For kids
By kidyouniversity -
DISCLAIMER These worksheets, activities, and trainings are for non-commercial use only. You can not resell or distribute any part of this document for any form of compensation. If you are interested in using any of these materials as part of a class or session you charge for, you must purchase a professional license. Email for more information. Each license (which includes one purchase) is valid for one educator/classroom with 1-40 students or one family. With this purchase, you are permitted to print up to 40 copies of this file. For more copies (or students), please purchase additional licenses. This PDF may NOT be distributed or shared with others. If someone would like a copy of any of the worksheets, please direct them to our website Full ownership remains with kidYOUniversity. Thank you and enjoy the activities! By kidyouniversity -
Quick Guide This is me! My connection language is “Feeling Supported!” I feel so loved when you let me help you do things! When I feel connected, I enjoy helping you and making special things for you! This is me! My connection language is “Feeling Heard!” I currently need you listen to me! I want to tell stories! Sing songs! Sometimes I’m really loud! I also love when you praise me! When this need is met, and I feel connected, I give you lots of compliments. By the way, you look nice today!
This is me! My connection language is “Feeling Adored!” Connect to me by showing me how uniquely important I am. I need this right now. When this need is met, I give you special gifts and attention. I show you I adore you, too! By kidyouniversity -
This is me! My connection language is “Feeling Valued!” I currently have a need to feel more skilled and capable. I am a sponge who loves when you teach and show me new things! When this need is met, I connect to you by giving you physical affection and teaching YOU what I know!
This is me! My connection language is “Feeling Seen!” Sometimes I may feel overlooked, but I feel connected when I know you see me. I love when you take an interest in what I create or what I can do. I love when you compliment me on my talents! I love it when you brag about me! When I feel connected to you, I compliment you and show you my special things. By kidyouniversity -
Yay! It’s time to learn more about CONNECTION and what that means to YOU! It’s best to do this Connection LANGUAGE CHALLENGE with your family. Ask a family member to be your Challenge Buddy.
My name is ____________. I am taking this challenge with _________________. After my family finishes this challenge, we will celebrate by ___________________.
This is me!
By kidyouniversity -
This is my family!
Color the white heart when you complete each challenge!
Day 1
Do you know all of the Connection Languages?
Day 2
Do you know your Connection language?
Day 3
Teach one person all of the Connection languages.
Day 4
Show someone love in THEIR Connection language.
Day 5
Secret Challenge‌ (This challenge has two parts.)
By kidyouniversity -
Day 1
Do you know all of the Connection Languages?
Player 1
Play this game with your Challenge Buddy! One person or team uses the orange cards. Another person or team uses the blue cards. Cut out the cards. Make two piles. The orange pile and the blue pile. Mix them up. Ready? Go! The first player to match all of the connection languages wins!
My connection language is Feeling Valued.
I want to know everything big people know! I like to hug you!
My connection language is Feeling Heard.
I want you to listen to me and tell me I’m amazing! I love you by saying nice things!
My connection language is Feeling Seen.
I want you to pay attention to what I make. I love to give you special things.
By kidyouniversity -
Cut out each card.
My connection language is Feeling Supported. My connection language is Feeling Adored. Draw your connection language.
My connection language is
_______ _________.
By kidyouniversity -
I want you to let me help you do things. I love when you help me, too!
I want you to have special time just for me! I love to give you gifts and tell you secrets. I want you to ___________ ____________
Day 1
Cut out each card.
Player 2
My connection language is Feeling Valued.
I want to know everything big people know! I like to hug you!
My connection language is Feeling Heard.
I want you to listen to me and tell me I’m amazing! I love you by saying nice things!
My connection language is Feeling Seen.
I want you to pay attention to what I make. I love to give you special things.
By kidyouniversity -
Cut out each card.
My connection language is Feeling Supported. My connection language is Feeling Adored. Draw your connection language.
I want you to let me help you do things. I love when you help me, too!
I want you to listen to me and tell me I’m amazing! I love you by saying nice things!
My connection language is
I want you to
_______ _________.
By kidyouniversity -
Do you know YOUR connection language?
Day 2
Your mission for today is to know your own connection language. Remember, your connection language can change over time. But, what is your connection language right now? Do you feel LOVED most when you feel seen? Do you feel LOVED most when you are heard? Do you feel LOVED most when you feel adored? Do you feel LOVED most when you feel supported? Do you feel LOVED most when you feel valued?
Let’s Play a Game! Once you choose your connection language, play the “What’s Your Connection Language?” Game with your family or Challenge Buddy.
What you will need: Use this paper to make a cube. The cube will be your “die.” Roll the “die” to see who goes first.
How to play: Each player (or one player from each team) should roll the die. The player with the highest number goes first. This player should roll again. Move your heart that number of spaces. Complete the action on the game board. If you do not have an answer...uh oh… go back to start. Now, it’s the next player’s turn. The first player to reach “Finish” wins.
By kidyouniversity -
Game Die and Game pieces
Day 2
Cut out, Fold, and Glue the die. Cut out the game pieces. (hearts)
Cut out the Game pieces.
GLUE By kidyouniversity -
Day 2
What is a “connection language?”
What are all of the Connection Languages?
Go back 2 spaces. What is your connection language?
