3 minute read
Water, Water Everywhere
Water is one of, if not the most prized resource here in Volusia and Flagler counties. The main source of our water comes from aquifers beneath the land’s surface. Aquifers are underground, porous rocks that hold water and allow its movement through the holes within the rock. We get the majority of our groundwater, including our drinking water, from the Upper Floridan aquifer; however, the shallower surficial aquifer is utilized by some public supply utilities in Flagler County and by private wells owners in parts of both Flagler and Volusia counties. The Upper Floridan aquifer is part of the vast Floridan Aquifer System, which spans all of Florida and parts of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina. Water quality in the Upper Floridan aquifer is variable depending on the location and depth of withdrawal. Freshwater tends to be prevalent toward the center of the state and gets saltier as you move deeper within the aquifer or toward the coast.
Aquifers can be unconfined, meaning that water moves freely from above into the aquifer, or confined where the presence of a low permeability layer just above the aquifer inhibits movement into or out of the aquifer. The degree of confinement of an aquifer determines how vulnerable the aquifer is to pollution and the degree by which aquifer withdrawals can result in impacts at land surface.
As the population within Florida continues to grow, so does the demand for water. Although our aquifers are vast, their water supplies are not infinite. In Florida, groundwater plays an important role in maintaining our one-of-a-kind water resources, including the states’ numerous springs, lakes, and wetlands. Because our use and the health of our waterbodies are so closely tied together, we must balance our use of groundwater with the needs of the environment to avoid causing damage to our treasured water resources. That’s actually the mission of the St. Johns River Water Management District and one of the ways we continue to partner with residents and other entities in the area to ensure there’s enough clean, fresh water for future generations and the environment.
As people who love where we live, we must be mindful when it comes to the use of water from our sprinklers, faucets and hoses. By implementing water conservation measures at home and at work, we can ensure that our use of water is purposeful and efficient. Did you realize about half of our home water use is outdoors?! Conserving outside is arguably the most important way to reduce our water use. No established yards need watering more than two days a week to be healthy. Following watering restrictions, maintaining your irrigation system’s rainfall shut-off sensor, and replacing turf with Florida-friendly landscaping that doesn’t require regular irrigation can all contribute to reduced water use.
In addition to water conservation, it will be necessary in many areas to increase our use of alternative water supplies to keep up with the demands associated with population growth without causing harm to the water resources that make Florida so special. Alternative water sources include reclaimed water (those purple pipes you see in some newer neighborhoods), brackish groundwater, and surface water (lakes and rivers). Although more expensive to treat than fresh groundwater, Floridians are extremely fortunate to have more than one option for water supply. Tapping these additional water sources, coupled with the implementation of water conservation measures, will ensure sufficient water supplies to meet the needs of Flagler and Volusia counties into the future while ensuring the protection of valued natural resources. That’s what we all want, enough water for the environment, and for the economy and people living here to flourish. We can all work together to make that happen.