. 23 Ryan's Buffet and Grill, 243 Tanger Blvd. Noon Commerce At these meetings, Georgia Milk Producers and the American Dairy Association of Georgia will hold elections, report on industry issues and promotional efforts and announce upcoming events. Dinner or lunch will be served at each meeting depending on the time the meeting is set to begin. 2016 GEORGIA PEANUT TOUR Sept. 13-15 Various locations Ben Hill, Coffee, Irwin and Tift counties The 30th annual Georgia Peanut Tour will provide the latest information on peanuts while giving a first-hand view of industry infrastructure from production and handling to processing and utilization. Hotel accommodations can be made at the Country Inn & Suites in Tifton by calling 229-382-8100 or the Comfort Inn & Suites in Tifton by calling 229-382-8250. Rooms are available at the rate of $85 plus tax for a standard room. Be sure to ask for the Georgia Peanut Tour room block. For more information, contact Hannah Jones at or call at 229-386-3475. GEORGIA APPLE FESTIVAL CAKE RECIPE CONTEST Sept. 16 (noon) Entry deadline If you’ve got a delicious apple cake recipe make plans to enter it in the 2016 Georgia Apple Festival Recipe Contest. The 1st place winner receives $300 and 2nd place receives $100. All recipes must use fresh Georgia apples. If applesauce is used in the recipe it must be made from Georgia apples. Five entries will be selected from the recipes entered and asked to bring their prepared apple cake to the Lions Club Fairgrounds in Ellijay on Oct. 8 by 9:45 a.m. for judging at 10 a.m. Only one entry per family and only one entry per person. Contestants must be age 10 years or older. The contest is not open to food professionals, first place winners of the 2014 or 2015 contests, members of the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Apples nor UGA Cooperative Extension employees. Visit to download complete contests rules and an entry form or pick one up at the Gilmer County Extension office. Call 706-635-4426 for more information.
GFB News Alert page 8 of 10 UGA GRAZING SCHOOL Sept. 20-21 NESPAL Building UGA Tifton Campus UGA Extension is hosting this two-day workshop that will focus on soil health and fertility, forage crop establishment, plant growth, animal nutrient requirements, management-intensive grazing and more. Training will include farm visits to the UGA Bull Evaluation Center and Deep Grass Graziers, a grassfed beef farm in Irwinville where intensive grazing management is being practiced. Cost is $150 for the first person from each farm and $75/person for each additional person from each farm or family. Registration fee includes lunches and breaks each day, dinner on Sept. 20 and a grazing handbook. Registration is limited so register soon! Visit or call 706-310-3464 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. to register or for more information. AGAWARE FREE AGRICULTURE FINANCE TRAINING Sept. 23 Gordon County Ag Center 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Calhoun This workshop is for young, beginning and small farmers. Young farmers are defined as those 35 years of age or younger; beginning farmers are defined as those having 10 years or less of experience; and small farmers are defined as those having annual gross agricultural sales of $250,000 or less. Topics covered include: balance sheets, income statements, family finance & family budgeting and business plan. The workshop also offers videos on recordkeeping, marketing, and technology. The AGAware educational program is also certified for FSA Direct Borrower Training Credit. To register visit 2016 GEORGIA NATIONAL FAIR Oct. 6-16 Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter Perry The award-winning Georgia National Fair features livestock and horse shows, youth exhibits, home and fine arts competitions, family entertainment and Midway rides and games. Major concerts include The Band Perry and Lynyrd Skynyrd. For more information visit 2016 SUNBELT AG EXPO Oct. 18-20 Spence Field Moultrie North America’s largest farm show features field demonstrations, the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year announcement, and more than 1,200 exhibitors. Tickets are $10 per person per day. Children under 10 are admitted free with parent. Multi-day tickets are $20. For more information visit AGRICULTURE LABOR RELATIONS FORUM & TRAINING Nov. 1-2 UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center Tifton Georgia Farm Bureau and other ag organizations are collaborating with the Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) for this forum, which will provide an in-depth overview and training on labor rules and regulations for growers, office managers, and other office personnel who handle the administrative and human resource reporting duties for farm and business operations. The conference will provide attendees with resources to comply with existing labor rules and regulations. This conference is not a discussion about immigration policy reform. Anticipated topics include: Preparing for a wage and hour audit; what’s new with worker protection standards; how to decide whether to use the H-2A program; clarification of the I-9 process; transportation guidelines and employer health care compliance. Forum registration costs are $150. For more information call the GFVGA at 706-845-8200.
GFB News Alert page 9 of 10 ONGOING FARM BUREAU-SPONSORED FARMERS MARKETS COBB COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays Lost Mountain Park 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Powder Springs Cobb County Farm Bureau (CCFB) in cooperation with Cobb County Parks and Recreation will host this farmers market. CCFB is offering vendor space to farmers, growers, and producers in Cobb and surrounding counties, with the goal of offering locally grown produce and food to the community and to engage the community about where their food comes from as well as support Cobb County farmers. Each vendor must be a member of Farm Bureau. Vendor fees will be waived in lieu of this membership. For more information contact Debbie Payne at or 770-943-3531. DODGE COUNTY FARMERS MARKET Saturdays Dodge County Courthouse 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Eastman This open-air market, sponsored in part by Dodge County Farm Bureau, features locally produced meats, vegetables, eggs and artisanal crafts. For more information contact market manager T.I. Papel at 478-374-5895 or, or visit MONROE FARMERS MARKET Saturdays until Oct. 8 Court Street 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Monroe This market, sponsored in part by Walton County Farm Bureau, will feature fresh produce and goods from local farmers, work from local artisans and family friendly activities. For more information visit PAULDING COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS’ MARKET Thursdays through Oct. 28 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Paulding County Farm Bureau Paulding County Farm Bureau is accepting vendors for its weekly farmers market. There is no fee to participate but vendors must be Farm Bureau members so the market qualifies as a Georgia Farm Bureau Certified Farm Market. If you would like to participate in the PCFB Farmer’s Market, please contact Tracy Grice at Paulding County Farm Bureau at 770-445-6681 or email her at Vendors may sell locally grown produce or other ag commodities or homemade crafts. Paulding County Farm Bureau is located at 549 Hardee St., Dallas, GA 30132. ROCKDALE/DEKALB FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays and Saturdays 8 a.m. – noon Thursdays 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. The Rockdale/DeKalb Farm Bureau Farmers Market will be open at 1400 Parker Rd. SE in Conyers. The public is invited to stop by and shop for fresh locally grown vegetables, dairy products, crafts and more! For more information contact the Rockdale/DeKalb County Farm Bureau office at 770-922-3566.
GFB News Alert page 10 of 10 SHIELDS-ETHRIDGE HERITAGE FARM CULTIVATORS’ MARKET Sept. 17, Oct. 15 and Nov. 19 Shields-Ethridge Heritage Farm 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2355 Ethridge Rd. Jefferson Jackson County Farm Bureau (JCFB) is sponsoring this monthly open-air market that will allow local farmers and entrepreneurs to sell products they make or grow in a festival atmosphere. Market will be held rain or shine. The Shields-Ethridge Heritage Farm is an outdoor ag museum that functions as an educational and interpretative facility. Proceeds from the market will be used for restoration projects at the farm. If you are interested in having a booth at the market, contact JCFB Office Manager Denise Temple at or call 706-367-8877 or visit to complete an application online.