What is your connection language?
I like to copy my mom and my older sister. What’s my connection language?
Go back 1 Go space. forward 3 spaces.
What is your mom’s connection language?
What is your connection language?
Give Go back 1 yourself a space. hug!
By kidyouniversity -
Day 3
Can you TEACH the connection languages?
Of course you can! I bet you’re a great teacher! Today, your mission is to teach someone about all of the connection languages. You can teach anyone! First, write them a letter and tell them what your connection language is. In this letter, you will ask them if you can be their teacher. You can use this
or this one
After your friend, or family member, says, “Yes,” it’s time for you to teach them the Connection Languages! You can do it! Tell them what you know. Can they remember the connection languages? Finally, it’s game time! Use the cubes. Each person gets a cube. Each person should draw their connection language in the empty space on the cube. Make the cubes. To play the game, each person should take turns throwing their cube in the air (just a little) and letting it fall on the table or floor. Name the connection language at the top. If you can name it, put your color heart on the square. Then, it’s the next person’s turn. If you get the same connection language more than once, it doesn’t count. The winner is the first person to name all of the connection languages.
Connection Language letter to my Best Friend
Day 3 Dear ____________, I am so happy you are my friend! I LOVE you! Today, I learned what my connection language is! My connection language is ____________________ ___________________. That means___________ __________________. I think your connection language is___________ ________________. So, I will show you love by ____________________ ___________________. Love, ________ By kidyouniversity
Day 3
Connection Language letter
Dear ____________, __________________________ ____________________ __________________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ My connection language:
Love, ________ By kidyouniversity
Your connection language:
Day 3
Cut, Fold, and Glue the Game Cube.
My connection language:
By kidyouniversity -
Player 1
Day 3
Cut, Fold, and Glue the Game Cube.
My connection language:
By kidyouniversity -
Player 2
Let’s play a game! (Let’s see if your friend remembers the names of each Connection Language.)
The player who names each of the connection languages is the winner!
Player 1
Player 2
Game Scorecard
Cut out.
Day 4
Show someone love in THEIR connection language. It’s day 4! Today you have a big mission! Grab your Challenge Buddy and see who can finish their BINGO card first! To finish your BINGO card, you’re going to have to show a lot of LOVE! Isn’t that great!!!
By kidyouniversity -
By kidyouniversity
Day 4
Show someone love in THEIR connection language. Player 1
I showed Mom love in her connection language.
I helped someone to feel SEEN.
I helped someone to feel VALUED.
I helped someone to feel SUPPORTED.
I said something nice to someone.
I wrote a “Thank you� letter.
I told someone my connection language today!
I helped I helped someone to feel someone to feel HEARD. SEEN.
I helped someone to feel I helped VALUED. someone to feel ADORED.
I showed my dad love in his connection language.
I helped someone to feel ADORED. I showed my friend love in his or her connection language.
I can say all of the connection languages.
I showed my I helped brother or sister someone to feel love in their SUPPORTED. connection language.
I told someone my connection language today!
I helped someone.
I helped someone to feel HEARD.
Day 4 Player 2
Show someone love in THEIR connection language.
I helped I helped I helped someone to feel someone to feel someone to feel HEARD. VALUED. SEEN. I showed Mom love in her connection language.
I wrote a Thank You letter.
I showed my friend love in their connection language.
I showed my dad love in his connection language.
I smiled at 3 people.
I helped someone to feel ADORED.
I helped someone to feel SUPPORTED.
I helped someone to feel ADORED. I told someone my connection language today!
I helped someone to feel SUPPORTED. I can say all of I told someone the connection my connection language languages. today! I helped someone.
I helped someone to feel HEARD.
By kidyouniversity -
I said something nice to someone.
I helped I helped someone to feelsomeone to feel VALUED. SEEN.
Day 5
SECRET CHALLENGE! This SECRET CHALLENGE has two parts! The first part of the challenge is to MAKE THE MAGIC CUBE! The MAGIC CUBE looks like this:
Learn to make the cube on the next page. By kidyouniversity -
Day 5
How to Make the Magic Cube:
Irst, you have to make 8 small boxes.
You will need 4 copies of the cube template. You will fold them to make 8 small cubes! They are so cute!
Use glue to put each of the little cubes together!
By kidyouniversity -
Day 5
Print 4 Copies of this page for each person.
Day 5
Now, put two cubes together. You will tape them on one side.
Place another strip of tape behind this tape.
Tape the other boxes in pairs just like this. You will now have 4 pairs.
Day 5
Now, we will put all of the boxes together to make one big square. Tape the boxes.
Bend one side and tape the boxes.
Bend the other side and tape the boxes.
Day 5
It’s time to decorate our boxes! Cute out the boxes on each of the pictures.
Now, glue (or tape) the pictures onto the cube.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
Print 1 Copy.
Day 5
You made the cube!! Great job!!!
Now, it’s time for PART 2 of this challenge! This is like a treasure hunt! You and your Challenge Buddy should both have magic cubes. Show your cubes to people who you think may not know about the connection languages. Teach them the connection languages with your cube. Ask them, “What is your connection language?” The first person to find someone whose connection language is “Feeling Valued” is the winner!
Ready? Go!
By kidyouniversity -